
Compote from ranetki. Do-it-yourself fragrant compote from ranetki for the winter

If you want to enjoy a rich vitamin drink in the cold season, then you definitely need to close the ranetki compote for the winter. Canning such provisions takes up to an hour of free time without any physical effort. The process is exciting, and the result is incomparably tasty.

Useful properties ranetok

Mini apples are filled with a mass of useful substances, regardless of their small size. They contain vitamins B, P, glucose, sucrose, fructose, essential oil, citric, ascorbic and malic acids, carotene, pectin, tannins. Trace elements manganese, sodium, potassium and calcium, being in every cell of apples, have a positive effect on the removal of toxic substances from the body, help to avoid urolithiasis. Also, one eaten red apple tree increases appetite and stabilizes the nervous system. By treating fruit with hot water during canning, a small part of the positive elements is lost. No need to be upset, apples are no less useful. Simple recipes for compote from ranetki for the winter will help keep most of the vitamin in an apple and, in addition, get a delicious result.

Ranetki in canning

Based on the above benefits of ranetki, they are often used in cooking. Processed fruits are great for baking, jam, jam, juice. Their small size fits perfectly into jars when preserving ranetka compote for the winter. The taste of the finished ranetki provisions is regulated by the amount of added sugar and, if desired, spices and spices. Miniature apples can be combined with other fruits or berries. Due to the presence of malic acid in ranetki, it will not be necessary to add citric acid to the composition of the ingredients in order to avoid disruption of provisions. There are not so many kitchen appliances for making compote - this is a bowl and a saucepan.

Compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization

  1. Wash ranetki, ponytails do not need to be removed.
  2. Sterilize glass containers. This process can be done using a kettle, oven or microwave.
  3. Place apples in a jar. The number of filled jars with fruit depends on the desired taste result. If you want to get too concentrated compote, then the jar can be filled 2/3 or half. A mild diluted aftertaste is obtained from 1/3 apples in a glass container.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan.
  5. Pour the jars with the contents into it, cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes so that the apple juice begins to stand out in the water.
  6. After the specified time, drain the water back into the pan, add sugar to taste and boil aromatic water for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into jars and roll up the lids. It is not necessary to wrap and turn over.
    Bon appetit!

Compote from ranetki with grapes for the winter

A step-by-step recipe for compote from ranetki for the winter with the introduction of grapes will result in an unusual drink. The sweetness of ranetki is diluted with the sourness of Cabernet grapes.

Compote from ranetki and chokeberry - video

Ranetki compote with a slice of lemon

This recipe can be used if you are going to fill the entire canning jar with ranetki. A piece of lemon will perfectly dilute the concentrated taste of provisions.

To give the compote a dark red color, you need to add a few berries of black chokeberry.

And, finally, a few more recipes on how to cook ranetki compote in a slow cooker and a bread machine. Quite popular methods for those who want to keep up with the times and want to forget about the old ways of cooking compote in a saucepan. With the help of modern kitchen technology, making paradise apple compote becomes a very fast and effortless process.

Compote from ranetki in a slow cooker

Put the fruits in a special compartment of the multicooker.

Wrap spices and spices in gauze and tie tightly in a knot.

Pour sugar to taste, pour in hot water, close the lid. Select the "Extinguishing" item in the multicooker menu.

Stew the compote for 15 minutes, after the end, wait another 20 minutes for the ranetki to be saturated with spices and saturated with sugar.

Then take out the spices and immediately pour into pre-sterilized jars. Clog.

Compote from ranetki in a bread machine

Apples can be cut, because this unit can hold little fruit.

Boil water with sugar and pour into ranetki.

On the bread machine, select the “Jam” item and cook the contents for 20 minutes.

Pour the finished drink into glass containers and screw on the lids.

To diversify the taste of apples that are familiar to us, one of the following ingredients can be added to the compote of ranetki for the winter:

  • wine - 10 grams per liter,
  • peels of citrus fruits - the amount is optional (after cooking, be sure to remove from the composition),
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon per liter, if the wounds were frozen,
  • cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, ginger, zest - quantity as desired,
  • semolina, rice, pearl barley - a couple of tablespoons for richness and nutrition,
  • honey - the amount at will (it is added just before the compote is rolled up so as not to lose its properties).

Fragrant compote preparations for you for the winter!

Compote from ranetki without sterilization - video

Compote from ranetki perfectly preserves all the beneficial properties of this fruit. It has a rich aroma and taste. Black berries or plums can be added to it. Next, you will learn how easy it is to make fragrant compote from ranetki for the winter.

Compote from ranetki

We need: jar, seamer, saucepan, lids, toothpick.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe for making compote from ranetki for the winter

This video will help you figure out how to cook almost the same compote from ranetki for the winter. You will see that there is nothing difficult in this process.

Compote from ranetok and chokeberry for the winter

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
We need: seaming machine, lid, pan, jar.
Servings: jar 3 liters.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe for making compote from ranetki and chokeberry for the winter

You can see the entire recipe described above in this video. He will definitely help you prepare a healthy compote.

Compote from ranetok and plums for the winter

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
We need: jar 3 liters.


Step by step cooking

Video recipe for making compote from ranetki and plums for the winter

You can clearly see the whole process described above in the following video. After looking at it, you will understand that such a compote can be prepared very simply and quickly.

A very beautiful color is obtained from plum compote. If you like drinks with a slight sourness, I recommend brewing. For those who did not have time to prepare compotes over the summer, it is perfect. To surprise your loved ones with a drink with an unusual taste in winter, you can cook.

I hope you noticed that ranetki compote does not require complex ingredients and a lot of effort. If you cook ranetki compote for the winter without sterilization, then be sure to store it in a cool place. Friends, do you have experience in making ranetki compote? Share your recommendations in the comments.

Juicy, fragrant, tasty ranetki were popularly called "paradise apples". For preservation, it is better to take ripe fruits, but not overripe: those fruits that have retained their hardness are suitable. Apple compote is fragrant and tasty. Children adore him. The drink can be given even to the smallest: ranetki do not cause allergies, intolerance to the substances contained in these fruits is rare. In Western Europe and in the USA, red ranetki can be seen in almost every yard. They are planted in the adjoining areas to create landscape design. Trees with scarlet apples hidden among green leaves can become a real decoration of the territory.

The benefits of "paradise apples"

Ranetki - one of the most useful apples. They contain ten times more active substances than other varieties. If you cook compote from ranetki without sterilization, then most of the benefits will be preserved. Useful items include the following.

  • Vitamins. Ranetki contains vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin E and PP. Useful substances increase immunity, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and have an antioxidant effect.
  • Minerals. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron - this is an incomplete list of microelements contained in ranetki, but there are more of these substances in apples than others. Trace elements increase the protective functions of the body, maintain hemoglobin levels, contribute to the normal functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys, and strengthen blood vessels.
  • Pectins. Ranetki contains at least 1.5% pectin. These substances contribute to the removal of salts of heavy metals from the body. Pectins have antimicrobial activity. They prevent inflammatory processes and fight existing ones.
  • Monosaccharides. Glucose and fructose contribute to the rapid recovery of the body. This is especially true after significant physical exertion. These substances give a charge of vivacity and energy.

With peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, compote made from acidic varieties of ranetki should not be drunk. Overweight people need to remember that apple compote increases appetite.

Features of varieties

Ranetki come in different varieties. All apples are suitable for making compote, but there are varietal differences: the fruits differ in color and taste. Taste nuances are especially important. Not every housewife makes preparations from her harvest, and when buying ranetki on the market, I want to know what they taste like. The table will help you navigate the choice of variety.

Table - Features of ranetok varieties

Varietyskin colorPulp colorTaste
"Dobrynya"dark purple- Greenish;
- possible red streaks
- Sweet and sour;
- slightly tart
"For a long time"- Bright purple;
- with a slight touch
- White;
- many red veins
Sweet and sour
"Ranetka purple"PurpleCream- Sour;
- with hints of astringency
"Ranetka red"bright redCreamsweet and sour
"Rainka raspberry"- Dark crimson;
- with a bluish tinge
Pinkishsweet and sour
"Ranetka amber"Light yellowYellow- Sour;
- astringency is well felt

If you want the compote to turn out to be incredibly fragrant, cook it from the “Long” variety ranetki. These fruits are considered the most fragrant among the "apples of paradise": when you open a jar of compote in winter, you will immediately remember how summer smells.

Preparatory stage

To prepare compote from ranetki, first you need to prepare the main ingredient. If the preparation is carried out correctly, the drink will turn out delicious and will stand in a jar until the next harvest.

  • We sort through. Before preparing compote, apples must be sorted out. Carefully inspect the fruit for rot and wormy areas. Only flawless fruits should get into the drink: this is the key to preserving preservation.
  • My. Wash apples thoroughly. Put them in a colander. You can start preparing compote when the water drains from the fruit.
  • We pierce. Pierce each apple at the base with a toothpick. You need to make a few holes. The procedure helps to preserve the integrity of apples in compote. Thanks to piercing, the skin of apples does not burst when it comes into contact with boiling water. The presence of holes accelerates the impregnation of apples with sugar syrup.

Tails can be removed or left. "Paradise apples" with ponytails in a jar look beautiful, but the presence of an "extra" jeopardizes the safety of conservation. If you leave the stalks, then carefully clean the skin around them. More sugar is added to the compote, which is made from apples with tails. Sweet syrup is a preservative - it will protect the jar from "explosion".

Always sterilize glass containers into which compote will be poured, even if this is not indicated in the recipe. Don't forget the lids too. Then conservation will stand all winter.

Compote from ranetki for the winter: "mono" options

There are many options for making ranetka compote. More often, housewives prepare a mono-drink - only from apples, they do not add other fruits and berries. You can experiment with taste using various spices: vanillin, cinnamon.

The most useful preservation is prepared without preliminary boiling of the ingredients and without subsequent sterilization of full jars. Usually use the method of double filling. But experienced housewives assure that the process can be simplified: just pour the ingredients with syrup. Syrup needs sugar and water. Banks must be sterile, apples well washed. Some prefer to weld the fruit a little for reliability: such preservation will definitely last a long time. You choose the technology.

Double filled...

Peculiarities. It is not difficult to repeat this simple recipe for ranetki compote, and it takes a minimum of time to cook. Compote is prepared without boiling the main ingredient: apples are simply poured first with boiling water, and then with syrup. A drink prepared according to the classic recipe is sweet, but with a slight sourness. Vanilla notes do not interrupt the apple aroma, but only emphasize it. The amount of ingredients is calculated for a three-liter jar.


  • "Paradise apples" - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 3 l;
  • citric acid, vanillin - to taste.


  1. Prepare ranetki: wash the fruits thoroughly, make punctures with a toothpick.
  2. Arrange "paradise apples" in pre-sterilized jars.
  3. Boil water in a saucepan. Pour boiling water over apples in jars. Leave for two minutes with lids on.
  4. Drain the water back into the saucepan. Ranetki set aside in banks.
  5. Add sugar, vanillin, lemon to the water. Stir thoroughly, bring to a boil, and then boil for two minutes.
  6. Pour over apples with prepared syrup.
  7. Roll, flip, wrap.
  8. After a day, remove the jars of compote for storage in the pantry.

A transparent compote of ranetki with a ponytail looks very beautiful. For a clear drink, take yellow ranetki - they will not color the syrup.

... and in a multicooker

Peculiarities. This recipe involves heat treatment of wounds. Compote in a slow cooker is cooked for a short time and in the “Extinguishing” mode, which allows you to save the beneficial properties of apples. The drink is aromatic with distinct spicy notes. This option will especially appeal to those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet - sugar is not used according to the recipe. But this is provided that the ranetki are sweet. If the apples are sour, the compote should be sweetened.


  • sweet ranetki - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 2 l;
  • cinnamon - a tenth of a stick;
  • star anise - half an asterisk;
  • allspice - two peas.


  1. Put the prepared apples into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Boil water separately. Fill fruit with liquid.
  3. Wrap spices in cheesecloth. Dip in boiling water.
  4. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 20 minutes. After the signal, do not lift the lid for the same amount of time.
  5. Remove the gauze with spices. Arrange apples in sterile jars. Fill with compote from the multicooker.
  6. Roll up containers. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm blanket. After a day, you can put it away for storage.

To prepare compote in a slow cooker, it is better to take red ranetki. Then the color of the drink will be saturated.

What gives sweetness and sourness

Harvest ranetok both in summer and late autumn. The ripening period depends on the variety. The availability of "paradise apples" in different seasons allows you to combine them in conservation with seasonal fruits, berries and even vegetables. This makes the drink even better.

It is worth cooking compote from ranetki with the addition of other ingredients for the sake of taste experiments. Additives dilute the rich apple flavor of compote, they can be used to make the drink sweeter or sourer. The table will help you figure out what is worth adding to the compote for lovers of sour, and what for those with a sweet tooth.

Table - Additional ingredients for sweet and sour compote

When experimenting with ingredients, do not forget that the taste of compote depends on the type of ranetki and on the amount of sugar added. When trying new recipes, first do without seaming: brew a small portion of the drink, taste it, improve the recipe to your taste, and then make preparations.

Playing with color

If you have collected or bought red ranetki, you can easily experiment with the color of the compote. Additional ingredients will come to the rescue. Multi-colored compotes will especially appeal to children. Prepare drinks of different colors for the winter - your baby will definitely not refuse bright usefulness. What colors can be obtained by adding additional ingredients to red ranetki, the table will tell.

Table - Color of ranetki compote with additives

Red grapesCrimson
Green grapesPink
PlumDark red
IrgaIntense dark red
green gooseberryPink
Purple/pink gooseberryCrimson
Sea ​​buckthornRed-orange to clear carrot

Color saturation depends on the proportions of the components. Experiment with the amount of ingredients to get the color you want.

Drink with additives

Use only seasonal ingredients, then the drink will definitely be useful. Another way to make a “vitamin bomb” out of compote is to avoid boiling the ingredients and sterilizing. Choose proven recipes, and your household will be delighted with your compote.

Vitamin: with chokeberry

Peculiarities. Compote from ranetki with chokeberry for the winter turns out to be doubly useful. Black chokeberry is rich in vitamins and minerals. It protects against colds. For the preparation of vitamin compote, a late variety of ranetki is used, because the chokeberry ripens in September-October. The drink is sweet and sour. Rowan gives a tart aftertaste, which makes the compote unusual. It is better to combine with chokeberry sweetish ranetki, without astringency.


  • apples - 400 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • chokeberry - 200 g;
  • filtered water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Thoroughly wash ranetki and mountain ash. Put the ingredients in sterile jars.
  2. Boil water. Pour boiling water over the main components. Water should reach the very neck of the jar.
  3. After two minutes, drain the water into a saucepan. Add sugar. Boil.
  4. Pour the syrup into jars for apples and chokeberry.
  5. Seal with sterilized lids.

To make the rowan berries look beautiful in compote, the cuttings are not removed. But in this case, you need to wash the chokeberry twice as carefully so that the conservation stands until the summer.

Unusual: with sea buckthorn and zucchini

Peculiarities. Compote from ranetki, sea buckthorn and zucchini will surprise guests not only with its composition, but also with color and taste. Thanks to sea buckthorn, the drink turns orange. The intensity of the color depends on what kind of ranetki will be used: a combination with red apples gives a red-orange color, with white - a transparent carrot. Zucchini does not have a pronounced taste, but it has a unique ability to absorb the tastes of other components. Compote is prepared without boiling the ingredients, which allows you to save all the benefits in the composition. Double pouring is not required - lemon acts as an additional preservative.


  • "Paradise apples" - 400 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn - 300 g;
  • zucchini - 100 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • citric acid - 1 g.


  1. Wash ranetki and sea buckthorn. Remove the branches from the apples, pierce the fruits at the base with a toothpick.
  2. Cut the zucchini into medium cubes.
  3. Put the prepared ingredients in a sterile jar.
  4. Wait for the water to boil. Dissolve sugar and lemon juice in boiling water. Boil the syrup for one minute.
  5. Pour compote ingredients with syrup. Can be preserved.
  6. Turn the twists over, cover with a warm blanket, leave to cool for a day.

An unusual compote should be allowed to brew for two months. During this time, the components are well saturated with each other's tastes. If you want to catch them and try them, you will be surprised - it is impossible to guess which ingredient is only in shape, with your eyes closed.

Aromatic: with pears

Peculiarities. Apple compote from ranetki for the winter will turn out to be especially fragrant if you add a pear to it. So that the chopped ingredients of the drink do not darken, do not use the double filling method: the jars are immediately filled with syrup. The pear will make the compote sweeter, therefore, in order to balance the taste, it is better to either take sour ranetki or not add a lot of sugar.


  • apples - 250 g;
  • pears - 300 g;
  • water from the filter - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g.


  1. Sort the fruits. Wash them thoroughly.
  2. Remove the tails from the ranetok. Pears cut into medium slices.
  3. Divide the prepared ingredients into jars.
  4. Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Let the syrup simmer for two minutes.
  5. Pour sugar water into fruit jars. It should reach to the brim. Stopper.
  6. Let the workpiece cool upside down under a warm blanket.

To prepare compote, it is better to take hard pears - this is the only way to preserve the integrity of the pieces. Soft fruits after pouring hot syrup will become porridge. Hard pears are usually green in color and oblong.

Refreshing: with gooseberries and mint

Peculiarities. The taste of compote depends on the gooseberry variety, but it is always memorable. The mint adds a fresh note. If you like sweet and sour drinks, take green gooseberries. It will give you the sourness you need. By combining green berries with red ranetki, you get a compote of a pleasant pink hue.


  • apples - 300 g;
  • ripe gooseberries - 300 g;
  • clean water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • mint - three branches.


  1. Prepare the apples: rinse, remove the tails, puncture with a toothpick.
  2. Wash gooseberries thoroughly. Tear off the stems from the berries.
  3. Put ranetki and gooseberries in a three-liter jar (necessarily sterile).
  4. Boil water. Pour boiling water into a container.
  5. After five minutes, drain the liquid into a saucepan. Pour sugar in here. Stir until dissolved, boil for ten minutes.
  6. Place mint sprigs in a jar. Pour syrup over everything and seal.

Do you want to close a small jar of refreshing compote for testing? The number of ingredients per liter jar is easy to calculate - divide everything by three.

You can take any recipe for ranetka compote and experiment with the ingredients. The principle of preparation does not change depending on the components. Do not be afraid to close the compote without sterilization: the syrup will serve as a good preservative and prevent fermentation. Sugar can be replaced with honey: then the compote will become even more fragrant, interesting notes will appear in the taste.

Reviews: "Very tasty and rich"

Why such a waste of time and electricity, pour twice, when everything is much simpler. Just sterilize the jars over the kettle and boil the lids, and you don’t need to add so much sugar, one and a half glasses are enough for any compotes, and sometimes we also breed. As for ranetki and chokeberry, if there is a cherry nearby, boil water with cherry leaves, and fill it with this water, it will be even tastier.

Rahile, https://gotovim-doma.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10080

Thoroughly wash my cans with Feri, rinse very well. At the bottom of the jar I put a washed ranetka and currants (or chokeberry). Approximately 1/5-1/4 of the baki is occupied by berries. I don't sterilize anything but lids. I put iron lids together with rubber bands in an enameled bowl, put it on the stove, pour boiling water over it. I keep them on the lowest heat all the time while I make compote. I boil sugar syrup in a large saucepan. Sugar to taste. To be strong and sweet. I boil it for 5 minutes over high heat, then turn it to a minimum, but so that it does not stop boiling. I fill the berry with boiling syrup, take out the lid with metal tongs (Zepter won a hundred years ago at the presentation). I quickly roll up and turn under a fur coat until the morning (I usually do it in the evening). It turns out a concentrated compote, very tasty and rich. But I usually dilute it with filtered water when I drink it. Never exploded. It is worth at least two years (never stayed again, and for two years the jar “hidden” in the cellar just by chance).

Olga, http://mama.tomsk.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8163

Step 1: prepare inventory.

In order for the fragrant drink to stand all winter and not deteriorate, first of all, you must carefully prepare all the dishes that will be needed for preservation. So, we carefully inspect the cans, as well as metal screw or ordinary lids for cracks, notches and rust. Then we wash all the inventory with a soft kitchen sponge, baking soda or detergent with a minimum content of chemical additives. After that, we process small dishes with hot water, boil the lids in a small saucepan for 10–15 minutes and leave it in it until use, and sterilize the jars in any convenient way and put them on a clean kitchen table. Also, simultaneously bring the right amount of purified water to a boil in a large saucepan.

Step 2: Prepare apples.

Now we begin to deal with ranetki. This early winter apple variety is perfect for harvesting like no other. Jam, jam, marmalade are made from it, added to adjika, horseradish and, of course, compote. It is worth noting that these fruits, unlike their counterparts, contain several times more vitamin C and pectin substances, which are very useful for the body, and this greatly increases their nutritional value. First, we select only strong, juicy, ripe apples, rinse them thoroughly under cold running water. Then, using kitchen scissors, carefully remove the stalk from each and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: prepare the compote from ranetki.

We distribute clean fruits in sterilized jars, filling them in half or a third. After some time, gradually fill them with previously prepared boiling water and leave in this form for 5–10 minutes.

Then, in turn, we put a lid-watering can on the glass container and, holding it with a kitchen towel, drain the already slightly cooled water back into the saucepan. Add the right amount of granulated sugar there and put on medium heat. After boiling the liquid, cook the syrup until the grains are completely dissolved for about 4–5 minutes, while simultaneously removing a thin coating of gray-white foam from its surface with a slotted spoon.

After that, we again pour sweet water into jars with ranetki, cover them with lids and cork tightly. If they are screw, we use a kitchen towel for this purpose, if they are ordinary with an elastic band, then a special key for preservation will do.

Then we turn the workpiece upside down and check each jar for leaks. Air must not escape! Everything is fine? Then we put the preservation upside down tightly to each other, wrap them in a woolen blanket so that there are no gaps, and forget about it for a couple of days. When the compote has completely cooled down, we send it for storage in a cool, well-ventilated place, for example, a pantry, cellar or basement.

Step 4: Serve the compote from ranetki.

Ranetki compote is served at room temperature or chilled to a sweet table. The drink itself is served in a decanter, a jug or in portions in glasses, and the fruits are served on dessert plates. This wonderful nectar has a sweet and sour taste, a delicate aroma and a light reddish or delicate light green hue, depending on the variety of apples. Enjoy and don't get sick!
Bon appetit!

Some hostesses, in order to get a more fragrant compote, add two squeezes of currant, chokeberry or bird cherry to each jar of apples. Also, if desired, spices such as anise, cinnamon, black or allspice peas are put there;

If the ranetki are very large, it is necessary to prepare the compote in three pours, that is, soak the ranetki in boiling water twice, then boil the syrup from this liquid, only after that distribute it among the fruit jars and cork them tightly so that there are no gaps;

Canned apples can be savored just like that, or used as a layer or to make delicious desserts like baked goods.

The time for harvesting is almost coming to an end, but berries and fruits are still in abundance. Preparing compote from ranetki, the same? as for the winter - this is a good way to preserve fruit raw materials. The preparation of this drink does not take much time and you do not really spend money on a sought-after product at any time of the year.

Each hostess in her kitchen will never miss such an opportunity to spin a delicious and healthy drink for the whole family, which can be opened and drunk at any time of the year. It can be prepared in many ways, by adding various berries, citric acid, etc. Everyone will find an original recipe that will emphasize the rich taste of the main ingredient.

Today we will analyze with you 5 simple recipes for making compote from ranetki for the winter. I also suggest checking out the recipes.


  • Ranetki - 200 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 300 - 400 gr.
  • Water is for the syrup.

Yield - 1 3-liter jar.

Cooking method:

1. First, sterilize the jars with a microwave. We wash the jar with soda, wipe it and put it in the microwave, set the mode to 700-800 watts. Processing takes approximately 5 minutes. We take out the container and turn it over on a clean towel in order to dry it. We send the lid to boil for 5 minutes.

2. At this time, we carefully sort out, wash the ranetki under running water.

3. We prick them with a toothpick from different sides (so that the skin does not burst when pouring).

4. In a finished, clean jar, we add 1/3 of the ranetki to the jar.

5. Boil water. Then pour boiling water, cover with a lid. We leave for 10 - 15 minutes.

6. 15 minutes have passed, put on a lid with holes, drain the water into the pan.

7. Add granulated sugar to it, mix and put on the stove. After boiling, boil for 2 minutes and remove.

8. Pour ranetki with syrup.

9. Cover with a lid and roll up, check the lid for leaks.

10. Turn the compote upside down. Cover with a warm blanket until completely cool. Then we put it in storage. Bon appetit.

Delicious compote of ranetki and shadberry for a 3-liter jar

Harvesting and canning for the winter for our children from ranetki and rowan berries. Very tasty and healthy compote from shadberry berries and Siberian apples - ranetok, we prepare and preserve for the winter. How to prepare such a delicious drink? We carefully watch my step-by-step video recipe for harvesting berries for the winter!


  • Irgi - 300 gr.
  • Ranetki - 400 gr.
  • Cherry leaves - per jar of 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 cups
  • Water for syrup - 3 liters.

Cooking method:

1. The first thing to do is to select the fruits of the ranetki, rinse them under running water, clean and remove the inflorescence.

2. We also thoroughly wash the berries of the shadberry.

3. We sterilize jars and lids in any way convenient for you.

4. In sterilized jars we put a few ranets (only to cover the bottom) and pour berries of irgi on top.

5. We put a few leaves from the cherry. Cherry will betray a pleasant taste and aroma.

6. We begin to prepare the syrup. Pour 3 liters of water into the pan, add 3 cups of granulated sugar to it and mix thoroughly, it is necessary that all the crystals dissolve. When the syrup boils, remove from the stove.

7. We begin to pour the berries up to the neck.

8. Cover with lids and roll up with a key.

9. Turn upside down, cover with a warm towel and leave to cool, then put away in a storage location - a basement or refrigerator. Bon appetit.

How to make compote from ranetki with chokeberry

Chokeberry will add excellent taste and color to your compote. Usually such a drink is liked by both adults and children.


  • Chokeberry - 1 cup
  • Ranetki - 200 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Thyme branch - optional

Cooking method:

1. Rinse under running water and dry on a kitchen towel.

2. We cut the tails (but this is according to your desire).

3. Blanch ranetki in boiling water for 2 minutes, transfer them to a colander.

Wash and dry the ranetki. The tails can be cut off, or you can leave it, then it’s convenient to pull the apples out of the cup for them. Blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water, drain in a colander.

4. Thoroughly wash the chokeberry and put it in a bowl where water can drain (for example, a sieve).

5. We sterilize the jars using the oven. . We wash the jars with soda, pour 100 ml of water into them and put them in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. We just boil the lids.

6. We fill the jars with ranetki and berries (if you want more drink, then put less berries).

7. Cooking syrup. We take a saucepan, pour water into it and put it on the stove, pour granulated sugar into it and wait for it to boil.

8. Then pour the contents of the jars with hot syrup (if you wish, you can add a sprig of thyme).

9. Immediately roll up the banks. Cover with a warm blanket or towel and leave to cool completely. Compote is ready. Put away in storage. Bon appetit.

A simple compote recipe to keep at home


  • Ranetki apples - 200 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 250 gr. (for the 1st 3 liter jar)
  • Water - for syrup 1.5 liters.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, put it on the stove.

2. At this time, we wash the ranetki under running water, cut off the inflorescences, the tails can not be removed.

3. We sterilize the jar and lid in advance, in any way convenient for you.

4. Fill the jar with apples, about 30% of the capacity.

5. Fill the jar with boiling water to the top and cover with a lid for 10 minutes

6. After 10 minutes, using a nylon lid with holes, drain the water into the pan.

7. Put it on the stove again and pour in the sugar. When the syrup boils, wait another two minutes and remove from the stove.

8. Pour the syrup into a jar and immediately roll it up. Turn upside down and wait for complete cooling. Put away in storage. Bon appetit.

Compote from ranetki on a 3-liter jar with citric acid and vanilla


  • Ranetki apples - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife.
  • Water - 3 liters.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the fruit well under warm running water (you can cut the ranetki in half if you wish).

2. Cooking syrup. Pour 3 liters of water into the pan, put on the stove and pour 500 gr. granulated sugar, citric acid and vanillin.

3. Put ranetki in pre-sterilized jars and fill with syrup, cover with lids.

4. We take a large pot or a basin, put a towel there, put the jars and pour water over the shoulders. We put on the stove and sterilize for 15 minutes.

5. After sterilization, we tightly twist the jars, send them to a warm place and cover them with a warm blanket for a day. After a day, we remove the compote to the storage place.

Enjoy your meal!
