
Olive oil for beauty. Video: positive and negative properties of olive oil, product selection features

Uses, recipes and medicinal properties of olive oil.

Healing with natural olive oil a long-known folk method of treatment and has been used everywhere for a very long time due to the availability of raw materials and relative simplicity, and also to the fact that unsaturated fats contained in oil close in composition to fats mother's milk.

Olive oil: its benefits and harms. Oil composition, properties and how choose the right olive oil. Video


Olive oil 1 spin "Extra Virgin", used traditionally as a light laxative And choleretic and diseases of the liver, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with various skin diseases, and wounds, to lower the level of bad cholesterol, liver and etc.. Olive oil externally used as a remedy cosmetic at age spots, seborrhea, insect bites and bruises.

Olive oil It is a rich source of antioxidants, microelements and vitamins. IN olive oil contains vitamins "K", "A", "D", "E", which bone tissue contribute, intestinal walls and muscles, co free radicals are fighting aging processes hindering. Part oils the following unsaturated acids are included: oleic, linolenic, linoleic, which prevent obesity organism rejuvenation contribute, beneficial effect on digestion render, .



Olive oil and themselves olives Today it is used as food in many countries of the world. Their popularity is easily explained: the taste is unique, the nutritional value and the huge health benefits.
Contain olives the amount of vitamins is large, micro - and macroelements, very favorably affecting the state of our body. They contain a lot of essential fatty acids skin. Olives are also a good source of antioxidants, including lutein, which neutralizes the action of free radicals and protects our body from aging.


Olive oil: its benefits in cosmetology. Video

Monounsaturated fats in olive oil are known to help reduce the frequency - vascular diseases, but only with constant consumption. They also help lower bad cholesterol levels And raise good cholesterol level. In addition, it is another excellent source of fatty acids. "Omega - 3" And "Omega - 6". Many people use olive oil For skin and decrease signs of aging.


Olive oil for the face. BENEFITS of olive oil and USE for the face. Video

RECIPES FOR USING OLIVE OIL (before use, you should consult with your doctor).


OLIVE OIL FOR HEARTBURN: drink one tablespoon olive oil, preferably thirty minutes before meals.

OLIVE OIL AS A LAXATIVE: on an empty stomach drink a tablespoon olive oil 2-3 days in a row.

OLIVE OIL : mix one hundred gr. olive oil and with 2 egg yolks and 3 tablespoons honey, mix well and consume two teaspoons in the morning and evening.

An interesting recipe from Tibet with olive oil. We are young before our eyes. Video

OLIVE OIL : two hundred gr. olive oil heat and bring to a boil, add twenty to thirty gr. pharmacy dried flowers. Infuse for ten to fifteen minutes, decant and get warm.


OLIVE OIL : with minor exacerbations lumbar and sciatica rub olive oil(a few drops) painful places.

RECIPE FOR BACK PAIN WITH BODYAGA AND OLIVE OIL. Use for treatment bodyagi powder, With olive oil diluted in ratios: 1:30. From ointments received should be done warming compresses. The duration of the procedure is a little less than one hour.

We treat joints with olive oil and ginger. Video

OLIVE OIL : before a festive feast, drink a spoonful of Art. olive .

OLIVE OIL : take meal times during the day 2 - 3 tablespoons of Art. olive oil.

OLIVE OIL : to avoid brittleness and softness of nails rub them with the mixture olive oil three days in a row, until sleep. After that, put on cotton gloves and leave it on your hands all night.

OLIVE OIL WHEN LOSSING : h a 30 minutes before shampooing rub olive oil V head and light movements and sore spots.

AND BILIOLOGICAL: olive oil mix with juice in the ratio: one to one - fifty gr. and apply before sleep.

A magical cure for sores based on olive oil and lemon! Video

OLIVE OIL FOR WOUNDS: heat 2 parts to a boil olive oil and one part pure wax. Cool the finished mixture and apply on a gauze bandage, after washing the wound- apply this bandage on the damaged surface.

OLIVE OIL : mix in a tablespoon olive oil and honey heat the mixture until dissolved honey. Drink for three to four weeks, take on an empty stomach You can prepare the mixture for several days.

OLIVE OIL FOR CLEANSING THE INTESTINE: into the mixture "To cleanse the body" add a tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink during the week - on an empty stomach.

About the benefits of olive oil. Video

OLIVE OIL : rub olive to skin and let dry 3 to 4 times a day.

OLIVE OIL : mix by teaspoon olive oil and honey. Moisten the swab with the resulting mixture and apply for ten to fifteen minutes. 2-3 times a day, up to relief.

OLIVE OIL FOR TANNING AND SKIN PROTECTION: 3 tablespoons olive oil, - spoon st., mix thoroughly and apply on skin, rub.

OLIVE OIL FOR SCENTS IN : olive oil(two tablespoons), 1/2 teaspoon sea ​​salt, mix and rinse your mouth.

Be healthy!

Recipes, uses and medicinal properties of olive oil. Video

Olive oil is rightly called liquid gold, as it has miraculous properties and is one of the important components in the diet of modern man. However, the benefits of this unique product, people composed legends in ancient times. Rome and Ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia - in all these countries, olive oil, which was considered a gift from the gods, was used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. In addition, it was used for ritual ceremonies and the treatment of people with various diseases.

Useful properties of olive oil

The composition of olive oil is unique, as it completely lacks proteins and carbohydrates. In turn, the fatty acids that this product is rich in are responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, strengthen the skeletal system and cleanse the entire body of toxins. It should also be noted that fatty acids contribute to the correct and more complete absorption of food, and also act as a natural antioxidant that stimulates tissue renewal at the cellular level. It is also worth noting that olive oil is rich in vitamins B, C, K, PP and E, moreover, the content of the latter of them is so high that olive oil is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from problems of the musculoskeletal system, as well as children whose body constantly growing and developing. There are not so many useful microcomponents in olive oil, however, potassium, calcium and sodium, which are part of it, are responsible for the functioning of the heart muscle, improve skin color, nails and teeth. Plus, you should not discount the fact that sodium helps to remove excess fluid from the body, preventing the occurrence of edema.

Olive oil is famous for its contains oleic acid. It is she who is responsible for and, in particular, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, thanks to oleic acid, they become softer and more elastic, so olive oil is one of the best means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that it contains linoleic acid, which not only promotes the healing of wounds and burns, but also has the property of splitting the so-called free radicals. It is for this reason that olive oil is recommended to be eaten by people who suffer from cancer, and also used as a universal remedy for renewing the tissues of the whole body.

On the basis of olive oil, a huge number of medicinal and cosmetic preparations have been created that help to effectively fight the premature aging process of the body, restore skin elasticity, hair shine and eliminate fine wrinkles. In addition, olive oil has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial, and with its help you can get rid of a wide variety of diseases. For example, people who want to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful toxins are advised to hold 1 tablespoon of slightly warmed olive oil in their mouth in the morning for about 3-5 minutes before brushing their teeth. During this time, it will perfectly cleanse the taste buds and remove a huge amount of harmful substances from saliva.

To normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, olive oil should be drunk about 15 minutes before each meal, 1 tablespoon. This simple recipe will help prepare the stomach for normal work, neutralize excess acid and help heal wounds, which is very important for people suffering from ulcers or gastritis.

For bowel problems accompanied by constipation, olive oil 1-2 tablespoons is recommended to be taken before bedtime. Thanks to this, it is possible to completely restore intestinal motility in 7-10 days, achieving a soft and natural withdrawal of feces from the body.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is often used in the treatment of colds. In case of a severe runny nose, it is necessary to heat a little oil in a tablespoon and drip it into the nose.. With angina, you can lubricate the throat with olive oil, using an ordinary cotton swab for this purpose. In addition, this natural product helps to fight various types of allergies very effectively, as it binds and neutralizes substances that contribute to its occurrence. For example, in case of an inadequate reaction of the body to dust or pollen, it is enough to take a teaspoon of olive oil 2-3 times a day to get rid of unpleasant symptoms such as cough, runny nose and redness of the eyes.

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for fighting all kinds of skin diseases.. With dermatitis, it is enough for them to lubricate the affected areas of the body several times so that the wounds heal without leaving scars. For the same reason, olive oil can be used to treat burns, and even trophic ulcers. This product is an excellent skin care product for newborns. True, it should be borne in mind that before using olive oil in this case, it is necessary to boil.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Separately, it is worth mentioning the importance of olive oil in modern cosmetology. Based on it, you can prepare many masks that perfectly nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. In addition, with dry and brittle hair, it is recommended to rub the oil into the scalp 10-15 minutes before bathing. This recipe also helps get rid of dandruff and prevents the development of alopecia. For dry and very sensitive skin, slightly warmed olive oil should be applied to the face before leaving the house in cold and windy weather. In addition, it perfectly protects the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation, so this tool can be safely used on the beach to avoid burns and get a uniform tan with a pleasant golden hue. Plus, olive oil perfectly protects the skin of the hands from premature aging and external environmental influences. Cracks, calluses and roughness can be completely removed from the palms if this natural product is rubbed into the skin of the hands for a week before going to bed.

Olive oil during pregnancy and lactation

Due to its beneficial properties, olive oil is indispensable for expectant mothers. It stimulates the processes of digestion, saturates the body with amino acids and vitamins, helps to avoid tissue swelling, toxicosis and constipation. Plus, olive oil is one of the important components for the normal growth and development of the baby. During lactation, olive oil should also be regularly eaten, since the substances included in its composition are very necessary to strengthen the skeletal system and the child's immunity. However, it is worth remembering that for a nursing woman, the daily dose of this product should not exceed 40-50 g, otherwise the baby may experience indigestion.

Harm of olive oil and contraindications

Despite the fact that olive oil is a very valuable and completely hypoallergenic product, for some people, it is best to avoid eating it. This applies to those who suffer from cholecystitis or have liver problems. In addition, overweight people should limit the use of this product, since olive oil is considered to be a sufficiently high-calorie product.

For a long time mankind has been using olive oil in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Its beneficial properties were discovered by the ancient Greeks. Olive oil is called "liquid gold". What is its use? How to choose and what types of olive oils are there?

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil has many health benefits. It has a preventive effect in cardiovascular and oncological diseases:

  • fights with "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • protects against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • is a natural immunostimulant;
  • reduces the risk of formation of cancer cells in the body.

It also has a good effect on the work of the stomach, intestines, biliary system:

  • improves the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • heals ulcers in the stomach and duodenum;
  • helps with hemorrhoids;
  • copes with constipation;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Olive oil is used in cosmetology:

  • has a rejuvenating effect, as it contains vitamin E;
  • it is included in masks and other care products for the face, body and hair;
  • has a healing effect on wounds, cuts and ulcers.

Olive oil contains trace elements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and other useful substances

Varieties of olive oil and their uses

The physical and chemical composition of the finished product, the content of useful elements in it depends on the method of pressing the raw materials. In accordance with this indicator, olive oil is divided into categories in European legislation:

  • natural olive oil (Extra Virgen and Virgen, Spanish);
  • olive oil (Aceite de Oliva, Spanish);
  • extra virgin olive oil (Romas or Aceite de orujo de oliva, Spanish).

Extra Virgin (Cold Pressed Unrefined)

Extra Virgin - the most valuable and expensive grade of oil. This is practically freshly squeezed olive juice, bottled. The technological process - from the place of cultivation and collection to sorting and pressing - is regulated and controlled.

In producing countries, the quality of olive oil is checked by a commission consisting of expert tasters. This procedure is legally fixed and mandatory. Each of the ten members of the commission must assign the title of Extra Virgin to the sample. Only in this case, manufacturers have the right to sell oil under that name. If at least one member of the commission “rejected” the product, then the manufacturer is fined and the oil is sent for revision.

This type of oil contains the greatest amount of useful substances. Its taste is rich, but with bitterness. The more bitter the oil, the fresher it is. It is recommended to use it without heat treatment:

  1. For dressing salads and cold dishes.
  2. in dietary nutrition. For people prone to cardiovascular diseases, olive oil is an indispensable tool in the fight against "bad" cholesterol. Used in diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.
  3. To feed a child. From the age of six months, babies are introduced to complementary foods with extra virgin olive oil. The first dose is 2 drops, and by one year it is brought to a teaspoon. The fatty acids of this olive oil combine almost like in breast milk. Helps kids with constipation.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Extra Virgin

Virgin (unrefined cold pressed)

This oil is also a natural product, but the quality of the olives from which it is made is lower. Low quality standards are applied to it. The taste of Virgin oil is not as refined as that of extra natural. Cosmetologists advise adding it to masks for the face, hair and nails. When using Virgin oil in cooking, it is not recommended to heat it in order to preserve its beneficial properties.

Refined cold pressed

This type of olive oil is obtained by mixing refined cold-pressed olive oil with unrefined extra natural (Extra Virgin) in a proportion of 85% / 15%. It also has excellent properties, but the rich taste and smell of olive oil is absent, there is no characteristic bitterness. Suitable for heat treatment, during frying it does not form carcinogens.

Refined extra virgin olive oil

This oil is obtained from the pomace of olives left after the first pressing. In the manufacturing process, organic solvents are used and raw materials are exposed to high temperatures. Oil retains a set of vitamins and minerals, but in smaller quantities. It is ideal for deep frying food.

Extra virgin olive oil from the pomace of olives

Product exporting countries

Which country produces the best olive oil? The dispute has been going on for centuries. In every country there are worthy producers offering healthy and tasty oil.

The lion's share of olive oil is produced in Europe. Spain ranks first in terms of volume, Italy ranks second, and Greece ranks third. Olive oil is also made in Turkey, Tunisia and Syria, Morocco, Portugal, the USA and France. The volume of oil produced by these countries is a small proportion of the total mass. Therefore, the main dispute about the quality, taste and benefits of "liquid gold" flares up between Spain, Italy and Greece. Each country "cheers" for its product and considers it the best. Are there any differences in the tastes and beneficial properties of olive oil from these countries?

Quality product from Spain

In Spain, the production process of "liquid gold" is well-established and automated to perfection. This fact helps the country to come out on top in terms of product procurement. The taste of olive oil from Spain is closest to the natural taste of olives. He is harsh and bitter.

The taste of Spanish-made oil is close to the natural taste of olives.

Real olive oil from Italy

In Italy, there are many enterprises for the preparation of olive oil. There are more than 400 varieties of olive in Italy. Rich bouquets of taste are created from such a variety. Great competition in the market within the country only stimulates the improvement of the created olive oils.

What does Italian olive oil taste like? Italians like to season olive oil with spices and spices such as garlic, chili peppers or rosemary. The taste of the oil from this becomes a little spicy. Olive oil from Italy is distinguished by its mild taste, sweetish and barely perceptible herbal smell.

Oil in Italy is made from 400 varieties of olives.

What oil is made in Greece

It was in Greece that the production of olive oil began in ancient times. The Greeks fill their domestic market more, not striving for superiority in exports. Ancient traditions are honored here, they are passed on from generation to generation, and they are sensitive to the production of butter. This process is the least automated. The taste of the oil is rich and bright, it contains aromas of fruits and honey notes.

Greece has a suitable climate for growing olive trees. Thousands of Greek families, using homemade conservative methods, extract the largest volume of extra virgin olive oil (80% of the world's volume).

If we talk about the benefits of olive oil, then there is a special law for producing countries that sets out quality criteria. Therefore, the name Extra Virgin already gives a guarantee that this oil is the best, regardless of which country it comes from.

Olive oil from Greece has a rich taste with honey and fruity notes.

How to choose the right olive oil on store shelves

When buying olive oil, you need to clearly understand what it is for? If you plan to fill them with salads and cold dishes, use them as complementary foods, for medicinal or dietary purposes, in cosmetology, then choose an oil labeled Virgin or Extra Virgin.

If you want to use oil for frying, choose an olive oil labeled Aceite de Oliva. You can also cook in a deep fryer with oil labeled "Romase" or Aceite de orujo de oliva.

Many take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and sell plain refined olive oil at the price of extra virgin olive oil. Therefore, you need to look not only at the price, but also study the information on the packaging.

Variety of olive oils

About cost

  1. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest cost, since only the highest quality raw materials are used to produce it. Only 250 ml of oil comes out of one kilogram of olives. High quality requirements make this product more expensive.
  2. There is also a difference in the cost of extra natural oils. Oils labeled DOP/IGP/PDO or labeled "biological" (BIO) are significantly more expensive than Extra Virgin oils without such labeling.
    • BIO marking guarantees that chemicals and genetically modified organisms were not used in the production of oil;
    • DOP (PDO) - a guarantee that the oil was produced in a specific area listed in a special register, the entire process from cultivation to packaging is carried out in one place;
    • IPG - a label indicating that the oil was produced in a certain area included in the agricultural register (one or more stages of production are regulated, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the oil).
  3. The difference in cost depends on the type of spin used in production. Extra virgin olive oil will always cost many times more than second (hot) pressed olive oil.
  4. Unrefined olive oil will always be more expensive than refined olive oil.

How to buy a good product in a store

Regardless of which type of olive oil you choose, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Olive oil is not produced in Russia, so buy the product only in its original packaging. It is not safe to purchase such oil for bottling in our country.
  2. Packaging must be glass (dark glass) or tin.
  3. The type of olive oil, the exporting country must be indicated on the package.
  4. The DOP/IGP/PDO markings or the organic designation (BIO) is a guarantee of the quality of the extra natural olive oil. Such markings are often faked, in order not to make a mistake in choosing, ask the stores for a special certificate of origin.
  5. The acidity of the oil is always written on the packaging: the figure should be no more than 3.3%, if the oil is extra natural, then no more than 1%.
  6. Pay attention to the date of production, the shelf life after opening. Usually, oil in unopened containers is stored for up to 18 months. From the moment of opening - a month, provided that the bottle is tightly closed and stands in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall.

If there is an opportunity to try Extra Virgin oil, then its features are as follows.

This article is about olive oil. We talk about its types, useful properties and proper storage. Following our advice, you will learn how to choose a product and what to use a herbal remedy for.

Olive oil is a vegetable product made from the fruit of the European olive.

The composition of the oil directly depends on the method of its production. It is optimal that the collection of fruits takes place from November to March. Olives oxidize quickly, for this reason, after harvesting, it is necessary to cook the oil as soon as possible.

Olive oil contains polyphenols, tocopherols, phenolic acids.

How olive oil is obtained

The manufacturing process of the product begins with the picking of olives. Experts are sure that manual picking of the fruit allows you to select olives of a uniform size and maturity, preventing them from damage, which leads to the formation of acid in the oil.

After that, the collected fruits are delivered to the factory. This happens on a daily basis, which is important, since such transportation reduces the time between collection and pressing, and this improves the quality of the finished product.

Then, with the help of special fans, the leaves are removed from the fruit. Later, they are thoroughly washed with clean water to remove any contamination.

After this, the fruits are crushed to a paste-like state. Usually olive oil is enclosed in the cells of the product.

To extract it, a certain device is used, similar to a mill, consisting of two rotating granite rollers.

This extraction method takes place without heating, which is why the procedure is called “cold pressing”. A valve is located on the side of the device, through which the paste comes out and forms the shape of cakes.

After that, they are placed on top of each other under the press, which subsequently leads to a new spin. The initial result of the extraction gives the oil of the first pressing, with the subsequent release of the plant product, its quality becomes lower.

Types of olive oil

There are three main grades of herbal product purification, which can be divided into several types.

  • cake (olive-pomace oil);
  • purified (olive oil);
  • natural (virgin olive oils).

There are two types of oil: refined and unrefined.

Refined and unrefined olive oil

Refined pomace oil is rarely used for food, in some cases it is added to baked goods in restaurants.

Purified refined oil is good for frying.

Natural oil, also unrefined, is used for dressing salads.

The table below shows the differences between refined and unrefined products.

BJU and calorie content of olive oil

The calorie content of olive oil per 100 g is 852 Kcal, proteins - 0.30 g, fats - 91.24 g, carbohydrates - 1.76 g.

Useful properties of olive oil

Olive oil has a rejuvenating effect due to the presence of vitamin E in its composition. Antioxidants prevent cell fading, eliminate crow's feet, and prevent their appearance. Thanks to these properties, the skin becomes elastic.

Also . The natural remedy is great for sensitive and dry skin, softens it, prevents cells from losing moisture.

The product contains almost all useful and important trace elements for the human body. They have a positive effect on the body - they prevent the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases, lower cholesterol levels, help with the treatment of the digestive system, and strengthen bones.

The acids included in the product are involved in the process of building cell membranes.

vitamins in olive oil

The oil contains the following vitamins:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin B3.


The use of olive oil is contraindicated in cholecystitis, indigestion or intestinal infections.

If you are allergic to some substances in the composition of the product, you must limit the intake of oil or exclude it completely from the diet.

The harmful effect of oil on the body occurs in case of its excessive use.

Olive or sunflower oil

If you are faced with the choice of which oil is better to buy, olive or sunflower, then pay attention to the following differences:

  1. The price is much lower than for olive oil.
  2. Most people like the smell of sunflower oil more than olive oil.
  3. Olive oil burns faster than sunflower oil.

Olive oil contains 8 times more vitamin K than sunflower oil. Sunflower oil contains 3 times more tocopherol than olive oil.

The olive product contains phytosterols that block the absorption of cholesterol, which leads to its decrease in the circulatory system. These substances are almost completely absent in sunflower oil.

How to choose olive oil

When buying olive oil, be extremely careful. By following these tips, you will be able to purchase a quality and useful product:

  1. The best oil is always labeled “extra virgin” and is produced by mechanical pressing.
  2. A branded product is made from fruits grown in a specific area, it is packaged at local enterprises, with the abbreviation D.O.P.
  3. In the manufacture of oil, low-quality olives can be used, but this does not affect the nutritional value of a natural product. There will be no prefix extra in the marking.
  4. For cosmetic purposes, purchase unrefined oils that are free of chemicals. In such a product there will be no virgin prefix.

What is olive oil used for?

Due to the large number of useful substances and vitamins in the composition of the product, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

Let's take a closer look at the cases and why it is used in cosmetology.

For body

Can be used to eliminate "orange peel" and massage.

With regular use of the oil, you will not only be able to eliminate cellulite, but also notice how your skin has become elastic, soft to the touch.

For face

When using oil for the face, “crow's feet” disappear, the skin condition and complexion improve, peeling, inflammation and irritation disappear. It is especially beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.

You can use the product both in its pure form and with the addition of a few drops of essential oils.

But remember, only the product of the first pressing has useful properties.

For hair

After applying olive oil, the hair begins to grow faster, their condition improves, they are protected from the harmful effects of the external environment.

Fatty acids contribute to the regeneration of the skin on the head, oleic acid retains moisture in the hair and nourishes them.

In its purest form, pre-heating it, or create a mask based on it.

For weight loss

Due to the content of oleic acid in it, which improves metabolism. Also, this acid dulls the feeling of hunger.

This means that after taking olive oil, you will not have the desire to snack on anything, you will be able to control your appetite.

When using the product, you will lose weight, improve your well-being.

From stretch marks

The only condition is regular application of the product to problem areas of the skin.

The effectiveness of the oil lies in the fatty acids that activate the production of collagen, as a result of which new skin cells appear in the area of ​​stretch marks.

Use oil both in its pure form and when creating scrubs based on it.

For cleaning the liver

Cleansing the liver with olive oil is an effective method that helps to remove toxins, radionuclides, and poisons from the body.

The oil remedy has a choleretic effect, binds and removes excess cholesterol produced by the liver from the digestive organs.

There are some contraindications for taking olive oil. Therefore, before cleaning the liver, consult with a specialist, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Cleaning is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, food poisoning.

Elixir of youth - honey, lemon and olive oil


  1. Honey - 0.2 kg.
  2. Lemon juice - 110 ml.
  3. Olive oil (unrefined) - 50 ml.

How to cook: For the recipe, use freshly squeezed lemon juice, liquid flower honey. Mix the ingredients until smooth using a ceramic or wooden spatula. Place the finished composition in a glass jar, tightly cover it with a lid, place in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take the remedy on an empty stomach, 1 tsp, after stirring the composition in the jar. The course is 60 days, after that take a short break and you can take the composition again.

Result: Feeling better.

How to store olive oil

Olive oil is usually stored in a tin or glass container. The product retains its useful properties only during the first 5 months of storage.

The total shelf life of the herbal product is 1 year, after which time it loses its aroma. At this time, it is better to use it for stewing or frying, but not salad dressings.

Store the oil in a dark, dry and cool place where there are no strong odors, as the oil easily attracts them. In a very cold room, the oil may form a precipitate, which will disappear after heating.

What to remember

  1. Olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
  2. When choosing a herbal product, pay attention to its label.
  3. Olive oil can be used for cosmetic purposes.


Good olive oil (also called Provence) is made from selected olives grown under the Mediterranean sun and has a rich taste and aroma. It is obtained by cold pressing - this is the same technology that was used several millennia ago.

The only difference is that now modern machines and mechanisms are used for this. The product obtained in this way is rich in useful substances. This is a product that can be recommended to everyone without exception. We will learn all about the benefits and healing and healing properties of olive oil for men and women, how to take it, about contraindications and potential harm to the body.

Useful properties for the body

Among the useful substances that are contained in the Provencal product, the most valuable are:

Regular use of this product has a positive effect:

  • For the cardiovascular system: monounsaturated fatty acids reduce the level of "bad" in the blood, while increasing the amount of "good" cholesterol. As a result, cholesterol plaques in the vessels begin to dissolve, and the likelihood of developing many is significantly reduced.
  • On the organs of the digestive system: the substances contained in Provence have an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach and intestines (including suppressing the vital activity of the main pathogen - Helicobacter Pilori bacteria) and reduce the intensity of inflammation in non-specific ulcer.
  • On the skin: her condition is improving, and wound healing is faster.

In addition, regular use of this product leads to slowing down the aging process, strengthening bones, improving the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

Women will be interested in masks that improve the condition of the skin and hair. For men, regular consumption of this product in food will help maintain good potency due to improved blood circulation.

How to use

There are two ways to eat this product:

  • fry on it;
  • consume cold.

Frying on a Provencal product, as many do, is not worth it. When heated to high temperature most of the useful properties will be lost and carcinogens are formed. This is what happens in your pan when it sizzles and smokes.

It is important to know that with strong heating, carcinogens are formed in all oils, including sunflower, which housewives usually pour into a frying pan.

There are many different ways to use it cold:

Thus, you can choose from the proposed list one or more for yourself instead of frying on it, thereby turning an extremely useful product into a harmful one.


Product very high-calorie, so you need to comply with the measure. For those who want to lose weight, it is recommended to eat no more than one tablespoon per day. In order not to harm the body, nutritionists advise taking olive oil inside on an empty stomach, and then not eating for half an hour, only in this case there will be benefits. In this case, extra pounds will go faster.

Weight gain is the only problem caused by this product. Otherwise, there are no contraindications - if you follow the measure, there will be no harm to the body. For those who do not have problems with being overweight, you can use 2-3 tablespoons every day.

Find out from the video whether it is useful to drink oil on an empty stomach:

Other uses

In addition to eating, this product has other uses. Masks based on it are very popular. Why is olive oil good for women's hair and skin?

For hair

In the simplest version, you just need to apply Provence oil to your hair, before applying it, heat for three minutes in a water bath - the effect in this case will be more noticeable. After applying, wrap your hair in polyethylene and leave for an hour.

Such masks were used in ancient Greece. They improve the condition of the hair and moisturize it, give it shine and volume. For even more impressive results, you can add egg yolk, lemon juice, pepper tincture or henna to the mask.

For facial skin

Easy option- heat it in a water bath until warm, but not hot, and apply on the face, and after 15-20 minutes, remove with a napkin. For greater effect, you can add egg yolk, honey or lemon juice.

Such masks moisturize, soften and nourish the skin, slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. After these procedures, the face acquires an even and beautiful color.

How to choose and store

Choose from the store first cold pressed oil. It is in it that contains the most useful and nutritious substances. Such a product is labeled extra virgin.

The following can be used as packaging:

  • metal cans: some of them are made of metal, which oxidizes over time, and this kills useful substances. Most often, small cans are made from such material.
  • Glass bottles: the best container is a dark glass bottle. In it, the product is protected from sunlight and retains its beneficial properties for the longest time.

It is believed that the best Provence is made in Greece, Italy and Spain, where it is a national product. These countries have a rich history of olive cultivation, production of oil from their fruits and its use in food.

In addition, Greece, Spain and Italy have very strict quality control. But a good product is produced from olives in some other countries of the Mediterranean region - for example, in Tunisia and Morocco.

You can store Provencal oil in the refrigerator or in a cabinet in the kitchen.. Many people prefer the first option, but it is not necessary to keep it in the refrigerator. It is perfectly stored at temperatures from 5 to 25 ° C, retaining its beneficial properties until the expiration date.

Keep in mind that when cooled below seven degrees, it can thicken to such an extent that it stops pouring out of the bottle. In this case, it will have to be kept warm until it warms up. Besides, when stored in the refrigerator, the oil becomes cloudy and precipitates in it. However, the useful properties are not diminished at all.

The shelf life for good olive oil is one year from the production date.

When choosing a product in the store, look for the freshest bottle. And such olive oil will have an excellent taste and contain a maximum of valuable substances. It will bring the greatest benefit to your body.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch an interesting video in which Dr. Agapkin will tell you how olive oil is useful and whether it can be taken on an empty stomach:

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