
The benefits and harms of pear-apple juice with pulp, composition, preparation. Simple recipes for making pear juice through a juicer, in a juicer and in the traditional way for the winter

To get a delicious drink enriched with vitamins at home, you can take a fruit such as a pear. A juicer is often used for this. There are quite a few recipes, simple and unpretentious, that allow you to quickly prepare pear juice. This drink is perfectly stored in a dark and cool place. It can be prepared at any time of the year. Let us consider in more detail the most common recipes for making pear juice through a juicer for the winter.

The benefits of a pear

Pear is a very useful fruit containing a large amount of carotene, glucose, pectin, vitamin B, tannins, fiber, carotenoids and sorbitol. In addition, the pulp of the fruit contains such a variety of acids as malic, ascorbic, folic and citric acids. The pear contains a lot of fructose, sucrose, glucose.

Pear, due to the content of useful substances in it, has healing properties. She helps speed up metabolism improving digestion. According to medical statistics, no one has an allergic reaction to this fruit, so it is added to children's cereals and food. This fruit is rich in various useful trace elements, it helps to strengthen the immune system, supports the work of the heart and blood vessels, and increases efficiency. Doctors recommend pears for people who are recovering from viral infections, such as the flu.

About pear juice

Cooked by hand winter drink helps to maintain the body in the necessary rhythm, improves mood and overall well-being. This drink is drunk as an antibiotic, as the fruit contains arbutin, which has restorative properties. It is prepared both with pulp and without it. In any case, all useful components are preserved.

This drink is rarely found in the store, so many housewives make it at home. In this case, you can be sure that it will not contain anything harmful. Squeeze the juice from the fruit in two ways: using a juicer or through a meat grinder. Because of this, such a drink will contain a large amount of substances that contribute to the rapid reproduction of bacteria, so it is not recommended to roll it in its pure form, but interfere with the nectars of various fruits, which helps to increase its shelf life. Consider the most popular and simple recipes for making pear juice.

Pear juice recipe for the winter without sugar

For this recipe take firm and juicy fruits. Fruit must be without any damage. They are thoroughly washed in water, the core with stones is removed and cut into small pieces. After that, they are placed in a juicer and passed through it.

If there is no juicer, then use a meat grinder. The resulting drink is poured into jars, sterilized for 20 minutes and sealed.

Pear juice recipe for the winter "Vitamin"


Pears are washed and dried, then cut into small cubes and squeezed juice through a juicer. The resulting drink is filtered through gauze, which needs to be folded several times. If it turns out unsweetened, then honey or sugar is added to it to taste. The finished juice is poured into jars and put them to heat in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. After that, the jars are rolled up and stored in a dry and cool place.

Recipe for pear-apple juice through a juicer

As already said, drink from a pear for the winter close with the addition of any other nectar. The most popular is pear-apple drink. It is only necessary to remember that the juice is squeezed from both pears and apples.

For such a recipe you will need:

Wash and dry apples and pears. First, juice is squeezed through a juicer from pears, and then from apples. Both nectars are poured into a large container, heated and sugar is added to taste. Banks are pasteurized and rolled up.

Recipe for pear and cucumber juice for the winter

It's pretty unusual and original recipe, since pear juice is mixed with cucumber. The taste of such a drink turns out to be spicy, and the content of vitamins in it doubles.

For this recipe you need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • ginger - 100 g;
  • celery - 4 - 5 stalks;
  • cucumber - 1 kg.

Fruits and vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into large cubes. After that put them in the juicer and add ginger. The resulting drink is closed in jars and stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Recipe for pear and chokeberry juice

This recipe is very simple and has been used since ancient times. This requires the following ingredients:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • beets - 200 g;
  • chokeberry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Berries, vegetables and fruits are sorted and washed. The beet needs to be cleaned. Then through a juicer Skip all the ingredients one by one. The resulting drinks are mixed, sugar is added and heated on the stove. This healthy juice is poured into pasteurized jars and rolled up.

Thus, pear juice - very healthy drink, especially cooked at home. It comes out natural and delicious. It is prepared quite quickly and simply, and in winter the drink allows you to saturate the body with all the useful substances, helping to fight diseases and colds.

Pears are fruits in which there are incredibly many substances useful for the human body.. For example, pectin is an excellent tool that removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.

  • Pear juice is the best bowel cleanser, because its action is effective, but gentle. And if the peristalsis works normally, then harmful substances will not be able to linger in the body and harm it.
  • This drink is also useful for those who are going to lose weight. And all because with strict food regimes, the human body will not receive useful substances, without which its work goes to wear and tear. This state of affairs, left unattended, will lead to serious and unpleasant consequences, so pear juice with its rich vitamin supply will be a delicious salvation.
  • It is also important to normalize the stool, which most often causes problems on a diet. And we are not talking about packaged drinks, the quality and composition of which are easily questioned, only home-made products prepared in compliance with the technology are useful. Even if the store-bought drink has a natural composition, the amount of sugar in it most often goes off scale. And an excess of this substance did not benefit anyone.

With the obvious benefits of the drink, there are a number of restrictions that make it inaccessible to certain people. It is not recommended to drink a freshly squeezed product for people suffering from an ulcer or gastritis, as well as for those who have problems with tooth enamel. In rare cases, doctors are allowed to drink it, but in limited quantities and diluted with water. The reason for such restrictions is the exacerbation of the disease, which the juice will provoke due to fruit acid. For the rest, we simply do not need to abuse it, and there will be no harm from the drink.

Natural apple-pear juice (video)

Pear juice: how to prepare for the winter

Harvesting juices for the winter, including pear, is carried out in only two ways:

  1. pasteurization. On it, the juice only needs to be brought to a boil, and then poured into jars that have been prepared and sterilized. The pasteurization temperature is at least 90 degrees, and the duration directly depends on the volume of the container. After the procedure is completed, the juice must be hermetically sealed with lids, which have also been treated with boiling water.
  2. Hot pour. This method has recently begun to actively outstrip pasteurization, because it takes much less time, but the quality remains the same. Pear juice should be brought to a boil on it, allowed to boil for at least a quarter of an hour, and then poured into prepared containers, and rolled up immediately.

Apple juice: useful properties and methods of harvesting for the winter

Despite all the charm of the method, it has a significant drawback - boiling kills not only the pathogenic flora, but also the beneficial one. The loss of some vitamins significantly reduces the usefulness of the juice.

Recipe for making pear juice through a juicer

The recipe for making pear juice through a juicer is very simple. But he also has his own subtleties. So, for its preparation it is best to take pears belonging to soft and juicy varieties. Juice should be prepared from ripe fruits that are not damaged. If there is rot or wormholes, then they need to be cut out or thrown away.

  • wash fruits as thoroughly as possible to remove dirt and rubbish;
  • cut the pears into quarters and run through a juicer;
  • if you cook by pasteurization, then heat the juice to 90 degrees and pour into prepared containers and sterilize;
  • if this is a hot pouring method, then the juice is allowed to boil for a quarter of an hour and poured into jars and rolled up.

Important! If you plan to add sugar and / or citric acid to the juice to adjust the taste, then during pasteurization, this is done at the second bringing to a boil, and if cooking is done using the hot method, immediately.

Apple and pear juice: a recipe for the winter

Method number 1

It is easy to make such a blank for the winter. Moreover, you can mix pear drink with apple in the proportion that you like best.

Canning with apple cider vinegar

Apple-pear juice is most often prepared according to this recipe and in this proportion:

  • 1 liter of pear juice;
  • 2 liters of apple;
  • sugar to taste, as well as citric acid.

Important! In order not to add artificial acid to the juice, it is better to take apple juice from sour varieties of apples, and sweet and juicy pears.

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Fruits are sorted, washed, cleaned of seeds and cut into pieces convenient for a juicer or meat grinder. These items must be made of stainless steel so as not to react with fruit acid and spoil the product.
  2. If you like clarified juice without sediment, then it needs to be filtered. To do this, the liquid is passed through gauze, folded into at least 3-4 layers.
  3. After choosing a preservation method, complete the selected process, focusing on the above technologies.

Important! If the containers are bottles that need to be closed with corks, then after cooling they must be treated with wax or sealing wax to prevent damage to the product.

Method number 2

For experimenters, it will not be superfluous to adopt another way in which such juice can be harvested for the winter.

The proportions of fruits are chosen at their discretion, and then they do this:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the seeds and, if desired, the peel.
  2. Cut into slices no more than a couple of centimeters thick.
  3. Put everything in a saucepan, cover with sugar and mix so that it is evenly distributed over the fruit. As a guide, you can take the proportion of sugar 300 grams per 1 kg of fruit. Leave them covered in a room for 24 hours.
  4. Drain the juice, boil it quickly and roll it up in a prepared container. The shelf life of such a drink is not more than 2 months.

To get a vitamin drink at home, you can prepare pear juice for the winter through a juicer, the recipe for which is quite simple and unpretentious. Until recently, pears were not so often used in canning, until many varieties of this beautiful fruit were bred. Now you can make blanks not only in summer, but also in late autumn.

The importance of pears in the diet

The abundant content of folic acid in pears puts them on the first step among the useful fruits that have a positive effect on blood formation. Thanks to this component, the pear is recommended for pregnant women and children. Also, this fruit is rich in iodine and potassium. The presence of such components makes the heart work rationally and the circulatory system functions stably. Pear has a positive effect on intestinal upset and has a great effect on the overall work of digestion. By eating a pear, you can get rid of severe pain in gastritis, heartburn, cholecystitis and the like.

Different pear juice recipes for the winter through a juicer will allow you to enjoy the beneficial substances in the cold season. Naturally, freshly squeezed pear juice is much tastier and more favorable, but it is not possible to use it daily. It is better to make preparations of such a syrup with your own hands at home, because no one is responsible for the quality of store goods. In addition, the juice from the counter is stuffed with preservatives and additives that are not suitable for everyone. Those who want to improve their health with store-bought pear juice may even harm themselves.

About pear juice and its preparation

Pear juice prepared with your own hands at home for the winter keeps the body in the right rhythm, sets the mood, and improves the general condition. Compote and pear juice can be drunk as an antibiotic, because this fruit contains arbutin with restorative abilities. You can get and preserve the juice with pulp and in its pure form. Useful components in both cases are preserved. Recipes for rolling pear juice for the winter are quite diverse, and the main ones are presented below. To create provisions, the following kitchen utensils are needed: a juicer or juicer, a knife, an enamel pan, a metal sieve, a crusher. The selection of pear varieties is also of no small importance. If you have free time for conservation in the summer, then at your service: Williams summer, Clapp's favorite, Bere Giffard, Yellow summer. The autumn season offers you varieties: Noyabrsky, Michurinskaya beauty, Larinskaya, Krasnobokaya. Pear juice closer to winter can be obtained from Conference and Severyanka. All varieties lend themselves perfectly to hot processing and behave unpretentiously in the canning process.

With 1 kg of cultivated pear, 0.6 liters of juice is obtained, and with 1 kg of wild pear - 0.5 liters.

Pear juice for the winter through a juicer with sterilization

Cooking process:

Pear juice for the winter through a juicer without sterilization

Cooking process:

Pear juice for the winter through a meat grinder

Recipes through a pear juicer for the winter are the easiest and most affordable, but not everyone can afford to purchase an expensive machine. For this, there are ancient methods for obtaining juice, and the juice comes out incomparably rich and tasty.

Cooking process.

Pear juice for short-term storage

Cooking process:

Pear juice in a juicer

Cooking process:

Getting juice from a juicer is a long process, for which half a day should be allocated. The liquid from the faucet will be released gradually in small portions.

For those who want to dilute the pear flavor with other fruits, a step-by-step description is provided below. In this recipe, you can understand how to make pear juice with apple. An apple can be replaced with other fruits, and even berries (raspberries) or vegetables (carrots) can be used. According to this option, not only the taste is combined, but also a complex of vitamins is obtained in one glass.

Juice from pears and apples for the winter

Cooking process:

What is better juicer or juicer?

This question is purely individual. Someone wants to get the result faster, someone better. In order to select the necessary pear juice recipe for the winter through a juicer or using a juicer, nevertheless, some characteristics of these two devices should be considered. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, each juicer will be able to choose what is closer to his liking.

Pear juice according to grandfathers recipe - video

Pear juice is an extremely healthy drink, which is often used in programs to cleanse the body of toxins. You can diversify the drink by adding other fruits and berries to it, as well as your favorite aromatic spices. How to make pear juice, we learn from the recipes below.

pear juice recipe


  • fresh pears - 2-3 kg.


The recipe for preparing pear juice for the winter is very simple: wash the pears, peel them from the core and pass through a meat grinder. We put the finished pulp under the press, we decant the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze into the pan. To facilitate the process of making pear juice, you can use a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into jars, cover with a lid and put in a water bath to cook for 15-30 minutes. Thus, pear juice is prepared for the winter, or for long-term storage, but if you plan to drink a drink in the next couple of days, then boil it for 2-3 minutes and leave it to cool immediately before drinking.

According to the same scheme, you can harvest apple-pear juice for the winter. If apples and pears are not particularly sweet, then you can supplement the drink with sugar or honey to taste.

Pear juice in a juicer

You can prepare apple-pear juice, or pure pear juice using a simple device - a juicer. With this device, juice is obtained more than when using a juicer.

To prepare juice in a juicer, the pears must be sorted out, the whole fruits separated from the seeds and cut into cubes. We put the prepared fruit in the container of the juice cooker, pour liquid into the water compartment and cover everything with a lid. The juice brewing process takes from 20 to 60 minutes (depending on the softness of the fruit), after which we get a thick and sweet drink that has retained all its vitamins. Hot juice can be poured into sterilized jars or bottles and stored.

If the natural sweetness of the drink is not enough for you, then before cooking, simultaneously with fruits, you can pour sugar into the container, somewhere 40-50 g per 1 kg of pears.

Vitamin juice from pears and cucumbers

Since ancient times, people have been preparing compotes and juices of their own preparation for the period of cold weather. This tradition has been preserved to this day. Pear juice is a useful product; in almost every house, housewives roll it up for the winter. This drink is loved by both children and adults, besides, the nectar has a unique aroma, pleasant taste and helps to cope with the symptoms of a cold.

More vitamins and useful trace elements are found in fresh pear juice. To do this, you need to prepare a juicer.

Fruits must be washed from dirt, then cut into four parts and sent to the juicer. After that, the drink is considered ready. It is not recommended to store a freshly squeezed product for a long time, as useful substances quickly lose their properties.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

To prepare a delicious compote, you need to choose not overripe, not spoiled or damaged fruits.

A delicious drink can be prepared from various varieties that ripen in different seasons - in winter, autumn or summer.

After acquiring the main ingredient, it is not worth delaying the preparation of juice so that the pears do not overripe. Otherwise, the taste of the compote will deteriorate.

How to make pear juice for the winter at home

You can prepare pear compote for long-term storage during the winter cold using different methods. Usually, citric acid is added to the drink, since the content of this component in the pear is small, but it is necessary for a pleasant taste. Two grams of lemon per 1 liter of nectar is enough. Some add acid to the drink by mixing it with other, more acidic, nectars, such as mountain ash or apple.

Attention! Citric acid added to compote prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying. This is very important for long term storage.

Easy winter recipe

It is necessary to prepare:

  1. Pears - 5 kilograms.
  2. Sugar - 1 kilogram.

Washed and dried fruits must be cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder. As a container, it is recommended to use enamelware. Then, using a press, strain the juice through cheesecloth.

Put the resulting nectar on the fire, but do not bring to a boil. If you want to sweeten the drink, do it by adding granulated sugar. Pour the hot mixture into sterilized dishes and close.

Without sterilization

Wash the prepared pears and cut into 4 parts; using a juicer, make juice. Pour the drink into a saucepan and cook for 7-12 minutes, getting rid of the foam. Pour still hot nectar into jars and twist.

Through the juicer

Cut clean pears into several pieces and pass through a juicer. Pour freshly squeezed juice into prepared glass jars and sterilize for 25 minutes. Close with lids.

Through a meat grinder

Peel the washed fruit and cut into pieces. Grind the pears through a meat grinder, and pass the resulting mass through a sieve, then squeeze with gauze. Prepared glass jars need to be sterilized. Add citric acid to the drink to taste, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes.

in a juicer

This recipe only needs a few ingredients: pears and sugar. Fruits are washed well with water, cut off the damaged areas and cut into pieces. Pieces of pears should be of medium size so that they do not turn into a puree during the cooking process.

The juice cooker is filled with water and brought to a boil. After the water boils, a tier for nectar is set on top. Next - a container with pears and granulated sugar. The juicer is left on medium heat, placing a cup under the hose to drain the juice. The mass must be boiled for about an hour. Boil the resulting fresh juice for several minutes, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

with pulp

Cut fruit is placed in a prepared pan, sprinkled with sugar and infused for 50 minutes. And then fill the pears with water and put the dishes on the stove. Cook the mixture for no more than 10 minutes, until soft. Then grind the resulting product through a sieve, pour into another bowl and bring to a boil. The hot drink is distributed over the cans and closed.

with apples

An apple-pear drink will delight every member of the family with its taste, and will also enrich the body with a large number of useful trace elements.

Prepared apples, pears are cut into pieces and individually passed through a juicer. Then both drinks are combined in one vessel, heated and sugar is added. Hot juice is poured into glass containers and rolled up with lids.

With citric acid

For this recipe, hard and unripe fruits are suitable.

You will need:

  1. Pears - one kilogram.
  2. Sugar - 700-900 grams.
  3. Citric acid - half a teaspoon.

Sliced ​​pears are left for some time in cool water with diluted citric acid (2 grams). This is done so that the pear does not change its color during the preservation process. Then you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, a small amount of water is brought to a boil, sugar is added. To prevent the sugar from burning, the liquid must be stirred all the time.

Ready hot syrup is poured over pears, after draining the sour water. The mixture should be infused for 10 hours. After the fruits are boiled for 3-4 minutes on low heat and left to infuse for about 7 hours.

After this time, boil for another 5 minutes, then allow to cool completely and boil for the last time. During the last boil, pour half a teaspoon of citric acid. Pour the warm drink into jars and close the lids.
