
A mixture of nuts dried fruits honey. How to get a useful product? Rules for the use of a vitamin course

Strong immunity is the basis of human health. If the defenses for one reason or another are reduced, then the risk of diseases of various organs and systems of the body increases. Among the most effective means to increase immunity is a vitamin mixture of dried fruits. Dry fruits are especially useful in winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamins. A mixture of dried fruits can be used to strengthen the immune system in both adults and children.

Benefits of dried fruit mix

Doctors and nutritionists recommend including a variety of dry fruits and berries in your daily diet, which have many beneficial properties. Any dried fruits contain various vitamins and microelements, mineral salts and organic acids, as well as fiber, pectin and other substances that are very important for our body. Dried apricots, prunes and raisins are especially significant and valuable products. It is these ingredients that are usually included in the vitamin mixture, which is used to increase immunity.

Dried apricots

Dried pitted apricots contain a large amount of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and a number of other trace elements. Dried apricots are also highly valued for the presence of vitamins A, C, E and group B. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), dry apricots are the strongest natural antioxidant. Dried apricots help to remove toxins, toxins and bad cholesterol from the body. Regular use of dried apricots increases the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses.


Plums of different varieties in dried form are as useful as dried apricots. Prunes contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E and K. This product is rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and other trace elements. Dried plum is famous for the presence in its composition of dietary fiber necessary for human life. Doctors advise eating prunes to strengthen the immune system, normalize the digestive system, improve the body's water-salt balance.


Dry grapes, like other components of the vitamin mixture, also have strengthening, preventive and healing properties. Due to the high content of vitamins C, K and group B, as well as organic acids and various microelements, raisins can improve immunity. Dried grapes are a very strong natural antioxidant. Among the main advantages of raisins is a calming effect. Dried grapes can relieve nervousness and irritability.

Honey, lemon and walnuts

As a rule, honey, fresh lemon and walnuts are added to the vitamin mixture of dried fruits that increase immunity. In combination with these food products, the beneficial effect of dry fruits on the human body and its immune system increases markedly. Walnut contains various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. It contains phytoncides - biologically active substances that can destroy harmful microbes in the human body.

The huge benefits of bee honey have been known since ancient times. This tasty and very healthy product is a natural source of vitality, energy, health and longevity. Experts say that honey contains more than 100 substances and elements necessary for humans. It consists mainly of simple carbohydrates, which are fairly quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Honey is famous for its antibacterial, antiviral and antihistamine properties.

Recipe for the mixture

Usually, to prepare a vitamin mixture that enhances immunity, dried fruits are taken in equal amounts. However, this ratio of ingredients is not strictly fundamental. Dried apricots, prunes or raisins may well predominate in the prepared mixture. In any case, you get a healing composition, which will be a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. A mixture based on dried fruits, taken in arbitrary proportions, can significantly strengthen the immune system.

To prepare a healing composition, you can take:

  • a glass of prunes;
  • a glass of dried apricots;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • medium sized lemon;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • half a glass of honey.

Before preparing the vitamin mixture, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the dried fruits and pour them with warm water for 20-30 minutes. The lemon should be washed, cut into several slices, after which all the seeds must be removed from it. Then dried fruits, lemon with zest and walnuts are passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. The resulting mixture is stirred (for this purpose it is advisable to use a wooden spoon) and poured with liquid honey.

Other ingredients can be added to the mixture. Dried figs, dates, dried persimmons will be quite appropriate. Owners of garden plots can dry grown apples, pears, blackcurrants, and raspberries in the summer. These fruits and berries also have beneficial properties. Walnuts can be supplemented with hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts or hazelnuts. Each of these gifts of nature contains various vitamins and nutrients.

How to take a vitamin mixture correctly

The finished composition is recommended to be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. The mixture should be taken before meals or in between meals 3 times a day, one teaspoon or dessert spoon. For those whose body is weakened after an illness, you can increase the daily rate to 4-5 tablespoons. Do not use the mixture after 18 hours. Prunes and walnuts are considered heavy foods, so they must be digested in the stomach before going to bed.

After the mixture is finished, it can be prepared again according to the same recipe. After 2-3 weeks of taking this remedy, you should take a week break. People with severely weakened immune systems are recommended to take the medicinal composition continuously for two months. Then you need to take a break for 1 week. A mixture based on dried fruits can be given to a child from the age of 3 if he does not have allergic reactions to nuts, dried fruits or honey containing plant pollen.

During the period of colds and viral diseases, it is important to eat various vitamin mixtures to strengthen the immune system, and it also helps to enrich the body with vitamins and useful trace elements. Of course, it is better to strengthen the immune system with the help of folk methods and remedies, for example, a mixture of honey with nuts and dried fruits is considered one of the most effective and useful.

The benefits of a mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey

Thanks to these ingredients, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. A mixture of nuts and honey energizes for the whole day, good for the cardiovascular system, because. dried fruits are rich in potassium, activates the brain.

To prepare a healthy mixture, you can select completely different components, each of which is useful for the body in its own way, for example:

  • Dried apricots help cleanse the blood vessels, thereby contributing to the normalization of the heart, and a positive effect on digestion.
  • Prunes stabilize the pressure and work of the digestive tract.
  • Raisins strengthen the immune system, help the body fight colds and viral diseases.
  • Nuts, due to their chemical composition, activate the brain, enrich the body with essential minerals and unsaturated acids, and should be eaten to prevent hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Brazil nuts and pecans, which contain selenium, are considered a preventive food against cancer.
  • Honey is a prophylactic and stimulant, and for a mixture with nuts and dried fruits, it is a preservative.

How to get a useful product?

Dried fruits and nuts will need 200 g each, as well as:

  1. Liquid honey - 1 cup
  2. Prunes
  3. Dried apricots
  4. Mix of nuts
  5. Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Rinse dried fruits well and soak for about 10 minutes. in hot water.
  • Bake the nuts at 180°C for 5 minutes. Peanuts need to be peeled off.
  • Honey is needed liquid, if it is sugared, it must be heated in a water bath to a liquid state. The main thing is not to overdo the honey, because. during heat treatment, the product loses its useful properties.
  • Wash the lemon and remove the pits.
  • Dates, figs or a little ginger can be added if desired.
  • Dry the soaked dried fruits with a towel. Place everything except honey in a blender or meat grinder. Mix the resulting mixture with honey, place in jars with a tight lid for storage in the refrigerator.

The vitamin mixture is prepared quickly enough and stored for a long time, the main thing is to protect it from exposure to sunlight and air ingress into the container in which it will be stored.

Eating a fruit and nut mixture with honey

  • Since honey with nuts and dried fruits is quite a high-calorie mixture, and in large quantities it can cause an allergic reaction, you should not abuse the product.
  • The daily dose should not exceed 4 tbsp. To strengthen immunity and prevent diseases, it is enough to use the product 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. one hour before meals.
  • The vitamin mixture saturates the body with energy and gives strength, you should not use it at night, because insomnia may occur. Also, it is not recommended to give to children under 3 years old, and for older children, 1 tsp is enough. per day.
  • The mixture is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems, diabetics and asthmatics, and people with individual intolerance to honey should not use the product.

This mixture is recommended for people with reduced immunity, athletes, as well as people involved in hard physical labor. But before taking the vitamin complex regularly, you should consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications or individual intolerance to any component.

In the off-season, a cold is a frequent occurrence, and many people begin to look for quick ways to eliminate unpleasant manifestations and support the immune system. A tasty and healthy drug is a mixture of dried fruits to increase immunity, and choosing a recipe is easy, because you can diversify by including ingredients: lemon, honey, dried apricots, nuts. For children - in the form of a paste to increase immunity, as opposed to harmful sweets. Simple recipes are known, but the rules of admission and contraindications must be taken into account.

Dried fruits are a tasty alternative to vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies. The body will gradually be saturated with vitamins and microelements. A fortified mixture for immunity from dried fruits will be very useful in the fall, when the season of abundant greens, vegetables, and fresh fruits on the table is coming to an end.

  • An increase in hemoglobin in the blood.
  • A burst of energy.
  • Providing a powerful effect to stimulate the immune system.
  • Beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart.
  • Saturation of the body with minerals (potassium, magnesium).
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Cleansing vessels from toxins.
  • Increasing physical endurance.

The fortified mixture is quite suitable for taking babies, because it contains only natural products. According to nutritionists, this is an excellent drug as a healthy diet, a help in preventing colds. As part of dried fruits to improve immunity - organic acids and mineral salts - important elements for the body:

  • Dried apricots contain calcium, iron, magnesium, fructose and glucose, tones blood vessels, quickly removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  • Prunes with a lot of fiber normalize metabolic processes, improve digestion, eliminate constipation, and other problems with the intestines.
  • Raisins are an excellent nourishment for the brain, heart and kidneys, and will help strengthen teeth (gums), which is important for children at an early age.
  • Nuts are an excellent antioxidant with polyunsaturated fats, a high content (%) of vitamin E, which must be consumed constantly by patients in order to prevent cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

REFERENCE! The main thing is to choose a recipe for yourself to taste. It is not necessary to include all the ingredients at once. You can add raisins and honey, also prunes, dried apricots, if desired, add a little sourness to the composition.

Classic recipe

As part of the vitamin complex:

  • Dried fruits, the nutritional value of which is not lower than that of fresh fruits.
  • Honey as an important trace element, an invaluable source of energy for normalizing metabolism, strengthening the heart muscle, expanding blood vessels.

Dried fruits with honey is an excellent combination in a mixture of dried fruits in the off-season. It will help to equip the body with energy, nourish all the cells of the brain. Adding dried apricots, prunes will balance the vitamin supplement. Step-by-step instructions for preparing a classic recipe for raising immunity:

  1. Rinse dried apricots and prunes.
  2. Remove greasy film.
  3. Put on a napkin, dry.
  4. Grind using a meat grinder or blender, you can finely cut into cubes.
  5. Mix ingredients.
  6. Place in a glass container.
  7. Remove to refrigerator.

On a note! Should be treated with caution to honey supplement. The product may cause allergies, skin rashes. You can include nuts, dried apricots, dried dates, raisins, prunes, berry jam instead of honey. The main thing is not to grind the components into crumbs. It is better to twist the composition in a blender, having previously peeled the husks from the nuts.

Step-by-step recipe for making a mixture of "5-potassium dope"

The recipe for a vitamin mixture of dried fruits is a real miracle, and it only takes 15 minutes to prepare. In the composition - 5 components: lemon, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins. According to the astronauts, this is a 5-potassium dope, since all the ingredients contain potassium, which is indispensable for heart function and increased muscle tone.

So, for cooking:

  1. Rinse dried apricots, raisins (100 g) with hot water.
  2. Grind.
  3. Remove the seeds from the lemon, remove the peel from the nuts, free from the shell, partitions.
  4. Lightly dry the nuts in a frying pan.
  5. Steam honey (250 g) for liquefaction and ease of adding to the components.
  6. Twist the lemon, nuts (250 g) in a meat grinder.
  7. Add honey to get a balanced proportion to the maximum.

Popular Recipes

If desired, you can add any favorite dried fruits, but first remove the seeds (bananas, dates, figs, ginger, cranberries).
Any nuts will do: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds. For kids, you can prepare a composition of dried fruits and nuts by rolling into balls, roll in coconut flakes and keep lightly in the refrigerator. The vitamin complex is useful for children and adults as an excellent alternative to useless sweets.

A miracle mixture, dried fruits with honey to increase immunity can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Mix ginger with dried apricots.
  2. Add lemon, honey to taste.

REFERENCE! A mixture of dried fruits is a rather heavy food for the stomach. It is undesirable to take more than 8 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. The composition is multicomponent, therefore, take into account the scheme of application and dosage.

Recipes from dried fruits can be prepared taking into account individual preferences, characteristics of the body. Raisins and dried apricots can be replaced with other acceptable dried fruits, such as dates. So ginger tea is an excellent help in the off-season for people suffering from a runny nose, colds.

with ginger

  • It has analgesic, expectorant, diaphoretic, antiemetic properties.
  • Clears the blood of cholesterol.
  • Normalizes blood circulation.
  • Removes toxins from the body.

To enhance the effect of ginger, you can add a little garlic. Root - small cubes or grate. Next - pour boiling water, leave for 3 minutes, drink warm with the addition of honey.

with figs

Figs are a source of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Regular use contributes to: lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, improving immunity. This is a great product for colds and coughs, to boost the immune system. Recipe for making delicious tea:

  1. Ginger (root) 3 pcs. pour water (1.5 l).
  2. Add lemon (5 pcs.), Sugar (1 tbsp. L), honey, orange zest (1/4 part).
  3. Peel 0.5 lemon from the peel, cut into 4 parts.
  4. Boil water, lower figs, orange, lemon.
  5. Boil for 2-3 minutes, insist 15 minutes.
  6. Take it warm.

With prunes

This product is a laxative, it will quickly cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. Ingredients: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins (C, B) to normalize blood pressure, cleanse the body of toxins. To prepare the mixture you will need:

  1. Rinse dried prunes, figs and dried apricots (300 g) with warm water, get rid of the greasy film.
  2. Lay out on a paper towel to dry.
  3. Finely chop in a blender or cut into pieces.
  4. Add honey (150 g), mix.
  5. Place in a glass container and refrigerate.
  6. Apply 1-2 tbsp. l. up to 5 times a day.

With lemon

Lemon is an inexhaustible source of vitamin C for toning, strengthening metabolism, and increasing hemoglobin. Classic recipe with dried fruits:

  1. Rinse products, chop.
  2. Add honey (200 g) and lemon (1 pc). You can cut into cubes or squeeze the zest.

To maximize the preservation of vitamins, experts advise using lemon together with the peel.

with raisins

Raisins or dried grapes are a source of proteins, fats to increase physical endurance, saturate the body with iron, calcium and magnesium, cleanse blood vessels, which is important for women during lactation. To prepare a recipe:

  1. Remove the seeds from the lemon, cut into slices.
  2. Grind dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, nuts) in a blender, add liquid honey.
  3. Mix the contents, arrange in jars.
  4. Remove to refrigerator.

Take 3 times before meals for 1 tbsp. l.

With nuts

A dried fruit vitamin blend is not complete without the addition of walnuts or almonds with unique health benefits to achieve a balanced composition. So the recipe:

  1. Take nuts, using only fresh.
  2. Add pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
  3. Rinse dried fruits: figs, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried cranberries.
  4. Twist in a meat grinder.
  5. Add honey, a little vanilla.

Mix the ingredients, you can season with honey to taste. Do not crush the nuts into crumbs when mixing all the ingredients. Honey should be added last. If you add a little cranberry, currant or mountain ash, then the taste will turn out just excellent.
Cooking takes no more than 15 minutes, but you need to store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Take a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, honey for immunity, preferably between meals, 2 tsp. With a cold or freezing of the body, you can slightly increase the dosage - up to 3 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is 1 month. After 10-12 days, the course of taking the vitamin mixture can be resumed.

On a note! It is better to pour over dried fruits with boiling water before use. Roasted nuts have a richer taste, but if you want to prepare the mixture for the future, it is undesirable to subject the composition to heat treatment to preserve useful substances for as long as possible.

Rules of use

A mixture of dried fruits to support immunity is a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements. But quite high in calories. If you add all the ingredients, then 100 g will contain at least 300 kcal.
It is not advisable to eat fruits more than 8 times a day, at night and exceed dosages. The average dose is 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day alone. First in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast for 20-30 minutes for better digestibility. With chronic fatigue, colds, the dosage can be increased to 3 tbsp. l. per day, but take shortly before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Dried fruits should be beneficial. The main thing is not to overeat, so as not to spoil the stomach and intestines.

Storage features

Store the composition of dried fruits and honey to increase immunity as a recipe for an instant mixture, preferably in a glass container, under a tight lid (in the refrigerator). Nuts and dried fruits - a recipe or ginger for immunity can be kept in the basement, but closed and not more than 3 months.

Dried fruits for a child are no less useful than fresh vegetables and fruits. Applicable for the prevention, treatment of viral diseases. As part of figs, raisins, prunes, dates - a lot of useful substances. Adding lemon with nuts to the recipe is suitable for children who are extremely unstable before colds.

To increase the immunity of children, to replenish the diet with a vitamin supplement will help a mixture of dried fruits with honey, fruits, nuts. The main thing is to properly store the product. In order to increase immunity, give children 1 tsp. 3 times a day, but monitoring the reaction of the body. A dried mixture of dried fruits with honey is nutritious, but high in calories. It is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, also for overweight, stomach ulcers, intolerance to the body.


It is worth considering contraindications:

  • Diabetes mellitus, because glucose in dried fruits is not acceptable for diabetics.
  • Obesity the composition is high-calorie and most of all kcal is in raisins, dates, dried apricots.
  • Allergic reactions, when people have individual intolerance to any of the dried fruits.
  • Intestinal ulcer, perforation of the duodenum during exacerbation.

A vitamin supplement is a natural, tasty dish that has stood the test of time. But contraindications should be taken into account: allergic reactions, individual intolerance, perforation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, diabetes mellitus. This is a great alternative to over-the-counter medicines. After 2 weeks from the start of application, the state of health improves noticeably, energy appears. The symptoms of a cold pass quickly.

The use of fresh fruits and vegetables, enriched with vitamins and minerals, has a beneficial effect on human health. In addition to fresh foods, the consumption of dried fruits in the form of a mixture helps to increase immunity. In the material presented, you will find information about the beneficial properties of the components and recipes for strengthening the immune system.

Useful properties of components to increase immunity

At home, dried fruits are used to prevent and treat various kinds of ailments. Vitamin mixtures for improving immunity are very effective. Useful properties of dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins, dates are revealed in combination with nuts, honey, lemon.

Healing properties of dried fruits:

figs - the composition of dried fruit is dominated by the presence of vitamins A, C, a set of group B, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium and potassium.

The use of figs contributes to:

  • Improving the immune defense of a person;
  • Normalization of the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • Raising hemoglobin;
  • Reducing cholesterol in the body;
  • Treatment of beriberi.

Useful properties of figs for strengthening the immune system

Dried apricots - dried fruit has a large number of vitamin and mineral elements, among which are: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, glucose, sucrose, A, C, a set of group B. The use of dried apricots helps to cleanse the intestines, improve vision and well-being in heart diseases. Also, dried fruit is used as an effective means for cleansing the blood and blood vessels and for preparing a mixture to increase immune defense.

Useful properties of dried apricots to improve immunity

Raisin - the useful substances included in the composition enrich the body with vitamins A, B, C and potassium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Useful properties of raisins:

  • Improves the quality of sleep;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Stimulates an increase in immunity;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the body in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Healing properties of raisins for immunity

Dates - dried fruit helps to fill the lack of vitamin elements A, C, group B, as well as zinc, cobalt, fluorine, iron, potassium, manganese, copper. The use of dates alone or as part of vitamin mixtures helps prevent the development of hypertension, anemia. Also, dried fruit helps mental development and restoration of the immune system after a cold.

Useful properties of dates for immunity

Prunes - the presence of vitamins C, groups B, PP, E, as well as minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, iodine, manganese, copper) is distinguished in the composition.

Healing properties of dried fruit:

  • Activates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Favorably affects the nervous and cardio - vascular system;
  • Helps to increase immunity.

Presented dried fruits have a lot of useful properties. Their use has a beneficial effect on the performance and well-being of a person. To increase immunity, dried fruits are used in the form of a vitamin mixture.

Healing properties of prunes for immunity

Folk recipes from dried fruits for immunity

To date, a wide range of recipes for fruit mixtures to increase immunity is known. The combination of healthy dried fruits with honey and nuts allows you to enrich the body with useful substances. Also, depending on the preferences of the person or in the presence of individual intolerance to the components, they can be replaced.

To prepare the first vitamin mixture to increase immunity, you will need:

  • Dried fruits in equal parts (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) 400 g each;
  • Nuts 400 g;
  • Lemon 2-3 pcs;
  • Honey 300 g

The ingredients are washed and ground until a homogeneous mass is formed. Honey and chopped lemon are added to the finished mixture. Dried Fruit Vitamin Supplement is refrigerated and used to boost immune defenses, one tablespoon three times a day.

Vitamin mixture for immunity from dried fruits

Recipe for the second fruit mixture to boost immunity:

  • Prunes 200 g;
  • Dates 100 g;
  • Dried apricots 200 g;
  • Raisins 100 g;
  • Nuts 100 g;
  • Honey 300 g

Dried fruits are washed and crushed. Nuts and honey are added to the finished mixture. A useful supplement to increase immunity is applied three times a day, one teaspoon.

Useful vitamin mixture for boosting immunity with dried fruits

The composition of the third mixture of dried fruits includes:

  • Figs 200 g;
  • Dried apricots 200 g;
  • Raisins 200 g;
  • Honey 300 g;
  • Lemon 1-2 pcs.

Dried fruits and lemon are washed. After they must be crushed and mixed with honey. You can use nuts if you want to add to the recipe. The vitamin supplement is transferred to a jar and infused in the refrigerator. To increase immunity, the mixture is used in a teaspoon three times a day.

Vitamin mixture for immunity

Vitamin mixtures for a child from dried fruits

The children's body is more prone to colds. To increase immunity, it is recommended to instill a healthy diet in the child and supplement the diet with healthy vitamin mixtures, which include dried fruits, honey, citrus fruits.

Recipe for fruit mixture for immunity for children:

  • Dried fruits in equal proportions (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) 200 g each;
  • Honey 300 g
  • Nuts 200 g;
  • Citrus fruit. It can be lemons or oranges 1 pc.

To prepare a supplement to increase children's immunity, you will need to rinse the beneficial components, and then grind. Seeds must be removed from a lemon or orange. A homogeneous mass of dried fruits and citrus fruits is mixed with nuts and honey. A useful mixture is infused in the refrigerator and applied in a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Useful vitamin mixture for children's immunity

Recipe to increase children's immunity with the addition of seeds:

  • Dried apricots 200 g;
  • Raisins 200 g;
  • Dates 200 g;
  • Figs 200 g;
  • Seeds (sunflower or pumpkin) 50 g;
  • Honey 300 g

Dried fruits are twisted or crushed with a blender with the addition of lemon, seeds, honey. The vitamin supplement is stored in a cold place and applied 2-3 times a day in a teaspoon.

Mixture of dried fruits with pumpkin seeds

A mixture of dried fruits for immunity has a lot of useful properties and a beneficial effect on overall health. To strengthen the body's immune defenses, it is important to follow the rules for storing and using the product.

Tips for using a healthy dried fruit supplement:

  • A useful vitamin mixture is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month;
  • Apply to increase immunity no more than 3 times a day. For children, a teaspoon, and for adults, a tablespoon. In the autumn - winter period, the dosage can be increased up to 4-5 times;
  • Contraindicated for children under four years of age;
  • Before the initial use of a mixture of dried fruits, the product should not be abused. It is important to monitor the reaction of the body;
  • The recommended duration of admission to improve immunity is two to three months with a break of seven days.

Contraindications for use

Improving immunity involves following the rules of a healthy diet. To adjust the daily diet, it is important to supplement meals with healthy dried fruits. Dried fruits can be consumed individually or as part of a mixture for immunity, which will give a greater effect. However, before taking a vitamin supplement it is important to study the contraindications:

  • Dried fruits differ in calorie content and are recommended for consumption by people with increased body weight;
  • It is better to refrain from using a vitamin mixture to increase immunity for people with the following diseases: diabetes, ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Individual intolerance to the components.

Every autumn, most people think about how to protect children, loved ones and themselves from colds that can knock a person out of the cage for a long time or even imprison him in hospital walls. So that chilly weather no longer causes horror, we advise you to take a special mixture for immunity with honey, which will help the body withstand all the dangers of the cold season.

Dried fruits with honey - the perfect combination

Who doesn't love a sweet treat in the morning? And in the evening? Who would not want this close to bad habit to benefit the body? This is possible, because you can strengthen your immunity and have fun at the same time. It is enough to simply prepare a delicious and healthy dessert of dried fruits with honey.

It is no secret that the main product of beekeeping has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and honey is the first assistant for immunity. Therefore, it helps the body resist various diseases and prevent their development. At the same time, dried fruits are an unsurpassed source of vitamins, in particular, potassium, which is involved in many vital processes, for example:

  • blood pressure regulation;
  • the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • activation of brain work;
  • blood supply to organs, including the brain, etc.

In addition, dried fruits contain iron, which is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, honey with dried apricots, prunes or raisins will help overcome anemia that develops in most people in the autumn-winter period. Traditionally, it is customary to prepare a kind of vitamin bomb from honey with the addition of:

  • Raisins, as it contains a lot of organic acids that strengthen teeth and gums, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, this product is used in the fight against anemia, pathologies of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cardiovascular system, as well as problems with the nervous system. In addition, raisins are an ideal natural energy booster.
  • . It contains almost a record amount of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, organic acids, pectin and vitamin B5. Some of these substances are involved in the processes of cleansing the body of salts of heavy metals. Others help cleanse blood vessels, as well as improve the condition in diseases of the heart, eyes and musculoskeletal system. Moreover, the components of dried apricots, especially in combination with honey, rejuvenate the skin and strengthen the hair.
  • Prunes. This product contains a significant amount of fiber, various organic acids, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, A, PP and C. Therefore, it helps to cope with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, gastrointestinal pathologies, etc. d.
  • Walnuts. This type of nuts is rightfully considered the most useful, so they are recommended to be consumed daily in small quantities. Walnuts are a source of antioxidants, which not only boost the immune system, but also reduce the risk of getting cancer or getting heart problems. In combination with honey, they activate the metabolism, tone the body and help it recover much faster after serious physical or mental stress.

Attention! It is not necessary to use all of the dried fruits listed. You can always choose your favorites and exclude those that do not suit your taste.

The components that make up the mixture are ideally combined with each other, because the sweetness of honey and raisins is subtly set off by the sourness of dried apricots and prunes. Therefore, you no longer have to force yourself and children to take handfuls of tasteless medicines. And the advantages of using dried fruits with honey for immunity are obvious, since not only are they healthier and safer than any drugs, they are also more economical.

How to cook?

A mixture of dried fruits with honey can be prepared in just 15 minutes. For this you need:

  1. Rinse 300 g of selected dried fruits and chop with a knife or in a blender.
  2. Add 300 g of honey of your favorite variety.
  3. Mix thoroughly and place in sealed jars.

Important: the finished mixture can be stored for no more than 6 months. in a refrigerator.

The finished product is recommended to use 1-2 tsp. in between main meals, since it is in this amount of the mixture that the optimal dose of vitamins is contained. If a person has been in contact with a sick person, has frozen, or has already noticed that he is getting sick, the frequency of doses and the amount of the mixture can be slightly increased. On average, the finished product is enough for a month with daily use. After it ends, you should take a break. You can resume taking the vitamin mixture after at least 10 days.

Attention! Before you start consuming dried fruits with honey for immunity, make sure that they do not cause you allergies.

Other Immunity Mixture Recipes

There are many variations in the preparation of mixtures for immunity. This:

  • Hippocratic recipe. 300 g of dried apricots, walnuts, prunes and figs soaked in water are mixed with 100 g of honey and ground in a blender to a paste-like state. Take the finished product for 1 tsp. twice a day.
  • 200 g of raisins, dried apricots and prunes are washed and poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, dried and pitted, if any. 200 g of walnuts are washed. 1 carefully washed lemon in the peel is dipped literally for a couple of minutes in boiling water to make it softer and get rid of bitterness. As soon as the lemon cools down, and in the same water in which it was boiled, it is cut into slices and all seeds are removed. All ingredients are ground with a meat grinder or blender and mixed with 3 tbsp. l. honey. The mixture is taken in 1 tsp. three times a day.
  • 50 g of peeled ginger root and a whole lemon with peel are cut into thin slices. This is put in a hermetically sealed jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters and filled to the top with honey. The mixture is left to infuse in the refrigerator. After 2 months, they begin to take it 1 tbsp. l. three times a day or added to tea.
  • 100 g of aloe, 1 orange puree, 500 g of powdered walnuts and 300 g of honey are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is taken 1 dessert spoon three times a day.
  • Grate 1 lemon on a fine grater, pour ½ cup of honey and add 5 crushed garlic cloves. The mixture is left in a dark place for 1 week. Take it for 1 tsp. three times a day.

Tip: before cooking, it is better to pour boiling water over all dried fruits and then dry them, while nuts should be heated in a pan.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!
