
Soy sauce: the benefits and harms of oriental seasoning. Store-bought sauces: what is the harm and why it is time to abandon them completely

How is natural soy sauce prepared?

The benefits and harms of any product are due to the content of certain substances in it. The exotic oriental sauce, beloved by many gourmets, is obtained by fermenting beans.

They are crushed and mixed with ground wheat, then mixed with water and packaged in special bags. In the sun, the fermentation process begins, during which liquid is released. It is harvested, carefully filtered, and the result is a classic soy sauce. The benefits and harms of the final product depend on compliance with the cooking technology. To speed up production, a starter culture is added to the mixture of beans and wheat, which does not affect the quality of the product. If there is an inscription “natural fermentation” on the glass packaging, then you have natural soy sauce in front of you. But if you found artificial colors or food additives in the list of ingredients, then the benefits of soy sauce in this case are in great doubt. In general, if the product is sold not in a classic glass container, but in a plastic bottle, then most likely it is a fake. It is also worth paying attention to its color: the liquid, if it is in a small amount, should be brown, not black.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of soy sauce

The calorie content of this oriental seasoning is low. In 100 grams of sauce there are only 50 kilocalories, there is no fat in the composition of the sauce. Proteins and carbohydrates about 6 grams. Since the product is made from soybeans, it retains many of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from the plant. Classic soy sauce contains sodium, mono- and disaccharides and, oddly enough, a small amount of ash (5.5 gr.).

Longevity, health and soy sauce

The benefits and harms of this product are of interest to many lovers of Japanese, Korean and Chinese dishes. We have all heard about Eastern longevity. It turns out that one of the secrets of harmony and health of Asians is the regular use of soy sauce. Scientists have proven the positive effect of "black gold" on blood circulation and the cardiovascular system, as well as its ability to block free radicals, which helps slow down the aging process and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Obese people and those who have allergic reactions to animal protein should generally take a closer look at soy and its derivatives. Often this sauce is recommended as an alternative to table salt for those who are on a weight loss diet.

Soy sauce: harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that this natural product has many useful properties, some should refrain from using it. Sauce is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it increases the risk of miscarriage, and also negatively affects the formation of the fetal brain. There is also an opinion that soy - the main component of this seasoning - has a bad effect on the human endocrine system. It is also better not to include soy sauce in the diet of children under three years of age, the benefits and harms of which for babies have not yet been fully studied.

It is hard to imagine Asian cuisine without soy sauce; it is added to marinades for meat and fish, salads and simply served with almost all dishes. Thanks to its pleasant taste and smell, it quickly spread throughout the world and is widely used in cooking. In our country, soy sauce became popular 10-15 years ago with the advent and spread of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

Soy sauce is obtained as a result of fermentation (fermentation) of soybeans under the influence of aspergillus fungi. Sometimes wheat is added to activate the fermentation, in which case the finished sauce has a slightly different taste. Natural soy sauce contains soybeans, water, salt, and sometimes wheat. The finished sauce turns out to be rich dark brown, almost black, in color, thicker in consistency than water, has a very salty taste and a specific pleasant smell. Preparing the sauce in the classical way takes a lot of time (from one and a half months to three years), which is unprofitable for manufacturers. Therefore, to speed up and reduce the cost of production, it is made by hydrolyzing soy protein under the action of chemicals. The result is a product, the taste and properties of which, of course, differ from natural. To improve the taste and consistency of such a sauce, various dyes and flavors can be added to it.

Soy sauce contains a lot of protein.

Soy sauce has many health benefits. 100 g of a natural product contains 6-8 g of protein, about the same amount of carbohydrates, but there are practically no fats in it. The calorie content of soy sauce is about 50 kcal per 100 g, so it can be attributed to dietary products. And although the sauce is very salty, it is still added to dishes in small quantities, which allows it to be safely used by people on diets for.

Soy sauce uses a lot of table salt, so it contains quite a lot of sodium. There is an opinion that salt can be replaced with soy sauce, which is very important for many people suffering from diseases in which it is limited or completely excluded from the diet. This opinion is partly correct, since the sodium content in a tablespoon of soy sauce is many times less than in the same amount of table salt, while a dish to which 10 ml of sauce is added will no longer be fresh. In addition, soy sauce also contains a lot of useful substances, which, of course, are not found in ordinary salt. Therefore, it can help people on therapeutic diets to reduce the amount of sodium that enters the body when eating table salt. However, for this purpose, you need to choose high-quality soy sauce.

In addition to sodium, soy sauce contains a little manganese and copper. It also contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, which are formed as a result of the fermentation process. However, given the small amounts of sauce used, we can conclude that the poor vitamin-mineral complex that is part of it does not have a significant effect on the body.

The amino acid composition of soy sauce is very rich: there are almost all essential and non-essential (not synthesized in the body) amino acids. And given the relatively high content in the sauce, it can be argued that even a small amount of this product in dishes is good for humans. Proteins are the building blocks of all body cells and perform many other functions.

Special attention should be paid to glutamic acid, which is present in soy sauce in the form of salt -. In recent years, there have been constant discussions about the dangers of this chemical compound. It is thanks to monosodium glutamate that dishes seasoned with soy sauce seem tastier and more appetizing to us, since it increases the sensitivity of some taste buds. Glutamic acid and monosodium glutamate, which are naturally formed in soy sauce, are absolutely harmless to the body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found not only in soy sauce, but also in a huge number of products (meat, hard cheeses, legumes, etc.). When it comes to the dangers of monosodium glutamate, we mean a seasoning obtained by chemical means, which unscrupulous fast food manufacturers especially generously add to chips, crackers and other snacks.

Harm of soy sauce

Even natural soy sauce made from low-quality raw materials (spoiled soybeans) is unlikely to be useful for the body. Sauce made by hydrolyzing soy protein may contain harmful carcinogens. Flavorings, dyes and preservatives can also be harmful to the body, which should not be in a high-quality natural sauce, but which are added to it by unscrupulous manufacturers. Therefore, you should not buy cheap low-quality soy sauces.

Currently, most of the soybeans on the market are transgenic (genetically engineered), so it is likely that the vast majority of soy sauces are made from genetically modified soybeans. Disputes about the dangers of transgenic foods are ongoing, and the long-term consequences of their consumption by humans are still unknown.

Soy sauce still contains a fairly large amount of salt, this must be taken into account by people who observe, as well as those suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

Do not abuse soy sauce for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute stage. Also, do not give pure soy sauce to children.

TV channel GuberniaTV, Home Economics section on how to choose soy sauce:

Information about soy sauce came to us from the East - the homeland of the product. It is used in almost every dish there. The benefits and harms of soy sauce are still being debated between supporters and opponents of the product. But hardly anyone will doubt its dietary focus, helping to cope with the problem of excess weight. It is produced by fermentation, filling it with a certain composition.

Originally, the sauce was made from soybeans, fermented fish, and salt. Now, instead of fish, wheat is taken in the form of grains. The product is obtained by natural fermentation or hydrolysis, passing through the following steps:

  • Soaking and boiling beans;
  • Roasting wheat and grinding, followed by combination with soy;
  • Seeding microorganisms with mushrooms to get fermentation, specific smell and increase acidity;
  • Processing the mixture with salt;
  • Fermentation - 1.5 months-3 years;
  • pressing;
  • Pasteurization with filtration.

Fermentation helps release amino acids from milk sugars. In the process of cooking, the formation of a popular flavor enhancer, monosodium glutamate, occurs in a natural way.

The benefits of soy sauce for the body are indicated by its composition, which contains the necessary substances for normal life:

  1. Almost the entire group of vitamin B, normalizing the activity of the whole organism.
  2. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes.
  3. Amino acids histidine with valine help to cope with stressful situations and restore tissues.
  4. Soy sauce for the liver is important for the presence of leucine in the composition.
  5. Isoleucine regulates carbohydrate metabolism.
  6. Forms and maintains skin tissue cysteine.
  7. Lysine helps to better absorb calcium.
  8. The activity of the central nervous system depends on tryptophan.

Soy sauce is good for the liver with the intestines included in the methionine. Many of the amino acids are essential, meaning the body does not produce them on its own. This makes the product even more valuable to humans.

Useful properties of the sauce

Conducted studies have established a decrease in the risk of developing a malignant tumor of the breast with regular use of the product. The rich antioxidant composition prevents early aging. Soy sauce is able to have a sedative effect, eliminating headaches, insomnia and excessive muscle tone.

The benefits of the sauce extend to swelling, helping to get rid of them. Phytoestrogen in the composition gives soy sauce useful properties for menopausal women. Regular use preserves youth and reduces the negative manifestations that accompany this period of life.

The benefits of the product in preventing the appearance of joint and bone diseases are noted. People with cardiovascular problems, including atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease, should pay more attention to soy sauce by including it in their diet. It helps in faster recovery after a heart attack.

The presence of a large amount of vegetable protein allows it to be consumed by people whose body does not accept animal protein.

Soy sauce and weight loss

Low calorie content - only 50 kcal \ 100 grams gives soy sauce benefits for weight loss. It is not able to affect the reduction of body fat, but replacing them with salad dressings from mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil, the figure will noticeably improve.

Soy sauce is good for weight loss for all people on a low-fat diet. After all, it has absolutely no triglycerides and simple carbohydrates, but a lot of nutritious vegetable protein.

Harm and contraindications

There are always good and bad when it comes to food, including soy sauce. A properly prepared product has no contraindications, except for personal intolerance. But a low-quality product can do harm.

The cooking process is complex, undergoing a fermentation procedure, which means high cost. The low price of a product means low quality using genetically modified source material. The harm of such soy sauce is obvious due to the presence of carcinogens.

A large amount of salt gives the sauce certain contraindications:

  • kidney disease;
  • Obesity;
  • Personal intolerance;
  • Violation of protein metabolism;
  • Children's age up to 3 years.

Soy sauce is harmful to pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. It is necessary to observe the measure in use and healthy people to get the maximum benefit without harm to health.

Homemade Soy Sauce Recipe

Soy sauce is a mixture of soybeans with salt, grains and water. It is prepared by fermentation with the participation of aspergillus (mushrooms), followed by squeezing the resulting liquid.

The main component that helps the product to ferment is not available in our region, so the most realistic and adapted option would be the following:

  • Soy (beans) - 120 grams;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable broth - 50 ml;
  • Sea salt - to taste.

Boil the beans and grind to a homogeneous puree-like state with the addition of all the other ingredients in turn - without ceasing to stir. The resulting mass is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which it is immediately removed. Cooled sauce can be used.

Store shelves are filled with all sorts of brands of soy sauce. Real connoisseurs of the product can understand its naturalness and benefits. But there are several signs that help you choose a quality sauce.

First, you can’t buy a product on the market for bottling, only in a store and released by a familiar brand. The bottle must be glass and transparent. Pay attention to the labels - the presence of the composition with a description and all the details of the manufacturer.

The composition has soybeans, wheat, salt, sugar and vinegar - nothing else should be. Protein - from 7 to 8 percent without dyes with flavors. High-quality and natural sauce and without them is perfectly preserved for up to several years.

When viewing the bottle in the light, transparency is required with no haze. The color is light brown. Lighter shades mean cloying and more salinity. Dark color fills the sauce with increased density and astringency. But you should know that dark types are more often artificial with the addition of acid.

There are more and more fans of Asian cuisine in our country. Soy sauce is a traditional condiment for oriental dishes, which is difficult to find an analogue for taste and breadth of use. Even mayonnaise can't be compared with it. It goes well with meat, fish with rice and vegetables. You can prepare various sauces based on it. But let's try to figure out: what is soy sauce, its benefits and harms to the body. Can they season our dishes so thickly?

How did soy sauce come about?

The history of the appearance of soy sauce begins in ancient China, about 3000 years ago. Chinese monks disapproved of eating milk and meat products, they preferred plants. But the body cannot do without protein, and then the monks suggested replace meat and milk with soy products.

The first vegetarian dish among Chinese monks was cheese made from soy milk. Culinary experiments with soy gained momentum, and almost everything began to replace it. Eventually the monks learned how to cook and soy sauce. We do not know the exact date of manufacture of this seasoning. But soy sauce quickly became popular, and now the Japanese are serving it at their table.

Among the Japanese, the first mention of soy sauce dates back to about the 18th century. Here, the sauce became a favorite seasoning, and moved into the status of a gourmet product. Its long shelf life gave the Japanese the opportunity to spread the sauce to other countries, starting with Holland. Soy sauce reached Russia only in the 90s and was also loved by many culinary specialists and simple housewives.

What is soy sauce made from?

Soy is a herbaceous plant with a lifespan of only one year. The fruit of soy is a bean, from which so many products are obtained that are extremely rich in vegetable protein. Exactly soy sauce is made from these beans.

But not only soy fruits are needed to get the sauce, wheat grains and molds are also added there, which cause fermentation. Without them, the sauce will not have its characteristic sour taste and smell.

How is the process of preparing this seasoning:

  1. Soybeans are soaked in water and boiled.
  2. Wheat grains are roasted and crushed.
  3. Boiled beans and cooked grains are mixed.
  4. Different types of fungi and microorganisms are planted in the resulting slurry.
  5. The resulting mass is poured with saline and left to ferment. As the sauce ferments, it breaks down protein into free amino acids and starch into simple sugars. This gives the sauce its dark color.
  6. The fermented gruel is placed under a special load. Thus, the sauce is separated from the solid base.
  7. Raw sauce must be heated in order for the remaining fungi and bacteria to die.

This is how classic soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans and grains.

How to choose soy sauce when buying?

When choosing soy sauce on store shelves, it is better to pay attention to the one that contains in glassware. Glass containers preserve useful and taste of the product.

What else might grab your attention?

  1. The label should say that the product is fermented, that is, prepared by natural fermentation. Such a sauce is healthier than the one prepared according to an accelerated recipe in 3 days - hydrolysis.
  2. Carefully study the composition, it should include such products: soy, wheat, water and salt. And nothing more.
  3. Sometimes, producers want to save money and add to soy sauce peanut. Don't take this product.
  4. A natural product should contain a sufficient amount of protein - at least 6%.
  5. The liquid in the bottle should be homogeneous, not leaving streaks and particles on the walls of the vessel.

Soy seasoning can vary in color, from darker shades to golden. It depends on the sugar content. But this indicator does not affect the benefits of the product, but only the taste.

What are the benefits of soy sauce?

Soy seasoning is considered a dietary and healthy product. It is eaten by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It's all about its rich composition.

  • Vitamins A, C, E, B.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.

He contains a large number of amino acids, which make it a natural antioxidant, which can slow down the aging of the body and prevent the development of cancer cells.

People who are allergic to animal protein can safely season their meals with it.

There is a more noticeable benefit, it helps with the following diseases:

  • CNS diseases (headaches, insomnia).
  • Cardiovascular diseases - helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Spasmodic pains, headache and neuralgic.

It does not contain any fats or sugars, which makes it possible to use it for food for diabetics and for those people who are on a diet.

Concerning harm , which can cause soy sauce to our body, then it is worth noting the uncleanliness of manufacturers who add to its composition artificial fillers. They are the ones who can be unsafe.

How to make soy sauce at home?

Making classic soy sauce at home is not easy, as finding the necessary mushrooms for fermentation is not an easy task. But you can do homemade soy sauce. For this we need:

  1. Beans (100 g) boil and mash into a puree.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of chicken broth and 2 tablespoons of butter to the resulting gruel.
  3. Salt the resulting mass.
  4. Add a tablespoon of flour.
  5. On the slowest heat, the resulting mass should be brought to a boil.
  6. It is necessary to stir it constantly so that the sauce does not burn, otherwise it will taste bitter.

Such a sauce, of course, will differ from the natural one in its properties and taste, but it can completely replace mayonnaise and tomato ketchup.

What can you eat soy sauce with?

Soy sauce is a versatile condiment. Of course, it all depends on the individual preferences of the person. It can be added anywhere, and even in soup instead of sour cream. But best of all he suitable for side dishes, which have a dryish texture and insipid taste, such as rice, pasta, legumes. Based on it, you can come up with good sauces, in which it is added for spiciness.

  1. Soy-based sour cream sauce. Take a few tablespoons of sour cream of any fat content, based on how much sauce you need to get. Add some dill and minced garlic to it. To keep the sauce fresh, add soy sauce to taste. Your preference is important here, whether you like the sauce sourer or not. Mix the whole mass until you get a coffee-and-milk sauce. This seasoning goes well with vegetable salads, fish, and you can even make a sandwich with it.
  2. For cooking chicken marinade. Soak the pieces in it (chicken wings are best) and leave to soak for a while. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will turn out to be too soft and sour. You can also add it when frying along with oil.

If you decide to diversify your cuisine, then soy sauce is the best way to go. It will give the dishes a new, incomparable sweet and sour taste.

After reading this article, you learned everything about soy sauce: the benefits and harms, what it consists of and how to cook at home. Then you can experiment and get new and new dishes.

Video about the benefits and harms of the product

In this program, Dr. Elena Maslova will talk about the dangers and benefits of soy products and sauces for the human body:

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for the body of a man and a woman, its composition and calorie content, useful properties for weight loss, recipes for use - we will talk about this today on the site.

What is soy, how is sauce made

Soya- This is a plant belonging to the legume family, which is widely used for the preparation of various kinds of food. Soy is undeniably a very useful product when used correctly.

One of the products that are prepared with soy is the world-famous soy sauce. It is most popular in the cuisine of Asian countries.

Such a sauce is prepared by fermentation, with the addition of special microflora in the form of fungi. But before leaving the beans to ferment, they are boiled with barley flour.

Making high-quality and natural soy sauce is not as easy as it seems at first glance. And yes, it doesn't cost much.

Soy sauce, to which people in the post-Soviet space are now accustomed, sold in supermarkets, is nothing more than a fake, an imitation of a natural product obtained by hydrolysis. And what? What used to be fermented for years (up to three years, by the way!), Now with the help of chemistry you can get it in 2 days.

In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers add a lot of flavor enhancers to the artificial Asian seasoning in order to achieve something that is most similar to natural soy and flavors.

These chemical additives are definitely unhealthy. Real soy sauce should not contain any preservatives. It itself can be stored for a couple of years without loss of quality.

How to distinguish real fermented soy sauce from fake?

Well, firstly, a genuine spicy product will not be cheap, the price of natural soy sauce per half liter ranges from 400-500 rubles, it is bottled only in transparent glass containers, it will definitely be written that it is obtained by natural fermentation, natural fermentation. The percentage of protein will be indicated (usually at least 8%).

The liquid will not be black, not a dark brown cloudy burda, but a light brown transparent substance without impurities.

Cheap versions with brown salty water from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea will be in plastic, often without specifying the composition and preparation method.

The composition of soy sauce, calories

The main character in the composition of soy sauce is vegetable protein, which is certainly good for health and replaces the protein found in meat products. Due to its high protein content, soy sauce is one of the most protein-enriched foods in the world.

Soy sauce is also rich in many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and organic compounds.

Among the vitamin components in this product is vitamin A, D, C, B6, B12.

Minerals: iron, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

One of the main advantages of soy sauce is the absolute absence of cholesterol in it, which is known to be harmful to health.

soy sauce calories is 75 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of soy sauce

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. strengthening the vascular wall;
  3. improving blood circulation;
  4. a powerful source of protein;
  5. antidepressant;
  6. improving the performance of the nervous system.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for men

Men who carefully monitor their health, physical form, including, must pay attention to the right diet. Since it is he who is very important for maintaining the body in good shape.

And for athletes, it is very important to have protein in the diet, which plays an important role in building muscle mass in the male body. Often, “pitching” eat kilograms of meat and eggs, which are rich in protein, but you can find a worthy alternative to this. Many nutritionists recommend soy sauce for consumption.

Of course, meat and eggs should not be completely excluded from the diet, but you can significantly reduce the amount of their consumption by opting for natural soy sauce. They can be seasoned with salads without adding a drop of salt. Soy sauce itself is already salty.

It can be used as a marinade for grilled vegetables. Men also use soy sauce instead of any meat, and based on medical research, they are by no means inferior in physical health to male meat-eaters.

But, as always, there is harm, a kind of "fly in the ointment" - with frequent and immoderate consumption of Japanese-Chinese seasoning, men's libido decreases.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce for women

Women, like the male half of the population, certainly benefit from soy sauce. Enriched, this product prevents premature aging of the skin and makes it radiant and fresh.
Also, a large amount of antioxidants has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies and surveys regarding the benefits of soy sauce for human health. They showed that in some cases, this product can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

No less useful are phytoestrogens, which are also found in soy sauce. They have a beneficial effect in the postmenopausal period for a woman.

They also significantly slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Help to alleviate the course (if it is very painful and accompanied by copious discharge).

For women, soy sauce is useful in the same way as a prophylactic against breast cancer. That is why many gynecologists advise women who have crossed the threshold of 35 years to take soy sauce as salad dressings, and marinades for vegetables and meat.

The use of soy sauce in folk medicine

Traditional medicine recommends the use of soy sauce to almost everyone who is prescribed diet food for one reason or another. And this means that this category of people needs to stock up on a couple of recipes for making healthy dressings using soy sauce.

To prepare one of these healthy dressings, you need to take half a glass of soy sauce (100 ml), pour it into a deep container, add half a glass, juice of half a lemon, 3-4 peas (for flavor), mix everything thoroughly and season vegetable salads with this mixture . Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

The next option for a tasty and healthy dressing will be using Dijon mustard, which you need to take one teaspoon and add to one glass of soy sauce. Mix well and add half a dessert spoon of fresh, runny honey. It is simply irresistible in combination with mustard. Especially with meat dishes. Mix the sauce and honey, add a couple of drops and a spoon, mix again and the dressing is ready. It goes best with beef and rabbit meat.

The next utility option from soy sauce is a marinade for meat. You can use it for any dietary meat. To prepare the marinade, you need to take a glass of soy sauce, pour it into a deep glass plate (so that it is convenient to mix), add two teaspoons of liquid honey, half a teaspoon (you can take fresh ginger root and grate it), mix all these components and the marinade is ready.

It is necessary to withstand the meat in it, depending on the stiffness of the meat. For chicken, for example, 30 minutes is enough. A rabbit needs at least 2 hours. And if it is beef, then you can leave it for the whole night. It will be marinated for sure!

Harm of soy sauce - contraindications

Soy sauce is definitely a very healthy food product. So it is, if you use it correctly, if you do not drink it in glasses uncontrollably in anticipation of a miracle.

If a person abuses soy sauce, there is a chance that it will eventually lead to serious problems with the urinary tract and genitourinary system.

From the very beginning of the invention of such a product as soy sauce, it was intended solely to give dishes a certain piquancy, aroma and a slight salty aftertaste. Today, it is poured everywhere and everywhere in liters, not taking into account the fact that with uncontrolled intake of soy sauce, a person can experience serious health problems.


  • - (due to the high concentration of salt in the product);
  • - arthrosis and arthritis;
  • - salt deposits;
  • - the rapid development of osteochondrosis;
  • - various diseases of the kidneys (MKD) and liver, gallbladder (GSD);
  • - myocardial infarction.
  • - the gradual development of hypertension is also possible.

Children should be careful when using this product. Ideally, it should not be given to them at all. Since soy sauce contains such a large amount of protein that the child's body may not be able to cope with the load. In such cases, 90% of children have an allergic reaction to this protein.

Estrogens are hormones found in soy sauce that are beneficial for women. BUT if it pregnant woman, soy sauce it is categorically contraindicated. An overdose of such hormones can lead to brain disorders in the fetus.

soy sauce for weight loss

Due to its rich composition, soy sauce is recommended by many nutritionists if you want to lose extra pounds. If you follow a diet, salt, which is so harmful to the body, is replaced with soy sauce. Scientists have proven that a pinch of salt is much more harmful than a tablespoon of soy sauce.

Plus, experts in the field of nutrition advise replacing salad dressings in the form of mayonnaise with more gentle dressings with soy sauce, the recipes of which were given above.

This is not a reason to pour soy sauce into each of your plates in the hope of losing weight faster, but following these recommendations, the body will definitely say “thank you” and overall well-being will be an order of magnitude more cheerful and lighter.
