
Homemade wheat vodka. Drinking alcohol rectified at home

Not trusting liquor stores and retailers, many residents of our country start their own home-made vodka production. Someone simply dilutes alcohol to the desired degree with distilled water, while someone, following numerous rules, makes wheat from grain.

Malt for vodka can be prepared not only from millet, peas, rye, barley are quite suitable

Wheat vodka recipe

It so happened that it is not customary to prepare vodka from wheat in small doses. Unprofitable and labor-intensive, although the way to make vodka yourself is simple. You will need: - granulated sugar 1.5 kg, - wheat 5 kg, - yeast, - filtered water, - capacity 30 l.


Pour 2/3 of the grain with water and leave for half an hour, remove the husk and small dry debris from the surface. Rinse with a light potassium permanganate solution. Soak the grain in a large tub for 8-12 hours and cover with a thick cloth.

Soaked grain needs to germinate, for this, scatter it on pallets with a layer of no more than 30 cm. Pour a little water on top and cover with a dense wet cloth. Keep in a damp but warm place for up to 5 days, at home it can be a utility room or basement. Do not forget to add water a couple of times a day without removing the fabric. Pass the sprouted grains through a meat grinder.


Crush the dry grain, fill the resulting mass with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Place the saucepan over low heat and simmer for 3-4 hours. After cooling the solution, mix it with crushed malt.

For 10 liters of wort, you need to take 1.5 kg of crushed grain, 0.5 kg of malt and about 10 liters of water.


Dilute 50 grams of dry yeast in sweetened water, let it disperse and add to 10 liters of wort. Mix the mass and pour into bottles with a water seal or a rubber glove on the neck.

Leave in a dark cool place for 8-10 days. The end of fermentation will serve as a clarification of the cloudy solution. It remains to overtake the solution.


When choosing a device, give preference to what has a thermostat. Conduct distillation at a temperature of 80 ° C, because at 78 ethyl alcohol boils. Note. that light fractions boil at a lower temperature, so the first portion of the distillate must be collected. At 85 degrees and above, fusel oils sublime. Therefore, pay special attention to the collection of the middle fraction.

It so happened that wheat vodka is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in our country. It is unlikely that there will be at least one feast with a large number of guests where this product would not be met with approval. And, in moderation, high-quality vodka really will not cause serious harm to the body.


Doctors recommend drinking no more than 25-50 g per day, and in such quantities vodka can improve appetite and have a calming effect on the nervous system. And the number of degrees in a properly prepared vodka should not exceed 40 °, since even Mendeleev proved that such a drink is more fully absorbed by the body.

wheat vodka

As many people know, vodka is created from a mixture of pure water with ethyl alcohol, which has gone through several stages of purification and is therefore called rectified. It is due to the fact that the drink is based on such a small number of components, each of them must be of the highest quality and purest.

At the same time, due to the popularity of this drink, vodka is often counterfeited by unscrupulous producers, especially since it is technically much easier and cheaper to make a low-quality product. So, there are often cases when cheaper, or even technical, brands of alcohol are used, or the technology of diluting alcohol with water is violated. In more rare cases, we can talk about an insufficient amount of sugar (glucose) or adding extra impurities to the composition of the drink.

It is important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


As a rule, in the manufacture of vodka, manufacturers use 3 common brands of alcohol. Of these, alcohol of the "highest purity" is given the lowest rung, since it is produced not only from grain, but also from potatoes. The second place in terms of quality is occupied by alcohol brand "Extra". It is made exclusively from grain varieties. Alcohol marked "Lux" is the purest and is used to produce the highest quality vodka products. However, for a simple layman it is almost impossible to distinguish one brand of alcohol from another by taste.

Bottle with wheat vodka

The quality of water and the degree of its purification are equally important. It's hard to believe, but even the highest quality alcohol can be spoiled by diluting it with low-quality hard water with impurities of minerals and salts. Very often on the packaging you can find a mention of cleaning with a carbon filter or silver, and in this case we are most often talking about water. However, when cleaning with milk is mentioned, this already applies specifically to alcoholic products, since this method is often used to purify distillation products from impurities.

Sometimes manufacturers use a variety of additives that give this or that flavor to vodka, but experts say that on their part, this is, at best, an attempt to attract consumers' attention to a particular brand, highlighting it from a number of others. In the worst case, the manufacturer thus masks the taste of not very high-quality alcohol or the hardness of the water. For elite grades of wheat vodka, as a rule, the most advanced purification technologies are used, but even here the lion's share of its cost is taken by artsy packaging and advertising.


If we talk about the packaging of the product, then it is precisely by its quality that you can judge how right your choice was. A good quality licensed product is bottled or, in extreme cases, in polyethylene boxes with a tap. The capacity of bottles can be different: from 0.25 l, 0.5, 0.75 and so on, up to two-liter containers. As for the boxes, then, most often, they indicate: 10 liters of wheat vodka, and this volume is convenient to use for bars and restaurants.

Vodka production

When buying bottled vodka, you need to make sure that the cap fits snugly against the neck. On a quality product, there should not be a weak or leaking cap, and, even more so, the integrity of the safety ring must still be maintained. In addition, when shaking the contents in the light, there should be no noticeable foreign matter, sediment or anything like that.

High-quality vodka is a completely transparent, unclouded drink without any shade.

If something like this is present in the product, it should be treated with caution, perhaps it is a fake.

In addition, on the label or on the glass itself, or on the cap of the bottle, the manufacturer puts down the date of bottling. It is important that this stamp is easy to read and is the same on both the label and the cap.

Factory-applied labels will be different from illegal production. The machine applies glue in even stripes, evenly distributing it over the surface, while counterfeit products will have labels glued unevenly, with glue sagging in some areas.
Oddly enough, but a product such as wheat vodka also has a shelf life.

Manufacturers guarantee the preservation of its taste during the year (for classic products). Vodka produced by order of the Ministry of Defense is guaranteed to be stored for about 15 months, and export varieties retain their quality for up to 5 years from the date of bottling.


I must say that wheat vodka is not only an independent product, but is often used as the basis for various kinds of liqueurs and tinctures. Tinctures, in turn, can be used both for medicinal and purely food purposes. Unlike vodka, the strength of tinctures ranges from 20 to 37 °, and often the reason for the decrease in degrees in this drink is the juice of berries or fruits on which the tincture is made.

Tincture with vodka

Currant vodka tincture, for example, was considered a very popular drink back in the century before last, and each housewife invented her own recipe. At the same time, the saturation of this drink with vitamin C made it an indispensable preventive and therapeutic remedy for colds. And besides, tinctures on the membranes of walnuts, on pine nuts, as well as chestnut and other rubbing for external use were often used for medicinal purposes.
Let's look at how such drinks are made, using the example of redcurrant tincture.


To make a tincture, you will need to take 200 g of ripe red currant berries, which should be picked from the branches and, after drying them after washing, carefully pour them into a clean jar. Pour half a glass of granulated sugar on top of the berries. The berries can be pressed down a little so that they release the juice.

Currant and vodka tincture

After that, half a liter of wheat vodka should be poured into the jar, and, after closing the jar with a lid, shake well. Then put the jar in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. During this time, it is advisable to take it out and shake it periodically, helping the sugar dissolve in the liquid. After 14 days, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into an appropriate container so that the distance from the surface of the liquid to the lid is minimal. For any alcohol-containing liquids, prolonged contact with oxygen is undesirable. Store such a tincture in a cool place, out of the reach of sunlight, and it is desirable to serve it on the table in a decanter, slightly chilled.

For the treatment and prevention of colds and flu, ginger root infused with vodka is excellent. Preparing such a tincture is as simple as currant, the only difference is that the ginger root must first be cleaned and then chopped into small pieces. If you don’t feel like messing with a knife, then it’s perfectly acceptable to skip the root through a meat grinder. After that, it is transferred to a clean jar and poured with vodka at the rate of 0.5 liters per 15 g of root. A little honey is also added there, since ginger itself is quite bitter, although fragrant.

The jar is removed in a cool dark place for a couple of weeks, after which the tincture is filtered and allowed to settle for a couple more days. When this period has passed, it can already be used for its intended purpose. Such a tincture can be stored for quite a long time if you keep it in a cool place without access to the sun. But it should only be used by people who do not have stomach ulcers or excessively high blood pressure, as it can negatively affect such situations.

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Moonshine in Rus' was first mentioned in the chronicles under Ivan the Terrible, that is, more than 550 years ago. But since at that time there was no sugar, as such, the most popular raw materials for the preparation of strong alcohol were cereals: rye, wheat, barley. Honey was used as an additional top dressing, although you can do without it.

Today, technology has changed a bit: honey is too expensive a product and sugar has successfully replaced it. You can do without the use of yeast, which will only affect the taste of the finished product for the better, since there will be no characteristic yeast taste.

Consider some recipes for classic home-made wheat.

So that homemade wheat vodka has a characteristic aroma and grain flavor, it is necessary to select high-quality raw materials and strictly follow the recipe. Before use, wheat is washed 2-3 times, left covered with water for several hours so that the husk floats.

Properly prepared ripe mash contains alcohol in its pure form from 10 to 15%. Thus, out of 10 liters of mash, theoretically you can get from 1 to 1.5 liters pure alcohol. Or 2 - 2.5 liters of 50-degree moonshine.

Recipe classic

According to the classic recipe, mash for moonshine on wheat is put without sugar. You will need:

  1. 5 kg of wheat grain.
  2. 300 - 350 g of yeast.
  3. 15 liters of water.

Cooking requires patience and perseverance. The process is divided into several stages:

  • wheat germinate;
  • when the sprouts reach the size of the grain itself, dry up. Previously, this was done on a Russian stove. Today you can use the oven or dryer (temperature - no higher than 70 °!);
  • grind, having received dry malt from germinated wheat;

It is malt that is the raw material for yeast, because it contains simple sugars. Yeast converts it into alcohol.

  • into boiling water gradually, stirring, add ground malt. It should turn out jelly. It is carefully wrapped and left overnight;

It is ideal to brew jelly immediately in 15 liters of water, but it is also possible in a smaller bowl, followed by dilution after infusion.

  • to warm wort (30 degrees), add yeast and put on at room temperature;
  • after 5 days they begin to try mash. Bitter taste without sweetness is a signal of readiness for distillation.

According to experts, it is this recipe that produces moonshine with a classic wheat taste.

What to do with brown bread?

This recipe is not only wheat, but also grain vodka, because we use not only grain, but also bread (necessarily - black). We will cook with green malt.

Green malt is sprouted and ground grain without prior drying.

  1. We germinate 4 kg of wheat.
  2. Grind with a meat grinder (even better - a blender).
  3. We soak 5 kg of bread in 10 liters of water (about 8 loaves). Bread is needed dark, it is possible with cumin, anise. This will give additional notes to the final product.
  4. Add a half-kilogram pack of raw alcohol yeast.
  5. We ferment for about a week.
  6. Checking and distilling.

For high-quality vodka at home, it is alcohol, and not baker's yeast (dry or raw) that is needed. 100 g dry will replace half a kilogram of pressed.

How to cook with wild yeast?

Moonshine enthusiasts are quite capable of making wheat vodka using wild yeast grown with their own hands. Consider how to make excellent moonshine without industrial yeast. He has two advantages:

  • no need to look for and buy alcohol yeast;
  • the aroma of moonshine will be more pronounced and natural, with a characteristic aftertaste that is characteristic only of wheat vodka.

For 20 liters of water you will need 4-5 kg ​​of sugar and 4 kg of wheat.

Stage 1yeast cultivation. To do this, you need a container with a volume of 25 liters.

  • Wheat is poured into the container, poured with water a couple of fingers above the grain.
  • Add 0.8 - 1 kg of sugar, stir.
  • Leave open (cover with gauze or cotton cloth from insects) warm for 4 - 5, until fermentation and a characteristic smell appear.

The advantage of growing wild yeast is the possibility of their repeated use(up to 4 times). They simply add sugar (preferably syrup), water and leave to ferment.

Stage 2fermentation. It is necessary to add lukewarm water to the activated wild yeast (for the indicated amount - 17 liters) and sugar at the rate of: 1 kg per 5 liters of water, taking into account the yeast already poured into the container.

Stage 3fermentation. A water seal is already needed here (in extreme cases, the container should be covered with a lid). It is important that the temperature in the room where the mash ripens is not lower than 22 ° C. Fermentation continues for about a week until the sweetness disappears.

A simple yeast-free recipe

2 kg of ground wheat is poured into 1.5 liters of warm water, a pound of sugar is added, mixed well, left warm for 5 days. Another 2.5 kg of sugar and 9 liters of water are added. Another week fermented. They try, when ready, filter and distill. Wheat vodka at home is ready.

The rest can be reused once. Usually, wheat vodka is distilled twice(the second time - with cutting off heads and tails). Then they clean it up.

It is important to know! The above recipes can be used not only with wheat, but also with rye, barley, and other cereals. The taste will be different, but always pleasant.

How to improve taste with cleaning?

The most popular methods among moonshiners are using coal or potassium permanganate.

  1. it is better to use chopped wood (from the stove, fire) at the rate of 1 full spoon per 1 liter of product. Set aside, stirring daily, for a week, then filter.
  2. Activated charcoal tablets are crushed and added to moonshine. Further - as in the previous paragraph.
  3. (at the tip of a knife) is added to a three-liter jar of moonshine, mixed thoroughly. Leave for several days until flakes fall out (these are various impurities associated with potassium permanganate). Then filtered.

As for the choice of cleaning method, one can argue about it endlessly. Some consider manganese cleaning to be harmful. We suggest you try it yourself: clean some of the alcohol from one distillation with coal, and some with manganese.

Naturally - with subsequent filtration. Now feel the difference! Purified with potassium permanganate will be softer, the smell and taste will be muffled, without harshness. But it's up to you, of course!

Now you have the necessary knowledge on how to make wheat vodka at home, and choose the method based on your own preferences and capabilities. Do not forget to leave comments, share the information received with friends on social networks.

Strong drinks, reminiscent of modern vodka, began to be prepared a very long time ago. It is no coincidence that there are a lot of recipes for making this drink. Vodka is prepared and appreciated all over the world, and despite the fact that it is most often produced by industrial enterprises, it can be prepared at home.


  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Wheat - 5 kg
  • Yeast
  • Filtered water - 20-25 liters

Making vodka from wheat with yeast

The first recipe for wheat vodka appeared quite a long time ago, around the 10th century. Although this drink was far from the vodka we drink now, it was the first attempt to extract ethanol by distillation. The drink, which has a specific aroma and a strength of 40 degrees, has been prepared since 1866. It was then that the Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, M. Kh. Reitern, proposed to use this indicator as a norm.

To prepare wheat vodka at home, you will need to take a convenient container, a volume of at least 30 liters and a moonshine still with a thermostat. It is also advisable to prepare clean jars or bottles with corks and activated charcoal in advance for cleaning.

When the grains germinate, they will need to be ground into flour. After that, you can start cooking the mash.

In a large container, mix water, sugar, yeast and add grain flour, mix well and put in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Be sure to close the container well so that there is no air access - you can use a water seal or a rubber glove.

When ripe, it will need to be overtaken twice, selecting fractions, strain and add kefir to it. After that, it will be possible to further clean the vodka with activated carbon.

Now you know how wheat vodka is made, and you can make this great drink with your own hands.

Getting homemade wheat vodka is in many ways similar to the process of making moonshine. It differs in some details, on which we will dwell.

The material for the manufacture of homemade vodka will not be a sugar solution, and not any other plant products containing sugar, but in this case, wheat grain.

Practice has shown that ethyl alcohol obtained from the most valuable grape varieties will have the same composition as ethyl alcohol obtained from frozen potatoes or even from cellulose. True, cellulose must first be treated with acids in order to break its molecule into shorter and simpler fragments, which are sugars suitable for fermentation with subsequent production of ethyl alcohol. Of course, this process is not available to us at home, and we do not need it.
After all, our goal is to get a good drink for the connoisseur and for consumption in reasonable doses.

And although the chemical formula of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) remains unchanged from whatever this alcohol is obtained from, its history of origin significantly affects its smell and taste. If, of course, some ultramodern technologies are used, then it is possible to obtain ethyl alcohol completely purified from all impurities, the taste and smell of which will not depend on what it was obtained from. You need to know this in order to successfully create great drinks at home.

The process of making homemade wheat vodka consists of the following operations: 1) preparation of malt; 2) wort boiling; 3) fermentation; 4) distillation of mash; 5) preparation of vodka from alcohol.

Malt preparation

Malt for wheat vodka can be prepared not only from wheat, but also from rye and barley. It can be cooked and stored dry. Before soaking, dry grain must be washed in a tank and after removing the floating debris, disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 40 minutes. After washing the grain after potassium permanganate, soak it for 6-8 hours. After that, we drain the water, and scatter the grain, in an even layer of 25-30 mm, on a baking sheet or a wide basin, but several small holes will have to be drilled in the bottom of this dish to drain excess water. Cover the top of the baking sheet with a damp cloth. We germinate the grain for malt for 3-4 days, at room temperature, it is better if there is less light in this place. You will have to tinker with taking care of the grain, well, it's okay, because only 15-16% of the total mass of grain used to make the wort is spent on malt. And the care for future malt is to irrigate with water twice a day to moisten and wash off the mucus from the grains. During the germination of the grain, it is necessary to gently mix it twice so that the top layer and the inner one are in the same conditions. When the sprouts in the grains reach 8-10 mm, it is ready for use.

There are two options for using sprouted grain - malt, raw and dry. To prepare dry malt, the sprouted grains are dried in a drying cabinet or, in a not very hot oven. Dry, not roast. Dry until completely dry, then grind, in any way possible in a coffee grinder. Before use, soak in a small amount of water.

Raw malt is used immediately, it cannot be stored for a long time. In this case, the sprouted grain is passed through a meat grinder, maybe a couple of times, and added to the cooked grain or flour boiled and cooled mass.

Wort boil

The grain for the wort must be crushed as finely as possible and poured with water at the rate of 0.85 kg of finely crushed grain or flour per 4 liters of water. It is clear that the water must be of good quality, without chlorine and other odors. Steam for three hours on the slowest fire. Then, let it cool down to a temperature below 40 degrees Celsius, and pour 0.15 kg of malt into the prepared wort. For ten liters of wort, the calculation will look like this: 1.7 kg of crushed grain, 0.3 kg of malt and 8 liters of water. But due to the fact that the crushed grain swells, the total volume of the must is more than 11 liters.


Yeast for wort can be taken any, now there are many different ones on sale. For example, let's take ordinary pressed yeast, per 10 liters of wort, 35 grams of yeast, pre-activated, soaked in sweet water. Pour into the wort, mix and set to ferment with a water seal or a glove. It is necessary to wait for the complete end of fermentation and defend the fermented mass until clarification. Malt-based must ferments much faster and more intensively than wine, so fermentation can be completed in less than 10 days. To defend the mash, for clarification, it is better in a cool place.

Wash distillation

Braga, it is better to distill twice, even on an apparatus with a thermostat, separating the first portion and the last, as described in the article “Alcohol for cognac”.

Preparation of vodka from alcohol

The alcohol obtained after distillation must be turned into vodka. To do this, we simply dilute, with good, purified water, alcohol to 40% strength. Why, up to 40%, because, firstly, it is accepted, vodka with such a strength is softer to drink, and secondly, with such a dilution, the volume of vodka yield is the largest.

It remains to add an aromatic extract for the “spirit”, here for an amateur, whoever loves what, I suggest that in order to get the classic taste of bread vodka, use an extract infused with rye or wheat bread crumbs.

The bread is cut into small pieces, and roasted in the oven until completely dry, so that they are browned. A half-liter jar filled with crackers to the top is poured with vodka so as to fill the space between the pieces of crackers. We close the lid and store it in this form, and if necessary, add the extract in a small amount to vodka, approximately 30 ml per liter. Can be added to vodka, for softness sugar syrup 10ml per liter. Honey and other odorous additives can greatly change the taste, and even if the drink is tasty and pleasant, it will no longer be homemade wheat vodka.
