
Home purification of vodka in different ways. Softening and flavoring alcohol

Fans of their own alcoholic tinctures should know all the ways to clean alcohol at home. After all, high-quality cleansing of home-made moonshine, vodka or alcohol creates a drink not only much tastier, but also makes the next morning much more pleasant by the absence of a hangover.

Each of us has repeatedly wondered why a person gets slightly intoxicated from some drinks and does not suffer from a hangover, while others simply knock him down, turn off his consciousness and significantly undermine his health. The problem lies in the presence of foreign impurities in alcohol, which appear during low-quality purification of alcohol.

Moonshine or is considered one of the highest quality alcoholic beverages obtained through the distillation of raw materials. But the increased content of fusel oils in home-distilled products gives a not very pleasant smell and taste.

Those who make moonshine themselves or make alcohol tinctures know very well that cleaning is required mandatory step making high quality liquor.

It should be noted that all options for cleaning alcoholic beverages from fusel oils give an effect, but differ in the degree of effectiveness.

Experts recommend cleaning a product diluted to a fortress less than 35 degrees. This concentration of alcohol allows fusel oils to separate more quickly from the water-alcohol mixture. Therefore, the lower the degree of the drink, the higher the quality of its purification.

In any case, moonshine must be defended for 1-2 days, and alcohol should be diluted with soft spring water. and product best to clean cold. You can check alcohol or vodka for purity at home. For this, a piece of glass or a small mirror is suitable, which must first be washed with hot water and soda.

The glass does not need to be wiped, let it dry itself and become crystal clear without streaks. Now you can drop a few drops of alcohol on it and leave to dry. If there are no stains left on the glass, then there are no fusel oils and other harmful impurities in the alcohol.

And the last stage of verification - you need splash glass with distilled water. The liquid should not roll off, as if it had been spilled on a greasy surface. If the alcohol has passed the test and no harmful impurities were found in it, then there is no need to clean it.

Methods for cleaning moonshine at home

Home winemakers claim that cleaning moonshine or vodka with charcoal and activated charcoal is the fastest and most reliable. Coal perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors and absorbs harmful impurities.

Vodka purification. You will need activated charcoal, Enterogel or birch charcoal (it gives the best result). Pour into a saucepan, finely crush and pour alcohol at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter.

This mixture is infused for 7 days and it must be stirred periodically. The drink is then filtered. To improve the result, this procedure can be carried out several times, replacing the coal with fresh one.

Two ways to clean moonshine:

  1. In the process of the first distillation of moonshine, a funnel is used to drain into a jar. It is necessary to lay a cotton pad in layers in it, small fractions of coal, then larger ones and cover with several cotton pads.
  2. Pour coal into a container with moonshine at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter of liquid and let stand for 7-14 days, then strain through gauze with cotton.

These two methods are an excellent option for cleaning moonshine before re-distillation.

The well-known potassium permanganate quickly and efficiently cleans both moonshine and vodka. It is necessary to take 3 grams of potassium permanganate and dilute in 300 grams of warm water so that the solution is homogeneous.

Next, a spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of salt are added to the solution. Then the mixture is poured into 3 liters of alcohol and settled for 12 hours. Drink must brighten up and settle down. Settled moonshine or alcohol must be filtered through a layer of cotton wool.

Milk is an excellent cleaner for vodka or moonshine. The protein of this product contains albumin and casein - substances capable of binding molecules of harmful impurities and fusel oils of an alcoholic beverage, causing them to precipitate.

The result is a high quality drink with a mild taste. For 20 liters of vodka or moonshine with a strength of 40–50 degrees, 200 ml of milk is required. Milk must have fat content not more than 1.5% and be pasteurized.

Milk cleaning steps:

  • pour milk into alcohol or moonshine;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • close the lid and leave for 7 days in a dark place, at room temperature;
  • for the first five days, the mixture must be shaken periodically so that the reaction starts;
  • and then two days are needed for the mixture to settle;
  • at the last stage, the drink is filtered through several layers of cotton wool.

If the drink is still cloudy, you can throw any citrus peel into it and leave it for a day. Milk is believed to be best cleanser for alcohol and moonshine, since it is in this way that vodka is purified in production. Under the influence of alcohol, the milk coagulates, harmful particles stick to it and fall out along with the sediment.

Interesting! Some distillers right make moonshine from milk. For this, sugar, yeast, peas, milk and water are taken, which are mixed with each other. This mixture is infused for a day, and then it is distilled twice and this drink does not require purification.

Egg white

Purification of moonshine or alcohol from fusel oils can be carried out with egg white, by analogy with milk cleaning. For this, 3 liters of alcohol need to take two proteins.

The protein is whipped in one glass of warm water and poured into the drink. For five days, the mixture is shaken, and then it settles for two days and is filtered through cotton wool.


An old proven and effective way to clean vodka or moonshine is freezing. A container with a drink (an aluminum pan with a lid is suitable) is left in the freezer for 12-14 hours.

During this time, water and fusel oils remain on the walls of the vessel, and only pure alcohol will remain in the container. At the same time, the strength of the drink becomes higher. It remains only to pour the vodka into another container.

fruit cleaning

To remove harmful impurities from the product and give it a special flavor, you can clean alcohol or moonshine with fruits.

For 3 liters of a product with a strength of about 25 degrees, one carrot and one apple. Fruits are cut into large pieces and added to the drink. After 2-3 days, fibers will begin to peel off from the fruit. So, it's time to pull them out and filter the liquid.


Baking soda can be used to neutralize the acetic acid formed in moonshine. This inexpensive product can be found in any home.

Soda is used in proportion 10 grams per liter of moonshine. It is enough to defend the mixture for 12-14 hours, more is possible, but this is not important. To remove the sediment, cotton wool is used, through which moonshine must be passed.


Cleaning alcohol with vegetable oil is one of the unusual and original ways. This procedure becomes possible only because alcohol and oil cannot mix. But fusel oils are attracted to oil drops like a magnet.

For such cleaning it is necessary to take 20 grams of unscented oil per liter of alcohol. Shake the vessel with the mixture well and repeat this procedure 5-6 times, every five minutes. Settling of the mixture is 12 hours.

After the alcohol has settled, it is necessary drain it through a tube lowered to the bottom. You can turn the bottle over, let the oil film rise and carefully drain the suspension through a slightly loosened cork. The rest of the liquid is filtered through the usual cotton wool.

Rye bread for cleaning alcoholic beverages

In previous years, cleaning moonshine or alcohol with fresh rye bread was considered the most effective and safe.

Fusel oils are well absorbed into bread, alcohol becomes transparent, loses its specific taste and acquires a pleasant aroma.

When choosing this method of cleaning alcohol or moonshine, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Moonshine or alcohol must first be cleaned with egg white or other absorbent.
  • Exactly 100 grams of bread is taken per liter of moonshine.
  • Only the crumb without the rind is used to purify the alcohol.
  • For greater effect, the crumb is better to crumble well.
  • Bread crumbs are poured into a bottle of moonshine or alcohol and mixed well.
  • The container must be tightly corked and left in a dark, cool place for three days.
  • The precipitate must be filtered off, but the bread pulp is not squeezed out.
  • Careful filtration helps to get rid of the yellowish tint that the drink acquires.

Cleaning alcohol with a water filter

The easiest and fastest cleaning method is to clean alcohol or moonshine with a home water filter. Any filter, such as Aquaphor or Barrier, will do.

To do this, you need to drive alcohol or moonshine through the filter at least twice. These filters cannot be used for water!

Obviously, even the most expensive alcohol or homemade moonshine needs to remove harmful impurities. If you apply one or more cleaning methods, as well as secondary distillation for moonshine, then make a great product, which in quality will be better than any factory products.

And no hangover will threaten, but only if you know the measure! It is important to remember that excessive alcohol consumption is injurious to health!

Attention, only TODAY!

Often, people involved in the preparation of alcohol-containing at home, the question arises of how to purify alcohol at home. There are several effective and efficient ways by which you can achieve an almost perfect result. It is worth considering the methods of how to purify alcohol.

How to clean alcohol with activated carbon?

This method is considered very popular. Charcoal promotes the absorption of unpleasant odors, thereby helping to absorb impurities. This method is one of the most easily accessible, since coal is sold at a pharmacy or can be purchased at a store. It is recommended to give preference to birch charcoal, as it gives the best result. Method: pour coal into a saucepan, crush and pour vodka in a ratio of 50 g: 1 l. This mixture should be infused for about seven days, periodically it needs to be stirred. After that, the drink can be filtered. To improve the result, repeat the procedure several times, replacing the coal with fresh one.

How to clean alcohol with potassium permanganate?

With the help of potassium permanganate, you can also purify alcohol yourself. To do this, add 2 grams of potassium permanganate to 1 liter of moonshine, stir and leave for 10 hours. After the drink has acquired a light color and a precipitate has formed, the mixture can be filtered.

How to clean alcohol with milk?

Another good way to purify alcohol is to purify with milk. From the influence of alcohol, milk coagulates, thereby absorbing harmful particles, and precipitation occurs. Next, the drink must be filtered. Alcohol is purified in a similar way with the help of egg white.

When cleaning alcohol with auxiliary means in the process of distillation and rectification, they strive to obtain alcohol that meets the requirements of the standard. This task can be facilitated by the use of cleaning aids. ;

Such means include: chemical, adsorption, ion-exchange and thermal purification / alcohol treatment.

Consider these methods of purification of alcohol.

1. Chemical purification of raw alcohol.

Chemical purification of alcohol is an auxiliary operation that helps to purify alcohol from impurities that are difficult to separate by rectification. Chemical purification is designed to eliminate acids, esters, aldehydes and unsaturated compounds from crude alcohol.

Caustic alkali (NaOH) is used to influence esters and acids, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used to influence aldehydes and unsaturated compounds. Sometimes chemical refining is done with lye alone;

Under the action of alkali, the esters are saponified. At the same time, alcohol is released, and the acid forms the corresponding sodium salt. When saponifying ethyl acetate, for example, sodium acetate and ethyl alcohol are formed according to the equation

CH 3 COOS 2 H 5 + NaOH \u003d CH 3 COOK

Na+ C 2 H 5 OH.

The first of them is not volatile. Free acids found in the raw material are also bound by alkali, forming the corresponding non-volatile salts. Volatile acetic acid contained in raw material forms non-volatile sodium acetate according to the equation

CH 3 COOH + NaOH = CH 3 COOHa + H 2 O

Thus, alkali improves the quality of raw materials by binding volatile acids and acid residues of esters.

The use of potassium permanganate for the purification of alcohol is based on its oxidizing ability. A weak solution of KMnO 4, both in acidic and alkaline environments, oxidizes aldehydes and unsaturated compounds. However, in order to avoid the oxidation of ethyl alcohol, it is recommended that they clean the raw material in a slightly alkaline medium. Under these conditions, 3 oxygen atoms are released per two KMnO 4 molecules, which oxidize organic impurities. Thus, during the oxidation of acetaldehyde with permanganate in the presence of alkali, the reaction proceeds according to the equation

nO 4 + 6CH 3 CHO + 2NaOH \u003d 4CH 3 COOK +2CH 3 COOHa + 4MnO 2 + 4H 2 O

Potassium permanganate during the oxidation reaction forms manganese peroxide. It should be noted that when correcting raw material by a chemical method, an excess of both caustic alkali and permanganate is harmful. An excess of alkali leads to the fact that alkali, acting on alcohol, converts it into aldehyde. An excess of permanganate, after the oxidation of aldehydes and unsaturated compounds, also oxidizes alcohol. Therefore, of the numerous methods proposed for the correction of alcohol, it is impossible to recommend those that give general recipes, without taking into account the characteristics of the corrected raw material. In each individual case, the amount of required reagents should be calculated based on the analysis of the raw material. Of the methods of correction based on a preliminary analysis of the composition of raw material, let us dwell on the method of A. N. Gratsianov.

According to the Gratsianov method, the amount of alkali necessary for binding acids and saponifying esters is determined by a preliminary determination. For this 100 ml raw boiled with 10 ml decinormal alkali in a flask under reflux for an hour. After cooling, 10 ml decinormal H 2 SO 4 and an excess of introduced acid are titrated with a decinormal solution of NaOH with the indicator phenolphthalein. The amount of alkali used for titration must be added for every 100 ml raw. The alkali solution is administered in two doses. At first, only half of the calculated amount is taken in the form of a 10% NaOH solution, after 10 - 15 min mixing with alkali, a 2% solution of permanganate is introduced into the raw material in such an amount as to oxidize only compounds of an unsaturated nature. The required amount is determined by preliminary experience. To do this, in a conical flask with a capacity of about 100 ml pour 1 ml KMnO 4 solution (0.2 G for 1 l water) and from the burette, with constant shaking of the flask, the investigated raw material is poured at an outflow rate of about 20 - 30 ml/min until! alcohol will not acquire a pinkish-yellow color. The amount of alcohol used for deoxidation taken 0.0002 G KMnO 4 , is the initial value for determining the amount of permanganate required to correct alcohol. After the introduction of the KMn0 4 solution, the raw material and reagents are mixed again, and then left alone for 6 hours . After this period, stirring is resumed and the remaining half of the alkali is added. After 5-10 min mixing is stopped and the crude can be sent for rectification.

Below are the data that make it possible to judge the results of the chemical correction of raw alcohol (according to Gratsianov).

When carrying out the rectification of alcohol according to the so-called unified method, raw alcohol is not subjected to preliminary purification with alkali and potassium permanganate. Chemical cleaning is carried out inside the column with alkali, which is continuously fed into the column.

Of great interest is the question of the use of chemical purification for the treatment of alcohol obtained from defective raw materials. V. P. Gryaznov and G. V. Rzhechitskaya investigated the effect of potassium permanganate, sodium hydroxide, and acidic sodium sulfite on aldehydes contained in alcohol obtained by processing defective raw materials. Solutions of butyric aldehyde, acrolein, and acetaldehyde in pure ethyl alcohol were treated. The authors found that the reagents they used had no effect on acrolein. As for acetic and butyric aldehydes, the treatment of alcohol with alkali and acid sodium sulfite gave positive results.

When processing defective starchy raw materials and molasses, alkali is sometimes added to the top plate of the distillation column in order to improve the oxidizability test.

As a rule, this increases the oxidation time, but always leads to a deterioration in the organoleptic properties of rectified alcohol.

As shown by P. S. Tsygankov and Yu. D. Sliva, the improvement in alcohol indicators with the introduction of alkali into alcohol is only apparent. Alkali gives alcohol an unpleasant bitterness. An increase in the oxidation time creates the appearance of an improvement in the quality of alcohol.

2. Purification of alcohol with activated carbon

Activated coals are called, which, after special treatment, acquire a huge adsorption surface and the pores of which, as a result of this treatment, are freed from resinous substances.

Activated carbons are universal absorbers for alcohol impurities. This property of activated carbons was established by N. D. Zelinskii while developing the problem of alcohol denaturation.

The use of adsorption methods for the purification of water-alcohol mixtures has long been known. In state-owned wine warehouses in pre-revolutionary Russia, the method of purifying water-alcohol mixtures by filtering through a layer of birch or linden coal was widely used. Coal was loaded into columns up to 4000 mm, which were connected in batteries of 4-7 pieces. In these columns, a water-alcohol solution with a strength of 40% vol. was filtered sequentially through coal at a speed that ensures the duration of contact with coal for at least 24 hours.

Later, on the recommendation of prof. A. N. Shustova the use of activated carbon of the norit type, the surface of which is 80-100 times higher than the surface of ordinary charcoal.

Filtration of water-alcohol mixtures improves their tasting properties, which can be explained by various considerations.

It is assumed that coal adsorbs some alcohol impurities, which give the alcohol an unpleasant taste and aroma. However, it has been observed that coal not only absorbs impurities, but also catalytically activates the oxidation process of both the alcohol itself and its impurities. In this case, the formation of organic acids occurs. Combining with alcohol, they form esters, such as acetic ethyl, acetic isoamyl and others.

For a long time it was believed that it was impossible to purify vodka with a large amount of activated carbon and that the contact of vodka with coal should not last more than 30 min, which was explained by the high activity of norite-type coal compared to ordinary coal.

The norm has been set! for cleaning 40% vodka: 16 grams of coal per 1 gave vodka at a contact duration of 30 min.

V. F. Komarov investigated the use of activated carbon for the purification of water-alcohol solutions from impurities and came to the conclusion that large doses of activated carbon (several kilograms per 1 gave vodka) under conditions of its continuous filtration through a layer of coal (dynamic method) improve the tasting qualities of vodka.

Based on this study, it was proposed to treat vodka with carbon in filters filled with activated carbon with a layer height of 4 m. At the same time, the filters were connected in series by 2 "or by 3. The recommended filtration rate is 3.5 m/h

During filtration, a number of impurities are selectively adsorbed from a complex polycomponent mixture. The intensity of adsorption depends on the brand of coal. It is noticed that isoamyl alcohol is absorbed more intensively (26-40%) than acetaldehyde (10-16%). With an increase in the dosages of coal ((up to a certain limit), an increase in the oxidizability test (Lang's test) was noticed. An increase in the amount of aldehydes due to oxidation was not observed.

V. F. Komarov also developed a simple method for the regeneration of activated carbon by treating it with water vapor (0.7 ati) and cold air .

Thus, these studies have shown that the use of activated carbon for the purification of water-alcohol mixtures from impurities is quite possible under conditions of continuous filtration through a layer of great height.

At the same time, it was proved that the tasting qualities of the filtered solution are improved, apparently due to the extraction from the solution of ingredients that give alcohol a bad taste and smell.

VF Komarov notes the great importance of preliminary purification of the processed solution from mechanical impurities by filtering the solution before feeding it to the carbon filter through sand filters.

The described cleaning methods have not been used in distilleries until recently. However, there is evidence that they are being distributed in some foreign factories. So, at some factories in France, activated charcoal treatment is used. This technique is used to obtain rectificate of especially high purity. For this purpose, rectified alcohol is diluted with softened water up to 30% vol. and re-epurete. The hot epuret is passed through activated charcoal of the norite type. The purified epuret is subjected to strengthening in a distillation column.

It is believed that the treatment of hot dilute epuret with norite helps to remove impurities that are not detected analytically, but spoil the taste and aroma of alcohol.

M. S. Shulman and A. N. Babkova studied the process of adsorption of ethyl alcohol impurities with activated carbon of the BAU brand. In laboratory experiments, they found that activated carbon extracts acetaldehyde from a 50% water-alcohol solution at a concentration exceeding 0.0005% wt. At a lower concentration, an increase in the aldehyde content is noted, as the authors believe, due to the oxidation of alcohol by impurities present in activated carbon. Activated carbon also adsorbs ethyl acetate and isoamyl alcohol from a 60% aqueous-alcoholic solution.

The question of the use of activated carbon for the purification of alcohol was also studied by G.L. Oshmyan and A.V. Ignatova in relation to the conditions of vodka production. The sorting was subjected to the study before and after treatment with the adsorbent. The authors of this work point out that the organoleptic properties of alcohol depend on the qualitative composition of impurities, so a change in the latter under the influence of treatment with activated carbon can change the organoleptic properties of alcohol.

Using the sensitive method of analytical determination developed by the authors, the authors found compounds of many organic acids (formic, acetic, propionic, etc.) in rectified alcohol. They found that under the influence of activated carbon, the qualitative composition of esters and acids shifts towards enrichment with compounds of large molecular weight. Apparently, the change should be associated with an increase in tasting score after treatment with activated carbon.

Assessing the results of ongoing research, we can assume that the use of activated carbons for alcohol purification in the rectification process is promising and should be subjected to further research.

3. Treatment of alcohol with ion-exchange resins

Synthetic ion-exchange resins (ion exchangers) are solid high-molecular compounds, mechanically strong and insoluble in the treated medium.

In its structure, any ion exchanger consists of insoluble polyvalent ions that carry a positive or negative charge and are surrounded by mobile ions of the opposite sign.

If the charge of a polyvalent ion is negative, and the mobile ones are positive, then the ion exchanger is called a cation exchanger. Such an ion exchanger is capable of exchanging its mobile ions with external cations of the medium.

If the high-molecular frame of the ion exchanger carries a positive charge, and mobile ions are negative, then such an ion exchanger is called an anion exchanger. It should be borne in mind that during ion-exchange purification, molecular adsorption on the highly developed surface of the ion exchanger also takes place due to the action of molecular forces.

A well-synthesized ion exchanger theoretically should not dissolve in water and electrolyte solutions. In practice, however, at the beginning of the operation of the ion exchanger, there is a more or less long period during which soluble substances are leached from the ion exchanger, polluting the medium being processed.

Ionites are produced in the form of a granular bulk mass or in the form of sheets of plates. Sheet ion exchangers are used as membranes for filtering the processed medium through them. To increase the mechanical strength, the membranes are reinforced with strong fabrics (fiberglass) or they are molded from a mixture of ion exchanger and elastic plastic. Ionites are widely used for water purification and softening. In the food industry, they are used to purify sugar juices in the beet sugar industry, in the production of fruit waters to remove excess acid, etc.

There are indications of attempts to use ion exchangers to purify alcohol from impurities, but this method has not been widely used.

V.P. Gryaznov and G.V. Rzhechitskaya, studying methods for processing defective starchy raw materials, used ion-exchange resins to purify water-alcohol solutions. The effectiveness of the use of ion-exchange resins was studied on crude alcohol.

Of the resins they studied, the EDE-10P anion exchanger gave encouraging results. The experience of using this resin showed that the amount of impurities in raw alcohol was significantly reduced. The authors found that the best cleaning effect is obtained for water-alcohol solutions with a strength of 40-50% vol., as can be seen from Fig. IX-1. An example of the use of ion-exchange resins can be seen when cleaning a water-alcohol solution,

alcohol obtained during the processing of molasses, from impurities by treating it with ion-exchange resins.

The authors of the studies suggested that the reduced tasting quality of alcohol produced from molasses is caused by the presence of intermediate impurities in the alcohol, primarily ethyl esters of propionic, butyric and valeric acids.

With the introduction of alkali on the upper plates of the distillation column for their saponification, salts of fatty acids are formed. These salts fall into the rectificate. When alcohol is diluted with water, they, according to the authors of the study, give it a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.

To remove esters and fatty acids contained in alcohol, it is proposed to treat it with the help of Ku-2 cation exchanger and EDE-10P and AN-F anion exchangers.

For the study, a semi-industrial plant was built at the Lvov distillery.

The technological regime developed by the authors was as follows. The alcohol to be purified was successively filtered through a Ku-2 H-cation exchanger and then through an AN-2F or EDE-10P OH-anion exchanger. Alcohol filtration rate 3.0-3.5 gave / (kg-h). To ensure a regeneration cycle for 100 gave alcohol is loaded into ion exchange columns 55 kg anion exchanger and 40 kg catholyte. Dimensions of cylindrical columns: H = 1.5 m, d= 0.4 m.

For continuous purification of alcohol, two pairs of columns are installed. While one pair is working, the second is being regenerated. Regeneration of ion exchangers is carried out by washing with water and passing regenerating solutions through a column. A solution of NaOH is passed through the ion exchanger, a solution of HCl is passed through the cation exchanger. After passing the regenerating solutions, the columns are washed with demineralized water.

The results of alcohol purification are shown below.

The results of the purification of alcohol obtained during the processing of molasses at a semi-industrial plant

(ion exchangers Ku-2 and AN-2F)

Before processing After processing
Fortress, % vol 96,2 96,2
Withstands Withstands
Oxidation test, min 30 33
0,00025 0,00025
The content of fusel oil in terms offor anhydrous alcohol, % vol. 0,0005 0,0005
mg/l 12,0 6,3
ethyl acetate, mg/l 29,2 17,3
The presence of fatty acids when concentrating impurities by 100 times
acetic Discovered Discovered
propionic Discovered Not found
oily Discovered Not found
valerian Not found Not found
Test for methyl alcohol Withstands Withstands
Furfural Absent Absent
Tasting score, points 8,75 9,79

The results of the purification of alcohol obtained during the processing of molasses at a semi-industrial plant

(ion exchangers Ku-2 and EDE-10P)

Before processing After processing
Fortress, % vol 96,2 96,2
Purity test with sulfuric acid Withstands Withstands
Oxidation test, min 30 35
The content of aldehydes in terms of anhydrous alcohol, % vol. 0,00025 0,00025
The content of fusel oil in terms offor anhydrous alcohol, % vol. 0,0005 0,0005
Acidity in terms of acetic acid, mg/l 12,0 6,0
ethyl acetate, mg/l 29,2 16,1
The presence of fatty acids when concentrating impurities by 100 times
acetic Discovered Discovered
propionic Discovered Not found
oily Discovered Not found
valerian Discovered Not found
Test for methyl alcohol Withstands Withstands
Furfural Absent Absent
Tasting score, points 8,75 9,79

These data indicate that ion-exchange purification increases the tasting parameters of molasses alcohol. They, apparently, also confirm the authors' assumption about ricins, which cause a decrease in the tasting parameters of molasses alcohol, although this question needs further verification.

When introducing the developed methods of ion-exchange alcohol purification into production, significant difficulties were encountered related to the quality of ion exchangers and their behavior during long-term operation. This required clarification of the conditions for coal supplied by the chemical industry. Work in this direction is carried out by UkrNIISP.

4. Heat treatment of alcohol

Heat treatment of alcohol to improve its quality has gained some popularity in France. According to a French patent, when alcohol is heated to 30-140 ° C, impurities decompose, deteriorating the quality of alcohol.

For a number of years, the rectification laboratory of TsNIISP has been studying the method of heat treatment of alcohol in laboratory and production conditions.

In 1959-1960. laboratory experiments were carried out in which samples of rectified alcohol of the first grade and the highest purification were subjected to heat treatment, which deviated from the standard for the oxidizability test. These samples were subjected to overheating in an autoclave to 100–140°C for 5–20 min, after which part of the alcohol in the form of vapors was taken. When analyzing the cooled alcohol residue, a significant improvement in the test for oxidizability was found (by 10-15 min). The tasting performance has also improved. The optimal overheating temperature was found to be 100-110°C for a duration of 5-10 minutes.

Subsequently, the experiments were transferred to production conditions. Vyli created two production units for the heat treatment of alcohol: at the Michurinsky Experimental Plant and at the Lipetsk Alcohol Plant. The Michurinsky Plant installation consisted of the following elements: an alcohol heater, a holding heater, a refrigerator, a separator, an expander, an alcohol trap, and a condenser.

At this installation, the alcohol coming from the 2nd and 3rd trays of the distillation column was kept at a temperature of 90–92°C for 5 minutes.

A similar installation at the Lipetsk plant made it possible to work at a higher temperature (98-99°C). It should be noted that in this case the temperature was significantly lower than that recommended by the French patent (130-140°C) and the optimal processing temperature found by laboratory experiments carried out at TsNIISP (100-110°C).

It can be concluded that the reasons for the change in the quality of alcohol during heat treatment at the Michurin plant could be: a change in the composition of alcohol impurities and the distillation of a part of volatile products and their removal from the condenser.

It is possible that the second reason in some cases is the main one.

Table IX-1 shows the analysis of alcohol before and after heat treatment at the Lipetsk plant.

Considering the data in Table. IX-1, we can state an improvement in analytical indicators. They also point to improved tasting performance. Comparing the analytical parameters of alcohols before and after heat treatment and the condensate from the separator, it can be established that the distillation of volatile impurities plays a significant role in this process. However, it is not possible to determine the share of this participation, since the balance of impurities in the work is not given. The role of chemical processes occurring in alcohol during heat treatment is also very likely.

Whatever caused the improvement in performance, it should be recognized that the quality of alcohol can be improved by heat treatment.

It is also interesting to follow the behavior of individual alcohol impurities during heat treatment. In the work under consideration, the authors carried out a gas chromatographic analysis, the results of which are given in Table. IX-2.

Experiments carried out at a higher temperature at the Lipetsk plant (98-99°C) basically gave the same results as the experiments at the Michurinsky plant.

Also of great interest are the studies of the heat treatment process carried out by Yu. D. Sliva and PS Tsygankov at KTIPP. In these studies, the chemistry of the heat treatment process was subjected to a deeper study. (See also Yu. D. Sliva, P. S. Tsygankov, V. F. Sukhodol. “Proceedings of universities. Food technology”, No. 1, 1968.


The decrease in the content of impurities in this case occurs both due to the removal of impurities with the vapor phase, and due to chemical transformations. At the same time, heat treatment affects such impurities as acrolein, diacetyl, crotonaldehyde.

One of the reasons for the improvement in the tasting qualities of alcohol after heat treatment and the main reason for the increase in the test for oxidizability is, according to the authors, a decrease in the content of acrolein, diacetyl and cretonaldehyde. Therefore, heat treatment can give a noticeable effect when the low quality of alcohol is explained by the presence of these compounds.

If the low quality of alcohol is due to the presence of ethyl esters of butyric, propionic or valeric acid, then heat treatment does not significantly improve the quality of alcohol.

It has also been experimentally found that in the presence of alkali, heat treatment can lead to the formation of crotonaldehyde, so it is recommended that only alcohol free of alkali be subjected to heat treatment.

The interesting work of Yu. D. Pliva and PS Tsygankov marked the beginning of the study of the chemistry of heat treatment of alcohol. This work must be continued.


1. Gladilin N. I. Guidelines for the rectification of alcohol. Pishchepromzdat, 1952.

2. Klimovsky D. N., Stabnikov V. N. Technology of alcohol. Ed. 3rd. Pishchepromizdat, 1960.

3. Fertman G. I., Pokrovsky A. L., Vishnevskaya T. L. “Alcohol and vodka industry”, 1940, No. 3.

4. Gryaznov V. P., Rzhechitskaya G. V. Proceedings of TsNIISP. Issue. VIII 1959.

5. P. S. Tsygankov and Yu. D. Sliva, Sb. "Food industry", No. 6. Tekhnika publishing house, Kyiv, 1967.

6. Serpionov a E. N. Industrial adsorption of gases and vapors. Goshimizdat, 1956.

7. Komarov VF Dynamic method of purification of water-alcohol solutions with activated carbon and regeneration of waste coal in filters with steam and air. Dissertation abstract. VKhTI, 1949.

8. Ternov with cue N. S., Gryaznov V. P. “Alcohol industry”, 1960. No. 4.

9. M. S. Shulman and A. N. Babko, Proceedings of TsNIISP. Issue. IX, 1960.

10. Oshmyan G. L., Ignatova A. V. Proceedings of TsNIISP. Issue. XI, 1961.

11. Scheo 1 Vshe palen1 oGPse, 2641543. lon exap&eg 1gea1tep1 o(a! cono1 50-1inop.

12. Danilko G. V., Korobenkova A. I. Works of UkrNIISP. Issue. VII, 1960.

13. Danilko GV Purification of ethyl alcohol by ion-exchange resins. Abstract of dissertations. KTIPP, 1965.

14. Danilko G. V., Egorov A. S. Proceedings of UkrNIISP. Issue. IX, 1964.

15. Danilko G. V., Egorov A. S., Danilyak N. I., Kaminsky R. S. “Kharchova trade! St”, 1964, No. 1.

To eliminate the specific smell and improve the taste of vodka, additional home cleaning and aromatization is used, adding a variety of fruits, berries, herbs, and various spices to it.
So how are we going to clean it up?

To clean vodka on the floor of a liter bottle, add 5 tablets of Karbolen (activated carbon) bought at the pharmacy, slightly crushed into small pieces with a knife handle (but not crushed into powder).
Then the bottle is closed and actively shaken for 2-3 minutes, while the vodka turns black. After 10 minutes, shaking is repeated. After half an hour, the bottle can be shaken again.
After that, the bottle is left completely alone in the dark for 2-3 days.
At the end of settling, a dense black layer of activated carbon is deposited at the bottom of the bottle, and above it is the purest vodka, which is very carefully drained from the sediment with a siphon.
Do not try to filter the vodka to speed up the process - the filter will instantly become clogged with coal and the filtration will stop.
It is necessary to patiently wait until the coal itself completely precipitates.
The loss of vodka in this case is about 5%, which remain at the bottom in a black coal sediment. The more Karbolen is put in, the greater the loss of vodka will be.
Purified in this way, vodka is superior in purity and taste to any of the most expensive ones.

More efficient and more affordable than other methods is filtration, in which vodka passes through filters made of adsorbing substances; activated carbon is most often used in their role.
You can also strain the vodka through a vessel with charcoal or place the charcoal directly into the vodka at the rate of 50 g of charcoal per 1 liter of vodka. Leave the charcoal for 3 weeks, remembering to shake the container in which the cleaning is taking place daily. After 3 weeks, filter the liquid. Now you can see for yourself by tasting that vodka has become cleaner. It is better to use coal left over from burning birch firewood.

You can pass vodka through household filters for purification such as "Spring", "Barrier", etc.

An old Russian method for cleaning homemade vodka:
it is necessary to pour a little milk or egg white into the made vodka. These products bind fusel oils and together with them form a sediment at the bottom. Carefully pour the vodka into a clean vessel and distill again. After that, put freshly baked rye bread in it. The product obtained as a result of all these operations is practically pure alcohol, devoid of any impurities.

According to the same principle, vodka can be purified with potassium permanganate. Pour 2-3 g of potassium permanganate powder into a 3-liter jar and wait until a precipitate forms. Next, carefully pour the purified vodka into another bowl, avoiding sediment getting into it.

Freeze cleaning.
Place the bottle in the freezer of the refrigerator, defrost after a while and carefully pour into a clean dish, and try not to get ice from the walls of the bottle into the purified drink. The mechanism of the proposed method is not complicated: the water in the vodka freezes, creating an ice crust on the inner surface of the bottle and absorbing harmful impurities, including fusel oils. Try defrosted vodka, and you will feel that its taste, and hence the quality, has improved significantly.

Flavoring vodka
To eliminate the specific smell and improve the taste of vodka, aromatization is used by adding a variety of fruits, berries, herbs, and various spices to it. They are also added to the finished purified vodka, which is infused for a certain time to obtain the desired effect.
Initially, hops were used to flavor vodka and moonshine. Even in small quantities, it can almost completely destroy the fusel smell and taste.
Bee honey, which is also an effective aromatic additive, is distinguished by similar qualities.
Many medicinal herbs can be used for aromatization. Such vodka, in addition to a pleasant smell, also acquires medicinal properties.
If the plant infused in the same vodka is changed from time to time to a fresh one, then a concentrated infusion will be obtained, which can then be used to improve the taste and smell of vodka, simply by adding it in a small amount.
It is most practical to infuse the flavor with vodka in a glass bowl. If you need urgent flavoring (for example, for the arrival of guests), it is best to put the bottles in a pot of water on wooden blocks and boil for an hour. After cooling in cold water.
When making homemade vodka, the flavoring agent can also be added to the sourdough. Herbs, lemon and orange skins are very appropriate here. However, the aroma is barely noticeable. To enhance it, it is better to first insist on the flavor of your choice the water used to obtain the mash (or prepare a decoction), and only then dilute the sourdough in this water.

Here are some recipes for vodka and moonshine with improved taste and smell.

orange vodka
Ingredients: refined sugar, water - 1 l, vodka - 2 l, peels from 4-5 oranges.
Preparation: boil the syrup from refined sugar and water. Mix with vodka. Pour into the bottle and throw in the same orange peels. Put in a place protected from light for 3-4 days. Then filter and bottle.
Ingredients: dried fruits (pears, apples, cherries, plums, figs), vodka, horns, honey, pepper pods to taste.
Preparation: Rinse dried fruits and horns, fill with vodka, add honey and pepper to taste. Cover the dish with a piece of bread and spread with unleavened dough. Put for 12 hours in a very warm place (in the village - on a hot stove). Drink hot. Fruit can also be eaten.
grape vodka
Ingredients: grape juice - 1 l, sugar - 1 kg, tea - 1 tbsp. l., bay leaf - 5 pcs., black peppercorns - 5 pcs., vanillin - 0.5 tsp., vodka - 1 l.
Preparation: add the listed ingredients to the vodka. Insist 5-6 days, stirring regularly. Strain. These flavors perfectly eliminate moonshine smell.
cherry vodka
Ingredients: vodka, cherry fruits.
Preparation: fill the bottle 3/4 with ripe cherries (half of them should be pitted), fill with vodka and put in the cellar for 1.5 months. After the above time, drain the vodka and squeeze the cherries through the canvas. Let them rest. After a day, mix the juice with vodka, bottle it, seal it. It is recommended to try in a year.
Usually women prefer drinks that are weaker and sweeter than classic moonshine. Especially for them, we will give several recipes for drinks with a pleasant, mild taste.
strawberry vodka
Ingredients: strawberries or strawberries - 3 kg, sugar - 1.5 kg, vodka - 1 bottle.
Preparation: Grind strawberries or strawberries with sugar, add vodka.
Ingredients: strong moonshine - 3 l, high quality sugar and tea - 1 tbsp each, bay leaf - 3 pcs., black peppercorns - 5 pcs., clove buds - 3-5 pcs., a few orange or lemon peels.
Preparation: mix all the ingredients thoroughly and let the vodka brew for 10 days.
Ingredients: raspberries, vodka, sugar syrup to taste.
Preparation: fill the bottle 3/4 with ripe raspberries. Fill with vodka and keep two days in the shade. Drain, discard the raspberries, put them in 1/2 bottles of fresh ones and again fill them with the same vodka for two days. Drain, strain. Dilute sugar syrup and add to taste.
Ingredients: vodka, leaves and flowers of field wormwood.
Preparation: dry the upper leaves and flowers of the field wormwood in the shade, then immerse in vodka so that they take up a quarter of the container. Vodka can be consumed in 1-2 weeks.
Caraway vodka
Ingredients: cumin - 350-400 g, water - 1 l, sugar to taste.
Preparation: distill water with cumin through a distillation apparatus. The resulting caraway water can be stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar for several months. When you need cumin vodka, sweeten the water quite a bit, pour it into vodka to taste - and the drink is ready.
colored vodka
Vodka can be given a very beautiful color without the use of any artificial dyes.
For her to buy:
- blue color - insist it on cornflowers;
- green - on mint;
- red - on blueberries;
- purple - on sunflower seeds;
- yellow - on saffron.

You can also clean vodka and alcohol at home. But we’ll warn you right away: this will not save you from deadly methyl alcohol. And from harmful impurities - easily. Additional purification will improve the quality of vodka and prevent hangovers (if you drink in reasonable quantities).

Part 1. Vodka from the store

You bought a bottle in a store and suddenly doubted its proper cleaning. You can insure yourself by cleaning the vodka yourself. Home cleaning may well remove foreign impurities in the product. There are several ways to clean vodka. They can be used either singly or in combination.


This is the simplest: take a paper towel, roll it up with a funnel, put a piece of cotton wool on the bottom, you can add more activated or plain charcoal, put another paper funnel on top. And slowly, in a thin stream, pour vodka through this structure.

You can use a good water filter to filter vodka.

Instead of paper towels, it is convenient to use paper coffee filters.

You can take activated charcoal, you can buy charcoal tablets in a specialized store for cleaning moonshine, or you can pull out a cooled coal from the barbecue in the country. It is better not to take purchased coals for barbecue - they give an unpleasant smell to the product.


You can add the same coal to vodka and insist on it for several days. Tightly closed containers with vodka should be shaken twice a day. After infusion, it is better to filter the vodka, as described above.

Milk and proteins

Ancient folk way. Add milk or egg white to vodka. Shake. Protein or milk will curdle, bind impurities and fusel oils and precipitate. And you filter the vodka, and drain the sediment.

Potassium permanganate

In vodka you need to add 2-3 grams of potassium permanganate. Insist during the night. There should be sediment at the bottom. Then we filter the vodka, leaving a sediment in the bottle.


Vodka is poured into a bag and placed in the freezer. In our freezers, vodka does not freeze, its freezing temperature is below 20 degrees. But impurities turn into small pieces of ice. They must be filtered first through a fine sieve, then through a paper filter.

Part 2. Alcohol

The days of Royal alcohol are long gone. And you can’t buy food alcohol in stores now. But sometimes they still get it. In different ways and for different purposes, but ethyl or medical alcohol gets to consumers. Rare extreme people drink it pure. Usually alcohol is diluted to a strength of vodka - 40 degrees. This must be done carefully. And the resulting product must be cleaned. Since when diluting even pure alcohol with pure water, impurities are still released.

Step 1. Distinguish from methyl (technical)

It is very important. In general, it is better not to buy alcohol in a dubious place. Although if the official sale is prohibited, then all places are dubious. Sometimes alcohol is bought at distilleries, this is a fairly reliable place. However, if drinking alcohol comes into contact with you:

Smell. Bad alcohol will smell like acetone. But just do not bring your nose close to alcohol - you will burn your mucous membrane. It is necessary to bring the container with alcohol to the side of the nose, no closer than 15 centimeters, and wave the alcohol vapors at yourself with your hand. This is how professional tasters evaluate aromas, it is safe. Methanol itself does not differ from ethyl alcohol, but its impurities differ.

Set it on fire. Ethyl alcohol burns with a blue flame, technical alcohol with a green one.

Heat up the copper wire. When hot copper wire gets into the alcohol, a sharp unpleasant odor can be released - this means you have methyl alcohol. Edible alcohol will not react to this.

Step 2. Find good water

Not boiled and not distilled. It is best to take bottled water and filter it additionally. Or spring - and also filter. Mineral water with added salts is not suitable.

Step 3. Glucose

You can buy it at a pharmacy or cook it yourself. 1 kg of sugar must be diluted in a liter of water and put on fire. Boil, constantly removing the white foam. When the foam stops forming, the syrup is ready.

Step 4. Quantity calculation

Approximate proportion: 2 parts alcohol to 3 parts water. That is, for 100 ml of alcohol, you need to take about 150 ml of water. On the Internet, you can easily find a calculation table, according to which you will understand how much water is needed for a certain strength of alcohol and for a certain strength of the drink in the end. The above proportion is for 96% alcohol and approximately 40% vodka.

Step 5Connect

Pour the required amount of water into a container, add a spoonful of glucose and stir. Then pour alcohol into the water.

Important! It is necessary to pour alcohol into water, and not vice versa. In the latter case, you will get a whitish liquid, undrinkable.

After you have introduced alcohol, mix the resulting liquid. Keep in mind that its volume may be less than the combined volume of water and alcohol. Part of the liquid volume is lost during the reaction.

Step 6. Purification and filtration

It is necessary to add coal to alcohol, you can even have a few activated tablets. Leave for 2-3 hours, then filter through a dense cloth or through cotton wool. Additionally, you can use any method of cleaning vodka from those outlined in the first part of the article.

Step 7: Exposure

Pour the diluted vodka into bottles and let stand for 2 days. Sometimes it is recommended to defend a week.
