
Moonshine at home the best proportion recipes. How to make malted milk

How to make moonshine? This question can be attributed to a domestic tradition that has existed for centuries. Many recipes for this strong drink have become a real folk art. Moonshine is driven everywhere, and almost everything that grows and can give at least a little sugar or glucose is used in its preparation. Human imagination is inexhaustible, and therefore the technology of moonshine is constantly being improved.


For many Russians, the question of how to make moonshine with their own hands becomes not only a tribute to tradition, but also a kind of competition for the quality of the drink. After all, the preparation of moonshine at home does not cause any particular difficulties, and the degree of purification and taste comes first.

At its core, moonshine is an artisanal alcoholic beverage in which the ethyl alcohol content exceeds 30%. The principle of home brewing is based on the production of an alcoholic beverage by distillation of an alcohol-containing composition obtained from the fermentation of substances containing sugar or saccharified components.

Making moonshine with your own hands

The problem of how to make moonshine is solved in stages with the passage of the following mandatory stages: the manufacture of mash, its distillation and purification of the product. The most important stage is getting the mash, i.e. liquids containing ethyl alcohol of the order of 10-18%. The mechanism of formation of such a composition is based on the yeast fermentation of the wort (an aqueous solution of sugar). It is during the interaction of yeast with sugar that a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and a certain amount of side compounds are formed.

The task of how to expel moonshine with your own hands at home is solved at the second stage, when the alcohol is separated from the water as much as possible. This process is provided by distillation or distillation of mash. The principle of the process is based on heating the raw material to the state of steam and its abrupt cooling, during which it condenses. Most of the water remains in the initial tank, and the condensate has a high alcohol content. To ensure distillation, special apparatus or devices are used, which must contain an initial container with mash, dishes for collecting condensate (moonshine) and a cooling surface. After the procedure is completed, the remainder of the mash (bard) should collect in the initial container, in which there is practically no alcohol, and in the second - a strong alcoholic drink.

Distillation of moonshine at home

During the fermentation of mash, various by-products are formed that affect the taste and smell of the final product. In this regard, the question of how to overtake moonshine correctly is solved by including one more necessary step - cleaning the resulting composition from harmful impurities.

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The wort for making mash can have a different composition, but for example, we can consider the most common option for making mash from sugar. To obtain moonshine in the amount of 5 liters, the following classic recipe is recommended: sugar - 6 kg, dry yeast - 120 g (if pressed yeast is used, then 600 g), citric acid - 25 g, water - 18 l. In general, the proportion of the composition is calculated based on the receipt of the final product (with an alcohol content of about 40%) 1.2 liters per 1 kg of sugar according to the following rule - 3 liters of water and 20 g of dry yeast (pressed - 100 g) are needed for 1 kg of sugar.

Making marriages at home


Sugar can be immediately dissolved with water, but to speed up fermentation and improve quality, it is recommended to pre-invert sugar - prepare syrup. It can be prepared as follows: sugar (6 kg) is slowly poured into water heated to 75-80 ° C (3 l); the mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes; citric acid (25 g) is introduced, and then everything is simmered for 1 hour.

Sugar syrup (or just sugar) is mixed with water (18 l) in a large container; at the same time, the filling of this container should be no more than 3/4 of the volume, which is necessary for the fermentation process. The optimum temperature for mixing the components is 28-30°C. Tap water before the manufacture of the wort should be defended for 2 days.

Making sugar syrup

For moonshine, you can use baker's, wine, wild and other yeast. Pressed yeast is kneaded by hand and loaded directly into the container.

Dry yeast requires preliminary preparation: they are infused in warm water at a temperature of 31-35 ° C until a foamy layer forms (usually 25-35 minutes).


Fermentation of the mash is best carried out in a glass bottle with a water seal (a cork with a gas outlet pipe, the end of which is placed in a vessel with water to prevent air from entering the fermentation zone from the outside) at a room temperature of about 24-28 ° C. To keep warm, the container can be covered with a blanket. The fermentation process lasts for 4-10 (most often 5-6) days. It is recommended to shake the bottle 1-2 times a day for 0.5-1 minute without removing the shutter.

moonshine fermentation process

The main signs of mash ready for distillation are: bitter aftertaste, cessation of gas evolution, sedimentation at the bottom with a clarified upper layer, cessation of hissing sounds, a sense of the smell of alcohol, when a lit match is brought to the surface of the liquid, the fire does not die out.

Ready mash is carefully poured through a tube to get rid of sediment. To resolve the issue of how to prepare a delicious drink, it is recommended to degas and clarify the mash. The first is produced by short-term heating of the liquid to a temperature of 45-50°C. Clarification can be done by adding bentonite (white clay). It is preliminarily diluted in warm water to the consistency of gruel, and then introduced into the mash (3 tablespoons per 20 liters of raw materials). Clarification time - 18-26 hours.


How to cook or how to make moonshine with your own hands is decided at the most important stage - the distillation of mash. The task of this stage is to ensure the optimal temperature for heating the raw materials and collecting suitable condensate (with a maximum alcohol content). Alcohol is a light fraction and therefore begins to evaporate before water, which is the basis of the process. The quality of moonshine depends on the temperature at which moonshine is brewed.

The desired evaporation of alcohol begins at 65-66°C, and the real distillation is carried out when heated to about 78-80°C. At temperatures above 85°C, water vapor rises, which devalues ​​the process. Thus, the manufacture of moonshine should be carried out at a temperature of 78-82 ° C.

Do-it-yourself distillation of moonshine

The production of moonshine is carried out on a slow fire with the separation of 3 main fractions of the drink. The initial collection ("head") in the amount of 40-50 ml per 1 kg of sugar has a lot of harmful impurities and its use is dangerous for humans. Then the main collection of condensate ("body") begins, for the sake of which the whole procedure is carried out. It is collected until the alcohol content drops below 40%. After that, the third fraction (“tail”) begins to flow with a low strength and a high content of fusel oils, it is usually used to add to the next mash.

6 Distillation apparatus

It is best to drive moonshine at home using special devices with a refrigerator, coils, etc. However, their absence can be compensated for by simple devices. How to make moonshine in the absence of an apparatus? To do this, prepare 2 pans of different sizes and a bowl. A stand is placed in a large saucepan, and a small saucepan or bowl is placed on it. Braga is poured into the first. A bowl of cold water is placed on top, and the installation site is sealed with a damp towel. This whole structure is set on fire, the fumes of the mash rise up and condense on the bottom of the basin, and the drops flow into the inner container.


The resulting drink is raw alcohol, and to make a full-fledged drink, it must be cleaned of harmful impurities. Primary cleaning can be achieved by passing the liquid through a layer of activated carbon. Good results are obtained by the introduction of potassium permanganate with baking soda. The main purification is carried out by a second distillation.

Activated carbon for purification of moonshine

To do this, the drink is diluted with clean water to a strength of 20-25 °. After that, distillation is carried out according to the described technology. It is recommended to weed out the “head” again, and select only the “body”. The resulting moonshine can be bottled - it is ready for use, but it is better to insist it for 4-5 days in a dark place.

If there is a truly popular alcoholic drink in Russia, then, without a doubt, it is homemade moonshine. Such alcohol has several obvious advantages. First, the availability and cheapness of its ingredients. Secondly, complete security. When you make moonshine with your own hands, you can be completely sure of the quality of the final product.

Agree, it is rather strange to talk abstractly about the manufacture of moonshine. This process can and should be analyzed only from the practical side using the example of a specific recipe. With your permission, this article will discuss in detail the home technology for distilling moonshine from sugar and yeast. Moreover, this moonshine recipe is considered the most popular and even classic.

However, before talking about specific actions, let's briefly touch on two important points, without which it will not be possible to cook high-quality moonshine.

1. A good product can only be obtained from quality components. You don't need to save money on them.

2. All containers (pots, jars, bottles) that will be used in the production of moonshine must be really clean. First, they must be thoroughly washed with hot water and wiped with a clean piece of cloth.

Action plan

The entire technology for making good moonshine can be divided into two large successive stages:

  • obtaining high-quality mash;
  • the preparation of the drink itself.

Remember, only with strict adherence to this technology will you be fully satisfied with the result of your work. In this case, the resulting moonshine will be much tastier and better than the overwhelming number of store-bought vodka brands.

Getting mash

1. Preparation of ingredients.

We will need:

  • granulated sugar - 4 kg;
  • clean water - 12 liters;
  • dry yeast - 80 grams;
  • citric acid - 15-18 grams.

Particular attention should be paid to water. It is she who is the key to the good taste of moonshine. If you have the opportunity, type well or spring water for our recipe. If there is only tap water, then type it into a bucket and let it stand for 2 days.

Remember, water must not be distilled or boiled, as this will result in the loss of oxygen, and without it full fermentation is impossible.

Instead of 80 grams of dry yeast for making moonshine, you can take 400 grams of pressed. It's not too important.

The final yield of moonshine from such a quantity of initial ingredients will be 4-4.5 liters. If you want to expel a larger or smaller volume of alcohol, you need to follow the proportions given above and change the amount of raw materials used accordingly.

2. Invert sugar.

Such a tricky, at first glance, name implies the usual preparation of sugar syrup using only citric acid. This process has specific objectives.

No matter how carefully you select granulated sugar, a variety of bacteria can be found on the surface of the crystals. When we make brew for moonshine, these microorganisms will begin to multiply in a comfortable, warm and humid environment. This is not dangerous to health, since in the process of distillation (distillation) they will all die. However, these bacteria will have a bad effect on the organoleptic properties (smell and taste) of moonshine.

In addition, inverting sugar can significantly speed up the fermentation process of the mash.

To prepare sugar syrup with citric acid, follow these steps. Pour 2 liters of water into a suitable size enameled pan, put on a slow fire and heat to a temperature of 75-80 degrees Celsius.

Then carefully pour out all the prepared granulated sugar. Stir constantly. All crystals must completely dissolve and form a homogeneous mass with water. Bring the liquid to a boil and keep it on the burner for 9-10 minutes. Do not forget to remove white foam from the surface.

Very slowly add citric acid, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the syrup with a lid and boil for an hour. After this time, remove the pan from the stove and let cool to a temperature of 28-30 degrees Celsius.

3. We connect the components.

Pour the cooled sugar syrup into a clean fermentation container. Pay attention to an important detail. The container should not be filled more than 75% or three quarters of the volume. For proper full fermentation, free space is needed. Otherwise, when foam forms, the fermenting mash may overflow through the neck.

Now it's time to add yeast. Do not just pour them into a fermentation tank. Dry and pressed yeast have their own addition procedure. Follow the directions exactly. This will allow you to put the brew correctly, which in the end will have the best effect on the prepared moonshine.

If you are using pressed yeast, it must first be completely dissolved with 200 ml of sugar syrup. To do this, pour the liquid into an enameled bowl. Add yeast to it and cover with another bowl. Wait for the formation of characteristic foam. As a rule, 10-11 minutes is enough.

If you are using dry yeast, then follow the instructions on the package. Most often, it is enough to add them to a saucepan with a little warm water at a temperature of about 35 degrees Celsius. Then you need to wrap the container with a towel or a blanket and put it on the battery for 25-35 minutes. The signal for the readiness of the yeast will be the same foamy cap.

Now we just have to pour the active yeast into sugar syrup.

4. Fermentation.

For the proper organization of the process, we should use a water seal. You can buy it at any specialized store or make it yourself at home. If, when preparing moonshine, you used to put a similar mash without the use of sugar syrup, then in this case you will be amazed by the pleasant aroma with caramel notes.

The fermentation tank must be placed in a room with a constant temperature of 25-32 degrees Celsius. Additionally, it should be wrapped in blankets.

The duration of this stage can vary greatly and take from 3 to 9 days. Twice a day, you need to shake our container intensively for a minute. Thus, we will contribute to the removal of excess carbon dioxide, which inhibits fermentation.

There are several clear signs that make it clear that we can start brewing moonshine. These include:

  • a bitter taste indicates that the yeast has completely converted sugar into alcohol;
  • carbon dioxide ceased to be emitted and the gurgling of water from the water seal disappeared;
  • sediment has accumulated at the bottom of the fermentation tank, and the mash has noticeably brightened closer to the surface;
  • a pronounced alcoholic aroma appeared.

Remember, before you start driving moonshine, there should be 2, and preferably 3 of the listed signs.

5. Degassing.

Using a thin plastic straw, drain the mash from the sediment into a pan of a suitable size. Put it on the stove and bring it to a temperature of 48-52 degrees Celsius. In this way, we destroy the last living yeast and eliminate excess carbon dioxide.

6. Lightening.

For the clarification procedure, we need high-quality bentonite. This is the scientific name for natural white clay. Make sure that there are no foreign impurities in the composition of bentonite. Otherwise, the taste and aroma of moonshine will be completely spoiled.

To lighten the resulting mash, it is enough to take 1.5-2 tablespoons of white clay crushed to a powdery state. Fill it with a full glass of heated water, stir thoroughly. After 12-15 minutes, bentonite will become like thick sour cream.

After that, add white clay to the mash and actively shake the container for 2-3 minutes. Then leave it for a day and proceed to distillation or distillation of moonshine.

This stage not only allows you to lighten the brew, but also acts as an important first step in cleaning the future moonshine. In this way we eliminate most of the harmful substances formed during the fermentation process.

Please note that the remaining sediment must not be discharged into the sewer system. This can lead to clogging, which is then difficult to remove.

Distillation (distillation) process

7. The first distillation of moonshine.

We merge the mash, cleaned of impurities, into the moonshine still (alembic). The task of this stage is to isolate ethyl alcohol from the mash. Some lovers of home-brewing are accustomed to completing the production of moonshine on this. It should be noted that the raw alcohol obtained as a result of the first distillation can really be drunk. However, the taste and aroma of such moonshine leaves much to be desired.

It is necessary to drive moonshine on a small fire. Get used to doing fractional distillation, that is, immediately dividing the resulting product into three fractions: heads (pervak), body (raw alcohol) and tails.

In our case, the heads will be the first 200 ml of output, that is, 50 ml for each kilogram of granulated sugar used to make the mash. Pervak ​​is an extremely harmful liquid that contains a huge amount of harmful impurities in its composition. Drinking it is strictly prohibited. It's best to just pour out the heads.

Our goal is precisely the second fraction, which is usually called the body. In the process of distillation, you need to carefully monitor the strength of the resulting alcohol. This is extremely important. The selection of this fraction should be stopped when the strength of alcohol in the stream becomes less than 40-41 degrees. For accurate measurements, it is best to use an alcohol meter.

The last faction is the tails. It also cannot be drunk. Tails contain large quantities of fusel oils. However, they do not need to be thrown out. It is permissible to use the tails to increase the strength of the next portion of the mash.

8. Cleaning.

You are free to choose any of them for this purpose. In my opinion, the highest quality result is achieved by cleaning the raw material with coal.

Regardless of the method you choose, before starting the cleaning process, it is necessary to dilute the resulting raw alcohol with clean water to a strength of 16-20 degrees. This is an indispensable condition for obtaining excellent results.

9. Second distillation.

The cleaned raw must be poured into the moonshine again. Immediately put it on the lowest possible fire. Let's break up the factions again. We select 200 ml of pervak.

After that, we begin to select the actual home-made moonshine of double distillation. The collection should be completed after the fall of the alcohol fortress is less than 40-41 degrees.

10. Dilution.

This stage is obligatory only for those who want to get moonshine with an ethyl alcohol content of 40-42%, which is usual for most strong alcoholic drinks. Alcohol should be diluted with clean water.

11. Settling.

Before the long-awaited finale, it remains to take the last step. It should not be ignored. It is upholding that allows you to balance the taste of moonshine as much as possible. Simply pour the alcohol into clean, pre-prepared glass jars or bottles. Seal them tightly and stand in a dark room for 3-5 days.

Now you know exactly how to properly overtake moonshine at home.

Cooking mash is a process that does not forgive oversights. Experienced moonshiners have many secrets on how to avoid mistakes at this stage, thereby spoiling the taste of the final product. Today we will talk about how to properly make brew for moonshine, having examined in detail each stage, its significance, and ways to optimize to obtain a high-quality result.

photo from http://xcook.info

How to make brew for moonshine: we understand the essence of the process

The fact that fuss with yeast and bottles cannot be avoided is known to everyone who has brewed moonshine at least once. Understanding the reactions that occur at this time helps to create optimal conditions and avoid mistakes that nullify all efforts. The purpose of preparing the mash, as you might guess, is to initiate the fermentation of the liquid, during which the following biochemical reactions occur:

  • Reproduction of yeast fungi. The process takes place in the presence of oxygen, at a temperature of 23-28⁰С and in the presence of nutrients.
  • If products containing complex carbohydrates are used for manufacturing, then a hydrolysis reaction occurs, with their breakdown to glucose.
  • When anaerobic conditions are created (without access to oxygen), during the course of life, yeast consumes glucose, splitting it into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, the active release of which is accompanied by the reaction.
  • Cessation of fermentation and death of yeast. This happens when nutrients (sugar) run out and the alcohol concentration reaches critical values ​​for microorganisms. With correctly selected proportions, these factors coincide in time.

photo from the site http://www.chevy-niva.ru

Most often, to solve the question of what is better to make mash for moonshine, sugar is used as a source of carbohydrates, as the simplest option. But to give moonshine flavors or use illiquid products, other carbohydrate-containing options can be used:

  • Honey, starch, cereals (rye, barley, wheat) are quite suitable for making alcohol.
  • Candied, fermented or simply stagnant jam and compotes should not be thrown away.
  • Spoiled, melted, or expired candies also serve as a source of sucrose.
  • Vegetables with adequate carbohydrate content such as potatoes, beets or pumpkins are widely used in home brewing.
  • Fruit will add a subtle flavor to the final product. Habitual plums, cherries, apples, or exotic pineapples and feijoa are successfully used by experienced moonshiners.

photo from the site http://www.aif.ru

Can't do without sugar

It is impossible to achieve the required concentration of glucose only with fruits or vegetables, therefore, their combination with sugar is always used in recipes.

How to make a good brew for moonshine: recipe and selection of ingredients

The description of technological aspects is given for the simplest recipe, using sugar. But thanks to some subtleties, it becomes possible to reduce the cooking time and improve the organoleptic qualities of the final product.

The recipe is designed to obtain after distillation 5 liters of drink, with a strength of 40⁰:

  • water - 24 l;
  • yeast - 600 g (pressed) or 120 g (dry);
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 sachet (25 g).

Keep in mind that a kilogram of granulated sugar has a volume of about 630 ml, depending on the humidity. Thus, the indicated number of products will take up a volume of about 28-28.5 liters. Prepare a container of at least 33 liters to leave free space for foaming that will accompany the release of carbon dioxide.

Choosing water

This point is often omitted during cooking, especially by people who make moonshine for sale, and water is used straight from the tap. In fact, the characteristics of this component largely determine the efficiency of fermentation and the taste of the finished drink. Pay attention to the following options:

  • Organoleptic properties. It is unacceptable to use water that has foreign tastes or odors; no one has canceled the standard hygiene requirements.
  • Hardness determined by the content of mineral salts. Excessively hard water inhibits fermentation, but a certain amount of minerals is necessary for the vital activity of yeast, so boiled or distilled water will not work.
  • Oxygen content. The oxygen present in raw water is used in the process of converting sugars into alcohol, so pre-boiling makes the water unsuitable for home brewing.
  • Chlorine content. Centralized water supply uses chlorination for disinfection, which hinders the development of microorganisms, including yeast fungi.

photo from the site http://lite.35photo.ru

Naturally, before making mash for moonshine, no one gives water for analysis, using one that surely meets the above requirements:

  • well;
  • spring;
  • tap water filtered;
  • tap water.

In the case of water settling, before use, it is drained from the sediment using a flexible tube, leaving a couple of centimeters intact at the bottom of the container.

Choosing yeast

The type of yeast mushrooms used depends on the strength of the mash, which will be obtained in the end, and hence the yield of the finished moonshine. This is determined by the concentration of alcohol, upon reaching which the yeast loses its activity:

  • Wild yeasts are the most demanding, and their vital activity is already inhibited at 11-degree fortress.
  • Spirit yeast - created specifically for the production of alcohol, and can withstand 18% concentration of ethyl alcohol. When deciding how to make a strong mash, the choice should be stopped on this type.
  • Bakery - used as an option that is easiest to find on sale, maintaining activity up to a 14-degree fortress.

photo from http://samogonka.org

Relying on the integrity of the manufacturer is not worth it, especially if you are using its products for the first time. In order not to regret the kilograms of sugar spent in vain, before making moonshine brew, check the viability of a small amount of purchased yeast by diluting it in warm sweet water. If after 20-25 minutes foam appears, then the entire batch can be put into operation.

How to make mash at home: step by step instructions

First of all, it is necessary to plan production volumes in order to prepare a suitable container for fermentation. After distillation, each kilogram of sugar spent will give 1-1.2 liters of a 40⁰ drink, but in practice the real volume is always 10-12% less than the calculated one.

Preparation of invert syrup

photo from ru.pinterest.com/

Before making home brew for moonshine, it is advisable to invert sugar in order to convert disaccharides into monosaccharides. This speeds up fermentation because the wort will contain glucose that the yeast can use without additional chemical reactions. In addition, heating is a disinfectant measure that destroys the microorganisms present in the sugar, which can be the culprit for the souring of the mash.

  1. In a large container, heat 3 liters of water almost to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat and add 6 kg of sugar, stir until smooth.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, skimming occasionally.
  4. Slowly and carefully add 25 g of citric acid. The syrup will actively foam, make sure that it does not run away.
  5. Cook over low heat, covered for 1 hour.

This stage is one of the key ones in solving the question “how to make a good mash?”. When using inverted syrup, alcohol is soft, without foreign flavors. But in general, this step is optional, and if you decide to skip it, just dissolve the sugar in warm water. In a fermentation tank, mix the prepared syrup (or sugar) and 24 liters of water. The optimum temperature of the mixture before adding yeast is 27-30⁰С.

Yeast activation

photo from http://brotgost.blogspot.com

Before using, it is advisable to activate (ferment) the yeast in order to start the production of ethanol faster, especially since it will not take much time:

  1. In a small amount of warm sugar solution, dissolve the entire serving of yeast. Pressed yeast should be kneaded, and dry just pour into it.
  2. Wrap the bottle and put in a warm place.
  3. After 20-30 min. foam will rise on the surface, which means that the process is running, and yeast can be added to the syrup.

If you are using baker's yeast, the foaming will be more intense. To prevent a liquid with a specific odor from overflowing, crumble one purchased cookie into it or add 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil.


photo from the site http://www.kakprosto.ru

If you are preparing fruit or grain mash, then this step is not needed, since there are enough nutrients in the raw materials. But if only sugar is used in the recipe, it is necessary to supplement the solution with minerals, the source of which can be:

  • Nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers (1 tsp per kilogram of sugar) or ammonia (0.5 g per liter). Chemical top dressing gives a pronounced effect, but due to its inorganic nature, it is usually used only for home brewing for sale.
  • For a 30-liter bottle, folk craftsmen recommend adding 1 loaf of black bread, or 250 g of tomato paste, or 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed fruit juice, or 20-30 crushed fresh berries.
  • Malt is an organic and effective feeding option. For 20 liters of mash, you need 0.5 kg of ground malt, which should be boiled in syrup for 3-5 minutes.


photo from the site http://magnovar.ru/

The duration of this stage is from 3 to 10 days, and depends on many factors: temperature conditions, the correct ratio of ingredients, the quality of the products used. The average duration of fermentation is 4-6 days.

  • Install a water trap that will keep oxygen out but keep carbon dioxide out of the bottle.
  • Move the bottle to a warm place (optimally - 26-28⁰С), or wrap it in warm blankets. The most responsible moonshiners install aquarium heaters that maintain the desired temperature.
  • When using large containers, overheating is possible due to the heat generated by yeast fungi. In this case, the bottle will have to be cooled.
  • Shake the mash a couple of times a day without removing the water seal, this will speed up the removal of carbon dioxide that interferes with the development of yeast.

photo from the site http://tonnasamogona.ru

How to make mash correctly: determine readiness

The suitability of the product for distillation is determined by the presence of 2-3 signs, from the following list:

  1. Lack of sweetness. The bitter taste indicates that not all of the sugar has been used by the yeast.
  2. Stopping gas. When using a water seal, it stops gurgling, and if a glove was put on the bottle, it deflates.
  3. Clarification of the liquid began, and a sediment of dead yeast fungi formed at the bottom.
  4. Foaming and hissing stopped.
  5. There was a distinct alcohol smell.
  6. The match at the surface of the mash continues to burn.

photo from ru.sputnik.kg

Please note that if we are making brew for moonshine, and with obvious signs of the cessation of fermentation, the sweet taste persists, then one of the following errors has been made:

  • The percentage of alcohol has already exceeded the value at which the vital activity of the yeast is inhibited, and not all sugar is used up. This means that there is too much sugar in the recipe for the type of yeast used, which is corrected by adding water.
  • Unfavorable temperature conditions. When the temperature drops below + 18⁰С, the development of yeast slows down, up to a complete stop. Before making mash at home, take care of a warm place for its fermentation.

Clarification: the final step to distillation

photo from the site http://forum.homedistiller.ru

The final step in the process called "how to make mash" is clarification. This is done to remove organic impurities that will burn in the distillation cube, giving the moonshine an unpleasant odor. For clarification, one of the following methods is used:

  • cool the container to 3-5⁰С;
  • add a solution of bentonite, and stand for 1 day;
  • add gelatin swollen in cold water, and stand for 2-3 days.

To clarify the mash, some moonshiners use citric acid, heated to 50⁰С, potassium permanganate and even hibiscus tea. Others do without clarification at all, simply draining the liquid from the yeast sediment through a flexible tube.

photo from the site http://trip-point.ru

The information provided on how to properly make mash is far from complete. For a detailed description of each stage, look for other materials in this section.

Hello friends! Since you have looked at my blog, it means you are interested in making homemade alcohol. And if so, then I’m just sure that at least once you had a question about how to make moonshine at home. That's what we'll talk about today.

Now I will quickly describe the entire sequence of the process, and then we will talk in more detail about each stage. So, how is moonshine prepared?

  1. First, prepare a special solution consisting of water and sugar. Sugar can be used either in its pure form, or any sugar-containing raw material (berries, fruits, etc.) can be used. This solution is called wort.
  1. Then the wort is processed with the help of yeast into mash. During fermentation, yeast eat sugar and produce ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  1. Braga already has alcohol, but the percentage of its content there is very low. Typically 8-12%. To isolate alcohol from the mash, it is distilled into moonshine still.

There is nothing complicated in this process. The whole point is that the mash is heated to a boil, and the steam evaporating at the same time is cooled to a liquid state and poured into a separate container. This condensed liquid is our moonshine.

  1. Then follows the purification of the moonshine. In the process of fermentation, in addition to ethyl alcohol, by-products of the vital activity of yeast are also formed. It is necessary to get rid of these impurities, because. they are harmful to health. Some even very. We will talk about the types and methods of cleaning in the section below.
  1. The final and completely optional step is the aromatization and tinting of moonshine. Moonshine is insisted on various herbs and spices, which give it a rich color and smell.

I have listed the main stages of making moonshine. Nothing complicated, right? Now let's look at each point in more detail.

But before that, I want to note that all the stages mentioned are equally important. If the technology is not followed or low-quality raw materials are used, we can get a foul-smelling and even hazardous liquid at the output.

Raw material selection

As already mentioned, sugar is used to make the wort. You can use sugar either in its pure form (granulated sugar), or use products containing sugar (berries, fruits, sugar beets, etc.).

Also, starch-containing products (wheat, rice, rye, corn) can be used as raw materials. Starch itself is not subject to fermentation, but it is easily processed into sugar under the influence of enzymes that are contained in malt (sprouted grain).

The quality of moonshine also depends on the quality of the raw materials used. Good drink from g…. will not work.

At home, the most accessible raw material for the preparation of wort is sugar. And the recipe is also simple.

Here's a classic:

  1. Dissolve 1 kg of sugar in 5 liters of water
  2. Dissolve yeast (20 g dry or 100 g pressed) in a small amount of water at 30°C
  3. The yeast is mixed in a sugar solution and allowed to ferment for several days.

Agree that it is very simple? But the quality of such moonshine ... no, with skillful manufacture, it is not bad, it is only inferior to drinks made from other raw materials.

A much better drink is obtained from mash made on fruit or berry raw materials. Even if you have to add sugar to the fruit must to increase the sugar content, it will still taste better.

Well, the best result comes from mash on cereals. It is not for nothing that GOST prescribes the production of alpha alcohol (the highest quality alcohol) only from grain raw materials. But cooking mash from cereals is much more difficult.

The amount of alcohol obtained per kilogram of the product used also depends on the type of raw material. Below is a table that clearly demonstrates this. These figures are indicative, they are already obtained from experienced moonshiners.

It is also worth noting that you need to approach the choice of raw materials from the point of view of what kind of drink you want to get. So, to get whiskey, you need to use grain, to get cognac or Georgian chacha, grape mash is used, and to make calvados, apple mash is used.

Read more about the choice of raw materials in this article (Not yet written, but will be soon)


After we have prepared the wort, it must be fermented, during which the yeast will process the sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The quality and quantity of the resulting moonshine also greatly depends on the correct fermentation process.

Compliance with technology at this stage is very important. In the room where the fermentation tank is located, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. Don't let it slip. It is also necessary to monitor the temperature of the mash, because. during the fermentation process, it tends to heat up.

The optimum temperature for fermentation is 25-28°C. At lower temperatures, the fermentation process will slow down, and at temperatures below 20 ° C it will stop altogether (yeast will fall asleep). Also, do not allow the mash to overheat above 40 ° C. This is much more dangerous than cooling, because. at this temperature, the yeast will begin to die.

Depending on the selected raw materials, yeast and temperature, the fermentation process can last from 1 to 14 days or more.

A little about yeast

In principle, any commercially available yeast is suitable for making mash. Pressed bakery products are very popular. You can also use dry yeast. But the best option is special alcohol and wine (cultural) yeast, which are sold in specialized stores for winemakers and moonshiners.

If you are preparing fruit or berry mash, then you can do without adding yeast at all. Wild yeasts already live on the surface of the fruits, which will take care of the process we need.

The fermentation period and the strength of the resulting mash depend on the type of yeast chosen. So bakery and wild brew 7-12% alcohol, wine (cultural) and alcohol up to 12%. There are also special varieties of alcohol yeast, through which you can get mash with 18% alcohol.

The topic of yeast selection and the fermentation process itself is quite extensive and it is beyond the scope of this article to cover it all. Read more in these separate articles:

1. Sugar mash recipe with dry yeast

2. Recipe for sugar mash with pressed yeast

3. jam recipe

4. Wild Sam - mash recipe with wild yeast cereals

5. Clarification of the mash with bentonite

6. How much moonshine should be obtained from mash


As I already wrote, in order to isolate alcohol from mash, i.e. to get moonshine, you need to overtake this very mash. The distillation process is also called distillation. Braga is heated, and the steam released during this is condensed and drained into a separate container.

Distillation is carried out by means of a moonshine still. The classical design of such a device is quite simple. I present its schematic diagram below:

The principle of distillation is based on the fact that the boiling point of alcohol is lower than the temperature of water, which mainly consists of mash. Therefore, when the mash is heated, alcohol evaporates first. In vapor form, it enters the coil, where it is cooled to a liquid state and flows into the collection tank.

The first drops leaving the apparatus contain a high concentration of harmful substances. This liquid is called “pervach” or “heads” and is not eaten. “Heads” must be cut off, i.e. separate from moonshine. The number of heads is approximately 50 ml per 1 kg of sugar in Braga.

After “cutting off the heads”, the distillation process is continued until the liquid leaving the coil ceases to burn. This means that the strength of the outgoing moonshine has fallen below 40 degrees and then there are “tails” - a non-food part containing harmful and very smelly impurities. The tails are also cut off. Their number is approximately 100 ml per 1 kg of sugar used to make mash.

After distillation, moonshine with a strength of 30-50% is obtained. It can be distilled again to get a stronger and better drink. But pure alcohol by distillation still does not work; for these purposes, rectification is carried out. This is a topic for a separate discussion.

The preparation of sugar moonshine can be called a classic of domestic moonshine. In terms of love and prevalence among Russians, this alcohol is the undisputed leader. There are many recipes for sugar mash and distillation methods, but not all methods give a good result. So that beginners do not waste precious raw materials for nothing, I will tell you how to brew moonshine at home. Subject to technology, the drink will turn out better than most store-bought vodkas. We will consider in detail all the nuances of the process.

First, I advise you to take care of the cleanliness of the containers used. Rinse the container with hot water and wipe dry with a clean cloth. The cleaner the bottles and pans, the higher the quality. Many novice moonshiners make the mistake of neglecting sterility, and then complain about a third-party smell or taste.

As an example, I will give the exact amount of ingredients that are needed to prepare a little more than 5 liters of forty-degree moonshine using classical technology:

  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • water - 24 liters;
  • dry yeast - 120 grams (or 600 grams pressed);
  • citric acid - 25 grams.

Sugar mash recipe

1. Calculation of proportions. First, let's determine the amount of moonshine that is needed at the exit. At home, from 1 kg of sugar, 1.1-1.2 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees is obtained. But when calculating, I advise you to increase the amount of ingredients by 10-15%, since for various reasons (temperature, quality of raw materials, improper distillation), the real yield is always less than the theoretical one by this value.

For 1 kg of sugar add: 4 liters of water (plus another 0.5 liters if inverted) and 100 grams of pressed yeast or 20 grams of dry.

2. Invert sugar. A very complicated name refers to the preparation of ordinary sugar syrup with citric acid. The fact is that during fermentation, yeast first breaks down sugar into simple monosaccharides - glucose and fructose, and only then processes these substances into alcohol. Heating also kills pathogens on the surface of the sugar, which are waiting for more favorable conditions (temperature and humidity) to thrive. Activation of harmful microbes in the wash is undesirable, as it can adversely affect the smell.

Moonshine made from inverted sugar ferments faster and tastes better. Although the invert step is considered optional, and most recipes only suggest dissolving the sugar in warm water, I still recommend boiling the syrup.

To invert sugar for mash, you need to do the following:

  1. Heat 3 liters of water to 70-80°C in a large saucepan.
  2. Pour sugar (6 kg) and mix slowly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Bring the syrup to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam from the surface.
  4. So slow(a lot of foam will appear) pour in citric acid (25 grams), reduce the heat on the stove to a minimum.
  5. Close the pan with a lid, boil for 60 minutes.

Ready syrup

3. Water preparation. A very important stage, during which the taste of the finished product is largely formed. Water for mash must comply with hygienic standards, have no color, no taste, no smell.

Attention! Moonshine water should not be boiled or distilled as this will deplete the oxygen the yeast needs to ferment.

4. Mixing ingredients. Pour the syrup prepared at the 2nd stage into a fermentation container, add cold water (24 liters). If non-inverted sugar is used, dissolve it in warm water, stirring vigorously. In both cases, the optimum temperature of the finished mixture is 27-30°C.

The container must not be filled more than ¾ of the volume, otherwise, during active foaming, the mash may overflow over the edges and it will be necessary to collect the product with a specific smell on the floor.

5. Introduction of yeast. Pressed yeast can be added directly to the container, after kneading with clean hands. But still, it is better to first dissolve the briquette in a small amount of cooked wort (water and sugar), cover with a lid and wait until foam appears. Usually it takes 5-10 minutes.

Before adding to the wort, dry yeast needs to be pre-activated. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the package. In most cases, boiled water is cooled to 32-36 ° C, the right amount of dry yeast is added, covered with a lid, and the container itself is wrapped in a dense cloth or placed in a warm place to maintain a stable temperature. After 20-40 minutes, a uniform foam cap will appear on the surface. This means that diluted dry yeast can be added to the wort.

When using baker's yeast, active foaming sometimes begins, which goes beyond the capacity. As a defoamer for mash, I recommend using a crumbled half of dry store-bought cookies or 10-20 ml of vegetable oil. The addition of these products will not affect the quality of moonshine in any way.

The video shows the method of setting the mash without inverting sugar with a 1: 4 water ratio.

6. Fermentation. Install a water seal on the bottle with mash and transfer to a room with a stable temperature of 26-31 ° C (very important for the normal development of yeast). Braga on inverted sugar has a pleasant caramel smell that does not spoil the air.

To maintain the temperature regime, cover the container with blankets or fur coats, insulate it with building thermal insulation materials, or install aquarium heaters with a thermoregulation system. Fermentation lasts from 3 to 10 days (usually 4-7). Every 12-16 hours I recommend shaking the mash for 45-60 seconds without removing the water seal. Shaking will remove excess carbon dioxide that interferes with the normal functioning of the yeast.

Signs of readiness of sugar mash for distillation:

  • bitter taste (all sugar is processed by yeast into alcohol);
  • the release of carbon dioxide has stopped (the water seal does not gurgle);
  • the upper layers of the mash became lighter, and a sediment appeared at the bottom;
  • the hissing stopped;
  • alcohol smell is felt;
  • a match brought to Braga continues to burn.

Use the signs in a complex way, you need at least 2-3 to appear at the same time, otherwise it is easy to make a mistake. For example, an excess of sugar leads to the fact that the yeast dies before they have time to process everything. Most yeast fungi "fall asleep" at an alcohol concentration above 12%, so even ready-made mash will remain sweet.

7. Degassing and clarification. Making the right moonshine is unthinkable without this stage. It's time to remove the sugar wash from the yeast sediment by pouring into a large saucepan through a straw, then heat to 50 ° C. The high temperature kills the yeast residue and promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the liquid.

Pour the degassed mash back into the bottle and clarify with bentonite (preferably) - natural white clay, which is sold in bags and as part of cat litter. Verified brands (at the time of publication): Pi-Pi-Bent, WC Closet Cat, Kotyara.


Attention! When choosing white clay, make sure that the composition does not contain aromatic additives that will irrevocably spoil homemade moonshine. Also, before clarification, fermentation must be completely over, otherwise the method will not work.

To clarify 20 liters of mash, you need to grind 2-3 tablespoons of bentonite in a coffee grinder and dissolve in 250 ml of warm water. Then mix and wait until the clay turns into a thick mass, reminiscent of fatty sour cream. This takes 10-15 minutes.

Add bentonite to the mash, close the container tightly and shake vigorously for several minutes. Next, leave the mash alone for 15-30 hours, after which you can start distillation.

The sediment cannot be poured into the sewer, cement plugs may appear there, which are then difficult to eliminate.

The use of bentonite removes third-party impurities that have not precipitated during fermentation. As a result, the unpleasant yeasty smell disappears from the mash, and the expelled moonshine is much easier to clean, since the clay removes most of the harmful substances.

Clarified Braga

How to drive moonshine

8. First distillation. Drain the mash clarified with bentonite from the sediment into a distillation cube. The purpose of the first distillation is to separate alcohol from other substances. Many novice and lazy moonshiners stop at this, never having tasted real homemade moonshine, made according to all the rules.

The distillation is done over low heat. I propose to immediately divide the output into fractions: "heads", "body" and "tails". Collect the first 50 ml per 1 kg of sugar in a separate container. According to our proportions, this is 300 ml of "pervak" - the head fraction, which can only be used for technical needs, because of harmful impurities, this distillate is hazardous to health.

Then select the "body" - a useful middle fraction, called raw alcohol. The selection should be stopped when the strength of the distillate (in the stream) falls below 40 degrees. It is better to determine the strength with an alcohol meter (necessarily at a temperature of 20 ° C), but you can also use the folk method - while the distillate is burning in a spoon, continue the selection.

The last to collect the “tails” in a separate container is the third fraction containing a lot of fusel oils. This distillate can be poured into the next mash (after removal from the sediment) to increase the strength or not collected at all by turning off the moonshine after collecting the “body”.

9. Cleaning. Before the second distillation, the middle fraction (raw alcohol) needs additional purification from harmful impurities. There is no single universally recognized method, you can use any.

Cleaning sugar moonshine with coal is considered natural and environmentally friendly, but with the right approach, for example, potassium permanganate with baking soda, they also give a good result. The main thing before cleaning is to dilute the distillate with water to 15-20 degrees so that the molecular bonds become weaker.

10. Second distillation. Pour diluted (required for fire safety purposes) raw alcohol into a distillation cube, start distillation at minimum heat. As for the first time, especially if you make moonshine for yourself, cut off the “heads” - the first 50 ml for each kilogram of added sugar.

Immediately after the selection of the first (head) fraction, it is advisable to replace the steamer, if the module is provided for by the design of the moonshine still. Further, until the fortress in the jet falls below 40 degrees, select the main product.

11. Dilution and settling. At the last stage, dilute home-brew with water to the desired strength (usually 40-45%). To make the taste of the drink softer and more balanced, pour the finished product into bottles, close with corks, let it brew for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place. This time is enough to complete the chemical reactions that occur when the liquids are mixed.

Stanislav shared the secrets of diluting alcohol with water especially for Alkofan.
