
What parts is the chicken divided into. How to cut a chicken step by step photo

By carving the chicken yourself, you will save a considerable amount of money, since when buying the same parts separately, their cost will be much higher. How to cut a chicken yourself?

Before butchering a bird, it must be gutted. Let's see how to gut a chicken.

How to properly gut a chicken

First you need to buy a chicken. It is better to buy chilled poultry, not frozen. This is due to the fact that the shelf life of chilled chickens is only five days. After that, they are frozen. And everyone knows that when frozen, the product loses its taste. Therefore, it is better to buy a chilled bird, butcher it and freeze it if necessary. And when buying a frozen bird, it will have to be thawed, then cut and re-frozen.

  1. Using a knife, carefully cut out the bird's anus. You have to cut around.
  2. Now make an incision to the keel.
  3. Remove all internal organs.
  4. Remove goiter. To do this quickly, do not feed the chicken before slaughter. If the goiter is full, then you will have to make an incision on the neck.
  5. Cut out the genitals.
  6. Rinse the carcass with water.
  7. Now you know how to gut a chicken.

How to cut a chicken into pieces.

That's all! The bird is divided. It turned out eight pieces of chicken: two wings, two thighs, two drumsticks and two breast pieces. The remaining bones can be used to make soup.

How to cut a chicken for a roll

Every novice housewife wants to learn everything, and chicken roll is no exception. How remove bones from chicken for the future roll?

If chicken more than three kilograms then the breast must be cut off. Divide the breast into small pieces and put in the middle of the future roll. Salt the meat, pepper, sprinkle with seasonings, you can put the filling. This is for an amateur! Roll the meat into a roll, tie with a thread and put on a net.

Prepare the right dishes so that the roll can fit in it. Pour in olive oil, the roll should be completely covered with it. Fry the roll on all sides. Add wine, it should fill one-fourth of the dish. Wait for the wine to evaporate

Chop a small onion, add it to the bowl with the roll. Add peppercorns and fragrant fresh herbs there. Add a little broth, cover the dishes with a lid and leave to stew for an hour and a half.

Take out the finished roll, let it cool, put it in the refrigerator for a while. After that, the roll can be cut into pieces. Warm up the roll before serving.

Closed cutting method.

There is also a closed way to separate the bones from the carcass. This way suitable for stuffing chicken.

We all often cook chicken dishes. Moreover, the meat of this bird is suitable for first and second courses, and for salads, and for baking, and for barbecue. Just let your imagination run wild using different pieces. But few people risk buying whole carcasses. And in vain. Having learned how to cut them correctly, everyone will easily get the ingredients for preparing a variety of dishes. How to butcher a carcass, we will tell below.

How to choose a chicken

It is best to choose chilled carcasses. In this case, you will pay only for the meat itself: negligent suppliers pump the bird with water before freezing to increase the weight. In addition, the quality of chilled meat is easier to establish.

Did you know? Chicken is the main meat consumed in Israel (67.9 kg per person), Antigua (58 kg per person) and Saint Lucia (56.9 kg per person).

Express diagnostics of the chilled product:

  1. Examine the carcass. If wounds or bruises are visible on it, there are damages or dark yellow spots on the skin, it is better not to buy such a chicken.
  2. Focus on hue. The age of the bird is determined by the color of the skin. In young hens, it is pale pink, with clear streaks. Adult chickens have thick, yellowish skin.
  3. Feel the chicken. After pressing a finger on the breast, the flesh will quickly return to its original shape. If, as a result of touching, a hole remains, this is an indicator of a poor-quality product.
  4. Smell it. Fresh chicken smells like regular raw meat. Those carcasses that emit the aroma of medicines or other side odors should not be chosen.
Video: how to choose a chicken

How to butcher a chicken

To quickly and easily cut the carcass into pieces, you should adhere to the following plan:

  1. First cut off the wings. The carcass is placed with the brisket up and the place where the wing fits is felt. An incision is made here with a knife and the cartilage that binds the bones is located. Knowing this secret, butchering a chicken will be much easier. The other wing is separated in the same way. If this part of the chicken is going to be fried, then the wing tips are cut off and used for broths. And the wings themselves are divided by membranes.
  2. When the wings are separated, you can proceed to the legs. To do this, easily, without pressing, the skin is cut through in the area where the leg connects to the brisket.
  3. Putting the knife aside, twist the leg with your hands and break it. This is done only until the tip of the thigh bone appears. As soon as the bone is separated from the breast, the meat is cut to the end with a knife.
  4. The same manipulation is done with the second leg. Now we have separate pieces for preparing delicious dishes.

    Did you know? For the first time, about three thousand years ago, a chicken was domesticated in the territory of modern Ethiopia.

  5. If there is a desire, the leg can be divided into a lower leg and a thigh. To do this correctly, the leg is placed in such a way that its front side (it has more skin on it) is turned down. On the inside of the leg, a shallow depression is noticeable, which divides the two muscles of the leg - the tibia and the femur. It is along this line that the incision is made - the bones are connected there.
  6. Next, cut the breast. An incision is made along the thoracic spine, pressing the knife against the frame. Using your fingers, carefully cut the meat from the bones. First on one side, and then on the other.
  7. The frame can be broken apart for easy storage.
  8. Important! When you fill your hand, the process of cutting the carcass will take 5-10 minutes.

    As a result, we get the components for various dishes:

  • fillet, thighs, drumsticks, wings - for cooking, frying, baking, stewing;
  • ribs, back, wing tips - for soups;
  • fat - can be left for frying.

How to cut chicken fillet

The fillet is the best part of the chicken. The process of its separation at first glance seems complicated. Many people think that getting a beautiful piece is quite difficult. However, the instructions for separating the fillet will help in this difficult matter. And if you fill your hand, then the process itself will take a little time.

So, take the breast and do the following:

If the fillet is needed for stuffing, cut off excess pieces of meat, leaving only smooth flesh.

How to separate a chicken from the bones

Chicken roll is rightfully considered a real decoration of the festive table. By adding branded ingredients to this dish, you can amaze guests and loved ones with culinary talents. However, many inexperienced housewives are afraid of the separation of the chicken from the bones. Indeed, in order to leave the carcass intact, you need to have skills, make a lot of effort and show skill.

An important condition for obtaining the desired result is a sharp knife. When cutting, you will have to make numerous cuts, therefore, with an insufficiently sharpened tool, a lot of strength and nerves will be spent.

So, the process of separating the bones is as follows:

The frame can be left for broths, and the chopped chicken can be stuffed or put on rolls.

Video: cutting chicken into a roll

Today I have a slightly bloodthirsty post. I want to show you how to butcher a domestic chicken, how to remove extra, unsuitable entrails, and how to process the ones we need. After all, it is not always sold in the form in which they sell factory chicken.

Before creating a post, I looked at what is on the Internet and did not find similar posts. Therefore, I decided to conduct such a peculiar, slightly bloodthirsty master class. I already wrote.

When you need to cook a delicious and rich chicken broth, it is better for him to buy it grown in freedom and on natural feed. The meat of such a chicken is a little tougher than factory chicken, but it has a number of advantages that factory chickens do not have.

Homemade chicken broth is much more nutritious and healthier. And in order to cook the broth, the chicken needs to be disassembled. Indeed, on the market it is sold as a whole, removing only unnecessary insides, and even then not all.

How to butcher a homemade chicken. Master class with step by step photos

Before carving a domestic chicken, it can and even needs to be lightly singed over a fire to remove small remnants of fluff. If you have an electric stove, then this procedure can be done with a regular lighter.

In order to remove the insides from the chicken, you need to put it with its back on a cutting board, carefully cut along the keel bone (this bone goes along the chicken breast and protrudes upwards).

With a hand, carefully take out the fat, if any, the stomach and liver with the gallbladder. It is necessary to ensure that the gallbladder does not burst, otherwise the meat will become bitter. Separate the chicken fat.

Chicken fat should not be thrown away, as it can not only add flavor to chicken cutlets, for example, but also saturate your body with beneficial unsaturated acids, which are necessary for cell growth and renewal, as well as for strengthening bones.

From the liver, carefully cut off the gallbladder and everything that you do not like. If suddenly the bile spills, it is better to throw away the liver, anyway it will be spoiled.

The chicken stomach needs to be cleaned.

To do this, you need to tap it on both sides with the flat surface of the knife, and then cut it along the protruding edge and unfold it.

Remove leftover food from it and remove the yellow film.

Everything, the chicken stomach can be washed and boiled in broth.

Cut the skin on the neck lengthwise and remove the esophagus with the pouch and trachea. Thus, we can assume that the insides of the chicken are removed.

How to cut a domestic chicken into pieces

Now the simplest thing left is to cut the homemade chicken into pieces. Of course, it is not like a factory one, but this does not mean that it needs to be cooked as a whole. I am not a professional, but an amateur, so I do not pretend to be correct. I carve the chicken the best I can.

First you need to cut off the neck, wings and legs. Then cut off the legs.

The legs can be cut off the tips, as shown in the photo.

Then remove from the tail the place where the chicken accumulated fat, and cut the carcass in half, separating the tail.

You need to remove the lungs from the breast with your finger, they give a lot of foam during the cooking process and everything that you don’t like, and cut the breast into pieces.

Master class - how to cut a homemade chicken, completed. It remains only to prepare the broth.

Subscribe to updates so you don't miss anything. And for the most impatient, I can advise you to cook homemade chicken over low heat for at least 2 hours.

Poultry is traditionally considered one of the most popular dishes in many national cuisines, and each person knows exactly his favorite piece: wing, leg, thigh or breast fillet. In order for everyone to be satisfied at the table, the hostess needs to be able to process the carcass quickly and deftly.

How to butcher a chicken

It is customary to cut the bird into six, eight or ten parts - the exact amount depends on how large portioned fragments you want to serve. If it was baked or fried whole, then the legs and thighs can be served as single legs, and the breast can be cut into two or four pieces. Not the last role is played by the size of the chicken, because a tiny gherkin can only be cut into quarters.

How to cut a chicken into portions? If you accurately determine the places of articulation of the bones (joints), then it will not be difficult to separate the legs and wings from the ridge. To learn how to properly cut a chicken into portions, it is best to work with a sharp knife with a large blade. Some housewives prefer special culinary scissors: if you cut along the joint, then you do not need to apply physical force.

Chicken cutting for barbecue

Chicken kebab is less popular than pork kebab, but is popular with those who prefer more tender meat. Butchering a bird to prepare such a dish takes time and skill. How to cut a chicken into portions? Do this:

  1. Rinse the carcass.
  2. Lay on your back.
  3. Separate the wings with a sharp knife. The last, extreme phalanx, can be chopped off and thrown away.
  4. Chop off the leg. Cut the drumstick from the thigh (if the leg is large, you can cut it into four parts).
  5. Separate the breast from the ridge and cut into 4 pieces. The back and throat are not used for barbecue.
  6. Pierce the pieces with a skewer carefully, parallel to the bone, and string tightly to each other.

How to cut fried or boiled chicken

A cooked whole bird is considered a celebratory dish. So that everyone can choose whether to taste a wing, white chicken meat or chicken legs, the owners must know how to properly cut the chicken. The algorithm will be simple:

  1. Lay the finished carcass on the back.
  2. Use sharp kitchen scissors (or a knife) to cut along the center of the breast. You can immediately cut crosswise to get four ready-made servings of white meat.
  3. Carefully cut off the leg. The thighs from the lower leg are easier to separate with your hands.
  4. Cut off the wings last. You can leave on them part of the shoulder - white fillet.

How to cut a chicken into pieces for pots

Many recipes involve cooking poultry or meat in a pot, such dishes with the addition of vegetables are especially flavorful. So that all guests can enjoy hot, you need to cook in small pieces. Each hostess can choose whether to buy separately prepared thighs or breasts, or learn how to properly butcher a whole chicken. The specificity of dishes in a pot involves very small fragments, so you will need to cut the bone with a special hatchet. The process is quite simple.

The taste of chicken meat depends on how it was processed and gutted. Depending on the size of the pieces needed for cooking, there are two ways to cut the carcass. The first option allows you to get eight equal parts. According to the second, "waste-free" method, you can cut the carcass more economically into small pieces.

For cutting the carcass, there are special scissors in the form of secateurs or a large sharp knife.


Before cutting the carcass, it is necessary to prepare it for gutting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. Cut off the head of the chicken.
  2. 2. Cut off the beak.
  3. 3. Remove the eyeball.
  4. 4. Remove the throat tube from the neck and discard.
  5. 5. Cut off the paws with a knife along the folds.

The skin from the paws is easily detached after firing.

You should prepare a bowl for waste and internal organs in advance. Then you can proceed directly to gutting:

  1. 1. In the back of the chicken carcass, cut off the protrusion and make a small skin incision on the abdomen, pull out the insides through it.
  2. 2. Separate the intestines, cut off the spleen from the liver without damaging it, then cut out the stomach. You need to act very carefully so as not to hurt the intestines and gallbladder, otherwise the taste of offal will be spoiled by the bitterness of bile. Select edible parts: heart, liver, stomach, discard the rest.
  3. 3. Remove the heart from the carcass.
  4. 4. Pull out the goiter from the bird.
  5. 5. Cleanse the stomach. Cut it lengthwise, discard the contents, pry the inner shell along the edge with the tip of a knife and detach.
  6. 6. After gutting, thoroughly rinse the carcass in cold water.

With proper preparation of the chicken for slaughter, the goiter will be empty and easy to remove. Otherwise, before gutting, you should cut the skin on the neck and clean the goiter.

If the chicken is not subject to subsequent cooking, then all the internal organs should be folded back into the bird carcass and placed in the cold.

The skin of the bird is cleaned with a soft brush.


The chicken is cut step by step into 8 parts:

  • 2 shins;
  • 2 hips;
  • 2 wings;
  • 2 breast halves.

The work must be performed strictly following a certain sequence:

  1. 1. Place the carcass on the back breast up.
  2. 2. Using scissors, make an incision from the bottom in the middle of the breast to the top.
  3. 3. Unfold the chicken so that it is convenient to cut out the spinal column.
  4. 4. Insert a kitchen knife into the carcass and, slowly, parallel to the spinal column, divide the carcass in half towards you.

Separation of wings and legs

Then you need to cut the chicken into pieces. First you need to separate the legs:

  1. 1. Pulling the limb to the side, cut the skin between it and the body.
  2. 2. Take the chicken thigh with one hand and hold the carcass with the other
  3. 3. Turn the hip joint outward and upward with force - the ligaments will tear and the thigh can be easily detached from the body.
  4. 4. Separate the lower leg from the thigh.
  5. 5. Leave the leg on the table with the skin down, sharply lower the knife along the fold, dividing it into two halves.
  1. 1. Find the connection of the wing with the carcass.
  2. 2. Determine the place where the wing bone enters the connecting joint.
  3. 3. Cut with a sharp knife along the tendons of the joint

Separation of the bone with cartilage from the breast

The next step requires:

  1. 1. Separate the breast from the back along the line of adipose tissue. It creates a white stripe, determines the direction of the incision along which the cartilage tissue connects the sternum to the ribs.
  2. 2. Draw out the cartilage. They are located on both sides of the bone, which runs along the center of the breast along its entire length. Cut the upper part of the breast at the location of the two bones exactly between them to the bone that has a darker color.
  3. 3. Remove the cartilage, they need to pry with the thumbs of both hands, as if breaking the breast in half. Apply force and try to push up the bone that holds the long cartilage. Without reaching for the ribs, squeeze the bone and cartilage out of the breast. When the latter are released from the meat, take the bone and pull until it slips out of the soft tissues.
  4. 4. Divide the breast in half and pull out the ribs from the inside, removing them with a sharp knife. It turned out a separate chicken fillet. If necessary, it must be cut into pieces or left in one piece.

All pieces should be washed under running water and dried with a waffle towel. Meat can be used to make a roll, and the bones, back and cartilage can be used for soup.
