
Recipes in clay pots. How to cook in clay pots

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clay pot is in almost every kitchen. Cooking hot dishes in pots is delicious, unusual and festive. In pots, you can cook almost any food or dish. Well, almost any. It is eco-friendly and ideal kitchen item.

Products cooked in pots are especially tasty and healthy, due to the uniform and correct temperature regime. The history of clay pots, how to care for them and what to cook in them, read on.

The historical origin of the clay pot.

Archaeologists believe that one of the very first kitchen utensils for cooking appeared earthenware. A man in the Neolithic era (about 9500 BC) learned how to mine and burn clay, so the first pot appeared. From that moment, a new history of the kitchen was born, where food was prepared and stored in pots.

Thanks to the pot, soups, stewed vegetables and cereals appeared. And only after the first cereals, the ancient cooks guessed to grind the grains, turning them into flour - this is how bread was born. With full confidence we can say that the pot is the father of baking. For hundreds of years and even many millennia, mankind has been making ordinary pots and has not sought to invent new dishes. They cooked and stored food only in clay pots.

Greece was especially successful in pottery, so much so that their famous amphora became the most massive and versatile vessel. In Rome, the Testaccio hill still exists, consisting entirely of old broken amphorae.

Simultaneously with the Greek civilization, pots also came to the territory of modern Russia. And that was about 5,000 years ago. Our pots had a special shape that has come down to us unchanged. Shchi, soups, cereals, kvass, beer, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese were prepared in them.

And only after thousands of years, fired and glazed pots began to be used for portioned baking of fish, meat, vegetables and mushrooms. With the disappearance of the Russian stove, the tradition of cooking food in pots has gone.

But with the advent of fashion for environmental friendliness and naturalness, fashion has also come for cooking in clay pots. The pot serves for years and can delight several generations of housewives with its culinary properties. The main thing is proper care of the pot.

How to care for a clay pot?

  • The pot does not like sudden changes in temperature.
  • To prevent the pot from cracking, it is put in the oven cold and all products are laid at the same temperature as the pot.
  • The temperature in the oven should be no more than 200 degrees.
  • You need to take out the pot with a special grip or mittens. Hot pot from the oven, first place on a dry towel. When serving, transfer the pots to warmed saucers or dessert plates. This is necessary from cracking pots, from temperature changes.
  • Do not wash the pot hot! Wait for it to cool, fill it with warm soapy water and wash it with a plastic brush. Then rinse with cool water and put away in the closet.
  • If a crack appears at the bottom of the pot, then put a piece of sugar in it, put it in a cold oven and turn it on for 30 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the pot there. Until completely cool. Then wash with warm water without soap. The pot will delight you for many years to come!

How to cook meat in a pot?

Absolutely everything can be cooked in a clay pot, meat comes out especially tasty in it. How to cook meat in a pot? Very simple!

meat pot recipe


  • 500 grams pork or chicken (optional)
  • 2 onions
  • 4 potatoes
  • Garlic
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise for sauce (according to the size of the pots)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt, pepper, herbs

Cooking method:

  1. Meat cut into cubes. Fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Onion cut into half rings.
  3. Diced tomatoes and potatoes.
  4. Pour 1 tbsp of vegetable oil into the pots.
  5. Lay out in layers: onions, meat, potatoes, tomatoes, meat, etc.
  6. Mix sour cream with salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Pour some water into the sauce to make it runny.
  7. Pour 5-6 tbsp. l sauce in each pot.
  8. You can sprinkle with cheese to taste.
  9. Put in a cold oven and light the fire.
  10. Cook the meat in a hot oven for 40-60 minutes. Serve with black bread and chopped herbs.

Try pot cooking

Zinaida Obraztsova | 07/16/2015 | 8703

Zinaida Obraztsova 07/16/2015 8703

One of the main conditions for preparing successful dishes in clay pots is the proper care of these kitchen utensils. How to prepare pottery for first use? How can it be washed? How to store?

Housewives treat clay pots for baking with special trepidation. After all, dishes cooked in them always turn out fragrant and rich in taste, and the cooking process does not take much time and effort.

Meat cooked in a pot is especially juicy

In order for dishes baked in a clay pot to always turn out successful, it is necessary to observe 5 basic rules of care behind these kitchen utensils.

Rule 1 A newly purchased pot should first be washed with dishwashing detergent or laundry soap, and then immersed in ice water for an hour.

In principle, you can “soak” pottery for 15-30 minutes before each use so that the food turns out to be more juicy.

Rule 2 In order for the pot to serve faithfully for many years and not crack from high temperatures, it is advisable to harden it before the first use.

You can do this in several ways:

  • place the pots in a large pot of cold water and put on a slow fire. when the water boils, remove the pot and let the pots cool naturally,
  • "boil" the pots for an hour in water with vinegar,
  • glazed pots should be “boiled” for half an hour by adding 1 tbsp. vinegar and 2 tbsp. salt.

Rule 3 Due to the fact that earthenware from a sharp temperature drop can become cracked, the pots should not be placed on an open fire, for example, on gas, or in a hot oven. Therefore, having put all the ingredients in a pot, put it in the oven and only then light the fire.

For the same reason, when taking the finished dish out of the oven or oven, do not put the pot in the cold or on a cold surface, for example, on a baking sheet. It is better to put a clay product on a wooden cutting board.

Rule 4 After cooking, the cooled pot should be washed with laundry soap or ordinary dishwashing detergent. However, hard sponges that can scratch the surface of kitchen utensils should not be used.

Pottery is best placed in a cold oven.

Before sending the pot to the shelf, it should be thoroughly wiped with a paper towel.

Rule 5 When storing a clay pot, it is better not to cover it with a lid, otherwise it will start to smell unpleasant.

Due to the fact that earthenware absorbs odors well, it is better to cook fish dishes, meat goulash and vegetable stew in different pots.

Compliance with these simple rules for caring for a clay pot will prolong its life, make the cooking process even more enjoyable and allow you to pass for a first-class hostess.

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Dishes in clay pots are especially juicy, fragrant and tasty. Almost the same as dishes cooked in a Russian stove.

In such dishes you can cook fish, meat, vegetables, cereals and more. You can also reheat already prepared food in such pots. In order for the dishes to come out very tasty, it is important to remember a few secrets of clay pots.

1. Having bought such a container, do not rush to immediately try to cook something in it. The pot must first be soaked in water. The container is immersed in cold water and left for an hour. If the pot is glazed, then you just need to boil it in a saline solution with vinegar (take 100 ml of vinegar per tablespoon of salt).

2. Each time before starting cooking, the pot must be kept in cold water for 15 minutes. The walls will absorb the liquid, and the dish will turn out especially juicy.

3. Do not put pottery in a hot oven. A sharp temperature drop can cause the pot to crack. The best place for a pot in the oven is the bottom shelf.

4. It is strictly forbidden to use clay pots on an open fire or on the hob of an electric stove. After removing the pot from the oven, it should be placed on a wooden surface. If a hot pot is placed on a cold base, it may crack.

5. After use, the pot must be washed and dried. It must be kept open so that an unpleasant odor does not appear inside.

6. If an unpleasant smell appears in ceramic dishes, you can remove it with ordinary soda. To do this, pour water into the container and dissolve a couple of tablespoons of table soda in it. The mixture is left in the pot overnight. In the morning, the water is simply poured out, and the dishes are rinsed.

7. If the preparation of the ingredients from which the dish is cooked requires approximately the same time costs, then they are placed raw in the dishes at the same time. If the cooking time is different, then some of the components are pre-cooked. For example, when cooking potatoes with meat in a pot, the last ingredient is lightly fried beforehand.

8. In order for meat and potatoes to reach readiness at the same time, they are put raw in a pot and poured with tomato juice.

9. An ordinary soup warmed up in a pot will turn out to be very tasty if you use a flat cake instead of a lid. The edges of the pot are smeared with sunflower oil so that the dough does not stick tightly, and the dish is placed in the oven. As soon as the cake is browned, the soup can be taken out and eaten.

As you can see, cooking in clay pots is a very tempting activity. 🙂

Bon appetit!

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What is the beauty of dishes in a pot? They are very quick and easy to prepare! It is enough to put all the ingredients in a pot and bake in the oven!
Be sure to save these recipes, I'm sure they will come in handy on weekdays and on holidays!


17 Amazing Pot Recipes

1. Roast chicken in Russian 1:1066


Chicken weighing about 1 kg, 400g onions, 50g raisins, 50g walnut kernels, 50g fresh mushrooms, 15g butter, fresh herbs, salt, ground black pepper.


For sauce: 25g premium flour, 400g sour cream, 25g butter.


Rinse the carcass, dry it, cut into 8 pieces, salt, pepper, fry until half cooked. Chop the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown. Mushrooms cut into strips and fry. Roast the nuts, remove the skin from them and chop them. Wash and dry the raisins.
Prepare sour cream sauce: melt and heat the butter in a saucepan, add the sifted flour and sauté, stirring, until the smell of "roasted nuts". Sautéed flour gradually, stirring constantly, dilute with hot sour cream.

Put chicken in pots (2 pieces per serving), raisins, mushrooms, onions and nuts there. Pour everything with sour cream sauce. Put in the oven and simmer for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.


2. Tomato soup baked in the oven



Ingredients for 6 people:
1 kg of tomatoes, 800 g of broth, 3 medium onions, grated parmesan - 150 g, white bread (not a long loaf, but a rough one, round), garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Finely chop the onion with 3 cloves of garlic, fry in olive oil, add the chopped tomatoes, fry with the onion and add the broth and three pieces of bread (big pieces!), diced without crust, a little salt and ground pepper. Cover and leave on low heat for about 40 minutes.
Take refractory saucepans (or pots), pour the soup into pots, put a slice of bread grated with garlic in each pot, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.


3. Chickens in a pot

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1 chicken (200 g), 140 g potatoes, 50 g onions, 25 g carrots, 10 g cooking oil, 5 g dried porcini mushrooms, salt, 10 g cheese, parsley. For the sauce: 75 g sour cream, 10 g flour, 75 g mushroom broth, salt.


Cut the processed chicken into pieces weighing 40-50 g. Raw potatoes, carrots, onions cut into cubes. Saute onions and carrots separately from each other. Boil prepared mushrooms, cut into strips.

Place chicken pieces in a pot, add raw potatoes, browned onions and carrots, mushrooms, pour sour cream sauce and simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese 10-15 minutes before the end of the stew.

For the sauce, spasser the flour without fat, cool slightly, pour in the hot mushroom broth, stir until smooth, cook for 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add boiled sour cream, salt, cook for another 5 minutes, strain. Serve sprinkled with parsley.


4. Buckwheat with meat in a pot


Ingredients for 3 pots:
500 gr pork
9 tbsp buckwheat
2 bouillon cubes
2 onions
1 bay leaf


Meat (preferably pork) cut into pieces, finely chop the onion, arrange in pots. Pour 3 tablespoons of washed cereal (buckwheat or millet or both) into each pot, add crushed bay leaf. Pour the contents of the pots with cubed broth (preferably chicken or mushroom). Put in the oven for an hour at medium temperature.


5. Russian roast with meat

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Ingredients for 4 servings:
650 gr beef,
1 1/2 kg potatoes,
4 tbsp butter,
2 heads of onions,
3/4 cup meat broth
1 tbsp sour cream
bay leaf, salt, pepper, parsley and dill to taste,
100 ml dry wine


This is a great holiday dish, a little labor intensive for every day.
Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and lightly fry in oil. Chop the onion into rings and fry in oil until golden brown. Lightly fry the beef, cut into small pieces, in boiling oil on all sides.
Put the meat in a clay pot, cast iron or saucepan, then a layer of potatoes, onion on top and sprinkle everything with salt and pepper. Put the bay leaf and pour in the broth.
Put the roast in the oven and simmer for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour into hot dry wine.
Before serving, pour the finished dish with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.


6. Potatoes with sausages in pots



Ingredients for one pot:
potatoes 2-3 pcs. sausages 1-2 pcs.
onion 1/2 pc.
sour cream (mayonnaise) 2 tbsp. l.
mushrooms 2 tbsp. l., salt.


We cut the potatoes into strips, fry them a little in vegetable oil so that they brown. Pour a little water into the bottom of the ceramic pots, then lay out the potatoes, salt it, sausages fried with onions, then mushrooms, also fried with onions. Put a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise on top and put in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees C.


7. Veal with prunes stewed in a pot



Veal - 1 kg
Potato - 10 pcs
Onion - 3 pcs
Prunes - 100 gr
Parsley, dill to taste
Fat for frying

Cut the meat into pieces, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry in a pan. Arrange the fried meat in pots, add the fried onions, sliced ​​potatoes, prunes, chopped greens, cover with lids and simmer until tender.


8. Orchid fish in a pot



500 g of sea fish, 1 onion, butter or margarine, 2-3 potatoes, 1-2 tbsp. tomato puree, 2 small pickles, 2-3 tbsp cream, red pepper on the tip of a knife, 2 tbsp. finely chopped green onion, 1 cup water.


Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Transfer to a pot, add red pepper, water and raw potatoes cooked in the form of schnitzels. When the potatoes are soft, add the tomato paste, sliced ​​cucumbers and diced fish. Salt, pour in the cream and, closing the lid, put the stew. Sprinkle with green onions before serving.


9. Eggplant baked with mushrooms in a pot

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Ingredients for 4 serving bowls:
4 medium eggplants
2-3 medium onions (to taste, as much as you like)
4 hard-boiled eggs
4 large mushrooms (or about the size of mushrooms)
4 dess.l. butter and vegetable oil
1 tbsp topped with flour
about 1 cup sour cream sauce
dill and parsley to taste
salt and ground black pepper to taste


Peel the eggplant, cut into cubes (medium), lightly salt and leave for an hour. Boil fresh mushrooms, chop finely and fry in butter with finely chopped onions.
Squeeze eggplant from juice and fry in vegetable oil.
Put eggplant, mushrooms with onions and sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs in layers in pots. Pepper, salt to taste, lay another layer of eggplant on top.
Pour sour cream sauce (or sour cream) and bake in the oven.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.


10. Liver stewed with mushrooms 10:71


veal liver (beef) 800 g,
sour cream 1 cup
bulbs 2,
dried mushrooms 5-6,
sugar 2 teaspoons,
tomato puree 1-2 tablespoons,
butter 50 g,
flour 1/2 cup
salt, ground pepper to taste.


Cut the liver into small slices (finger-thick), sprinkle with salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter. In this case, after piercing with a fork, red juice should stand out from a piece of fried liver. Soak mushrooms, boil, finely chop and fry together with chopped onion.
Put the liver together with mushrooms and onions in clay pots, pour 1/2 cup of mushroom broth, 1/2 cup of sour cream, a spoonful of tomato puree into each pot and simmer until the liver is ready for 15-20 minutes in the oven.
Serve sauerkraut, pickles, fresh salad to the liver. You can also put fried potato slices in the pot.


11. American meat loaf in a pot

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Mix in a bowl 500 g minced beef, 500 g minced pork, 2 eggs, a handful of bread crumbs. 1 onion, finely chopped, 2 garlic cloves, chopped, and 1/2 cup ice water season with salt and pepper. Tamp into a pot.


Separately, mix together 1/2 cup ketchup, 2 tbsp brown sugar, and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. pour on top and bake for 1 - 1 1/2 hours at 200 degrees C.


12. Chicken with oranges



Rub the whole chicken with salt, pepper and crushed garlic in a garlic press. Inside put slices of orange, peeled. Put the chicken in the pot. Grate the orange zest and sprinkle the chicken on top. Add 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger, 1/2 teaspoon ground Jamaican pepper, and 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Put the pot in a cold oven and bake for 90 minutes at 230 degrees C. Remove the lid 10 minutes before it is ready to get a crust.


13. Halibut in a pot



Brush the bottom of the pot with oil and add 4 pieces of halibut. Mix together 1/2 cup bread crumbs, 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 4 tbsp grated Parmesan and season with salt and pepper. Put the mixture in a pot, fill the fish with water and bake at 230 ° C for 20-30 minutes. Serve with lemon slices.


14. Chicken with rice in a pot



Boil 2 cups of chicken broth, add 1 cup of rice and immediately lower the heat. Cook for 20 minutes until the rice is done. Melt 1 tbsp plums. oil in a frying pan, fry 1 chopped celery stick, 100 g chopped mushrooms and chopped green bell pepper for 5 minutes. Mix rice, fried vegetables, 400 g chopped chicken fillet, 50 g chopped pimiento pepper in a pot. Add 1 can of canned mushroom cream soup, 1 can of canned chicken rice soup. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees C. Then sprinkle with cashew nuts and bake for another 15 minutes, uncovered.


15. Beef with onions

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Cut 500 g of beef into pieces, sprinkle with salt and fry until golden brown. Put a layer of chopped browned onions in a pot, pieces of fried meat on it, on top - another layer of onions. Thus lay 2-3 rows. Then pour in the meat broth. Add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and simmer in a closed pot until fully cooked.


16. Meat in an omelette


700 g of veal cut into cubes, salt, fry with onions until tender. Beat 8 eggs with 1/2 cup milk, salt. Arrange the fried meat in pots, pour over the omelette mixture and bake in the oven. You can use beef instead of veal.


17. Pumpkin Noodle Casserole



Boil 200 g of noodles, drain the water. Finely chop 1 kg pumpkin, salt and fry in vegetable oil without covering with a lid. Then mix with noodles. Beat 4 eggs with 50 g of sugar, mix with pumpkin and noodles, add cinnamon to taste, mix again, put in a greased clay pot and bake in the oven.

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In the old days, clay pots were the most common utensils for cooking in a Russian oven. There were always a lot of them in the peasant economy. They were not glazed and quickly soaked in the smell of each dish. Therefore, each pot served only for its own. In one they made fresh milk, in another they cooked cabbage soup, in the third - porridge. It was prepared in the following way. Groats poured into a pot were poured with water, salt and sugar were added, seasoned with oil or lard, and sometimes with spices. Then, after supper, the pot was placed in the Russian oven, and the crumbly and fragrant porridge was ready for breakfast.

Clay pots were taken care of, and when one cracked, they did not throw it away, but used it for another purpose. For example, bulk products were stored in it. Over time, pottery was replaced by more practical metal cast irons in the household. However, the taste of the food cooked in them was already different.

Pottery is successfully used by some housewives in our time. In the summer at the dacha, they cook "green" cabbage soup in clay pots, stew potatoes with meat, adding other vegetables from the garden. In clay trays without a lid, they cook crucian carp and another caught by the owner of the dacha. It tastes “smoky” and is especially good in sour cream.

We will tell you how to properly cook food in a clay pot.

Of course, a wood-burning stove is better suited for this. Before you put the pot in the oven chamber, you need to wait until the firewood burns out, and then rake the coals around the edges. Pottery is best placed right in the middle on a thick ceramic tile. Since the grip can now only be seen in the local history museum, use thick mittens for this. It is not worth rushing to take the pot out of the oven. Let the dish simmer longer - the clay slowly releases the accumulated heat.

Pottery can also be used for cooking in gas and electric ovens. Since clay is afraid of open fire, a gas oven must have a divider. Put the pot on a wire rack in a slightly heated oven, and then gradually increase the temperature to maximum.

If you use earthenware, you should know how to properly wash it. Since its walls are porous, detergents containing various "chemistry" are not suitable for this. Just soak the pot in hot water for 15 minutes, and then wipe it with a sponge with baking soda or mustard powder. It is advisable to use separate dishes for different products. If she has absorbed the smell of food, then you can get rid of it by calcining the pot in the oven.

Well, the last advice. If you decide to have pottery in your household, then ask the seller where is the best place to use it? In an electric or gas oven, or only in a wood-fired oven. In the old days, when buying a clay pot, they tapped on it and chose the one that rang the best. It was believed that the cooked food in it would be the most delicious.
