
How to have a picnic in the winter outdoors? Epiphany festivities: it's time for a fun winter picnic.

When compiling a menu for a picnic, consider the basic requirements for eating in nature. What should she be? First of all, hearty - in the air all the time you want to refresh yourself. And also convenient for transportation and so that you can easily eat it, preferably without the use of additional dishes.

And, of course, long-term non-perishable - the road and lying in the sun should not harm such food. Appetizers meet all these criteria. We offer interesting and simple recipes for snacks for a picnic in nature, which will help out any housewife.

Snack skewers are the perfect picnic idea. They are interesting in that you can cook them right in nature, and quickly enough.

Pre-preparation is minimal: you only need to wash, cut and put the ingredients in food containers.

Quick Picnic Snacks: The Classic

  • hard cheese - 200 gr.;
  • ham - 150 gr.;
  • pickled gherkins.

Ham and cheese is a classic combination that is used to make various sandwiches and snacks.

We suggest using this set of products for making quick snacks on skewers.

We cut the cheese into cubes, and the ham into thin slices. Small cucumbers need to be cut into three parts. This is all preparation.

We begin to collect canapes. On each skewer we string a piece of cheese, followed by ham, which needs to be rolled up and a piece of cucumber.

Cold appetizers for a picnic: a gourmet option

For cooking you will need:

  • Rye bread;
  • cream cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • salami;
  • olives;
  • olives.

We cut rye bread into small slices, from which circles need to be cut with a glass. You can fry such circles at home in a pan without oil.

Cream cheese is applied to each rye base piece, and a circle of hard cheese is placed on top. Put another piece of bread on top.

We stick a skewer into the bread and put a piece of salami in the form of a sail on top of it and complete the design with an olive or an olive.

Light cold snacks: fruit option

For cooking you will need:

  • red grapes;
  • green grapes;
  • olives;
  • olives;
  • marshmallow.

An interesting snack option on skewers with fruity notes.

You can safely involve children in cooking, as sweet canapes are prepared very easily.

String on skewers, alternating dark-colored grapes with olives, and light-colored beads with olives. Such beautiful grape beads can be decorated with marshmallow pieces.

Cold Appetizers for a Picnic: Vegetarian Option

For cooking you will need:

  • yellow cherry tomatoes;
  • red cherry tomatoes;
  • yellow sweet pepper;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • olives;
  • pickled champignons;
  • cheese.

We cut the cheese and cheese into cubes, and take out the tomatoes and mushrooms from the brine. Thread ingredients onto skewers, alternating them.

An appetizer of a yellow tomato, a piece of cheese, an olive, a red pepper, a mushroom, a piece of cheese, a red tomato, a yellow pepper and an olive will look beautiful.

Quick Picnic Snacks: The Italian Variation

For cooking you will need:

  • olives;
  • olives;
  • Bell pepper;
  • pickled artichokes;
  • salami slices.

To prepare an Italian appetizer, long preparation is not required.

You just need to bake strips of sweet pepper right on the fire.

Lavash on the grill: a hot snack for a picnic

For lovers of outdoor recreation, recipes from pita bread will come in handy.

Particularly interesting are the options for hot appetizers, which are easy to cook right in the open air by frying the rolls on a fire on the grill or on the grill.

Picnic appetizer for lavash kebab

For cooking you will need:

  • Armenian thin lavash - 1 pack;
  • suluguni cheese - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 60 gr.;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • ground red pepper.

The filling for pita bread can be prepared in advance at home and taken with you to nature in a plastic container.

To do this, grind the cheese on a grater and mix with softened butter and chopped herbs. Season with pepper - adjust the amount depending on your own preferences.

Already in nature, spread thin pita bread with the prepared mixture, roll up with an envelope or roll, brush with melted butter and send to the fire. You can fry the envelopes on the grill, and on skewers.

It makes an excellent snack.

Lavash appetizer recipe with cheese and tomatoes

For cooking you will need:

  • thin pita bread - 2 sheets;
  • Adyghe cheese - 300 gr.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • red onion - ½ pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.

Grind the cheese with your hands or three on a coarse grater. Finely chop greens and red onion. This is a preparatory stage that can be done at home.

Add diced fresh tomatoes to the resulting mixture and mix. The filling is ready.

We spread the pita bread with cheese-tomato mixture and roll it into a roll.

Fry the appetizer on the grill until golden brown.

For cooking you will need:

  • Armenian lavash - 1 sheet;
  • cream cheese - 75 gr.;
  • slightly salted trout - 300 gr.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • greenery.

Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut into thin long slices.

We spread soft cheese on a sheet of pita bread, place pieces of red lightly salted fish and a cucumber on top. Sprinkle all this abundantly with the greens that you love.

We turn the roll into an envelope or roll, and send it to the fire for baking.

Quick Picnic Snack: Sausages in Lavash

For cooking you will need:

  • thin pita bread;
  • sausages;
  • greenery;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup.

The idea of ​​cooking sausages in dough or pita bread is madly in love not only with children, but also with adults. Everything is very fast and simple.

We tear off a piece of pita bread the size of a sausage, sprinkle it with cheese and herbs, put the sausage and wrap it in a roll.

You can immediately bake on the fire.

Serve with any sauces, among which, of course, mustard and ketchup with mayonnaise occupy the palm.

Delicious picnic snacks: hot skewers on skewers

Snacks on skewers literally save when you want to eat something hearty, but the barbecue is not yet ready.

Miniature skewers on fire are fried with pleasure by adults and children.

Who among us has not fried pieces of bacon with bread on a fire? Here is the first idea for a quick hot snack. We offer you to use our ideas of simple and delicious snacks on skewers, which can be roasted on a fire.

For cooking you will need:

  • champignons - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt:
  • pepper.

Mushrooms for cooking on skewers should be chosen large and not opened. They can be fried fresh, or you can pre-marinate.

For the marinade, squeeze the lemon juice and pour over the mushrooms.

Add salt and pepper, and leave to marinate for about 5 hours in the cold. At a picnic, pickled or fresh champignons are strung on skewers and fried on coals.

After heat treatment, they lose their external attractiveness, but the taste qualities become excellent.

Chicken kebabs on skewers with bacon and pineapple

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken breasts -4 pcs.;
  • canned pineapple - 1 can;
  • red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • bacon - 12 strips;

For the Hawaiian sauce:

  • pineapple juice - 1.5 cups;
  • cornstarch - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt.

To prepare the Hawaiian sauce, mix all the ingredients and stir until the starch is completely dissolved. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 2 minutes. The sauce is ready.

We prepare all the components with a barbecue in advance. To do this, cut the chicken, onion, pepper and pineapple into large cubes, and cut the bacon into strips.

For one skewer we take 4 pieces of chicken and 3 pcs. pineapple, 2 peppers and onions, 2 strips of bacon.

We string the edge of the bacon onto the skewer, followed by the chicken, again the bacon, which wraps the chicken on one side. Next comes the pineapple and then the bacon. After the pepper and onion, which we wrap with bacon together.

The last piece should be chicken with bacon. Lubricate the finished braids with vegetable oil.

Grill for about 10-15 minutes. Serve with hot Hawaiian sauce.

For cooking you will need:

  • whole potatoes;
  • garlic;
  • paprika;
  • yellow mustard,
  • parsley;
  • lemon juice;
  • parsley;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • oregano;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • olive oil.

Wash potatoes and boil in skins. And you need to undercook the tubers a little, then they will cook on the coals.

We clean the potatoes from the skins and dip in the marinade. To prepare the marinade, you just need to mix all the ingredients.

The amount of spices is taken arbitrarily, you can adjust depending on your own preferences.

We string pickled potatoes on skewers and send them to the grill.

Cook until a crispy crust appears on the tubers.

Snacks for a picnic in nature in summer: meatballs and puff pastry skewers

For cooking you will need:

  • minced meat or chicken - 400 gr.;
  • yeast puff pastry - 250 gr.;
  • hard cheese - 70 gr.;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • parsley, dill.

We cook minced meat for meatballs at home. You can take chicken meat or a mixture of beef and pork. Add a raw egg and grated cheese to the prepared minced meat.

To hold together the fat that will be melted during frying, add some breadcrumbs.

The piquancy of our meatballs will give greens and spices, which we also add to the minced meat.

Knead the mixture and transfer to a container for transportation. At a picnic, we form small meatballs from minced meat.

From puff pastry, you need to prepare strips, which we cut with a width slightly less than the size of the meatballs. The length of the strips will depend on the length of the skewers.

Since we will string the dough in waves, we will need strips twice as long as skewers.

We begin to form a snack with meatballs. We string the edge of the dough onto a stick, after it a ball of minced meat, again the dough, circling around the meatballs. So we alternate the dough with balls to the end of the skewer.

Lubricate the dough with vegetable oil. You can bake such an appetizer on the grill or on the grill.

Serve the appetizer hot. You can sprinkle the finished meatballs with sesame seeds or cheese.

Picnic Snack Recipes: Tomato Skewers with Cheese

For cooking you will need:

  • cheese - 500 gr.;
  • tomato - 15 - 20 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • parsley.

This appetizer is prepared very quickly and goes well with any main dishes. Tomato skewers with cheese are good and as an independent snack. Cut soft cheese into slices.

Tomatoes are better to take small, but fleshy.

We string the components onto skewers. We prepare marinade sauce by mixing oil with lemon juice, pepper and herbs. We lower the skewers directly on skewers into the sauce, where they lie down for literally 15-20 minutes.

We immediately send the pickled tomatoes with cheese to the grill. In just 10 minutes, the original snack will be ready.

Video: taco, steak and vegetable appetizer

For some people, this is a common thing at any time of the year.

A winter picnic is a much more interesting and extraordinary outdoor activity that brings great benefits to humans, and damage to nature will be done to a lesser extent, if only due to the fact that a fire in the forest can be avoided, unlike the hot season.

A place for a picnic in winter must be chosen in advance. Take into account the preferences in outdoor recreation of your friends and relatives.

What to take for a picnic in winter? When going outdoors in winter, first of all, you should take care of the warmth. And this:

- Warm clothes. A wool sweater with a high neck, a hat and a down jacket, mittens and ski pants are an absolute must for a winter hike for both girls and guys.

- Warm socks and boots. Terry, downy, woolen socks (by the way, it's important to take a few pairs in case you get your feet wet) and warm boots are the key to a good (and enjoyable) winter picnic!

- Plaids and blankets. A warm blanket at a winter picnic is a sign of comfort and a source of additional warmth. Just imagine: you are sitting by the fire, and a beautiful checkered woolen blanket is carefully thrown over your shoulders ... It immediately becomes warmer for both body and soul!

In addition, a blanket is the first source of warmth after the Epiphany ice font, and a drug that so reliably unites loving hearts!

And also, if you get to the picnic site not by car, but on foot, you can wrap the smallest participants in the winter hike with a blanket. For example, putting them in a sled!

If you decide to “forget” such a truly winter vehicle as a sled this time at home (in order to avoid unnecessary load and injuries), the blanket can be carried like a soft bag, securing a special reins-strap.

If in the summer you can go on a picnic, taking with you only a basket of food and a blanket (which you can easily spread right on the ground and enjoy unity with nature), then in winter you should definitely take a folding table and chairs with you.

What to take for a picnic in winter

In order for the picnic to go off with a bang, you need to think about your daily bread in advance. Take tea or coffee in a thermos. Hot drinks will be very helpful. You can build a fire and make tea, for this do not forget to take a cauldron with you. Use drinking water taken from home.

Some of the food can be cooked at home. Make sandwiches - they are simply necessary "for a snack." Take fruit with you. But it is quite appropriate, and cooking it in winter is even more pleasant than in summer. To prepare it, you will need a barbecue and skewers, coals and firewood, as well as pre-marinated meat.

Any dishes that you have already tried cooking in nature in the summer, and which are presented on our website, can be cooked in winter. But remember that their cooking time at low temperatures will be slightly longer.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord (or Epiphany) has been celebrated by Russian Orthodox since ancient times, remembering how Jesus Christ came to John the Baptist and asked to be baptized Him. The humble Baptist submitted to the will of the Lord and performed the Sacrament in the Jordan River. During the Baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ in the form of a dove. Thus, He showed people the way to the purification of the soul, which until today is sacredly honored by the Fathers of the Church. Well, ordinary sinful mortals believe that if on the Day of the Baptism of the Lord you bathe in a consecrated hole, you can be healed of all diseases, cleanse your soul and thoughts. In particular, the rite of icy bathing (according to the beliefs of the pious Slavs) is a must for those who participated in Christmas costumed caroling and fortune-telling ... And also - they drank a lot of vodka on holidays ... And offended someone in vain ... In a word, it's time for us all to go to the hole! And even if you consider yourself a heat-loving creature and would never dive into a sobering font, you can simply accompany those who dare to do so! And at the same time - to arrange a real, beautiful, cheerful winter picnic on the shore of a mirror-lake! How to organize a holiday for the whole family on Epiphany? What to take with you to have fun and not get sick after an ice bath? Dikmi will tell you about it right now!

Those who have tried it on themselves say that even without special training, you can swim at Epiphany in an ice hole. “You will never get sick,” they say, “the main thing is to dip with prayer and faith!” However, doctors are more cautious in their conclusions. Those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and other serious ailments, they ask to refrain from Epiphany extreme. Well, to all of you, my beloved readers and guests, I recommend: listen to your intuition, believe in a miracle and never forget the healthy excitement at home, going to the lake on the eve of such an interesting holiday! True, when going on a winter picnic, which involves an ice dive, you need to take into account a few nuances of the season and take everything you need with you. Actually, this is where I will start my story!


List of necessary things for Epiphany bathing:

Bathing suit (for men), shirt (for women). In the old manner, the fair sex can only enter the sacred baptismal font in "underwear", that is, a nightgown to the toes (with closed shoulders and a tight hem). Or (if we take into account the condescension of faith to the modern world) - a long loose T-shirt.

Towels, slippers, warm clothes.

A thermos with hot tea (neither doctors nor clergy recommend taking alcohol "for warming" after such a bath).

If you are not going to get acquainted with the underwater world of the winter lake, but just want to have fun watching your more extreme friends, or just relax on the shore, enjoying the snowy landscape, you should think about minimal comfort.

Attributes of a comfortable winter picnic

When going outdoors in winter, first of all, you should take care of the warmth. And this:

A wool sweater with a high neck, a hat and down jacket, mittens and ski pants are an absolute must for a winter hike for both girls and guys.

And especially - to children.

- Warm socks and boots. Terry, downy, woolen socks (by the way, it is important to take a few pairs in case you get your feet wet) and warm boots are the key to a good (and enjoyable) winter picnic!

A warm blanket at a winter picnic is a sign of comfort and a source of additional warmth. Just imagine: you are sitting by the fire, and a beautiful checkered woolen blanket is carefully thrown over your shoulders ... It immediately becomes warmer for both body and soul!

In addition, a plaid is the first source of warmth after the Epiphany ice font, and a drug that so reliably unites loving hearts!

And also, if you get to the picnic site not by car, but on foot, you can wrap the smallest participants in the winter hike with a blanket. For example, putting them in a sled!

If you decide to “forget” such a truly winter vehicle as a sled this time at home (in order to avoid unnecessary load and injuries), the blanket can be carried like a soft bag, securing a special reins-strap.

If in the summer you can go on a picnic, taking with you only a basket of food and a blanket (which you can easily spread right on the ground and enjoy unity with nature), then in winter you should definitely take a folding table and chairs with you.

Indeed, it is true that there is nothing good in lying down for a long time and seriously in bed with a high fever and a sore throat the very next day after Epiphany. Especially about what and what to sit on, you need to take care if you take kids with you to a picnic!

A basket with goodies for a winter field feast is practically no different from a basket for a summer outing. True, there is one feature. You should definitely take campfire accessories with you (after all, coffee or tea outdoors, or even hot soup - what if your culinary field skills do not know the boundaries of perfection? - dozens of times tastier than homemade!).

And it's so nice to hold a hot mug in your hands and enjoy the invigorating aroma and life-giving warmth in the cold! Have you ever tried grilling outdoors in the winter? No? Then it's time to try it! Get incomparable pleasure! Both taste and aesthetic!

The peculiarity of a winter picnic basket is that it can be absolutely simple and uncomplicated. First of all, because she does not have to perform the function of a portable refrigerator. All products will keep the natural minus of nature in a perfectly fresh state.

But the dishes are worth thinking about. In no case should you take plastic disposable utensils with you to a picnic (after all, lunch in nature involves hot snacks and drinks). Ceramic portioned plates for the first one are ideal (if you are interested in my idea with fire soup) and the same, earthenware or glass mugs (as a rule, they are taken to a picnic). You should not take iron, aluminum utensils with you to nature in winter, this is fraught with satirical unpleasant moments ...

On this I allow myself to end the conversation about the things necessary for a picnic. However, I would like to offer you something else. After all, we are going to arrange not just a picnic, but a real holiday! And for this it would be nice to take a few items of festive decor with you!

Outdoor Winter Party Decor

For example, this will look very harmonious against the background of a lake (or forest) decorated with hoarfrost.
