
How to cook fresh seaweed recipes. Variety of seaweed dishes

Fresh seaweed or kelp was used by ancient peoples living on the shores of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans for food, prevention and treatment of various diseases. Fresh sea kale is richer in iodine, amino acids and trace elements than any other plant. This product is made by nature itself and is actually ready to use.


1. Plan to pick fresh seaweed at low tide; remove it from the soil right at the root. When the required number of algae is collected, remove the roots, cut off the yellow and damaged leaves. Cabbage should be without defects.

2. Rinse the sheets thoroughly at home, it is comfortable to do this right in the bath. Cut into identical palm-sized pieces.

3. Take a fairly capacious pan, lay seaweed in it about halfway. Fill with cold water, put on fire and start cooking until boiling. As soon as the cabbage boils, wait 5 minutes, drain the water and pour again cabbage cold water. Wait until it boils again and turn off the fire after 5 minutes.

4. Rinse the algae with cold water after cooking. Cool down. cut into cabbage at your discretion - cabbage, cut into thin noodles, looks great. Later use this cabbage for cooking all sorts of dishes: salads, soups, side dishes.

5. To keep seaweed longer, make a marinade for it. To do this, take 2-3 cups of hot water, add salt, sugar, cloves and bay leaf to it - all to taste. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes, drain excess liquid, cool, add vinegar at your discretion. Pour cabbage with marinade and leave in it for 6-8 hours.

Seaweed can be the basis for many dishes. It is added to salads, side dishes, hot dishes and soups, giving dishes new flavor nuances. You can use frozen or canned cabbage, supplementing it with spices and herbs.

Seafood salad

This salad has a nice fresh taste due to the addition of a seafood cocktail and fresh cucumbers. Serve salad with fresh whole grain bread and chilled white or rosé wine. You will need: - 200 g canned seaweed - 2 fresh cucumbers - 300 g canned seafood cocktail - 100 g pitted olives - soy sauce - olive oil - freshly ground black pepper. seafood and seaweed, put the contents in a salad bowl. Cut olives into rings, cucumbers into cubes. Add them to the salad, mix. In a separate bowl, combine olive oil, soy sauce and freshly ground black pepper. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve.

Spicy rice with seaweed

You will need: - 450 g of canned seaweed; - 150 g of rice; - 1 cm of ginger root; - 2 cloves of garlic; - 0.3 pods of red hot pepper; - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame oil; - a few green onion feathers; - 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds; - 1 pinch of ground cinnamon and cardamom; - salt. Rinse rice in several waters and dry. Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and fry the rice in it until a clear chestnut color, stirring constantly. Add cardamom and cinnamon, then pour in a third of a glass of water and mix the rice again. When the water is completely absorbed, pour in another portion of water and bring the rice to readiness. Mince the garlic, chop the green onion, ginger and hot pepper. Put everything in a pan with rice, add seaweed, salt and mix. Cook the dish for 5-7 minutes, and then sprinkle with sesame seeds and arrange on plates.

Braised seaweed with chicken

For this dish, it is allowed to use dried or frozen seaweed. You will need: - 500 g of frozen seaweed; - vegetable oil for frying; - 1 tiny onion; - 700 g of chicken fillet; - salt; - freshly ground black pepper. Boil water, salt it and put the frozen seaweed. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Drain the cooked cabbage in a colander and let the water drain. Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into small slices. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan with hot vegetable oil. Add finely chopped seaweed, chicken slices. Pour in a few tablespoons of the broth in which the bird was cooked, add salt and simmer the dish for 7-10 minutes. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper before serving.

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When cooking, the kitchen is usually filled with a strong smell of iodine, but this is not terrible. It is important to endure this moment. And to completely get rid of the smell will help preservation or pickling.

Helpful advice
There is another method for preparing fresh seaweed. Cabbage is hung in layers or spread on the sun and thus dried, but this is a hefty long process, one that does not invariably end with the necessary result. The main thing in this process is that during the week the weather is clear all the time. All kinds of products harmonize with sea kale, so do not be afraid of experiments.

Seaweed salad - the benefits and harms.

We talked in detail about the beneficial properties of seaweed and contraindications to its use, as well as how to get it, in a previous article. The same can be said about salads consisting of seaweed. If you do not add frankly harmful additives to them, then salads will be extremely useful. Now let's talk about how to cook seaweed at home.

Laminaria most often comes to our table in the following forms: fresh, dried, frozen and boiled. The species are listed in descending order of utility. But since our site is about switching to a raw food diet, I believe that it is permissible here to give recipe options for all of the above types of seaweed processing.

How to cook seaweed?

The first and most useful...

How to cook fresh seaweed salad (aka Korean seaweed salad (raw version)):

Required products:

  • fresh, freshly frozen sea kale - 0.250 kg;
  • pickled onion - 1 pc. (more if you wish)
  • lemon juice 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic 3 large cloves;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground black pepper and Korean seasoning for carrots - to taste.

Fold thawed or fresh, cut into thin noodles, kelp in a deep bowl and wash for 30 seconds in warm water.

The thinner you cut the cabbage, the easier it will be to chew later 😉

Drain in a colander and wash for about a minute under running water. You may have to spend more time washing seaweed. The goal is to get rid of mucus and sand, if any. Put the washed kelp in a salad bowl. Put on top. Drizzle onion with lemon juice and add spices. Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. You can add greens if you like. Then mix the salad well and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then add unrefined oil and you can eat - Korean-style fresh seaweed salad is ready. This salad seriously and for a long time satisfies hunger.

How to cook dry seaweed?

On sale, kelp is also found in a dried state. How to be in that case? - Soak it for several hours (from 2 to 8), and then use it in the same way as raw.

How to cook dried seaweed?

From fresh kelp you can cook tasty and healthy salt at home, and then fill her salads. It is done like this: well-washed kelp thalli are ground on a grater, laid out on a tray in a thin layer and dried for about a week (drying time depends on weather conditions, humidity in the room, etc.). When the seaweed dries, it must be ground in a coffee grinder. By adjusting the degree of grinding of dried kelp, you can get useful salt, both coarse and fine enough.

Frozen seaweed - how to cook?

There are two options:
- defrost kelp, rinse it well and prepare salads from it;
- Boil after washing.

How much and how to cook seaweed?

During the transition to a raw food diet, you can make a salad of boiled seaweed, only you need to cook it for 5 minutes, with the windows open (if you use frozen kelp), because its smell is not very pleasant. And, finally, a gentle method of cooking - thoroughly wash the defrosted kelp in warm water so that the mucus leaves, throw it into boiling water, wait until the water boils again and immediately turn it off. Pour out the water, and prepare a delicious salad from seaweed.

Dried seaweed in most hostesses causes fear and bewilderment. After all, this is far from the most widely used product and not everyone knows how to handle it. In fact, such cabbage simply cannot cause difficulties in the process of cooking. with its use, they turn out to be very tasty, and most importantly - useful. In most cases, they use oil for dressing, but for lovers of mayonnaise, it can be noted that in absolutely any of the proposed recipes, you can add your favorite sauce instead of oil. Some experimenters prepare dried seaweed salad even with sauces such as Tartar and Tzatziki.

This one is already ready-made and can be easily purchased at any store. But is there any point in overpaying if it is not difficult to cook it yourself. A healthy, simple and surprisingly tasty dish is prepared incredibly quickly and surprisingly simply. It turns out it is flawless, fragrant, light, rich.


  • 400 gr. dry seaweed;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp pepper;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 20 gr. oils;
  • 10 gr. vinegar 9%.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Seaweed is laid out in a bowl and poured with water, in which they are kept for about fifteen minutes. After that, it must be washed, as there may be grains of sand on it, which are simply unacceptable in a salad.
  2. Carrots are washed, peeled and then grated on a grater, which is intended for cooking vegetables in Korean.
  3. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped on the board with a knife, after which it is mixed with cabbage and carrots.
  4. Sugar, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar are added to a practically ready salad.
  5. They mix everything not with a spoon, but with their hands, after which they insist for at least an hour.

Important! Cabbage may have a white coating. You should not be afraid of this - this is quite normal and the product is not considered spoiled.

Dry seaweed salad recipe

An amazing, unexpected combination of the most common seaweed and tender pork. Despite the simplicity and minimal composition, the salad turns out to be quite nutritious, while being a bit spicy and unexpectedly bright. In many ways, the dish is improved by adding garlic to it, which makes the taste more saturated, and the aroma is simply impeccable.


  • 150 gr. dried seaweed;
  • 200 gr. pork;
  • 30 gr. oils;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 30 gr. soy sauce.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cabbage is simply poured with cool water and insisted for an hour.
  2. The meat is cut into small pieces and then laid out in a frying pan, in which they are fried. If necessary, salt and pepper are added during the frying process.
  3. The softened cabbage is thrown into a colander and washed with high quality, after which it is placed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled for about ten minutes at a minimum heat.
  4. After cooking, it is again thrown back into a colander, where they are allowed to drain all the water.
  5. Then it is placed in a frying pan and fried with the addition of oil for about five minutes. In the process of frying pour in the sauce.
  6. Prepared and necessarily already cooled products are poured into one bowl, peeled and chopped garlic is added to them, then mixed.

Important! In the process of cooking, the cabbage emits a rather unpleasant smell, but at the same time the salad itself will not have it. In addition, foam constantly strives to escape from the pan, so it is highly recommended not to leave this process unattended.

How to make dried seaweed salad

Due to the fact that potato tubers are involved in the salad, this dish can serve not only as a simple snack, but also as a full-fledged side dish. It turns out, though simple in terms of composition. But hearty, useful and original. The addition of white cabbage makes the dish a little sharp and contrasting, which is only good for him. Another feature is the addition of white pepper, which, unlike black, has an amazing quality - it does not interrupt the taste of products and their aroma, but complements them.


  • 200 gr. sea ​​dried cabbage;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 300 gr. white cabbage;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 30 gr. oils;
  • 40 gr. dill;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Dried cabbage is taken out of the package and washed. Then it is laid out in a saucepan with water and left for half an hour, after which it is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  2. The water is immediately drained, and the cabbage is cooled.
  3. White cabbage is washed and finely chopped with a knife, sprinkled with lemon juice and kneaded a little with your hands.
  4. Wash the potatoes using a brush, put them in a saucepan and boil, then cool, peel and cut into strips.
  5. Peel, wash and then chop the onion into halves of the rings with a knife.
  6. Dill is washed, dried and chopped finely with a knife.
  7. The products prepared for the salad are put in a bowl, salted, pepper, oil are added and mixed.

Tip: the methods of cooking cabbage in each recipe are different. In some, it is simply soaked in water, in some it is boiled, and sometimes it is also fried after that. Each hostess herself has the right to decide which particular method of cooking suits her best. Depending on the preparation, cabbage can simply be softer or harder, but in any case, you can use it for salad.

Dry seaweed salad

It is incredibly easy to prepare such an unusual salad. Perhaps the most difficult part of this process will be boiling and peeling the eggs. But not a single hostess can be frightened by such ridiculous complexities. As a result, the dish turns out to be very tender, satisfying and, of course, healthy.


  • 150 gr. dried seaweed;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 20 gr. soy sauce;
  • 20 gr. oils.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cabbage is simply poured with freshly boiled water and the container is covered with a lid. Steam for about half an hour.
  2. After steaming, the water is drained, and the cabbage is cut into several pieces and washed from small debris.
  3. Add soy sauce, freshly squeezed lemon juice and pepper.
  4. The eggs are laid out in a saucepan filled with water, and put on fire, boil for no more than twelve minutes. Then hot water is drained, and very cold water is poured.
  5. After cooling, the eggs are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  6. The onion is peeled and finely chopped, then placed in a frying pan, oil is added and fried.
  7. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the onion and simmer for a few seconds.
  8. All products are combined and mixed.
  9. Lettuce is insisted for thirty minutes.

dry seaweed salad

In the original recipe, it is supposed to use not sea, but Beijing cabbage, but through bold experiments, it became known about a completely new dish in which squids are combined with a seafood product. The combination is excellent. possesses simply unsurpassed qualities. Especially it will appeal to those who are not indifferent to all kinds of seafood.


  • 150 gr. sea ​​dried cabbage;
  • 200 gr. squid;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 gr. rice noodles;
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. soy sauce;
  • 1/4 tsp Italian herbs.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cabbage before adding to the salad is laid out in a bowl and poured with cold water, in which it is softened for half an hour. After that, they wash and cut it well, put it in a frying pan, add oil and, with the lid closed, stew for five minutes.
  2. After five minutes, soy sauce, spices and sliced ​​\u200b\u200band washed squids are added to the pan. In this composition, the products languish for another five minutes.
  3. Rice noodles are laid out in already boiling water and kept in it for no more than two minutes, no more, since it is cooked very quickly and there are great chances of simply digesting it.
  4. The noodles are drained of water and cut into shorter strips.
  5. Eggs are boiled for about twelve minutes in a saucepan filled with water. After boiling the eggs in steep, hot water is drained and poured into a cold saucepan. The eggs cool in it and then they are cleaned, cut into cubes with a knife.
  6. All components, without exception, are poured into a salad bowl, mayonnaise is added to them, and everything is actively mixed.
  7. The salad is ready to serve, it is not necessary to wait until it cools down. It is delicious not only cold, but also warm.

Important! In the process of frying squid, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the time frame. It is this seafood that is very capricious, if it is overexposed even a little, then the meat will be incredibly tough and unsuitable for eating.

Without a doubt, having tried at least one of the presented dishes, you will want to cook them at least periodically. And it will even seem strange that so far, dried seaweed has not been used as the main component or. In fact, it is very tasty, and without a doubt useful, and incredibly simple, deliciously fast. Moreover, there are no restrictions. This seafood is combined with anything, and with meat, and with vegetables, and even with fish. Despite the initial unsightly appearance of the cabbage itself, in all dishes it looks appetizing, and the taste becomes the most amazing. And you can always talk about its benefits, because as many useful substances as it contains are not so easy to find in other products.

List of recipes

Sea kale or, in other words, sugar kelp, brown algae, which is abundantly mined in the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean, is well known among us for its medicinal properties. Its low calorie content, with a high content of highly digestible protein, has made this seaweed popular among nutritionists and people who want to lose weight.
Domestic cooking also actively uses kelp to prepare a wide variety of dishes, from salads to borscht and casseroles. Numerous recipes with her participation are very diverse.
Therefore, the number of lovers of sea kale is constantly growing, although the Russians are still far from the inhabitants of East Asia in this regard, where this product has long been one of the main components of the daily diet.
How to cook seaweed depends on how much the useful qualities of fresh algae, healing and taste, are preserved in the finished dish.
The main method of its heat treatment is boiling, but before boiling sea kale, it must be thoroughly washed to remove grains of sand and mucus.
How much to cook sea kale depends on the condition of the algae and in what kind of dishes cooking is carried out. Therefore, the cooking time can vary from a few minutes to an hour. But in any case, kelp is boiled on a fire of low intensity to avoid the destruction of fiber.
We offer recipes that can give an idea of ​​the various ways of preparing kelp.

The recipes for many of our popular kelp dishes originate from Korean cuisine. Therefore, the first dish we will have is seaweed in Korean. List of products needed for its preparation:
A kilogram of chopped boiled kelp (in this form, it is often sold in stores);

Seaweed in Korean is prepared in this way:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the laminaria and transfer it to the pan. Then we fall asleep washed, peeled and chopped onions and garlic there.
  2. We mix the vinegar with soy pepper, add red and black pepper to it and pour this marinade for seaweed into the pan.
  3. Mix, season with vegetable oil fried in a pan and add, at your discretion, spices.

Ready salad insist hour in a cool place.
The calorie content of this simple and tasty dish is no more than 75 kcal, so it can be used for those who want to lose weight.

This dish is an example of how Korean cuisine recipes are adapted by domestic culinary specialists.
The recipe uses dried kelp. It deserves special mention. The fact is that in addition to it, trade offers seaweed for sushi.
Dried kelp is dehydrated seaweed. After soaking, it takes on all the conditions of fresh seaweed.
Sushi cabbage is a sublimated product obtained as a result of deeper processing. It is sold in the form of chips and is ready to eat. Moreover, according to Korean technology, in the manufacturing process, seaweed is fried in sesame oil.
In the Japanese production scheme, this item is missing so that the taste of sesame does not clog the taste of kelp.
To make a salad, take the following ingredients:

To prepare the dish, we will proceed in the following order:

  1. We wash the cabbage, put it in cold water for an hour, then boil it for 20 minutes.
  2. We clean and cut the onion with carrots.
  3. We heat the pan with oil and put chili pepper in it for half a minute. After removing the pepper, fry the sesame seeds.
  4. After removing the sesame seeds from the pan, we sauté the onions and carrots in it so that they do not have time to brown.
  5. We chop the bell pepper with cabbage and, pouring them into the pan, mix, after which we add the crushed garlic cloves and vinegar to the mixture.
  6. We extinguish the fire and add monosodium glutamate with soy sauce.
  7. Close the pan tightly with a lid.

After an hour, the infused salad can be served at the table.
The calorie content of this salad is not high at all. In addition, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a week without compromising its beneficial qualities. Therefore, it is often used for weight loss.

Recipes for weight loss rarely do without pickled cabbage, the calorie content of which is slightly higher than the calorie content of fresh kelp. To prepare it, we need:

You can marinate kelp at home in this way:

  1. Let's start with the seaweed marinade. To do this, boil three liters of water and pour sugar and salt into boiling water. After stirring, close the lid tightly and continue to boil for another five minutes. Then let the marinade for seaweed cool.
  2. We wash the kelp several times and put dried garlic with paprika and black pepper in it. Mix again and pour marinade for seaweed.
  3. Now it remains to season the cabbage with vinegar and knead with your hands.
  4. After that, we put our dish for 10 hours in the refrigerator. Then we transfer it to a colander and, letting the marinade drain, mix with finely chopped garlic and onions.

Our dish is ready.

The calorie content of this salad is 76 kcal / 100 g, while the dish is very tasty and satisfying. Cooking seaweed with crab sticks will require us to have the following set of products:

Let's break the preparation of seaweed with crab sticks into stages:

  1. We wash the canned kelp, squeeze it out of the water.
  2. Cut the washed and peeled onion.
  3. Preparing marinade for onions. To do this, dilute vinegar in water and season it with salt and sugar.
  4. Place the onion in the marinade for 20 minutes.
  5. We chop kelp into strips along with boiled eggs and crab sticks and mix them with onions, salt and pepper.
  6. After that, it is necessary to fill the mixture with mayonnaise and mix well again.

Salad ready.

Let's take these ingredients:

We will prepare the dish in the following order:

  1. Slice half an onion into small strips.
  2. Boil the chicken and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Pass the onion, put shredded kelp and chicken pieces in the pan and mix.
  4. After that, it is necessary to fill the mixture with chicken broth, about 100 ml.
  5. When the mixture boils, it should be salted, seasoned with melted bacon and simmer for several minutes over low heat, tightly covered with a lid.

Braised seaweed is ready.

Recipes for soups with kelp can please any gourmet. One of these dishes is pumpkin puree soup. Everyone can appreciate how delicious it is. To make soup, take:

Recipes for any cream soup are built according to the same scheme. In order to prepare our dish, we will perform the following operations:

  1. Fill the pumpkin cut into cubes with water, so that it barely covers it, and simmer under the lid.
  2. When the pumpkin softens, add grated kelp to it.
  3. Saute parsley and onion with carrots in oil and rub them on a grater.
  4. We heat the milk to 60 degrees, add the fried flour with egg yolks to it and shake it properly.
  5. We prepare a weak solution of vinegar and salt, boil the peeled mushrooms in it and partly rub them, partly cut them into small strips.
  6. We fall asleep in a pan where pumpkin with kelp, onions, parsley, carrots, mushrooms and milk sauce are stewed, after which we continue to simmer for another quarter of an hour under the lid.

For the vinaigrette, we will need to take:

We will prepare the vinaigrette as follows:

  1. Place dry kelp in cold water. After three hours, add two cups of boiling water and put the pan on the fire. Two minutes after the broth boils, we take out the kelp from the pan and squeeze the liquid out of it.
  2. We cut the fish, cleaned of bones and skin, into small pieces.
  3. Boil beets with carrots and cut into cubes, cut tomatoes and cucumbers.
  4. We mix kelp, fish and vegetables in one container. Add spices and salt to your taste and mix again. We fall asleep peas, chopped greens, plums, ginger and season the vinaigrette with mayonnaise.

Video recipe: Seaweed salad with squid

1. Leave the frozen seaweed in a saucepan on the table until it melts.

2. Melted sea kale is covered with mucus. Moreover, it is almost impossible to wash off this mucus. There is a desire to wash the cabbage with soap. Mucus remains on the cabbage, and on the hands, and on the dishes. However, there are housewives who still manage to wash the mucus from frozen seaweed. In fact, it is not necessary to do this; in the process of preparation, the mucus is washed out without difficulty.

3. Pour thawed seaweed with water, put on fire. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.

4. Throw the seaweed in a colander, rinse under running water. At this stage, almost all the mucus will be washed out without any effort.

5. Again, fill the seaweed with water, put on fire, bring to a boil. Boil 10 minutes

6. Throw the seaweed in a colander, rinse under running water. If there were particles of mucus left in the cabbage, now it will be washed clean

7. If you use frozen seaweed as an additive to a salad, it must be boiled a third time in the same way. Ready seaweed should be soft. If you cook soup, then the third time it will be cooked already in the soup.

How long to cook frozen seaweed

2 times for 10 minutes (after boiling water) to remove mucus + 10-15 minutes in soup, when preparing seaweed soup
