
Brazil nut: useful properties, contraindications. The Amazing Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts for Women's Beauty

The nutritional value, the beneficial and harmful properties of which are highly controversial, is by and large not a nut at all. It is the fruit of the giant Bertholium tree, classified by botanists as a capsule with a hard shell and grains inside. It is he who is familiar to the whole world under the name "Brazil nut", has a specific taste and oily texture.

Bertholletia high

Bertoletiya, or Bertoletiya, high is the only species of the eponymous genus from the Lecitis family. It is common in the virgin rain forests of the Amazon in Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Guyana, Brazil, Peru. In small quantities, it is cultivated on plantations, but due to the specifics, their productivity is extremely small compared to wild trees.

Bertoletiya high, or the well-known Brazil nut (calorie content and properties - below), is one of the largest trees in the Amazon rainforests. It is a long-liver (500 or more years) and reaches a height of 30-45 m. The trunk is up to 1-2 m in diameter, even and straight, branching approximately ¾ of the height and forming an even spherical crown.

Pollination and fruiting

Abundant fruiting is possible only in the untouched virgin forests of the Amazon, where bumblebees and large bees of certain genera live in sufficient numbers - pollinators. This is due to the structure of the flower of the plant and the characteristics of the nectar. Only large insects with long proboscises can reach it. And the eternal companions of Bertoletia are orchids, which attract bees and bumblebees with their aroma.

The fruit ripens 1 year and 2 months after pollination. It is a box with a very dense shell, resembles in appearance, has a diameter of 10-15 cm and a weight of up to 2 kg. Inside the fruit are from 8 to 24 triangular grains. It is they who are usually called the Brazil nut, which is absolutely incorrect in the botanical sense.

Nutritional value of brazil nuts

Nutritious Brazil nut, calorie content 100 gr. which can be compared with 1 kg of apples or a slightly smaller amount of bananas, has a number of useful and amazing qualities. Its composition includes 69% fats (saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated in the ratio of 25%, 41%, 24%, respectively), 18% proteins and 13% carbohydrates, as well as a significant amount of selenium, magnesium and vitamin B 1 (thiamine). The taste of the Brazil nut is specific, connoisseurs give it much lower marks compared to cashews and almonds.

brazil nuts calories

As mentioned above, the Brazil nut consists of almost 70% of fats of various categories. In this regard, it is easy to guess that the calorie content of the product will be very high. The nutritional value of 100 g of the product is 682 kcal. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with eating it, especially for those who have problems with being overweight, as well as a high tendency to allergies.

For comparison, it should be said that 100 g of almonds, walnuts contain 576, 654, 553, 628 kcal, respectively. In order for the body to receive a daily dose of the necessary vitamins and minerals, it is enough to eat one Brazil nut. Calorie content of 1 piece is about 35 kcal, since the average grain weight is about 5 grams. Nuts will also satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Beneficial features

The secret of the benefits of the Brazil nut lies in its unique composition. Firstly, it should be noted the high content of vitamins B, C, E and D, which are of great importance for both adults and children. Secondly, Brazil nuts contain several amino acids: folic, pantothenic, betaine and arginine. Each of them makes a certain contribution to human health. Thirdly, the fatty acids in this product help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease.

Selenium in brazil nuts

Selenium is an important trace element for the body, it is found in significant amounts in Brazil nuts. The calorie content in 1 piece of the fruit is small, but by eating it, you get half the daily dose of the element, which is 100 mcg. Perhaps this is the richest natural source of selenium. Studies show that the microelement reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. Therefore, Brazil nuts are often recommended for preventive use, however, this should be done regularly and for a certain time. There is an opinion about the beneficial effect of the components of the fetus on the thyroid gland and female hormones, as well as increasing the chances of pregnancy, its successful course.


Despite the many wonderful properties and excellent composition, the Brazil nut, whose calorie content is quite high, has some contraindications for use. It is dangerous for allergy sufferers. This is especially true if there is already an established allergy to any other nuts, as well as mango fruits. In this case, the likelihood that it will provoke a negative reaction of the body is very high.

How to choose and how to store

Due to the fact that the Brazil nut shell contains a certain toxic substance, it is usually sold in a purified form. When choosing a product, pay attention to its appearance. It should have a dense texture (not be too light, wrinkled) and be dark brown in color. The Brazilian nut has a high calorie content due to the high content of fats in its composition, and it is they that make it a perishable product. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the smell. Brazil nuts should not smell like rancid fat.

It is best to store the fruits in the refrigerator, in a dark place, for up to three months.

Brazil Nut Uses

First of all, Brazil nuts should be eaten fresh. You can lightly dry them in a hot pan, sweeten or salt them. In addition, the fruit is popular in cooking, especially in the preparation of puddings, pesto, fudge, snacks, vegetable and fruit salads. Due to its high fat content, the Brazil nut is often pressed to produce an oil that is used in a variety of applications. It has a yellow color and a characteristic sweet smell and taste. The oil is used, for example, in cosmetology as a moisturizing and softening agent rich in youthful vitamin E, in cooking, in the pharmaceutical industry and even for lubricating watch movements.

The world harvest of Brazil nuts is approximately 20 thousand tons. At the same time, the lion's share belongs to Bolivia and Brazil - 50% and 40%, respectively, and only 10% - to Peru. Brazil nuts for export are harvested exclusively from wild plantations deep in the Amazonian rainforest. In addition to the fruits, the wood of the Bertholium also has good qualities.

The unique chemical composition and high nutritional value is what distinguishes the Brazil nut. The calorie content of fruits does not allow them to be consumed in too large quantities, but this is not necessary. Enough 1-2 nuts a day to give the body valuable fats and trace elements that promote health and prolong youth.

The benefits and harms of Brazil nuts are a debatable issue. Rich chemical composition, high calorie content, beneficial effect on the male and female body, use in cosmetology and cooking contribute to the growth of the popularity of the product. However, a number of useful properties will turn into harm when the daily intake is exceeded.

What does a Brazil nut look like and where does it grow?

In the vast majority of cases, the fruit of Bertoletia high is called the Brazil nut. This is due to similar properties: taste, texture and shape. From the name it is easy to guess about the places where the tree grows. Bertholletia excelsa grows in the forests of the Amazon, namely in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Guiana. Contrary to the name, Bolivia is the largest importer of the product (50%). By the way, the Brazilians use the name "chestnut from Para".

The tree is a champion in many ways: its height can easily reach 45 m, the trunk diameter is up to 2 m, and its age is up to 1000 years. The tree trunk has no lateral branches for about ¾ of its height, and only its upper quarter has a spherical crown, on which the fruits are placed. When ripe, they fall to the ground, which greatly facilitates the work of harvesting. After all, picking fruit from a 45-meter tree is not very convenient.

The fruits look like coconuts and are boxes in which there are nut seeds, the number of which varies from 8 to 24. The largest ones can reach up to 2.5 kg.

You can go on a trip to the homeland of the nut using the video:

Chemical composition and calorie content of brazil nuts

An exotic plant is unique not only in appearance, but also in the composition of the fruit. The calorie content of a Brazil nut per 100 grams is about 650 kcal, and this also gives reason to classify the plant as a high-calorie nut that is of great benefit in dietary nutrition.

About 70% of the fruits of Bertoletia are fats, but most of them are unsaturated, which means they are healthy. Analyzing the chemical composition, one can only be surprised: how an endless series of valuable amino acids, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins with beneficial properties can fit in a small Brazil nut.

Benefits of brazil nuts for the body

Such a composition allows us to draw quite logical conclusions: the benefits of Brazil nuts for the human body are invaluable.

  • The most useful thing is that the product contains a record amount of selenium - a trace element that can slow down and even stop the development of oncological formations. Selenium deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, joints and thyroid function.
  • Chestnut from Para is a reliable assistant in the fight against stressful situations and depression.
  • Walnut normalizes hormonal balance and benefits the work of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  • The benefits of the Brazilian fetus are also expressed in a beneficial effect on reproductive function: it prolongs its period and even helps with infertility.

For women

The Brazil nut is a natural storehouse of beauty. Firstly, it has rejuvenating properties, promoting regeneration processes and neutralizing harmful free radicals, and secondly, it will be beneficial for skin, nails and hair due to its high content of amino acids.

For men

The stronger sex should definitely add this little nut to their daily diet. Its benefit lies in reducing the risk of prostatitis and the likelihood of prostate cancer, improving sexual function by increasing sperm activity and normalizing testicular function.

Is it possible to brazil nuts pregnant and lactating

In addition to the described properties, selenium is useful for the functioning of the female reproductive system. It ensures a trouble-free pregnancy and prevents the appearance of various pathologies in the fetus. A healthy nut helps not only to give birth to healthy offspring, but also to reduce the risk of diseases in such a crucial period.

Brazil nuts also contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are useful for expectant mothers due to their ability to reduce the likelihood of premature birth, placental insufficiency, late toxicosis and postpartum depression.

However, after the birth of a child, in the case of breastfeeding, it is no longer worth eating nuts, as exotic foods can harm the baby.

brazil nuts for kids

In the children's diet, Brazil nuts should be introduced after 3 years in minimal doses to ensure that there are no allergic reactions. It will be useful for teenagers, especially during the school period, because valuable trace elements improve memory, development of thinking and increase the production of growth hormone.

Is brazil nuts good for weight loss?

Nuts will also benefit people who decide to say goodbye to extra pounds. A couple of Brazil nuts on the menu will help to ensure that the feeling of hunger will not be felt, even if the portions of food are significantly reduced, because fiber affects the feeling of fullness in food.

Healthy unsaturated fats will reduce the level of bad cholesterol, preventing the appearance of deposits on the vascular walls and the occurrence of fatty deposits. In addition, amino acids tend to increase the effectiveness of training, which means that it will be possible to achieve the planned results faster and easier.

How to use brazil nuts medicinally

Probably, the greatest value of nuts is manifested through the ability to prevent cancer.

It is worth noting their ability to strengthen the immune system and resistance to various diseases, which means that they are useful in recovering from diseases.

The brazil nut for diabetes will also have a positive effect by leveling blood sugar levels.

Walnut oil will help get rid of dermatosis and psoriasis: it is applied to certain areas of the skin, followed by removal with a napkin or added to useful therapeutic baths.

Attention! How to take a brazil nut in order to get the maximum benefit and not cause harm, your doctor will tell you.

Benefits and uses of brazil nut oil

Today, due to their useful chemical composition, nuts have found application:

  • in medicine (prevention of diseases, recovery from diseases, increasing immunity and ensuring the normal functioning of the body);
  • in dietology (cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and removing harmful compounds);
  • in trichology (strengthening and nourishing hair and hair follicles);
  • in the cosmetology field(minimizing the harmful effects of free radicals, nourishing the skin and combating its imperfections).

Brazilian nut in cosmetology

The beauty industry has long appreciated the beneficial nutritional and regenerating properties of the nut and uses it as a base in the production of beauty products.

For face and body

Especially popular is the use of walnut for the production of useful anti-aging products: due to its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, it provides nutrition and hydration to both the upper and deep dermal layers of the skin. This slows down the appearance of wrinkles and increases tissue turgor.

Buying such cosmetics, you can prefer to purchase oil in its pure form and add it to existing creams and lotions or prepare healthy masks and scrubs.

  • The simplest mask can be prepared by mixing equal amounts of Brazil nut oil and olive oil. Soak a washcloth with this mixture and put on your face for 20 minutes.
  • 2-3 drops of oil added to the prepared coffee scrub will enhance the beneficial effect on the skin.

For hair

Hair, which is daily exposed to harmful effects of various kinds, also needs constant nutrition.

  • A few drops of oil in your favorite shampoo or conditioner will enrich them and enhance their effectiveness.
  • The maximum benefit can be obtained by applying the oil to the hair for 3-4 hours, followed by rinsing with water and shampoo. The course of such therapy is 10-15 procedures.

brazil nuts in cooking

Recently, it has become quite possible to purchase an exotic nut in local supermarkets. This opens up new horizons for culinary fantasy. The taste of Brazil nuts is similar to pine nuts, it complements desserts, sauces, salads and soups, bringing a touch of spice to dishes. How to use the product in the kitchen depends only on individual preferences. Culinary masterpieces are not for everyone, so you can just toast healthy nuts and sprinkle with salt.

Gourmets can try to cook delicious and healthy dishes with exotic nuts.

Walnut Pie:

Walnut cake with jam and chocolate:

How many Brazil nuts can you eat per day

Each nut contains a fairly high concentration of the components mentioned above, which can both benefit the body and cause harm. So the daily rate should not exceed 10 g, which corresponds to 1-2 nucleoli. Otherwise, harm cannot be avoided.

Brazil nut harm and contraindications

A healthy nut will become an excellent “healer”, however, if abused, negative consequences cannot be avoided.

  • The property of selenium to accumulate in the body leads to the development of various diseases, and sometimes can be fatal.
  • The presence of radium and barium is another reason for moderate nut consumption.
  • Contraindications for use are available for people with nut allergies, as well as persistent high blood pressure and asthma.

Important! The composition of the chestnut peel from Par in impressive quantities contains aflatoxin, which can harm internal organs and even lead to liver cancer. Therefore, you need to clean it thoroughly.

How to choose and store a brazil nut

When choosing healthy nuts, you need to know a few secrets that will save you from low-quality purchases.

Advice! A place in the refrigerator is ideal for storing Brazilian nucleoli, and a tightly closed container will protect against foreign odors and moisture.


Both the benefits and harms of brazil nuts are mainly due to the high content of selenium in it. Friendship with this fruit will be beneficial and will certainly have a positive effect on physical condition, well-being and appearance. But in order to avoid possible harm, the number of nucleoli should be strictly controlled.

A Brazil or American walnut is not actually a nut, it's just that the fruit is similar to a nut in structure, appearance, taste, growth pattern and nutritional value (I wonder why after all this it is considered a nut? :)). Only in cooking it is considered a nut, but in botany this fruit is considered a grain: its core adheres to the shell and is not divided into halves. It is also called "Brazilian" by mistake, since Bolivia is its largest exporter. This is such a Brazil nut - and not a nut, and not a Brazil nut ...

An interesting fact is that the Brazil nut (or Bertoletia) is not specially grown, since it gives a real crop only in the wild - in the jungle.

In appearance, a Brazil nut is similar to a coconut: it weighs from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, its size is about 15 cm. Seeds are hidden inside it, resembling in shape, but larger in size - about 5 cm. These seeds are actual nuts used for food. Most often, inside a large nut, there are from 8 to 24 pieces. This product tastes like.

Brazil nut: product composition

Before considering the properties of the Brazil nut, the benefits and harms of this product, it is worth studying its chemical composition.

The Brazil nut contains 18% proteins, 13% carbohydrates, 69% fats, and 41% of fats are unsaturated, which. The Brazil nut also contains as many as 18 amino acids and is essential for the body.

Also, it contains almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. Nuts contain B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E. Of the minerals they contain iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, sodium, manganese, selenium. Also in the composition of the Brazil nut, they are isolated, which have high antioxidant activity.

Separately, it should be said how high-calorie the Brazil nut is. The calorie content of this product is 656 kcal. Therefore, you should not abuse such nuts for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The daily intake of brazil nuts is considered to be 2 pieces per day, which will be beneficial for the body.

Brazil nut: benefits and harms

All properties of the product are determined by the chemical composition that the Brazil nut is endowed with. Its beneficial properties are huge due to the large amount of nutrients in the composition.

Beneficial features

Flavonoids are natural substances that have antioxidant activity and ensure the normal course of redox reactions in the body. These substances are often found in synthetic preparations, but for better absorption they should be taken as part of a natural food, such as Brazil nuts.

For those seeking to lose weight, careful eating of nuts will be useful, as they contain amino acids that can reduce the mass of human adipose tissue and increase muscle mass. necessary for proper blood clotting: dilates blood vessels and enhances their blood supply.

The presence of unsaturated fats in Brazil nuts can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect body cells, prevent the development of cataracts, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and nervous diseases.

Fiber in the composition of the product is the best means of cleansing the intestines.

Brazil nuts are beneficial for the human reproductive system: for men, they can help in the treatment of infertility, and for women, they can prolong the reproductive age.

Due to the presence of selenium, which has anticarcinogenic and antitumor effects, the nut is essential for protection against cancer and premature aging. By the way, in small doses, selenium is necessary for the body, but in large quantities it can have a detrimental effect.

The brazil nut is essential for children and adolescents as it stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone, thereby activating growth in children.

The Brazil nut acts as a natural energy booster: just one nut can restore strength. The substances contained in this product improve metabolism, normalize blood sugar levels, recover from fatigue and stress, and help the formation and growth of new cells.

Benefits of brazil nut oil

Walnut oil is currently widely used in cosmetology, as it can have a positive effect on the skin. In particular, it creates a protective layer on the surface of the skin that protects it from negative environmental influences, prevents the necessary moisture from evaporating, and, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, nourishes it, restores cells and prevents its aging. Because of these qualities, walnut oil is used in the manufacture of skin and hair products. It can also be added to shampoo or cream on its own with each use.

In addition to cosmetic action, Brazil nut oil has medicinal properties: it heals wounds, ulcers and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil contains fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, tocopherols and alcohols, which have anti-edematous, antiseptic and antiviral effects.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Speaking about the harmful properties of the product, they always warn that everything is good in moderation. So it is with Brazil nuts: you should not exceed the measure of 2-3 nuts, otherwise its beneficial effect will turn into unpleasant consequences. In addition, the composition of the nut contains a very small amount of radium - a harmful radioactive substance. It is worth noting that Brazil nuts are very nutritious, so you are unlikely to want to eat a lot of nuts at once.

Walnut shells contain aflatoxin, which can cause liver cancer. When importing nuts into the European Union, there are certain import rules: the shell of each batch of nuts must first be removed. If the nuts are purchased outside of European territory, care must be taken to ensure that the nuts are cleaned.

With hypertension, eating nuts should be done with caution, as they can worsen the condition.

Contraindications to eating nuts are individual intolerance to the product and allergic reactions that occur when it is consumed. Most often, allergies are noticed in people who have allergic reactions when eating other nuts and some exotic fruits.

Application of brazil nuts

Nuts are used in different forms: raw, fried, salted. They make nut butter. There are many culinary masterpieces using Brazil nuts: pastries, ice cream, sweets, chocolate, salads, snacks, sauces, soups, etc.

Such nuts do not spoil for a long time without a shell, so they are often taken on trips as snacks.

Store shelled nuts in a cool place or in the refrigerator, preferably in a sealed bag so that they do not absorb other edible odors.

Walnut and its oil are used not only in cooking and cosmetology. The oil is used to lubricate watches, thanks to which they work for many years, and also on its basis, artists create paints that do not lose their brightness and color for centuries.

Nutritious and tasty, the Brazil nut is good for people who are prone to developing cancer. Two or three nuts a day reduces the risk of developing a tumor. This nut is useful for skin, hair and in general for the health of the whole organism. It is full of nutrients that our body needs to function properly.

The brazil nut is the seed of the tall Bertholium tree, which grows in the virgin rainforests of the South American continent. They are called nuts because of their size and the dense shell that encases the nut.

With a rich, creamy flavor, the Brazil nut is one of the most popular foods in South America and around the world.

Where does the Brazil nut grow?

The halo of high Bertholletia is located in Venezuela, Guyana, in the eastern parts of Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and, of course, in Brazil itself.

Single small areas of growth of this tree can be found in the shallows of the Amazon.

They are trying to grow Bertoletia as a cultivated plant, but unfortunately, these attempts are not very successful. Such a rich harvest, as from a tree growing in the wild, is not obtained.

The plant lives up to its name. The height of this tree, with a straight smooth trunk, can reach 45 meters. During a drought, Bertoletia sheds its leaves.

Bertholletia plays an important role in the ecological system of the South American tropics. Bertoletia fruits serve as food for many animals, including the South American agouti rodent.

This tree is a perfect illustration of the complex interplay of the rainforest. The plant blooms with complex looped flowers, into which ordinary insects cannot penetrate. Therefore, pollination occurs only by one species of bees with a long proboscis.

But it is not the blooming Bertholium that attracts such bees, but the orchid that grows in the area. Attracting males of orchid bees with their aroma, they, in turn, attract females, which pollinate the bees. Therefore, the Brazil nut can only grow in a virgin rainforest, where it has all the growing conditions.

After pollination, the maturation of the nut lasts 14 months. The nuts themselves are inside a large coconut-like capsule. The size of such a nut is about 10-15 centimeters in diameter and weighs up to two kilograms. If you cut it open, you can see a row of trihedral nuts with a very dense shell.

This nut is the staple food of the natives living in the Amazon region.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content of Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are of particular importance in nutrition due to their unique nutritional value. It is the richest source of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians. The nut contains a high amount of fat, about 69 percent, of which 41 percent are unsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol.

It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Brazil nuts are a rich source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. B vitamins are extremely important for metabolic processes in the human body.

These nuts are the richest source of the trace element selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant and is considered one of the most important minerals for humans.

In addition to selenium, Brazil nuts contain magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, and phosphorus.

While magnesium is involved in many internal processes in the human body, copper prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Manganese acts as a coenzyme in many metabolic processes. Eating 2-3 nuts a day, you can forget about fatigue.

Zinc is very important for men. It plays an important role in the condition of hair and skin, is needed for the reproductive system and strong immunity. A few nuts a day can provide 9 percent of this element for men and more than 20 percent for women.

Contains brazil nuts and fiber, which is important for normal bowel function.

Omega-6 fatty acids help fight skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. They are also needed for the work of the heart and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The antioxidants in the nut are vitamin E and selenium. Antioxidants help fight free radicals and support the immune system. Vitamin E is also important for eye health.

A large amount of this nut contains L-arginine, an amino acid that is important for blood vessels and the heart.

Brazil nuts are gluten-free, which is important for people with celiac disease.

Brazilian high-calorie product. There are 656 calories in 100 grams. Their high calorie content is due to monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic acid, which increases the content of good cholesterol in the blood.

Benefits of brazil nuts for the body

Based on the chemical composition of the Brazil nut, it is difficult to overestimate its benefits to the human body. They:

Improve the functioning of the digestive system;

Increase immunity;

Prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases;

Improve hormonal balance;

Improves male fertility;

Reduces the risk of cancer;

Promotes weight loss;

Improves skin condition, prevents and reduces signs of aging.

The main benefit of the Brazil nut is due to the presence of selenium in it. Selenium neutralizes free radicals, which are highly reactive particles that can oxidize and damage body tissue cells. They are often called the culprits of cardiovascular diseases, oncology and a number of other diseases. In addition, selenium is important for immunity.

Selenium is involved in 25 types of enzymes. Therefore, its presence is important for:

Reducing the risk of developing cancer;

Protect cells from free radicals;

For the work of the thyroid gland;

For the treatment of AIDS patients.

Studies have shown that a lack of selenium in a man's body increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. In addition, selenium increases sperm motility and blood flow to male genitals, which can help with male infertility.

Oil is pressed from nuts, which is amazing in its properties. It turns out a beautiful pure yellow color with a very pleasant taste and aroma. This oil is used as a therapeutic oil for massage and for the treatment, in particular of acrodermatitis. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.

How much brazil nuts can you eat per day

This question interests many. Still, Brazil nuts are one of the most high-calorie and high in selenium. Therefore, before answering this question, you need to know the daily intake of this trace element, which is given below.

Children 1 to 3 years old - 15-20 micrograms per day

Children 4 to 8 years old - 25-30 micrograms per day

Children 9 to 13 years old - 35-40 micrograms per day

Adults and children over 14 years of age - 50-55 micrograms per day

Pregnant women - 55-60 micrograms per day

Breastfeeding women - 60-70 micrograms per day

100 grams of nuts contain 3485 percent of the recommended daily allowance for an adult. 100 grams is a small bunch of nuts. Therefore, 2-3 nuts per day for an adult is enough.

Brazil nuts can be eaten as a snack. You can add them to various dishes: salads, puddings, cookies, sprinkle pasta, fruits.

How to choose a brazil nut

Fresh ivory brazil nuts. In our stores they sell already peeled walnuts. The main thing is not to buy a rancid product. Due to their high fat content, they quickly deteriorate and become bitter.

Therefore, you should not buy shriveled or damaged nuts. If the nuts are yellow, then most likely they will be bitter.

Since we have to export nuts, our stores sell nuts already prepared in a special way. But if you happen to be lucky enough to get a fresh Brazil nut to store, it needs to be processed so that it does not become bitter. To do this, you can use two methods: soak them in salt water or fry them.

In the first case, for 4 cups of nuts, take 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 7 cups of water. After preparing the solution, soak the nuts in it for 8-12 hours, covering them with a clean cloth or towel.

Discard any nuts that have not sunk to the bottom. They are already bitter.

Take the rest out of the water. Rinse and lay them out to dry. Then pour into an airtight container.

According to the second method, the nuts must be fried in an oven preheated to 200 degrees on a dry baking sheet. Fry for about 10-12 minutes. If necessary, stir them during the frying process. The nuts should be light brown in color.

Cool and pour into a container with a lid.

Possible harm

Most importantly, do not eat Brazil nuts in large quantities. This can lead to selenium poisoning. This can be manifested by nausea, vomiting, the smell of garlic from the mouth, emotional stress.

Manifestations of selenium poisoning can be dermatitis, hair loss, brittle nails, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

The second disadvantage of these nuts is increased radiation. Surprised! Nuts contain a large amount of radium, which is a radioactive element. Where does the radium in nuts come from? Just in Brazil, the soil contains a lot of this element. The plant absorbs it from it and, accordingly, radium is present in nuts.

The radioactivity of the Brazil nut is 1000 times higher than in other foods such as banana, carrot, potato. Although this radiation is not very harmful to the body, you should not get carried away with nuts.

With individual intolerance, there may be an allergy to nuts, which can be manifested by a rash, redness and other symptoms.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: Brazil nuts are a healthy food product that can provide many useful nutrients to our body. But they should be consumed in moderation.

Brazil nut nutritional table per 100 grams of product

Learn more about the benefits of brazil nuts from the video "Live Healthy" with Elena Malysheva

In nature, there are about 80 types of nuts. In our markets you can find a small number of them. Many are used by locals and become famous due to various circumstances. For example, the Brazil nut, a special taste loved in Europe, sailed in the 16th century with the Spanish navigators. Difficult conditions forced to look for food. Nuts turned out to be valuable, nutritious, saved many lives of the military. Further research, search for information led scientists to the jungles of Latin America, to the homeland of this miraculous nut. And although it is called Brazilian, the main thickets of the Bertoletia tree are in Bolivia. Biologically, this is not a nut, but grains hidden in the shell of a fruit growing on a very tall tree.


Cream, American walnut is otherwise called this fruit. Such names have developed historically. Basically, this is determined by the color of the wood of the Bertholium tree, which grows in the regions of Latin America. Modern trade relations between states have made it known, available under the name Brazil nut. They are not grown on man-made plantations. Collect fruits only from wild-growing trees. The wood of this tree also belongs to very valuable types. Many states now have a ban on felling trees. This is due to the peculiarities of reproduction, how the Brazil nut grows, bears fruit. The giant plays a role in the life of the jungle. The real harvest in the experimental plots, even when planted on rich volcanic soils, failed.

The brazil nut looks like a coconut. There is no white pulp inside the shaggy shell. Instead, there are delicious grains hidden in the original box. The weight of the box reaches 2 kg. The number of grains can be about 24 pieces. The strong shell that protects the nut can be broken by the same method that has come down to us from the forest dwellers of the jungle. Modern industrial methods for cleaning nuts, of course, are different, but labor-intensive, which is reflected in the final cost of nuts. The fruiting of a tree occurs only at the 12th year of growth, although the life span can reach 700 years. The Brazil nut gives a maximum yield from one mature tree of about 200 kg. Interestingly, the fruit is tied only after 14 months from the moment of pollination by bees. It is difficult to get it from a height reaching 50 m along a thick smooth trunk. Fallen fruits are usually collected. Monkeys can help the process.


Looking at the mighty trees towering above the green layer of the jungle, you will not immediately guess that the secret lies in reproduction. The harmonious interaction of living beings living here with flowers, herbs, trees help such giants to exist and bear fruit. Small agouti rodents, similar to beautiful guinea pigs, love to feast on nuts no less than people. They feed on them, store them in secret places, many of which are successfully forgotten. Plant shoots appear from such secret hiding places, its long life cycle begins. Other animal species also take part in the reproduction of Bertholium in a similar way. This is done, for example, by small capuchin primates.

When the time comes for the flowering of the tree, the Brazil nut reveals the second secret. It is decorated with beautiful flowers of complex shape. The unusual aroma attracts the attention of numerous insects. The flowers consist of six petals, the edges of which are bent inward, and the stamens grow close to each other. Only bumblebees, large types of bees with a long proboscis, can get there. Orchids reigning in the jungle, with their aroma, help to attract the attention of insects to the bertolet. The number of fruits set is completely determined by the number of bumblebees of the Bombus species, large bees Xylocopa, Centris, Epicharis, Eulaema.

You can plant the seeds of a plant for growing on plantations. They sprout easily, but the further stages of development become difficult. It takes decades to wait for a small harvest. It is easier to collect nuts in a real forest. The demand for Brazil nuts is constantly growing. Taking care of the restoration of forest areas, the governments of different countries regulate the volume of collection of Brazil nuts. Bolivia is considered the main supplier. Studies of the properties of the nut made it possible to find harmful substances in its shell. They lead to the appearance of liver cancer. Therefore, the import of nuts in the shell is limited. Peeled, heat-treated nuts do not have such negative properties.


The search for food has always been the main concern for man. The hints of mother nature helped to recognize many plants, fruits, berries that played a certain role in organizing his life. Among them, nuts occupy an important place. Modern man is not engaged in independent production of food. Living in large cities, he develops only rich shopping centers filled with products. But interest in a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition is only increasing every year. You want to be slim, beautiful at any age. Therefore, just walking next to the counters filled with alluring nuts will not work. The brazil nut will definitely appear among the purchases. Yes, and it can be stored for two years without losing its useful properties. Many people consider it the most delicious among nuts.

Studies of the chemical composition of the nut confirmed the presence in it of more than 10 types of minerals required by various human organs for efficient operation. These are sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and other elements. Almost 20 kinds of amino acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The Brazil nut has a high calorie content equal to 660 kcal per 100 g of weight. It contains 19% proteins, 12 5 carbohydrates, about 70% fats. Despite their high content, unsaturated fats help lower cholesterol. They will not lead to the appearance of excess weight when using the recommended amount of two nuts per day. Improving the quality of hair, skin, blood vessels will be a real gift to lovers of delicious fruits.

The proportions of incoming substances have the ability to harmonize action in the body. Fats, proteins of Brazil nuts are well absorbed, keeping metabolic processes in perfect condition. Amino acids help to reduce the amount of adipose tissue, increasing muscle mass. Modern studies have proven the positive effect of selenium, which protects a person from the appearance of tumors and premature aging. The Brazil nut contains a record amount of selenium compared to other types of nuts. The normal course of redox processes takes place due to the antioxidant activity of flavonoids contained in Brazil nuts. These essential substances do not have to be used in the form of synthetic drugs.

Benefit, harm

You can find a lot of interesting information about the delicious Brazil nut. The main useful qualities are the following properties:

  1. The ability to restore the work of the heart. Lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels. The properties of the blood are improved. The ability to increase resistance to stress, nervous stress is important in a functioning society. Increasingly, various depressive conditions appear, weaken the effect, which helps the daily use of two nuts a day. Due to the large amount of manganese in the human body, hormones are actively produced that prevent the occurrence of cancer cells in the thyroid, prostate, and intestines. Together with phosphorus, it is involved in the formation of a healthy skeletal system. Modern pharmacology has created preparations that are an effective extract from Brazil nuts. Their use is recommended by the attending physician, is done under his supervision.
  2. The high fiber content in the American walnut creates a feeling of satiety, reducing the need for increased amounts of food. Nutritionists recommend using this property of nuts when developing effective weight loss diet programs.
  3. The problems of weakening the reproductive function of men, women help to solve small triangular grains. Regular use of Brazil nuts by men prevents the occurrence of possible infertility, and in women the reproductive period is lengthened. Selenium does this by participating in reactions that allow the formation of enzymes that help the successful conception of a child. Together with vitamin E, it preserves the beauty and youth of women. The ability to increase activity, sperm count, gave the brazil nut the name "love nut".
  4. Children are allowed to consume a small amount of tasty nuts that have the ability to synthesize growth hormones. Arginine, contained in Brazil nuts, is involved in the creation of proteins, necessary enzymes, hormones that are not produced in the child's body on its own until the age of 30. This explains the emergence of chronic diseases. Nuts are recommended as supporting agents.
  5. Fruits help to activate the body's defenses during various viral infections, increase the body's immunity.
  6. Brazil nut has a rejuvenating effect, is involved in the prevention of cataracts, atherosclerosis, and cancer. The quality of the skin, nails, healing of scars from burns are faster due to the healing properties of the nut.

Brazil nuts are consumed in a salty, fried form. Sweet, raw, added to the dough, soups, salads, nuts, bring a surge of strength, vigor.

A sense of proportion must be had when using each type of nuts. An excess of American walnut can lead to allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, hair loss, poisoning, nervous disorders, and oncology. This is determined by the high content of selenium, radium. The first sign of a violation of the liver is the appearance of yellowness of the eyeball, a garlic smell coming from the skin. A lethal dose may be 100 g of Brazil nuts eaten per day. In children, an excess of cream nuts causes inflammation of the tonsils, vasospasm, and an allergic reaction.

The body's energy reserve is maintained for three hours after eating two nuts. This time is enough to use it as a snack. They take up very little space in your bag. At the same time, obese people should not only enjoy the delicious gifts of nature, but also completely change the way they eat other foods.


In addition to the taste qualities of the nut, which gave it the opportunity to occupy a special place in human nutrition, the Brazil nut is known for its use in various areas of society. Since ancient times, watchmakers have considered the oil of this type of nut to be the best oil. Ancient unfading art paints were made on the basis of this oil. The beautiful, well-worked wood of the Bertholium tree is in demand, despite the high cost, restrictions on cutting down the plant.

The cosmetic industry could not pass by such a valuable natural element as Brazil nut oil. Huge lines of anti-aging cosmetics are based on it. The oil has an amazing ability to penetrate deep into the skin, nourishing it, creating conditions for retaining moisture, smoothing wrinkles. Creams containing oil make the skin soft, removing scratches, irritation, inflammation. Lotions, gels, massage products, conditioners filled the sales market and are always in demand.

Very often, nourishing masks for the face and hair are made at home. Cream, sour cream, olive oil are added to the crushed nut mass. Everything is simple, but very effective.

In especially solemn occasions, you can treat guests with an original dish containing Brazil nuts. The main thing is to carefully choose it when buying. To do this, just shake a handful of heavy nuts. No sounds should be heard. This speaks of the high quality, the possibility of storage, the huge useful, gustatory properties of nuts, a beautiful slide decorating any table.
