
How to cook meat salad Olivier. Delicious Olivier salad with meat and fresh cucumber

Olivier salad with meat - variety familiar salad. Many legends, rumors and conjectures are associated with Olivier salad. However, this does not prevent Olivier from being the most popular and favorite salad among many generations of compatriots. It's true, Olivier salad is appetizer number 1, in every sense, the most festive salad, A New Year's celebration Without Olivier - not a holiday at all.

Everyone prepares Olivier salad in their own way, changing the composition, proportions and dressings. Once I read an opinion famous chef that all Olivier recipes are correct! Agree completely. Haven't tried it yet delicious salad Olivier or, and have not heard of this.

Given that there is practically nothing left of the original recipe-masterpiece, invented more than 150 years ago by the chef of the Hermitage restaurant Lucien Olivier, it is difficult to argue which Olivier salad is the right one. For the first time, Olivier salad is mentioned in one of culinary magazines in 1894. In addition, despite the fact that the original Olivier salad, consisting, in addition to familiar potatoes and cucumbers, from hazel grouse, cancer necks, capers, olives, soybeans, caviar and lettuce leaves, tried by hundreds of gourmets, they say that the original recipe died with the Maestro. They tried to reproduce the original salad, but to no avail. And even now, there seems to be no consensus on the original recipe, they write "according to some sources."

There is a lot of controversy about the sauce with which the original Olivier salad is dressed. We prefer mayonnaise, or sauce for both.

Mayonnaise "Provencal" is made from French vinegar, eggs and Provencal (olive) oil, by and large it does not differ from store-bought mayonnaise.

But, of course, the quality of ingredients and “flavoring” additives, stabilizers, emulsifiers…

The victorious people quickly dealt with the hazel grouse lovers, but the Olivier salad, from which practically only the name remained, did not just take root and liked it. In a completely different form, he became the first festive dish for decades. In the "Soviet" period, changes were made to the recipe a lot and often. Fritillaries were replaced by chicken, then boiled "doctor's" sausage. boiled tongue replaced with boiled pork. Pickled cucumbers replaced pickles, green pea and onions - capers. Carrots appeared in the salad - instead of cancer necks. Green peas or corn. Fresh mayonnaise, which is prepared, although simple, but, unfortunately, is not stored for a long time. Without stabilizers and emulsifiers, mayonnaise exfoliates quickly enough, which makes it difficult to prepare Olivier for future use - for several days.

There is a lot of controversy about the size of the slicing ingredients for Olivier salad. Frankly, I don’t really like finely chopped cubes in a salad. I prefer to cut all the ingredients in different ways, as for.

Changing and simplifying the recipe allowed the Olivier salad to survive. Although, from meat salad Olivier became more vegetable, as there was very little meat in it. Modern Olivier salad recipes - the availability of products and freedom of choice. This is how Olivier with sausage, Olivier with meat, Olivier with mushrooms and even seafood appeared.

Olivier salad with meat. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Lean pork 300 gr
  • Potatoes 2-3 pcs
  • Carrot 2 pcs
  • Eggs 3 pcs
  • Fresh cucumber 1 pc
  • pickled cucumber 2-3 pcs
  • Sweet onion 1 pc
  • Canned corn 0.5 cup
  • mayonnaise provencal 0.5 cup
  • Salt, black pepper taste
  1. I love Olivier salad with meat, with boiled pork. As a child, family members bought sausage for Olivier, a real "doctor's" sausage, the taste of which was remembered and is no longer found. And boiled lean pork is an excellent substitute for sausage.

    Olivier salad ingredients

  2. A small piece of lean pork (shoulder, thigh) should only be boiled.

    Small piece of lean pork (shoulder, thigh)

  3. Add 1-2 bay leaves, 1-2 peas to the water allspice and 5-6 peas of black (colorful) pepper. You can add a pinch if you like. fragrant herbs. You can not salt, or salt quite a bit. Cook pork for Olivier with meat for 20-30 minutes. Next, cool the piece of meat. By the way, if you cool the pork directly in the broth, it will be juicy. But at the same time, the meat will be poorly cut into cubes. Therefore, I cool the meat without liquid, but be sure to cover it with a plate. The broth is perfect for making soup. Or, you can just pepper the broth, salt and add finely chopped greens. Loved very much as a child fresh pie with meat and a cup of broth.
  4. Chicken eggs boil hard, about 10 minutes. Cool them immediately under cold running water and peel off the shell. Before cutting boiled eggs, I advise you to leave small piece yolk for decoration. I prefer to cut the eggs in the salad quite large. Then the eggs in the salad are noticeable, and do not mix with mayonnaise and simply “disappear”.

    Hard boiled chicken eggs and chopped

  5. Many potatoes and carrots are boiled for salad preparation. Carrots should be boiled until tender. But potatoes for Olivier with meat are better to bake. Potatoes boiled in water become watery and sticky. You can bake potatoes in the oven, and preferably in a household microwave, after piercing each potato with a knife. Baking time for potatoes until cooked is 6-8 minutes at full power.
  6. Peel the cooled carrots and potatoes and cut into equal cubes 6-8 mm in size. Place chopped vegetables in a deep bowl. I advise you to pepper the vegetables for Olivier with meat a little.

    Peel boiled carrots and potatoes and cut into equal cubes

  7. Add chopped eggs to vegetables. Drain the liquid from the canned corn and add the corn to the chopped vegetables. Many people use canned green peas for Olivier salad. I don't like it because canned green peas are not green at all. Most often the color is light olive, the peas are overcooked and very sweet. Sometimes we just take fresh-frozen peas out of the freezer and boil them for Olivier salad. But canned corn has taken root with us, and usually it is she who is added to Olivier salad with meat.

    Add chopped eggs to vegetables canned corn

  8. Fresh cucumber was part of the original Olivier recipe. Long gone are the days when fresh cucumbers were only in season, and out of season, very scarce and expensive. True, greenhouse cucumbers are sometimes not at all small and pimply. And for salad Olivier with meat, just cut off half a cucumber. Greenhouse cucumbers are best cleaned. Fresh and cut into cubes smaller than diced carrots and potatoes.

    Pickled and fresh cucumbers cut into cubes

  9. The bow got into modern recipes Olivier salad not so long ago. Onions are best used sweet and not the most spicy. The so-called "Yalta" onion or sweet varieties of shallots are perfect. Often they write - cut the onion into cubes. How to do this in practice, I do not understand well, because. onions have a layered structure, and any cubes fall apart immediately. Therefore, it is better to cut the onion into thin short strips. Add onions and chopped cucumbers to the salad.

    Add onion to salad

  10. Cut the cooled boiled pork meat into cubes of the size you want. Usually the size of the cut of meat is the average between the cut of potatoes and cucumbers.

    Cut the cooled boiled pork meat into cubes of the size you want

  11. Put all the chopped ingredients in a deep bowl or, as usual, in a bowl. Salt to taste and gently mix all the ingredients to make the dish homogeneous. A lot of recipes provide for the presence of fresh parsley in the Olivier salad. Yes, it is tasty. But it is better to decorate the salad with a sprig of parsley, and not add greens to the salad.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Not a single holiday and not a single feast can do without traditional salad Olivie. The salad is famous for its ease of preparation.

Today, any products can serve as salad ingredients, but I would like to offer you a classic recipe for this wonderful salad.

So, you will need boiled meat, potatoes, eggs, pickled or pickled cucumber, green peas, carrots, onions, mayonnaise.

In general, Olivier salad was invented in Russia by a French chef. Why Olivier? Yes, because the founder of this salad was an outstanding French chef - Lucien Olivier. Like these ones Interesting Facts hides in itself our favorite and irreplaceable salad.

He is liked by everyone without exception. It is rich in its sophistication, simplicity and, most importantly, its attractive appearance. New salads, which have gained great popularity today, can be put aside, because they cannot repeat the taste of Olivier. For real hostess, the main thing is that this salad is proven and really tasty. Not only during the holiday you can spoil your loved ones with a salad, you can also cook it for a simple dinner. Moreover, it does not require special costs. Olivier always occupies a dominant place among other dishes on the table. He received his leadership in the second half of the 19th century. So, complete recipe Olivier salad with meat in front of you, it remains to add a drop of your desire and you will succeed.

Your friends and relatives will definitely appreciate your work by tasting such a delicious salad. And yet, Olivier with meat will be combined with all the goodies on your table. Just a little work and effort and the holiday was a success.

- meat - 300 grams;
- potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
- salted or pickled cucumber - 3-4 pieces;
- chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
- large carrots - 1 pc.;
- onion - 2-3 pcs.;
- canned peas - 1 can;
- mayonnaise - for dressing;
- salt - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Boil potatoes for Olivier with meat in their skins until tender. I always boil potatoes in their skins for salads, so they do not boil soft and turn out tender.
Carrots are also boiled in uniform.
Boil the eggs until done. After the water boils, cook for about 10 minutes.
As for the meat, it must be boiled in salted water until tender. I use a piece of beef.
While vegetables, meat and eggs are cooking, prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Peel the onion from the skin and cut finely.

or pickled also cut finely. In general, I really like cucumbers in Olivier salad with meat, so I put them as much as possible.

Cut boiled potatoes into cubes.

We also cut the egg into cubes, or you can rub it on a grater.

We cut the carrots finely.

The meat can be cut into strips or cubes, but I prefer to chop the meat in a food processor, I like it better.

Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add the peas and mix, salting.

Salad Olivier with meat is ready.
Refuel when serving

Olivier salad takes first place on holiday table. Every housewife has her favorite recipe for this salad. It is easy to prepare, all ingredients are available. There are a lot of cooking options. Can satisfy any gourmet. This salad does not leave anyone indifferent in our country. Although it was invented by a Frenchman, I would like to call it a national Russian dish.

The largest Olivier salad by weight was prepared in Orenburg in 2012. Weight was 1841 kg. Can you imagine how much sausage and other ingredients it took!

And now let's analyze a few recipes for Olivier with sausage and meat ...

And the first recipe...

Olivier salad - a delicious classic recipe with sausage and pickles

This is the most the usual way salad preparation. It's all about the sausage. The most important thing here is to choose the right sausage. Nowadays, there are so many sausages that there is plenty to choose from, for every taste, for every budget. Which one to choose, of course, is up to you, but do not forget that the taste of the salad depends on the sausage. You can choose smoked, my family and I love boiled. And in this recipe we take the "doctor's".


  • Boiled sausage - 250 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Green peas - 1 bank
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Before you start cutting Olivier with sausage, you need to boil vegetables (potatoes and carrots) and eggs.

Cut potatoes and carrots into cubes. Carrots can be cut smaller than potatoes.

We chop the eggs with a regular knife.

Cut the pickled cucumber into a cube the size of a carrot.

The onion must be finely chopped.

To kill the pungent smell and bitterness of the onion, it should be scalded with boiling water.

Classic recipe Olivier is made from boiled sausage. Ideal for this "Doctor". I indicated the amount of 250 grams, but if you take more, then this is welcome.

Sausage should be cut into small, even cubes.

We shift all the chopped components into a deep bowl and pour out a jar of peas. First you need to drain all the liquid.

We mix. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste, but I manage with one pepper, as cucumbers, mayonnaise and sausage contain salt.

Put mayonnaise to taste, usually 2-3 tbsp is enough for me. l.

Once again, mix well, transfer to a salad bowl, top with greenery and serve on a festive table.

Very tasty, classic olivier with boiled sausage and pickles is ready. Bon appetit!

And in next recipe I will tell you…

How to cook Olivier salad with sausage and fresh cucumber

And in this recipe main ingredientfresh cucumber. It gives summer, light, delicate taste our salad. We sell fresh cucumbers both in winter and summer, so it will not be difficult for us to diversify our salad. Fresh cucumber goes well with all other ingredients. I think you will really like this recipe.

Olivier is an old and beloved salad. For the new year, it is customary to prepare it with basins))). I don’t know why so many, but many people cook just that much.


  • Boiled potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Sausage - 250 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Onion - 0.5 heads
  • Ground pepper - to taste

For salad you need to take boiled vegetables and eggs. I wrote in the ingredients, you can pay attention.

Vegetables and eggs need to be peeled.

Now we cut all the ingredients into a small cube of the same size.

And even less onions.

We shift everything into a deep bowl, add peas, mayonnaise and pepper to taste.

It remains to mix and our Olivier salad with fresh cucumber ready.

Let it sit for a couple of hours cool place so that he can soak. So it will be even more tender and tastier.

And thanks to fresh cucumbers and onions, the salad turned out to be very crispy and fresh.

But not everyone can have sausage or meat, and not everyone eats them. For this there is…

Olivier salad without sausage and meat

As I said, there are a lot of options for cooking Olivier salad. There is another interesting recipe. We prepare this salad without sausage and meat. Great for vegetarians. Even if you are not a vegetarian, you should still try making this salad.


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Canned green peas - 1 can
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise

As in all Olivier recipes, boil vegetables and eggs until cooked.

Allow vegetables to cool before slicing to make slicing easier.

Eggs after they are cooked, put under running water, cold water, and after that we remove the shell.

Now we cut into a small cube, up to 1 cm side, all vegetables, eggs and onions and combine everything in a deep cup.

It is necessary to drain the liquid from the peas, and only then we put it to all the chopped ingredients.

You can add pepper to taste. Personally, I prefer it when a hint of black pepper is felt in salads. It amplifies taste properties and salad Olivier will be even tastier.

It remains to fill with mayonnaise.

Since we have a lean, vegetable salad, we will use light mayonnaise, not greasy. It is better if it is home-made.

Everything, mix well and serve.

You do not think that if there is nothing meat in the salad, then it is not tasty. This Olivier salad recipe without sausage and without meat will give odds to any other, even the one I cooked not long ago.

Delicious Olivier salad with meat and fresh cucumber

Of course, no feast is complete without Olivier. And it is easy and simple to prepare, and the taste is incomparable. IN this recipe we will use beef. This meat gives a masculine character to our salad. In addition, great boiled potatoes. A fresh cucumber will refresh the taste of the salad. Salted cucumber will give a spicy sourness. Of course, this salad will take more time to prepare. But it's worth it. I think you will enjoy this recipe.


  • Beef meat - 1 kg.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

I can say with confidence that this is really a very tasty Olivier salad with meat and fresh cucumber. In this recipe we will use beef (veal). But I tried to make a similar Olivier and with beef tongue turns out very tasty too.

For the recipe, take 1 kg. fresh, raw meat when it is cooked, it will shrink and weigh much less. Put the meat in boiling water and cook until fully cooked.

We also boil vegetables and eggs until cooked.

Cool the meat and cut into small cubes.

Cut potatoes, carrots and eggs into equal cubes.

Look, do not overdo it with potatoes, otherwise the salad will turn out to be “viscous”. But carrots and eggs can be put more and not be afraid.

IN this salad I will use a fresh cucumber as the main one and add one salted one to it. We also cut them into small cubes.

Try to cut all ingredients the same size.

But the onion should be cut smaller than everything else. If you don't really like onions, then you can not use it.

We combine all the chopped products in large saucepan. This will make it easier for you to mix.

Drain the liquid from the peas and pour into a saucepan with other products. We mix.

If you cook in a large volume, like me, then you don’t need to season everything with mayonnaise at once. Since you will not serve everything at once, and the salad will stand and sour. Therefore, we shift as much as necessary into a salad bowl, add salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise and mix. Decorate as you wish.

Ready! Happy New Year, everyone!!!

And we have another salad with meat, but already ...

Olivier with meat and pickles

This recipe was made by my mom. Every year on New Year's table We had Olivier, exactly according to this recipe. This taste is familiar to me since childhood. Nothing tasted better than New Year's salad and tangerines! Now that I am an adult, I make this salad for my family. Try and cook this recipe.

Olivier is a salad that needs no introduction. Now I will show another recipe for meat salad with pickles.


  • Meat - 500 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Canned peas - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Meat for salad, take your favorite, I use beef, but it is also delicious with pork.

Dip the meat in boiling water and cook over low heat for 1 hour. 15 minutes before readiness, I recommend salting the broth and throwing a couple of bay leaves.

Pour potatoes and carrots cold water and boil until done.

But remember, potatoes cook faster than carrots. Take it out of the pan first! Usually, 15 minutes is enough for potatoes.

Boil the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling.

While the meat and vegetables are cooking, cut the pickled cucumber into small cubes. Let's put it in a bowl.

Let's add canned peas and finely chopped greens.

Onion is optional. You can finely chop it and add it to the salad.

While the cucumbers were cut, the eggs were already cooked. We cool them and cut them into small cubes. You can use an egg cutter.

Cut the meat into strips or small cubes. I prefer a cube. Add to the total.

Leftover vegetables!

They have already cooled down, we peeled them. Now cut them into the same cube as all the other ingredients and add to the common cup.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Add mayonnaise and mix.

Friends, the salad is ready.

Happy New Year to all of you again festive mood and Happy New Year's Eve.

Well, who hasn't tried Olivier?! It's wonderful the dish has conquered many countries of the former USSR. Salad is traditionally included in holiday menu for the New Year holidays.

Favorite dish of many came into existence thanks tochef French descent Lucien Olivier. The chef in the early 60s of the XIX century kept a restaurant of Parisian cuisine "Hermitage" in Moscow. Famous for creating winter salad, which later gained great popularity and was named "Olivier" in honor of its author. Abroad "Olivier" better known by the names"Russian" or "Potato". It should be noted that the salad recipe was kept by the creator in the strictest confidence. But since it was not difficult to determine the main ingredients of the dish, a great many recipes for the famous Olivier appeared, which to a large extent contributed to the popularization of this tasty and satisfying salad.

In the Soviet Union, the meat component of the dish was successfully replaced by the dietary "Doctor's" sausage, which was more affordable, and, moreover, did not require pre-treatment. Today, sausage is still the most common salad ingredient. Howevertry replacing it with boiled meat, you won't lose - the usual Olivier will be pleasantly transformed and will undoubtedly please you with excellent taste..


To prepare Olivier salad with meat you will need:

  • meat (beef) - 300 g;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • green peas - 1 can (400 g);
  • pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
  • meat (beef) - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs. ;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs. ;
  • carrots - 1 pc. ;
  • onion - ½ heads;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


1 . Put the meat in a pot of water and let it boil well. For Olivier salad, it is better to use boneless beef, you don’t want to spend extra time later on separating edible from inedible. In the water in which the meat will be cooked, you can add a little salt, bay leaf, black pepper. Seasonings will make the meat much tastier and absorb a pleasant aroma, which is very important. Put potatoes in another pot of water, then eggs and carrots. With a toothpick or a fork, you can check whether the food is sufficiently cooked. If they are already cooked , put them on a plate to cool .

2. Peel and dice the potatoes with a knife or special tool and add to the salad bowl.

3 . Do the same with carrots.

4 . Peel hard - boiled eggs from the shell , chop into cubes , add to the rest of the ingredients .

5 . Slice the pickled cucumbers. There is no way without these components, because they give the salad Olivier spiciness and piquancy.

6. We cut the meat into cubes, the size of which should depend on your preferences.

7. Peel the onion, take a half and chop. Put to the rest of the salad ingredients.

8 . Use a colander to separate the green peas from the liquid and add to the salad.

9 . Add salt and pepper to the dish and season it with mayonnaise . Mix all salad ingredients well. It is advisable to put the finished Olivier in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours so that it is infused.

Publication date: 11/17/2017

For many, to feel the taste of childhood is not to jump into a puddle from a running start, but to eat on New Year a spoonful of salad "Olivier". For me, this is still my favorite salad, especially the recipe with sausage and pickled cucumber. But there are a lot of options for its preparation. Someone mixes several types of meat, someone adds olives, and someone tastes better with pickled cucumber.

By the way, it is even prepared with salmon and red caviar, although I always thought that this salad could only contain sausage or chicken meat.

Earlier I wrote about squid salads, with crab sticks and even "The Bride" (which is predicted to remove "Olivier" from the pedestal), but without this salad, the culinary collection of any hostess will not be complete. True, almost everyone remembers its composition and cooking process from childhood.

  • Olivier salad: a classic recipe
  • Classic Olivier salad recipe with sausage and fresh cucumber
  • How to do classic salad Chicken Olivier (easy recipe)

Ingredients and composition of Olivier salad

From history, we know that the parent of this salad is considered French chef, who was working in Russia and presented his version of the salad to the creative intelligentsia. So the composition of that salad is very different from today's.

For example, the dish was laid out in segments: capers, crab meat and cancer necks, hazel grouse meat, cucumber. There were no eggs and carrots in it initially. By the way, in the center of this dish there was a hill of Provence sauce.

And when the chef saw that the visitors decided to mix all the ingredients together, he was unpleasantly surprised. From here came the saying: what is bad for a Frenchman is a salad for a Russian.

But over time, there were changes in history and cancer necks became a very expensive product, so they began to be replaced by boiled carrots very similar in color to them. But sometimes they began to call the salad not “Olivier”, but “Capital”.

Used cancer necks, crabs, grouse and partridge meat, quail eggs and Provence sauce, seasoned it all with capers and olives.

There should not be a lot of potatoes, it increases the amount of salad, but we do not add taste, it only makes it more insipid and dry.

Afraid not to calculate the amount of salad for the number of guests? Then consider that one guest will eat one medium potato. And do for this amount in such proportions.

Now capers can be added to the salad, different varieties meat, olives and black olives, fresh and pickled onions, etc. Even completely replace meat with fish.

Olivier salad: a classic recipe

IN original salad the Frenchman added more crabs or crayfish necks, which are quite cheap product. IN original recipe there were no carrots, they appeared much later, in Soviet time and replaced the crabs.

But our most famous the recipe is coming: 2 potatoes, 400 g meat (sausages), peas, 1 carrot and pickle.

Try not to boil the potatoes and carrots in their skins first. And clear raw potato, cut it. Do the same with raw carrots.

And then start cooking already carrot cubes, after boiling for 3 minutes, add potato cubes to them and cook them together for 3 minutes. And get a perfectly smooth finished raw material for salad.

Well, of course, if you forget about vegetables and leave for half an hour, then the potatoes will boil. If you foresee this option, then acidify the water with vegetables with vinegar.

Starchy vegetables in vinegar water cook much more slowly.

With this method, suggested by one cook, you do not have to cut boiled potatoes on the board, getting mashed potatoes or porridge instead of cubes. And you don’t have to waste time waiting for the vegetables to cool down in order to peel and cut them.

They say that pickled cucumber salad is much tastier than pickled cucumber salad. I don’t know how true this is, but I know that if you peel the cucumber, the salad will become more tender.

This salad is also called "Meat", so there is never a lot of meat in it.

And you can also dress this salad not only with mayonnaise or sour cream, but also with olive oil!

Classic Olivier salad recipe with sausage and fresh cucumber

The combination of sausage and fresh cucumber is already very tasty. The cucumber is crunchy and refreshing, and the sausage smells very inviting. But without peas, it's not a salad, and without potatoes, it's not so nutritious.


  • Sausage (preferably boiled) - 0.4 kg
  • jar of canned peas
  • 5 boiled eggs
  • 2 medium boiled carrots
  • 4 boiled potatoes
  • fresh cucumber
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper

We clean pre-cooked products.

Prepare the cucumber by cutting it into cubes.

Grind the rest of the products, pour the peas into a common bowl, salt and pepper and mix.

Mix with mayonnaise and send to the cold to infuse.

You can add parsley for decoration.

Salad Olivier: a classic recipe with sausage and pickles

But the salad with pickles is more popular due to the fact that they increase the shelf life of the salad and are in stock at any hostess at any time of the year, and even in the cold - it's a must. Many also preserve peas themselves, which greatly increases the availability of salad during the holidays.


  • Sausage - 0.7 kg
  • 3 pieces of potatoes and carrots
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 can of peas
  • 3 pickles
  • Mayonnaise
  • Olives, green onions

We cut boiled and peeled vegetables into squares.

Pour out the peas, from which all excess liquid has been drained. Mix with mayonnaise sauce.

How to cook Olivier salad with meat (with beef, chicken breast)

Not everyone uses sausages. And, indeed, reading the label of several varieties of sausages, one wonders why they are called meat product. I'm not talking about all manufacturers, but for me it's better to buy a kilogram of carbonate at the same price as a kilogram of sausage. But this is my personal opinion, formed after being in the compositions of dozens of various kinds of preservatives and other unhealthy additives.

Let's buy a piece of beef and make this salad. After all, the taste will not suffer, but there will be more benefits.


  • 0.5 kg beef
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 potatoes
  • 3 carrots
  • jar of peas
  • some olives
  • pickles
  • Mayonnaise
Beef must be boiled in boiling water so that the pores of the meat are closed with protein, and all the juice remains in the product, and not in the broth.

You need to cut the meat when it is cold, then you will get even bars.

Next, as always, clean the vegetables and chop them. Open the peas, wash and put in a salad.

Some gourmets do not like it when cucumbers give juice, then just squeeze them.

They also say that Olivier is good until he reaches the refrigerator, i.e. It is better to eat it immediately after preparation.

By the way, you can take any meat - chicken breast, turkey, game, smoked tenderloin.

Delicious Olivier salad recipe with photo

I'll tell you not standard, but very delicious recipe Olivie. The changes are minimal, but the taste is somewhat brighter due to the mixing of cucumbers and mustard with mayonnaise.


  • 0.3 kg ham
  • 2 potatoes
  • 5 eggs
  • Carrot
  • A glass of canned peas
  • 1 pickle
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • Mayonnaise
  • green onion
  • Hot mustard - 0.5 tsp
