
Homemade kvass from Borodino bread with yeast. Bread kvass without yeast

Summer has not had time to give us its warmth, we are already reaching for different drinks. For me, there is nothing better than kvass, it is tasty and perfectly quenches thirst, especially if it is real homemade kvass. And if you are interested in the question - how to make kvass at home, then you are at the right time, in the right place.

I decided to offer you a selection of interesting recipes for this delicious drink, choose the one that you liked.

This is not always a fast process, but in any case, making homemade kvass is not difficult - there are a minimum of ingredients, and labor costs are small. And then kvass is made by itself, without our intervention, we just have to wait for a delicious result.

Kvass was made in ancient times and is still being made today. And he won such popularity not only as a drink that quenches thirst, but also as a drink that is good for our body. In Rus', everyone drank kvass, both poor and rich people, they believed that it adds strength and energy, and is good for digestion.

But for it to be really useful, you need to know the intricacies of making kvass at home.

Secrets of making homemade kvass

  • If you will make bread kvass, then it is important to know that the bread must be natural (flour, yeast, water). Newfangled additives that are put in so that, for example, it is stored longer, can ruin the fermentation process.
  • As a rule, croutons are made from bread, and kvass is made from them. The color of the resulting drink will depend on the degree of rosiness of the crackers. But in an effort to get a dark saturated color, remember that burnt crackers will give not only color, but also bitterness.
  • If you make kvass with yeast, then check them for freshness.
  • For fermentation of kvass, use glass or metal dishes (enamelled without chips, stainless steel). Ready kvass can be poured into plastic bottles.
  • Raisins are also an important ingredient in the preparation of an invigorating drink, it enhances fermentation and makes it vigorous. The main thing is that you do not need to wash the raisins before laying, as you will wash off the so-called wild yeast that is found on the surface of the berries.
  • The sugar in kvass releases carbon dioxide and makes the drink carbonated. But here, too, there is no need to overdo it. After all, one of the advantages of kvass is its low calorie content, sugar, respectively, increases this calorie content. Therefore, everything should be in moderation if we want to benefit from the drink, and it is unlikely that we will be able to quench our thirst with very sweet kvass.
  • If we want to get exactly kvass, and not mash, then the fermentation process must be stopped in time. Therefore, the fermentation period should not be more than 4 days, the leaven must be removed, and the filtered kvass put in the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to store ready-made kvass in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Although why keep it, we did not do it for this. Drink this wonderful homemade drink, it will not only quench your thirst, but also benefit your body. But first, it still needs to be done.

Kvass without yeast at home

Kvass without yeast, also called double-fermented kvass, is one of the most correct recipes, the one that was prepared by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. In it, sour-milk fermentation prevails over alcohol, respectively, the balance of useful substances and vitamins is observed, which makes it useful for our body.


  • rye bread crumbs
  • sugar

How to make yeast-free kvass:

It is important to know that if you don’t really like the taste of the first kvass, this does not mean that a bad recipe is normal. The real taste appears already during subsequent fermentations and the older the kvass, the tastier it is.

See another recipe for kvass without yeast in the video, it is made without sourdough and therefore the process is a little faster.

Bread kvass with yeast

This recipe is very popular in home cooking - yeast accelerates the maturation of the drink and kvass is very tasty. If anyone is confused by the smell of yeast, then it will be felt only in young kvass. Yes, and we will use the yeast only once, then we will add the sourdough and the smell of the yeast will go away.


  • crackers from different bread - 300 gr
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 10 gr fresh or 1 tsp. dry
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make homemade kvass with yeast:

We leave half of the swollen crackers as a sourdough and make the next sourdough using it, you don’t need to make a yeast sourdough, but we cook the rest in the same way.

Homemade kvass from wort

Kvass from store-bought kvass wort is an easier way to make a delicious summer drink. To make kvass taste good, you need to buy a good concentrate, for example, prepared in accordance with GOST 28538-90. If there is no such marking, pay attention to the composition of the wort so that it is natural without unnecessary additives. It’s good when the must contains different types of malt, such as barley and rye, then kvass has a richer taste.


  • water - 4 liters
  • kvass wort - 160 gr.
  • sugar - 235 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • raisins - 10 gr.

How to make kvass yourself from store wort:

Flour kvass - a real Russian recipe

Flour kvass is a real Russian drink, it is also called rustic. This recipe is also popular for its ease of preparation and the fact that this drink perfectly quenches thirst, is excellent as an okroshka kvass, and is ahead of all types of kvass in terms of usefulness.


  • rye flour (preferably coarse grinding);
  • Wheat flour;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • dry yeast or raisins
  • mint (optional)

How to make flour kvass:

  1. Here you also need sourdough, it is called thick - take 150 ml. warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and add rye flour to the density of sour cream, put 5 - 6 raisins. The thick should stand for a day at room temperature. The presence of bubbles on the surface and a sour smell indicates the readiness of the starter. Raisins from the finished sourdough must be removed.
  2. Let's start making kvass. It can only be made from rye flour, but wheat makes the drink more delicate and pleasant to the taste. For 5 liters of water we need 0.5 kg of flour. Mix rye with wheat in a ratio of 2: 1, where two parts are rye and one part is wheat.
  3. Pour flour into a container and gradually pour water (40 - 50 0), you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps, similar in consistency to sour cream. The remaining water should be brought to a boil and pour the flour mixture over it, mix everything thoroughly, add sugar to taste and, if desired, a small bunch of mint.
  4. As soon as the basis for flour kvass cools down to 40 0, add the leaven and mix thoroughly. Cover the container, wrap it in a blanket and leave for 4 days. The appearance of foam, bubbles and the smell of freshly baked bread indicates that the kvass is ready. It must be filtered through 4 layers of gauze, bottled and put in the refrigerator. Adjust the taste with sugar.

If you replace sugar with honey, then such kvass will be healthier and tastier.

The thick, which settled to the bottom will serve as leaven. But it needs to be revived. After decanting kvass, add a little flour, sugar, warm water and leave for a couple of days. In the refrigerator, the ground for kvass made from rye flour retains its qualities for quite a long time.

These were bread kvass recipes, but there are many other interesting recipes, for example. I have already talked about its beneficial properties, as well as about the method of preparation, we really like this kvass.

If you have the opportunity to collect birch sap, then you can make kvass based on it.

How to make birch kvass - video recipe

On this I, perhaps, will end the conversation on how to make kvass at home, choose your favorite recipe and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink.

As it turned out, there are a lot of recipes for kvass, they make such a drink from berries, from chicory, from ginger, rice, cleansing beetroot kvass, healthy kvass from celandine. So the topic is inexhaustible and maybe we will return to it with new experiments.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

There are drinks that were made in ancient times and do not stop making today. Honorary kvass became the hero of our article! We will tell about its benefits and the secrets of creation, we will provide popular recipes for this product.

Kvass kills pathogenic bacteria and improves bowel function

There are about 400 types of drink. It is not easy to find a person who does not like this refreshing liquid. In Rus', both tsars and poor people drank it. It was believed that she adds strength, improves digestion and quenches thirst well. Let's get to know our hero better.

This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. The process, of course, drags on for several days, but most of this time the product is created by itself. Your business is small.

Consider how to cook kvass at home.

Cooking rules

  1. Use only natural bread. Without various additives.
  2. Use clean water. It is best to buy water in a bottle or draw from a well.
  3. Make sure that the croutons do not burn (they should be baked until golden brown), otherwise bitterness will be present.
  4. For cooking, use dishes made of glass, plastic or enamelled steel.
  5. Be sure to check the yeast for freshness.


  • Add raisins, they help the liquid ferment and fill it with bubbles.
  • Leaves of blackcurrant or mint will help to make the taste brighter.
  • If you are a lover of a sharp taste, leave the drink longer.
  • You can add your favorite berries, fruits or vegetables to it (the main thing is that they are combined). Do experiments.
  • Do not wash raisins.
  • Dry crackers without spices and oil.
  • Sugar releases carbon dioxide, which creates the soda effect.


After several days of fermentation (no more than four), be sure to place the drink in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the fermentation process will continue, and you will get full-fledged alcohol, and not what was originally planned. Do not forget to remove the leaven in time.

Keep the liquid for no more than a week, after this period it is not recommended to use it.

Useful properties of bread kvass

You can talk about the benefits of homemade bread kvass for a very long time. We list the main positive properties:

  1. treats dysbacteriosis;
  2. improves bowel function;
  3. strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system;
  4. improves metabolism in the body;
  5. removes unhealthy cells from the body;
  6. kills pathogenic bacteria;
  7. eliminates bad cholesterol;
  8. helps to treat glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts;
  9. fights gas and heartburn.

Kvass without yeast at home

This type of drink has its undeniable advantages. It does not have a specific taste, and it does not harm health. After all, no one will argue that yeast is not the most useful ingredient, and it is better if they are not present in this proven liquid. Consider how kvass is made without yeast at home.


  • black rye bread - half a loaf
  • 30 g unwashed raisins
  • 70 g granulated sugar
  • two liters of purified water

Probably, someone will be surprised to read that raisins do not need to be washed. Therefore, it is worth leaving an explanation here: the so-called wild yeast is preserved on the surface of the raisins. They will help our product to start fermentation. They should not be washed off.

Step by step preparation:

  1. cut into small cubes of bread;
  2. put them on an ungreased baking sheet and dry at a temperature of 170 degrees for 3-4 minutes, until a pleasant smell appears (do not fry, otherwise the liquid will turn out bitter);
  3. pour the prepared croutons with boiling water;
  4. add sugar and mix thoroughly;
  5. wait until the product has cooled down and pour in the raisins;
  6. pour into a fermentation jar, protect the neck with gauze so that insects do not climb there (the lid should not be covered);
  7. send the drink to a dark warm place;
  8. the appearance of foam is a sign of fermentation;
  9. three days after the onset of fermentation, strain the liquid through four layers of gauze and squeeze out the pulp;
  10. try the drink, and if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar (the liquid should taste slightly sweet);
  11. pour the liquid into the bottles and leave a few centimeters of free space in front of the lid;
  12. send for six hours in a warm dark place;
  13. then transfer to a cool place (refrigerator, cellar);
  14. after five hours, the drink can be consumed.

You will get a wonderful homemade bread kvass without yeast. Store it no more than five days in a cool place.

You can use the rest of the starter three more times. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Choose good bread! The quality and taste of the resulting drink depends on it.

Kvass from rye flour at home

Sometimes it is also called "village". It has a pretty simple cooking method.

Ingredients for kvass from rye flour at home:

  • 450 grams rye flour
  • three liters of purified water
  • eight unwashed raisins
  • 180 g sugar

Starter preparation

  1. pour a table into 250 g of flour. a spoonful of granulated sugar
  2. carefully pour in a small amount of hot water, stirring constantly
  3. bring to a homogeneous consistency (should look like thick sour cream)
  4. throw in raisins
  5. pour into a jar, then bandage with a gauze bandage
  6. leave for two to three days in a dark and warm place
  7. after a day, pull out the raisins
  8. when a sour smell, foam and hiss appear, the sourdough is ready

Preparation and fermentation of kvass wort

The first step is to update the starter. To do this, it is worth adding a dining room l. flour and two - sugar.

Mix everything. Put in a warm place.

Bring 2.5 liters of water to a boil. Pour two hundred grams of flour and one hundred grams of granulated sugar into a container.

Add hot water gradually (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). Then add some more water and stir. Add the rest of the water and then mix well again.

Cover the container with a lid and wrap it in something warm. When the mixture has cooled to 30 degrees, add the previously prepared sourdough to the liquid. Mix, cover with a lid.

Send to a dark and warm room for six hours. Wait for the appearance of bubbles and foam.

Carbonation and exposure

  • Strain the drink through four layers of gauze and bottle. Leave a few centimeters free to cover. Close containers tightly.
  • Move the liquids to a cold place for several hours so that they are saturated with gas. Check bottle pressure periodically. If necessary, bleed the gas so that they do not burst.

Bread kvass at home


  • fresh yeast - 10 grams
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • rye bread - two handfuls
  • water - 400 ml

Kvass for a three-liter jar:

  • leaven
  • crackers - three handfuls
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • a handful of raisins


a) pouring water b) infusion in warmth; c) straining; d) kvass wort for reuse; e) pouring into a bottle and sending to the cold; f) ready drink

Kvass from oats at home: a recipe

It is the favorite drink of many. It has a wonderful aroma and taste. Do it better in combination with honey.

We will provide you with a recipe for kvass from oats and honey at home:

  • soak the oats for two hours;
  • then fill it with a liter of water with 30 g of sugar and drain after four days;
  • fill them with 1/3 of a three-liter jar;
  • pour in 1⁄2 cup honey;
  • add 7 raisins;
  • fill it with warm boiled water, leaving some free space;
  • stir the resulting mixture;
  • cover with gauze so that insects do not get inside, insist two or three days in warmth;
  • put in the refrigerator for 6 hours;
  • try it!
    Honey delicacy is excellent in treating a sore throat, only in this case you should drink it warm.

Beet kvass at home

Surprisingly, beet kvass also exists, and we will tell you how to cook it at home.


  • chop a large ripe beet and put in a container;
  • fill with 2 liters of water;
  • dissolve 4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • add a crust of stale rye bread;
  • cover the neck with gauze and leave the drink to ferment in a warm place for several days;
  • then filter, bottle and send to the cellar or refrigerator.
    The drink can also be made from other vegetables. Experiment!

In the heat, real kvass perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and quickly restores strength. This delicious natural drink is also easy to prepare at home, following centuries-old technology. I bring to your attention two recipes for kvass from bread: one with yeast, the other without.

General Tips:

  • You can make kvass from any kind of bread, but the best drinks are made from black rye loaves without caraway seeds, dill, etc.;
  • use only glass, plastic or enamel containers;
  • cook crackers for kvass without oil and spices;
  • When fermenting in tightly closed containers, be sure to keep an eye on the carbon dioxide level so that the high pressure does not burst the bottles.

Kvass from yeast bread

A simple classic.


  • rye bread - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 20 grams (or 5 grams dry).

Those who like sugary drinks can increase the amount of sugar added in the eighth step by 2-3 times.

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and fry in the oven until golden brown. The more dried the bread, the more bitterness is felt in kvass and the darker the color, but you should not overdry.

2. Boil water, then cool to room temperature and pour into a fermentation tank.

3. Add breadcrumbs, cover the neck of the container with gauze and put for 48 hours in a dark place at room temperature. If you want to make kvass quickly, you can boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes, then cool it to 25-30°C.

4. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the pack.

5. Filter the kvass wort through gauze, squeezing the crackers well.

6. Pour the filtered wort into a fermentation vessel, add 200 grams of sugar and diluted yeast, mix well.

7. Loosely cover the container with a lid so that carbon dioxide can escape freely, then put it in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25 ° C for 14-16 hours.

8. Pour kvass into a storage container, for example, plastic bottles or jars, add the remaining 50 grams of sugar, mix. If several bottles are used, evenly distribute the sugar, it is needed for carbon dioxide to appear in the drink.

9. Seal the containers tightly and place for 4-5 hours in a dark place at room temperature.

10. Cool homemade bread kvass to a temperature of 8-11°C by transferring the bottles to a refrigerator or cellar. This is necessary to stop the fermentation process. After 3-4 hours, you can start tasting. Shelf life - up to 3 days.

Kvass with dry yeast

Bread kvass without yeast

Natural drink without smell and taste of yeast. Raisins are used as starter.


  • black bread - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • unwashed raisins - 50 grams.

1. Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven, the main thing is that the crackers do not burn, otherwise the kvass will turn out bitter.

2. Boil water, add crackers and 250 grams of sugar, mix.

3. Cool the resulting wort to 22-25°C, then pour into a fermentation vessel, filling a maximum of 90% of the volume.

4. Add raisins, then mix again, cover the neck with gauze and transfer the jar to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

5. If the raisins are of high quality, fermentation will begin in 1-2 days, the crackers in the jar will move, then foam, hissing and a slight sour smell will appear on the surface.

6. Two days after the start of fermentation, filter home-made kvass through gauze, add 50 grams of sugar, mix, pour into bottles for storage, add 2-3 raisins to each and close tightly with lids.

7. Keep the drink for 8-12 hours in a dark, warm place to collect gas, then transfer to a refrigerator or cellar. After cooling the bread kvass to 8-11°C, you can proceed to the tasting. Shelf life up to 4 days.

Kvass on raisins instead of yeast

- one of the most common and favorite types of this wonderful drink. Refreshing gained popularity among the Russian people. It is in great demand not only in summer, in the rest of the year, it is just as good for consumption.

This homemade drink is perhaps the only one that can not only quench thirst, but also saturate a person. The first recipes from black bread appeared several centuries ago. A refreshing drink with a peculiar taste has gained incredible popularity among ordinary Russian people and the nobility.

Today we will share with you recipes for real Russian bread kvass at home. After all, a product prepared by one's own hands is much healthier and tastier than a similar product sold in barrels or in stores.

The recipes for this drink without yeast are not complicated in preparation. When you use it, you increase your tone, increase your efficiency and normalize the balance of salts and fluids.


  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Rye crackers - 300 gr.;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Boil three liters of water.

2. We take a three-liter jar and pour sugar.

3. So that the jar does not burst, put a spoon and fill it with boiling water to half, in the meantime you need to mix the sugar so that it dissolves.

4. We send the rye bread that we dried, and add the rest of the water, without adding about 2/3 to the end of the jar, so that there is where to play kvass. Mix well.

5. We cover and tie with gauze, and now we put it in a dark but warm place.

6. After two days, we take it out and put it in the sun, we give it the opportunity to ferment so that it is carbonated (optional).

7. We remove the gauze, take the dishes where we will pour it, we decant the drink through a sieve or gauze.

8. We take a clean bottle, pour it and put it in the refrigerator to cool it down.

9. The main thing is not to overexpose, so as not to ferment.

Dry kvass recipe

This recipe is gaining its special popularity mainly in the summer. Indeed, on a hot day, we really want to remove thirst and replenish the balance with something tasty and sweet.

We will need:

  • Sugar - 8-10 tbsp. spoons;
  • Pure water - 3 liters;
  • Granulated yeast - 5-7 peas;
  • Dry kvass - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Boil three liters of water.

2. Pour the dry powder into a container (three-liter jar), fill it with 1.5 liters of water, add sugar and mix thoroughly.

3. In a separate bowl, dilute the yeast with a small amount of warm water. Pour into the resulting concentrate.

4. We will tie a bandage of gauze on the neck of the jar and send it to a cool, dark place to wander.

5. After three days, filter the drink and bottle it. Put in the refrigerator to chill.

From bread crusts for okroshka

Real traditional Russian okroshka is always filled with such a delicious drink.

The drink can be easily prepared at home. After all, not every variety is suitable for cooking this dish. We will share a good recipe for this drink for okroshka, which will turn out to be rich, sharp and not sour.


  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Bread crusts - 400 gr.;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.;
  • Dry yeast - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. First you need to dry and brown the bread in the oven. Make sure it doesn't burn out.

2. At this time, boil water and pour sugar into it. Mix everything and leave to cool to room temperature.

3. Crackers are ready - we also let them cool.

4. We return to the sweetened water, pour a glass of water, add yeast there.

5. Mix thoroughly so that the yeast is completely dissolved.

6. Now put fragrant crackers in water with sugar.

7. Add diluted yeast to the rest of the products. Stir gently so that the main product does not fall apart.

8. We tighten the pan (three liter jar) with gauze and leave to ferment at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

9. After the allotted time, the fermentation process should be completed when the surface of the contents of the pot (three-liter jar) is covered with foam.

10. Now you need to thoroughly strain the liquid through a sieve or 2-3 layers of gauze.

11. Pour the drink into bottles and set to ripen in the refrigerator. Now you can add 10-12 raisins if you like it, very gassy. After another 12-16 hours in the refrigerator, it will be completely ready for okroshka.

Delicious kvass with raisins


  • Black bread (rye) - 250 g;
  • Sugar - 180 g (5-6 full tablespoons);
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Raisins - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

How to cook rye bread with raisins:

1. We cut small pieces of rye, put them in the oven and dry them well, we should get crackers, but in no case do we allow them to burn, otherwise our drink will be bitter. In no case crackers do not add oil.

Pour crackers into a three-liter jar halfway.

2. Add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar to boiled sugar (you can add it to taste), mix thoroughly, cool to 30 degrees.

3. Here we pour out 30 gr. not washed raisins. We fill everything with the resulting sweet water almost to the very top, leaving room for carbon dioxide. optionally add raisins (it is needed in order for the drink to be saturated with carbon dioxide).

4. Leave the jar in a dark place at room temperature, covering it tightly with a thin cloth or gauze in two layers.

5. After 2-3 days, depending on the temperature in the room, the fermentation process will begin. It will be ready in 3-4 days, you need to try so as not to peroxide.

6. The liquid must be drained, filtered through layers of gauze, placed in the refrigerator.

7. Crackers can not be thrown away, half left for the next sourdough. Then add a handful of fresh, raisins, 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Pour in water, cover with gauze, in the morning it will be ready!

How to cook from wort

As a rule, a drink from the wort is made by that part of the people who like the dark color of the liquid and the special aroma.


  • Kvass wort - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Cooled boiled water - 3 l;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Dry yeast - ½ tsp is enough;
  • Raisins - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Take a three-liter jar. Dissolve the wort and sugar in 0.5 liters of warm water at temperatures up to 35 degrees. Sugar can be used to taste.

2. Pour the resulting liquid into a jar, add the rest of the water, then yeast, do not mix.

3. Cover with a lid, for 1-2 days, after the fermentation process. Once or twice a day we check the taste of the drink, if the result is satisfactory, we pour it into plastic bottles, into each of which add a few raisins. Next comes gassing.

4. Then we put it in the refrigerator for cooling and you can use it when it becomes foamy, the bottle is hard.

Video on how to cook with sourdough

Drink to your health!!!

Homemade bread kvass is perhaps the only drink that can not only quench thirst, but also saturate a person. The first black bread appeared several centuries ago. A refreshing drink with a peculiar taste has gained incredible popularity among ordinary Russian people and the nobility.

The value of homemade kvass

Homemade kvass from black bread crackers is not just a refreshing drink. Even our distant ancestors knew about its beneficial properties. He was credited with the ability to heal abdominal pain and eliminate constipation, relieve muscle pain and restore strength after a protracted illness. Modern nutritionists and doctors confirm this. The drink contains many nutrients and vitamins.

It helps to strengthen the immune system, especially if various components are included in the homemade kvass recipe from black bread: either mint, viburnum or birch sap, honey, cinnamon or even horseradish. Real bread kvass, prepared at home without all kinds of chemical additives, is the best remedy for a headache that occurs after heavy drinking.

Both children and adults can drink this refreshing drink. It is also used to prepare the well-known and beloved okroshka. For this dish, experienced chefs advise using black kvass, then its taste will be mild, and unpleasant consequences in the form of slight intoxication will not occur. By the way, among the many types of bread kvass, there are those that, in many respects, are comparable to beer, since they contain alcohol. It goes without saying that children should not drink kvass prepared according to such recipes. But for many adults, it may be to your liking.

It's time to consider in more detail how to make kvass from black bread. The first thing worth mentioning is the choice of dishes. Once this refreshing drink was prepared exclusively in hardwood barrels. Now, in the age of modern technology, when plastic, metal and glass reign in kitchens, the best containers for creating a refreshing drink are glass jars with a volume of 3 liters or more, as well as enameled metal pans. Aluminum utensils should not be used, just like most types of plastic. The fact is that they can release various substances into kvass, changing its characteristics: taste, color and aroma, content of useful substances. Before preparing a drink, it is better to sterilize the container or rinse well with soda.

Almost every recipe for homemade black bread kvass contains an instruction to cover the dishes with a cloth. For these purposes, calico or linen napkins are best suited. Before use, they must be boiled in salted water and dried without rinsing. During the fermentation of kvass, it is not recommended to move, shake the container or stir the prepared drink, as fermentation processes may stop in it, and it will turn out tasteless.

These are perhaps the main tips on how to make kvass from black bread without mistakes. Next, we offer you several recipes for a foamy refreshing drink that every housewife can master.

Classic kvass from rye bread

This version of the drink is the basis for others. Almost all recipes for kvass from black bread are based precisely on these proportions of the components. So, to prepare 3 liters of drink, you need 1 kg of stale rye bread, 300 g of granulated sugar and 20 g of yeast. Bread should be cut into small slices and dried in the oven, browned until golden brown. Rusks are poured with three liters of hot water and stirred periodically for 2-3 hours. As a result, about 3 liters of wort will be obtained - the basis of kvass. To prepare classic kvass from black, it remains in the wort cooled to 20 degrees to add sugar and yeast diluted in a small amount of the same bread infusion. Next, leave the dishes with the drink in a warm place for at least 12 hours, covering it with a clean cloth.

After this time, kvass is carefully poured into clean bottles, tightly corked and transferred to a cool room for 2-3 days, so as not to raise turbidity from the bottom of the dishes. After that, the drink is considered ready to drink.

Homemade kvass with raisins

Many kvass recipes from black bread involve the use of raisins. At the same time, dried grapes cannot be washed before preparing the drink, since the substances on their surface are necessary to initiate chemical processes in the prepared drink. Thanks to this, kvass from black bread with raisins acquires a completely new, bright taste.

The basis of this drink is the classic bread kvass mentioned above. The only difference is that during the bottling of the drink, it is necessary to add 4-5 raisins to each. Kvass prepared in this way is left for about a day, after which it is tightly corked and placed in the refrigerator for at least 4 days.

Kvass golden

Like other recipes for kvass from black bread, this one contains a method for preparing kvass wort, which includes rye crackers (1 kg), water (5-6 l), sugar (5 tbsp. l.), 2 tbsp. l. dry baker's yeast and a handful of raisins. The preparation of the base for this type of kvass is the same as in the previous recipes. Its peculiarity is that raisins are added to the wort simultaneously with half the sugar and yeast. The drink is infused in a warm place for 3-4 days, after which it must be carefully drained into another container, where the remaining sugar is also added. Next, you should pour kvass into dark bottles. Add 2-3 raisins to each and seal tightly. Kvass should ripen for at least 2 days in a cold place.

Bread kvass without yeast

If you want to cook black bread kvass at home for the whole family, including children, you will definitely like this recipe, because the drink will be guaranteed to be non-alcoholic. So, for its preparation you will need rye or ordinary black bread, 10 liters of water and a glass of sugar. Sliced ​​bread should be toasted over an open fire until a noticeable crust appears. If it gets a little charred in places, it's okay. Next, you need to fill it with boiled water, add sugar and leave it in a warm sunny place for fermentation for at least 2 days. After that, the drink can be drained into bottles and put in the refrigerator. This kvass is especially tasty when cold, it is great for making okroshka.

Kvass with mint

This type of drink is prepared in the same way as classic kvass, with the only difference being that a glass of mint infusion is added to the wort. This will require 2-3 tbsp. l. dried mint greens per 5 liters of wort. Greens should be poured with boiling water and left for several hours to infuse, after which the resulting infusion is poured into the finished wort. Kvass with mint has a very delicate aroma and a refreshing effect on the body. It is especially good to use it on hot days, when other drinks are not able to quench your thirst.

Another version of bread kvass with mint is prepared as follows: a handful of rye flour is brewed with boiling water and left for a couple of hours. In the meantime, a classic wort is being prepared from black bread toasted in the oven. Sugar is added to the finished base (1 cup per 5 liters of wort), a bunch of fresh mint and rye flour sourdough. The drink is infused for only a day, after which it can be bottled and cooled.

Bread kvass with hemp seeds

Unusual recipes for bread kvass from black bread, which include hemp kvass, are worth knowing for any housewife. They will help diversify the taste of homemade soft drinks. In addition, kvass with hemp seeds has a relaxing and calming effect. To prepare it, you will need about a kilogram of hemp seeds, 300 g of hop cones, 150 g of cumin, 700 g of 1300 g of honey and 5 liters of water. All components, except bread, are placed in a saucepan with water and slowly heated, not bringing to a rapid boil. Then bread is added to the broth and it is quickly cooled. After that, kvass is again heated to 40 degrees and immediately bottled. The drink is infused for at least 5 days, after which it can be drunk.

Bread kvass with currant leaves

Currant homemade kvass is distinguished by its exquisite aroma and spicy taste. It should not be used to make okroshka - it is good on its own. To prepare it, you need 4 liters of must, made from 500 g of rye crackers and 200 g of sugar, 40 g of yeast and 7-10 black currant leaves. The drink is infused in an apartment day or night, after which it is filtered into bottles. Each one needs to be zested. Tightly corked bottles are placed in a cold place for 3 days.

Bread kvass on birch sap

Unlike the classic version of this drink, birch sap is used instead of water. It is impossible to heat it during the preparation of the wort, as this will cause the destruction of useful substances. This was carried out mainly in the spring, the stocks of kvass from it were a real treasure. It was customary to serve such drinks on the festive table, they fed seriously ill people and women in the postpartum period. To taste, it does not differ much from classic kvass. It can be cooked in different variations: with mint, currants and raisins.

Whatever kvass you cook, remember that you need to do it with your soul. Only in this case the drink will turn out tasty and really healthy. Please note that almost all types of homemade bread kvass contain yeast and are fermented. That is why it is not recommended to drink a soft drink before you get behind the wheel. Kvass, most likely, will not affect your condition, but alcohol will be contained in the blood, albeit in small quantities.
