
The benefits of cranberries. Recipes for our kids

It is a useful product known to everyone. It is used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes and in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases. No less useful is the juice of berries, recognized by nutritionists as one of the most useful drinks with healing powers.

Composition of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice contains more biologically active substances than any other juice. It can be called the best source of antioxidants. Cranberry juice contains 5 times more of them than broccoli. In addition, it contains a lot of, B, PP and K, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and potassium. Cranberry juice is rich in organic acids such as ursolic, tartaric, benzoic, malic and quinic.

Benefits of cranberry juice

In folk medicine, cranberry juice has been used for a long time. With its help, they strengthened the body, treated gout, rheumatism, and skin diseases. Sailors used it to treat wounds and prevent scurvy.

Useful cranberry juice for cystitis and other diseases of the urinary tract. The special substances and minerals contained in it neutralize pathogenic bacteria that lead to infections. The acids rich in cranberry juice create a special environment in the bladder that prevents bacteria from attaching to its walls.

Due to the high content of benzoic acid and phenol in cranberry juice, it is an excellent natural antibiotic and is suitable for the treatment of infectious diseases and inflammation.

Cranberry juice is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps with gastritis caused by low acidity of the stomach, and inflammation of the pancreas. The drink is able to destroy bacteria that destroy the stomach lining and lead to ulcers.

Cranberry juice helps fight oral problems. Rinsing the mouth with a drink helps in the treatment of periodontal disease, gum disease, sore throats and cleans the teeth from plaque.

In the treatment and prevention of diseases of the reproductive system, kidneys, with pyelonephritis, cranberry juice can also help. The beneficial properties of the drink are used for edema and varicose veins. Flavonoids improve the strength and elasticity of capillaries, and also help to better absorb vitamin C, which helps to increase the body's resistance to chronic fatigue and stress. Anthocyanins present in its composition eliminate inflammation and promote the breakdown of kidney stones.

Thanks to the rich content of antioxidants in cranberry juice that fight free radicals, which are the main causes of aging and disease, it has a rejuvenating effect and has a beneficial effect on the beauty of hair and skin. Vitamins PP and C, as well as tannins, help prevent putrefactive processes in the body, remove harmful substances and purify the blood. Juice serves as a prevention of leukemia and the formation of tumors.

Useful cranberry juice for obesity, diabetes and thyroid problems. It normalizes metabolism and water balance, and also reduces blood sugar. The drink helps with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Juice prevents the formation of blood clots, removes cholesterol, expands and strengthens blood vessels.

Harm and contraindications of cranberry juice

Refuse the drink should be people who have individual intolerance, as well as suffering from high acidity, chronic liver disease, exacerbation of ulcers and acute inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach.

Cranberry is one of the most valuable year, has long been used for the treatment and prevention of many different diseases. Instead of today's traditional coffee or tea, the morning drink of our ancestors was vvarets. Just one of its mandatory components was cranberries.

There is another drink from this berry, which is deservedly considered an elixir of health and physical strength. We are, of course, talking about cranberry juice. It is extremely valuable for its high content of vitamins and various useful substances. Cranberry juice - benefits and harms - these are the questions I would like to reveal now in more detail.

The healing properties of the drink can be the envy of drugs

We will start, of course, with its useful properties. Everything is explained here simply - by the chemical composition of the berry itself, which contains:

  • 0.7 percent pectins - substances that can bind heavy metals present in the body and neutralize them;
  • 3.5 percent organic acids;
  • 4.7 percent of sugars are sucrose, fructose, glucose, and these are completely digestible natural carbohydrates;
  • vitamin C, traditionally useful for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.

By the way, thanks to benzoic acid, cranberries can be stored fresh for quite a long time - from 7 to 9 months. This allows you to prepare a healing, dietary and very healthy drink from berries almost all year round, filling the body with vitamins.

Very valuable cranberry juice and because of the presence in it of a very large number of trace elements, such as cobalt. It is needed by the body to normalize the process of enzymatic reactions occurring in the human digestive system. In addition, cobalt is also the key to the smooth operation of the nervous system. The role of molybdenum and copper, also present in cranberries, is very significant and at the same time diverse, while manganese ensures the normal functioning of the gonads in adults, and helps children grow normally.

In order for the body to receive in sufficient quantities all the extremely useful substances listed above, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of cranberry juice daily. The main thing is that the drink is natural, without any kind of stabilizers and preservatives. It is not difficult to cook it yourself, the main thing is that the main ingredient, cranberries, is at hand.

Ancient physicians knew about the healing properties of the berry, without conducting any experiments and research, relying solely on their own knowledge and experience. With the help of cranberries, for example, they treated rheumatism, hypertension, various inflammatory diseases. Later, the initial knowledge of people about this berry was confirmed by reliable scientific data.

In particular, scientists of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute in the middle of the last century conducted studies that confirmed the usefulness of cranberry juice. This drink, for example, due to the rich content of hippuric acid, is able to enhance the effect of antibiotics in the fight against pathological microorganisms that cause pyelonephritis. This useful quality, of course, did not go unnoticed by physicians. Today, often with recommendations to take antibiotics, it is also advised to add cranberry juice to the diet.

Morse is extremely useful for colds. This drink is an excellent tonic, thirst-quenching and illuminating agent, and it is especially widely used in children's practice. For effective opposition to viral infections, bactericidal agents of fruit drinks are very useful. Moreover, it perfectly helps the body cope with headaches, helps to increase the immune background and restore sleep, as well as relieves fatigue with a hand. The drink is also useful in the treatment of various kinds of inflammatory processes that have appeared in the female genital organs.

Traditional medicine recommends fruit drinks to combat articular rheumatism, cough, tonsillitis. The beneficial properties of the drink do not end there - fruit drinks are used as one of the components in the complex therapy of diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and hypertension, since cranberries have a very high potassium content. In addition, he is able to:

  • strengthen blood vessels, while increasing their elasticity;
  • improve the condition and color of the skin;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • destroy pathogens;
  • stop the development of inflammatory processes;
  • stimulate the production of gastric juice;
  • give a diuretic effect without removing potassium from the body;
  • destroy pathogens that attack the mucous membranes of the stomach.

However, this is not the whole list of the healing properties of cranberry juice, but even from the foregoing, we can draw a confident conclusion: this drink is really extremely useful. Do not forget that with proper preparation, you will also be pleased with the taste properties, thanks to which even children are happy to use this very real medicine. Well, the ability to fumble with such an undesirable phenomenon for women as premature aging makes fruit drink a very popular drink among the fair sex.

At the same time, I would like to note that the use of a drink and cranberries is not useful in all cases. In particular, it is better to exclude it from the diet with a tendency to heartburn, diabetes, duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer. With such diseases, fruit drinks can do more harm than help.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink the drink with increased secretion of gastric juice. It is not always necessary to strengthen the effect of antibiotics, therefore, the use of fruit drinks in the course of treatment should be after consultation with the doctor who prescribed certain medications.

Crane. Spherical or egg-shaped berries of a red-burgundy hue contain in their composition such an amount of vitamin C that it is ahead of lemon and other citrus fruits in this indicator. This is not the only advantage of cranberries; many more useful treasures are hidden in it. That is why the berry began to be collected and used for medicinal purposes in ancient times. A specific bitter-sour taste is a serious obstacle to eating the berry in its pure form, so various dishes are prepared with it, boiled, harvested, and juices. The usefulness of cranberries from such processing does not decrease, and the taste qualities noticeably benefit.

The effect of cranberry juice on the body

The product is widely known as an effective antibiotic of natural origin. In acute and chronic viral diseases, exacerbations of infections, it is recommended to use it in combination with the main drug therapy. Cranberry juice is effective as a prophylactic and remedy against diseases of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The content in the product helps to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.

In the fight for beauty and anti-aging, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to a cranberry drink, as it is rich. These substances protect skin cells from aging and enhance the process of their regeneration. The introduction of the product into the diet will help improve complexion and make wrinkles less pronounced.

Cranberry is a berry known for its detoxifying properties. Juice is recommended to drink to cleanse the blood from the effects of antibiotics, to remove salts of heavy metals from the body, and is also advised to people who have been exposed to radiation exposure. It helps a lot with poisoning with heavy toxins, and is also used as a prophylactic against cancer and anemia.

The product contains a significant supply of iodine, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Normalization of metabolism is another useful bonus of taking cranberry juice. With obesity, impaired water balance and metabolic processes, cranberry juice must be introduced into the diet. It is also useful for diabetics, since ursolic acid, which is in the berry and a drink from it, can bring blood sugar levels back to normal.

The intake of juice will benefit the cardiovascular system, because the substances in its composition fight bad things, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The most famous way to use cranberry juice is to treat colds. Already at the first symptoms of malaise, fever and chills, you need to drink a glass of a drink made from warm and cranberry juice. This will give the body an impetus to fight the disease, reduce fever and inflammation.

The product copes well with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, as it has a wound healing and antiseptic effect. And for the teeth, its benefit lies in getting rid of caries, periodontal disease, and plaque.

Chemical composition of cranberry juice

Vitamin treasury is contained in cranberry juice. The content of vitamin C in the product goes off scale - it bypasses lemons in this indicator, and only blackcurrants have surpassed cranberries and drinks from it.

Mineral composition
12 mg
14 mg
6 mg
16 mg
1 mg
130 mcg
0.19 mg
10 mcg
Rubidium 44 mcg
17 mcg
1 mcg
2.3 mg
19 mg
155 mg

100 g of the product contains 45.5 kcal, 0.4 g, 0.3 g, 11 g.

For skin diseases, mix half a glass of water and juice, add a teaspoon and drink the mixture three times a day, an hour after eating.

For hypertensive patients, it is advised to prepare a drink with honey in proportions of 1/1, consume 1 tablespoon three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. People suffering from diseases of the stomach and pancreas are shown to take cranberry juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1 before meals, 50-100 g.

From fever, the patient is given a mixture of 200 g of juice, settled for 1-2 hours, 50 g of cranberry juice and 15 g. You need to drink the drink in small portions, 5-6 times during the day.

In case of flu, colds, coughs, bronchitis, the product is mixed with honey to taste, so that it is not too acidic, and drink 100 g before meals.

Use in cosmetology

When looking for skin health products, don't forget that effective products can be found not only on the shelves of cosmetics stores. Cranberry juice, taken internally, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic, healthy, smooth. In addition, it is also used as a component of masks, massage ice cubes and tonics. However, only freshly squeezed sugar-free products are suitable for these purposes.

In order to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, use a napkin moistened with juice. It is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, after which the face is washed with cool water. First you need to test for allergic reactions - apply the juice to the inner bend of the elbow, where the skin is very sensitive, and follow your own feelings. If redness and burning sensation do not appear within 5-7 minutes, then the remedy can be used.

It is worth using face and hair masks with juice no more than 1 time in one and a half to two weeks. They are kneaded in a non-metal bowl, such as an earthenware or glass bowl.

Preparing a drink in reserve

The basis for obtaining juice from a berry is the process of squeezing or twisting. For these purposes, use a meat grinder or juicer, or you can simply crush the cranberries in a mortar.

Cranberries normally tolerate the fresh storage process, in addition, they can be frozen for the winter. Boiling reduces the amount of vitamin C in its composition. You can also make juice in this way, but it loses some of its benefits.

The simplest recipe: cranberries are twisted or crushed by hand, rolled into sterile jars without adding any components and tightly closed with lids. The product is stored in a refrigerator or cellar without heat treatment.

Healthy Pumpkin Recipe:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 1 kg ripe;
  • about 400 g of sugar.

To prepare a drink take:

  • 2 kg bright orange carrots;
  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 2 cups of sugar.

Carrots are well washed, peeled, finely chopped and steamed. The resulting puree is passed through a sieve. Cranberries are sorted, washed, peeled and crushed, thus obtaining juice from it. After mixing carrots with berries, they are sent to a slow fire, not allowing to boil, and warmed up for about 3-5 minutes. When the dish has cooled, it is rubbed again through a sieve. It turns out quite thick, and at this stage it can either be passed through cheesecloth or diluted with water. After adding granulated sugar, the drink is stirred, heated over low heat for 15 minutes, without boiling, after which it is poured hot into sterile jars. After the product has cooled, it is stored in a dark, cool place.

Uses of cranberry juice in cooking

Since the product has a strongly pronounced sour taste, it is practically not used as an independent dish. From it you can make syrup for ice cream by adding sugar and heat-treating it. Cranberry juice is used as food coloring. In small quantities, it is added to the impregnation for cakes and biscuits, creams and desserts. Some marinades with the addition of this drink give the meat a stunningly tender structure due to the high content of acids in the juice.

Most often, the product is found in recipes for alcoholic cocktails, in combination with,. An unusually rich taste is given by a mixture of cranberry with, with grenadine, raspberry vodka, soda. The combination of cranberry juice with lemon vodka, Cointreau liqueur and juice is the recipe for the famous Cosmopolitan cocktail.

Harm and contraindications of the product

What definitely cannot be done with this drink is to drink it on an empty stomach. Even in a diluted state, the amount of acids in it can negatively affect the walls of the stomach. For those who have problems with the liver, as well as people suffering from stomach ulcers or acute gastritis, it is better to stop drinking cranberry juice in any form. There are also cases of manifestations of individual intolerance and allergies - this is a direct indication to exclude the product from the diet. With caution, it is necessary to use juice for pregnant women, after consulting with the doctor.

In addition, cranberries do not interact well with certain drugs: Valium, Glucotrol, Tamoxifen, Elavil, and other blood thinners. The product reduces the effectiveness of diclofenac.

Of course, a product made from berries collected in polluted areas with unfavorable environmental conditions can cause significant harm to the human body.

The healing properties of cranberry juice are as unique as the taste of this drink. It has a strong stimulating effect: as if shaking the natural resources of the body, the product supplements and enhances them with a set of vitamins and nutrients from its own composition, thereby improving health, giving vitality and vigor.

Fruit drinks, jelly and juices based on it have been saving people from various diseases for centuries.

The benefits of cranberry and lingonberry juice have been known since the days of Kievan Rus. With the help of the drink, women prolonged their youth and tone without the then inaccessible cosmetic techniques, and men became even stronger and gained truly “heroic” health. The mention of the recipe for cranberry juice was found in the first handwritten books of healers.

Surprisingly, even today, when all the benefits of medicine and pharmaceuticals are widely available, some people sincerely consider cranberry drink to be their real "savior" from various ailments.

Elixir of health from the sour berry

Our ancestors have known about the benefits and harms of cranberry juice since ancient times. It was not difficult for them to stock up on such a valuable drink for health for the whole year in advance. As soon as autumn came, women and children "armed themselves" with birch bark baskets and went to peat and moss bogs.

This is not to say that harvesting was very easy for them. In order to get enough berries, they had to literally "bow at the feet" of each bush. But it was worth it to provide the whole family with a useful "elixir" for the winter.

The manufacturing technology of a proven and affordable drug was extremely simple. The berries were placed in large wooden barrels, and then filled to the brim with clean drinking water. No juicers, no food processors, as in modern life, and the juice was prepared by itself!

A properly made drink could be stored in a cool cellar for a whole year. However, our ancestors were not limited only to them. They cooked jams and jelly, sugared, dried, and even fermented healthy small berries.

Not only the Slavs knew about the valuable properties of cranberries. The Scandinavians also collected it in the right season. European navigators had their own personal antiscorbutic recipe: when going on a voyage, the ship's hold was loaded with soaked berries.

How to make medicine correctly was also known by the indigenous people of North America - the wise Indians. And among the Eskimos, cranberries remain in special esteem to this day. In America, by the way, cranberries looked very different. Each of its berries was very large, and rather resembled a plum.

However, now the Americans do not have a need to harvest in the swamps: the berries have been cultivated here, and are grown on specially designated plantations. Canadians sincerely consider it sacred. They have sacred notions that each cranberry is a drop of blood spilled by the heroes. Therefore, in Canada, the worship of cranberries borders on something like a cult.

The Russians also adapted to grow an evergreen plant in their summer cottages. But they felt a big minus: unlike their wild-growing counterpart, homemade cranberries are almost half as good for the human body.

The autumn berry itself has a tart, sour taste with slightly rancid notes. It perfectly tolerates winter, and, aging during it under a dense sheet of snow, loses its specific taste. The spring berry is distinguished by its extremely soft taste. It is sweet and has a unique flavor. But it is these berries that are almost completely useless for the body. Simply put, the tastier the product, the less value it has.

Useful properties of the drink

Cranberries, like numerous autumn-winter berries, have one unique property - the ability for long-term storage without preservation. From the product itself, you can cook anything, from healing drinks to delicious spicy sauces for main meat dishes.

Juice or fruit drink can be made using special tools available in the kitchen inventory of almost every housewife.

As for the valuable properties of cranberry juice, which we are talking about, it has proven itself especially well in the treatment of infections and inflammations of the genitourinary apparatus. It effectively cures urinary tract infections and helps with cystitis very quickly.

Other useful properties of the product:

  • The drink is recommended for use by anyone who has problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, it is worth drinking at least 3 glasses of a healing potion during the day;
  • The berry stimulates the synthesis of lipoprotein - the main component of "useful" cholesterol in the body. Thus, regularly taken juice reduces the level of bad, “harmful” cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and provokes the development of a mass of serious diseases;
  • Cranberries are among the generally accepted record holders for the content of ascorbic acid. Only 50 g of cranberry juice carry as many mg of the vitamin as needed to fill 15% of its daily requirement;
  • As an antipyretic and cold remedy, a recipe for vodka with cranberry juice and honey is widely used. True, the alcoholic element is contraindicated for those who are undergoing antibiotic therapy. If you take a pure drink, without an alcohol component, it will only enhance and accelerate the action of the usual drugs. Naturally, vodka in the main drink is contraindicated for children and adolescents;
  • If you want to reliably protect yourself from oncopathologies, drink cranberry juice! It is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. And it is the latter that often cause the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • Cranberry juice is taken for cystitis, as it has an extremely mild, antibacterial-diuretic effect. This is also true for nephritis, pyelonephritis and other problems with the kidneys and bladder;
  • The drink is actively used as a prophylactic against peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It quickly normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, even with its significant disorders;
  • Berry juice is an excellent antipyretic and antiseptic "drug". It strengthens the immune system and increases hemoglobin, reliably protects against such terrible diseases as scurvy;
  • Berry elixir is indispensable for anemia and beriberi;
  • Healers used the drink as a detox for serious poisoning;
  • Fresh strengthens tooth enamel, prevents the formation of caries and its further development into pulpitis.

Cranberry juice is extremely beneficial during pregnancy. It provides the woman's body with the following "services":

  • Natural antibiotic and immunomodulatory action;
  • Protection from infection of the organs of the genitourinary system (which often provokes excessive pressure of the uterus on the ureters during pregnancy);
  • Increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Saturation of the body with an optimally balanced set of vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements;
  • Protection against possible postpartum pregnancy, normalization of the nervous system;
  • Treatment of varicose veins and hypertension;
  • Removal of unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.

Women often use cranberry juice for painful periods - it helps relieve spasm and regulate the amount of blood separated from the genital tract.

If you do not have direct contraindications to taking a drink, you can make your life much easier with especially uncomfortable periods!

Drink harm

This "elixir" of youth and health, of course, does not cause direct harm to the body. However, it is strictly contraindicated for the following problems:

  • Gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Increased acidity;
  • Thin tooth enamel (it is better to drink juice through a straw so that the acid does not come into contact with the teeth);
  • Allergic reactions to berries in history.

How to make cranberry juice? Place the berries in cheesecloth and squeeze fresh. If the use is provided immediately, take a small amount of fruit. If harvesting is planned, do not forget to pasteurize and sterilize the liquid. It is optimal to roll it into banks.

Tip: don't wash the berries before juicing - they can get wrinkled!

Try the sour drink treatment, and you will definitely appreciate its properties!

Get rid of pain during menstruation

Menstruation is a test for every girl. Stomach hurts and

it hurts, but you can’t drink a whole pack of pills ... We found ways to reduce

pain during critical days.

Painkiller first. Drink some cranberry juice

Do you remember the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio: he comes to one of

bars, orders himself a glass of cranberry juice ... And the bartender or some

the visitor asks him: “Do you have

The director did not suck this joke out of his finger - cranberry juice

really significantly relieves pain during menstruation, but drinking it

better in a slightly diluted state, because it is even more acidic than lemon.

The chip is in special microorganisms that prevent

stasis of blood and the formation of blood clots. So the blood won't weigh down

your lower abdomen, and blood cells will quickly separate from living cells.

The pain will be less or not at all.

Painkiller second. Or pour yourself a glass of strong tea

If you have already drunk a whole bunch of pills, and your stomach is all

hurts and hurts, ask your mom to cook

Why mom? Because she will cook not green and

without sugar, but strong, fragrant black tea with sugar. Very hot.

Drink it in small sips, stretch it out for 30 minutes, and you

you will see that the muscles gradually relax, and the pain goes away.

What's the secret? Very strong tea helps to relieve strong

stress - it is given even to victims of accidents and disasters. For critical

days it also fits. The glucose contained in sugar instantly raises the glycemic

index, which helps to overcome pain during menstruation.

Painkiller third. Give yourself a foot massage

They say that on the feet, just above the heel, you can find points

responsible for relaxation and pain relief during menstruation. Therefore, take your feet in your hands and methodically long

try to find those points with pressure.

There are also several other options. One of them is to do

your feet in a hot bath with salt and aromatic oils. Suitable for relaxation

lavender, in order to cheer up - rosemary.

In addition, there is an unusual way to get rid of pain during

time of menstruation - walk in heels. If they are small, then the main load

it will just fall on the right part of the foot, and the pain will go away by itself. Personally

Better yet, call your man and let him massage your

Painkiller fourth. have sex

If your stomach really hurts, don’t strain too much and let everything

make a partner. This is because hormones are released during orgasm.

help to overcome pain, and blood circulation improves, and the blood does not

stays in the body.

So have sex with pleasure and don't be shy

monthly. However, if you have a thing for it, you might as well

satisfy yourself and masturbate. And then maybe after all

invite a guy to join.

By the way, we have recently written about how to masturbate correctly.

Treatment with cranberry juice

In our "chemical" age, people are increasingly thinking about the benefits of natural ingredients. That is why the use of special herbal preparations and berry juices is recommended today not only by village healers, but also by representatives of official medicine. Cranberry juice is one of these magical remedies that has received well-deserved national recognition - treatment with this drink turns out to be effective in very many cases.

Cranberry juice for cystitis and pyelonephritis

Diseases of the genitourinary organs are a common problem. Women suffer more often, but, by and large, absolutely all people are at risk - from newborns to ancient elders. Pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis - these problems affect two-thirds of the population at one time or another. The fact is that a variety of pathogens can cause inflammation. In addition, the listed diseases are insidious - they are able to "hide" and become chronic.

The juice from this berry is used to treat pyelonephritis and cystitis.

In the days of our grandmothers, cystitis was treated with cranberry juice very often, and, it should be noted, sometimes even with greater effect than today with patented remedies. The berries were soaked for future use - they were placed in barrels and filled with ordinary well water. In this form, in a cool cellar, it retained its qualities for a whole year, until the new harvest. Unfortunately, cranberry juice itself cannot boast of such "persistence" - a monthly supply can only be stored in the refrigerator and, preferably, after pasteurization.

Already the water itself, in which the cranberries floated, was beneficial for the body, as it was enriched with vitamin C and some trace elements. But the berry itself truly seemed like a "sorceress." They ate it mixed with honey (due to a rather specific bitter-sour taste), prepared kissels, fruit drinks and pressed cranberry juice directly - with cystitis it was consumed for several weeks in a row, in small portions.

What is the reason for the amazing effect? Until recently, doctors said that the use of cranberry juice against cystitis was caused by its special antimicrobial and disinfecting properties. After all, the experience of generations testified: even purulent wounds washed with the extract of this berry heal much faster.

Recent studies have prompted doctors to conclude that the matter is completely different: the berry itself does not kill microbes and bacteria, but it creates such conditions in the body when they simply cannot reproduce. The most important are such useful properties of cranberry juice for the bladder, because it is here that there is the most favorable "soil" for the growth of pathogens.

In fact, when using this berry, the environment itself changes, in which it is extremely difficult for pathogenic flora to survive. Add to this specific treatment and physiotherapy, and you can celebrate the victory: it turns out that cranberry juice helped get rid of cystitis easily and for a long time. If you take it in small doses for prevention, then you can not be afraid of a relapse of the disease.

Attention! Any disease of the genitourinary tract is a complex, unpleasant and potentially very dangerous thing. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended. Doctors have nothing against the helper berry, so let them prescribe cranberry juice for cystitis - the doses for each patient are selected individually, moreover, with some concomitant diseases, the drink can be harmful. Especially if it's in an unreasonable amount.

Cranberry juice and urinary tract infections

Pyelonephritis is a common disease that affects young children, women during pregnancy, and people with metabolic disorders. However, she can hit anyone. Inflammation occurs for various reasons, therefore, treatment is always selected individually, after examination. However, in general, cranberry juice is good for the kidneys.

A drink made from cranberries helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system

It's all about the same active substances, proanthocyanidins, which do not allow microbes to turn around as they should. It turns out that treatment with cranberry juice performs a certain “watchdog” role: special antibacterial drugs kill the disease, and the berry component makes sure that it does not manage to “catch” and “hide”.

However, there are some contraindications that relate to the tendency for the appearance of sand or stones in the patient's kidneys. Basically, this applies to oxalate salts. So, if the ICD has already been diagnosed before, the physician should decide on the possibility of treating pyelonephritis, cystitis or urethritis with cranberry juice. Important in this matter will be urine tests and ultrasound results.

However, pharmacists have already guessed how to smooth out the side effects of an acidic drink. Since the beneficial properties of cranberry juice for cystitis are especially well studied, it is for the treatment of this disease that several drugs have been created in the category of dietary supplements containing extracts of the miracle berry. Their use almost never leads to unexpected surprises.

But the genitourinary system is a very complex thing. Especially in women, because in their body the genital and urinary organs are constantly “exchanging” not the most useful bacteria. Even in young girls, pyelonephritis can lead to vulvovaginitis (and vice versa), in adult women who are sexually active, this connection is even closer. Interestingly, in these cases, cranberry juice will also help - the thrush does not like it very much.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to take the berry inside, so you can not be afraid of problems with the formation of kidney stones. In these cases, it is enough just to do douching with cranberry juice - they are usually done in cycles of 10 days, alternating with other appropriate drugs.

It is clear that traditional medicine recommends strongly diluting cranberry juice for such an application. Usually, a solution for douching is made as follows: fresh (soaked) berries are squeezed out, and a spoonful of juice is stirred in one glass of lukewarm boiled water.

Cranberry juice from pressure - who should drink and how?

This unpretentious marsh berry has a huge number of very useful properties. However, it is no coincidence that it used to be called a “beauty product”. Many women are familiar with problems with swelling, especially in the morning. Frankly, the appearance of bags under the eyes suffers greatly. It is not at all a fact that these troubles are caused by kidney disease - many other reasons, including hormonal ones, can be to blame. But cranberry juice from edema will help in any case.

On the one hand, it perfectly removes excess water from the body, but does it extremely gently, without harm to other organs (which cannot be said about many chemicals). In addition, antihypertensive drugs have a big minus - with their systematic use, potassium salts are washed out, which are necessary for the full existence of the heart muscle. And cranberries are extremely rich in this microelement, so no potassium deficiency is formed when using it. It turns out that cranberry juice is a diuretic with maximum effect and minimal contraindications.

There is another very important point here. The fact is that it does not matter for what reason the fluid in the body accumulates - it still leads to hypertension sooner or later. To combat pressure, either a tableted "urea" or special medicinal decoctions, infusions and juices are used. In particular, cranberry juice (folk recipes recommend mixing it with honey, adding a couple of spoons to a glass of warm water and drinking it once a day instead of tea).

As already mentioned, not only this berry has similar properties. So questions about what kind of juice to drink to normalize pressure (cranberry or lingonberry), whether to use it in small spoons or prepare tea and fruit drink, you need to find out from your doctor. Well, and focus on your own taste preferences.

Cranberry juice for pancreatitis, gastritis and other problems

Since cranberries are so rich in trace elements, it is easy to assume that its use in traditional medicine is not limited to the genitourinary system and related problems. And this is true. After all, it also has a great effect on blood vessels, eliminating their spasm. For example, cranberries with beetroot juice are taken for tinnitus. It is enough to drink a small glass of drink a couple of times a day (in a ratio of 50 to 50).

Widely used to treat a wide variety of ailments

The principle of the therapeutic effect of cranberry juice in diabetes is not very clear, but practice shows that in patients who add it to food or receive preparations containing berry extract, blood sugar stops “jumping”.

Sometimes women worry: for those who have a cyst, is cranberry juice useful or harmful? Well, everything will depend on the presence of contraindications, so a doctor's consultation is still needed. But recent studies have shown that cranberries have the ability to prevent the development of neoplasms (primarily malignant), besides, it is an excellent immunostimulant.

By the way, the properties of the miracle berry were studied on animals. As a result, doctors found that the "smaller brothers" from such an increase in the diet improved heart function and increased resistance to disease. So, if a pet wants to join falconry - welcome! Cranberry juice for a cat or dog can be no less useful than for a person.

And yet, what about those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? Definitely consult a gastroenterologist. The fact is that with many intestinal problems caused by pathogenic flora, cranberries will play the role of a “bacteria killer”, but for the liver, cranberry juice is too heavy and can exacerbate existing problems.

A very important question that should be clarified before being treated concerns the acidity of gastric juice. If it is increased, then the berry must be categorically deleted from the menu (in order to avoid complications), but with low acidity, cranberry juice with gastritis is drunk as a medicine.

Only in the latter case will he benefit from pancreatitis. However, in the acute period, any plant food is forbidden to patients, but at the stage of recovery of the body, the berry will show its healing effects, forcing the affected organ to work in full force. The preparation of cranberry juice for the treatment of the pancreas does not differ in any secrets: a spoonful of a drink or grated berries is mixed with a spoonful of honey and eaten with tea.

Can I drink cranberry juice while taking Warfarin?

The berry has another unique ability that makes its use justified in the elderly (in order to prevent thrombosis and atherosclerosis). This is a natural anticoagulant, so cranberry juice against thick blood will be quite effective.

But everything is good in moderation. Too thick blood is a risk factor, but the downside is not better, because excessive use of anticoagulants can lead to bleeding. That is why the magic berry in any form is prohibited in the treatment of certain drugs that affect the composition of the blood. In particular, Warfarin and cranberry juice should not be taken at the same time.

Cranberry juice and periods - why and why?

Excruciating discomfort, and even severe pain in the lower abdomen - these symptoms of "critical" days are well known to all women. But it turns out that cranberry juice during menstruation can significantly smooth out discomfort.

One of the unknown properties is helping women during critical days.

No gastritis with high acidity, liver problems or kidney stones? Then you can try to "acidify" your life with a glass or two of berry juice or a portion of fresh juice, to which cranberry juice is added - during menstruation, it will prevent blood stasis in the small pelvis. But it is this pressure that causes all the pain.

Swamp berry can thin the blood. This may not always be good, but in this case it will help you get over it faster. Just don't abuse! During menstruation, cranberry juice is drunk at the rate of 50 (maximum 100) milliliters per day and, preferably, not in its pure form. Otherwise, you can get stomach problems.

In addition, cranberries are rich in iron, moreover, it helps the body absorb this metal. During menstruation, this is especially true, since a woman may experience a drop in hemoglobin. This, in turn, leads to lethargy, fatigue and increased irritability. So cranberry juice with PMS will do an excellent job not only for the “sufferer”, but for her entire family.

We treat acute respiratory infections: cranberry juice for cough, runny nose and fever

And yet, the berry has proven itself best in the fight against seasonal colds. Cranberry juice for a runny nose and cough was treated several hundred years ago, when the word "virus" was still basically unknown to science. It is today that doctors have found out that the “swamp doctor” acts in two directions at once: it increases immunity thanks to a record amount of vitamin C and simply kills viruses (moreover, it even copes with the flu and such a rare muck as rotavirus).

Does cranberry juice help with a cough? Millions of people are ready to answer categorically "yes"! For adults who do not have problems with alcohol, you can use the following remedy. Half a glass of vodka is brought to a boil in an enameled container, after which 2 tablespoons of juice or crushed berries, as well as a little honey, are added there. The effect of such a medicine is especially noticeable if a dry cough is tortured. True, it is worth taking it only a couple of spoons at night, washed down with hot tea.

It is clear that we delete vodka from the recipe for the treatment of children. We leave only the berry and honey, mixed in equal amounts. The main thing then is to wrap yourself up well to sweat. In this case (in passing), cranberry juice will lower the temperature and smooth out all other symptoms of the disease.

But is it worth it to bury cranberry juice in the nose from a cold, there is no consensus among parents and pediatricians. Perhaps it is better to do with the usual washing, and consume the berry in the form of a fruit drink sweetened with sugar or honey. So it will definitely be useful! In any case, before you start experimenting, you should consult your doctor. After all, the main principle that should be followed in any treatment is to do no harm!



The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only, before use, a doctor's consultation is required!

The opinion of the administration may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Advertisers are responsible for advertising materials posted on the site.

Useful properties of cranberries for human health

Useful properties of cranberries

In addition, they are rich in vitamins C, PP, K, B1 and B2, and also contain flavonoids, vaccinin glycoside, triterpene acids - oleanolic, ursolic and organic acids (2.3% - 3.3%) - ketoglutaric, citric, malic , benzoic (it is thanks to this acid that the berries retain their freshness for a long time without additional processing).

Fructose and glucose, on average, 0.3% and 2.4%, respectively, and the berries contain coloring, pectin, tannins, nitrogenous substances and phytoncides.

Antioxidant properties of cranberries

Antioxidants are chemicals that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Cranberries are an excellent source of antioxidants, the content of which is much higher in them than in any other fruit.

Cranberries help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections in women

Cranberries can prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. This effect affects the most common UTI-causing bacteria, Escherichia coli.

The role of cranberries and its beneficial properties in the fight against cancer

Cranberry juice

Salicylic acid

Cranberry juice has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic effects.

1. Such chemical elements as boron, iodine, manganese can lower blood pressure, so cranberry juice is often recommended for hypertension.

Nutritional value of cranberry juice

There are many cranberry juice brands on the market today, but the best of them are those that use fresh fruit and the minimum amount of additives in their products.

  • Serving Size: 110g
  • Energy: 51 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 13 g
  • Dietary fiber: 5g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 2mg

Pasteurization in the production of cranberry juice

Pasteurization is the process of heating a liquid to a high temperature to kill bacteria and other pathogens that can pose a serious risk to human health.

cranberry juice menstruation

Menu for 10 month old baby

Menu of a 10-month-old baby A child at the age of 10 months still continues to receive breast milk to a large extent during morning and evening feeding. If milk is no longer enough, mom can try to increase lactation by taking hot tea with milk and honey. If milk is still not enough, in the morning and in the evening you can give the baby baby kefir. In the menu of a 10-month-old baby at 10 months, there are already all the products that mom and dad eat. The exceptions are smoked meats, pickles, canned food "for adults", bread made from wholemeal flour.

Fruit drinks and compotes.

Girls, do you cook compotes for your kids and from what? Is it possible for a 7 month old baby to have cranberry juice. During breakfast (at 10.00), lunch (at 14.00) what do you give your child: juices, tea or compote?

Belevsky and Vologda sweets. Diet foods! COLLECTION by March 8!

Hi all! my name is Irina (Moscow). I present to your attention healthy snacks! Diet food, natural, some products are suitable for losing weight and diabetics. The purchase was approved on 05/27/2017 (but has been underway since 2014) Org 10%, Moscow, delivery is shared by everyone. Prepayment to Sber card

How to strengthen the immune system

Strong immunity is a guarantee of good health and insurance against any infections.

June 07 - big report

Hooray-hooray-hooray!. I just came from the ultrasound, everything is fine! Well, how good - the maturity of the placenta is still 1, but there is no negative progress, the blood flow is normal, the baby meets the deadlines) I am happy) Although, of course, there are still so many things ahead, but I want to relax at least for a while. Today, the monthly term is 27 + 1 (a new week starts every Friday for me), but the uzistka so confidently said that 26 + 3. On every ultrasound, they basically tell me that the period is a week less. Well, so be it. A week later suddenly begins the 3rd.

scanty menstruation

Pale, scanty menstruation, moreover, irregular, occurs with anemia, after a serious illness, a nervous shock. If a woman experiences pain during scanty menstruation, then this usually indicates a too narrow uterine opening. Menstruation may even stop temporarily. You need more nutrition and vitamins. To reduce pain, you need to put a poultice on the lower abdomen, lie more and eat these days only milk and rice porridge with milk, drink a little tea. Take a quarter teaspoon of sulfur per day, drinking something sour: cranberry juice, kvass.

ALL ABOUT SODA TREATMENT (from classmates)

Tip 1: ALL ABOUT SODA TREATMENT Applications 1. Prevention and treatment of cancer. 2. Treatment of alcoholism. 3. Smoking cessation. 4. Treatment of all types of drug addiction and substance abuse. 5. Removal of lead, cadmium, mercury, thallium, barium, bismuth and other heavy metals from the body. 6. Removal of radioactive isotopes from the body, prevention of radioactive contamination of the body. 7. Leaching, dissolution of all harmful deposits in the joints, in the spine; stones in the liver and kidneys, i.e. treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis; dissolution of stones

Recipes for our kids

1. porridge grated buckwheat Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Mix again with a decoction of cereals, add fructose syrup, solution.

Cleansing the body

In terms of importance, the liver is in second place after the heart. This is the filter of our blood - passing through the liver, the blood is cleared of harmful impurities. You yourself know: pure blood is health, vitality, vitality and energy. And with contaminated blood - the opposite is true. Therefore, a healthy liver is very important for us!

white sweets. Diet foods!

Recipes for our kids

1. porridge grated buckwheat Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water - 200 g, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Mix again with a decoction of cereals, add fructose syrup, salt solution and unboiled milk.

Recipes for our kids

I stole it from one girl, thanks to her for such a selection)) 1. PORRIDGE PORRIDGE PORRIDGE BUCKWHEAT Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water - 200 g, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Again.

Baby Recipes

My pregnancy by week and childbirth

My planning and pregnancyPlanning It all started with the realization that, living long in a civil marriage, someday life can and will arise. Being a "happy" owner of the cytomegalovirus in a dormant form, I knew that in an active state with this virus you can not get pregnant. I decided, just in case, to take a TORCH test for herpes, rubella (which I had been ill with, did not pass), cytomegalo, toxoplasma. To my surprise, I had antibodies to cytomegalovirus, which means that it did not threaten us, and my husband, so there was no need to take tests. Why -.

Lenochka borrowed from you

daughter's food DISHES FOR KIDS 1. porridge grated buckwheat porridge Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water - 200 g, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Mix again with decoction.

Recipes for babies (c)

for myself

Recipes for babies

Baby Food Recipes

Menu selection

DISHES FOR KIDS 1. PORRIDGE PORRIDGE PORRIDGE BUCKWHEAT Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water - 200 g, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Mix again with a decoction of cereals, add.

Preservation of pregnancy.

Miscarriage: causes, signs, diagnosis, cleansing and recovery after

Baby recipes.


Lots of baby recipes.

Ready for kids!

1. porridge grated buckwheat Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water - 200 g, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Mix again with a decoction of cereals, add fructose syrup, solution.

another set of dishes

DISHES FOR KIDS 1. PORRIDGE PORRIDGE PORRIDGE BUCKWHEAT Ingredients: buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l., milk -150 g, water - 200 g, fructose syrup - 2 teaspoons, butter - 1 hour. l., table salt - 2 g. Dry buckwheat in the oven until light brown, rinse and pour into boiling water. Cook on low heat with frequent stirring for at least 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and hot rub through a sieve. Mix again with a decoction of cereals, add.


getting ready to feed

Meat, porridge - our food! 22.03.2007 In choosing food for the crumbs, you need to adhere to two points: gradualness and observation. If the baby did not like the new puree, this does not mean that it is tasteless, it’s just that for the child these are new sensations that he will have to get used to.

Late autumn comes, and the nondescript moss and peat bogs of the North and the middle lane are covered with a carpet of amazing berries, as if “packed” in separate reddish boxes, hidden among small green foliage. Meet this cranberry - juice, fruit drink, kvass or jelly from such a berry has been saving people from many diseases for many centuries.

Cranberry juice is a health recipe that half the world knows

The first handwritten "healers" that have survived to this day contained recipes based on two "relatives", cranberries and lingonberries - the juice from these berries helped women to be healthy and beautiful, the sick returned strength, men - interest in the opposite sex.

Cranberry juice is very good for health

Our ancestors knew very well where to get cranberry juice - every autumn, women and children with birch bark boxes went for prey to the nearest swamp. The process of picking berries was not easy - bowing "to the legs" of each bush, the villagers made stocks of the most affordable and proven medicine.

It should be noted that the technology for making juice from cranberries was very simple: the berries were rammed into large wooden barrels, which were then filled to the top with water. In a cold cellar, such a medicine in a tub could be stored for almost a whole year. However, our ancestors were not limited to one recipe. They prepared not only cranberry juice for the winter, but also dried the berry, made jam from it, sugared or fermented it.

In fact, this was done not only in Rus'. The ancient Scandinavians collected this unpretentious berry in their swampy undergrowth. European sailors, setting off on a long journey, loaded several barrels of soaked cranberries into the hold of each ship - as the best antiscorbutic. The Eskimos and North American Indians were well aware of how cranberry juice can be prepared.

In general, according to the indigenous population of Canada, cranberries are drops of the blood of dead heroes, a special object for worship. It is possible that the unique effect of cranberry juice became known in Western Europe after the first conquistadors set foot on the shores of America.

By the way, cranberries in those places grew gigantic, not like in Europe - each berry was the size of a small plum. Perhaps that is why today in the countries of North America it has already ceased to be collected in the swamps. Natural cranberry juice is so popular there that the berry has been cultivated and is now bred on special plantations.

In Russia, amateur gardeners also plant it in their plots, but they found out one tangible minus. The fact is that the benefits of cranberry juice made from garden berries are an order of magnitude less than those made from a “wild” plant. Therefore, in our country, cranberries are harvested in the old fashioned way, on peat bogs and undrained swamps.

This is an evergreen plant, it tolerates winter well. Cranberries, which have lain under the snow for several months, lose their characteristic sour bitterness, becoming especially sweet and fragrant. That is why, for the preparation of various dishes, it is harvested not only in autumn, but also in spring. Of course, it will make a wonderful sauce for fish or meat, semolina porridge with cranberry juice, soufflé or jelly will be sweeter. Here is just one “but”: such a “winter” berry loses its healing properties almost completely. In general, the tastier - the more useless.

Cranberry juice: composition and principle of action

Every year, scientists discover more and more virtues in this simple berry. Initially, it was valued as a source of vitamin "C" - cranberries are richer in them even to a greater extent than citrus fruits. And this, in turn, is an excellent prevention of any colds, especially indicated during the spring-autumn epidemics and seasonal beriberi.

Grandma's cranberry juice is a sure remedy for a cold

Grandmothers always prepared cranberry juice and cranberry juice with honey for their grandchildren who fell down with the flu, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis. On the one hand, a warm drink made me sweat qualitatively, bringing down the temperature no worse than patented antipyretic drugs. In addition, he helped with coughs, sore throats and aching joints.

Today, doctors state: the question “is cranberry juice useful” can only be answered in the affirmative. It is not worth saying that this is a multivitamin drink, in addition to ascorbic acid, it contains only traces of other vitamins. But there are a huge amount of minerals and organic compounds in this drink, and all of them are easily digested and have a fairly quick effect.

For those people who fall into the “risk group” for cardiovascular diseases, it is cranberry juice that is perfect as a “mineral supplement” - how much potassium and phosphorus are in this drink, scientists have found out relatively recently. And they were very surprised. It turned out that the smallest amount of juice can satisfy the daily needs of the human body.

It is also rich in calcium, magnesium and sodium - this is the secret of strong bones, healthy teeth, good sleep and victory over autumn depression! Among other things, this miracle berry has a slight diuretic effect. Accordingly, it can fight excess fluid retention in the body - remove swelling and "bags" under the eyes.

That is why women during pregnancy are not only allowed, but also shown cranberry juice - the properties of the drink make it possible to successfully resist colds that are so dangerous during this period, reduce tissue swelling and keep blood pressure normal. In addition, the presence of iron in cranberries serves as an excellent prevention of anemia, and tannins help stabilize bowel activity.

Cranberry juice - how to take, when and how much?

Cranberries have one unique property - they can be stored for a very long time even without conservation, the main thing is to provide coolness and a normal atmosphere (the berry does not like an excess of carbon dioxide). In a conventional refrigerator, berries in a paper or cloth bag can keep fresh for several months. This is due to the fact that they contain special antibacterial substances that prevent decay. Kind of like a natural antibiotic.

This phenomenon explains why our ancestors used cranberry juice to treat burns, wounds and skin inflammations - it took minutes to prepare, the product was easily available (it could be found in every home), and the effect was very noticeable. It was enough to make a compress from the berry so that the pathogens that cause decay begin to die.

Easy to make cranberry juice at home

Today, when it is so easy to make cranberry juice at home through a juicer or with ordinary gauze, this traditional medicine method has somehow been forgotten. But some hundred years ago, such a folk medicine saved the lives of people who received “bad”, dirty wounds.

But today, more and more often you can hear that when taken internally with this remedy, you can cure a lot of ailments. Take, for example, infections of the genitourinary system, which occur for the time being in a latent form - both in men and women - in order to later cause a sudden exacerbation with a bunch of unpleasant consequences.

However, scientists have found that cranberries have the ability to create a protective layer on the bladder mucosa, where, as a rule, the infection “blooms”. It turns out that for the prevention of such diseases (for example, cystitis), you can use ordinary cranberry juice - how to drink it in order to bring maximum benefit to the body?

Firstly, not with glasses, but with spoons (you need to start with small doses, gradually increasing to 30 ml). In addition, it is advisable to dilute cranberry juice with another fresh juice, tea or plain water. This will help cure one sore without earning another. Do not forget that the natural taste of autumn cranberries is not very pleasant for those who do not like sour, which is why it is recommended to sweeten it moderately - with sugar, and preferably with honey.

But there are situations when it is worth doing without "additives" - for example, in the treatment of angina. In such cases, it is recommended to make pure cranberry juice in a juicer so that it turns out “light” (or strain well through a dense cloth), dilute it with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 immediately before use and use it for gargling.

Cranberry Juice Recipe - The Power of Different Ingredients

For problems with the intestines (in particular, for constipation), beet-cranberry juice is more indicated, it will provide both a mild laxative and anti-inflammatory effect. In a 1:1 ratio, the drink is also drunk for hypertension and spasms of cerebral vessels. But not with glasses, but with tablespoons!

For all kinds of respiratory diseases, aloe juice with cranberries is shown. Even a special balm is made, in which the juice of this berry, agave (aloe), lemon, onion, radish, red beet, honey, sugar and alcohol are mixed in equal proportions. This composition is stored in the refrigerator, consumed 3 times a day for a couple of spoons - such a remedy, according to herbalists, helps to get rid of bronchial asthma.

Since cranberry copes with vascular spasm, helps the heart to enrich the brain with oxygen and perfectly removes toxins, athletes who carry heavy loads can drink cranberry juice after training, but not in its pure form, but diluted with water. In principle, ordinary cranberry juice is perfect, but not purchased, but made from natural ingredients.

Which juice is healthier - pomegranate or cranberry? This question is not entirely ethical. Both drinks have the ability to purify the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels (especially small capillaries, problems with which cause the appearance of small blue "stars"), fight anemia. And also pomegranate and cranberry are excellent antioxidants and "know how" to cope with radiation, they are recommended for constant use by people who are forced to work in dangerous conditions.

So - both are good, except that the pomegranate is a little sweeter. It turns out that the question rests only on taste preferences. In addition, it must be remembered that both drinks are biologically very active, and although the technology for the production of cranberry juice or pomegranate fresh juice is extremely simple, it is impossible to drink them just like that, for pleasure and in large quantities.

In general, in the question of how much to drink cranberry juice, you need to go from smaller to larger. Perhaps you should limit yourself to fruit drinks (if you dilute a spoonful of grated berries with a glass of hot water and add a little honey, the healing effect will be achieved in a more gentle way).

Cranberry juice - calories and diet

This drink is used in the complex treatment of obesity. Cranberries have an excellent property - it cleanses the body of excess, "harmful" cholesterol, normalizes metabolism and even has a stabilizing effect on the hormonal background. But this does not mean that you can buy cranberry juice in jars and drink it in liters, the effect of such a “treatment” will be diametrically opposite.

Cranberry juice is good for the figure

It's all about the natural taste of the drink - it is very sour, sometimes with a slight bitterness. Drinking a large amount of such a medicine is simply unrealistic, and it will not pass without a trace for the body - a sharp increase in acidity, intestinal upset, irritation on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity is possible. Therefore, when preparing juices and fruit drinks in industrial volumes, a large amount of sugar is added.

This also affects the effect that the drink will have on the figure: natural cranberry juice has a very low calorie content, from 25 to 35 kcal, but when sugar is added, it increases exactly 10 times. Therefore, a glass of juice from a bag or bottle will not help you become slimmer, only a natural product is suitable for these purposes (a frozen berry is best, its calorie content is less than that of a fresh one).

Therefore, the best option for losing weight is a “cocktail” of several juices, to which pureed cranberries are added in small quantities (literally a tablespoon). Then its sour taste will not be so noticeable and will not require sweeteners. For example, pumpkin juice with cranberries can be used instead of a vegetable afternoon snack - it will taste good and bring tangible benefits.

It is also good to add it to ordinary tea instead of lemon - if the drink is green, and even with a mint leaf, it can be consumed at night. Sleep will be stronger, and metabolic processes will slowly begin to return to normal.

How to make cranberry juice

Cranberries can be processed in many ways, as, indeed, many other berries and fruits. However, often for subsequent conservation, housewives make juices through a juicer - cranberries do not like such treatment, they can be simply crushed much more efficiently (as an option, scroll through a meat grinder).

In order to decide how to make juice from fresh cranberries, it is necessary to represent the volume of production. And be sure to consider two main points:

  • cranberries are perfectly stored fresh or soaked, without any preservatives (even better than freshly squeezed cranberry juice - the latter can only be stored in the refrigerator);
  • when cranberries are boiled, they lose most of their vitamin C (although trace elements and useful organic acids are preserved).

That is why cranberry juice from a juicer does not have the full range of its useful qualities - the berry undergoes heat treatment for too long, which makes it practically useless in the treatment of colds.

This also explains why cranberry juice is added to jelly at the end of cooking - when heated together with water, the berry ceases to be healing every minute, jelly becomes just a delicious drink, but not a cure for the disease.

If there is a lot of cranberries, you can pass it through a juicer, if not enough, just squeeze it out with your hands through gauze. And the technology for making juice with cranberry pulp is generally very simple.

For long-term storage, you can sterilize the jars, twist the cranberries (without adding anything), pour and roll up. In this case, you should immediately think about how to store cranberry juice - since the size of refrigerators is usually not so large, the best option would be a cellar or an insulated balcony.

There are many ways to prepare cranberry juice for the winter.

The second recipe suggests how to make cranberry juice with sugar (no special conditions are required for storage, you can simply put the jars under the table in the kitchen). The berries are blanched for just a couple of minutes, rubbed through a sieve and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, this mixture is heated to 90 degrees, but in no case boiled, otherwise the product will lose not only useful qualities, but also a bright color - it will turn out "white cranberry juice". The resulting puree is laid out in jars, sterilized for 15-20 minutes and rolled up.

But in general, the simplest answer to the question of how to prepare cranberry juice is to freeze the berry (of course, if there is not so much of it). The fact is that fresh cranberries are quite dense, but after being in the freezer, they become extremely tender. In addition, all vitamins and minerals remain with her, in complete safety. How to make cranberry juice from frozen cranberries? Yes, just let it melt completely, the liquid will begin to stand out on its own, but if you then put the berries in a gauze bag and crush, then everything will be squeezed out to the droplet.

However, this is not all that important. From the "frozen" berries you can get a wonderful drink, no worse than from fresh. But the question is whether it is necessary to freeze cranberries before making juice - the question is negative. Fresh twisted berries are stored no worse, and the taste is almost the same. So it's just a matter of convenience and personal preference.

Cranberry juice: benefits and harms in cosmetology

If the skin feels "tired", has begun to shine ugly, reddish acne appears on it - cranberries will help to deal with these problems no worse than expensive cosmetics. Just remember that a purchased drink is not suitable for this purpose - you need clean, freshly squeezed cranberry juice without sugar (you can use frozen berries for this purpose).

If unwanted freckles or pigmentation spots appear on the skin, then you can put a crushed berry or a napkin soaked in juice on your face. Keep such a mask for a short time, 10-15 minutes is enough. However, it is worth remembering that the reaction to cranberry juice in people is different, often quite acute. It is possible that irritation may occur.

Cranberry juice for the face should be used sparingly

Therefore, for the first time, you need to mix fresh juice with water in a ratio of 1: 4, if everything goes without complaints, the next time the proportions can be changed, for example, add only 2 tablespoons of water to 1 tablespoon of juice. And only then move on to masks that use concentrated cranberry juice.

This is a very potent remedy, so it should not be used too often, 1-2 times a week will be enough. In principle, the abuse of any traditional medicine can have undesirable consequences, but this applies primarily to cranberry juice.

When preparing a mask, it is better not to use metal utensils: due to the fact that cranberry juice has a specific composition (very acidic), a chemical reaction with the metal can occur, and this will nullify all efforts.

Yes, this berry is not for everyone. As studies by American scientists show, the frequency of side effects in such juice is quite high, it is explained by individual intolerance. Therefore, no matter how useful cranberry juice is, the harm from thoughtless use must be minimized.

Cranberry juice - contraindications for use

General requirements: pure cranberries are not consumed on an empty stomach, they should not be given to small children (up to 2-3 years old) and lactating women (to avoid an allergic reaction in the baby). In addition, there are certain conditions and diseases in which cranberry juice is strictly prohibited.

First of all, these are gastritis caused by increased acidity of gastric juice. In these cases, cranberries can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. In principle, if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, before engaging in such treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out everything about cranberry juice - to whom it is contraindicated and for what reason.

The fact is that for some problems (for example, with the kidneys), it is prescribed as part of complex therapy, however, in certain situations with pyelonephritis, it should be excluded from the menu. It depends on what caused the disease, what problems it is accompanied by and what drugs are being treated. This product is incompatible with some pharmacological agents. So, no matter how useful cranberry juice is, its use must be approved by doctors.
