
Soaked cranberries and soaked cranberries. Ancient secrets of urinating berries: preserving valuable qualities

wooden barrels and clay pots, outdoor cellars and home underground ...

For many centuries, villagers have known how to prepare lingonberries so that they retain all the vitamins and do not deteriorate.

Nowadays, most people live in high-rise buildings and the possibilities are not the same, but you can still keep lingonberries at home.

Thanks to organic acids (especially benzoic), which are part of lingonberries, they can be stored for several months without any processing.

At room temperature

You need to prepare a cardboard box and put it in the walls maximum amount holes. We place a sheet of paper on the bottom and lay the lingonberries on it.

They should be red but not overripe. If there are berries with white barrels, you can put them there, they will then ripen.

Green berries do not need to be collected or placed in a common box. They still won't blush.

Then we also lay the second layer with paper, the third, etc. and put in a dry ventilated place. After a month, you need to check and remove rotten berries, if they appear.

In a refrigerator

Here lingonberries can stand up to three months. Pour the washed and dried berries into Plastic container and put in the compartment with vegetables and fruits. After a couple of months, you can go over and check.

But in such a pristine form, it will not work to save lingonberries until next summer, so our great-grandmothers used different ways, allowing you to save this beautiful forest berry:

  • urination
  • freezing
  • sugaring
  • drying
  • boiling
  • soaring
  • drying

Recipes for soaked lingonberries with sugar

For any soaking recipe, the preparation should be the same. All berries need to be examined and selected only firm, ripe, without defects.
Wash them and remove the stems.

The classic recipe for soaked lingonberries

Step by step:

  • We examine and sort out the berries. Bad - to the side, pour the good into a colander and rinse thoroughly.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, boil, add sugar and salt.
    Per liter of water - 2 tablespoons of sugar and a little more than half a teaspoon of salt. Cool the resulting syrup.
  • We sterilize the jars and put the washed lingonberries there.

Optionally, you can add 200 g of apples per 1 kg of lingonberries. It is advisable to choose a variety of apples from these four:
Zelenka; Simirenko; Titovka; Antonovka.

  • We take a bowl and mix lingonberries in it with apple slices and then pour into jars. For taste and vitamins, we put a few lingonberry leaves there. Spice lovers can put 3 clove buds on 1 kg of berries.
  • Pour in the cooled syrup and cover with plastic lids.

In addition to cloves, you can diversify the syrup cinnamon sticks, finely chopped pieces of ginger, allspice or a small piece chili pepper.

Wherever possible, it is better to use oppression, then the process of urination will be faster. You can’t put oppression in banks, so you’ll have to insist for about a month. And if soaked in wooden barrel, but under oppression, then in ten days our lingonberries are ready for use.

It is better to store in a cool place, but if there is none, then you can do it at home, away from the battery.

Very well, the whole process of soaking lingonberries in a cold way was shown by Lyudmila Gruntova in her video

Recipes for soaked lingonberries without sugar

For those who are completely healthy eating, there is a recipe for soaked lingonberries without cooking and without adding sugar. If we prepare for long term, until the end of winter, it is important to try some water once a month and, if it starts to turn sour, renew it in time.

Benzoic acid protects only berries, it may not be enough for more.

It is done very simply, and at the output we get natural vitamins, so necessary for the body during winter and spring beriberi.

  • Wash in a colander good berries and fill 1⁄3 jars with them.
  • Fill to the brim boiled water room temperature.
  • We close the lid with holes or gauze and insist the drink for at least a week.
  • As we use it, we replace what was poured from the can with the same amount of boiled water. Each time, the concentration and, accordingly, the benefits of lingonberry water will decrease.

Soaked cranberries with honey

Bittersweet lingonberries sprinkled with sweet honey are considered to be royal dish. A good substitute for jam, stuffing for pies, pancakes and just delicious medicine from colds and a dozen other diseases!

Ingredients: 1 kg of berries. 100 ml honey and water ( liter jar). You can add cinnamon or cloves.

  • Cooking syrup. Pour honey with water and put on fire. Add 3 grams of salt (a third of a teaspoon) and stir. Do not forget to remove the foam that appears. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and cool.
  • Add spices and pour the syrup into a jar of lingonberries.
  • Close the lid and insist a week in a dark place. Subsequently, it is better to store in a cool cellar or in the refrigerator.

Soaked cranberries with salt

For those who want to diversify meat dishes, lingonberries can be used as a sauce. He will give delicious taste any side dish, and will also go well with poultry, beef or pork.

The recipe will be like this:

  1. 1 kg of berries and 1 liter of water.
  2. Tablespoon of salt.
  3. Half a teaspoon of sugar.
  4. Any spice of your choice.

Step by step:

  • We also select my lingonberries.
  • We fill it in our containers (jars or tubs)
  • We prepare the brine: put salt, cloves and sugar in boiling water.
  • Cool and pour it into jars.
  • It takes two weeks to insist. Do not forget that in tubs under oppression, the sauce cooks twice as fast.

Soaked cranberries And soaked cranberries- one of the most simple ways blanks that allow you to keep these berries until winter or spring almost in their original and almost fresh form.

The main advantage of this method is that the appearance and taste of the berries remain unchanged, and the main inconvenience is that to store jars with soaked berries you need it in a cold place, but at a positive temperature, which means that in urban conditions only in a refrigerator, in which space is limited. However, it seems to us that it would still be good to have two or three cans of lingonberries and a jar of cranberries in the refrigerator. When choosing which berries you will soak, you need to remember that cranberries are much more acidic than lingonberries, and therefore more limited in future use. Soaked lingonberries are good for decorating homemade cakes, desserts, tartlets with meat salads - just generously sprinkle with berries on top. Cranberries for these purposes should be used with great care, literally a few berries, otherwise its sharp sour taste may ruin your meal. But by adding a few freshly crushed cranberries to a layer of sweet cake, you get an amazing sour taste. And both lingonberries and cranberries can be added as an ingredient in some meat salads. Soaked lingonberries and soaked cranberries are made in the same way. We took photos for this recipe when we soaked lingonberries.

Need to:

  • Lingonberries (or cranberries) - 4-5 glasses (standard, 200 ml)
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 5 tablespoons
  • Cloves - 10 pieces (just in case, for "culinary dummies", we clarify: we do not mean flowers, but the fragrant spice of the same name, which is sold in small bags, like all spices, in grocery stores)
  • Allspice peas - 4-5 peas

In addition, you will need 2 glass jars with screw caps with a volume of 0.6-0.8 liters.


We remind you that for lingonberries and cranberries the process is the same. For soaking, we select the most beautiful, strong, large berries. The berries need to be washed and sorted out (we already wrote about how to do this in the lingonberry jam recipe, you can see this). Selected and washed raw water before soaking, the berries should be washed with chilled boiled water (fill them with cold boiled water in a clean bowl and slightly “chat” with your hands there), after that we throw the berries into a colander and let the water drain.

Pour a liter of water into a ladle or a small saucepan, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add sugar, cloves and allspice, stir so that the sugar dissolves completely. Reduce heat and boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn off the stove, remove and discard the cloves and peas allspice. The resulting syrup (syrup here is a conditional concept, it is not very sweet, but somehow the resulting liquid must be called - not brine!) Cool to room temperature.

Pour berries into clean, dry jars, while the jar should not be completely filled with them, the berries occupy 2/3 or 3/4 of the jar volume.

Pour the berries in jars with chilled syrup - now our jars are full, the berries, as a rule, float to the surface.

We twist the lids on the jars and put them in the refrigerator, (or soaked cranberries) are ready.

At the end of summer, the berry ripening season begins. One of the most delicious and healthy is lingonberries. These useful seasonal berries are rich in vitamins and substances useful for the human body. In order to fully reveal the full potential of the berries, you need to properly process them and save them for the winter. One of the easiest ways is a recipe soaked cranberries at home.

The most delicious and useful is fresh cranberries. Its sour berries have an incredible aroma and original taste. Culinaries around the world add it to sauces intended for serving with meat, fish and mushroom dishes. Good lingonberries and in a sweet form. Desserts are often made from it and harvested in the form of jam or jam. Ripe red berries make delicious, fragrant compotes and seas.

Sometimes it happens that in the forest you can collect a whole "mountain" fresh berries, therefore, so that they do not deteriorate, you need to know how to save lingonberries for the winter. It is at this time of the year that our body needs it most. In winter, due to a lack of vitamins, it is weakened and prone to various unpleasant diseases. The use of lingonberries helps to saturate the body with vitamins, and also helps to cope with viral diseases.

The fruits contain a large number of acids that act as an antiseptic. It is thanks to them that fresh berries can be stored.

The process of preserving berries for the winter:

Culinary invented great amount how to soak lingonberries for drinking. All of them allow you to get a tasty and vitamin-rich product.

A berry harvested in this way can stand without problems until the next season. Its pleasant feature is that with each month of storage it only gets better and tastier.

This method of storing lingonberries for the winter is the most reliable proven by many generations of lovers of this berry. IN cold period years from it you can cook not only compotes, fruit drinks, but also sauces.

For the preparation of soaked lingonberries you will need the following ingredients: 5 kg fresh berries, 2.5 l clean water, 500 g sugar (can be replaced with the same amount of honey), salt, cinnamon, cloves.

The cooking process is simple and consists of the following steps:

Classic variant

This recipe uses minimal amount sugar, which allows finished product with a slight sourness. If desired, any fruit, such as apples, can be added to the dish. For the preparation of soaked lingonberries classic recipe you need: 1 kg of fresh berries, 150 g of sugar, one apple (optional), 2 g of salt, 1 liter of water.


Soaked with salt

This recipe involves the use of a large amount of salt, which gives the finished product a specific taste. To prepare for one kilogram of berries you need: a liter of water, 20 g of salt, granulated sugar, cloves.

Cooking option:

Honey is a wonderful natural and very useful substitute Sahara. It can be added to almost all dishes. Soaked lingonberries were no exception. In the process of work, the following products are used: 100 g flower honey, 1 kg of cranberries, water, salt, cloves, cinnamon stick.

Preparation method:

  1. Washed and sterilized containers are filled to the top with lingonberries.
  2. The jars contain all the spices used.
  3. Banks are filled with cooled boiled water.
  4. After two minutes, the liquid is drained into a separate bowl.
  5. Honey and salt are added to it.
  6. The mixture is heated until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  7. Berries are poured with ready-made syrup.
  8. Banks are closed and sent to a cool and at the same time dark place.

Spicy preparation

From the name, it is easy to guess that the recipe uses a large amount fragrant spices. At the right combination they will not only add spice to the finished product, but also give a special spicy aroma. To make this delicacy, you need: lingonberries, water, cloves, allspice-peas, cinnamon stick, salt, granulated sugar.

Such preparation is made as follows:

Other storage methods

Cowberry is seasonal berry, so without additional processing it won't last until winter. Because of this, the hostesses came up with several effective ways preservation of berries.

Preservation in syrup

Storage of lingonberries at home can be done together with other fruits or berries. Apples, pears, cranberries are perfect for these purposes. To harvest berries for the winter, the following products are needed: at least 5 kilograms of lingonberries, 2 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of sugar, 50 ml of lemon juice.

Step by step cooking recipe:

One of better ways storing lingonberries at home is grinding with sugar. The finished product is very sweet and aromatic. For its preparation you will need: two kilograms granulated sugar and cranberries.

This delicacy is prepared as follows:

  1. Selected berries are transferred to a colander and washed several times cold water.
  2. After draining the water, the berries are mixed with sugar.
  3. Both ingredients are thoroughly mixed. This process is done without much care, since most of the berries should be crushed.
  4. The vitamin mixture is laid out in pre-washed and sterilized jars.
  5. The containers are closed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

quick jam

Everyone loves jam, regardless of age and social status. Especially tasty it is obtained from lingonberries. To prepare it, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. The berries are sorted and plant debris is removed from them.
  2. Lingonberries are washed running water and dries up.
  3. Prepared berries are placed in a pot of boiling water and boiled for no more than three minutes.
  4. After that, they are removed and cooled with cold water.
  5. Sugar is added to the remaining liquid.
  6. After boiling, chilled fruits are added to it.
  7. The jam is cooked for the first 10 minutes over high heat. During the cooking process, the resulting foam is necessarily removed.
  8. After ten minutes, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the jam is cooked for another third of an hour.
  9. The thickened product is removed from the stove and infused for twelve hours.
  10. After that, the jam is laid out in jars and sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Lingonberries have been harvested for many centuries. During this time there have been many useful tips and recommendations. In no case do not neglect them, as they will help you avoid most mistakes and make a delicious finished product. Among them it is worth noting the following:

Soaked lingonberries are one of the best ways to harvest this berry at home. If you follow the advice of professionals, you can get a unique vitamin product not only for you, but also for your family members. Don't be afraid to experiment and try various options cooking.

Attention, only TODAY!

The time has come to collect lingonberries, which means you need to hurry up to collect more of them and prepare them for the winter. Lingonberries are very useful and delicious berry. There are a huge number of ways to process it, you must definitely use this and have time to cook yourself delicious lingonberry stocks. One of the recipes for its excellent preservation for the whole winter is urinating lingonberries V plain water. It remains natural, retains its taste, color and all useful material. Soaked lingonberries can be eaten just like that, you can cook a side dish from it for meat dishes and also used in baking. And lingonberry water is also very healthy and tasty, and you can constantly drink it by adding fresh water so that the berries are always covered with water.


To prepare soaked lingonberries you will need:

***Everything is taken in any quantity.

lingonberries - a whole jar;

water - to cover the entire berry;

sugar, cinnamon - to taste (optional).

Cooking steps

Close the jar with lingonberries with a regular lid and put it in cool place. In this form, soaked lingonberries can be stored for 1 year. If you leave the bank at room temperature, the shelf life is reduced.

Bon appetit and eat more vitamins in winter!
