
Plum, its benefits and harm to health. Plum Juice Concentrate Recipe Includes

Someone prefers a variety with sourness, someone likes sweet honey, but there are very few people who are indifferent to plums. Let's analyze its benefits in order to refute some myths about this fruit and prove its value for health.

One fruit for all occasions! About the healing abilities of plums

A long time ago, nature "introduced" the cherry plum to the blackthorn, and the result of their meeting was the emergence of a new fruit - the wild plum. Over time, people appreciated its taste, cultivated this tree and began to actively use its fruits in cooking.

Plums were soon discovered to have a tendency to heal. The first medicinal property found in this fruit is the ability to eliminate constipation. This is helped by pectins and fiber. Then, empirically, people found that the plum solves many other health problems and protects against various ailments.

Plums contain a lot of potassium salts - 214 mg. These substances are very useful for the heart, have a beneficial effect on other organs - the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. The pulp of these fruits contains coumarins. They prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the risk of thrombosis. Such fruits are rich in vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels. There are other representatives of the vitamin family in them - carotene, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, B9, riboflavin, pyridoxine.

Regardless of the variety, plums are a source of minerals - zinc, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, chromium, iron. One of the most important components in their composition is anticyanin. It produces an anti-cancer effect.

Given the great benefits of plums, doctors advise including it in the diet for both healthy and those who have problems with bowel movements, and nutritionists recommend the fruit to combat excess weight.

What can be cured with plums?

Of course, plums will not replace medicines, but they will help you stop working for a pharmacy. How do they affect health?

Plum for treatment and prevention:

  • regulates the digestive process, promotes normal bowel movements (has a laxative effect), does not allow food to stagnate, prevents putrefactive processes in the colon;
  • supports the heart, protects blood vessels (cleans them from cholesterol deposits), prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens the immune system, as it supplies the body with vitamin C;
  • produces a vasodilating effect, improves blood supply to organs;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance;
  • removes excess fluid;
  • positively affects the nervous system;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • eliminates anemia (stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells);
  • helps athletes recover after intense training;
  • removes radioactive substances (due to the presence of pectins in the composition);
  • increases appetite, activates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • strengthens the liver;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • reduces the risk of pathological degeneration of cells, therefore, serves as a means of preventing cancer: reduces the likelihood of a malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland and uterus;
  • improves mood due to the fact that it contributes to the formation of endorphins;
  • helps to alleviate the condition of a woman with heavy menstrual bleeding, protects against the development of osteoporosis in women who have entered the menopause;
  • when applied externally in the form of compresses, it accelerates the healing of wounds and pustules (for such purposes, the leaves of this plant are used, rubbing them to a mushy state);
  • berry juice disinfects the oral cavity, relieves inflammation in the throat, as it has antibacterial properties.

Plum is a popular home beautician. With its help, peeling can be carried out to remove dead cells from the skin and lighten age spots. Vitamin P contained in its composition enhances collagen synthesis and rejuvenates the skin. The use of such fruits has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

Important! It is necessary to eat plums separately from other foods and drinks, preferably in the morning, at least 30 minutes beforehand. before eating food.

What are their health hazards?

For some diseases, it is better not to think about these fruits, since even in limited quantities they can negatively affect well-being - cause exacerbation, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn and stomach discomfort.

Complete ban on the inclusion of drains in the menu:

  • chronic diarrhea - plums will further loosen the intestines, rather than exacerbate the problem;
  • diabetes (especially type 2) - do not forget that they have a lot of sugar;
  • ulcer, gastritis in the acute stage, high acidity and other pathologies of the digestive system;
  • rheumatism and gout - plum juice actively removes fluid from the body, which will cause an increase in pain and a deterioration in the general condition in such pathologies.

Refuse plums should be those whose body does not tolerate them and responds with allergies. Do not offer these fruits to babies under 3 years old. The use of plums can cause them stomach irritation, bloating, painful colic.

Important! You should not eat plums on an empty stomach, and even more so - drink milk!

Patients with urolithiasis and obesity should reduce the consumption of such fruits. You should not "lean" on them for people who have undergone cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder). Pancreatitis in remission is considered a relative contraindication. If the disease has receded, then you can eat such a product, but you should first remove the skin from the plums. It is high in acid and rich in fiber. During an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, a strict taboo is imposed on these fruits.

Important! Nursing women are advised by doctors to refuse plums so as not to make the baby suffer from flatulence, abdominal pain, stool disorders, colic and allergies.

Can sweet fruit help you lose weight?

Some varieties of plums have a very sweet taste. That is why not all those who lose weight decide to include such a component in their diet, as they doubt that the plum will benefit the figure.

Plums are not high in calories. They do not have a single gram of fat, only proteins and carbohydrates. In 100 g of plums - from 30 to 46 kilocalories. If you eat 5-6 things a day (as nutrition experts recommend), then the figure will definitely not suffer. But some people like the taste of fresh plums so much that, despite the benefits and harms, they eat a kilogram of such “yummy”. If you absorb them in large volumes, it will deal a blow to harmony and will not help you lose weight.

A fasting day on plums will allow you to become 3-4 kg lighter in a month. For him, you need to take 1 kg of ripe berries, divide into 6 equal parts and use them throughout the day. It should be the only "dish" on the menu. The diet should be supplemented with purified or mineral water and green tea.

The best "healer" in the plum family

Plum assortment can be divided into three large groups. Green varieties - renklod, yellow - mirabelle, blue-black - eel or Hungarian plum. Its benefits and harms to the body are worthy of a separate discussion, because this is one of the most popular and sought-after varieties.

The fruits of the Hungarian are oval, egg-shaped and have a rich color - from blue-lilac to dark purple. Their sugar content reaches 13-15%, and calorie content - 42 Kcal. The taste varies from sweet and sour to cloyingly sweet. They make prunes.

Blue plum is rich in potassium salts, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, nourish the heart, maintain acid-base balance. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, cleanses the intestines of unnecessary accumulations and improves its functionality. It is an effective laxative.

This plum includes antioxidants that slow down aging. Its plant fibers protect against colon cancer. It contains a lot of vitamin K, which is responsible for normal blood clotting.

Minus Hungarian - a large amount of sugar and an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa.

Today, plums are grown in many Russian household plots. Thanks to scientists and breeders, more than 2,000 varieties have been bred that differ in the structure and size characteristics of the fruit, the structure of the pulp and color, flavor and chemical composition. To get the most out of a valuable product, it is important to know the health benefits and harms of plums.

Among the wide variety of plums, there are dark purple, reddish and yellowish fruit colors. All of them are united by a unique chemical composition, which may differ slightly for each of the varieties. On average, plums are 80% water. The fruits contain a lot of fiber, pectin, organic acids, vitamins A, B, C, E. Fruits contain a high content of macronutrients - potassium, calcium, magnesium and many others. They are a source of trace elements - iron, iodine, manganese, zinc.

In the blue plum

The dark blue plum variety is commonly referred to as "Hungarian", such varieties have dense juicy pulp, so they are often used to make prunes. 100 g of blue fruit contains 42 kcal.

In red

Red plum varieties are champions in folic acid content, they contain a lot of iron. They help speed up metabolic processes, remove salts and excess fluid from the body.

100 g of red fruits contain only 46 kcal.


Dark plum varieties contain a large amount of flavonols, anthocyanins, leukocyanins, which have unique properties in the form of a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and their strengthening.


Yellow plums contain a large amount of keratin, and in terms of vitamin E content, they are not inferior to rose hips. Varieties of this species are effective for the treatment of bronchi, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

How to choose a good product

When choosing plums, you should be guided by the appearance of the fruit. Regardless of the color of the skin, they should be evenly colored. As the fruit ripens, the shade becomes more saturated. You should pay attention to the absence of cracks, dents, spotty formations.

It is recommended to try to press on the surface of the peel. Excessive hardness indicates insufficient ripeness of the fruit, too soft pulp will lead to rapid deterioration of the product. Ripeness is determined by the rich aroma, the more pronounced it is, the more ripe the plums are.

Beneficial features

The usefulness of plums for the body is explained by the chemical elements present in it. Pectins contribute to better excretion of radionuclides and carcinogens. When eating fruits, the following effects are observed:

  • blood thinning;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and reducing the risk of thrombosis;
  • improving the functioning of the muscles of the heart;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • pressure normalization.

Plum promotes the removal of fluid and bile, is considered a laxative. To eliminate the problem of constipation, it is enough to eat several fruits a day.

For children

For a child, plums are a valuable source of vitamins, so when they are included in the menu, the risk of beriberi is reduced significantly. Often children suffer from constipation, and with the help of a fruit or a decoction based on it, you can achieve normalization of the stool without the use of medications.

For men

Plums should be included in the diet of men who love fatty and unhealthy foods, who abuse alcohol. The fruit helps to lower cholesterol levels, the indicators of which inevitably increase with improperly organized nutrition. The fruits help to normalize the functioning of the liver, removing harmful substances with bile. Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death for men, and plum helps reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

For women

The fruit normalizes the functioning of the nervous system of a woman, which helps the body to more successfully cope with stress. Fruits are considered an effective means by which they obtain the effect of tissue regeneration, therefore this property of the product is actively used in cosmetology.

Masks, scrubs, various skin care products are made from plums.

Due to the ability of plums to improve digestion, speed up metabolism and remove toxins, they are often present on the menu of people who control weight or want to lose weight. The dietary fiber of the fruit helps in the rapid reduction of body weight and further maintenance of it in the normal range.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no prohibition on the use of plums when carrying a child. Folic acid present in the pulp contributes to the proper development of the baby. Many pregnant women suffer from edema, and due to the presence of potassium in fruits, excess fluid is naturally removed. Dietary fiber of fruits improves digestion, which acts as a prevention of constipation. Vitamin C helps to cope with viral infections, the appearance of which during this period is dangerous.

Use in traditional medicine

In the composition of traditional medicine recipes, plum is often present. It is used as an ingredient in the preparation of decoctions to relieve constipation and normalize digestion.

Use in diabetes

Patients with diabetes should be careful when eating fruits. Plum does not belong to the category of products that carry a high risk for the body. Its low calorie content and low glycemic index make it possible to include it in the diet of diabetics in the initial stages of the disease. Patients with this diagnosis often suffer from pressure, blurred vision and kidney problems, and the use of plums helps to solve these problems. At the same time, it is impossible to abuse the intake of fruits; diabetics are not recommended to exceed the daily rate of 200 g.

With pancreatitis

With the diagnosis of "pancreatitis" plums are not prohibited for consumption, but it is necessary to peel the fruits. It contains coarse fiber and acid, which can exacerbate stomach diseases.

With oncological diseases

According to studies, phenolic acid contained in the plum can slow down the growth of tumors. Such a substance is a poison, but when it enters the body, it only affects cancer cells. Regular consumption of plums contributes to the prevention of cancer of the mammary glands, stomach, colon, and respiratory organs. It is recommended to include in the diet not only fresh and dried fruits, but also smoothies.

For the recipe you need:

  • 5 plums;
  • 1 banana;
  • 10 raspberries;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1⁄2 cup water;
  • cinnamon to taste.

The main ingredients are whipped with a blender. Such a drink will give energy and positively affect all organs and systems of life. In the absence of digestive problems, you can take orange juice instead of water, which will saturate the body with even more vitamin C.

With diabetes

Plum contains a fairly large amount of sugar, so including it in the diet of diabetic patients can provoke a deterioration in the condition. Particular care should be taken to include them in the diet of people with type 2. It is better for diabetics not to use prunes in their diet, since it has a higher glycemic index, it is better to give preference to fresh ripe fruits.

The undoubted benefits of plums for athletes

Due to the small number of calories, plums are often present on the menu of those who are losing weight or athletes resorting to body “drying” programs. At the same time, due to the rich composition of chemical elements, when eating fruit, the risk of their deficiency in the body is reduced.

Is plums good for weight loss

Plum for losing weight is considered a unique product. The combination of low calorie and high nutrient content allows you to achieve your weight loss goals faster. Improving digestion and speeding up metabolic processes contributes to a faster disposal of body fat.

What is the best way to eat food

Plum is a versatile fruit. The fruits are consumed fresh and dried. They are suitable for making jams, jams and purees. Juices, smoothies and compotes are prepared from fruits.


Dried plums are called prunes. The nutritional content of it is not inferior to fresh fruit. It is an excellent way to satisfy hunger if you need to provide a quick snack.


Eating fresh plums is the easiest way to improve your well-being, as it does not require any effort to process the product. The disadvantage of freshly harvested fruits is a short shelf life, so heat treatment methods are often used to extend it.

Compotes and preservation

Compotes are a great way to use the valuable qualities of plums in the winter. Such a drink is always at hand and can be used if necessary to reduce pressure or get rid of edema.

The benefits and uses of plum stones

Product Consumption Norms

Plums are introduced into the diet for children from the age of 3 years. It is necessary to give fruits gradually, starting with 1 piece. In this case, if diarrhea, bloating or colic occurs, the product should be discarded. In the absence of negative reactions, the number of plums is gradually adjusted to 3-4 per day.

The norm for an adult depends on the presence of contraindications and the individual characteristics of the person. On average, the daily amount should not exceed 300 g. During pregnancy, it is worth limiting yourself to 6 fruits per day.

Contraindications and negative effects

Excessively large consumption of plums can cause an upset of the digestive tract. Do not include the product in the diet in the presence of diarrhea or diarrhea, as this will aggravate the situation. Fruits should not be included in the diet if the following indications are present:

  • younger children's age;
  • rheumatism;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • problems with the patency of the bile ducts.

Plums should not be consumed if there is an allergic reaction to the product. Neglect of such a restriction can lead to negative consequences, ranging from minor itching to anaphylactic shock.


Plum is a plant native to Asia, a Chinese symbol of early youth and health. According to legend, the composition of its flowering branches brings family happiness and romantic love to the house. But this tree is valued not only for its external beauty: its fruits have excellent taste and healing qualities.

Are fresh plums and dried prunes useful and why for health, what are their benefits, can there be harm, does this fruit only have healing properties or are there contraindications? Let's find out all the details.

Beneficial features

  • Honorary the first place belongs to minerals. The leading positions are occupied by boron (55% of its daily norm is contained in 100 g of these fruits), silicon (47% of the daily norm), rubidium (34%), molybdenum (11%), cobalt (10%), (8.5%) . The high content of macro- and microelements determines the healing properties.
  • In second place are carbohydrates: pectin and glucose., on which the taste and their ability to rid the body of toxins depend.
  • There are relatively few vitamins, but they will be useful. Most vitamins C, K(14% and 5% of their daily intake).
  • The specific share of other useful components ( phytosterols, fatty acids, purines) is small, but it is a valuable contribution to human health.

The listed substances determine all the benefits of using:

With health benefits, you can use not only the fruits, but even the leaves of the plum tree, decoctions of which are used to treat sore throats, heal wounds. The kernels of the bones are a good anthelmintic.

In what form, how best to use

Fruits can be consumed fresh, dried, even frozen. With proper drying or freezing plums practically do not lose their healing and medicinal properties.

But it is better to give preference to fresh ripe fruits.. Plums that are sold on store shelves "out of season" are unlikely to serve the benefit of health, because they are brought from afar, processed with a bunch of chemicals to prolong freshness and maintain their presentation.

Dried (prunes) are useful no less fresh. But the purchase of prunes on the market is not always a guarantee of its quality. Therefore, the best solution is self-harvesting for the winter: drying or freezing.

A few tips for use:

  • Unripe sour plums - no! The use of fruits that have not reached the standard is a sure way to indigestion, and not to health.
  • Plums cannot be eaten. It is better to eat them little by little, but regularly. And it’s worth starting to introduce plums or plum juice into the diet little by little, sensitively listening to the reactions of your body.
  • Nobody needs a plum dinner. Do not eat these healthy fruits just before bed. It is better to do this 3 hours before a night's rest, so as not to overload the intestines.

Learn more on the topic from the video with E. Malysheva:

Potential danger and how to avoid it

Serious health risks can be:

  • Poor quality or unripe plums. The fruits should be ripe, sweet, with no visible signs of external damage.
  • imported fruits who have come a long way from their native tree to the store counter. These fruits are best avoided.
  • Uncultivated, or "wild" plums- their astringency is an irritant to the stomach or intestines, so acquaintance with them may result in diarrhea.
  • Eating plums immediately after a meal: This fruit quickly begins to rot and ferment, so it is best to eat it as a meal on its own or just before eating.

Excessive passion for these fruits can harm the figure. Ladies with magnificent forms should not completely refuse to eat them. A few pieces a day will benefit from obesity: they will remove toxins from the body, and relieve swelling. But no more than 3-4 plums per day!

The diuretic plum effect is more pronounced, the more fruits were eaten. With gout, rheumatism, a large number of plums eaten can simply aggravate the course of the disease, so it is better for those suffering from these diseases to limit the use of these fruits to 1-2 pieces per day.


For allergy sufferers

Compared to other types of allergies, the body's reaction to a plum is a rare phenomenon. More often they suffer children under 3 years old, and with age, this pathology can completely disappear.

You can suspect a possible allergy if you have previously had allergic reactions to other fruits from the Rosaceae family (,) or to birch pollen.

Allergens are found mainly in the skin of the fruit, so it is best for children and allergy sufferers to eat plums without a peel.

Allergic reaction to this fruit manifests itself in the form of indigestion, less often in the form of skin rashes, almost never proceeds in the form of edema of the respiratory tract. Any allergic reactions should seek immediate medical attention.

For the health of pregnant women

Plums, and especially prunes - best friend during pregnancy, and the benefits of it are great, and there is no harm with moderate consumption. Firstly, expectant mothers often suffer from constipation, and plum fruits are a mild, natural laxative.

Secondly, edema appears in an interesting position, and plum with its diuretic effect will help eliminate them.

Thirdly, this fruit has the ability strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood circulation in them, which is useful for improving placental circulation.

Finally, the plum has antipyretic, anti-cold properties, which are highly valued during pregnancy, when you should not take chemical drugs once again.

Plum fruits, and especially jam from them, are a favorite delicacy for many. But what does the plum bring more - good and harm? How does it affect health and who is contraindicated?

First of all, the fruit is famous for its laxative effect. It is recommended to eat it for people suffering from chronic constipation, diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary system, hypertension, edema and anemia. But with increased acidity of the stomach, gout, diabetes and rheumatism, plums should be consumed with great care.


Plum fruits are 86% water, 11.1% carbohydrates, 0.8% and 0.3% are proteins and fats. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 46-48 kcal. In addition, the plum contains sugar (9.6 grams), dietary fiber (1.5 grams), organic acids (1 gram), vitamins, micro and macro elements.

For reference, one medium-sized fruit weighs 30 grams.

Vitamins in plums:

  • C - 10 mg;
  • B4 - 1.9 mg;
  • PP - 0.7 mg;
  • E - 0.6 mg;
  • B5 - 0.15 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.1 mg;
  • B6 - 0.08 mg;
  • B1 - 0.06 mg;
  • B2 - 0.04 mg;
  • A - 17 mcg;
  • K - 6.4 µg;
  • B9 - 1.5 mcg.

Micro and macro elements:

  • potassium - 214 mg;
  • calcium - 20 mg;
  • phosphorus - 20 mg;
  • sodium - 18 mg;
  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • sulfur - 6 mg;
  • silicon - 4 mg;
  • chlorine - 1 mg;
  • iron - 0.5 mg;
  • manganese - 0.11 mg;
  • zinc - 0.1 mg;
  • copper - 90 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 8 mcg;
  • iodine, chromium - 4 mcg each;
  • fluorine - 2 μg;
  • cobalt - 1 mcg.

When compared with the daily norms of useful substances, vitamin C, silicon and molybdenum are considered the most valuable in plums. Only 100 grams of the product satisfies the body's needs by 11%, 13.3% and 11.4%, respectively.

Why is plum useful?

The use of fruit has a positive effect on the work of the heart, intestines, brain, liver, kidneys. Plum pulp supplies the body with substances that regulate metabolism. It is especially useful for people suffering from chronic constipation, vascular and heart diseases, with exhaustion and frequent illnesses.

Beneficial features:

  • laxative;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic.

Due to the content of antioxidants, plum prevents the appearance of cancer cells. It stimulates the production of collagen and thereby prolongs youth, slows down the aging process. Vitamins of group B in the composition protect the nervous system, improve mood and sleep. Plum fruits also stimulate hematopoiesis, help fight anemia. And the content of vitamin C makes the fruit indispensable for colds and SARS.

If we talk about medicinal properties, plum manifests itself in several ways:

  • relieves fever at elevated body temperature;
  • in the form of juice helps with diseases of the throat, disinfects the mucous membrane;
  • with colds, it makes the cough productive, facilitates sputum discharge;
  • cleanses the intestines and removes excess water;
  • in the form of jam (it is added to tea) reduces pressure;
  • promotes the elimination of radioactive toxins;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice, helps to improve appetite;
  • used to remove dry calluses (external application).

For therapeutic purposes, not only fruits are used, but also leaves, flowers, tree bark. They are famous for their diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic properties. Infusions and decoctions help cure gum disease, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency. Gruel from plum leaves promotes rapid healing of wounds on the body.

Benefits depending on variety

In total, there are about 300 varieties of plums. They differ quite significantly from each other in color, shape, taste characteristics.

In Russia, 3 "generalizing" varieties are popular:

  • Hungarian - dark blue plum;
  • renklod - rounded green plum;
  • mirabelle - yellow round plum;
  • thorn - black plum, a close relative.

Despite external differences, all varieties of plums have approximately the same effect on the body: they weaken, cleanse, saturate with potassium and other useful substances. But the differences, although minimal, are still there.

  • Blue fruits contain a greater amount of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, endowed with maximum antioxidant activity. They are recommended to eat for the prevention of cancer. And the use, which is made from the blue Hungarian variety, allows you to improve your hair and prevent the early appearance of gray hair.
  • Black fruits are distinguished by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The diuretic and laxative effect of them is stronger. Also, the "thorn plum" variety contributes to the rooting of loose teeth, lowering blood pressure. It is good to eat when the body is depleted, accompanied by dizziness.
  • Green plums are famous for their sweetness. They have a high nutritional value and rarely cause allergies. Also, these fruits have a milder laxative and diuretic effect, therefore they are recommended for children to eat. But it is unsafe for diabetics to eat renklod, as it contains more sugar.
  • In yellow varieties, nutritional and medicinal properties are harmoniously combined. They have a mild laxative effect, strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the brain. Such plums are useful for pregnant women, as well as children suffering from constipation.

Influence on the female and male body

For women, the most valuable are the cosmetic and dietary properties of plums. With its regular use, weight is reduced, swelling disappears. The pulp of the fruit is great for making anti-aging and nourishing face masks. Many women use fresh plum juice for acid peeling - cleansing the stratum corneum of the skin. Also, the fruit has a beneficial effect on hormonal status, helps restore the balance of hormones, and prevents the development of breast cancer. If sweet fruits are eaten in the second half of the cycle, premenstrual syndrome will be less pronounced, and menstrual bleeding will become less abundant.

For the health of men, plum is useful for its ability to remove bad cholesterol and cleanse the liver. It is no secret that the stronger sex is more inclined to consume fatty foods and alcohol. To avoid problems after the feast, it is recommended to eat dishes with plum sauce or drink plum compote. Dried plum (prune) has a positive effect on potency, helps prevent the development of prostatitis, enhances libido and increases the production of the male hormone testosterone. If a man is an athlete, plums must be present in the diet to saturate the body with potassium and increase muscle contractions during training.


Plum is harmful only with excessive use. The result of overeating is intestinal upset, cramps and pain in the abdomen. Unripe fruits eaten on an empty stomach have a particularly strong laxative effect. For an adult, 5-7 large plums are considered a safe dose, and for a child - 2-3 pieces.


Contraindications include:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • food poisoning and diarrhea;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • enterocolitis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy.

By the way, an allergic reaction to plums is quite rare. And if it does develop, then other rosaceous and birch pollen also cause rejection. This is due to the fact that the proteins in them are identical and equally perceived by the body - as an aggressor.

Useful and harmful properties of bones

The core of the fruit deserves special attention. Plum pits, or rather, hidden inside the nucleoli, have an incomparable bitter taste. They are often added to jam or used to make alcoholic beverages, various sauces, and oils.

Useful properties of plum kernels for the human body are as follows:

  • contain essential oils that help fight ascariasis (worms);
  • relieve cough, effective in the treatment of bronchitis;
  • eating 10 plum kernels a day is a good cancer prevention;
  • seed oil as a cosmetic nourishes the skin and hair, prevents their aging.

Despite this, plum pits can be not only harmful, but even dangerous. They contain the substance amygdalin, which, when ingested, turns into a poison. To neutralize it, before eating, the nucleoli must be thermally processed (boiled or fried at a temperature of at least 75 degrees).

The benefits and harms of plum juice

Among fruit juices, plum is not always found. It is less popular - and completely in vain. It contains more phosphorus and potassium than apple juice or juice, and the benefits to the body are simply enormous.

Plum juice works like this:

  • normalizes pressure;
  • eliminates constipation, weakens;
  • reduces swelling;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • disinfects the mouth and throat;
  • improves mood and appetite;
  • improves the process of growth and development of cells in the body.

Of course, you can not drink plum juice in large quantities. A single dose should not exceed 100 ml. You can drink plum juice 3 times a day (after meals). If you exceed the dose or drink the drink on an empty stomach, you can earn diarrhea, bloating, heartburn.

The benefits and harms of plum jam

Heat treatment destroys useful substances - in plum jam there are about 20% less vitamins than in fresh fruits. However, homemade dessert also benefits the body:

  • due to the content of rutin, it normalizes blood pressure;
  • supports the work of the endocrine system;
  • improves immunity;
  • relieves fever and relieves cough during colds;
  • improves memory;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • helps to improve metabolism;
  • removes excess salts and water.

However, we must not forget that any jam is a high-calorie product. Plum contains about 247 kcal (per 100 grams). If you eat it in large quantities, the weight will increase. And for diabetics, such a dessert is completely contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of plums during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman needs a large dose of nutrients, and plum is their rich source.

Fruits are useful to eat at any time:

  1. In the first trimester, they help prevent the development of birth defects in the fetus. Thanks to the sourness, nausea disappears if the pregnancy proceeds with toxicosis. In addition, the fruit helps to avoid anemia, improves metabolism and helps the woman's body adapt to the increased load.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, draining helps fight swelling. It stimulates the intestines, which, due to the pressure of the uterus, are often in no hurry to empty themselves on time. Fruits are useful for jumping blood pressure, hypertension, polyhydramnios.

During pregnancy, women are allowed to eat about 4-5 plums (100-150 grams) per day. Overeating is fraught with diarrhea, which can provoke uterine tone and premature birth. It is not recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach for heartburn, bloating, flatulence, because they will certainly exacerbate the symptoms.

Plum is a storehouse of potassium, ascorbic acid. It contains rare macronutrients silicon and molybdenum, which are involved in metabolism. In addition, plum fruits, regardless of variety, are famous for their laxative and diuretic effects. When overeating, these beneficial properties turn into harm and pose a threat, especially to young children and people with diseases from the list of contraindications. Nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 5-7 plums per day. Then the fruit will only benefit and no harm.

» Plums

It grows on all continents except Antarctica. According to scientists, about 2000 varieties have been bred among domestic plums. In this article, we will take a closer look at what the benefits are, and what harm plum can cause to the health of men and women.

Plum is a fruit tree that ripens in temperate latitudes. Its fruits are an oblong-shaped single-drupe, which is covered with a thin, usually blue skin..

Plums are available all year round, but the most juicy ones are sold from May to early September. When choosing fruits, follow simple rules:

  • give away preference for firm fruits with a dense skin, regardless of color - yellow, black, white, red or blue;
  • exclude the presence of damaged or immature areas;
  • choose fruits grown in vivo and not in greenhouses;
  • refuse from buying too soft plums, covered with a thin shell.

Medicinal and beneficial properties for human health

Almost all parts of the plum are used - flowers, bark, leaves, seeds and ripe fruits. Due to their composition, fresh and dried fruits have the following beneficial properties:

  1. Memory improvement. Associated with the neutralization of damaged cells.
  2. Protection of blood vessels and their purification from cholesterol plaques. Helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis, lower blood pressure.
  3. Antipyretic effect when used dry.
  4. Strengthening immunity due to the high content of vitamin C.
  5. Regulation of water-salt balance removal of excess fluid from the body.
  6. Maintaining eye health and visual acuity, strengthening the mucous membrane.
  7. Prevention of diseases such as arthritis, heart attack, cancer, asthma.
  8. Stimulation of the digestive tract, increased appetite, lowering the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  9. Nervous system protection, normalization of sleep, getting rid of stress.
  10. Plum masks used for cosmetic purposes. They restore skin elasticity, have a good rejuvenating effect.
  11. Wound healing action when using decoction.
  12. Anxiety reduction, increased production of serotonin.
  13. With iron deficiency anemia.
  14. Risk reduction heart attack.
  15. Youth extension and longevity.

Dried plums have an antipyretic effect. A decoction of plums has wound-healing properties.

Unripe plums will not bring much health benefits. If the taste is too sour, the fruits should be left at room temperature until fully ripe.

Energy value and nutrients

The question is often asked: “How many calories are in plums and can they be consumed while dieting?” The calorie content of plums is on average 42 kilo calories for every 100 grams (3 pcs). This fruit is a low-calorie product that has excellent cleansing abilities.. This feature allows you to answer the exciting question: “Is it possible to lose weight on plums?” Contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iodine and other elements. It should be noted that dried plum (prune) is more nutritious than fresh - 255 kcal.

The fruits are rich in vitamin P, which is of particular value to the body. It reduces the fragility and fragility of capillaries. The vitamin is preserved even after fruit processing.

Useful properties of plums are due to their composition:

  1. Vitamin C. It is directly involved in redox reactions, the absorption of iron, the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Molybdenum.
  3. Silicon required for collagen synthesis.

Plums are recommended to be eaten separately from other foods and drinks in the morning, at least 30 minutes before a meal. In this case, sugar will be used up for the needs of the body, and not stored in reserve. An excess of carbohydrates can lead to the accumulation of body fat.

A combination of plums with a variety of cereals, sour-milk products, honey and apples is acceptable. Do not eat fruit on an empty stomach or drink milk.

In cooking, plum is used to make jam, marmalade, fragrant jelly.. Seasoning for dishes is prepared from the fruits, as well as pleasant plum vodka, tart wine.

Use during pregnancy: benefits and harms

All pregnant women know that plums and especially prunes help fight stool retention. Women in the period of waiting for a baby are often plagued by constipation. It is enough to eat a few fruits a day to get rid of this problem.

The beneficial properties of plums do not end there. What else is the use? The fruit contains important vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the placenta and the condition of its vessels..

Often, pregnant women introduce plums into their diet to reduce bleeding gums. Natural antioxidant allows you to cleanse the body of a woman from free radicals. And masks based on pulp will moisturize the skin, get rid of shallow wrinkles.

The use of steamed prunes in milk is effective against corns and corns. The remedy is applied at night. The next morning, the skin will soften significantly and after a few sessions the problem will disappear.

The presence of folic acid in the plum is of particular value. The water-soluble vitamin is responsible for the absence of defects in the development of the neural tube in the fetus.

Use in traditional medicine for men and women

Traditional healers pay special attention to the plum. Most often used:

  • decoction of flowers with a mild laxative effect;
  • a decoction of the bark and twigs has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant and astringent effect;
  • plum juice with a cold;
  • infusion of leaves and flowers plum is effective for inflammation of the bladder, as well as for hair loss.
  • resin with urolithic pathologies and rashes on the surface of the skin.

As a folk remedy, it is widely used plum leaf tea. Its benefit is manifested in a pronounced sedative, calming effect. With regular use, it will help to relax and relieve accumulated stress.

Plum: negative effects on the body and contraindications

Excessive consumption of plums is dangerous even for a healthy person. Often noted diarrhea, increased acidity in the stomach, the appearance of heartburn. In most cases, the harm from the fruit is associated with immoderation in its use.

At one time, it is unacceptable to consume more than 6 large fruits. Compliance with this simple rule will avoid the occurrence of negative effects.

People should be especially careful when consuming plums:

  • with diabetes and severe obesity, due to high sugar levels;
  • contraindication during exacerbation of gastritis with high levels of acidity;
  • with systemic inflammatory diseases of the joints and muscles, gout, the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • individual intolerance;
  • nursing mothers, since the use of plums can provoke diarrhea and colic in infants. Fruits are excluded, both in natural and dried form.

A large amount of plums eaten by children causes intestinal upset, as well as pain in the epigastric region.

Wash plums thoroughly before using. Their skin is always covered with yeast. Do not use fruits with mold and other lesions.

Features of the use of plum stones

In oriental medicine, preparations based on seeds are widely used. Plum tincture shows positive results in the treatment of bronchitis, prolonged cough, prevention of cancer.

Like any other stone fruit, plum kernels contain amygdalin. Under the action of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, the substance forms hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for the body in large doses. Heat treatment leads to the destruction of harmful substances.

Fatty oils are obtained from plum seeds, which are used along with almonds. They have a pronounced antioxidant property. The oil has a tart aroma of bitter almonds.

For medicinal purposes, not the bones themselves are used, but their nuclei. Ideally, their daily use is recommended, but prior consultation with doctors is necessary. Around the use of plum stones, discussions often arise about their safety.

With the reasonable use of this product, it is possible to strengthen health, improve well-being, and also cleanse the body. Cheerfulness and good mood are provided.
