
Olivier with green apple. Olivier recipe with apples: various options for New Year's treats

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

For every salad, especially a familiar and simple one, serving is very important. You can simply put the salad in a slide on a dish, as many are used to doing, or you can arrange it in an unusual way and serve it beautifully. Especially if the salad is planned to be prepared for holiday menu- in this case, thematic design for the upcoming holiday will be appropriate, and spectacular presentation. For example - usual salad"" (without which, by the way, not a single holiday can do) can be served in bowls, beautiful wine glasses, on dessert plates, in tartlets and even on chips. To make the composition of the salad also distinguished by originality, add a sweet and sour apple, replace pickles with fresh ones, and canned peas– frozen green peas. Salad "Olivier" with apples will turn out to be unusual, very tasty, light and fresh.


- sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs;
- fresh cucumbers - 5 pcs (small);
- boiled carrots- 2 pcs;
- boiled eggs - 3 pcs;
- boiled potatoes - 6-8 pcs;
- boiled chicken fillet- 250 gr;
- fresh or frozen green peas - 4-5 tbsp. l;
- mayonnaise - to taste;
- lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
- salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Choosing juicy Olivier for salad sweet and sour apples. Cut into 4 parts, cut off the skin and remove the seed box. We cut apples in small pieces(cubes). In order not to darken, immediately after cutting, sprinkle lemon juice.

Cut the skin off the cucumbers. We cut cucumbers into small cubes.

Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs in advance. Pour eggs cold water, cool the vegetables until room temperature. Peeled carrots cut into small cubes.

Finely chop the cooled potatoes. Important point- potatoes for any salad (with the exception of warm salads) must be cooled down. warm potatoes impairs the taste of the finished dish.

Chop the eggs with a knife or egg cutter small pieces. If a festive salad is supposed to be served, leave a little yolk to decorate the finished dish.

Chicken fillet must be boiled in advance and allowed to cool in the broth - then the meat will be tender and juicy. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces.

Put all the ingredients of the Olivier salad with an apple in a spacious bowl. Frozen green peas, pour boiling water for a minute, then cool in a very cold water with ice. With this treatment, the peas will become soft and retain their bright green color. Add green peas to the rest of the products.

Mix the salad. Season with mayonnaise (better to use). Salt to taste and season with black ground pepper(if needed). Let the salad brew for at least half an hour.

We will shift the Olivier salad with chicken and apple into a beautiful salad bowl and serve it to the table. For festive decoration you can take note of the portioned serving of salads on dessert plates or in beautiful glasses, bowls. For portion serving you will need culinary ring or a jar of green peas, condensed milk, cut off on both sides (cylinder with smooth walls). We fill the ring with salad, lightly compact with a spoon or crush. Remove the ring carefully. We decorate the salad with grated yolk and carrot cubes. Bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

For all of us famous salad will sparkle in a new way if you add exotic ingredients to it, but what if you put the most regular product? Today we will learn how to cook apple salad, the recipe of which you will find in our article, and find out how you can add this salad to make it more interesting. Since the main meat ingredient maybe chicken, and sausage, and boiled beef, the taste of the snack will change, so add what you like best.

An apple gives the salad juiciness, regardless of what the appetizer will be: meat or vegetarian, light or hearty. It goes equally well with avocado, which can be added instead of eggs in lean salad, and with beef, emphasizing its taste and structure.

Let's make a salad first. classic recipe, and apples will only help us with this.

Olivier with meat and apple


  • - 250 g + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 bank + -
  • - 3-4 tablespoons + -
  • Green apple (small)- 1 PC. + -

How to cook apple olivier

  1. It is better to boil the veal in advance so that by the time the salad is prepared, it has already cooled down. The piece should be lean, without fat, ligaments and films.
  2. Cook together carrots, potatoes and eggs.

Vegetables can be cooked in a double boiler, so they retain their taste better - it will remain more saturated. We keep everything on small fire until cooked, then drain, cool and clean.

  1. Now we start cutting the ingredients for the salad. boiled vegetables cut into small cubes, just like meat. It’s good if they turn out to be the same size, so the salad will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  2. We clean and chop the onion. It is best to scald it with boiling water. To do this, put the already cut into a cup and pour for 5 minutes. Strain, let drain and send to salad.
  3. Cut the eggs into cubes or chop with a fork. In the first case, they will be felt better in the snack, in the second they will become almost invisible.
  4. Wash the apple, wipe it dry, remove the core and cut it like a potato.
  5. Open a jar of peas, drain the liquid and spread the grains to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix everything.

We shift the finished appetizer into a beautiful salad bowl, cover with a film and send it to the refrigerator. It is necessary that the salad is properly cooled and infused.

Serve after 20-30 minutes, spreading out on portioned plates.

Another salad with an apple will turn out no less tasty.

  • We put 3 eggs, 3 potatoes and 1 carrot to boil.

While the food is cooking, let's take care of the chicken.

  • Divide chicken breast into two equal pieces, salt, pepper, season to taste with herbs, grease with oil (optional). Wrap in foil and bake for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 220 ° C. Then take it out and let it cool without unwrapping. This will keep the juice in the meat.
  • When all the ingredients have cooled, clean and chop the vegetables and eggs, finely chop the chicken.
  • To make the salad more tender, add cucumber to it. Mine and wipe it with one green apple and finely chop them.

We definitely try the skin of the cucumber: if it is bitter, cut it off, otherwise the salad will be spoiled.

  • At the end, we put 5-6 tbsp in a snack. green peas, season with mayonnaise so that the appetizer is not dry, salt, pepper and mix.

Refrigerate the salad and serve portioned plates, decorating at will with cucumber slices and fresh herbs.

Olivier with apple and fresh cucumber turns out to be light and fragrant in spring, and for piquancy, you can add a few chopped green onion feathers to it. Ordinary onion will feel too rough in it.

Well, if we are faced with the difficult task of making a lean salad, an apple will do with it!

Lenten Salad Olivier with Apple

  1. Boil 3 potatoes and 1 carrot until cooked, cool and finely chop into cubes.
  2. Let's use avocado instead of eggs. Soft taste This fruit will perfectly complement the dish without changing it. We clean a dense, but not hard avocado, take it out, cut it into halves, pit it and cut it into cubes.
  3. Instead of meat, we use red fish: salted trout or salmon. We cut into pieces 250g of fish and mix it into the salad.
  4. For such a small volume, ½ a green apple is enough. Let's grind it down. You can add cucumber to the composition, or you can do without it, the taste will not suffer from this.
  5. We spread 4-5 tbsp. green peas, just a little bit of salt and season with lean or.

Cool and serve, decorating in a salad bowl with a sprig of parsley and slices of red fish. Bon appetit!

For those who are fasting, we offer several more options for lightweight Olivier.

As you can see, apple olivier can be prepared according to different recipes. We choose the one that is more to our liking and try to cook it, because the salad is made quickly and easily enough! Moreover, as a meat component, you can use traditional option and crumble boiled sausage into the salad.

Try and enjoy new mouth-watering dishes, Friends!

Published: 23.10.2017
Posted by: viki0884
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

What salad is most often prepared for the holidays? Of course, Olivier. Moreover, each hostess has her own Olivier recipe. One prepares Olivier with shrimp, the other with milk sausage, the third with fresh cucumbers, and the other with chopped boiled meat. I, in turn, want to offer to prepare an Olivier salad with an apple. IN this case the taste of the salad practically does not change, although the apple gives some piquancy to the salad. And so, what else is needed for its preparation:
- potatoes - 5 pieces,
- eggs - 4 pieces,
- onion - 1 piece,
- carrots - 1 piece,
- pickled cucumbers - 4 pieces,
- milk sausage - 200 grams,
- green peas - 1 bank,
- apple - 1 piece,
- mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons.

Step by step recipe with photo:

The cooking process may be familiar to everyone, but nevertheless, in order, I will tell you today how to cook Olivier with an apple. Maybe someone will do this for the first time and the details will come in handy. And so, boil potatoes in their skins, eggs and carrots until fully cooked.

Next, we clean the products from the skin. Start by cutting into cubes. if you have special knife for dicing, it will take very little time to prepare the salad, which is very important when you need to have time to cook many other dishes for the holiday, including.
Now that everything is chopped, including the apple, add mayonnaise and mix the salad.

We spread the salad in a round form to give the salad beauty.

Next, carefully turn the form with the salad onto a dish, decorate with green peas and herbs, and the salad can be served on the table. By the way, to make the salad more tasty and rich, it is better to let it stand for a little time in the refrigerator.

No wonder it is considered the universally recognized king of the national modern kitchen. There are many ways to prepare it. Each housewife brings something of her own to the recipe, gives zest to the dish. with apples" - just the option where this useful and delicious fruit. It is the apples that give the final product sweet and sour taste. Shall we try to cook?

with apples and chicken breast

The principle of preparation is the same as classic salad, where boiled sausage is traditionally used. We will need: one chicken breast, three medium-sized potatoes, three eggs, a small carrot, two fresh cucumbers, an sour apple, low-fat mayonnaise for salad dressing.


The recipe for "Olivier with apples" is quite simple to prepare. First, boil the chicken breast (the broth can also be used for cooking first courses). Cool, remove the bone and cut into cubes. Boil potatoes and carrots, cool, peel. We cut into cubes. Hard-boiled eggs, peel, cut into cubes. Fresh cucumbers cut in the same way. Apples are peeled and cut into cubes. We mix all the prepared ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Salt and season to taste. Before serving, decorate with chopped herbs and parsley sprigs. You can sprinkle grated yolk on top. Here is such a simple recipe for Olivier with apples. For onion lovers: you can cut one onion (finely) into a dish and add to total mass. This will give the salad a piquant taste and complement it with spiciness.

Another option: with and an apple

Ingredients: boiled sausage - 400 grams, a few carrots, three potatoes, three pickled cucumbers, three eggs, two apples, a can of canned green peas (100 grams), mayonnaise for salad dressing.

We cook vegetables in uniform, clean, cut into cubes. Finely chop the sausage. Also hard-boiled eggs. Pickled cucumbers and apples cut into cubes. We're squeezing peas. We mix all the ingredients in a large container and season with mayonnaise. Pepper, salt to taste. A similar recipe for "Olivier with apples" is prepared quickly and resembles a classic one in taste and appearance. However, apples give the dish a certain piquant and delicate fragrance whetting the appetite. Try and do something similar! Bon appetit everyone!

Main winter salad I have not according to the canon: without peas and sausages.
But with awesome chicken, bright olives and an apple.
Olivier is not the composition of the salad, but a state of mind, right?

for 6 servings

chicken fillet - 1pc
potatoes - 2 pieces
carrots - 1pc
apple - 1pc
fresh cucumber - 50g
pickled cucumber - 100g
olives - 1 can (300g)
eggs - 3 pcs
green onion - 4 feathers
mayonnaise - to taste

I always bake vegetables for salads, not boil them. So their taste is richer. And there is less trouble: put it in the oven and you don’t need to follow
whether the water is boiling.

I wash my potatoes and carrots well. Wrap directly in the skin in foil. I send it to the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Ready vegetables clean and cut into cubes. I love when lettuce is finely chopped.

I cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into “steaks”. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle lightly olive oil and put it on a hot grill pan.

Can be fried on regular frying pan without oil.

I fry literally for a couple of minutes on each side: let a crust form, and the meat will remain juicy inside. Ready meat I give time to rest.

I cut into small cubes.

At fresh cucumbers I remove the wet middle with seeds. This is necessary in order to ready salad didn't run. Dense pulp will give enough freshness and crunch.

I turn pickled cucumber and peeled fresh into cubes.

I cut boiled eggs. I drain the liquid from the olives and chop.

Apple. It is important to take juicy and sweet. I clean it from seeds and skins. I cut into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not darken.
