
Delicious plum jam slices. Pitted Plum Jam: Cooking Recipe

Plum tree fruits go well with many spices, fruits or citrus fruits. Through mixing conventional products, taste plum jam you can diversify - the resulting dessert can be added to pastries or simply served with tea. plum treatpopular blank for the winter, because this berry-fruit grows well in our climate.

How to choose and prepare a plum for harvesting for the winter

Like any other dish, plum jam has its own subtleties of preparation:

  1. You only need to choose for harvesting for the winter ripe plums. They should be free of wormholes or any damage.
  2. Before cooking, the fruits of the plum tree must be thoroughly washed, and the stalks removed. Whole berries or halves are suitable for cooking.
  3. If whole ones are used, then before cooking they must be pierced with a needle in several places. In this case, they will not burst during heat treatment and will evenly absorb sugar syrup.
  4. When brewed small plums whole, it is recommended to pre-blanch them for about 3 minutes in water, the temperature of which is 70 degrees. Large fruits do not need such an action. They are simply cut in half, the bones are removed.
  5. Fruits with thin skins need to be boiled in several bookmarks, before each of which they must be kept in sugar syrup. This is done so that the plums remain intact. You do not need to withstand cherry plum and tkemali.

What utensils do you need

To cook pitted plum jam for the winter, you will need:

  • pot;
  • dishes;
  • knife for cutting and preparing products;
  • cutting board;
  • colander;
  • slow cooker, bread machine or pressure cooker (for making jam according to special recipes);
  • jars and lids for twisting;
  • soda for sterilization of containers;
  • a blanket (it will be needed to wrap jars with rolled up jam);
  • kitchen scales (to maintain the proportions of all ingredients).

How to cook seedless plum jam

There are many ways to make plum jam for the winter, which all housewives successfully use. Most make a delicacy following the classic recipe. And for those who want to try new taste, there is good news - plum goes well with almost any product: cocoa, citrus fruits, fruits. Here it is only necessary to know how and in what order to add the ingredients to the fruits of the plum tree.

Classic recipe

To make plum jam, you only need fruits, sugar and a little plain water(preferably filtered). Preparing a delicacy is simple and does not take much time:

  1. Whole dense plums are taken, without any kind of damage.
  2. washed under cold water, the bones are taken out.
  3. Each piece is cut in half.
  4. All halves are placed in a container for cooking, covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. It is advisable to wait a while before putting on fire so that the plums give juice. For a rich taste, you can add a little more citric acid.
  5. The blank is boiled for the winter for 40-50 minutes until caramelization occurs.
  6. glass jars sterilized until the mass reaches readiness. Then the jam is laid out in containers and hermetically rolled up.

A simple and quick five-minute recipe

The method got its name due to the fact that it takes no more than 5 minutes to cook plums. Prepare plum jam for the winter is easy, for this you need to adhere step by step instructions:

  1. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the seeds from them, cut each one in half.
  2. For each kilogram of fruit, add 300 g of sugar, half a liter of water and two pieces of orange to the pan.
  3. Citruses are crushed or cut into small pieces - as you like more, but the peel must be left.
  4. All fruits and berries put in a saucepan, put on small fire. At the same time, the mixture should be cooked constantly in a state, as if it were about to boil.
  5. Seedless plum jam for the winter requires constant control housewives - you need to stir and not let it boil. Keep the mass for about 5 minutes, then remove from the stove.
  6. We lay out the contents of the pan on the prepared jars and roll up. It is worth noting that the day before use, the container should be boiled, wiped and, wrapped in a blanket, put upside down until completely dry and cool.

Recipe with cocoa and butter

It turns out very unusual dish for the winter, suitable for those who like to try new combinations of flavors. For cooking, you need the following set of products:

  • plums - 3 kg;
  • cocoa - 100 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • walnuts - 200 g.

Step by step we prepare for the winter:

  1. Put the peeled nuts in a bag and knead with a rolling pin so that the pieces become very small. You can also detail with a knife, but it will be more difficult.
  2. We sort out the plums, leave only those that are undamaged, rinse, and pit.
  3. We put the fruit tree product in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder to end up with plum puree.
  4. Put the mass in a saucepan, put on the smallest fire for 10 minutes.
  5. In a well-heated plum puree, add butter, sugar, nuts and cook for another 30 minutes.
  6. In a separate container, mix cocoa powder with part of the sugar, add to the jam. To enhance the aroma, you can pour 4 tablespoons of cognac. We leave for 10 min.
  7. After waiting all the allotted time, pitted plum jam with chocolate can be twisted into a dry, sterilized container.
  8. It is necessary to cool it in a warm place, after which it can be transferred to the cellar, pantry or other place where they will be before serving.

Aromatic plum jam with ginger and lemon

The recipe will do for those who like sweets, but at the same time consider the calorie content of products. cook diet jam from pitted plums for the winter can be from the following products:

  • drain - 2 kg;
  • ginger root - 30 g;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • pectin - 15 g.

We make a delicacy in sequence:

  1. We choose juicy, but dense plums. We wash, make a pair of cuts in each, keep in boiling water for 2 minutes to remove the skin.
  2. Remove the seeds, cut each fruit into four parts.
  3. Ginger rubbed on fine grater.
  4. Cut the lemon into small pieces along with the zest.
  5. We put the fruits in a saucepan, cover with sugar, immediately add pectin, fill everything with water. Bring to a boil over low heat, but do not stir.
  6. When the mass boils, put ginger and lemon, mix everything thoroughly, simmer until it thickens.
  7. Pour the resulting thick mixture into pre-sterilized jars and roll up. It is recommended to store in the refrigerator or cellar.

How to cook plum jam with slices in a slow cooker

This method is much easier than cooking on the stove. To cook in a slow cooker, you need to have minimal amount ingredients: main product and sugar. The cooking process takes time, but not laborious:

  1. We take small fruits with dense pulp, rinse thoroughly.
  2. We cut each piece along the groove, after which we remove the bone, trying not to particularly damage the berry. Cut into thin slices lengthwise.
  3. Put chopped plums into the multicooker bowl.
  4. We fall asleep sugar, but do not mix everything together, but just gently shake the bowl. Leave the bowl and its contents for 6-8 hours.
  5. After the plums give juice, and the sugar begins to dissolve, add vanilla and lemon juice optional. We set the slow cooker to the "Extinguishing" mode and leave it for 20 minutes. This amount of time is necessary so that the slices do not fall apart.
  6. After the signal of the equipment, signaling the end of cooking, we take out the bowl.
  7. Banks need to be prepared in advance: wash, treat with soda, wipe dry paper towel. It is also recommended to pour boiling water over the lids before seaming.
  8. We fill the containers with the resulting one, roll it up. Leave the jars to cool upside down and wrapped in a towel. Fragrant and healthy plums ready for the winter!

Homemade Yellow Plum with Oranges and Apples

To prepare the treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe yellow plums any variety - 500 g;
  • apples (sour-sweet or sweet) - 2 pcs.;
  • orange (medium size) - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.

From this number of products homemade jam for the winter it turns out 1 liter. To do it is simple, for this you need:

  1. Wash the plums and, cutting in half or smaller, remove the seeds from them. Put in a saucepan and cover with a glass of sugar.
  2. Cut the oranges together with the peel into small cubes, remove the seeds. Arrange on top of sugared fruits. If oranges are not available, lemons can be used instead.
  3. Apples, peeled, cut into cubes or slices, depending on preference. Add to the rest of the ingredients and cover everything with the remaining sugar.
  4. Cook over low heat for 1 - 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. Then let the jam cool down and boil again for at least 1.5 hours.
  5. It is necessary to spread the resulting mass into pre-prepared jars and roll up with disinfected lids. After that, you need to let the plum jam cool down at room temperature and then put away in the pantry.


Plum is delicious, fragrant and useful fruit. To in winter evenings there was something to eat, you can make jam from these fruits.

Seedless plum jam for the winter - a simple recipe

This recipe is the easiest and fastest to prepare. It is also called the five-minute. During the cooking process, almost all vitamins are preserved and the delicacy remains healthy and nutritious.



  1. If you want to make jam, not jam, choose unripe fruits. Rinse fruits in water. Remove leaves and any debris.
  2. Cut each plum in half.
  3. Remove the bone with a knife.
  4. Put in a large container.
  5. Sprinkle sugar on top. You can't mix.
  6. Leave for half a day. This is necessary in order for the fruit to release the juice and become more solid.
  7. Turn on the stove to the maximum setting. Put the pot with fruit and boil.
  8. Switch to the minimum cooking mode and boil for five minutes.
  9. Remove from stove.
  10. Cool down completely.
  11. Put on fire. Boil and remove from stove.
  12. Pour hot into jars.
  13. Roll up.

Cooking with yellow plums

At yellow fruits original unique taste. Pleasant, beautiful plum color will give a chic look to the delicacy. The jam will turn out fragrant and similar to honey. The fruits will remain in pieces and vitamins will be preserved. Due to the lack of a peel, the delicacy melts in your mouth.



  1. To make the delicacy delicious, wash the fruit, remove the seeds and peel. With these fruits, it is removed quickly and easily.
  2. Transfer the prepared mass to a bowl.
  3. To sprinkle necessary quantity Sahara.
  4. Mix.
  5. Turn the burner to the minimum. Stirring, cook until sugar dissolves. Wait for a boil.
  6. Boil five minutes.
  7. Transfer to banks.
  8. Screw on the lids.
  9. Cover with a blanket until completely cool.

original spice recipe

If you cook plum jam with the addition of spices, you get a fragrant delicacy that will surprise all guests with an amazing taste.


  • cloves - 12 pcs.;
  • plum - 2.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - 2.5 sticks;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.


  1. To better wash the dirt from the fruit, it is necessary to pour water into the basin, put all the plums there. Leave. Take out and wash twice.
  2. Remove the bones with a sharp knife. Remove skin. If the fruits are yellow, then the peel can be left. In this variety, it is soft and is not felt in the jam.
  3. Cut the fruit into four slices.
  4. Sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Juice will appear in an hour.
  6. Put it to boil for an hour. Turn on the minimum fire.
  7. Leave for 12 hours.
  8. Add cinnamon, cloves.
  9. Boil for half an hour. Do not cover with lid. Remove the formed foam.
  10. Remove the spices, otherwise the jam will be too saturated and it will turn out rich taste.
  11. Pour into jars. Spin.

Seedless plum jam for the winter

Jam differs from jam in that this delicacy is boiled longer. The color is darker than jam. Jam has a slightly sour taste, a homogeneous thick mass without pieces of fruit.


  • plum - 2.4 kg;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1.8 kg.


  1. To make real jam, choose ripe fruit. Check for worms. You need to cook with the skin on.
  2. Wash fruits.
  3. Put in a container that can be put on fire.
  4. Pour in water so that the fruit is completely immersed in the liquid.
  5. Boil, but do not boil. This is necessary in order for the skin to exfoliate from the fruit.
  6. Cool down.
  7. Get the bones.
  8. Drain the juice that stands out into a separate container and use as you wish.
  9. Take a blender. Whisk.
  10. Sprinkle with sugar.
  11. Turn the hob to low mode. Boil fruit for three hours.
  12. Stir constantly and remove when foam appears.
  13. Add lemon. Stir.
  14. Boil five minutes.
  15. Rinse small jars with soda, wash off its remnants. Put in hot oven or microwave at low power.
  16. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.
  17. Transfer jam to containers.
  18. Close the lid.
  19. Wrap up.

Recipe for jam with cocoa

You won’t surprise anyone with ordinary jam, but chocolate treat few have tried it. According to this recipe, plum jam prepared for the winter is obtained original taste, fragrant and healthy. And it will definitely please chocolate lovers.


  • powder - cocoa - 15 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • plum - 4.5 kg.


  1. Wash fruits.
  2. Remove bones.
  3. Cook in a wide pot. Pour in water to cover the bottom.
  4. Transfer fruits.
  5. Close the lid.
  6. Turn the burner to the middle position. Heat until water boils.
  7. Switch to minimum. Boil for half an hour. The fruit will become soft and release juice.
  8. Turn off gas. Cool down the mass.
  9. Beat with a blender. You can take a colander with wide holes, and grind the fruit. This method is more suitable for jam, as the skin will separate from the pulp, the delicacy will turn out to be tender and uniform. Therefore, it is better to use ripe plums, they can be easily and quickly rubbed.
  10. Transfer back to saucepan.
  11. Pour 600 grams of sugar.
  12. Mix.
  13. Put on fire.
  14. Boil. Boil for half an hour on low heat.
  15. Stir often so that the mass does not burn.
  16. Pour in the remaining norm of sugar and cocoa. Mix.
  17. If the jam tastes sour, you can increase the sugar content.
  18. Boil 20 minutes.
  19. Place in jars. Close.

If you like thick jam, use late varieties. If you are using early variety add to recipe large quantity sugar and cocoa. So that the mass reminds chocolate candies add more cocoa.

Cooking with nuts

Everyone should try this jam. It has bright taste and original flavor. You will be pleased to surprise your guests with an interesting and tasty delicacy.


  • sugar - 1.7 kg;
  • walnut - 250 g;
  • plum - 2.5 kg.


  1. Remove leaves, branches and other debris from fruit.
  2. Rinse.
  3. Remove bones.
  4. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  5. Sort nuts. Remove, if any, pieces of shell and partitions. Take a deep plate, sprinkle nuts. To fill with water. It should be at room temperature. Hold for half an hour.
  6. Prepare a container big size, which can be put on fire. Arrange prepared fruits.
  7. Boil 20 minutes. If the fruits do not secrete juice, water must be added. During the cooking process, stir and skim off the foam.
  8. Pour sugar over plums. Boil for 40 minutes. Cook over low heat.
  9. Strain the water from the nuts. Transfer to the plum mass. Mix.
  10. Boil. Boil for 20 minutes.
  11. Remove from fire. Roll up hot.

With the addition of oranges

If you combine a plum with an orange, you get an amazing dessert that the whole family will enjoy on cold evenings. The delicacy comes out sweet, has a slight sour plum and unique aroma orange. In order not to change the color of the jam, stir only with a wooden spoon.

Citric acid will help avoid sugaring the dessert. Add a teaspoon of lemon per kilogram of sugar and the jam will remain in its original form.


  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • plums - 3 kg.


  1. Remove branches, leaves from fruits. Spoiled, rotten, crumpled fruits are not suitable for jam. Rinse. Allow time for excess water to drain.
  2. Remove the skin and cut out the bones. If you leave the peel, then during cooking it will separate from the pulp and the jam will not look very beautiful.
  3. Remove rind from oranges. To do this, use a small grater.
  4. To avoid bitterness, remove all white partitions from the orange.
  5. Transfer plums to a heatproof bowl.
  6. Add zest and sorted oranges.
  7. Pour out the sugar. Leave for a while. The fruits should release juice, and the sugar should melt.
  8. Turn the burner on medium. When the mass boils, switch to a minimum. Boil 15 minutes. Stir constantly and remove the foam.
  9. Turn off the fire. Leave the mass to cool.
  10. Boil again and cook for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to remove the foam.
  11. Boil the lids.
  12. Sterilize jars.
  13. Divide the jam into containers. Roll up.

In jam, pieces of fruit retain their shape. In jam, everything boils down to a thick state. This mass is easy to spread on pancakes and rolls, it is convenient to add to tea. When making jam, you can take fruits that are overripe.


  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • plum - 2 kg;
  • apple - 2 kg.


  1. Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. Place in a saucepan, falling asleep with two kilograms of sugar.
  2. Leave to extract juice for an hour.
  3. Put on the stove. Boil for half an hour. If during this time little juice stands out from the fruit, pour a little water.
  4. Leave to cool for two hours.
  5. Remove the peel from the washed apples, remove the seeds. Cut into slices.
  6. Place to the plum mass, falling asleep with the remaining sugar.
  7. Mix.
  8. Boil fruit for half an hour. To prevent burning, stir with a wooden spoon. Remove foam regularly.
  9. Take a blender. Whisk the fruits. Boil.
  10. Preserve.

How to cook a delicious dessert in a slow cooker?

The easiest cooking option is to use a slow cooker. Taste qualities remain unchanged, and the time for cooking will go away far less. In this cooking option, the syrup will definitely not burn. For beautiful color jams, best used yellow varieties drain.


  • yellow plum - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Sort fruits, clean from branches and leaves. Rinse.
  2. Leave only strong, whole fruits without damage.
  3. Remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half.
  4. Transfer the fruits to the bowl from the multicooker.
  5. Pour in sugar.
  6. Select the "Extinguishing" mode. Time to put on the hour.
  7. Close the lid.
  8. Do not interfere during the cooking process.
  9. An hour later, the treat is ready. Transfer to jars. Preserve.

Plum jam is very popular during the harvest period. Each housewife tries to stock up on fruit for a long time. This is not surprising, since the plum contains a mass beneficial enzymes. Thanks to regular use strengthens vascular system, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart is improving, the arterial pressure. Plum removes excess salt from the body, fights anemia, improves mood. Consider the most popular recipes for treats.

Plum jam: the subtleties of cooking

  1. If the plum has a tough skin, send the fruit to a saucepan and blanch for two minutes. Next, place the fruit in ice water. Such a move will prevent cracking of the fruit in the process. heat treatment.
  2. Choose the right raw materials for cooking treats. Varieties in which the pulp is easily separated from the stone are considered optimal, as a result of which the latter is quickly removed.
  3. If you are making a treat from small specimens, leave them uncut. To keep the fruits in shape, send them for 3-5 minutes in a soda solution, then rinse.
  4. Whole plums should not have wormholes, bruises or cracks. For the best impregnation pierce each fruit with a toothpick. So the syrup will quickly penetrate into the cavity and sweeten the pulp.
  5. If the jam is made from plum halves, remove the stalk and inspect the inside of the fruit. If necessary, scrape off the black spots from the stone with a knife.

Plum jam: a classic recipe

  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • plum - 1.2 kg.
  • table water - 120 ml.
  1. Choose moderately ripe fruits, the plum should not be overripe. Throw the raw material into the sink, rinse well, remove the whitish coating. Carefully cut the plum into 2 parts, remove the stone. Rinse the pulp again.
  2. Take a cooking pot, throw fruits into it, sprinkle with sugar and stir. Add water, send a heat-resistant container to the stove and cook until boiling. Stir constantly to dissolve the sugar.
  3. When this happens, turn off the burner, leave the treat for 3 hours. During this time, the fruit will release juice. Then repeat the heat treatment for 7 minutes.
  4. After this period, remove the container from the heat, leave for 8 hours. Finally, bring the composition to a boil, cook for 10 minutes after the start of boiling. Cool again, pour into jars and seal with tin.

Plum jam in the oven

  • granulated sugar - 2.4 kg.
  • plum - 2.2 kg.
  • table water - 130 gr.
  1. Rinse the plums under the tap, let the liquid drain, then dry each fruit with a towel. Make sure there is no whitish coating. Halve the specimens, pull out the bones.
  2. Prepare a clean and dry baking sheet, place the plum cut side up in it. Fill the contents with water, sprinkle granulated sugar. Send the baking sheet to an unheated oven, set the temperature to 190-200 degrees.
  3. Simmer the berry for half an hour, stir occasionally. During this time, the plum will let the juice in which the sugar dissolves. Ready composition pour into sterilized containers or serve after cooling.

  • ginger root - 2-3 cm.
  • drinking water - 60 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 775 gr.
  • plum - 0.9-0.95 kg.
  1. First, sort through the fruits, excluding all wormy, green, crushed ones. Rinse, put in a colander and let the water drain. When the plum dries, cut it in half, remove the seeds.
  2. Fill the multicooker bowl with 60 ml. water, send the fruits inside. Turn on the "Fry" function for 7 minutes. Close the lid and wait for the program to finish.
  3. During this time, the plum will soften. Now grind the ingredients to a puree state using a blender or a sieve.
  4. Rinse the ginger, peel it, grate it. Stir in plums. Add granulated sugar. Turn on the "Steam cooking" function, cook in a closed slow cooker for a third of an hour.
  5. When the contents begin to boil, remove the foam and open the dishes. Stir the ingredients constantly while waiting for the timer to turn off. Next, sterilize the container, pack the treat in warm containers.

Frozen plum jam with raisins

  • hazelnut or walnut - 225-230 gr.
  • freshly ground cinnamon - 3 pinches
  • fresh-frozen plum - 1.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 940 gr.
  • large pitted raisins - 100 gr.
  1. Defrost a plum without using the microwave or hot water. Rinse the berry under the tap, remove the seeds. Wash the raisins, soak them in warm water for 25 minutes, then drain the liquid.
  2. Now fry the walnut (hazelnut) in a dry frying pan without oil, heat treatment lasts 7-8 minutes. Cool, peel off the husk. Combine granulated sugar, raisins and plums in one basin, sprinkle with cinnamon.
  3. Put the contents to boil, wait for the particles to dissolve. When the syrup becomes homogeneous, add crushed nuts. Cook the treat after boiling for 8 minutes.
  4. Be sure to get rid of the foam. After the allotted time, remove the delicacy from the fire, leave for 7 hours. Carry out a second heat treatment, then cool the jam directly in the pan. Taste.

  • water - 400 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • plum - 1 kg.
  1. Choose a small plum for this recipe. Sorting, eliminating all bad instances. Rinse under tap, let dry.
  2. Now start blanching. Pour plain water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Put the plums in portions in a sieve, hold over the steam for 3-5 minutes.
  3. After heat treatment, immediately send the fruits to cold water. Pierce the raw material with toothpicks, making 4-5 holes.
  4. Prepare cooking utensils. Pour into it 400 ml. drinking water and add sugar. Simmer the contents until the granules are dissolved at low power, stir constantly.
  5. When sugar dissolves, place in sweet base whole plums and let them sit for 6 hours to soak. If the plum is very small, immediately start cooking.
  6. Put enamel pan with the contents on the burner, cook for a third of an hour. Always make sure that the composition does not seethe too intensely. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  7. After heat treatment, let the treat brew for 7-8 hours. Spend again languishing for 20 minutes, then let the delicacy cool. IN last time heat treatment lasts half an hour.
  8. Next, let the jam come to room temperature, pack in dry, clean jars. Carry out capping with parchment or nylon, store in the cold.

Plum jam with cocoa

  • vanillin - 7 gr.
  • ripe plum (but not overripe) - 2 kg.
  • cocoa powder - 90 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  1. Elastic, moderately ripe specimens are suitable for preparing delicacies according to this recipe. Rinse them well to remove plaque. Leave to dry on towels, then cut open and discard the pit.
  2. Sprinkle plums with sugar, keep for a day. During this time, the fruit will release juice. After the time has elapsed, sprinkle the composition with vanilla and cocoa powder, mix until there are no lumps.
  3. Move the raw material into an enamel basin. Cook on low to medium power for 35-45 minutes. Stir constantly, remove foam. Prepare a container for twisting, pour the finished treat.

Plum jam with nuts and lemon

  • walnut (almond, walnut or hazelnut) - 225 gr.
  • soda - 6 gr.
  • table water - 0.8 l.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • plum - 1 kg.
  • vanillin - 8 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  1. First, sort and rinse the plums. Then dry the fruit, prepare a solution of ordinary water and soda. Place fruits in it, hold for 3 minutes.
  2. Drain the soda liquid, rinse the plum well. Let it dry on a sieve or towels. Remove the stone without cutting the fruit into 2 parts. You can use a skewer or pencil.
  3. Roast whole, peeled nuts in a skillet without adding oil. After 7 minutes, cool, put in whole plum 1 copy. Separately combine table water and sugar, cook a sweet base.
  4. Let the syrup cool, then send the stuffed plum to it. Set the burner to a minimum, cook the jam in syrup for 15-20 minutes. Stir gently so that the nuts do not fall out.
  5. After a specified period of time, add squeezed and filtered lemon juice, vanilla to the jam. Cook for another third of an hour until signs of density.
  6. After cooking, remove the contents from the heat, cover the dishes with a towel, leave for 2-3 hours. Then package in sterile jars, seal with nylon or parchment.

  • granulated sugar - 1.6-1.7 kg.
  • apple (preferably sweet and sour) - 1.1 kg.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • plum - 1 kg.
  • table water - 120 ml.
  1. Rinse the plum well, cut into equal sections to remove the stone. Rinse the apple, do not remove the skin, cut out the middle. Chop with "orange" slices, mix with plums.
  2. Put all the fruits in a basin covered with enamel. Add ½ volume of granulated sugar. Combine the rest with table water and boil the syrup.
  3. Pour plum with apple with sweet boiling base, mix. Let stand 2 hours, then boil the composition for 8 minutes. Constantly stir the contents and remove the foam.
  4. Turn off the heat, let the treat cool for 6 hours. Repeat the heat treatment, increasing the time to 12 minutes. Cool down again.
  5. Now you need to simmer the jam for the third time, adding citric acid. Hot treat packaged perfectly clean banks and immediately corked with tin. After cooling upside down, remove the treat in the cold.

Plum jam with wine and almonds

  • cardamom - 1 gr.
  • almonds - 60 gr.
  • wine (dry white) - 425 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.
  • plum - 4.7 kg.
  • chopped cinnamon - 4-5 gr.
  1. Prepare the plum for further manipulations (washing, drying, removing the seeds). Place the fruit in an enamel basin and sprinkle with sugar. Let the mass brew for 11 hours.
  2. After the allotted time, pour in the wine, add the crushed cardamom and cinnamon. Put the container on the burner, cook over low heat until thickened. Do not forget to remove the foam and mix the composition.
  3. Approximately 10 minutes before the end of the languishing process, add the almonds fried in a dry frying pan. Pour the hot mass into clean containers, seal.

Plum jam with orange

  • sugar sand - 550 gr.
  • sweet and sour apple - 150 gr.
  • orange - 150 gr.
  • plum (preferably yellow) - 600 gr.
  • whole cinnamon - 1 pod
  1. Wash the plum, cut it into equal parts to make it easier to remove the stone. You can chop the fruit into slices, it all depends on personal preference. Sprinkle with sugar (300 gr.) And knead.
  2. Rinse the citruses, remove the “butts”, chop the fruit with slices along with the zest. Eliminate the seeds, place the oranges on top of the plums. Add another 150 gr. Sahara.
  3. Now prepare the apples, they must be washed, freed from the middle and chopped together with the peel. Add to the previous composition, season with the remaining sugar.
  4. Turn on the fire to a minimum, cook the fruit for 1.5 hours. Stir to avoid burning. Now let the delicacy cool, repeat the hour and a half languishing. Cool down again.
  5. Divide the mass into clean jars. Capping is carried out parchment paper or capron lids. Store in a cold place out of direct sunlight.

Take a closer look at popular recipes treats with the addition of citrus fruits, apples, cocoa powder, ground cinnamon, vanillin. Plum jam is prepared in 2-3 stages. After each heat treatment, it is necessary to let the treat cool down, then send it to languish again. Thus, the fruits are evenly saturated with syrup and do not fall apart.

Video: how to make jam from plums

Plum jam has been my favorite since childhood. It is very fragrant, with a pleasant sourness. I propose not to postpone the matter indefinitely and cook plum jam today. I will write 6 recipes, using which you will get very delicious preparation for the winter. From plums, you can cook jam with and without seeds, make thick jam or royal dessert- plum in chocolate.

Add cinnamon, cloves, ginger, vanilla, orange or lemon zest to plum jam and get new version on a familiar topic. Also in the jam 5 minutes before readiness, you can add nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts.

Do not forget, like any other preservation, hot jam must be placed in sterilized jars and rolled up with sterilized lids. It is imperative to remove the foam from the jam! It is because of foam or poorly sterilized jars that jam can turn sour. jam with enough sugar can be stored at room temperature, only in a dark place. If you put a little sugar - store in the cold.

Also pay attention to banks. They must be intact, without chips or cracks. At the bottom, look at the year of issue of the can - it should not be older than 5 years. Otherwise, there is a big risk that the bank will burst.

Plum jam with chocolate or cocoa is very popular. And not in vain. Because it's very delicious dessert, which you spread on bread and enjoy. And the basis of this dessert is natural - plum.


  • plums - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • water - 300 ml
  • cocoa powder - 50 gr.
  • dark chocolate without additives - 100 gr.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc. (only zest will be needed)

Plum jam with chocolate - preparation:

1. Take a kilogram of plums with a stone. Wash them and cut into 4 parts, remove the bone.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Let the syrup boil. When the mixture boils, the sugar is completely dissolved, pour the prepared fruits with boiling syrup and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

4. After five minutes of cooking, add butter, cut into pieces, chocolate, broken into squares, into the plum. Sift cocoa through a sieve so that it does not take lumps in the jam. Remove the zest from the orange (the thin top orange layer) and put it in the dessert too. Mix everything well so that the butter and chocolate melt, the cocoa dissolves well. Boil the jam for another 3-5 minutes. The skin of the plums should wrinkle, and the fruits themselves should become soft, but not falling apart.

5. Finished chocolate jam from the plums, pour into sterilized jars and immediately tighten the lids. This delicious dessert is ready. Look, do not eat it right away, leave it for the winter.

Plum jam with cocoa and vanillin "you will lick your fingers"

IN previous recipe I wrote how to make chocolate plum dessert. In it, pieces of plums remained intact and floated in chocolate sauce. In this recipe, jam is given a uniform structure, like jam. Accordingly, it can be spread on bread instead of purchased sweet paste. It turns out very tasty. Not in this recipe yet butter and chocolate, only cocoa is additionally used.


  • plums - 1 kg (peeled)
  • sugar - 500 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 70 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr. (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Wash the plums, cut into halves and remove the seeds. Put the plums in a saucepan, weigh them (pre-weigh the saucepan) and sprinkle with sugar in a ratio of 2:1. Also add cocoa and vanilla sugar if using. Stir.

The amount of sugar can vary depending on the sweetness of the plums.

2. Put on slow fire Nutella and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. The plum will gradually begin to release juice, the sugar will dissolve. If the jam is not stirred for the first 5-7 minutes, then the sugar will not dissolve, but caramelize, and the jam will burn. Therefore, before boiling, do not go anywhere and interfere.

3. After boiling, cook the jam for 15 minutes. During this time, sugar and cocoa will completely dissolve, the plum will soften, the syrup will thicken.

3.Remove jam from heat and puree with a blender.

4. Put the resulting mass on a slow fire and boil until thick. Cooking time will depend on the diameter of the pan (the wider the pan, the faster the liquid will evaporate), on the number of plums. This can take 20 minutes or 1 hour. The readiness of jam is checked on an ice saucer. Put the saucer in the freezer in advance and let it cool well. Drop a little jam on a cold saucer and twist. If the plum does not flow, retains its shape, then the dessert is ready.

To speed up the process, take dishes with the largest possible diameter. If desired, 5 minutes before readiness, you can add any nuts chopped in a blender to the jam.

5. While hot, pour the plum-chocolate jam into sterilized jars and roll up with sterile lids. The dessert is ready, just let it cool at room temperature and put it in a dark place for further storage.

When the jam cools, it will become even thicker.

The most delicious recipe for plum jam with oranges and nuts

This unusual jam from plums, as the title implies. It turns out very fragrant and tasty, a royal dessert.


  • plums - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp.
  • vanilla sugar - 15 gr.

Cooking method:

1. This jam will not be whole pieces, but of a homogeneous jam-like consistency so that the plums and oranges mix well. Walnuts chop with a knife to be small pieces. You should not grind too much, nuts should be felt. Wash the plums, cut in half and remove the pit. Oranges should be washed thoroughly with a brush to remove what they are smeared with for longer storage.

2. Cut the oranges into 4-6 parts and pass through a meat grinder along with the peel. Plums also chop with a meat grinder.

3. To cook this jam, you definitely need a saucepan with a thick bottom, otherwise the dessert may burn. Pour plums with oranges into such a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla sugar and mix well. Put on medium fire, cover and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to low and cook the jam for 45 minutes. During this time, the sweet will become a beautiful burgundy color.

During cooking, jam from plums should be stirred from time to time. Cook covered to avoid splashing.

3. After 45 minutes, add chopped nuts to the jam, stir and continue to cook for another 20 minutes. On this jam will be ready, it remains only to preserve it in jars.

In this jam, you can add cinnamon (instead of vanilla), ginger, raisins, almonds if desired. Additives are all made to taste and desire.

4. When the jam is cooked, place it in sterilized jars and roll up with sterile lids. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel. Let the jam cool, then put it in a dark and dry place.

Pitted Plum Jam in Thick Syrup - A Simple Recipe

In this jam, the plums remain intact, not falling apart, not cracked. The bones are not removed. So that the plums are well saturated with syrup, and the syrup itself is thick, the jam is cooked in several approaches, not one day. But the result will be gorgeous: and appearance desserts, and the taste will delight.


  • plums - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • water - 400 ml

Plum jam - how to cook:

1. Wash the plums and pierce them in two or three places with a fork. This is necessary so that the skin does not crack during cooking, the juice comes out easily, and the syrup enters the fruit.

2. Boil the syrup. To do this, boil water and pour sugar into boiling water. Bring to a boil while stirring again. The sugar should all dissolve. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes, then carefully pour whole plums into it. Wait until it boils and turn it off immediately. Let the jam stand for about 4-5 hours so that the plum is saturated with syrup.

Do not leave the jam for the first time longer than 6 hours. The plums are still raw, so the sweetness can sour.

3. Put the jam on the stove a second time. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Set aside again and let it brew for a few hours. Or wait until it cools down completely. For the third time, cook the jam for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Check for readiness. To do this, drop the syrup on a saucer, it should not spread, the drop will keep its shape.

If your jam turned out to be too liquid, you can leave it to cool and cook for the fourth time for another 5 minutes.

4. Immediately after cooking, the boiling jam must be laid out in sterilized jars and sealed with lids. Turn over and let cool. It remains to wait for winter to devour this yummy.

Candied plum jam according to an old recipe

This jam is cooked in the usual way. The plum retains its shape, the pieces remain dense, while the syrup is quite thick. This is due to the fact that the syrup is boiled separately. Read step by step recipe and just repeat.


  • plums - 900 gr. (weight without bones)
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • water - 300 ml

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the plums well, cut in half and remove the pits. Place the fruit halves in a bowl. Weigh the plums in their peeled form and take the same amount of sugar. Syrup needs to be made from sugar. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar to it. Just do it in this sequence: first water, then sugar. Put the syrup on the fire, stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute.

2. Turn off the gas under the syrup and pour the peeled plum into it. Shake the pan to mix the plums and syrup. Cover and leave for 1 day.

3. The next day, remove the plum from the syrup with a slotted spoon. Boil the syrup again, turn off the heat and immediately put the fruits in it. Cover the plum jam with a lid and leave for 12 hours.

4. After 12 hours, remove the plum again, bring the syrup to a boil and put the fruit in it. Turn off the heat and let the plum soak in the syrup for 6 hours.

5. After 6 hours, remove the plum with a slotted spoon and put it on a sieve. Boil the syrup for big fire, then make a minimum heat and boil the syrup for 10 minutes. Next, add plums to the syrup and bring the jam to a boil. You don't need to turn on the fire! The plum should boil over low heat.

6. When the jam boils, it must be laid out in sterilized jars and closed with lids, which should be in boiling water until preserved.

7. Turn the jars over, check if the lid is screwed on well. Let the jam cool and you can put it away for storage. Plums in this jam are not boiled, dense, ruby ​​syrup is transparent.

Thick plum jam without gelatin

The jam will have an almost uniform texture. Since plums are passed through a meat grinder, small pieces fruits can be found. Jam is thicker in structure than jam because it takes longer to boil.


  • plums - 1 kg (weight without pit)
  • sugar - 800 gr.

How to make plum jam:

1. Wash the plums and remove the stones. This can be done by anyone convenient way, since there is no need to save beautiful pieces of fruit.

2. Pass plums through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mass with sugar and mix. Cover the "raw" jam and leave for 2-3 hours to dissolve the sugar in the juice.

3. Put the plum puree on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring. Remove any foam that will appear on the surface. After boiling, make a small fire and cook for 20 minutes.

4. Turn off the heat and let the jam cool completely. It may take 2 hours. Or you can leave it overnight. Then boil the dessert for another 20 minutes and cool again. And for the third time, boil the jam for 20 minutes.

4. Arrange the hot jam in sterilized jars and screw on the lids. Let the sweets cool in this form and put them in storage.

I love plum jam. I think you do too. And these recipes will turn out very delicious treat, fragrant, beautiful rich color. Cook and live sweetly! And also do not forget to pickle cucumbers for the winter, so that later you will have plenty of crunch.

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