
Morse from soaked lingonberries recipe. How to cook fruit drink from fresh or frozen lingonberries

Lingonberry juice is a truly unique drink. Saturated with vitamins and beneficial trace elements, it has amazingly beneficial properties! Cowberry juice relieves inflammation, normalizes metabolism, is an excellent diuretic, tonic and immunostimulating agent. In the heat, it perfectly quenches thirst, and during the period of colds, it helps to restore strength in the shortest possible time. In order to be convinced of the healing properties of this drink, try making lingonberry juice at home.

Classic fruit drink recipe
To prepare a fruit drink, you will need 0.5 kg of berries, 3 liters of water and sugar to your liking. You can use both freshly picked berries and frozen lingonberries.
  1. Rinse the berries well in a bowl of cold water, removing any floating motes and leaves.
  2. Drain the cranberries in a colander and rinse again under running water.
  3. Rub the berries through a sieve or separate the juice with a juicer. Do not use metal utensils and objects, as cranberries contain a large amount of acid, which can interact with the metal and lead to the formation of harmful compounds.
  4. Boil water in an enamel pan, then cool it and add the pomace remaining after rubbing the berries.
  5. Put the pot on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. After boiling, immediately remove the pan from the heat to preserve the vitamins and minerals contained in the berry.
  7. When the broth has cooled, strain it through a double layer of gauze and mix with the previously squeezed juice.
  8. Add sugar to the juice and stir until it is completely dissolved.
Cowberry juice is ready! You can pour it into jars and refrigerate for storage. Shake before use and do not forget to heat the healing drink!

Preparation of mint-lingonberry juice
The addition of mint not only gives the lingonberry juice an exquisite flavor, but also enriches the drink with useful substances. For 0.5 kg of frozen or fresh berries, prepare 3 liters of water and 20-30 mint leaves. Add sugar to taste.

  1. Remove forest debris by flooding the berries with cool water; then rinse the lingonberries under the tap, putting them in a colander.
  2. Dry the berries gently with a towel.
  3. Put the lingonberries in an enamel pan with an intact inner surface, add sugar and washed mint leaves. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Boil water and immediately pour boiling water over the mint-lingonberry mixture.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a cotton blanket, then leave the berries to infuse for 6-8 hours.
  6. Strain the resulting infusion through a double layer of gauze and pour the juice into sterilized jars. Store in refrigerator.
Beet-lingonberry mix
Beets, like lingonberries, have many useful qualities. That is why the combination of these two gifts of nature is especially useful for those who suffer from a weakened immune system or chronic fatigue. To prepare a fruit drink, you will need 0.5 kg of lingonberries, the same amount of fresh beets, 2 liters of water and 100 grams of honey (honey can be replaced with sugar).
  1. Squeeze out the juice from the washed berries using gauze or a juicer. You can rub the berries through a sieve.
  2. Drain the juice into a dark glass jar or enamel bowl with a lid.
  3. Boil pomace in 1 liter of water, cool, put on cheesecloth and strain into the same container.
  4. Wash and clean the beets. Grate it and boil it in the broth left after boiling the berries. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  5. Mix lingonberry and beetroot juices, add honey, stir and boil the mixture again in an enamel saucepan. After the juice has cooled, pour it into jars and store in the refrigerator.
Here are three simple and affordable recipes for making real healing nectar and a source of vitality! Drink it with pleasure - and be healthy!

Morse, made from fresh or frozen berries, is a source of vitamins and other useful substances. And if lingonberries act as the main component, then the positive effect of such a drink on the body is difficult to overestimate. The product helps tissues fight cancer cells and infectious agents, has tonic, firming and antipyretic properties. But to obtain the desired result, you need to know how to properly brew the composition so that important chemical compounds are not destroyed during processing. And you should start with the correct preparation of the berries for the process.

General rules and nuances of working with lingonberries

To prepare 3 liters of drink, you will need about 2-3 glasses of lingonberries. Before starting work, the product is washed several times in standing water. Although the berries are covered with a rather dense skin, when using a running liquid, it can burst. The fruits will lose juice, which will affect the quality of the final product. To obtain an ideal result, the components are first washed in warm water, then once in cool water.

In addition, you should learn a few more rules:

  • Prepared berries are ground through a sieve. Morse is usually prepared exclusively from pomace, and the juice is added to the finished product. To collect the liquid, ceramic or glassware is used. The high acidity of the composition in contact with the metal can provoke a chemical reaction.
  • Do not "boil" the drink for several minutes. It is better to remove it from the stove immediately after boiling. This will preserve vitamins and other chemical elements in the product.

Tip: Cowberry drink is tastier and healthier when fresh, so you should not cook it in large quantities at a time. Within a few hours, even half of the elements that were at the beginning do not remain in the mass. In extreme cases, the product can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than two days.

  • When the recipe involves the use of sugar, and at the end you want to get the most useful composition, the sweet component should be replaced with honey. True, it is worth considering that it will only act as a sweetener, because at high temperatures the beneficial substances in it are destroyed. If you want to avoid this, then honey should be added to the already prepared fruit drink.

Some housewives prefer to blanch the berries before boiling the drink. This allows you to get the most intense taste, but the benefits of such a product are much less.

Classic and unusual lingonberry juice recipes

The approach to preparing a drink from lingonberries depends on the presence of additional components in the composition. Most often, housewives use the following recipes and approaches:

  1. Classic sea. For 0.5 kg of lingonberries we take 3 liters of water and sugar to taste. Squeeze juice from berries. Put the cake in a saucepan, fill it with water, add a little sugar. We put the container on the fire and bring the mass to a boil. You do not need to cook the composition, just remove it after boiling and cool. Then we filter the mass, add the squeezed juice and serve.
  2. Cranberry drink. For 300 g of lingonberries we take 200 g of cranberries, 3 liters of water and sugar to taste. We combine the berries, grind, decant the juice. Pour the cake with water and put on fire. The mass should be cooked no more than a minute after boiling. Then remove it from the stove, add sugar and cool. We filter the product and add berry juice to it.
  3. Morse with mint. For 0.5 kg of berries we take a few leaves of fresh mint, 3 liters of water and sugar to taste. The drink must be brewed according to the classic recipe. The only thing, along with water and sugar, washed and dried mint leaves are added to the berry mass.
  4. Cowberry with beets. For 300 g of lingonberries we take 200 g of beets, 3 liters of water and sugar to taste. We grind the berries through a sieve, decant the juice. We put the cake in a cooking pan, put the beets cleaned and grated on a medium grater there. Add sugar, pour everything with water and bring to a boil. We filter the finished composition and add juice to it.

To cook delicious and healthy lingonberry juice with other ingredients, we follow the same plan. The main thing is to select well-matched ingredients that do not interrupt the taste and aroma of each other, but emphasize.

How to cook fruit drink from frozen lingonberries?

The approach to making fruit drinks from frozen lingonberries is slightly different from the usual method. In this case, the drink will not only have to be brought to a boil, but boiled. But even here it is not necessary to be limited to one component, you can safely use auxiliary components.

  • For 500 g of frozen berries we take 3 liters of water and sugar to taste. If sugar is replaced with honey, then it is added only to the finished chilled composition.
  • We defrost the berries in a natural way and grind with a blender or meat grinder to a puree state. Add sugar to it and knead the mass.
  • We fill the workpiece with water and put it on fire. Bring the mass to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the finished drink from the stove, filter through gauze and cool. If you want to get a richer taste, first we infuse the product, then we filter it.

With all its positive characteristics, fruit drink made from lingonberries has one contraindication. It should not be used by people experiencing problems with the stomach and other digestive organs. The abundance of acids in the product can exacerbate chronic processes or simply cause discomfort.

A drink made from berries, prepared independently, gives a guarantee for the body to receive a pure complex of vitamins. Cowberry juice is one of the simple, tasty and healthy drinks that can be prepared both for consumption in the near future and for preservation for the winter.

How to cook fruit drink from fresh lingonberries?

Of course, fresh berries have a maximum of nutrients, unlike frozen or dried ones.


  • 3 liters of distilled water
  • 0.5 kg of ripe cranberries
  • 4-6 tablespoons sugar, adjust to taste

Preparation of a simple fruit drink:

  1. First of all, wash the fruits thoroughly: hold for several minutes in warm, and then rinse under running cold water.
  2. The fruits must be manually rubbed through a fine sieve. Squeeze the juice from the resulting puree with gauze, and put the dry pomace in an enameled container, pour 3 liters of water and put on fire.
  3. When the preparation for the fruit drink boils, add sugar, mix thoroughly. Boil for 15 hours over medium heat.
  4. Add freshly squeezed juice to an almost ready drink, mix well and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

How to cook fruit drink from frozen lingonberries?

Morse from frozen lingonberries is not as useful as from fresh fruits. However, it retains enough useful properties and taste.


  • 400 gr frozen berries
  • 2 liters of purified water
  • 3-4 spoons of sugar
  • 1 clove inflorescence
  • 1 g vanilla


  1. Defrost the fruits at room temperature, rinse under running water, placing in a sieve or colander.
  2. Grind the berries in a blender, squeeze the juice from the gruel into a separate container.
  3. Put the pomace in a saucepan and cover with water, bring to a boil.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and add sugar, vanilla and cloves. Boil for 5-7 minutes. Remove drink from heat and let cool slightly.
  5. Strain the drink through a sieve, pour in the juice and mix well.

Ingredients for fruit drink for 1 3-liter bottle:

  • 4 cups cranberries
  • as much water as will enter the bottle in addition to berries
  • 1-1.5 cups sugar

How to cook lingonberry juice for the winter:

  1. Carefully sort the berries for spoiled ones, rinse and put in a pre-sterilized bottle.
  2. Boil water and then pour it over the berries. Let it brew for a third of an hour.
  3. Strain water through a sieve into a separate pan, leave the berries in a container. Boil and add sugar, boil again. Make sure the sugar dissolves.
  4. Pour syrup over berries and roll up immediately.

Recipe for lingonberry juice with cranberries

This mix is ​​a real vitamin charge in the autumn-spring period.

The taste of this berry drink has been familiar to me since childhood. At that time, there was no miracle technology, blenders, mixers, and I remember how I crushed the berries with a spoon, mixed with sugar, then poured water and drank. It seemed to me then that there is nothing tastier in the world, this sweet and sour taste caused me pleasure. And today I will tell you how to cook frozen lingonberry juice without cooking, and then you will find a step-by-step recipe with a photo. I really hope that you will like my way of preparing this most useful and tasty drink.

This lingonberry juice is a real storehouse of vitamins, which already makes it valuable in the season when the flu infection excites people. During a cold, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water and fruit drinks during an illness are a real salvation. But there is no need to wait until the disease comes to visit you, because lingonberry juice is also an excellent means of prevention. So, harvest this berry for the future and drink it all winter long, this is a delicious and healthy drink.

How to cook cranberry juice at home


  • Lingonberries - 1-2 cups
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Water - 2 - 2.5 liters

Step by step recipe for lingonberry juice

On the Internet, many sites contain recipes where lingonberry juice is boiled. But it seems to me that when cooking it turns out not fruit drink, but lingonberry compote. I cook fruit drinks without cooking. For fruit drink, you can use any berries, fresh or frozen. In my case, I am preparing a fruit drink from a frozen berry.

So, first I pour sugar into the water and put the water on the fire to boil. When the water boils, turn it off and let it cool down.

I pour lingonberries into a liter jar, add a little cooled water with sugar and beat with a blender until smooth.

Then, filter the whipped mass through a sieve and add to a pot of water.

That's all, lingonberry juice is ready, as you can see, it is not difficult to cook it. You can add other ingredients to the fruit drink, for example, a little vanilla, or cinnamon. I don’t add anything except sugar and berries, because I like fruit drinks in this form. Drink to your health!

It is known that all vitamins and medicines are “provided” to us by nature for free. One of these pantries of all the elements necessary for the body is contained in berries called "lingonberries". What are the benefits of red round berries? Lingonberries help people prone to cancer, effectively fight infections, and have antipyretic properties. True, there are contraindications - it is better not to use lingonberries for those who suffer from gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the stomach. Berries can increase acidity and exacerbate the disease.

The same properties as lingonberries have lingonberry juice. This drink is easy and very quick to prepare, but it turns out to be an order of magnitude tastier than store-bought sodas. Plus, it should be noted that lingonberry juice is incredibly useful for children and adults.

Cowberry juice - preparation of food and dishes

For three liters of fruit drink, you will need approximately 500-600 grams of berries. Before you start brewing the drink, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the lingonberries, especially if they do not grow in your area. First, dip the berries for 5-6 minutes in warm water, and then rinse in cool water.

Rub clean berries through a sieve, squeezing out the juice. An important point: squeeze the juice exclusively into ceramic or glassware, not metal. Cowberry juice has a high acidity and will immediately enter into a chemical reaction with the metal.

We will brew a drink from pomace of berries, and add the juice to the finished fruit drink.

In addition to lingonberries, prepare other fruits and berries that you want to add to the drink, spices, three liters of pure mineral water, sugar to taste.

Cowberry juice recipes:

Recipe 1: Cowberry juice

Cowberry juice is very easy to prepare. In time, the preparation of the drink will not take you more than ten minutes.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cowberry 500 grams
  • Sugar to taste
  • Water for fruit drink 3 liters

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the berries of lingonberries, put the pomace in a pan for fruit drink.
  2. Pour water into the container where the pomace of the berries is located, put sugar there to taste, stir well with a spoon. Put the pot on the fire.
  3. As soon as the juice boils, remove the pan from the stove. As soon as the drink cools down a little, strain it, add lingonberry juice to the fruit drink, mix well.

Recipe 2: Cowberry juice with cranberries

Lingonberries and cranberries go great together. These berries not only have useful qualities, but also a sweet and sour taste that will be transferred to the fruit drink.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cranberries 200 grams
  • Cowberry 300 grams
  • Sugar to taste
  • Water for fruit drink 3 liters

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the cranberries and lingonberries through a sieve. Put the juice in the refrigerator, and put the pomace of the berries in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in the same water, add sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil, and immediately remove the pan from the stove.
  3. As soon as the lingonberry juice has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth, add berry juice to the drink, mix.

Recipe 3: Cowberry juice with mint

If you want to add a spicy taste to our usual drink, add a little peppermint to the lingonberry juice.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cowberry 500 grams
  • Fresh peppermint
  • Sugar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Rub lingonberries through a sieve. Put the pomace in a saucepan where you will cook fruit drinks, and put the juice for a while in a cold place.
  2. Pour water there, add sugar, and washed mint leaves, put on fire. Bring to a boil, and immediately remove the pan from the stove.
  3. As soon as the lingonberry juice cools down, it must be filtered through gauze, add lingonberry juice to the drink and mix.

Recipe 4: Cowberry juice from frozen berries

It is very likely that you will not be able to get fresh lingonberries. In this case, to cook lingonberry juice, you can purchase assorted frozen berries. As a rule, such mixtures include lingonberries, cranberries, currants, cherries. Morse cooked from such frozen berries will turn out to be very tasty and just as healthy as from fresh ones.

Required Ingredients:

  • Frozen cranberries (or assorted) - 500 grams
  • Purified water for fruit drink 3 liters
  • Sugar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost berries naturally. Pass them through a meat grinder or chop them with a blender, turning them into berry puree. Add sugar to the berries, mix.
  2. Dip the berry mixture into the pot in which you will brew the drink. Pour purified water there, put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for about five minutes.
  3. Remove fruit drink from the stove, strain it through cheesecloth, cool.

Recipe 5: Cowberry juice with beets

A very tasty drink that combines the beneficial properties of beets and lingonberries.

Required Ingredients:

  • Lingonberry 300 ml
  • Beets 200 grams
  • Purified water for fruit drink 3 liters
  • Sugar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the lingonberries through a sieve, put the juice in the refrigerator for now, and put the pomace in a saucepan.
  2. Pour the pomace with water, add sugar.
  3. Wash the beets, peel and rub on a coarse grater, also add to the pan.
  4. Put the pot with the contents on the fire, wait until the water boils, remove the pan from the stove. As soon as the fruit drink has cooled, strain the beetroot mixture and mix with lingonberry juice. Cowberry juice with beets is ready!
  1. Store the finished lingonberry juice exclusively in the refrigerator. But do not use it for more than two days after being cooked.
  2. Why should lingonberry juice be removed from the fire as soon as it boils? So that it does not lose its usefulness and valuable properties. Many vitamins do not withstand heat treatment.
  3. Should I add sugar to the juice? Cowberry juice without sugar will have a specific taste that children may not like. For a healthier drink, use honey instead of sugar. But remember that honey loses its qualities in boiling water, so add it to a chilled drink.
