
Sauces and seasonings from plums for the winter. Classic and modern recipes for sweet and sour plum tkemali sauce

Step by step recipes delicious sauce for meat: preparing plum sauce for the winter

2018-08-15 Liana Raymanova





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


5 gr.

20 kcal.

Option 1. Classic plum sauce recipe for the winter

Plum sauce - dish Georgian cuisine, great for fried, baked meat. It is also called "Tkemali" in another way. very fragrant, thick consistency, With light sweetness and sharpness. The composition of the sauce can include plums of any variety, as well as a variety of aromatic additives that make the sauce more interesting, memorable. The main condition for cooking is to stir often so that the sauce does not burn to the bottom of the container.


  • blue plums - 4 kg;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 170 g;
  • dill - 4 sprigs;
  • fresh cilantro - 4 sprigs;
  • parsley - 4 sprigs;
  • garlic - 9 cloves.

Step-by-step recipe for plum sauce for the winter

We free the garlic cloves from the husk, rinse all the greens.

Rinse the plums, remove the pits.

We grind the pulp of plums in a meat grinder simultaneously with garlic cloves and all herbs.

We spread the whole mass in a deep enameled container. Putting on the stove, we regulate a small flame of fire, bring to a boil, boil for a little more than 30 minutes, while stirring often.

Pour sugar into the mixture, add salt and boil for another quarter of an hour.

After sterilizing and drying the jars, put the sauce in them and twist them with metal lids.

We put it in the cellar until winter.

You can not twist the greens through a meat grinder, but add it in chopped form at the end of cooking, along with salt and sugar.

Option 2. A quick recipe for plum sauce for the winter

In the recipe for hastily sauce is not made from fresh plums, and from plum jam. Due to this, there is no need to separate the stones, which significantly reduces total time cooking. It turns out all the same tasty, fragrant and appetizing. And the additionally used chili pepper adds spice, Apple vinegar- sharpness.


  • plum jam - 600 g;
  • fresh cilantro - 5 branches;
  • garlic - 7 cloves;
  • apple cider vinegar - 65 ml;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 75 g.

How to make plum sauce for the winter

We clean the hot pepper from seeds and stalk, rinse slightly, cut into small pieces.

Peel the garlic cloves, wash the cilantro.

We grind all the prepared ingredients, armed with a submersible blender.

Mix plum jam with chopped products, salt to taste, pour in apple cider vinegar, mix well.

The sauce is ready for further use.

Instead of cilantro greens, it is permissible to use a mixture of Provence herbs.

Option 3. Winter plum sauce for meat with nuts

Another amazing plum sauce recipe. It is also prepared from blue fresh plums. Walnuts make it interesting in texture and pleasant in taste. And coriander gives the sauce a delicious flavor. This option differs from classic recipe the fact that plums are additionally boiled in water before grinding.


  • 4.5 kg of blue plums;
  • 120 g walnuts;
  • 5 sprigs of fresh cilantro and dill;
  • 7 leaves of fresh basil;
  • 15 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 small chili peppers;
  • 45 g coriander;
  • 65 g salt.

Step by step recipe

After sorting and rinsing the plums, we separate the seeds. We put the prepared fruits in a saucepan with water and boil for half an hour on the smallest burner.

We drain the water, cool the plums a little and twist through a meat grinder.

We sort out walnuts from garbage, also grind in a meat grinder.

Chili pepper pods are freed from the stalks and thrown into a meat grinder.

Wash cilantro and basil, finely chop, pour into chopped plums.

Add nuts, coriander, chili pepper, squeeze garlic cloves through the garlic cloves, stir everything thoroughly.

Spill into sterile containers, roll up, completely cool under a blanket and lower into the cellar.

Optional walnuts you can just chop finely with a knife.

Option 4. Plum sauce for the winter for Chinese meat

Another popular version of plum sauce. Thanks to different types pepper and spices, it comes out in a special fragrant, slightly harsh.


  • blue plums - 2.5 kg;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 onions;
  • cane sugar- 165 g;
  • ginger root - 1 small;
  • apple cider vinegar - 110 ml;
  • coriander (seeds) - 30 g;
  • cinnamon (powder) - 20 g;
  • cayenne pepper - 15 g;
  • salt - 35 g;
  • black pepper - 45 g.

How to cook

We clean the onions, cut into squares.

We clean the ginger root from dirt, wash it, cut it with a knife into small pieces.

We lay the plums freed from the stones in a container with 250 ml of water, wait until it boils on a small burner.

Covering the container with a lid and rearranging it on a small burner, cook the plum for half an hour, with frequent stirring.

Drain the broth and cool the plums, grind them with a hand blender.

Pour cane sugar into a puree-like plum gruel, add apple cider vinegar, all ground spices and peppers, onions, ginger root, mix well and boil for 45 minutes after the second boil.

After sterilizing the jars, fill them with hot sauce.

Having covered with lids, we sterilize in a wide basin with water for half an hour.

Having rolled up with a special seaming, we cool under a fur coat and lower it into the cellar.

Ginger root can be replaced with ground ginger.

Option 5. Yellow plum sauce for the winter

To give the sauce an unusual and peculiar touch of taste, you can cook it from yellow plums. It consists of minimum quantity available ingredients. It also comes out thick, fragrant, tasty.


  • yellow plums - 6 kg;
  • garlic - 16 cloves;
  • water - 530 ml;
  • 70 g of granulated sugar;
  • salt - 35 g;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • 40 g hops-suneli.

Step by step recipe

We remove the stones from the yellow plums, boil on a small burner for several minutes from the moment of boiling.

Drain the plums in a colander, let cool slightly, and grind with a hand blender.

Half of the pod, de-seeded hot pepper cut into crumbs, pour into plum puree, at the same time squeeze the garlic cloves through the press.

Add sugar, suneli hops to the mass, add some salt and mix everything thoroughly.

Let the mass boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour and remove from the stove.

We lay out the hot sauce in sterilized jars, roll up and cool under a fur coat.

Instead of fresh pepper chili is permissible to take the usual red ground pepper.

Option 6. Plum sauce for the winter with apples

Another Chinese version plum sauce for meat. blue plums They go great with apples and with the curry seasoning used in this recipe. The sauce is tender and very flavorful.


  • garlic - 18 cloves;
  • blue plums - 3 kg;
  • apples of any variety - 6 pcs.;
  • ginger root - 1 pc.;
  • filtered water - 250 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar- 110 ml;
  • soy sauce- 25 g;
  • black pepper - 30 g;
  • curry seasoning - 50 g.

How to cook

We clean the ginger root, wash it.

Plums freed from stones, cut small pieces, put in an enameled container, fill with purified water and bring to a boil on the middle burner of the stove.

We free the apples from the core, cut into small cubes and load them into a container for plums, at the same time squeeze the garlic cloves through the press.

Add curry, soy sauce, ginger root, boil after boiling for 30 minutes, while constantly stirring.

After removing the container from the stove, let the entire contents cool slightly, and grind with a submersible blender.

Step 6:
We put it on the same burner again, pour in balsamic vinegar, pepper and boil after boiling for 12 minutes.

hot sauce transfer to sterile containers, cool under a blanket.

Stored in a cool basement.

If desired, balsamic vinegar can be replaced with the usual 9 percent vinegar or citric acid.

The harvesting and harvesting of the seasonal harvest is in full swing. Here the plum has arrived, from which you can cook an extraordinary spicy sauce. There are a lot of varieties of cooking such a fragrant seasoning. Everyone knows Georgian tkemali and satsebeli, but there are even more complex sauces, such as Chinese, which adds rice vinegar And a large number of seasonings
Plum sauce is perfect for any meat. Especially unusually tasty is shish kebab made from pork, beef or chicken, poured on top with a bright fragrant seasoning of plums and sprinkled with herbs. There are more complex variations when tomatoes, apples, carrots or walnuts.
I want to bring to your attention a recipe for a delicious sauce from this sweet and sour fruit. For its preparation, plum "Hungarian" or cherry plum is suitable. It is desirable that the fruit be with a sour taste, dense to the touch, you can take a little unripe. This is the plum I used in this recipe. Ready seasoning turns out thick, sweet and sour taste and a little spicy, as I added hot pepper. If you do not like spicy sauces, then pepper can be omitted. From this amount of plums, two small jars of plum blanks are obtained.
For your convenience, the entire recipe plum sauce for the meat I supplied step by step description and added photos.

Taste Info Sauces for the winter


  • plum - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • hops-suneli - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • hot pepper - to taste.

How to cook plum sauce for meat for the winter

First, prepare the plums. We wash them well under water, let them dry a little. Cut into two halves and remove the bone.

We put the prepared fruits in a thick-walled pan, add filtered water according to the recipe. We bet on medium fire, stirring occasionally, wait for the plum mass to boil. Remove the foam, reduce the temperature to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. Stir from time to time so that the plums do not stick to the bottom.

While the fruits are being prepared, we peel the garlic, cut it in small pieces. We wash the hot pepper, remove the seeds from it, randomly cut.

After thirty minutes of boiling, grind the plums with an immersion blender or rub through a fine sieve. The consistency should be a homogeneous puree. Put the pan back on a low heat and cook the chopped plums under the lid for another 30 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally with a wooden spatula.

Add the rest of the ingredients: salt, sugar, suneli hops, ground coriander, chopped garlic and hot peppers. Mix well and boil for 20 minutes small fire without covering with a lid. Grind the plum sauce with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling.
At this point, let's try the sauce. If necessary, you can also add salt, pepper, garlic to taste, suitable for acid lemon juice, a slight use of apple or wine vinegar is also allowed in the recipe.

While the sauce is being prepared, we wash small jars, lids, and sterilize them for 5-10 minutes over steam or in another way convenient for you. Pour hot sauce into sterile, dry jars, cover them clean lid(do not twist).

We cover the bottom of the pan with a towel or cotton fabric folded in several layers, put a jar of sauce. pouring hot water and sterilize 10 minutes after boiling.

Close the lids tightly and turn the jars upside down. Wrap well until they cool completely. Delicious preparations for you!

To give piquant taste plum sauce, instead of suneli hops, you can pour 1 teaspoon of dry ginger and the same amount of dried mint. If you add curry seasoning (20 g) to garlic, you get an unusual delicate aroma.
Whatever spices you put in in any case will come out magical sweet and sour sauce from plums, which is suitable not only for meat, but also for any dish.

Step 1: prepare the plums.

Plums choose the most ripe and beautiful. Rinse thoroughly first. warm water, it is best to even do this several times, then pat dry with paper towels.
After washing the plums, cut them in half to remove the pit. And at the end, pass the washed and peeled fruits through a meat grinder, turning them into a thick plum puree.

Step 2: Prepare the garlic.

Separate the heads of garlic and peel each clove. Then run them through a meat grinder, just like the plums before. But you do not need to mix the crushed ingredients. At first, they should all lie separately from each other.

Step 3: prepare the parsley.

Take a large bunch of parsley, rinse it very thoroughly, and then pat dry with disposable paper towels. Pass through a meat grinder.

Step 4: prepare hot peppers.

Rinse the pods of bitter pepper with warm water, dry and cut off the tails. As you probably already guessed, hot peppers also need to be passed through a meat grinder.

Step 5: Cook plum sauce.

Transfer the crushed plums to a state of puree in large saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat, and then simmer for 15 minutes. Remember to stir all the time so that nothing burns.

After 15 minutes, chopped garlic, parsley, hot peppers, as well as other seasonings should be added to the plums: tomato sauce, ground coriander, black pepper, granulated sugar and salt. Stir the plum sauce and cook it some more 20 minutes. At the same time, it must be stirred, preferably every minute or two, so that nothing definitely burns.

Step 6: Preserve plum sauce for the winter.

Be sure to sterilize and rinse the jars along with the lids before pouring the sauce into them, otherwise all your efforts will simply be in vain and the workpiece will deteriorate.

Pour hot plum sauce into heated sterilized jars and immediately close them tightly with lids or roll them up completely if you prefer.
Turn jars of hot sauce upside down, wrap in towels and leave in this form until completely cooled for one day. As soon as the workpiece becomes room temperature, towels can be removed, and jars can be rearranged in cool place away from sunlight.

Step 7: Serve plum sauce preserved for the winter.

Plum sauce is actually very versatile. It is served both with meat dishes and vegetable dishes, it is already a matter of taste. So try it yourself and serve it the way you like and with what you like.
Bon appetit!

If you like plum sauce, then be sure to try cooking as well.

Plum sauce for the winter should be preserved in small jars, with a volume of no more than 500 milliliters. After all, you most likely will not be able to eat a whole liter of sauce at a time, and after opening it will quickly deteriorate even in the refrigerator.

Do you still serve regular ketchup with meat? Then I hasten to tell you some recipes for delicious plum sauce that will make your meat dish unique. You will forever forget about store-bought sauces. They are prepared from available products, and most importantly - you can make blanks for the future.

Recipe for plum sauce for meat for the winter with a photo

Kitchenware: knife, bowl, saucepan, jars, seamer, lids, meat grinder, immersion blender, six 500 ml jars.


  • Sauce plums should be firm and not overripe.
  • I recommend using red bell pepper., so the finished sauce will be a pleasant shade. But you can take green or yellow, it will not affect the taste of the sauce.
  • Adjust the amount of hot pepper to your taste. taste preferences . It is better to clean and grind hot peppers with gloves.
  • While cooking, do not forget to stir the sauce well with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn.

sauce preparation

  1. Thoroughly wash and sort out 3 kg of plums. Divide into halves and get rid of the bones.
  2. We wash 1.5 kg of bell pepper with water, cut off the tops and clean out the seeds.

  3. In gloves, clean 6 pieces of hot pepper.

  4. We pass plums, Bulgarian and hot peppers through a meat grinder.

  5. Transfer the plum and vegetable puree to a bowl. Add 195 g of sugar, 60 g of salt, 8 g of suneli hops and 4 g nutmeg. Mix all the ingredients and put on fire.

  6. After the sauce has boiled, we make the fire quieter and continue to cook for 25 minutes.

  7. After the time has passed, we pass 180 g of garlic through the garlic cloves into the sauce and add 5 g of citric acid.

  8. Puree the sauce with an immersion blender and boil for another 5 minutes.

  9. Plum sauce is ready.

  10. Boil the lids in water for 7-10 minutes. Rinse six half-liter jars well with water. At the bottom of each jar, pour a little water, put in the microwave for two minutes at full power.

  11. We fill the sterilized jar with plum sauce, close the lid and roll it up using a seamer. We do the same with other banks.

  12. We do not turn the jars of sauce over, but simply wrap them in a thick towel or blanket until they cool completely.

Video recipe for making plum sauce for meat

In this video recipe, you will see all the steps for making plum sauce for the winter.

Plum ketchup for the winter

Cooking time: 4 hours.
Yield of finished sauce: 3.5 liters.
Kitchenware: pan, jars, lids, spoon, knife, seamer, meat grinder.


sauce preparation

  1. Rinse with water and sort out 2 kg of plums. Divide into two halves and remove the bones.

  2. We clean 260 g onion and 120 g of garlic. Cut the onion into several pieces.

  3. We wash the apples with water, remove the stalk and seeds. We cut into slices.

  4. Three kilograms of tomatoes are washed and cut into halves.

  5. Tomatoes, plums, onions and apples are passed through a meat grinder and transferred to a saucepan. Grind 120 g of garlic with garlic and send to the pan.

  6. We put the saucepan with the sauce on the fire, bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat for 2 hours. While cooking, be sure to stir the sauce with a wooden spatula. Reduce the sauce to the consistency of ketchup. Boiling time can be shorter if you don't have much juicy tomatoes and plums.

  7. Pour into a saucepan 5 g of hot pepper, 5 g of a mixture of peppers, 4 g of coriander, 2 pcs. cloves and 3 g of cinnamon.

  8. Pour 150 g of sugar and pour 100 ml of vinegar.

  9. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and cook for 30-40 minutes. The cooled sauce can be killed with an immersion blender, for more uniform consistency.

  10. We sterilize jars in a convenient way for you. Boil the lids for 5-10 minutes. ready sauce pour into jars, cover with a lid and roll up with a typewriter. We wrap the jars with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Remove the sauce to a cool dry place.

Plum ketchup video recipe

This video recipe will help you prepare this delicious preparation for the winter.

separate topic in modern culinary is the preparation of sauces that are a wonderful addition to any dish.

Many of us, after visiting the Caucasus, probably remember with longing the local cafes, where almost all dishes are served with very tasty, magic sauces, the diversity of which is simply mesmerizing.

Meanwhile, the basis of these sauces is the most common plum, from which, in addition to sweet dishes, delicious spicy seasoning. It can be prepared from these fruits of any variety and any ripeness. This fragrant seasoning for the winter you can cook at home. In this article I will tell you about the most simple and incredibly delicious recipes for preparing this dish.

This recipe is convenient because you do not have to strictly adhere to the proportions. We cook from the quantity of products that are available, guided by our taste.

For cooking, I used such an early ripe variety with a sweet taste and honey aroma. Sourness is present only in the peel.


  • Plum
  • Sugar
  • Hot pepper (can be replaced with ground red)
  • Carnation
  • Water (if you steam the plum first)

We sort the plums, wash and remove the seeds. Then we act on the basis of our strengths, imagination and free time.

To obtain a puree of a homogeneous consistency, you can skip the fruit through a fine grate of a meat grinder, grind it in a blender or wipe it through a sieve after steaming. In the latter case, the sauce turns out to be more delicate, but requires a lot of effort and time.

I did the following. I put the fruit in a saucepan, half filled it with water and put it on a small fire. I languished them from the moment of boiling until they were completely boiled for about 10 minutes (ripe ones boil faster, unripe ones take longer).

The resulting mass was crushed with a blender. Many authors of recipes for this sauce suggest removing the peel, but then it turns out to be too pale and inconspicuous. As a result, I got about 2 liters of fruit puree, to which I added 1 tsp. salt (with a slide) and 1 tbsp. l. sugar (with a slide).

I also ground half of hot pepper (can be replaced with 1 tsp of ground red pepper) with a blender (it is possible without pepper, then the taste will be more delicate). Then I crushed 3 clove inflorescences and a tablespoon of coriander seeds in a mortar, added to mashed potatoes and cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. You can change the combination of spices to your liking.

If the coriander seeds are fried a little in a dry frying pan, they will get more rich aroma.

Since everyone has their own taste preferences, during the cooking process, I recommend periodically taking a sample, adding salt, sugar and spices if necessary.

Hot sauce has a slightly different taste. Therefore, to determine whether there is enough salt and sugar, you can lay out a small amount of on a saucer, cool and sample.

I hotly spread the finished sauce over sterilized glass jars, hermetically sealed with sterilized lids and wrapped in a blanket until completely cooled.

Plum sauce with basil and garlic for the winter

Now let's cook more spicy sauce With bright aroma. As the main spices I used purple basil, which differs from green in a milder smell. This plant is very widely used in Tatar, Caucasian and Uzbek cuisine.

I cooked from early ripe varieties: the sweet red variety "Iyulskaya" and the fragrant variety "Hungarian" with sourness.


  • Plums - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 40 g (1 tablespoon with a bump)
  • Hot pepper - 1/2-1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • purple basil ( fresh herbs) - 0.5 bunch
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  • Water 1 cup (250 ml)

We divide the prepared washed fruits into halves and remove the seeds. Put in a saucepan, add water, put on moderate heat and boil for 10-15 minutes, until the peel begins to lag behind.

Next, grind the boiled fruit along with the peel. convenient way. Add salt, sugar and put on a small fire. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. In the process of cooking, we taste the fruit mass and, if necessary, add salt or sugar.

Meanwhile, peel the garlic, wash the basil well. I usually put fresh herbs in advance in a deep bowl and pour for 20-30 minutes cold water and only then rinse under running water.

Basil is combined with such spices as dill, ginger, marjoram, mint, rosemary, celery, tarragon, parsley.

We cut off the stalk of hot pepper, cut it lengthwise and clean it from seeds (when working with hot pepper and garlic, it is desirable to use in rubber gloves).

Garlic, hot peppers and basil are twisted through a fine grate in a meat grinder or grind with a blender.

Roast coriander seeds in a dry frying pan and grind in a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar. Add all the spices to the resulting pasta and continue to cook for 5 minutes.

In the process of heat treatment, basil loses its aroma very quickly, so you need to add it at the very end of cooking for 3-5 minutes.

Pour the finished sauce hot into sterilized glass containers, close with sterilized lids and wrap until cool.

Delicious bell pepper recipe

In that interesting recipe I used the Hungarian variety and added bell pepper, which gives the dish a bright rich aroma and a beautiful shade.


  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper (sweet) - 500 g
  • Salt - 10 g (1 tsp with a hillock)
  • Sugar - 20 g (2 tsp with a bump)
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  • Khmeli-suneli - (1 tsp with a hillock)
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Water 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1-3 tbsp. l. (optional)

For its preparation, you can take vegetables of any color. It is best to choose large, fleshy fruits of sweet pepper.

Plums must be washed, separating the bones and cut into halves. Put prepared fruits in a saucepan, add water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Next, remove the pan from the heat, cool.

Meanwhile, peel the garlic, spicy and bell peppers wash, clean from seeds and partitions. Next we bake Bell pepper and remove the skin from it. Grind garlic and hot peppers in a blender, coriander in a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar.

In the oven, peppers are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes. In a slow cooker on the "Baking" mode - 15-20 minutes.

In a saucepan with steamed fruit, add pepper, spices and grind everything. I ground it with an immersion blender. Next, put the fruit and vegetable mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes.

In the process of cooking, we taste the resulting puree and, if necessary, add the missing ingredients. I note that roasted peppers add extra sweetness to the dish. In the end, the sauce turned out not sour enough, and I added apple cider vinegar.

If you want the garlic spiciness to be absent in the sauce, then put ground garlic at the very beginning of the boil. In this case, only the aroma of garlic will remain, and the bitterness will disappear.

Pour the finished sauce hot into sterile jars, roll up and wrap until cool.

How to Make Plum and Tomato Sauce (Winter Recipe)

I’ll make a reservation right away that this recipe is for housewives who have little time for culinary delights. In this recipe, we will try to combine two completely different, but very loved by everyone tastes - fruit and tomato. In most recipes, the basis of this sauce is tomatoes, but we do not forget that we want to cook it from plums, so we take twice as many fruits as vegetables. In this recipe, I used the Hungarian variety and red tomatoes.


  • Plums - 2 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Salt - 30 g (1 tablespoon with a hillock)
  • Sugar - 100 g (5 tablespoons with a bump)
  • Hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Carnation - 3 inflorescences
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp. l.

We sort the fruits, wash them and, cutting them into halves, separate the bones and twist them through a meat grinder using a fine grate.

Grind coriander seeds in a coffee grinder or crush in a mortar along with cloves. We place cilantro in a deep bowl and pour cold water for 20-30 minutes, then rinse under running water and dry paper towel.

Garlic, hot peppers and cilantro are twisted through a fine grate in a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

Heat up in a saucepan or oven vegetable oil, pour and fry all the spices, and then add garlic with hot pepper.

During the cooking process, the garlic loses its sharpness and becomes sweet in taste. The aroma of garlic becomes softer and thinner.

And now, when roasted spices a breathtaking aroma begins to emanate, add fruit and vegetable mass, salt, sugar to them and continue to simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

During cooking, we taste and, if necessary, add the missing ingredients.

Plum sauce with tomato paste for meat

Another option plum tomato sauce we will cook using ready-made tomato paste instead of a tomato. For this recipe we will be using fruit. blue varieties so that the resulting product is bright rich color. You can make your own tomato paste or buy it. I buy ready-made tomato paste in the store. This recipe will remain relevant in winter time, since fruits are now sold in stores all year round.


  • Plum - 2 kg
  • Tomato paste - 200-300 g
  • Garlic - 150 g
  • Hot red pepper - 2 pods
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 30 g (1 tablespoon with a hillock)
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Carnation - 3 inflorescences
  • Refined vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Peppermint - a few sprigs (optional)

My fruits, twist in a meat grinder through a fine grate. We wash the greens well in a deep bowl with cold water, then rinse under running water and dry with a paper towel. I had peppermint and I added it. We also prepare hot peppers and garlic.

Garlic, hot peppers and herbs are twisted through a fine meat grinder grate. We grind 3 inflorescences of cloves in a mortar.

In a saucepan or roasting pan, heat the vegetable oil, pour and fry all the spices, and then add the garlic and hot pepper. When the garlic gets golden color, add tomato paste and fry for 1-2 minutes. Then add water prepared fruit puree and cook for 40 minutes.

When choosing tomato paste pay attention that it does not contain starch, preservatives and stabilizers.

The finished sauce is poured hot into sterilized glass jars, hermetically sealed and wrapped with a blanket until it cools completely.

This sauce is served cold and goes well with grilled or oven-roasted meats. It can also be served with poultry, potatoes and pasta dishes.
