
Carob is the healthiest substitute for cocoa and chocolate: benefits and recipes. Carob fruit - carob: we will tell you all about the benefits and harms of the product for the human body

Carob is an overseas miracle product that has long been loved by zealots of healthy eating and fans of culinary experiments. Why is carob useful and how can it be used to improve familiar dishes?

Sweet gift of nature

Outwardly, carob is a flat long pod with brown beans inside. These are the fruits of the carob tree, which grows in the Mediterranean countries. Raw seeds are absolutely unsuitable for food. How is carob used? The beans are gently dried in the sun and ground into a powder. At first glance, it practically does not differ from dry cocoa, except that it has a lighter brown tint. But the taste of carob is much sweeter. It is only this natural sweetness that makes the product so useful. It is enough to compare the calorie content of carob and cocoa. 100 g of carob contains 222 kcal, while cocoa contains as much as 374 kcal.

Use pantry

The chemical composition of carob impresses with an abundance of useful elements. It contains a fair amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese. It is rich in vitamins A, B and D groups. The protein present in carob reduces cholesterol intake. Slow carbohydrates provide the body with energy for a long time. Tannins bind and remove toxins. The beneficial properties of carob include the fact that it is devoid of caffeine. This means that high blood pressure, depletion of nerve cells and addiction do not threaten you, even with frequent use. Unlike chocolate, carob contains no harmful substances that cause acne and allergies.

Not an ounce of harm

How is carob used in cooking? Mainly as a sugar substitute in homemade cakes and desserts. Mix 100 g of wheat and oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. rye flour and 1 tsp. baking powder. Here we pour 2 tbsp. l. carob, ½ tsp. cinnamon and turmeric, ¼ tsp each crushed cloves and cardamom. Pour into the dry mixture 100 ml of boiled water and 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 200 g medium chopped nuts of your choice. We knead the dough, form the same gingerbread and send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20–25 minutes. Let them cool and brush with honey. This simple but delicious dessert can be enjoyed even with diabetes. Carob makes it useful and completely harmless.

tropical vortex

How to cook a treat with, any pastry chef will tell you. With it, they make delicious icing, for example, for cupcakes. Puree with a blender a mixture of 200 g of pitted dates, a ripe banana and 100 ml of orange juice. Pour 130 ml of coconut or any other vegetable oil into it. Pour out 250 g of flour with 1 tsp. soda, a pinch of vanilla and knead the dough. Pour into muffin tins and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C. Meanwhile, rub ½ banana with 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil and 1 tbsp. l. carob. Lubricate the tops of cupcakes with this icing and decorate with berries. If there are vegetarians in your family, they will be the first to approve this dessert.

Pleasant trifles

There is also a great way to make carob for those who are crazy about gourmet sweets. Melt 10 g of butter over low heat. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. cream and honey, pour 4 tbsp. l. carob and continue cooking. Scald with boiling water 70 g of prunes, dry and finely chop. We send it to a saucepan with coffee icing, flavor it with 1 tsp. cinnamon and a pinch of ginger, mix well. We send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours. We make round sweets from the chilled mass, sprinkle with fine almond crumbs and send to the refrigerator overnight. You will get a wonderful dessert for a friendly party.

Cheerful morning without caffeine

Delicious fruit smoothie. We soak a handful of raw almonds in water overnight, and in the morning we clean them from the skin. So the drink will taste better and be absorbed much better. We put a ripe banana, cut into circles, a cup of frozen raspberries and peeled almonds in a blender bowl. Add here 150 ml of coconut milk, 3 tbsp. l. carob and beat the ingredients into a homogeneous airy mass. Pour the smoothie into glasses, sprinkle with crushed hazelnuts. Such a hearty cocktail will be a great start to the day and charge the body with fresh energy.

We hope that your acquaintance with carob was not in vain for you. If so, it's time to move from theory to practice. And if you have long discovered this wonderful product, share interesting recipes with his participation.

31.03.2016 Pelagia Zuykova Save:

Hello my dear readers! Are there people among your acquaintances who do not like chocolate and cannot live without this harmful product? I don't have any.

How, then, not to deny yourself such small sweet joys, to monitor your health and figure at the same time? Carob powder is a great alternative to chocolate and is also very healthy.

What is the use of carob for the body and how to use it in what form, I will now tell you in as much detail as possible and with live examples. Therefore, read the article to the end and very carefully so as not to miss important points.

What is carob?

Carob is obtained from carob beans, which are native to the Mediterranean countries (Italy, Spain and others). This evergreen tree is not susceptible to almost any disease, so it is not sprayed with chemicals. So you will not get any "surprises" in the form of pesticides.

In its raw form, this product is not eaten, but unripe fruits (carob pods) are plucked and dried in the sun, like dried apricots. That is why the beans retain all the beneficial properties.

Chemical composition

The carob tree contains:

  • vitamins A, B, B2, E, D;
  • minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron and many others;
  • many essential amino acids;
  • substance arginine (contributes to the rejuvenation of the body).

The calorie content of carob is only 222 kcal per 100 grams, which is not so much.

I am pleased that this superfood does not contain caffeine, theobromine and other harmful substances. Chocolate bars, bars, sweets, cookies, cakes, pastries - these sweets are harmful, increase blood pressure, contribute to weight gain, and sometimes cause addiction akin to drugs. With carob it's the other way around.

What are the health benefits of carob?

Let's look at the beneficial properties of carob. As you may have guessed, dear friends, carob beans are unique.

Useful properties of carob fruits are as follows:

  • remove toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body;
  • contribute to the rejuvenation of the body;
  • reduce cholesterol;
  • improve digestion, normalize intestinal microflora;
  • reduce the frequency of regurgitation in babies;
  • cause a feeling of satiety (those losing weight on a note!);
  • treat indigestion;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • have a positive effect on mood;
  • prevent the development of rubella, polio in children;
  • strengthen the immune system and support the body as a whole.

As you can see, there are so many properties that seemingly nondescript cocoa-like powder contains.

It is not for nothing that among many ancient peoples the carob tree was considered sacred, and in Christian scriptures its fruits are referred to only as "the bread of St. John." In Cyprus, bean syrup is called "black gold", while in Malta it is used as a cough medicine.


Carob is a product that has no contraindications. Friends, can you imagine, no! Harm from high-quality carob is excluded.

This cocoa substitute is allowed even when breastfeeding(!). Therefore, young mothers can safely afford a carob drink without fear of harming the baby. It is recommended not only to women "in an interesting position", but also to newborns for the treatment of diarrhea. Taking off my hat…

How to use a miracle powder with maximum benefit for the body, I will now tell and show.

Types of carob - what is it like?

On sale, we are offered two options for ground carob beans: raw (unroasted) and fried (various degrees of roasting). When you open a pack of carob, you will see a powder similar to cocoa, only a little lighter.

Roasted is practically not sweet, has a slightly bitter aftertaste and is very similar to chocolate. Personally, I do not use it, because. I believe that all the benefits are only in raw carob.

It is not in vain that unfried carob is considered the most useful, because. it is not heat treated. Therefore, it is quite sweet and is used in cooking, usually without added sugar or other sweeteners.

Also on sale you can find unground carob pods, usually raw. They are also good and have their fans, especially among raw foodists.

How to use carob?

1. Carob Drink Recipes

The most common drink option is 2 tablespoons of carob per glass of water. It is imperative to use raw carob, it has a sweet pleasant taste.

There are unique people who use roasted carob in a drink and then lament that it is terrible rubbish. And the truth is, you can drink such, to put it mildly, muck only by convincing yourself of its terrible usefulness. Of course, with the addition of milk it turns out fine, but I still recommend the first option.

As a result, from unroasted carob powder, I got an excellent drink (photo below).

I love cinnamon, I tried to add it - it turned out to be a very pleasant taste and aroma. Be sure to try it, you will like it too.

2. Carob candies - recipe

How to cook the simplest and most delicious sweets from carob and dates, see. Now I will give a recipe for gourmets who love an abundance of flavors, but from natural products.

So, for carob sweets, we need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of prunes, dried apricots, cherries (you can add other dried fruits or berries, such as dates, cranberries, raisins);
  • nuts: walnuts or cashews (200 grams);
  • carob powder;
  • coconut flakes (to taste)

Prepare sweets like this:

  • soak dried fruits a little and pass through a meat grinder;
  • finely chop the nuts with a knife;
  • mix the resulting dried fruits and nuts well;
  • add enough carob powder to form balls easily;
  • form balls that roll in sweet coconut flakes;
  • roll the balls in carob powder.

Voila! We got these candy balls:

Many carob sweets will really like it, because they are insanely tasty and healthy. Even those who follow a strict diet (of course, in reasonable quantities) can afford them.

You can endlessly describe the goodies made from the miracle powder. Among them: muffins, cookies, cakes, pies and much more. As a basis, you can take any recipe, among the ingredients of which there is cocoa, adjust to your taste. Carob can be used in a variety of ways. Experiment!

Where to buy carob?

This product is almost never found in supermarkets. Roasted, unroasted carob, and whole pods can be found at specialized online retailers.

Carob is very easy to store. As well as cocoa, in a dry place at room temperature. The powder will keep for up to two years, but it's so tasty you'll eat it much sooner.

Friends, that's all for today. I told you about an interesting and very useful product. I hope I managed to debunk the myth that adhering to proper nutrition, you have to eat not very tasty and bland food.

What are your favorite carob recipes? Looking forward to your feedback and impressions in the comments below!

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Carob is a plant-based product that is gaining popularity as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate. It can be used in home cooking to prepare a wide variety of dishes. In addition, carob fruits have extensive beneficial properties for women, men and children.

From this article you will learn:

Carob: what is this product

Carob is the fruit of a carob tree that grows freely in the Mediterranean countries, also known as Tsaregradsky horns, Ceratonia leguminous and Carob. The last option is borrowed from English and is now more often used to refer to the fruits for which the tree is cultivated. That is, carob is the crumb of a carob tree, sold either whole or in powder form.

Carob is the fruit of the carob tree.


In the modern world, the fruits and the product of their processing are common under the English name carob. And the botanical name of the plant - Ceratonia - has Greek roots: εράτιον means "horn". The specific epithet is taken from the Latin language: siliqua means "bean".

Among the peoples of the Mediterranean (especially those whose history is strongly associated with Christianity), the name "John's Breadfruit" is found. It was obtained due to the fact that carob pods have a slight yeasty smell.

The carob tree was highly valued in the Mediterranean as far back as Biblical times, when it was used in the region as a measure of weight. By the way, it is from εράτιον that the word “carat” comes from, which is used as a measure of weight in jewelry.

Botanical description

Ceratonia leguminous is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown of dense pinnate leaves that can reach 12 meters in height. The main area is located at the level of 400-1600 meters above sea level. The carob tree grows slowly, but for a very long time - a specimen aged 2-3 centuries is not uncommon. The trunk is formed strong, dense, the bark has a brown and dark gray color.

carob tree - carob

During the flowering period, it is covered with small flowers collected in a brush with a nondescript quickly falling cup. The first flowering occurs at the age of 5-7 years, and fruiting - at 8-10 years of age. For the next 80-100 years, each season one tree produces up to 200 kg of fruit.

The fruits of the tree are beans elongated to a length of up to 25 cm with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm and a width of about 3 cm. What does a bean look like? Like a fleshy brown bean pod curled to one side. Inside the beans are bones and juicy pulp with a high content of carbohydrates - sugar makes up about 50% of the composition. But in its raw form, everything is interrupted by the astringent components of the composition. The pods become sweeter as they dry in the sun.

From the dried pulp of the fruit, carob is produced - a powder that has similar taste and aromatic qualities as cocoa, but does not contain caffeine.

Seeds of ceratonia leguminous are distinguished by a high content of polygalactomannan. This polysaccharide gives them a constant mass. Thanks to this feature, seeds in ancient times came into use as a carat.

Scope of fruits

In the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, the fruits of the carob tree have been widely used since ancient times:

  • in the Egyptian culture of everyday life, carob, as a substitute for cocoa, appeared in antiquity, from where it spread to other countries;
  • in Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Malta and Sicily, the sweetness of carob fruits has found application in the preparation of compotes and liqueurs;
  • among different Mediterranean peoples, ceratonia beans are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, weakness and malaise, colds, coughs;
  • in Cyprus, carob seeds are fed to pets;
  • in modern industry, seeds serve as raw materials for the manufacture of food thickeners.

Carob benefits and harm to the body

The chemical composition of carob

Carob - what is it? Flour obtained by grinding the pulp of dried carob pods. This is a dry product, most of which is occupied by carbohydrates. The proportions of the main nutrients in its composition look something like this:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 49.1 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • dietary fiber - 39.8 g;
  • water - 3.6 g;
  • ash substances - 2, 27 g.

The dry calorie content of Ecrob is about 220 kcal.

The vitamin and mineral base of the product is distinguished by the presence of vitamins B1-B6, E, PP, as well as impurities of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium. In addition, the composition contains a large amount of tannins, which determine the tart taste of fresh fruits. When dried, some of these components evaporate, and sugar is most felt.

An important feature of the carob fruit is the absence of gluten. This allows you to fearlessly eat beans and carob for people with celiac disease.

How carob is made

Before making carob flour, the ripest are selected, the seeds are removed and only the soft middle part is left, because the tails are usually bitter. The beans are dried in the sun, but suspended in the air.

The answer to the question of which carob - fried or unroasted - is better to buy depends on what it will be used for:

  • The pulp can immediately grind into a sweet beige powder with a slight nutty flavor. Such a product has a rather large fraction and is used in the food industry as a sweetener.
  • For the production of fine flour, the raw materials are first fried for 10-12 minutes, heated to +205ºC. Such carob has a darker color, small particles and a bitter taste. It is from it that a drink is prepared that replaces cocoa for people who avoid caffeine.

Carob of both types is used in the confectionery industry. It is added to sweets, pasta, flour products. Hard dark bars similar to traditional cocoa bean chocolate are called carbolate. In Western countries, Carob cream has gained great popularity.

What is useful carob

Many people now pay attention to carob not because of what it contains, but because of what it does not contain:

  • The product has a low fat content. This greatly extends the life of the carob. Among those fatty acids that are still in the composition, oleic and linolenic prevail. They are not produced by the human body.
  • The composition does not contain theobromine and caffeine, so the product does not have a neurostimulating effect. It also eliminates the development of addiction, as is the case with coffee or chocolate.
  • The composition does not contain oxalic acid, which prevents the absorption of potassium and zinc, as well as provoking urolithiasis and kidney stones.
  • For people suffering from migraines, carob is good for the absence of phenylethylamine, a neurotransmitter that provokes pain attacks.

Obviously, carob drink and sweet products are more useful for people suffering from nervous disorders, pregnant women, allergy sufferers and supporters of a healthy diet than natural cocoa chocolate.

Carob derivatives and their uses

For more than a decade, food stabilizers - pectin and gum - have been made from the fruits of ceratonia pods. As part of various foodstuffs and semi-finished products, they can be found under the infamous “shocks”: E440 and E410. Both of these components are safe for health, and even have an antioxidant, coagulating, adsorbing and bactericidal effect.

In countries where carob grows, carob syrup is made. It is a thick dark brown liquid with a high sugar content. For its preparation, the beans, peeled from seeds, are finely chopped, thrown into water and evaporated for a long time. The syrup can be used for food purposes, but is prepared for other purposes. It is used to treat various health problems:

  • diarrhea
  • sleep disorders;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diarrhea
  • allergic shortness of breath.

Experts explain the beneficial properties of the syrup with a high content of tannins. It helps prevent osteoporosis as it contains three times the amount of calcium compared to cow's milk.

Medicinal use of syrup:

  • daily intake of a glass of warm water with a spoonful of syrup on an empty stomach helps to speed up the removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • for the treatment of cough, flu and respiratory infections, it is recommended to drink hot water (1 glass) several times a day with a spoonful of syrup dissolved inside;
  • to relieve diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders, it is recommended to take a spoonful of syrup three times a day before meals.



Carob oil is very rarely found on sale in Russia. But in the Mediterranean countries it is used for medical purposes. This product is known as an effective immune booster and a means to improve the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal properties of carob for health

The therapeutic and prophylactic and immunomodulatory qualities of the pods of ceratonia and carob are due to their rich chemical composition. So, a large amount of dietary fiber has a positive effect on digestion:

  • a dense mass, like a brush, passes through the intestines and removes ballast from it;
  • swelling dietary fibers gently massage the cavities of the organs, increasing blood circulation;
  • due to indigestible fiber, the feeling of satiety is prolonged.

The high content of polyphenolic compounds gives reason to consider carob as a strong antioxidant. This means that it is included in the complex of products that inhibit cancerous tumors and prevent their appearance. It is believed that regular consumption of carob-containing foods and drinks reduces the risk of lung, cervix, larynx, mouth, stomach and other cancers.

A small proportion of fats and a lot of fiber help in the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiac ailments - the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases and the heart experiences less stress.

The pods contain substances that have a sedative effect. They act as natural antidepressants, relieve irritability, fears, anxiety and reduce the risk of panic attacks. It is noteworthy that addiction is never observed.

Carob: how to make a drink

The most delicious carob (like a drink) is obtained by brewing the powder with milk. It can be either animal or plant origin. What's more, the aromatic almond milk base will even make the aroma and taste richer. In general, the preparation procedure is similar to regular cocoa. You need to heat two glasses of milk and dissolve 1.5 tablespoons of the powder in them. To reduce fat content, you can dilute milk with an equal amount of water.

Although carob itself is very sweet, adding a spoonful of linden or flower honey will make the drink even tastier. It is recommended to immediately mix carob with milk, pouring the powder with stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.

Carob: recipes and uses in cooking

  1. Carob powder is similar to cocoa used in baking and confectionery. And it also gives the dough a rich brown color. The proportions of the product are preserved.
  2. Cocoa substitute complements and enriches cold yogurt and ice cream when sprinkled on top or added to a recipe.
  3. Fruits and berries sprinkled with carob instead of sugar are just as delicious and sweet.
  4. Carob milk, similar to milk chocolate, is made with a mug of hot liquid and a spoonful of dark powder.
  5. Carob can be added to recipes for dessert pastes based on coconut, butter, honey and spices.
  6. Carob powder mixed with oil and additional ingredients (berries, sesame, nuts, etc.) makes delicious sweets, which, by the way, are cooked very quickly.

Chocolate carob pudding


  • 1/4 cup chia seeds;
  • a glass of almond or other milk of plant origin;
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 tbsp carob;
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare, you need to combine all the components and mix well, and then remove for at least 60 minutes in the refrigerator. After this time, a simple, tasty snack with a healthy composition will be ready to eat.


  1. Mix 10 g butter with 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. milk and 3 tbsp. powder. Heat the mixture until the glaze forms.
  2. Dip dates, prunes or any other pitted dried fruits into the base, put on a plate and send to the freezer to cool.
  3. The remaining glaze can be frozen - you get a delicious bar that looks like chocolate.

Chocolate without cocoa with shavings

For cooking, you need to take an equal amount of carob powder, coconut flakes and coconut (butter is also suitable) oil. This is a basic recipe, but it can be supplemented to your own taste with dried fruits, honey or nuts.

Cooking order:

  1. Melt butter until liquid, remove from heat.
  2. Dissolve the powder in the oil without lumps.
  3. Add coconut flakes and a little honey to the mixture, mix well.
  4. Pour the mass into the mold.
  5. Sprinkle with dried fruits or nuts.
  6. Put the mold in the freezer for at least 1 hour.



  • milk - 200 ml;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • carob powder - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar, salt.

Cooking order:

  1. Send all the ingredients to a common bowl, beat with a whisk until a traditional pancake dough without lumps is formed.
  2. Heat the pan well and bake pancakes.

Harm and Precautions

Carob is a widely used product in Europe and Arab countries, safe for men, women and children. The latter is even prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea and too frequent spitting up of food. Studies of the powder by scientists have confirmed its toxic and carcinogenic safety. There are no direct contraindications for use during lactation and gestation, but it is still strongly recommended to consult a supervising physician and try the product with caution.

The US Food and Drug Administration recognizes carob powder as safe for humans and animals. For adults, the recommended daily dose is limited to 20 grams. There are no exact instructions for children, so you need to focus on half of this volume.


The pods retain their useful properties when stored in a tin or glass jar with a tight lid that prevents air from entering inside. The storage location must be cool and dry. Under such conditions, they remain in the best shape for 18-24 months.

To preserve the taste and medicinal qualities of the powder, it is better to pour it into a foil bag and transfer it to a dark cardboard box. The place is dry and cool. Term - no more than 1.5 years from the date of production.

Where to buy powder?

Powder of ceratonia fruits today can be found in almost any major city in Russia. To do this, however, you need to contact specialized stores that sell products for adherents of a healthy diet and organic diet. Both for brewing and for confectionery experiments, medium roast powder is suitable. It is inexpensive and costs no more than 400 rubles per 0.5 kilograms. For reasons of economy, it would be better to buy medium roast carob online for direct delivery from the manufacturer. This guarantees the quality of the product, its natural origin and affordable price.

Powder from Frontier Natural Products is a natural non-irradiated product suitable for kosher, vegan, vegetarian and halal diets.

Unlike cocoa, it has more minerals, less fat and does not require added sugar, as it is very sweet on its own.

Criteria for a quality product

  • Country of origin: Australia, USA, Mediterranean countries.
  • Good reviews about the manufacturers and the product itself.
  • Powder from unroasted raw materials should have a light nutty flavor, a light beige tint.
  • The product from lightly roasted carob fruits is dark in color. In its taste, caramel and sour notes are faintly felt.
  • The medium roast powder is similar to ground coffee, has a chocolate aroma and bitter taste.

The benefits and harms of carob are an interesting question for lovers of unusual exotic products. To answer correctly, you should understand the features and characteristics of the flour and fruits of the plant.

What is carob and where does it grow

The carob tree or carob is an evergreen fruit plant native to the Mediterranean. Currently, the plant is artificially cultivated in Italy, Spain, Portugal and several other countries.

The main value in the carob tree are fruits that are actively used in cooking and home medicine. After flowering, carob produces long, narrow, curved pods filled with seeds and juicy pulp. These pods look like horns, hence the name of the plant. The flowering time of the carob tree is amazing - it can bear fruit for up to 90 years in a row, and the plant's yield increases every year.

The chemical composition of carob

The fruits of the plant are valued not only for their pleasant taste, but also for their properties. Carob contains:

  • vitamins B1 and B6;
  • vitamin E;
  • natural acid PP;
  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • iron and sodium;
  • magnesium and zinc;
  • manganese and selenium;
  • tannins, ash and fiber.

The listed components provide the plant with medical and gastronomic benefits. Carob can even be used for healing, and not just for enjoying the sweet taste.

Nutritional value and calorie content of carob

Basically, the composition of useful fruits is represented by carbohydrates, their content is approximately 50 g. Carob also contains 4.6 g of proteins and quite a bit of fat - about 0.7 g. The average calorie content of dry carob is about 220 kcal per 100 g of product.

What is useful carob

Even in moderation, carob brings invaluable benefits to the body. Valuable properties are manifested in a variety of areas.

For adult men and women

The general benefit of carob for the body is that the product:

  • improves blood quality and saves from anemia and anemia due to high iron content;
  • helps strengthen blood vessels and protects the heart from ailments;
  • serves as a good natural diuretic, therefore eliminates swelling and benefits the kidneys;
  • helps to restore proper metabolism, copes with diarrhea and flatulence, relieves nausea;
  • helps eliminate fever and sore throat with colds and sore throats;
  • strengthens eyesight - carob contains a lot of vitamin B2, which is important for the prevention and treatment of cataracts;
  • beneficial effect on potency - when using carob, male libido increases;
  • relieves inflammation and pain in prostatitis and adenoma;
  • protects the body from viruses and bacterial infections.

Also, carob is a good preventive measure against rickets, which is especially useful for teenagers and young people.

For the elderly

The strengthening and hematopoietic properties of the carob tree are very beneficial for the elderly. Eating carob is useful for pressure surges, headaches and joint ailments. The plant has a beneficial effect on memory and brain activity, allows you to maintain clarity of mind for longer.

When losing weight

On a diet, carob syrup is especially beneficial - it contains glucose, which dampens appetite and creates a feeling of fullness. In addition, chocolate is prepared on the basis of the carob tree and coffee is brewed. They also dampen the feeling of hunger and allow you not to experience stress due to the lack of familiar tasty foods.

When using carob, getting rid of extra pounds is faster. At the same time, losing weight women do not have the feeling that for the sake of their cherished goal they have to give up all their favorite products.

Is carob good for kids

The properties of the carob tree are quite safe for babies - carob can be safely added to baby puree. The product will be of great benefit if the child is allergic to ordinary chocolate. It will be possible to prepare a delicacy from a carob tree, and there will be no harm from this.

Attention! Because carob remains fairly new to the general market and its properties are not fully understood, a pediatrician should be consulted before introducing carob into a child's diet.

Is it possible to carob during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Manufacturers claim that in small quantities, carob cannot harm pregnant women or nursing mothers. However, it is better to additionally consult with your doctor regarding the advisability of using the product.

During lactation, it is also necessary to carefully look at the food reaction of the child. At the first sign of an allergy, carob should be removed from the diet.

carob for diabetes

The composition of useful carob does not contain sugar, only vegetable glucose and sucrose. Therefore, it is possible to use carob derivatives with a low glycemic index in diabetes. Carob is especially popular as a substitute for chocolate and cocoa - it tastes even nicer, but does not bring harm to health. When using it, there is no addiction.

In addition, in diabetes, carob allows you to control weight and regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Carob flour in folk medicine

The carob tree is mainly used in cooking and for making drinks. However, there are also healing recipes based on the product. In particular, two carob-based products are popular.

  • For diarrhea, stir 20 g of carob in a glass of milk or warm water and add a pinch of starch. The mixture is drunk a couple of times a day, the remedy soothes the mucous membranes and has a beneficial effect on peristalsis, so that diarrhea quickly stops.
  • With SARS, homemade medicine is prepared in almost the same way - 20 g of carob is diluted in a glass of water. But you need to take the remedy up to 6 times a day, then the effect will come quickly.

Carob in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of carob are also manifested in the field of beauty. Carob is used as part of masks with a scrub effect - such mixtures simultaneously cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Carob flour is often mixed with honey, lemon juice, fermented milk products and other ingredients. The benefits of cosmetic products will differ depending on the specific composition of the masks. However, in any case, carob nourishes the skin with valuable minerals and vitamins B and E.

Other uses for carob

The fruits of the carob tree have a healing effect on the body. Therefore, not only simple healing cocktails are prepared from beans and flour, but also other means to improve well-being and improve tone.

Carob tea

Crushed carob pods are suitable for making delicious and healthy herbal tea. Brewing carob is very easy - you need to pour a tablespoon of ground beans with a glass of hot water and wait a quarter of an hour.

Infused tea is drunk at will twice a day. The properties of the product are of great benefit in case of nervous strain, and also relieve the symptoms of a cold.

If desired, carob flour can be added to regular tea, it will give the drink an original taste.

carob syrup

A healthy carob-based product is a sweet syrup made from finely chopped carob beans by steaming. The tool can serve as a delicious dessert, but more often it is used for medicinal purposes. In particular, the syrup helps with diarrhea and nervous disorders, with diseases of the respiratory system and with insomnia. Due to the high calcium content, the syrup effectively protects bones from osteoporosis.

carob oil

From fresh carob fruits, an oil with an increased concentration of vitamins and minerals in the composition is industrially obtained. The oil is used to treat intestinal and gastric diseases, to calm the nerves and regulate sleep. The properties of the product increase hemoglobin in the blood, so taking the oil protects against the development of anemia.

However, due to the strong concentration of active elements in the composition of the oil, not everyone can use the product. Oil is prohibited for allergy sufferers and young children under 2 years of age - the product may harm them.

Locust bean gum

Gum is a resin extracted from the seeds of the plant - the product looks like a white powder and is used in cooking as a food additive. Semi-liquid mixtures, when gum is added, acquire a gel-like consistency.

Carob gum is added to ice cream and semi-finished meat products as a stabilizer, the substance can be found in cheeses, soups, sauces and mayonnaises. Carob resin improves the texture of products, acts as a binder and thickener.

The use of carob in cooking

Unusual carob fruits and the flour obtained from them are often used in cooking, mainly in the confectionery industry and baking. In particular, carob is used:

  • as an additive for ice cream and yogurt - carob flour is used instead of cocoa to improve the taste and texture of products;
  • as a sweet powder for fruit and berry desserts - here carob replaces powdered sugar;
  • in the manufacture of confectionery products from dough - like cocoa, carob flour gives the dough a brown color and a sweet taste, while the structure of muffins, cakes and pies remains unchanged, and the beneficial properties increase;
  • when creating dessert pastes - carob is mixed with honey and spices, butter and coconut oil;
  • in the manufacture of sweets - carob is mixed with nuts, sesame seeds, berries and other ingredients, resulting in a very tasty delicacy that does not harm health.

Carob-based sweet drinks are popular. They are prepared in much the same way as chocolate cocktails, only instead of ordinary chocolate and cocoa, hot water or milk is poured with carob powder.

Recipes with carob

Treats with carob in the composition do not have to be purchased at the store. If desired, many of them can be prepared at home, they will turn out to be no less tasty, and the properties will be completely natural.

carob drink

The simplest recipe is a thick, sweet and aromatic drink made from quality carob. How to make carob drink? There is nothing complicated about this - the recipe is about the same as that of cocoa.

  1. Milk in a volume of 2 glasses is heated and poured into 1.5 or 2 large spoons of dark carob.
  2. The drink is properly stirred, if necessary, cooled for several minutes to a temperature suitable for consumption.
  3. If the consistency is too thick, dilute the sweet drink with plain water and mix thoroughly again.

Advice! A drink based on locust bean flour is very sweet on its own.

But you can still add a teaspoon of flower or linden honey to it - the benefits of the product will only increase, but there will be no harm.

carob chocolate recipe

If you have chopped carob beans at home, you can make healthy natural chocolate from them, in many cases it will be more valuable for the body than purchased sweets. In addition to carob, you only need to take a little butter and coconut flakes. Make a delicacy as follows:

  • 100 g butter is melted in a saucepan over low heat until it becomes completely liquid;
  • carob is poured into the oil and stirred until it is completely dissolved in the oil, leaving no lumps;
  • add a teaspoon of honey and a little coconut flakes to the workpiece, mix it well again;
  • the resulting mass is poured into a pre-prepared form of any shape, if desired, sprinkled on top with finely chopped nuts or pieces of dried fruit;
  • the naturally cooled workpiece is removed into the freezer and kept in it for at least an hour until the mixture hardens completely.

Healthy homemade chocolate can be eaten in small pieces, after slightly keeping it at room temperature, otherwise the product will be too hard. At the same time, it is impossible to store carob chocolate outside the refrigerator - it will thaw, and it will become inconvenient to eat it.

Chocolate cupcake with box

A simple and delicious recipe is the preparation of a soft and fragrant cake with the addition of carob flour. The advantage of the recipe can be considered that the ingredients for it are very inexpensive, present in every kitchen.

Cooking process:

  • 200 g of natural butter is melted in an enameled container and 4 large spoons of carob powder and sugar in the volume of one and a half glasses are poured there;
  • the ingredients are poured with half a glass of milk, brought to a boil, quickly removed from the stove and set to cool;
  • in a glass of kefir, quench half a teaspoon of soda, add to the warm glaze mixture;
  • pour 2 cups of flour into a container and knead the dough thoroughly, leaving no lumps in it;
  • the workpiece is laid out in special forms for baking and removed for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C.

If desired, raw dough can be flavored with cinnamon, pieces of nuts or raisins, this will make ready-made chocolate muffins even tastier.

Harm of carob and contraindications

The health benefits and harms of carob remain an unresolved issue.

  1. On the one hand, researchers recognize products based on the fruits of an exotic plant as safe. So, European, American and Arab scientists did not reveal any harm in the properties of carob - beans and powder are allowed for consumption by adults and children.
  2. Often, carob is even prescribed to young children as a remedy - it stops diarrhea and helps fight children's regurgitation.
  3. The recommended daily dosage of the product for adults is about 20 g. For children, exact norms have not yet been established, but usually nutritionists and doctors advise measuring half of the "adult" volumes of the product.

However, to date, the benefits and harms of carob drinks and meals are still under study and clinical research. For example, the benefits of the product in diabetes mellitus have not yet been proven 100% - it has only been established that it does not harm diabetics. There is no exact information about the action of carob in combination with medicines and other medicinal plants.

Attention! Especially carefully you need to monitor the reaction to the product of young children.

During pregnancy and lactation, the advisability of using carob powder should be discussed with your doctor.

How to choose carob

In ordinary stores, carob powder is not sold, you will have to go to an institution specializing in healthy food for it. The product can be found in three varieties - unroasted, medium roast or light roast. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following important points:

  • country of production- natural carob is supplied from the USA, the Mediterranean and Australia;
  • brand credibility- it is better to buy an exotic product from trusted manufacturers, even if it costs a little more.

Before buying, you should evaluate the color, aroma and taste of an unusual carob powder.

  1. The product, which has not been roasted, has a slight nutty smell and a beige tint.
  2. Medium roast powder exudes a chocolate smell, tastes bitter, and looks like ground coffee.
  3. Light roasted powder has a caramel flavor with a slight sourness, and its color is usually light brown.

For most culinary and medicinal purposes, carob is medium roasted. It retains enough useful properties, but it is inexpensive.

How to store carob at home

In order for the carob tree to retain its beneficial properties for a longer time, after purchase, it is recommended to pour the flour into a foil bag and put it in a cardboard box. Keep the product in a dry and cool place, out of direct sunlight. The valuable properties of the carob tree are stored for 1.5 years, after which you will need to purchase a new portion.

Pods with carob beans, not subjected to processing, are suitable for consumption for 1.5-2 years. It is recommended to store them in a tightly closed glass or tin jar in the dark, in conditions of low humidity.


The benefits and harms of carob depend on the naturalness of the exotic product. Real carob will become a valuable ingredient for baking and home remedies. But it is important to observe moderation in use, since any product is dangerous in too large quantities.


Carob is a powder made from the fruit of the carob tree. More recently, it has been used as a substitute for chocolate and cocoa. In baking, carob serves as an alternative to sugar. In medicine, it is known as a herbal cough remedy.

Selection and quality criteria

Carob is produced in two types: fried, raw. Their taste is different.

Raw gives off a spicy-nutty aroma, slightly fried is similar to a milk bar, heavily fried is similar in taste to.

Product can be found in the specialized department of the store where they sell healthy food.

For example, in a shop with spices from India or a diet department.

Powder purchased online, but you need to carefully study the reviews about the company.

Read the information on the package: the date of production, packaging, expiration date are indicated.

Composition and calories

The composition of the product contains vitamins in different proportions, trace elements:

Carob has all the essential and non-essential amino acids. 100 grams of powder - 150% dietary fiber.

Calorie content - about 222 kcal. Fat - 40.6 g, fiber - 1.2 g. The glycemic index is close to 18.

Beneficial features

The resulting powder is a storehouse of vitamins. It saturates the body with barium, fiber with tannins, which help to remove toxins and toxins.

The composition contains a small proportion of fat, so it belongs to the products used during the diet.

The benefits of the powder are noted due to the antioxidants that have the ability to work like cancer prevention and prolonging youth. Unlike, carob does not contain caffeine.

Powder is unnaturally addictive because it does not contain salsolinol. When compared with similar drinks, carob does not cause mood swings. On the contrary, it calms.

The sweetness of carob is due to the presence of sucrose, so it is used in the diet process. The components of the powder are quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

For example, fiber improves the processes of the digestive tract, prevents constipation, and prevents diarrhea from developing.

If you regularly consume carob, over time, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. The prepared drink prevents deviations in the work of the heart and blood vessels. The product is sweeter than cocoa. This does not mean that you can recover from it. On the contrary - it reduces the synthesis of grenaline, reduces appetite.

The powder will benefit those who are diagnosed with the following pathologies:

Features of the impact on health

The benefits of the product depend on the composition. Substances in carob successfully and quickly cope with their task.

  • Carob fruits are rich in antioxidants. They preserve youth, are prevention from oncology, do not allow free radicals to destroy skin cells.
  • The fiber contained in the powder normalizes digestion, cleanses the intestines, removes dangerous compounds and toxins.
  • Carob is a product that has an antiseptic effect. It has been used as an antiseptic since ancient times. The powder is used for severe poisoning, diarrhea.
  • The drink normalizes the level of cholesterol, It is considered a good alternative to cocoa, as it helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Exotic fruits allow you to eat less by reducing appetite and replacing synthetic sweeteners.

Carob can be harmful if consumed in excess. The powder should be introduced gradually and in small quantities. The reaction of the body is unknown, it may be an allergy.

What is useful for adult men and women

For men, carob is somewhat of a Viagra.. With systematic use in the male body, changes begin to occur associated with an increase in the viability of spermatozoa.

Women use the product as a component in the manufacture of cosmetics and during the diet.

For pregnant women and during lactation

Can you drink carob while pregnant or breastfeeding?. But before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The powder does no harm.

For children

Exotic fruit can be for children. Even younger than three years is not forbidden. Of course, before giving a drink to a child, it is better to get permission from the pediatrician.

For the elderly

Seniors can also make themselves a delicious carob drink.. It will benefit from high blood pressure, headaches, joint pain.

Special categories

Danger and contraindications

The fetus has no contraindications. The main point is individual intolerance. It is important to remember about the variety of food and a sense of proportion.

How to use

To prepare a drink without lumps, you need to sift the powder. Carob is used for:

  • baking cakes, cupcakes, pastries, cookies;
  • preparation of cream, fruit salads, pasta, smoothies, cocktails.

Chocolate is prepared from the fruits, which has a rich taste. It replaces coffee drinks.

For example, powdered tea is prepared like this:

  • the kettle is warming up;
  • two small spoons of carob pods are added;
  • hot water is added;
  • the drink is left for 15 minutes;
  • mix, serve.

Application in cooking

The fruit is actively used in the manufacture of glaze- both dark and light. Moreover, the color and aroma does not change. They also make various smoothies and baked goods.

Smoothie with bananas and dates

You will need: 1, 4-5, two large spoons of powder, a jar of yogurt.

To begin with, chop the fruit, place in a blender. Add dates, carob, yogurt. Beat, serve.

Pancakes for 2 persons

You need 200 ml of milk, 40 grams of flour, 1, a couple of spoons of carob. Salt and sugar are added to taste. Pour in a large spoonful of sunflower oil.

The ingredients are mixed, whipped with a whisk until the lumps disappear. Bake in a hot skillet. Serve with fresh berries or jam.


When on a diet, many often crave sweets. Carob can be used instead of chocolate and sweets. There will be no harm, no fat will increase. Also good for the body.

Folk methods of treatment

To get rid of diarrhea in adults and children, medicines made using carob flour are used.

It can be used alone or combined with other herbs.

  • Diarrhea. It is necessary to use 20 grams of carob flour.

    Pre-mix with milk or warm water.

    To the resulting mass, you need to add a little starch. e reception this mixture will prevent irritation of the mucous membrane.

    If diarrhea occurs in a nursing baby, then the powder must be added 1% of the total mass.

  • SARS. Similar dosages are used.

    Dilute with water. The medicine is taken 5-6 times a day.

How to use in cosmetology

Carob and its extract are widely used in cosmetology.. They are suitable as a thickener for scrubs, masks, gels. Of course, a mask with such an ingredient will be somewhat more expensive than conventional cosmetics, where a large% of panthenol is involved.

In addition to food, the powder can be used as a face mask.. There will be a slight scrub effect. For example, if you mix carob flour with water until it becomes a paste, you will get an effective face mask. Its action is aimed at rejuvenating and smoothing the skin.

It is not forbidden to add lemon juice or honey to the mask. It all depends on the type of skin. Even if the ingredient is chosen incorrectly, the benefits for the skin will be significant.

You will learn even more interesting facts about the health benefits and dangers of carob from this video clip:

Carob is a natural multivitamin complex that only positively affects the body. Once at the sea, you need to take the opportunity and try the wonderful powder.

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