
Fresh, dried and dried kumquat fruits - what kind of fruit is it and how is it eaten? Kumquat fruit - what is it.

The name of exotic fruits is familiar to many, but the methods of their use are not. The citrus fruit kumquat has been on sale for a long time, how it is eaten and what is cooked with it, as a rule, only those for whom this fruit is not a curiosity know.

How to eat fresh

The fruit is a miniature citrus with a thin peel, which has 4-5 slices and a few seeds. To taste, the fruits resemble sweet tangerines, but at the same time their size does not exceed the size of a chicken egg.

Is the kumquat eaten with or without the skin? The small orange fruit is the only citrus that is consumed along with the peel. At the same time, the taste of the skin and the benefits are not inferior to the pulp. It is correct to eat whole fresh fruits, after washing.

From the fruit you can make juice, ice cream, or a cocktail. Fresh fruits are used to decorate desserts and prepare various dishes, both sweet and hot. The fruit gives dishes an unusual taste and even in finished products it is eaten with a peel.

How much can you eat per day? No more than 300 grams of fruit should be consumed per day. For children, the daily norm is 100 g.

Dried kumquat, as well as fresh, is consumed raw or as part of various dishes. Most often, dried fruits are used to prepare desserts, salads, drinks or hot dishes. Dried fruits should be eaten with the skin on.

Dried fruits go well with alcoholic cocktails and martinis. In Asian countries, it is customary to eat dried fruits as a snack with tea, after dipping them in molasses or liquid honey. In some cases, the fruits are crushed and poured into a teapot to make tea and brew it along with the tea leaves.

Can a Diabetic Eat Dried Fruits? Diabetics should not eat dried kumquat fruits, as they contain a lot of sugars, which can lead to a sharp jump in blood glucose. With such diseases, you need to eat only fresh fruits with a skin.

Dieters should also not include dried fruits in their diet, as they will slow down weight loss, and if consumed excessively, they can provoke the appearance of excessive body fat.

What can you eat with - recipes

Kumquat can be added to almost any dish, salads, sweet and sour sauces, desserts, etc. are prepared with fruits. In some cases, the fruit is used only to add flavor and decorate the dish, while it is not eaten itself.


To prepare a sweet drink, you need 2 liters of pure water, 250 grams of orange fruits and 1 cup of sugar. If desired, you can add ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the compote.

The fruits should be washed well, divided into parts and seeds extracted from them. Prepared fruits are poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes after boiling. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, sugar and spices are added to the drink.

The finished product should be separated from the kumquat fruit and consumed warm or cold.

Note! Hot sugary drinks can cause burns in the mouth. This fact should be taken into account if a drink is offered to a child.

Cooked compote is a tasty drink, but it has few useful substances, as they are destroyed during heat treatment. The beneficial properties of the drink will be higher if you reduce the cooking time or add freshly squeezed citrus juice to the finished product.

sweet gravy

To prepare a sweet sauce, you need to rinse and chop mini oranges into pieces and remove the seeds from them. Seeds getting into the dish give it bitterness.

From 250 ml of water and ½ cup of granulated sugar, it is necessary to boil the syrup, then place the fruits and a cinnamon stick in it, and cook until the fruits are transparent, about 20-30 minutes. Ready sauce can be consumed cold or warm. It goes best with low-fat cottage cheese or melted ice cream.


A kilogram of ripe fruit should be pierced in several places, then, lowered into hot water, brought to a boil. The procedure should be repeated after changing the water.

In a metal container, it is necessary to boil the syrup from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 250 ml of water. When the sugar is completely dissolved in the container, place the prepared citrus fruits and cook them until the syrup thickens.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon to the sugar-fruit mixture. Ready jam can be rolled into jars or immediately served at the table.

pickled fruits

To prepare an unusual dish, rinse about 15 orange fruits well, make several holes in them with a toothpick or fork and put them in a jar of suitable sizes.

For the marinade, heat 100 ml of wine vinegar, add a pinch of salt to it, 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar or honey, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. The resulting solution must be poured over the fruit.

In order for the fruits to marinate well, 48 hours are enough, after which they can be eaten. The marinade should not be discarded, as it can be used to make delicious salad dressings.

Sauce for meat

In 100 ml of dry white wine, add 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and 300 grams of crushed citrus fruits. The resulting mixture should be simmered over low heat until almost all the liquid has evaporated.

Ready-made sauce goes well with lean meat or poultry.

Citrus in cognac

From 250 ml of water and 300 g of granulated sugar, it is necessary to boil the syrup, in which 300 grams of washed fruits, pierced in several places, must be placed. The fruits should be boiled in syrup for 5 minutes, after which the fruits should be separated from the syrup and placed in a jar, and the syrup should be diluted with cognac in a ratio of 1: 1 and pour kumquat over it.

The finished product should be infused for 2 days in a dark place, and then eaten.

Note! The finished dish is forbidden to give to children, as it will harm their body.

Fresh fruit has a pleasant taste, but it should be noted that dishes prepared with citrus fruits may have a specific taste and not everyone will like it. If dishes are prepared for guests, they should be warned that exotic fruits have been used, as they can provoke an allergic reaction.

Of the citrus fruits, the kumquat stands out. It is hard not to notice it and it is simply impossible to pass by. It is bright, juicy, tasty and also very healthy. Unlike many other representatives of this family, this product is consumed together with the peel, which has a pleasant slightly tart taste.

Fabulous tangerine, Japanese orange, food of the sages - these are all the nicknames that the delicious and fragrant kumquat has won.

Description of the miracle fruit

The kumquat is a citrus fruit that is small in size and shaped like a walnut. But not only its appearance is considered atypical for this family. The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that its peel is no less valuable than the pulp, so this fruit is eaten whole without removing the skin.

The taste of kumquat pulp is somewhat sour, somewhat similar to tangerine. And its soft peel is quite thin and sweet with a slight tart flavor.

Beneficial features

This fruit contains a long vitamin range, minerals and pectins. It is thanks to them that kumquat shows its beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the body's resistance to diseases;
  • relieves the symptoms of a cold;
  • exhibits bactericidal and antifungal properties;
  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • is the prevention of peptic ulcers;
  • protects against stress;
  • relieves depression;
  • raises the tone of the body;
  • helps to get rid of apathy;
  • regulates cholesterol levels.
In addition, fresh kumquat, the photo of which is shown in this article, is a dietary product, so it is often recommended to include in the diet of obese people.

Dried fruits

Dried kumquat also has beneficial properties and at the same time they appear much more intensely. In this form, this fruit has a fairly powerful antibacterial effect and helps the body resist viral infections.

On a note! Dried kumquat is not only eaten to quickly recover from colds, but also laid out around the house. In this case, it is the peel that works well, which is placed near an open fire!

The calorie content of dried Japanese orange fruits is small and amounts to no more than 71 kcal. For this reason, it can be used as a dietary supplement, enriching salads, main courses and low-calorie desserts with it.

Dried fruits

Dried kumquat exhibits the same beneficial properties as a fresh product. But fruits that have been processed in a dehydrator or have been in direct sunlight for a long time have the greatest value.

On a note! If the kumquat was first boiled in sugar syrup and only then dried under the sun, then the finished product can only be considered a delicious dessert. There will be no useful qualities in it!

The unpresentable appearance of dried fruits borders on their great value. Dark shriveled fruits will be useful for:

  • retinal diseases;
  • skin rashes;
  • constant exposure to ultraviolet light.

How to use kumquat?

We got acquainted with the useful properties of kumquat, now we should understand how it is eaten. As mentioned above, it is customary to consume this fruit as a whole - along with the peel. At the same time, it is desirable to cut it into small slices.

On a note! When buying, remember that the peel of some varieties, such as the Hong Kong kumquat, can be very acidic, so remove it before use!

As a rule, it is customary to use only sweet varieties in their raw form, but sour ones are not left unattended. Very tasty desserts are obtained from such a fruit: jam, candied fruit, jam, marmalade, etc. These varieties can be preserved, added to sauces that are perfect for meat and fish dishes.


In most cases, kumquat brings great benefits to the body, and it is harmful only with individual intolerance. It is also highly recommended not to consume this fruit in unlimited quantities - 5-6 fruits eaten in the morning will provide the body with all the necessary substances.

In addition, the dried product is contraindicated in kidney diseases and high acidity. During pregnancy and with a tendency to allergies, the use of such fruits should also be discarded.

Kumquat jam

And finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the kumquat jam recipe, which can take one of the first places on your homemade shelf.

To prepare a fragrant dessert, you will need:

  • kumquat fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking process.

  1. Wash the fruit and cut into thin slices, while choosing the bones.
  2. Collect the seeds, put them in a gauze bag and wrap the tip with thread.
  3. Place the kumquat slices in a saucepan and cover with water.
  4. Tie a bag of seeds with a thread in the handle of the lid and also lower it into the pan.
  5. Bring the contents to a boil, reduce the gas supply and cook for 25 minutes.
  6. Check the fruit for readiness and if they are too hard, then cook for about 10 minutes more.
  7. When the fruits are softened enough, the seed bag must be removed and sugar added.
  8. Stir the future jam and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  9. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover and simmer for about half an hour.
  10. Check the jam for readiness: drop a small amount of it on a saucer and send it to the freezer for a minute - if the surface is wrinkled, then the dessert is ready.
  11. The pan should be removed from the stove and left for 5 minutes. After that, pour the jam into jars and roll up.

The benefits of kumquat cannot be overestimated. It is good fresh, dried and processed. Do not forget to include this product in your diet and it will definitely decorate your menu. Be healthy!

Kumquat is translated from Chinese as golden orange. Indeed, in appearance it looks like an orange, but the fruit is much smaller and tastes like a sour tangerine. In addition, kumquats are eaten whole with the skin on. It is a citrus tropical fruit rich in various vitamins and minerals. But, like other citrus fruits, it is a strong allergen and can cause an adverse reaction.

Kumquats are also known as fortunellos, kinkans, or Japanese oranges. The benefits and harms of this product are revealed in the rich composition and the possibility of an allergic reaction. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to correctly introduce the product into the diet of children and follow the dosage. In this article, we will consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of kumquat. We will find out how it is eaten, and whether it can be given to a child or eaten while breastfeeding.

Useful properties of fruit

This fruit contains a high content of ascorbic acid, vitamins E, P and A, group B. In addition, kumquat contains copper, calcium and potassium, sodium and zinc, phosphorus and iron. Here you will find natural essential oils and pectin substances. This composition has a positive effect on the immune system, strengthens the body and restores strength, makes this fruit an effective drug and antidepressant.

Kumquat performs the following useful properties:

  • Forms and enhances immunity. Effectively resists influenza, acute respiratory infections and;
  • Helps with viral diseases, accelerates recovery and recovery of the body after an illness;
  • Fills the body with energy and compensates for the lack of vitamins;
  • Improves the work of digestion and nerve cells;
  • Helps eliminate excess calories and stabilizes weight;
  • Fights bad mood, apathy and depression, gives strength and vigor. Helps with neuralgic disorders;
  • Increases resistance to stress;
  • Kills harmful bacteria and helps with fungal diseases;
  • Stimulates brain activity, increases alertness and efficiency;
  • Normalizes material metabolism and improves the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Dried or dried kumquat is a good prevention of ulcers;
  • Relieves inflammation, sore throat, the first signs of a cold. Helps with cough and runny nose;
  • Strengthens blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of muscles and the heart. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

This is a dietary and low-calorie fruit that contains only 65 kcal per 100 grams of product. Due to its low calorie content, it allows you to reduce excess weight and quickly restore your figure, which is especially important for a nursing mother after the birth of a baby. How to quickly lose weight after childbirth without harm to the baby, see.

Interestingly, the kumquat can be eaten whole with the skin on, unlike other fruits. Dried slices and crusts have a wonderful aroma and antiviral effect. They quickly and effectively eliminate harmful bacteria, fill the space with a pleasant aroma. Therefore, dried kumquats can be laid out in rooms.

What is harmful kumquat and when you can eat it

With improper and excessive use, this fruit causes stomach diseases, as it irritates the mucous membranes. In addition, it can lead to inflammation of the urinary system. But the main danger lies in the allergenicity of citrus fruits. To avoid problems, it is important to consume the product correctly. Let's find out at how many months you can start eating kumquat for children and nursing mothers.

If the mother and baby do not have food allergies and a tendency to these diseases, digestive disorders and stools, a breastfeeding woman can eat fruit no earlier than the third month of lactation. Children are given such a product not earlier than a year. The optimal age of the child is considered to be 1.5-2 years.

With problems in digestion, you can not eat fruits earlier than six months after the start of breastfeeding. In this case, children are not given kumquat before three years. At the same time, the main and more familiar fruits, including apples and pears, apricots and peaches, bananas, melons and oranges, should already be introduced into the diet of both mother and baby.

How to introduce kumquat into the diet while breastfeeding

For the first time, it is better to eat only the pulp without the peel, despite the fact that the latter is edible. If introducing the product into complementary foods for a child, grind the pulp to a puree state. Take fresh fruit. And before eating a kumquat, rinse the fruit thoroughly and remove the seeds from the inside. Try half or one whole teaspoon of crushed pulp, or give the same portion to a baby.

Watch the baby's reaction. If within two days after the first test appeared, remove the product from the menu and contact your pediatrician. You can repeat the attempt to include the fruit in complementary foods after one to two months and only after the permission of the doctor. Introduction to the diet of a nursing mother can be repeated after three to four weeks.

If the allergy does not manifest itself, you can gradually increase the dosage and start eating the fruit with a crust. But don't overeat or overfeed your baby! For children 1-3 years old and a nursing mother, half the fetus is enough no more than twice a week. Do not eat unripe or overripe fruits!

Choosing and using kumquat

Choose fruits with a smooth and shiny orange skin without rot, cracks or dark spots. Fruit should be moderately soft. Avoid too soft or too hard Japanese oranges. The former are overripe, while the latter are not ripe yet. Before storage, the kumquat is thoroughly washed and dried. Store fruits in the refrigerator for no longer than three weeks.

Kumquats can be eaten separately, dried, dried or fresh. However, the product is also suitable for preparing fruit salads, snacks and drinks, desserts and pastries. This fruit makes excellent sauces that effectively complement meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

In addition, kinkans can be put into jams and jams. They have found application as a base for candied fruit, marmalade and other sweets. An exquisite sauce will help to diversify the usual dishes during breastfeeding. To prepare, take:

  • Kumquat - 200 grams;
  • Fresh cranberries - 600 grams;
  • Raisins - 100 grams;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar - 2.5 cups.



How do you eat kumquats? Yes, you should also know this - after all, the benefits that this wonderful fruit will bring you depend on it. But before we talk about how to eat a kumquat correctly, let's remember what it is - a kumquat.

It grows in Southeast Asia, also on the islands of Japan, in China, in the Middle East, and, in some places, in America. This citrus comes from China. Many people know it by the names fortunella or kinkan. Today, the kumquat is widely cultivated and readily used in cooking by the cuisines of various countries and peoples.

Kumquat is not only one of the healthiest and most delicious fruits. It is also an amazingly beautiful tree with golden fruits and a wonderful aroma. It is also grown as an ornamental houseplant. Twigs with small kumquat fruits are used in floristry as decorations for bouquets.

And the kumquat in Japan is one of the symbols of a happy New Year.

A fruit such as kumquat is a rich source of nutrients (in particular, vitamins and essential oils). It contains vitamins C and P, pectin. Kumquat does not contain nitrates. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Helps relieve stress, drive away apathy and depressed mood. It should be noted the content of antifungal substances in it.

From hoary antiquity to the present day, kumquat is willingly used by traditional medicine of eastern peoples. For example, in China, they are treated with fungal infections (kumquat pulp contains furakumarin, a substance with antifungal action). In some Asian countries, the peel of this fruit is placed near the fire, as they believe that the aroma it exudes heals colds and coughs. To combat coughs and colds, kumquat is used in certain areas of China.


The antibacterial properties of the plant help in the prevention and treatment of colds, bacterial and viral diseases.

A tincture prepared from kumquat has long been successfully used in Chinese medicine in the treatment of coughs. Such a tincture gives an even greater effect in combination with honey.

The essential oil extracted from the fruit is used to improve the respiratory tract.

In Chinese medicine, the antifungal properties of the plant, which furocoumarin provides, have long been used. It also helps to cope with pustular infections.

The juice squeezed from the fruit perfectly whitens age spots and freckles. It is often added to creams. But even more often they use raw juice, the effect of it is visible as a result of the first procedure.

But since this fruit is valued primarily for its taste and useful qualities, let's turn to our question - how do they eat it?

The peel of the kumquat is thin and sweet in taste, so the fruit is consumed whole, cutting it into thin slices. When you buy a kumquat, be aware that Hong Kong fruits have the most edible pulp, while others have it sometimes so sour that only the skin can be eaten. I want to note that Asian culinary specialists are aware of how to successfully use even such fruits.

I would also like to say a few words about how it is prepared. Sweet fruits are eaten raw, and sour fruits are used to make jam, marmalade or candied fruit. Kumquat is used in the manufacture of canned food, added to salads, used in the preparation of various dishes from poultry and meat. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a dish as black cod, when it is wrapped around the edges with golden kumquat fruits.

In Europe, kumquat is becoming increasingly popular today as a martini snack - it can successfully replace olives, serve as an ingredient for salad.

Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the fruits of kinkan. This product is obtained as a result of long cooking of sweet and sour fruit slices in molasses syrup. Candied kumquats are widely used in fragrant pastries: muffins and biscuits, in rich cakes and yeast dough.

Candied fruits of this plant are very high in calories, unlike fresh fruits: 100 grams of kinkan sweets contain up to 284 kcal!

It is very difficult to find fresh kumquats in our country: basically, this fruit is sold in dried or “candied” versions. By the way, similarly to unprocessed fruit, candied fruits of this plant quickly cope with a hangover and are effective for beriberi.

Dried fruits are also on sale. This interesting product is obtained with the help of a dehydrator, or as a result of natural drying of citrus in the sun. Dried kumquat preserves all useful minerals and vitamins, especially pectin, which is why it is not cheap.

True, the dried kumquat does not look very presentable: dark and wrinkled, but incredibly tasty. It is usually supplied by large companies specializing in the production of healthy foods, sold in the form of snacks.

What is useful kumquat in diets for weight loss?

Kumquat normalizes digestion processes, speeds up metabolism, and this is very important for weight loss. In addition, the fruit contains few calories: 71 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, the fruit is great for various diets.

Scientists from the University of London conducted an experiment and found that the daily consumption of sweet and sour fruits helps to get rid of an average of 5 kg per month. The fact is that kumquat contains a special compound that burns extra pounds.

It also includes vitamins that have a positive effect on metabolism - this is the secret to losing weight. It turns out that in order to lose weight, it is enough to eat several kumquat fruits daily. And this, in fact, is not a diet.

Since the kumquat contains few calories, improves metabolism, removes excess fluid and saturates well, the fruit is the best choice for eating during a diet. How to lose weight with this fruit? Everything is very simple. It should be added to various fish, meat dishes and salads, make sauces from the pulp, drink fruit juice and use it as a snack. During a diet with this fruit, you can eat various foods, except for fatty ones. And also you can not eat muffins and sweets.

That is, dairy and sour-milk products should be low in fat content, it is better to choose veal, chicken and beef from meat, eat only rye and whole grain bread. Losing weight on such a diet is very comfortable, it is easy to carry it.

The kumquat diet menu can be anything, the main thing is to eat more of this delicious fruit in the diet. Moreover, there are many recipes with kumquat. These are desserts, soups, salads and other interesting and tasty dishes. It will take several weeks to lose weight on such a diet, as the weight will not go away very quickly. Although it all depends on the initial weight.

Kumquat is a citrus fruit that resembles an orange. Kumquats are slightly larger than grapes. This fruit has a peculiarity - its peel is sweet, and the flesh is tart and sour.

The kumquat has edible peel, flesh, and even seeds, although they have a bitter taste.

Kumquat is used in cooking. It is used to make sauces, jams, jellies, marmalade, candied fruits, juices and marinades. Kumquat is added to pies, cakes, ice cream and salads, used as a side dish and seasoning for meat and seafood dishes. The fruits are canned, pickled, baked and eaten raw.

The composition and calorie content of kumquat

The composition of kumquat is rich in useful and nutritious substances. It contains many essential oils, including limonene, pinene and monoterpene.

Kumquat contains fiber, omega-3s, flavonoids, and phytosterols.

Composition 100 gr. kumquat as a percentage of the daily norm is presented below.


  • C - 73%;
  • A - 6%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B2 - 2%;
  • B3 - 2%.


Calorie content of kumquat - 71 kcal per 100 gr.

Kumquat is used as a medicine, as it prevents heart disease, normalizes bowel function and strengthens the immune system.

For the bones

As we age, bones become more fragile and weak. Kumquat will help to avoid thinning of bone tissue. Calcium and magnesium in its composition strengthen bones, make them strong and healthy, and also prevent the development of osteoporosis and arthritis.

For the heart and blood vessels

High levels of cholesterol in the body lead to hypertension. Cholesterol interferes with blood flow, forming plaque in the arteries, clotting blood in the veins, which can cause stroke and cardiac arrest. Kumquat contains phytosterols, which have a structure similar to cholesterol. They block its absorption by the body and lower blood cholesterol levels.

The fiber in kumquat optimizes the balance of glucose and insulin in the body, eliminating the causes of diabetes.

A stable production of red blood cells by the body is important to prevent anemia. This is facilitated by iron, which is contained in kumquat.

For eyes

Kumquats are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which affect the quality of vision. Beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant and reduces oxidation in the eye cells, preventing macular degeneration and cataract development.

For bronchi

Eating kumquat, which is rich in vitamin C, relieves colds, flu and respiratory problems accompanied by coughs and sore throats.

For teeth and gums

To keep your mouth healthy, brushing your teeth twice a day is not enough. You should regularly eat foods rich in vitamins and calcium. One such product is the kumquat. It strengthens teeth and keeps gums healthy.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Fiber in the composition of kumquat normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of the fruit, you can cope with constipation, diarrhea, gas formation, bloating and eliminate stomach cramps.

For kidneys and bladder

Kumquat contains a lot of citric acid. It supports the health of the kidneys, normalizes their work and prevents the formation of kidney stones. These properties make kumquat beneficial for the urinary system.

For skin

Exposure to the sun on the skin leads to the formation of wrinkles, age spots, roughness and the development of skin diseases. Antioxidants in kumquat protect the skin from harmful effects and prevent premature aging.

Vitamin C, calcium and potassium in kumquat strengthen hair. Eating the fruit will make your hair strong and healthy, as well as reduce hair loss.
