
Alambik is the oldest moonshine still made of copper. Which moonshine is better - copper or stainless steel

Today, there is no criminal punishment for making moonshine in the Code of the Russian Federation, so everyone can buy equipment that is sold in special stores and expel their favorite strong drink as much as they like, but only for their own needs - selling to outsiders will be punishable. Along with ordinary stainless steel products, copper moonshine stills are on sale.

How do these products differ from standard specimens, what nuances, positive and negative qualities they have, why experts believe that moonshine in a copper apparatus turns out to be much tastier and better - you will find answers to these questions in our article.

Small moonshine stills for elite varieties of home-made alcohol are produced entirely from copper, they are called alambiks - they are made in oriental motifs and resemble the intricate accessories of an ancient alchemist. Such equipment can be presented to a gourmet versed in elite alcohol so that he can prepare a strong homemade drink according to his own recipes.

Standard apparatuses are made of combined materials, for example, the distillation cube is made of stainless steel, and the column, dephlegmator and cooler are made of copper. This separation is due to the fact that copper is able to destroy sulfur oxide compounds, which are considered the main enemies in the production of high-quality moonshine. Such compounds are formed during the active fermentation of mash, and then, during distillation, they can spoil the taste and strength of moonshine.

Polished copper looks quite elegant, reminiscent of noble gold, the equipment can decorate the interior of any kitchen, everything is so well assembled and adjusted. Some users buy copper equipment because the taste and smell of moonshine expelled on such a solid apparatus is noticeably different from the drink obtained by distillation on standard products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Moonshine stills made of copper have individual advantages and disadvantages, which must be discussed separately, since the products are quite different from their stainless steel counterparts.

  • safety of use;
  • warranty periods;
  • compliance of the final product with quality standards;
  • range of models;
  • there are quite beautiful-looking products, for example, alambiks;
  • the user does not need to waste his nerves, as well as his time on assembly - everything is already adjusted and fixed, all that remains is to fill in the mash, connect the column or dryer assembly with the cooler to the distillation tank.
  • with all the richness of choice, these products may not suit you in size or aesthetic perception;
  • rather high cost, compared with the standard version, but self-production will cost even more.

Now a few words about home craftsmen who do everything with their own hands.

Positive sides:

  • the product will look the way you want it to look;
  • the design is individual, and there are no analogues to it.
  • rather large labor costs;
  • errors in the design of compounds are possible, which will lead to disruption of the distillation process.

To make equipment out of copper, you will have to spend a lot of money on purchasing copper parts, then bring them to the required level of processing: grinding, polishing, etc. Controlling an apparatus that you have assembled with your own hands is a great pleasure, but only a small fraction is capable of this. users.

How to choose

First, a few words about alambiks: they come in different sizes: from 5 to 100 liters, but very large products are not used at home. Here the principle is the same as for other moonshine stills: if only for yourself, and not on an industrial scale, then a distillation capacity of 20-30 liters is enough.

All high-quality products are made in Portugal and Spain - they are still made by hand there by 90%, hammering the desired shape with hammers, then fitting the parts to each other as tightly as possible. Reliability of production - 100%, since each master puts his personal stamp on the product.


First of all, the user needs to decide on the optimal volume, it must be taken into account that the container is filled only by 80%: if 20 liters, then fill in only 16 liters, and at 30 - 24 liters. Experts advise buying a device no more than 20 liters, because it is more expedient to distill 12 liters at a time. This is not so little - at the output we will have 2 liters of strong drink 80%, and when diluted to 40 degrees, we get 4 liters or 8 bottles of homemade vodka.

Separately, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls and bottom: if the walls are 1 mm, then such a container during operation can deform from frequent heating - the ideal thickness is 1.5-2.0 mm, and the bottom must be flat and ferromagnetic in order to heat the container on any stove . The bottom thickness is at least 2 mm, the thicker the bottom, the better, because the mash will not burn during the boiling process, which will negatively affect the quality of moonshine.

Cooler power

It should correspond to the volume of the cube or it is better to be a little higher for better cooling. The performance is indicated in the technical data sheet, but often the manufacturer is cunning and puts the output in terms of vodka: for example, there is a figure of 5 liters, which means that during distillation you get no more than 2.5 liters of raw alcohol, and diluting it to degrees of vodka, you get twice as much.


When purchasing a product with a distillation column, you need to remember its dimensions: it can be from a meter or more in height, and you will install the assembled apparatus on a standard stove in the kitchen, so you need to find out the distance to the ceiling, because in standard city apartments this distance is only 2.25 m


As we have already drawn your attention, the distillation vessel is made of food or medical stainless steel, and the rest of the parts can be of high quality copper, especially for column-type devices. It is copper that does not affect the properties of the distillate, it also has a high thermal conductivity - it quickly heats up and also cools down, which greatly reduces the cost of distillation.

This non-ferrous metal has only one drawback - the cost, so all devices with copper columns, dry steamers and coolers are much more expensive, but they can produce elite-class strong drinks: whiskey, tequila, calvados, rum and brandy.

Design features

If all modules are collapsible, then they are easy to wash and clean, the presence of drain taps at the tank with mash, dry steamer greatly facilitates maintenance and simplifies the distillation process, because at any time you can drain the sludge from the reflux condenser to prevent heads from getting into the main product.

The wide mouth allows not only the convenience of filling the tank with mash, but also facilitates cleaning after the end of the process. If the height of the column does not allow you to install it on a standard stove, then you can buy a special induction cooker for home brewing and use it on a low bedside table.

Remember that any moonshine should have at least one thermometer, and preferably two - on the distillation tank and in the dephlegmator, then you can navigate when separating different fractions. Automation simplifies the distillation process, but there are underwater reefs here: if one controller fails, then the entire system must be changed.

Rating of moonshine stills - the best for 2017-2018

Copper apparatus "Luxe" 10 l

  • Material: still - AISI 304 steel, columns - copper
  • Productivity: 4.0 l/h (in terms of vodka)
  • Volume of alembic: 10 l
  • Wall thickness: 1.5-2.0mm
  • Neck diameter: 115 mm
  • Dimensions of the container for mash: 235x235x250 mm
  • Height: columns - 350 mm, assembled - 600 mm
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Manufacturer: Luxe, Russia
  • concise design
  • premium drinks
  • copper neutralizes sulfur oxides
  • wide neck
  • heating on all types of stoves

  • not found

Copper distiller "Luxe" is a very good gift for a person who cares about health, and also wants to diversify his life with homemade elite strong drinks.

Copper Distiller Cuprum & Steel Galaxy 2

  • Materials: distillation tank - AISI 430 food grade stainless steel, other components - high-purity copper from Germany
  • Capacity: for distillation up to 5.0 l/h
  • Distillation tank volume: 15 l
  • Wall thickness: 2.0mm
  • Neck diameter: 115 mm
  • Dimensions: distillation cube - 230x230x380 mm, complete apparatus - 230x230x650 mm
  • Producer: Cuprum&Steel, Russia
  • high build quality
  • unique design
  • simple use
  • not found

The moonshine still makes it possible to produce home-made elite moonshine of high quality and purification, the cost is 16 rubles per liter of brandy, calvados or whiskey.

Alcovar Copper Strong 20 l + thermometer

  • Material: body and all components - high-quality copper, fittings - brass
  • Productivity: more than 2.5 l/h
  • Volume of alembic: 20 l
  • Wall thickness: 1.5mm
  • Coil tube diameter: 12mm
  • Drawer dimensions: 60x60x400 mm
  • Service life: more than 50 years
  • Producer: Alkovar, Russia
  • high quality
  • original design
  • all copper components

Traditionally, copper is used for the production of moonshine stills all over the world. It has a number of properties that all other metals are deprived of. First of all, copper began to be used for the manufacture of stills because of its malleability, corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. But all the "religious" disputes among moonshiners revolve mainly around the properties of this amazing metal to purify distillates from sulfur compounds and make them more refined. Not the last place in these disputes is given to copper oxides hazardous to health on the internal surfaces of the moonshine still. In this material, we decided to shed light on all aspects of the use of copper in home brewing and express our point of view, based mainly on laboratory research.

Why distillation copper is good

The main and most important property of copper, for which it is so valued by distillers all over the world, is the chemical activity of this material. During distillation, ions and oxides on the copper surface actively interact with compounds in alcohol vapors, acting as a kind of catalyst for various exchange and redox reactions. As a result, copper takes something from the drink, and gives it something. This is probably where we should start.

Copper picks up

One of the most important redox reactions associated with copper is the interaction of its oxides with various foul-smelling sulfur compounds. The result of this interaction is either an insoluble solid layer on the surface of the copper product, or a soluble deposit, which can partially get into the selection (read about this below). As a result, the number of compounds with an unpleasant odor in the distillation products decreases, and their organoleptic properties improve. The mechanism of "binding" of sulfur by copper oxides has been partially studied.

Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) is known to be one of the most foul-smelling sulfur compounds, with a perception level of only 0.1 µg/L, and a typical concentration in fruit and grain alcohols ranging from 1 to 6 µg/L. It has been proven that after distillation of alcohol in moonshine stills with copper components, the amount of DMTS associated with a host of unpleasant odors, from rotting fish to boiled cabbage, is reduced to a level below the perception of our receptors. Copper also acts as a catalyst in the conversion of mercaptans (thiols) into compounds that are less pungent in odor. Mercaptans often appear in mash as a by-product of fermentation (especially when the must is contaminated with anaerobic bacteria) and have a strong, very unpleasant smell of rotten vegetables.

In the 1980s, a hot topic in distilling was ethyl carbonate (urethane), which was proven to be carcinogenic and concentrated in spirits during the maturation stage. During the study, scientists discovered that many distillates, especially grain whiskey and bourbon, brewed in stainless steel columns contain too much urethane, which was only concentrated during their aging. As it turned out later, copper in the design of distillation and beer columns significantly reduces the concentration of ethyl carbanate in the drink. After that, many producers of noble drinks in the USA and Europe began to equip their columns with copper elements.

The greatest influence of copper on the "binding" of sulfur (DMTS) in conventional moonshine stills is observed in the steam zone during the first distillation and in the cube during the second. Prolonged contact of reflux with copper also has a positive effect on redox reactions. Intense reflux in beer columns with copper elements makes it possible to obtain drinks with a lower content of DMTS and phenols, but with a large amount of esters and higher alcohols, which later, at the stage, form a complex flavor profile. It follows from this that copper, in addition to cleansing moonshine from many dangerous and foul-smelling compounds, also contributes to the formation of new substances that form a more pleasant and complex flavor profile of the drink.

Copper gives

There are many scientific studies, including domestic experts, that prove that copper in the vapor zone during the first distillation acts as a catalyst for the oxidation of higher acids and allows you to get more enanth esters (they form a complex fruity taste of cognac spirits and are desirable in almost all fruit distillates ). When distilling fruit brews in copper stills, 60-100% more esters, 10-15% more aldehydes, 150-200% more furfural are formed than during distillation in stainless steel apparatus. In addition, aged cognac spirits contain compounds whose origin is associated with the decomposition of ascorbic acid under the influence of the catalytic properties of copper.

Also, copper in the distillation cube is a catalyst for a number of complex reactions that occur in the distillation residue at distillation temperatures - melanoidin formation, caramelization, dehydration and cyclization of sugars, followed by their polymerization and polycondensation. As a result, heterocyclic compounds are formed that give drinks a huge range of flavors - caramel, vanilla, chocolate, nutty, spicy, etc. In other words, copper has a huge impact on the formation of more complex and tasty distillates!

Why copper is dangerous

Simultaneously with the purification and improvement of moonshine, soluble copper oxides are formed in copper moonshine stills, which are toxic and can greatly harm the health of drinkers. To prevent contact of copper salts with food, copper utensils are covered with a layer of tin (tinned). But there is little sense from tinned copper in moonshine stills - it does not come into contact with vapors or phlegm, nor any reactions occur. Dead end? Not really.

Copper oxides can get into the distillate only at the moment of condensation of alcohol inside the copper refrigerator - before that, non-volatile copper salts either settle on the helmet of the alambic and copper components of the reflux column of the beer column, or are washed away by phlegm back into the cube. Therefore, the use of a tin-plated refrigerator (or one made of stainless steel) solves the problem described above without harming the overall cause. Moreover, a copper refrigerator, which has been proven in laboratory studies, has a minimal effect on the removal of DMTS (but has a positive effect on the conversion of smelly dimethyl sulfide (DMS) to less aromatic sulfide).

Why copper needs to be cleaned

And so we got to the most important thing - copper must be cleaned without fail. Oxides, which gradually accumulate on copper surfaces, prevent the contact of alcohol vapors with the metal. Redox reactions are minimized, heat transfer properties suffer. There are several simple but effective ways to clean copper from salt deposits, and you do not need to use any household chemicals, the remnants of which on the internal surfaces of the distiller can affect the quality of moonshine:

  1. hot barda: For quick and effective cleaning of small copper items such as on-load tap-changers, copper pipes and tray caps, they can be dipped in hot vinasse (remaining liquid in the still after distillation) for 10-15 minutes. For best results, the vinasse can be boiled directly in the still (or poured into a large saucepan if the neck of the alembic is too narrow).
  2. Lemon acid: dissolve 25 g of citric acid in a liter of boiling water, rub all oxidized parts with this solution, wait 20-30 minutes and rinse with running water. An ordinary toilet brush (of course, only new and designed exclusively for cleaning copper) will help speed up the cleaning process, which is convenient to rub the solution and remove hardened salts. In this way, you can clean all the copper elements of the moonshine still, including the coil.
  3. Cola, sprite, ketchup: exotic but effective means for cleaning copper. Cleaning is carried out according to the scheme described above with citric acid: the agent is rubbed into the oxidized surface, aged for some time and washed off with clean water. There is one drawback: copper can absorb odors that can affect the taste of the drink.

To keep copper in “working condition”, it must be cleaned regularly, ideally after each distillation or when visible plaque appears on the surfaces. It is also recommended to clean the copper elements from the outside, which not only affects the appearance of the product, but also maintains its high thermal conductivity. This is especially true for the alambika copper helmet, the walls of which, through air cooling, act as a kind of dephlegmator. For external cleaning, you can use special cleaners for copper or use one of the folk remedies.

The outer surface of copper can be polished with a homemade paste based on ordinary flour, salt and vinegar. To do this, mix a quarter cup of flour and a quarter cup of salt, and then add vinegar, with constant stirring, until a thick paste forms. For polishing, it is enough to apply the paste using a soft cloth to the copper surfaces, wait about 30 minutes for it to dry and simply rinse with water.


Copper, of course, is an important component of distillation and it is unlikely that in the near future, despite the obvious shortcomings, it will be completely abandoned by large producers and home enthusiasts who are not indifferent to grain and fruit distillates. However, you need to use it wisely:

  • It is advisable to use copper only in the steam zone of the moonshine still - the main refrigerator, where alcohols condense, it is better to tin or replace copper elements with stainless steel.
  • To minimize sulfur compounds (DMTS) and improve the organoleptics of the drink, it is most effective to use copper elements (a copper helmet, a drawer with copper nozzles, a plate column with copper caps, etc.) in the steam zone during the first distillation of the mash. During the second distillation, it is most efficient to use a copper pot still.
  • Regular cleaning of the external and internal surfaces of copper products is the key to high-quality and tasty moonshine.

Everyone can make a copper distiller nowadays. As a result of the use of this unit, home-made alcohol becomes as purified as possible and can be consumed immediately after the end of the distillation. We propose to consider each of the stages of manufacturing a copper part with your own hands.

1 Where and what are copper cleaners used for?

The direct function of the distiller is to separate the liquid from all sorts of unwanted impurities. After distillation with a copper device, we get absolutely pure alcohol, in which there are no extra elements. Using a copper distiller, you can prepare hydrolates, as well as evaporate essential oils from various field and domestic plants. These advantages make the distiller an indispensable assistant for every moonshiner.

In order not to overpay, many of our compatriots resort to making devices from copper pipes with their own hands. Of course, it is slightly different from the finished module bought in the store. However, if properly designed, a homemade element can work just as well as expensive competitors. By creating a distiller from improvised means, you get the following benefits:

  • save up to 70% of the cost of the device from the store;
  • you have the ability to create a unit of any shape and size;
  • you can think over the placement and make the necessary holes based on the conditions in which you will use the distiller;
  • you can use those fasteners that will securely fasten the parts of the device as securely as possible.

Having created an element with your own hands, you can condense steam into ice or liquid at any time. Due to this ability, distillers are widely used in industry. Firstly, with their help, water is purified, which enters medical laboratories. Secondly, purified water is used in large quantities in those production machines that cannot operate on ordinary undistilled water. Thirdly, water after purification in distillers is used to operate car batteries. And fourthly, purified water is often used in the everyday life of an ordinary person. However, only in small quantities.

As we can see, the areas of distillers use are really large. However, we, as moonshiners, are primarily interested in using a device for cleaning homemade alcohol. For this purpose, a device made of copper pipes is best handled. Copper has many advantages over other metals. So, it is the least susceptible to rust. Copper does not come into contact with ethyl alcohol molecules and fusel oils. The service life of copper parts, even with regular use, is quite large. The degree of reliability of copper elements is also impressive - they are much stronger than stainless steel parts.

Considering the advantages of copper, it is worth making a home distiller with your own hands from this metal. Before proceeding with the creation of the apparatus, it is necessary to stock up on material and tools. Let’s be clear, the work ahead is not easy. But this is the whole point of self-designing a device for purifying alcohol. With the right approach to the task, we will get a reliable home-made one that will give odds to any store unit.

It is important to know!

The easiest way with a 100% guarantee of results to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections and doctors. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...

2 Copper unit - do-it-yourself manufacturing details

Before you start making a unit from copper pipes with your own hands, you need to understand the principle of its operation. A drain tube is inserted into the vessel, which is intended for boiled water, the second end of which must be connected to the receiving container. During distillation, the liquid heats up and turns into steam. After that, the steam enters the tubes, where it is cooled and turns into a liquid. Ultimately, ready-made distilled moonshine enters the receiving vessel. It is in the change in the physical state of the liquid that the principle of operation of the apparatus made of copper lies.

After we understand how the device works, we can begin to manufacture it. To do this, we need to purchase a set of copper pipes of small diameter. They will be used as vapor coolers. In addition to pipes, you will also need a vessel for boiling water. The main requirement for it is tightness. Many craftsmen use a kettle made of stainless metal or brass for this purpose, while sealing its spout. When choosing a container, pay attention to its volume. It shouldn't be too big.

Any glass jar can be used as a vessel for collecting purified moonshine. In addition to all of the above, you will need a rubber hose, clamps and wire to connect pipes and other parts of the distiller. To comfortably work with materials, you need to stock up on pliers. After preparing the tools and materials, you can get to work. First you need to make holes in the lid of the kettle. Copper pipes will be inserted into them. After that, we begin to make a coil. To do this, take a copper tube and twist it in the form of a spiral. Then we put the coil on the tube, which we previously inserted into the kettle lid. The second end of the latter is connected to the receiving vessel. For reliable fastening, it is necessary to use previously prepared clamps.

In the process of manufacturing the structure, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of traffic jams. They must be absent, since the presence of at least one of them will lead to an explosion of the entire device and severe damage to the copper pipes. Also, make sure the containers are sealed. If it is not possible to close the lid of the vessel, then it is necessary to use improvised sealants. For this, dried dough or strips of thick rubber are suitable. They must be installed and checked before each distillation process, as after heating all the parts will become too hot to fix anything.

In the process of manufacturing a copper apparatus, watch how steam enters the device. Its correct direction is from top to bottom. Thus, the device will work much more efficiently.

For accuracy of calculations, it is best to draw an approximate diagram of the distiller, which will indicate the location of pipes and containers. This way you won't make mistakes and spoil the materials. After making the distiller, you need to test it. It is best to do this in plain water. If she changed her physical state without any problems, then the device is working, and you can start cleaning or another product.

3 How to fix the breakage of the distiller?

In addition to all the above advantages, the copper pipe cleaning part has obvious disadvantages. They are especially noticeable in purchased devices. Such devices are often sold with minor flaws that are hard to notice for a gullible buyer. Unfortunately, these minor flaws eventually turn into serious problems that you have to repair yourself. Consider the most common breakdowns of distillers and methods for their repair.

The first thing that fails in the alcohol purification apparatus is the fasteners. Whether distillers are made of copper, stainless steel or glass, their owners always suffer from problems with retainers. Before repairing fasteners, you should make sure that they are not made of plastic, since plastic parts cannot be repaired. If the fastener is made of steel or copper, it can be repaired with a blowtorch. Tin is used as solder. For repairs, take fasteners and find thin antennae in it - in most cases, the problem is in them. These antennae need to be bent so that they stand exactly in the holes specially designed for them. This is easy to check by pressing the "pedals" on the body of the latch.

Another common problem is leakage. Moreover, this is not about erasing the sealant over time, but about the constant need to apply the substance. The problem, most likely, lies in the punctures in the upper part of the container. If the distillation cube or vessel for collecting moonshine has lost its integrity, then the sealant falls inside it and dissolves in alcohol. To fix the problem, it is necessary to completely replace the clogged vessel with a new one.

As we can see, self-repair of the distiller will not cause problems for anyone. Do-it-yourself troubleshooting will help you save a considerable amount of money on paying for the services of a specialist.

And some secrets...

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According to historians, the first were copper moonshine stills, and not because copper has special properties (we'll talk about them later), but for a more prosaic reason. In the 15th century, when moonshine began to develop, copper was the most affordable metal.

The utensils intended for heating on fire were made of copper. Steel as we know it today (stainless steel) did not exist. Mankind was just learning how to process steel, products made from it were extremely expensive and were not used for cooking, especially -.

The first known copper moonshine still was called alambic. It was used as it was received not only strong drinks, but also aromatic oils. Do not think that this device is now forgotten.

Improved alembrics are made and sold online for home brewing and are also used for industrial production. Everyone knows, at least by hearsay, hennessy, get it on alambic. On copper devices, many national moonshine are driven, including.

Real alambric is expensive, but there are other types of devices where this metal is partially used in various variations. For example, one of the most common options for moonshiners is copper tube. It is quite often used with the apparatus. But this may also be cap, evaporator or cube.

copper properties

If copper is used even in the modern industrial production of alcohol, then there are reasons for this.

  1. Unlike made of steel, the moonshine still is copper. preserves the maximum amount of aromatic oils contained in . That is, it is most suitable for the distillation of mash prepared using a fruit or berry component, as well as barley, malt.
  2. Copper has high thermal conductivity, that is, it heats up quickly and cools down easily. Therefore, if the cube is made of copper, then due to rapid heating, the heavy fractions contained in any mash do not have time to rise, and there are much fewer harmful substances in the moonshine than when using a conventional apparatus.
  3. The device may have copper column. It has been proven by practice that during rectification (for which the column is intended), moonshine loses the aroma inherent in the components that make up the mash. But copper, having catalytic properties, also binds carboxylic acids. Without going into the chemical wilds, let's say in a simple way: this preserves the flavor of the final drink. With a copper column, or at least if copper washcloths are used in the rectifier, the moonshine will not be “emasculated”, but will retain the notes of the fruit that was used in the mash.
  4. Still copper is capable bind sulfur compounds, which also has the best effect on the smell.
  5. If you buy or make your own coil for a moonshine still from a copper tube, then increase the amount of product obtained by distillation. Cooling will be faster and losses will be minimized.
  6. Fruit acids do not react with this metal, so copper parts will last you a long time.
  7. If the task is to make not just moonshine, but homemade brandy, then a drink saturated with copper ions it will be more productive to infuse in an oak barrel and you will get a quality drink faster.

Is it possible to make moonshine from copper?

Completely make a moonshine from copper - difficult task, at least in view of high cost of material. But, as we have already found out, even individual parts of this metal can improve the future product.

Therefore, we will consider the option of manufacturing a copper coil, if only for the reason that getting a copper tube is an easier task than a cube or a vessel for a column with a relatively large diameter.

DIY copper coil

A coil made of copper will perfectly cope with the task of obtaining a fairly high-quality fragrant moonshine, which is especially important if you set yourself the task of preserving the taste and pleasant aftertaste of an additional component available in the brew.

Coil (it is also an integral part of the refrigerator) is an indispensable part of any moonshine. It is designed to ensure that the alcohol vapor coming from the mash heated in the cube is cooled by the cold water surrounding the coil. Here they condensed and flowed into the substituted vessel already in the form of a high-degree intoxicating liquid.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • at least 1.5 or even 2 meters of copper tube with an internal diameter of at least 8, but not more than 12 mm. The thickness of the tube also plays an important role. The thin-walled one is too fragile for the load that, on the one hand, alcohol vapors give, and on the other, cold water. Therefore, it is better if the thickness is close to 1 mm;
  • case for cooler. In this capacity, a good option is a plastic sewer pipe with a cross section of about 80 mm. To it you need to weld two pipes for supplying and draining water.

The best option is if the refrigerator is mounted on the device in a vertical or inclined position and is powered by water supply. Moreover, alcohol vapor should enter the coil from top to bottom, and water should be supplied from bottom to top (lower branch pipe - for input, upper - for water removal). Then cooling will be the most effective.

Spiral winding- the most important stage. To do this (so that the tube does not flatten during the winding process), it must be filled with sand or filled with water and frozen, closing the ends in any suitable way. They can, for example, be hammered with wooden plugs, flattened or even soldered.

The prepared tube is successively wound onto any object with a circular cross section of approximately 35 mm in diameter (pipe, smooth log, etc.). The pitch between the turns must be maintained at about 12 mm so that water circulates freely between them, providing reliable cooling.

For a detailed manufacturing scheme, see the figure below.

Summing up, we can say that the all-copper moonshine you bought can serve as a wonderful gift for lovers of strong home-made alcohol from fruits, compotes, jam, malt, wheat, barley and other components to preserve the taste of these products in the finished moonshine.

Of course, no one disputes that it is pleasant for everyone to have in their arsenal such a wonderful device as alambric.

However, it can be perfectly replaced by a do-it-yourself moonshine still, equipped with home-made or purchased and adapted individual copper parts, which is no worse than a copper moonshine still. And if it is important for you to get just a pure product, ordinary stainless steel is enough.

This type of mechanism, like a moonshine still, is a must-have for every lover of first-class alcohol. The apparatus corresponding to the standard consists of a moonshine distillation cube, a flow cooler, a dry steamer and a coil,. There are a sufficient number of this type of devices, but they may differ in the following properties: the material from which the device is made, its cost, size and shape. The moonshine still made of copper is considered original, as it has some nuances in the design and subsequent work. Below we consider its features and properties.

The metal from which it is made has the proper hardness in its parameters, but at the same time it is subject to easy processing. Especially for this reason, devices made of copper are very often made by hand. Before making a device of this type, you will need to work with its surface. Since it is quite rough, it is first necessary to grind the metal. After this process, the device will be ready for its intended purpose. Moonshine still made of copper, due to its properties, will only improve the quality of alcohol. Besides, copper has the ability to neutralize impurities of harmful compounds and alcoholic residues that are harmful.


Distinctive features of the copper apparatus

Despite the variety of materials for moonshine appliances, most moonshine experts believe that soon copper will be in great demand. And stainless steel will no longer be used. So, what are the features of copper moonshine stills:

  • Copper has the ability to destroy sulfur oxide, thereby giving the drink a pleasant aroma. If you have ever encountered an unpleasant smell after the moonshine process, then thanks to the use of a copper apparatus, this problem will disappear forever.
  • The main difference of this metal is that it has a high thermal conductivity, which allows you to more accurately control the temperature.
  • Moonshines made of copper have been around for a long time, but have not yet become widespread on the market. Therefore, devices of this kind can be easily ordered on the Internet, and become its unique owner.

With such a device, you no longer have to worry about the serviceability of all attached devices. With it, you will be able to produce benign alcohol without additional worries. Each time after using the apparatus, it is necessary to eliminate the acid in the still with lemon juice.

Do-it-yourself moonshine made of copper

Experts do not recommend making this kind of apparatus on your own if you have not previously been involved in the preparation of moonshine, and if you do not understand this enough. And in order to make a high-quality device, you need to know all the details and rules of home brewing. However, if you still want to try to make a moonshine with your own hands, observe the following rules:

  • Organize an individual project with the required material and estimated production costs. It should be remembered that it will not be possible to do without additional equipment, so it is necessary to allocate a budget for copper sheet, tubes and other materials. To understand how much material you need, decide on the size of the further device.
  • To be aware of how to make an alembic, a serpentine and other details, find drawings on the Internet. This is necessary for the device to work properly. Therefore, do not make drawings with your own hands, so you risk wasting your energy in vain.
  • As soon as the drawings are completed, proceed to applying the pattern to the copper sheet. It will be needed for the production of a distillation cube and a cooling pipe, inside of which there will be a coil.
  • Next, proceed to the cutting and make holes in the appropriate places.
  • Then you should give the copper the desired shape. According to many experts, this is not easy to do, so you need to stock up on strength and time. This stage is the most difficult, because it requires concentration on movements.
  • Using a smaller tube, create a coil. It acts as a filter, and in the future will provide cooling of the mash. To do this, wind a part of the copper tube onto a large diameter pipe.
  • Next comes the assembly, here it is necessary to be extremely accurate, since the procedure is quite difficult. If anything goes wrong, the building will be ruined. Carefully observe the soldering of the elements so that later they do not let air, liquid and harmful substances through.
  • To acquire the best qualities of a moonshine still, use silver soldering if possible. If this is not possible, lead can be used, it is cheaper in cost, but unlike silver, it does not have high-quality temperature tolerance, and it is also difficult to external influences.

Advantages of a copper coil

Most moonshiners believe that copper is a toxic substance, so a copper moonshine is a bad idea. But this opinion is erroneous, if we take the French as an example, then many of them prefer copper distillers in the manufacture of alcohol. In their opinion, the properties of copper can purify alcohol from harmful substances.

The coil can be made of aluminum or stainless steel, but according to many experts, metals of this type are inferior to copper in quality. Therefore, the essence of the matter is not so much in thermal conductivity, but in the quality and wear resistance of the material. It must be understood that in order to make it, only food-grade metals will be required that do not interact with the reaction of alcohol at high temperature. Since copper does not react with alcohol, it is best to make it from this metal.

We make a coil with our own hands

In the manufacture of moonshine, one of the most significant parts of the entire process is the coil. .

To give it the desired shape, prepare a copper tube and a pipe with a large diameter, on which you want to wind the first one. Fill the pipe with sand or other dense material to avoid deformation. Fix it on one side so that it does not move out. After this procedure, start winding. The coil should be twisted at the interval you need. When finished, fix the other end of the tube, and rid the tube of sand or other contents that have been placed in it.

It makes sense to notify in advance that the tube with the coil will fit into the cooling pipe, it is required to calculate its diameter in advance. When finished, put it in the refrigerator, seal the holes and install the plugs. Next, you should check that no liquid comes out, for this, seal the surface.

A product such as a copper moonshine is not something new on the market, but its popularity is increasing every day. Moonshine professionals dispel the myth of copper toxicity. On the contrary, it enhances the quality of mash and rids it of harmful substances. The only drawback of this device is its high cost, but its quality is absolutely consistent with it.
