
Peach compote with pulp for the winter. Kitchen appliances and utensils

Amazing Property at compotes - in summer they enjoy their taste and quench their thirst, and in winter - this additional source vitamins and a reminder of the past warm days. This is exactly what can be said about peach compotes prepared for the winter. juicy, southern fruits V amber syrup in winter they will remind you of the summer sun and delight you with a refreshing taste.

Compote is a dessert vitamin drink prepared from one or more types assorted berries. With the addition of sugar, compote becomes a high-calorie drink, this should be taken into account by people who are prone to fullness.

By changing the ingredients, you can make compote sweet, sour, tart, with bitterness, but the main thing is that it is necessary to preserve all the most useful for the body in it, and not to destroy vitamins during the cooking process.

  • berries and fruits must be exceptionally fresh;
  • drink water - purified;
  • For 1 part of fruit, take no more than 3 parts of water.

Selection and preparation of peaches

When choosing peaches, it is necessary to reject rotten, with a touch of mold, with a broken skin. Peaches have a skin with villi, a lot of dusty particles accumulate between them, so they must be washed thoroughly under running water.

A The best way- soak the fruit for half an hour in a weak solution of soda ash. After that, rinse them, and the villi themselves will be washed off under running water.

Some housewives believe that if the seeds are not removed from the stone fruit, then the compote will become unusable in a year, therefore, it is better to remove the stone for harvesting for the winter. Lay out the washed fruits on a clean cloth or paper so that they dry, and you can start canning.

Recipes for making peach compote at home

Compote is closed in glass containers without cracks, scratches and punctures. They are being washed soda solution, rinse and sterilize. The lids with which the jars are rolled up must be boiled.

Easy way for winter

Prepared fruits are sorted by size. Large fruits are closed in 3-liter jars, smaller fruits are closed in 1-liter jars.

The density with which peaches are placed in a container depends on the preferences of the hostess. And the syrup is prepared according to standard norms: 130 grams of sugar is dissolved in 1 liter of water. If you need more sweet syrup increase the amount of sugar.

Without sterilization

The most common and reliable way canning. If the fruits are too large, they must be cut. Fill the jar with fruits by two-thirds.

Prepare syrup:

Boil the sugar syrup, pour over the peaches, roll up the lid. Turn the jar over, cover with a blanket.


Put the peach halves without the core into a glass container. Blanch for 10-12 minutes. After this time, the water from the cans is drained.

Make a sugar solution by mixing sugar and water in a ratio of 130/1000. Boil it and again pour the peaches up to the neck of the jar. Quickly tighten the lid, leave upside down for a day to cool.

With bone

They look very nice, and the presence of a bone gives a slight astringency. Whole peaches of the same size are poured into a sterilized container, two thirds of the volume. Size is important so that the fruits are equally heated when blanching. Boil clean water, pour the fruits, cover with lids. Peaches should warm up for at least 20 minutes.

Important! This type of compote must be used within a year, after this period the bones secrete hydrocyanic acid.

With citric acid

The best safety net against exploding lids is to add citric acid to the syrup. Peaches and container prepare in the usual way, but when boiling syrup, add lemon juice or acid. Fill a container with peaches, pour boiling syrup over, close immediately.

To properly prepare the syrup, you must:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 130 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 grams of lemon.

Mix all ingredients, bring to a boil. Lemon acid - good preservative, the taste becomes more pronounced, with a pleasant sourness.

with apricot

The combination of peaches and apricot makes the compote sunny, amber, which is especially valuable in winter. You can cook it without bones, or you can - with bones. In the second case, preservation cannot be stored for more than a year.

Apricots are selected at medium ripeness, they should be firm. They are washed and allowed to dry. Fill the container with fruit equal proportions. Pour in strong boiling water, stand for 10-15 minutes.

For syrup, you need for 1 liter of water:

  • sugar - 130-150 grams;
  • lemons - 5 grams.

Mix all the ingredients, boil, pour over the heated fruit, immediately roll up the lid. Banks are turned over and left to cool wrapped under a blanket.

From fig peaches

The flat shape allows you to fill the jar big amount fruit and get delicious compote. Prepare them like ordinary peaches:

  • select intact, dense, unripe;
  • wash thoroughly;
  • laid out on cloth to dry.

Flat peaches in 3 liter jar can enter 1.5-2 kilograms. To get a delicious compote, you should do conservation without sterilization. To do this, pour the fruit with hot syrup, cork, let cool under the covers.

From nectarines

Nectarines resemble peaches, but they are bald, without hairs on the peel. Strong fruits are selected, without damage, washed. Fill a glass container with fruits, pour over with boiling water. After 15 minutes, the water is drained, syrup is prepared on it at the rate of: 1 liter of water, 130 grams of sugar, 5 grams of lemon. Pour in boiling syrup, roll up the lid.

With plum

Adding plums will change the color of the drink, the fruits will exchange palatability which makes them extraordinary. Peaches will be pleasant Pink colour and plums will acquire its aroma.

The plum should not be overripe, firm. Fill a jar with fruit, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Drain water into enamelware and boil the syrup in it. The plum contains more acid, so more sugar is added to the syrup - 150 grams of sugar and 5 grams of lemon are needed for 1 liter of water. Warmed fruits are poured with hot syrup, corked, the container is turned over and covered with a blanket for a day.

with apples

Apples choose hard, sour varieties, preferably green. This will not only complement the taste of the compote, but will also look very nice on the outside.

Peaches are prepared in the usual way, and apples:

  • wash, let dry;
  • cut in half or into slices;
  • remove the core.

Enrich the taste of such a compote with lemon zest. For this.

Whatever you say, homemade preparations are always welcome, healthier and tastier. This year there was not only a rich harvest of apricots and peaches, but apples were full. So why don't they extend their life in the form of canning. At the moment, there was a desire to cook a compote of apples and peaches for the winter.

My grandchildren came from Moscow and drank with great pleasure in summer season previously prepared, now I will cook a variety of compotes for them. After all, there will be late peaches, dogwood, raspberries, quince, various varieties grapes, only there was a desire.

Compote of apples and peaches for the winter

For compote from apples and peaches will go different kinds apples. IN this case I have sweet apples, and peaches are fragrant, but slightly sour. I think that such a combination will be a priority. I will select the amount of sugar to my taste, as it depends on the natural sweetness of the fruit. At the end, I will write in my recipe.

According to the recipe, compote of apples and peaches for the winter is prepared as follows:

1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients for the above dessert. The main thing is that all our apples are healthy, without damage and not wormy.

Prepare all the ingredients for apple and peach compote
Cut apples and peaches for compote

3. For compote, take glass jars of various capacities, 1, liter, two-liter or 3-liter will suit well. In my case, one and a half liter ones with a screw cap were taken. They must be thoroughly washed with baking soda, then rinse in clean water and sterilize in separate saucepan. Then lay out the chopped apples and peaches. In total, 350 grams of fruit is enough for a 1.5 liter jar. I spread more apples, and 3 peaches in each jar. There is also two-liter jar, there the syrup was prepared to taste.

Arrange fruits in jars

4. Boil water in a separate bowl and pour over the prepared fruit set. It should be poured very carefully so as to burn yourself and so that the container does not burst.

Pour boiling water over fruit set for compote

5. Cover the glassware with the contents with lids, but do not cork and leave the future compote in this position for 15 minutes.

Cover jars with compote with a lid and leave for 15 minutes

6. After this period of time, pour granulated sugar into the pan.

Pour sugar into a bowl

7. Pour in water and boil over medium heat for 3 minutes.

Pour in water and boil the syrup over medium heat for 3 minutes.

8. At the final stage, re-fill the jars with apple-peach filling and sprinkle with lemon. Screw on with standard caps.

Fill jars with apple-peach filling and close the lid

9. Turn upside down, insulate with a warm towel and blanket and leave until completely cooled. Compote from apples and peaches can be stored in a dry basement and even in a room.

Turn the compote upside down and insulate with a warm towel and blanket

Now, next time I'll make a compote of apples and dogwood. Follow my post.

Components for 1.5 liter jars:

  • apples -280-300 grams;
  • peaches - 4 fruits;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • citric acid - two pinches;
  • water - about a liter.

Nature has given us this delicious fruit like a peach. These are simply divine fruits. In the summer, you can enjoy them to your heart's content.

But no matter how many peaches you eat, in winter you will want to again. This is where jars hidden in the summer come to the rescue.

Rolling compote is a simple, but rewarding job. You open a jar - and July lives in it: fruits, as if just plucked from a tree, and even delicious juice. Isn't it worth it to spend a little time during the fruit season and roll up some peach compote for the winter for the sake of such pleasure?

Peach compote for the winter - general principles of preparation

To prepare a first-class compote, you need to select peaches that have the following qualities:

1) Fragrant. Only fruits, the smell of which is pronounced, will make the compote really smelly.

2) Ripe. Unripe peaches are best used for making jam.

3) Elastic. Slightly firm fruits will retain their shape. Overripe and soft fruits will turn into porridge and spoil the compote.

Peaches can be rolled whole, pitted halves and small slices.

Fruits need to be washed and removed excess water. If desired, the fruits are peeled. Fruit will become more tender, and the drink will become more intense.

To make compote you will need peaches, water and sugar. Improves the taste of preservation cloves and citric acid. The most common ratio of sugar and water is: 300 gr. sweet ingredient per liter. And peaches will need half a kilogram per jar.

For a change, the fruits can be poured not sugar syrup, but juice from plums, pears or grapes.

Most often, compote is rolled without sterilization, and fruits are poured with boiling water. But some recipes call for this process.

Prepare clean jars and lids in advance.

You will also need a seaming key, a towel, a deep saucepan, a colander, a measuring cup, a hot stand.

Recipe 1. Peach compote for the winter "Classic"


One kg of peaches;

700 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

    We clean the peaches from the peel. In order to do this quickly, pour boiling water over the fruit and immediately pour over cold water. The skin is easily removed.

    Put the peaches in jars and pour in boiling water. We leave for a quarter of an hour.

    Pour the cooled water into a saucepan. Add granulated sugar and prepare a sweet syrup.

    Carefully pour it into jars of peaches and seal tightly glass container.

Recipe 2. Peach compote for the winter "Sweet slices"


Two kg of peaches;

Twenty tablespoons. sugar;

Five liters of boiled water.

Cooking method:

    We thoroughly wash the fruits, peel the skin. Remove the stone, cut the fruit into large slices.

    We put them in prepared jars with a capacity of one liter. Fill the glass container halfway.

    Boil water and fill jars to the top. We put it on top clean lids and leave for half an hour.

    We drain the water. Place the lids in a saucepan and cover with boiling water.

    Pour five tablespoons of sugar into each jar.

    Pour in boiling water and roll up (or twist tightly).

    We turn each jar over two or three times so that the sugar dissolves.

    We put the glass container upside down.

    Wrap the jars and leave until they cool completely.

    We clean in a dark locker or pantry until the winter cold.

Recipe 3. Peach compote for the winter "Fragrant"


Three kg of peaches;

0.6 kg sugar;

Four carnations.

Cooking method:

    Wash the peaches in running water. Divide them in half and remove the bones.

    We wash the jars and pour over with boiling water. We boil the lids.

    We fill the jars with peaches about halfway.

    Fill with boiling water and leave for twenty minutes.

    Drain the water into a large saucepan.

    Add sugar and cloves. Bring water to a boil.

    Pour sweet syrup into jars. Immediately roll up clean lids.

    We put the jars upside down and cover with a blanket until they cool completely.

Recipe 4. Peach compote for the winter with citric acid



For one liter of water:

Three tablespoons with a slide of sugar;

3 gr. citric acid.

Cooking method:

    We free the clean fruits from the pits. Fill jars 2/3 full with fruit halves.

    As usual, pour in boiling water and leave for ten minutes.

    Pour the cooled water into a separate bowl. Add sugar and citric acid. We stir.

    Boil water and pour it into jars of peaches.

    We roll up the lids, turn over and cool in this form. We don't cover anything.

Recipe 5. Peach compote for the winter with pear-apple juice



Pear-apple juice- one liter per can of three liters.

Cooking method:

    Prepare the peaches and pour boiling water over them, as in previous recipe.

    Drain the water after twenty minutes.

    Boil pear-apple juice and add it to a glass container with fruit.

    We tightly twist the lids, turn the jars over.

    After the jars have cooled, we remove them in a prepared room.

    There is no sugar in this recipe citric acid. Pear will give sweetness, and apples - sourness.

Recipe 6. Peach compote for the winter with grape juice


One kg of peaches;

One and a half kg of grapes;

250 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

    Squeeze juice from pure grapes. We do this with a juicer.

    Prepare a strainer and two layers of gauze. Strain freshly squeezed grape juice to get rid of the pulp.

    Pour it into an enameled saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

    Stir the sugar lightly so that it does not burn.

    Peel the peaches and cut in half. We remove the bone and traces of ponytails.

    We send them to sterilized liter jars and fill grape juice.

    We twist the lids and put in a deep saucepan. Completely fill with water: it should cover the jars by a centimeter.

    We pasteurize a liter glass container with peach compote for about seventeen minutes.

    Refrigerate fruit jars at room temperature.

Recipe7. Peach compote for the winter in plum filling


Three kg of peaches;

One glass of sugar;

Half a liter of hot water;

One liter of unsweetened plum juice.

Cooking method:

    We put the washed peaches in hot water. Boil fruit for ten minutes.

    Then transfer the peaches to cold water. We clean the fruit from the skin, remove the seeds and cut into four parts.

    We dilute the plum juice with half a liter of water, in which the peaches were boiled before. We pour sugar. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

    We put the peaches in clean jars, filling them a little more than half.

    Fill hot to the top plum juice and immediately roll up.

    We hide the jars under the covers. When they cool down, we shift them to the pantry and make an appointment in the winter.

Recipe 8. Georgian peach compote for the winter



Sugar - 450 gr. on three-liter jar.

Cooking method:

    Clean peaches are freed from the stone and cut into slices.

    We lay them in a three-liter jar up to half. Add granulated sugar.

    Pour cold and clean water into the jar.

    Cover with steamed lids. We put the container with fruit in a deep saucepan. Carefully fill with water so that it reaches the middle of the jar.

    After boiling, we detect fifteen minutes and then carefully unload glassware with fruits.

    Screw on the lids tightly. Cool down at room temperature.

    We store compote in a dark and cool room.

Recipe 9. Peach compote for the winter with honey and rum


Three kg of peaches;

One liter of water;

0.75 kg sugar;

0.25 kg of honey;

10 gr. citric acid;

Cooking method:

    Rinse the fruit and put in a colander. Dip in boiling water, in which citric acid was previously dissolved, for a couple of minutes. Remove and immediately fill with cold water. Remove the skin, cut in half and remove the seeds.

    Lay the peach halves on the bottom clean jar cut down.

    Boil water and dissolve sugar in it. Let's add honey.

    Fill jars with fruits with hot syrup. Pour rum into each (a teaspoon per liter container).

    Seal tightly with clean lids.

    Leave to cool in a corner of the kitchen.

Recipe 10. Peach compote for the winter with lemon


One kg of peaches;


0.6 kg of sugar per liter of filling.

Cooking method:

    Cut the prepared peaches in half and remove the pit. Then we divide it into two parts. Got quarters.

    With a sharp knife remove the skin.

    Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice directly onto the peach slices.

    We fill jars with fruit 2/3 of the volume.

    Pour the sugar into the heated water, stir so that it dissolves faster.

    Bring the syrup to a boil, strain through a two-layer gauze and let cool quite a bit.

    Pour out sweet water in jars. The syrup should only cover the fruits and not reach the neck by five centimeters.

    Cover with lids and sterilize for at least 15 minutes.

    We twist and leave to cool without wrapping.

Peach compote for the winter - tricks and tips

  • The characteristic fluff can be easily removed if the fruit is left for five minutes in water with a small amount soda.
  • It is easier to remove the stone like this: cut the peach along the furrow with a knife and remove it.
  • We select fruits without damage of small or medium size. Such peaches are more convenient to get out of the jar.
  • From the seeds you can grow a new tree. They need to be buried to a depth of 8 cm and watered.
  • So that the peaches do not darken during the removal of stones and skins, the fruits can be put in cold water with a drop of citric acid.
  • When sterilizing, put a towel on the bottom of the pan.
  • If several jars are placed in the dish, they should not touch.

bright, sweet, juicy peaches always popular and desired by all. Closing peach compote for the winter means stocking up on a jar of homemade vitamins without preservatives. After all, peaches are not only attractive in appearance, they contain a lot of beneficial microelements on the body. IN winter time there will be an opportunity to enjoy not only sweet compote, but also eat the pulp of peaches. Canned fruits in compote can be consumed whole and used in pies or cakes. There are many recipes with a photo of peach compote for the winter so that novice hostesses understand how to close this excellent drink. Hostesses with experience in conservation will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things from the photo presentation of the process of rolling fruit and berry preparations.

What are the benefits of peach?

Peach is useful fruit for a person. It consists of: vitamins B, C, T, K, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Among the favorable components, pectins and essential oil. Even the peach pit and its leaves have positive properties. The bone is processed into almond oil, which is widely used in cosmetology, and decoctions are made from the leaves of the tree to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Fragrant pulp is easily digested in any form. It can be used not only fresh, but also resort to simple recipe peach compote for the winter. Whether it's juice, compote or peach flesh, they all equally normalize the secretory activity of the stomach, help digest food, improve appetite, and also treat kidney disease, cardiovascular ailments, rheumatism, gout.

Preserving peach compote

Asking the question: "How to cook compote from peaches?" - there is a simple description of this process. In a saucepan with cold water, mix the desired amount of pitted peaches, add sugar to taste and boil for 10-15 minutes. Cool and the compote is ready to use. Before serving, you can put a few ice cubes in the glass to make the drink refreshing and cooling. And, here, if you want to preserve peach compote for the winter, then a few unsurpassed recipes provided below. It takes about an hour to make such provisions, but the result is excellent and tasty. The list of main ingredients includes peach, water and sugar. From kitchen utensils all you need is a saucepan. For those who do not want to suffer even with a saucepan, you can get a slow cooker. Compote comes out of it no worse than cooked in a saucepan.

Peach compote without sterilization - video

Pitted peach compote for the winter

Step by step description:

In one 3-liter jar, 0.9-1 kg of medium-sized peaches with pits are placed to the top, and 1-1.2 kg without pits.

Delicious, sweet drink can be closed with more than just peaches. This sweetness can be diluted with another fruit or berry that has a more sour taste. So additional ingredient can become: apple, plum, raspberry, mountain ash,. The cooking steps will not differ much, but to be sure, it is better to introduce a sterilization point for fruit cans. This procedure will allow you to store provisions much longer and prevent from a possible breakdown. Below are a couple of such recipes with delicious results.

Peach compote with and without sugar - video

Compote of apples and peaches

Step by step description:

Clogged and cooled compote should not be immediately moved to a pantry or other poorly ventilated room, because the lid may break. For a couple of weeks, provisions should stand in an open place.

Two similar fruit you just need to combine together: peaches with plums. TO positive properties peach still added useful components of the plum. In addition to what the peach has, the plum contains vitamin A, ascorbic acid, chromium, copper, fluorine. These components improve vision, strengthen blood vessels, give strength. Be sure to close this vitamin drink.

Peach and blackberry compote - video

Compote of plums and peaches

Step by step description:

By latest recipe making compote from plums and peaches, you can preserve other fruits. Peach can be combined with a pear and get a pleasant sweet taste. Berries, blueberries, currants will perfectly dilute the sweetness of the peach with their acid. A beautiful and fragrant compote will come out of the fruit in question with the addition of orange slices or lemon slices. There is no limit to the imagination for preserving peach compote for the winter. Most importantly, follow step by step instructions and do not forget the procedure for sterilizing jars with contents before rolling.

Peach compote according to Georgian recipe - video

easy canning and delicious preparations to you!

Contrary to popular belief, peach compote is a fairly simple and quick process.

You open the jar - and in it is a piece of summer. And such a good piece - the size of whole peach, and not just one, but fifteen at once! To the piece - a bonus: a sip. And not just one - but about two liters of delicious, sweet delight at once.

In general, not a jar of peach compote for the winter, but a miracle with the summer.

Contrary to popular belief, peach compote is a fairly simple and quick process. Spending just a little time during the fruit season, in winter, you will get disproportionately more pleasure compared to the effort.
How to roll peach compote?


for 1 three-liter jar:

  • 2-2.5 liters of water;
  • about 1.5 kg of peaches (10-15 pieces);
  • 450 g sugar.

How to choose peaches for compote

Approach the issue with all responsibility - the more carefully you select fruits for conservation, the more pleasant it will be to open a jar in winter. You need special peaches. fragrant- this time: only expressively smelling fruits are worthy to delight you on long frosty evenings. Others will not give a characteristic aroma, canned syrup will remain just a syrup of sugar and water.

ripe- these are two: unripe peaches are suitable for jam in the form of candied fruits, but not for compote.
Slightly hard is three: if in the end you want to get whole canned peaches V delicious syrup, you need dense, elastic fruits. Overripe soft peaches will easily turn into porridge.

And now think about how and where to find fragrant, solid, but ripe fruit, which you can greedily hide in jars to enjoy summer in winter.

How to cook peach compote for the winter with a bone

my. Wash well, carefully - trying to peel off the “shaggyness” inherent in these fruits from the skin. Compote, of course, will work out without this event, but there are more pleasant peaches without “hair”.
Putting it in banks. Quite tightly, but in no case tamping - the peaches should remain intact.

We put the jars in the place where they will then “warm up” under the covers during the day. Be sure to lay a blanket on the floor (or better - three). Pour boiling water, cover with lids, wrap lightly. Leave for 20 minutes, after which all the water from the cans is carefully poured into the pan. Peaches stay where they are.

Put the pot on the stove- let it boil.

In each jar with future peach compote pour sugar.

Fill with boiling water and roll up sterilized lids. Well, we wrap it very thoroughly with blankets and leave it in this form for a day, and preferably two.

After complete cooling, we wipe the jars with a cloth and put them in the pantry - peach compote is stored without problems until the next peach harvest.

Peaches are unusually tasty, and compote is concentrated: it is better to dilute it with water.

Peach compote - recipe "with halves"

If you happen to buy enough ripe peaches(but not overripe, remember this!), then by making a longitudinal cut along the circumference of the entire fruit, you can crank the pulp, holding both halves with both hands and making rotational movements against each other. This makes the bone come off easily.

We put the peach halves in jars and preserve them in the same way as described above. advantage this method is that, firstly, the jar will fit more fruit(And less compote, hurrah!), and secondly, such conservation can, if desired, be stretched for two or three years: hydrocyanic acid, due to which it is not recommended to store compotes with stone fruits long time, is removed in this version.

Peach compote for the winter © Magic Food.RU.
