
Pickled peaches for the winter recipes. Canned peaches in syrup for the winter

Fruits for this preparation should be chosen with great care and only the best. Still, we do not cook jam. Fruits should be firm, not spoiled, without damage, without any dents and bedsores, it is better if they are slightly unripe. Then, as a result of their preservation, you will get a first-class billet of peaches, which will look 100% and will stand in storage for a long time.

Before canning, peaches should be sorted and washed.

The size of the fruit also matters, but not much. It is better to take medium-sized fruits - small or medium. In general, those that will easily pass through the neck of the cans. In addition, the smaller the peaches, the more compact they will fit in the container, which means that more of them will fit in it. For reasons of aesthetics, when fruits of different “caliber” are selected, we recommend taking fruits of approximately the same size for each jar.

If you have to, no big deal. This will not affect the aroma and taste of the workpiece. It's just that less fruit will fit in a jar. In a small container - just a few pieces. But there will be a lot of syrup. Well, if the fruits are so large that neither whole nor halves will pass through the neck of the cans, then they will have to be cut. On quality finished product this also has no effect. Usually in this case, the fruit is cut into quarters.

Then wash the peaches thoroughly. To wash off all the dust from their velvety peel, it will be necessary to rub each fruit several times well, but gently, so as not to wrinkle, rub it with your hands under a cool shower or running water. This rule also applies to those peaches that will be canned without peel. After the “water procedures”, we dry the fruits individually with a towel, trying not to wrinkle them.

There are several options for preserving peaches in syrup: with or without a peel and whole with stones or halves (quarters) without seeds. The choice of cooking option depends on your own preferences and in some cases on the size of the fruit. However, the following should be noted. It is recommended to leave the peel, since the lion's share of vitamins and other useful substances of this fruit is contained in it. In addition, fruits with skin retain their density in the workpiece longer.

To remove the peel, the fruits in a colander are poured over with boiling water.

And concerning bones such remarks. Whole fruits look prettier and retain their firmness longer. And the preparation is more fragrant. In addition, over time, the bones bring a spicy, but almost imperceptible bitterness to the taste of the whole product. And, finally, after eating the peaches themselves, it will be possible to treat yourself to the seeds, splitting their shells. They are also very tasty. But without fanaticism - eating a large number of seeds can lead to poisoning hydrocyanic acid formed during their digestion.

And we must remember that it is advisable to eat the preparation of peaches with stones within a year from the moment of rolling. And fruits in syrup without seeds (halves and quarters) can be stored for up to 2 years (they are usually not stored longer).

To remove the peel, put a few peaches in a colander, first put them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately into very cold water for a short time. Dishes with boiling water and cooling water should be deep enough so that the fruits are completely immersed in them. Then we spread the fruits on a towel and give them time to dry. After that, remove the peel.

To remove the seeds, and easily and quickly, you need to cut each fruit along the bone. Its location is marked in peaches by a characteristic hollow on only one side of the fruit. Then we separate the 2 halves of the fruit. This is best done with a slight scrolling of the halves in opposite directions, so as not to crush the fruits. In one of the parts there will be a bone. Gently pry it off or, if necessary, cut it out with the same sharp knife.

Then we preserve according to the selected recipe. We use carefully washed and then sterilized and dried jars (recommended volume 0.7–1 l) and lids (for seaming or threaded) for this blank. Seal containers immediately after cooking. Then we put them neck down on a spread on any hard flat surface a dense and warm thing, and wrap the same one on top. When the peaches in syrup have cooled to room temperature, they must be transferred to a storage place: a cellar, a warm shed or a loggia, a basement or a refrigerator. It is also possible in the pantry, but there the workpiece will be stored for a shorter period.

How peaches are preserved in syrup - the subtleties of recipes

All recipes are about the same. They differ only in the amount of sugar and whether it is added or not. lemon juice(to taste, but approximately 1 tsp per liter of syrup) or citric acid (approximately 0.5–1 tsp per 1 kg of fruit). Sugar is recommended to take 400 g per 1 liter of water for syrup. It is easy to find out the volume of water by pouring it first into the jars with the fruits laid in them, and then pouring it into a measuring container.

It is better to do this before heating the water. Either sugar is taken by eye or according to your taste - usually in the range of 100–200 g per 1 kg of fruit. And the canning process itself is similar to that described in the 3rd chapter of the article. That is, the fill method is used.

In winter, we usually manage to eat only overseas and bananas. But everything can change if you cook tender peaches in syrup. Then a piece of summer will be with you even in the cold season, when there is frost and blizzard outside.

Canned peaches in syrup for the winter

If you are yearning for the warmth of the sun, just taste this delicate dessert. Peaches in sugar syrup will definitely lift your spirits and saturate your body with useful substances and trace elements.


  • peaches - 2 kg;
  • vanilla sugar- 10 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 400 g.


Rinse the peaches, dry them, cut into two halves and remove the stone. Then throw the fruits into boiling water for about a minute and with the help of a knife from of stainless steel remove the skin. Place the fruit halves in dry and already sterilized jars, carefully laying them on the bottom.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and regular granulated sugar, mix well, achieving complete dissolution, again wait for the boil and boil for about 2 minutes. Instantly pour the hot syrup over the peaches and cover them with lids. Then move the jars into the sterilization container (the water should not reach the neck of the jar for a couple of centimeters) and sterilize the blanks for about 15-20 minutes. Roll up the peaches and leave to cool upside down.

Peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization

Every time messing around with rolling cans in conditions of lack of time is quite problematic. That's why busy housewives a recipe for how to close peaches in syrup without extra costs forces.


  • water - 1.8 l;
  • peaches - 1.6 kg;
  • sugar - 230 g;
  • - 1 teaspoon.


Wash the peaches well, trying to remove as much as possible large quantity villi from the surface of the fruit. Cut the stalk and carefully divide the fruit in half, and also remove the stone. According to this recipe for peaches in syrup, you should pierce the skin of the fruit with a toothpick in several places: this will help them better soak in the sweet solution. If you want, the skin of the fruit can be removed: to do this, they are quickly doused with freshly boiled water, cooled under running water, and then the skin is easily removed. In pre-sterilized and well-dried jars, carefully lay out the peaches, trying not to crush them. Then fill the containers with boiling water and, having covered with lids, leave for half an hour to extract the juice.

After that, drain the water from the cans into the pan, pour citric acid and sugar and not very big fire wait for the syrup to boil. Immediately pour the fruits in jars with a hot solution, roll them up and leave to cool strictly upside down.

Fragrant peach compote for the winter should be prepared by every housewife. In the middle of summer they begin to ripen fragrant peaches V in large numbers. They make very delicious jam, jams, jams and compotes. These sweet fruits go well with almost any berry or fruit.

You can, for example, cook assorted peach compote by combining ripe peaches with grapes, apples, pears or plums. Most fragrant compote for the winter it turns out with blackcurrant or garden blackberry.

Bright and juicy peach slices can be eaten whole or used in cooking sweet pies with stuffing. As a rule, compotes are preserved in 3-liter jars.

But if you have small family, it is quite appropriate to roll up sweet blanks for the winter in jars of one, one and a half and two liters. The principle of conservation will be the same. It should be borne in mind that peaches are also preserved for the winter with and without pits.

At the same time, keep in mind that peach compotes with a stone should not be stored for more than one season. So, today we have the simplest and quick recipes peach compote for the winter without sterilization based on 3 liters.

Peach compote for the winter - a simple recipe with citric acid

Cooking time: 20 minutes Yield: 1 three-liter jar.


peaches (chopped) - 1/3 of a three-liter jar;
sugar - 1 tbsp.;
citric acid - 1 tsp

Peach compote for the winter - step by step recipe with photo:

I take ripe peaches for compote for the winter, but not too soft. I put dented and damaged fruits aside. They will go to summer compote. In the heat, a light compote of peaches is just what you need.

Now I wash the peaches. Ripe peaches can easily damage the skin. Therefore, in order not to rub the skin when washing fruits, I simply soak them in water for a while. Pouring cool water into a basin, add 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.

After mixing the soda in the water, I put the prepared peaches into the water. IN soda water any dirt will come off the peaches. Then I rinse the peaches under running water.

Now I'm at peace with mine winter conservation from peaches. The fruits are purer. The peaches were not only washed off the dust, but the fluff and all the villi that covered the fruit even came off them.

After a soda solution and a water shower, the peaches were clean, smooth and shiny.

I remove the pits from the peaches. To do this, cut the peaches in half, and then remove the pit. There is a variety of peaches in which the stone does not lag behind the pulp.

In this case, it is necessary not only to divide the fruit in half, but also to cut it into slices in order to free its pulp from the stone. Well, all the stones have been removed from the peaches.

Preparing dishes for preserving peach compote. In a basin with warm water dissolve baking soda. I dive into this water glass jars and covers.

soda solution perfectly copes with any contamination, not only on fruits, but also on dishes.

After it, I rinse the jars with lids clean water from the tap. Now it remains to sterilize the jars and lids, which I do. I put a bucket of water on the stove, bring the water to a boil.

Then I place a special ring for sterilization on the ladle, and put the jar neck down on the ring. In this way, I steam sterilize all the jars, and just boil the lids in water.

I fill sterilized jars with slices of peaches one third of their volume. It took me about 1 kilogram of peaches.

Guided by the recipe, I pour sugar and citric acid into jars.

According to the recipe, the compote is moderately sweet and moderately sour. If you like compotes that are very sweet, you can add a little more sugar.

Now I pour into warm jars with peaches, sugar and citric acid boiling water up to the neck of the jar. I pour gradually and carefully so that the jar does not burst.

I cover the jars with boiled lids, turn the key. Since the jars are very hot, I put kitchen gloves on my hands. Now you can safely take hot jar into hands.

I carefully turn it upside down. After making sure that the closure is tight, I lightly shake the jar in my hands several times to help the peach compote dissolve the sugar. When the sugar dissolves in the compote, I put the jar on the lid.

I wrap the sealed jars with peach compote with a thick blanket until the morning next day. In the morning I turn the jars over to their usual position, put them in storage in a dark place.

In winter, drinking peach compote and feasting on slices of fragrant peaches from compote is a pleasure!

Video: Peach Compote Recipe

Secrets and subtleties of cooking

  1. Raspberries, currants, blueberries dilute the sugary sweetness of peach when cooking assorted compote.
  2. You can add juice or slices instead of citric acid according to the recipe fresh lemon. And also add sliced ​​​​peeled orange.
  3. Fluff from peach fruits is easily removed if the fruit is placed in a container with a solution of water and soda.
  4. The peach pit is easy to remove as follows: cut the fruit along the groove with a knife and remove it.
  5. For compote for the winter with whole fruits, ripe peaches of small size are selected so that it is convenient to get them out of the jar.
  6. During the removal of stones and skins from peaches, so that they do not darken, it is recommended to lower the halves of the fruit into cold water With a small amount citric acid.

Fresh fruits are not only tasty, but also contain vitamins and other useful material. Unfortunately, not all of them are as available in winter as they are in summer, so many housewives prefer to stock up canned fruit stocks in the fall, including peaches. Such a procedure as sterilization, although it increases the likelihood of successful preservation of products until winter, but greatly worsens them. taste qualities. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to prepare peaches in syrup for the winter without sterilization.

The choice of fruits for harvesting

From right choice raw materials will depend not only on the taste of harvested fruits, but also on their safety. Therefore, choose exceptionally healthy peaches for canning, on the surface of which there are no visible traces of diseases and pest damage. Fruits of small sizes are best suited - they will fit more compactly in a jar. Choose slightly unripe peaches for harvesting - it is easier to remove the stone from them (if you want to preserve them in slices), and if preserved whole, they will not deform when touching each other.

Preparation for conservation

Before the start of conservation, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, so that the characteristic whitish coating disappears from their surface. Otherwise, the product after harvesting may deteriorate. After washing, wipe the fruit with a napkin. Despite the lack of sterilization of peaches in the recipes reviewed, jars for harvesting them should be used only after sterilization - otherwise there is a chance of spoilage.

The lids with which it is planned to close the jars can be doused with boiling water or wiped thoroughly with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

If you want to remove the skin from the fruit before harvesting it, you can do this with a thin knife. Another way is to make a cross-shaped incision on it and dip the fruit in warm water(never in boiling water). After three minutes of exposure, the skin itself will come off the peach. Please note that the presence of the skin has little effect on the taste of the product.- only the consistency of the workpiece changes (while maintaining the skin, the fruits remain denser) and the color of the syrup.


For a three-liter jar you will need:

  • up to one and a half kilograms of peaches (depending on size);
  • up to two liters of water;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid.

If you want to cook pitted peaches, the easiest way to remove them is to cut the fruit into 2 halves and carefully pry off the pit with a knife. If it is tightly adhered to the pulp and it is not possible to immediately remove it with a knife, cut it from the side where the stalk was on the fruit. Sliced ​​\u200b\u200band whole prepared fruits are tightly packed in a jar. Pour boiling water over the stacked fruits, after which you need to close the container with a lid and let it brew for 30 minutes. After that, pour the liquid into the pan, add citric acid, sugar and bring to a boil.

Boiled syrup should be poured back into jars with peaches and rolled up. The containers should cool in an inverted position (standing on the lid) and covered with a towel, blanket, bedspread or blanket. The same method can be harvested and whole peaches with a stone.

Citric acid in this recipe can be replaced with half a lemon - in this case, it is not boiled with syrup, but simply added to the jar.

Variant without lemon

If you don't like using citric acid or lemons in your recipes, or if you think they add canned fruit unnecessary flavors, then you can prepare peaches without the use of sour fruits. In this case, for a three-liter jar you will need:

  • one and a half kilograms of peaches;
  • 2 liters of purified water;
  • 800 grams of sugar.

The sequence of procedures is similar to the previous reviewed recipe. The main difference is that after you pour the sweet syrup over the peaches for the first time, you need to let it cool, and then pour it back into the pan and bring it to a boil again. Then it is again poured into jars, cooled again, drained again and boiled. And only after the peaches are poured with syrup for the third time, can the jars be closed with a lid and put to cool under a warm blanket or towel. Such a sequence of actions is necessary in order to avoid even the theoretical possibility of unwanted bacteria getting into the syrup.

After all, citric acid is a much stronger preservative than sugar, so refusing it without additional boiling is fraught with spoilage of the entire batch of the prepared product.


Store canned fruits in jars in a dark, dry and cool place- for example, in the basement or on the mezzanine (if you have them in your apartment). If you have a glazed balcony or loggia, you can store blanks there, just make sure that the temperature does not drop below 0 ° C, otherwise the jars will burst under the pressure of the ice formed in them. Variant with canned slices in syrup can safely survive storage for two years. But peaches harvested whole with a stone, it is desirable to use within a year from the moment of their conservation.


Harvested without sterilization, peaches perfectly retain their taste and almost do not acquire extraneous flavors, so they can be used as an independent dessert. The taste of canned peaches goes very well with ice cream, chocolate chips or whipped cream. Fruits prepared in syrup can serve as the basis for the most different compotes. Finally, they can be used for home baking- for example, decorate them homemade cakes or pies.

How to cook peaches in syrup, see the following video.

From peaches prepare a lot of delicious fragrant desserts, preserves and jams for the winter.

Peach Recipes for homemade preparations for the winter - tasty and fragrant jam, peaches in own juice, nutritious fruit drink from peaches, canned peaches in slices.

How to use canned peaches are used for baking pies and cookies, in the preparation of cakes.

A delicious treat in winter, sweet peaches in syrup. An easy recipe for peaches for the winter. For cooking, slightly unripe and dense peaches are suitable.

Ingredients: peaches 2 kg, sugar 400 g, water 1 l, citric acid 2 tsp.


Wash the peaches with water, cut off the skin. Cut in half to remove the bones.

Pre-sterilize jars and lids. Arrange the peaches cut in half into jars.

Pour boiling water over jars of peaches with boiling water, cover with lids. Leave for 20 minutes.

Drain the water from the jars, add sugar and citric acid, boil for 2 minutes as it boils.

Pour the finished syrup into jars with peaches and roll up the lids. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket, leave to cool completely. Store in a cool place.

Peach jam

Fragrant and tasty jam that you want to try in the winter. This recipe produces a thick peach jam.

Ingredients: peaches 2 kg, sugar 2 kg.


Wash the peaches with water and peel and remove the pits. Cut the peaches into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

Sprinkle the peaches with sugar and leave for 3 hours. We put the pan with peaches on the fire and after boiling we remove the forming foam.

Boil the peaches small fire 2-2.5 hours in one session. There is no need to stir.

While the jam is cooking, prepare jars and lids: wash and sterilize.

Pour the finished peach jam into jars and roll up the lids. From 2 kg of peaches I got 1.5 liters of delicious jam.

Sweet and sour peach juice - delicious and healthy drink for the whole family. A simple cooking recipe peach juice for the winter.

Ingredients: peaches 1.7 kg, sugar 250 g, water 2 l, citric acid 1 tsp.


You will need ripe, sweet peaches. We wash the peaches with water, cut off the skin and remove the seeds. Cut into random pieces.

Add citric acid and sugar to the peaches in a saucepan. Grind with a blender, you get a homogeneous mass.

Add water, stir and put on fire.

After boiling, remove the foam that forms and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

Prepare - wash and sterilize lids and three liter jars. These ingredients make 1 three-liter jar.

Pour the finished peach juice into jars, roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely, no need to turn over.

Fragrant peaches float in their own juice, because they use a little water and a spoonful of sugar for cooking.

Ingredients for 1 liter. bank: peaches with dense pulp 5-6 pcs, sugar 1 tbsp. l., water 4 tbsp. l.


Wash the peaches and cut the skin, cut in half, remove the stones. Prepare jars: wash and sterilize. Arrange peaches cut in half in jars, sprinkle with sugar. Then pour 4 tablespoons of hot water into jars.

Cover the jars with lids and set to sterilize in a container of water. We sterilize liter jars for 35 minutes, half-liter jars for 30 minutes.

Roll up ready-made jars with peaches with lids. Turn jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Video - Peach jam slices. Simple and delicious

Proven peach recipes for the winter will come in handy and help prepare useful blanks for the winter.
