
Methods for cleaning moonshine with charcoal. Purification of moonshine with activated carbon: effective, simple and fast

In order to remove fusel oils and other harmful impurities from moonshine, double distillation with cutting off tails and heads is not enough. Additional thorough filtration is needed, and carbonization is the best way to cope with this. Coal is an excellent absorbent, which cleans and softens the drink and, in addition, gives the distillate a characteristic vodka flavor.

Traditionally, birch charcoal is used to purify moonshine, but coconut charcoal, which has recently appeared on the market, has surpassed it in efficiency, and has gained well-deserved popularity among distillers.

Activated coconut charcoal is made from coconut shells, heated at a temperature of 1,000 degrees until completely burned out, while not allowing air to enter. This production technology increases the number of pores, which significantly improves its adsorbing properties, and is called charcoal activation. The total pore area of ​​just one gram of activated carbon is one thousand square meters, which is very impressive and explains such a high cleaning ability.

The size of the pores is also important - pores of different sizes contain different molecules, and that is why not all coal is used for purification. Fusel and other harmful particles easily penetrate into the pores of coconut, in addition, it has a number of other advantages over other filters:

  1. frugality. For high-quality purification, only 10 g of coconut charcoal is required per liter of distillate.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Edible coconut charcoal is an absolutely natural product that does not contain impurities and additives.
  3. Efficiency. Thanks to the pores of different sizes, the coal binds 80% of fusel oils and 90% of esters.
  4. Reusability. You can restore the adsorbing properties of the used filter by washing it with a 2% hydrochloric acid solution or alkali. Thus, all accumulated substances are burned out, and the coal is activated again.
  5. Removal of colour, odor and bad taste.
  6. Hangover minimization. The cause of a hangover is poisoning with fusel oils, which are present in excess in unrefined moonshine.
  7. Ease of use.

Reference: It should be noted that in the process of carbonization, the distillate loses flavor, so it is better to filter fruit moonshine in another way, and this one is suitable for a product made from sugar or grain.

Proper carb at home

Purification of moonshine with coconut charcoal is carried out after the first distillation and is divided into two stages: infusion and subsequent filtration. To do this, you only need a clean container, cotton wool, and coal itself.

Infusion - exact proportions

  1. Dilute the distillate with water up to 40-50 °, and if planned, even lower - up to 18-20 °. The percentage of alcohol directly affects the quality of cleaning - the larger it is, the worse the cleaning is, since the molecules of strong moonshine are tightly bound and impurities are poorly adsorbed.
  2. Prepare coal- crush, if it is in briquettes, and rinse from dust to avoid staining. The smaller the fraction of coal, the larger the area of ​​​​its contact with moonshine and faster cleaning.
  3. Washed coal put in a container with moonshine, at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per liter, no longer needed, since the excess of coal will not affect the degree of purification. Mix everything well and leave for at least 2-3 hours, shaking the liquid every 20 minutes.

Cold slows down adsorption, so it is desirable to infuse at room temperature..

Many days of infusion of coal is meaningless and even harmful, because over time, its pores fill up and stop absorbing poisons. If the adsorbent is not removed in time, everything harmful will return back to the drink.

Video in which the whole process of coaling moonshine is clearly visible:


  1. Strain infused moonshine through cotton wool wrapped in several layers of gauze or bandage. Such filtration removes large coal suspension, but the dark shade still remains. The dust is safe and does not affect the taste, but does not give an appetizing look to the drink.
  2. To give crystal transparency, a filter from a coffee maker or an ash-free filter made of cellulose is suitable, into which you need to supply moonshine in a thin stream or drip.
  3. Filtered moonshine distill again, or bottled for further storage.

Important! Coconut charcoal for barbecues or hookahs is not suitable for cleaning, as it contains substances that improve combustion or aromatic additives that will spoil the moonshine.

Do-it-yourself filter for cleaning moonshine

To speed up and simplify the process of cleaning moonshine from harmful impurities, you can use another cleaning method - without insisting, through a homemade charcoal filter. It is done quite easily:

  • take a wide and deep funnel;
  • line the bottom with gauze folded in 2-3 layers;
  • put a couple of cotton pads on top;
  • and another layer of gauze;
  • followed by a layer of coal, 3 cm wide;
  • cover it with the same layer as below (gauze-cotton gauze);
  • filter is ready.

It remains to insert a funnel with a filter into an empty bottle and filter moonshine through it with a thin stream. This method is less efficient than the previous one, since the distillate is in contact with coal for a short time, insufficient for complete adsorption of impurities. To improve the result, it is desirable to carry out such carbonization several times, each time changing the sorbent to a pure one.

Reference: often the funnel is replaced with a plastic bottle with a cut bottom, but plastic is an undesirable material for interacting with alcohol. It is better to separate the bottom of a glass bottle with a glass cutter and use it for a filter.


To check the purified moonshine for the presence of harmful impurities, a small amount of it must be set on fire in a spoon, and if after burning out there is no oil stain left at the bottom, you can safely drink the drink. Properly carried out filtration with coconut charcoal cleans moonshine from:

  • fusel oils;
  • aldehydes;
  • acetic and formic acid;
  • ethers.

And although it still doesn’t work out completely, the organoleptic characteristics of the drink are significantly improved..

Properly done coal filtration (cleaning) of moonshine not only partially removes harmful impurities, but also forms a characteristic vodka flavor in grain and sugar distillates. Due to availability, more and more experienced distillers use activated coconut charcoal (KAU-A brand), which has several advantages over similar birch charcoal.

Theory. Activated coconut charcoal is a natural, environmentally friendly absorbent made from coconut shells by heating to a high temperature without air access. The essence of activation is to open the maximum possible number of pores on the carbon-containing material (in our case, the shell) to obtain a high degree of absorption.

In addition to the total number, the size of micropores is also important, on which the ability of coal to absorb certain molecules of harmful substances depends - small molecules easily pass through large pores. In this indicator, coconut charcoal is superior to birch charcoal, and even more so pharmacy charcoal.


Attention! Use only KAU-A activated coconut charcoal, as similar for hookahs and other filter systems may contain impurities and additives that will get into the alcohol.

The advantages of coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine over birch and pharmacy charcoal:

  • has more micropores of a smaller size, which increases the filtration efficiency, absorbs up to 80% of essential oils and up to 90% of esters;
  • savings - for 1 liter of distillate with a strength of 40 degrees, you need 10 grams of coconut charcoal, which is 5 times less than birch charcoal;
  • slightly dusty, which contributes to easy cleaning of the drink from the coal itself.

Not always the use of activated carbon is designed to purify the drink from harmful impurities. For example, even with the same strength, vodka is more pleasant than alcohol diluted with water - it does not “burn” the oral cavity so much and is softer in taste. At the same time, after rectification, there are no impurities left in alcohol that coal can remove.

Another effect is triggered - the partial oxidation of the aldehydes contained in alcohol to acids under the influence of air remaining in the pores of the coal. As a result, esters are formed, which soften the taste. Achieving a slight oxidation of aldehydes by other methods is difficult, which is why in distilleries sorting (a mixture of water and alcohol) is passed through coal.

Technology for cleaning moonshine with coconut charcoal

Purify only sugar and grain distillates, because in addition to harmful substances, molecules remain in the pores that are responsible for the aroma and taste of fruit moonshine. As a result, the smell of apples, cherries, other fruits and fruits disappears.


  1. Dilute moonshine with water. If there is a second distillation - up to 18-20%. If re-distillation is not planned - up to 40-50%. The lower the strength, the higher the degree of purification, since the molecular bond is weaker.
  2. Grind the coal into pieces 1-4 cm in size (if the manufacturer did not do this). Weed out the dust.
  3. Pour the sifted coal into a glass container, it is most convenient - in a jar. Proportions - 10 grams of KAU-A activated coconut charcoal (about 2 tablespoons) per 1 liter of moonshine in terms of a fortress of 40 degrees. Excess will not harm, but will not improve the quality of the filtration.
  4. Mix, seal tightly. Leave for 3-4 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the container every 8-12 hours (preferably).
  5. Strain the purified moonshine through gauze or a strainer, then filter from the remnants of coal through cotton wool or a coffee filter.
  6. The finished distillate must be absolutely transparent. Do a fractional distillation (recommended) or just bottle for storage.

An alternative cleaning method is to pass moonshine 2-3 times through a column (you can make it yourself), but the effect is somewhat worse than when insisting

As masters of creating strong homemade alcoholic drinks know, coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine does the best job - getting rid of harmful impurities.

It is significantly superior in this to the birch or pharmacy activated, well-known to every distiller.

So what is coconut charcoal? This coconut shell burned without oxygen. In the process of charring, a kind of natural filter is formed.

Attention. You can not use coal to clean moonshine for hookah. Although it is also made from coconut shells, it may contain additives that are undesirable for moonshine.

In addition, its adsorbing properties are incomparable with the "correct" coal, which is labeled KAU-A. The abbreviation stands for: grade A coconut activated carbon. It is he who is intended for cleaning from fusel oils.

When should you carb?

It is worth resorting to the help of KAU-A in two cases:

  1. In order to qualitatively clean the primary distillate from fusel oil, kicked out without selection of heads and tails before re-distillation.
  2. For improvements already finished product, if it is noticeable turbidity, or the taste and smell are not satisfied.

Peculiarities. Do not forget that some drinks (for example, or) it takes two to three months to acquire the final taste and too thorough cleaning can ruin this product.

How to properly clean?

Proportions and dressing

Usual dosage: per liter of alcohol-containing liquid - 2 tablespoons of KAU-A.

Stir thoroughly, insist at room conditions.

The warmer (25 - 30 degrees) moonshine, the faster the adsorption of harmful impurities and their precipitation.

Recipe for infusion

And then - interesting chemistry. Known among lovers of the study of the properties of alcohol, the author of a book on this topic, Dorosh-Lysenko, claims that moonshine seasoned with coconut charcoal is maximally loses fusel oils in the first 20 minutes of infusion.

There is another recipe. In exactly the same dose, KAU-A is poured into a drink and insisted for 1 hour.

Who is right? This can only be learned through practice. According to the organoleptic (taste, smell, softness) of the drink, it will be easy to compare the initial sensations with those that arise after cleaning.

Important. You should not use KAU-A when cleaning moonshine from grain or fruit and berry raw materials.

It is thanks to the presence of these components in the mash that the specific taste and aroma of the drink is achieved, which cleaning can destroy. But it is the most suitable for. This is where you often need to remove the fuselage.

How to use filtering?

With any method of infusion, moonshine must be filtered. This is done in a way known to every distiller:

  • Take a plastic bottle of 1.5 - 2 liters, cut off the bottom.
  • Several holes are made in the lid with an awl or a thick needle.
  • A piece of cotton pad or cotton wool is placed in the neck.
  • If they strive for perfect filtration at a time, they may not use the cap at all, and fill the neck with cotton wool or insert several cotton pads twisted into a roll.
  • They put this “filter” on a jar, pour moonshine from the container where it was cleaned, wait until it leaks, periodically adding new portions.

Sometimes required three to four filtrations for the result to be excellent.

They also resort to filtration without insisting. Create a filter bottle as described above. A layer of KAU-A washed with water from dust is poured over the cotton wool, about 5 cm high, and the existing moonshine is poured through it several times, requiring cleaning.

Why is coconut sorbent better?

Decaying, the shells turn into coals with the likeness of multilayer cells, which easily pass alcohol (or water), retaining all the impurities contained.

Naturally, the structure of the cells can only be seen under a microscope.

So, at the cooked coconut charcoal cells are very small, the same components of fusel oils will not "slip" through them.

A birch or pharmacy tablet cell has more, and therefore lower cleansing properties. Coal made from coconut shells has been proven to have special properties:

  • selects from an alcohol-containing liquid up to 80% (according to some sources - 86%) of fusel oils and up to 90 - 92% of esters contained in moonshine;
  • its use is economically beneficial, since coal is required five times less than other types (the same birch);
  • due to the lower dust content, after cleaning it is easier to cope with the filtration of moonshine, the materials used for filtration (cotton wool, filter paper, thick cloth, etc.) do not clog so quickly;
  • gives the drink crystal clarity;
  • due to the elimination of fusel oils and esters, the pungent odor and taste disappear when drinking.

Reference. In the industrial purification of alcohol, coconut charcoal is used, as the most suitable for this purpose.

How many times can KAU-A be used?

The same coconut charcoal can be used three times, after which its adsorbing capacity drops as its micropores become clogged.

It is claimed that coal can be restored, for which:

  • fill the spent coal with distilled water. Water should be 3 times more in volume. Shake, hold for 20 minutes, drain;
  • repeat washing 3 times;
  • put in a heat-resistant container in the oven at 190 ° C;
  • at first, neither the coal nor the oven door is covered. When the smell of alcohol disappears, cover the container leaky, close the oven;
  • fry for 6 - 8 hours.

After cooling it can be used as a new product. But it is advisable not to rinse again, it is not so expensive to risk your health due to poor-quality moonshine.

Helpful videos on cleaning with coconut charcoal

The process of cleaning moonshine with coconut activated carbon:

Charcoal with coconut to eliminate turbidity and give moonshine:

An overview of coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine, the benefits and uses, see:

Are you ready to use coconut charcoal to improve your homemade alcohol? Share it in the comments, recommend the article to friends on social networks.

Moonshine is a fairly popular homemade drink containing alcohol. It can be made with or without yeast, or with honey, corn, or potatoes. An experienced moonshiner pays the most attention to the purification process. After all, the taste, color and aroma of the product will depend on this. In addition, after high-quality cleaning of moonshine with charcoal, vegetable oil, violet root, soda, and so on, you can forget about a hangover forever.

Raw materials for mash

Baker's or distiller's yeast? It is best to take the second option, as it will provide a very quick preparation of the mash with a minimum amount of foam and the absence of an unpleasant yeast odor. If you use ordinary baker's yeast, then the color of the mash will be cloudy, and the drink itself will acquire a sour smell of fungus. Alcoholic yeast is bought in specialized stores.

Water must be clean. The best option would be the key from the well. You can use tap water, but then it will have to be defended for three days.

Brown sugar is sometimes used, but most often it is just the usual white. Sometimes sweets or jam are put in moonshine instead of sugar. It should be borne in mind that caramel sweets should only be with the same filling.

For cleansing, most often they take activated charcoal, which is purchased at a pharmacy. Cleaning moonshine with charcoal at home is the best option.


In order to make high-quality moonshine, you should acquire the necessary tools. You will need a container in which the mash will ferment, a distiller, an electric stove, a hydrometer and a bottle dryer.

The simplest and most popular way to make a drink is to knead the mash with sugar and alcohol yeast. Usually, for ten liters of heated and purified water, two kilograms of granulated sugar and two hundred grams of yeast are taken. First, the sugar is dissolved, and only then the yeast is added. They are preliminarily diluted in water and poured into an already prepared liquid. The container in which the mash will be prepared must have a neck. A water seal is put on it in the form of a rubber glove. It is by it that it will be possible to determine the readiness of the mash. At first, the glove inflates and remains in this form for several days. As soon as it falls, it will mean that the mash is ready.

After a week, the residue is drained from the container and the top of the drink is removed. The rest is called the body, which will be used in the future for the preparation of an alcoholic drink. If the mash starts to produce too much foam, then a piece of rye bread crust is thrown into it. Instead, you can try pouring a small amount of vegetable oil.

Very often, beginner moonshiners ask: how much alcohol can you get from one kilogram of sugar? It's easy to calculate. Usually, three liters of fairly strong moonshine are obtained from three kilograms of granulated sugar and ten liters of ready-made mash. Then it is slightly diluted with water to achieve an acceptable strength of forty degrees, and then the moonshine becomes even more.

How to make a charcoal filter

You will need a regular plastic bottle. It should be absolutely clean and not too big. An ideal option would be a one and a half liter container. Carefully cut off the bottom with a sharp knife and drill a small hole in the lid. The cap is screwed back onto the bottle. After that, a sufficient amount of cotton wool is taken and tightly packed in the neck. Double gauze is laid on top and coal is placed. Thus, when the liquid passes through the gauze with cotton, all fusel oils will remain on the compress.

Cleaning without filter

Some moonshiners prefer not to waste time on the filter, but simply add charcoal to the drink. Usually, no more than fifty grams of sorbent is used for each liter of liquid. Within two weeks, the container is occasionally taken out and shaken. On the fifteenth day, the composition can be passed through a piece of cotton, packed in gauze. Cleaning moonshine with charcoal for barbecue has proven itself well, which is also often added directly to the alcoholic liquid.

There is an opinion that this method does not provide good cleaning, since the sorbent, after absorbing the waste, after a while gives it back to the liquid.

Composition of activated carbon

Using this sorbent is not the best option for moonshine. It contains excess impurities in the form of starch or talc. But it can be purchased at any pharmacy, which is important for a city dweller. Not every person is able to independently prepare charcoal so that it is enough for a sufficient amount of moonshine.

In addition to pharmaceutical coal, you can use the product used for distillation. And also a regular filter, located in a device for water purification, has proven itself well. Some people clean moonshine in the following way: pass the liquid several times through a plastic container designed for water. Such devices can be found in every kitchen.

birch or coconut

Onyu are considered one of the best charcoal for making moonshine. You can get birch charcoal by burning branches in a fire. Then the coals are sent to a metal container and tightly closed with a lid. Without access to oxygen, the coals cease to smolder and quickly go out. Similarly, material is obtained from walnuts or coconut.

The latter product has fine pores and very little consumption. Therefore, it is quite beneficial to use it. The only downside is that buying coconuts and making a sorbent out of them is quite expensive.

Birch charcoal cleaning

Large pieces of burnt birch must be crushed into smaller ones. Further, they are used, like activated carbon, for cleaning moonshine with charcoal at home or added to a column to filter the drink.

The finished device can be purchased at a specialized store. This equipment is quite inexpensive and affordable for any moonshiner. Approximately one liter of beverage per hour passes through this column.

Fast way

As soon as the time is right for the purification of the drink, a stump of trees such as beech, cedar or birch is found. Making charcoal for cleaning moonshine with your own hands is quite simple. Parts of the tree should be cleaned of bark and cut off unnecessary branches. Next, the wood is set on fire and, as soon as coals are formed, they are pulled out of the fire. Burnt wood should be very quickly put into a container and closed with a lid. Thus, there will be no access to oxygen, and the coals will cool down rather quickly. After that, they are kneaded to a powdery state and poured into an alcoholic drink. Charcoal powder must be in the moonshine for at least seventy hours. After that, the liquid is filtered through gauze with cotton wool.

Other Methods

In addition to cleaning moonshine with charcoal, you can use other fairly popular methods.

  • Sometimes moonshiners use powdered milk. It perfectly removes the smell and gives softness to the drink.
  • Baking soda and salt effectively remove fusel oils.
  • A beaten egg works no worse than powdered milk. It also softens the liquid and brightens it well.
  • Rye bread crusts are able to slightly color the moonshine and give it a pleasant aroma.

Nevertheless, the best way is still considered to be cleaning moonshine with charcoal at home.

Terms of Use

Before proceeding with cleaning with a wood sorbent, some features of this method should be considered:

  • Its quantity should be limited. If you overdo it with coal, it will not affect the taste of moonshine for the better.
  • It is this type of cleaning that is very well suited for grain moonshine made with ordinary baker's yeast. As a rule, such a drink has a rather specific smell and cloudy color. Thanks to wood and activated charcoal, its quality is noticeably improved.
  • It is extremely important to use a high-quality sorbent for cleaning moonshine with charcoal. For example, in a pharmacy you can buy a product that is of animal origin. In this case, the drink is obtained with a specific taste and smell. To prevent this from happening, the sorbent should be tested on a small amount of moonshine.
  • Do not keep charcoal in the drink for too long. It has the property of returning back all the resins that it previously filtered.
  • Before using charcoal, it should be rinsed under running water to remove dirt and dust.
  • When placing whole, poorly crushed tablets in a liquid, it should be borne in mind that the composition will have to be constantly taken out and shaken, otherwise a complete cleaning will not work.
  • If for some reason the sorbent did not help, then a second distillation should be done.
  • Cleaning of moonshine with charcoal for barbecue has proven itself to be excellent. The resulting drink will have a light smoked aroma and the smell of a fire.

Thus, you can use any coal that is at hand. In addition, there are other ways, in addition to cleaning moonshine with charcoal, which have also proven themselves well among fans of home brewing.

In order to properly carry out the carbonation of moonshine, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the introduction of the substance and try not to violate the mode of keeping the liquid together with the absorbent. Then you can achieve the desired result.

Effective cleaning of moonshine with coal at home

From fusel components and other impurities, they began to clean moonshine with coal in our country for a long time. The most accessible types of absorbent were usually used for filtration. Their absorbency is better at eliminating the problem than other methods, since they collect heavy unsaturated organic compounds in the pores as much as possible.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils is allowed by different types of adsorbent:

  • special black granules for winemakers are in demand;
  • moonshine is cleaned with charcoal of various types;
  • moonshine is cleaned with activated charcoal;
  • coals for cleaning moonshine are often taken from gas mask filters;
  • purification of moonshine with coconut adsorbent is allowed;
  • some experts recommend using substances from water filters to clean moonshine.

Coconut firebrands can be used as an absorbent - they are champions in absorbing speed

Filtration of moonshine with coal consists in the accumulation of foreign chemical compounds in the space between the pores of the main absorbent. For maximum efficiency, the pore size must be larger than the format of the accepted molecules in order to be able to retain excess oils and impurities.

In most cases, pharmacy black tablets are industrially made from various types of materials, including wood, BAU, coke absorbent, or animal bone meal (the most common method). The micropores in such a product are small enough to accept large molecules of impurities, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to effectively clean the moonshine with an activated absorbent.

If you want to take substances from a gas mask, you should know that they are additionally designed for deactivation using "chemistry". It is able to enter into a chemical reaction with ethanol, not always positively affecting the final taste.

More experienced professionals suggest using natural remedies, such as birch charcoal. A natural product, which is almost any charcoal, will cope with the task as constructively as possible, subject to technology.

VIDEO: Bau coal and how to work with it

Independent production of material

To prepare coal for cleaning moonshine yourself is a rather painstaking and costly undertaking. For such a process, it is necessary to provide certain oxygen-free conditions for the combustion of certain types of wood - pyrolysis.

The step-by-step algorithm includes the following actions:

  • prepare birch firewood and let it burn out in an open flame;
  • when receiving smoldering firebrands at the finish, move them to a closed metal sealed container;
  • wait until the process of their combustion is completed and the prepared mass has cooled down.

There are many cooking videos on the net that demonstrate this process. Subject to the parameters, the final product will correspond to store products.

Correct regulations

To achieve results quickly and with a high degree of efficiency, you need to know how much coal is needed for cleaning. In different sources, there is a flow or bulk cleaning method. In the first case, raw alcohol is slowly shed through the absorbent layers. In the second, a certain amount of coal is poured per liter of liquid.

Proportions are selected empirically. It depends on the freshness of the filtrate and its quality. Usually, the calculation is based on the fact that about 50 grams are added per liter of moonshine. prepared product. It is not worth reducing this level, but it is possible to increase it, since no matter how much coal you add, it will not hurt.

The proportions of the absorbent are chosen by eye - usually at the rate of 50 grams per liter of distillate

There is a limit to the performance of the absorbent medium. For each type of absorbent, it is personal, so a certain volume is able to hold a finite number of molecules. The volume of removed contaminants depends on what kind of coal is used, and in what quantity.

Various factors influence the flow rate of the filtrate. Primary purification forces you to change the substance with each new portion of the liquid.

In order not to spoil the moonshine, you need to try to meet the deadlines for the process. With a minimum operating time of absorbent substances, not all oil molecules can get into the pores. When you overexpose the cleaner in the liquid, then it will begin to break down and return everything back. The optimal period for small granules is an interval of five to seven days.

How to clean moonshine with charcoal

When insisting, the following algorithm of actions is used:

  • the strength of the processed drink should be in the range of 40-55 °;
  • in a prepared container with a wide mouth of chemically neutral materials, pour the liquid and pour the granules at the rate of 50-60 g per 1 liter;
  • mix the composition thoroughly, close it hermetically and put it in a dark place;
  • after 5-7 days we take out the container and filter the suspended particles through cotton wool, repeat the process if necessary.

Another correct cleaning of moonshine by the flow method is carried out in a slightly different way. A special case with a filter is being prepared for it. It is often made from a 2 liter plastic bottle with a cut bottom.

The neck part of the container is closed with cotton wool wrapped in gauze. The volume of granules, which depends on the type of absorbent, is poured into the body of an inverted plastic bottle. For the usual one, 50 g is enough, and for the special material of the BAU-A type, it is recommended to do with reduced portions of 12-15 g per 1 dm3 of the liquid being cleaned.

It will be possible to improve the quality of the final product by regularly changing the filter with each new portion.

Resuscitation of black granules

There are options for restoring an activated or wood filter on the net. However, it is better not to attempt such attempts, as it is unsafe for health. Malicious elements accumulate inside the pores, which are problematic to remove from there. The correct solution is to simply throw out the used material and replace it with a fresher one.

There is no need to save on health, since impurities from moonshine remaining in the absorbent are not washed out with water. When reused, they can penetrate back into the liquid.

You should definitely not listen to the advice on processing black granules with aggressive acids, followed by high-temperature calcination. The risk of penetration into the liquid of such substances increases.

Application of coconut adsorbents

Thinking about how to properly remove harmful oils from homemade alcohol, you can turn to coconut porous absorbent. He absorbs these well. Only the KAU-A brand is suitable for the procedure. Distillers should not experiment with coconut hookah tablets. They can ruin the whole taste of the drink.

Fusel oils are removed with coals in the following proportion: a couple of spoons of black granules are poured into 1 liter of liquid, which is approximately 10 g. This is a more economical expense in comparison with other means.

After falling asleep particles in a bottle, we remove the container for 3-4 days in a closet. Stir the dissolved substances two or three times a day. At the end of settling, we filter through gauze and cotton wool.

VIDEO: How to make the simplest column
