
How to make tomato juice for the winter. How to make juice from tomato paste

One of the healthiest juices in the world is tomato juice. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always work for the benefit of consumers. That is why in industrial juices small amount beneficial trace elements. If you do everything yourself, and then close the jars, you can be sure of the safety of the vitamins. You just need to know a few secrets. So, at home without losing everything useful material?

Tip #1

All fruits should be juicy, without darkening and especially rot. It is necessary to cut all the stalks, wash the vegetables. Keep in mind that at least 1.5 kg of tomatoes will be required per liter of juice, otherwise it will turn out to be watery, with sediment. For thick drink it is better to choose fleshy tomatoes of a small size (this makes it easier to wipe). So how to do tomato juice at home? Get everything to start necessary ingredients. Minimum list:

  • vegetables;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Sometimes additional cinnamon, cloves or black are added. ground pepper. Surprisingly, to keep the drink for a long time is not required lemon acid. Simply sterilize jars and lids well.

Tip #2

After the tomatoes are washed, you need to remove the skin from them. You can do this in two ways:

  • pour boiling water over, and then remove the peel with a glove;
  • put the tomatoes in a saucepan, pour some water and heat everything (the skin is easily removed from warm vegetables).

Why is this needed? So that the drink turns out only from the pulp, without unnecessary impurities. After learning how to make tomato juice at home, prepare a fine sieve in advance. The one that is intended for flour is also suitable.

Tip #3

Peeled tomatoes must be rubbed through a sieve. Ideally, only seeds will remain on it, all the pulp will go into the juice. Sometimes these steps are neglected, making the drink thick. If the seeds are small, then sometimes they are simply left. Note: you can grind the vegetables in a blender to a state of fine gruel.

The next step is boiling. You just need to pour a small amount water pureed tomatoes, add salt and sugar. In what quantity? Taste. For 1.5 kilograms of tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt is enough. You can add ground cloves (half a teaspoon) and black pepper. How to make tomato juice at home faster? Cook everything in a slow cooker or juicer. If they are not, then the option with a saucepan is the most relevant. It is undesirable to use it releases toxins. Boil the juice after boiling for 20 minutes. Then everything can be poured into prepared jars, closed and left to cool (turn upside down).

Tip #4

There is an easy way to make tomato juice at home. You will need water and salt. How to make homemade tomato juice from them? Mix pasta and water (you need the same amount per tablespoon of pasta). warm water). Then you can add salt to taste. Juice is ready! It will not differ from the store. Many manufacturers do just that, adding only preservatives.

You will need:

Making juice at home

Now let's figure out how to make homemade tomato juice. The first thing that may come to mind is to squeeze the juice in a juicer. But this straightforward approach will not work to the extent it should. The juice will turn out, but not so thick and homogeneous, it will not have such great content pulp.

The juicer will squeeze out the liquid, but almost all the pulp does not fall into finished product. Therefore, other approaches are used: you can, for example, make juice from tomato paste, because most of the major manufacturers resort to this option. Can be made from natural tomatoes. Both options are worth considering.

The best way how to quickly make tomato juice is to buy pasta, then for one glass boiled water you need to add two or three tablespoons of such a paste, also a little salt and pepper to taste. The juice should not be thick or translucent. If its consistency is optimal, then it is ready.

But this is a one-time method, you usually need to understand how to make delicious tomato juice in large quantities. Then we need fresh tomatoes.

You wash your tomatoes and then cut them into small pieces and place in large saucepan. She is placed on slow fire. There is no need to add water, because when these fruits (and a tomato, contrary to stereotypes, is a fruit, although it is rather strange to hear about it), boil soft, after which they will give juice. Just stir them. After boiling, they should cook for about an hour.

The better the tomatoes boil, the better the juice will come out.

The next step in how to properly make tomato juice is mashing the tomatoes through a sieve. The juice should be thick, like puree. All this is brought to a boil, after which the foam is removed.

Variations are possible. For example, you can still pre-pass the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcloves through a juicer, and then cook for fifteen minutes in an enamel pan with a piece of coriander until the foam disappears. The consistency of such a product will be slightly different.

Juice for the winter

Can be easily cooked this drink, but it is much better to prepare it for the winter so that you can enjoy it without any problems in the cold winter time when the body lacks different type vitamins - which are just contained in this juice.

Pour the drink prepared at the previous stage into sterilized jars, after removing the foam from it. Roll up the jars and wrap in a blanket. These banks can be stored room temperature.

The benefits of tomato juice are undeniable, tomatoes contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins of almost all groups, amino acids, citric, succinic, oxalic and tartaric acids. For these reasons, many housewives are thinking about how to spin the fruits for the winter so that they retain their beneficial properties. We have collected for you golden collection most delicious recipes, which can be easily translated into reality on their own. So let's get started.

Tomato juice: a classic of the genre

  • ripe tomatoes - 4 kg.
  • crushed salt (preferably sea) - 45 gr.
  • granulated sugar- 110 gr.
  1. For the most part, tomatoes are used to make juice. different varieties, shapes and sizes, which for some reason were not suitable for conservation. Wash the tomatoes, cut off the stalks, dented and moldy places. Cut them into small squares about 3x3 cm in size.
  2. Collect the meat grinder, pass the fruits through it several times, send the juice into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom. Spread the cake with a tablespoon, make sure that the splashes do not stain clothes and headsets.
  3. Put the container with twisted tomatoes on the stove, set the minimum power. Add crushed sea ​​salt and granulated sugar, mix well. Important! The amount of salt and sugar can be varied depending on personal preference. Usually 2.5 liters of tomato juice accounts for 25 grams. salt and 55 gr. Sahara.
  4. Wait for the mixture to boil, when the first bubbles appear, stir again to dissolve the crystals. At this time, proceed to the preparation of containers for twisting.
  5. Pick up jars that are suitable in size (liter, two-liter), make sure that there are no chips or cracks on them, otherwise the container may explode. Clean the container with a foam sponge and baking soda, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  6. Next, sterilize by placing the jars in a deep saucepan and filling with water. Time heat treatment a two-liter container is about a quarter of an hour, a liter - about 10 minutes. Sterilize the lids in the same way.
  7. If desired, jars can be processed in the oven by placing them upside down: for 10 minutes, gradually increase the temperature until you reach 160 degrees. Take out containers with a dry mitt, avoid sudden temperature changes.
  8. After boiling tomato juice, foam forms on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon or scoop. Leave the juice to boil for 3 minutes, then pour into clean jars. It is important that the containers are still warm, otherwise they may burst due to temperature differences.
  9. Seal the jars, turn over, making sure there are no smudges. To correctly test, run your index or ring finger around the neck. In cases where the juice began to flow out, replace the cap.
  10. After all the manipulations, wrap the composition in a woolen blanket, wait for it to cool to room temperature. Take the containers to a room where there are no sudden changes in temperature (a basement, a cellar, a glazed balcony, etc. are suitable).

Tomato juice through a juicer

  • fresh tomatoes - 3.5 kg.
  • fine table salt - 40 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 100 gr.
  1. For this recipe fruits of any shape, variety and size are suitable, the main condition is the absence of rotten elements. You can use slightly mashed tomatoes that are not suitable for canning.
  2. Send the tomatoes in a deep container, fill with water, leave for 5 minutes. Rinse each fruit thoroughly with a sponge, cut off damaged areas and the leg area.
  3. cook enamel pan, collect the juicer, pass through it chopped tomatoes into small pieces.
  4. Turn the hotplate on medium fire, cook for about a quarter of an hour. After this period, the composition will begin to boil intensively, turn down the power, simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to mix the contents, collect tomatoes from the walls of the container, otherwise the final product will give off burning.
  5. After the specified period, add sugar and salt, mix thoroughly, cook for another 10 minutes. Make sure that the granules are completely dissolved, otherwise they may crunch on the teeth.
  6. Wash the jars with soda, sterilize them in the oven or on the stove for about 15 minutes. Do the same with the lids, wipe and dry completely. Even one drop of water will cause mold to form.
  7. Pour the juice into still warm jars, seal tightly, put the container upside down. Check if the juice is leaking, if everything is fine, wrap the jars with a warm blanket.
  8. The holding time of the composition wrapped in a warm cloth is about 12-13 hours. After the specified time, the jars must be taken to the cellar or basement for long-term storage.

  • fresh tomatoes (soft) - 15 kg.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • white onion - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 pcs.
  1. Wash the tomatoes with a kitchen sponge to remove any dirt. Pour into a large saucepan boiling water, place the tomatoes in the container, wait about 25-30 seconds. Pour cold (preferably ice) water into another bowl, remove the tomatoes from boiling water and send them to this container, leave for 3 minutes.
  2. After the specified period, remove the peel, remove the stalks and rumpled places. Peel the garlic and onion from the husk, cut the core from the pepper, chop the fruits into small pieces.
  3. Chop all vegetables convenient way. You can pass them through a meat grinder, scroll in a blender or juicer. After the fruits turn into porridge, squeeze the juice out of it with a gauze cloth or sieve.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into an enameled pan with a thick bottom, put on the stove, boil over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour, do not forget to stir constantly. Remove the leftovers from the walls so that they do not burn.
  5. At this time, proceed to sterilize the jars. Wash them with baking soda and a kitchen sponge, place neck down in the oven. First, set the temperature to 30 degrees, raise another 10 every minute until you reach 150. After that, remove the containers with a mitten, cool a little.
  6. Remove the tomato juice from the stove, pour into warm jars, mix. Do not allow a large temperature difference between the glass and the liquid, otherwise the container may crack. Cork with lids, check if the juice is leaking. If everything is in order, wait 12 hours. Next, transfer the finished product to a cold room, add salt and sugar (at your discretion) before use.

  • tomatoes - 2.7-3 kg.
  • celery - 8 pcs.
  • ground salt - 80 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 30 gr.
  1. Wash the tomatoes well, remove all green and inedible parts. Cut into small squares, place them in the juicer.
  2. After that, pour the juice into a thick-walled saucepan, put on medium heat. When the first bubbles appear, turn down the power, boil for another 15 minutes.
  3. At this time, start preparing the celery. Wash and cut the stems, send to a container with boiling juice, simmer for another 10 minutes. Next, pass the composition through a sieve or gauze cloth.
  4. Sterilize jars conveniently. You can either boil them in a pot of water or put them upside down in the oven.
  5. After heat treatment, pour tomato juice into jars, cork. Turn the container upside down, check if the composition is leaking.
  6. Keep the juice at room temperature for 12 hours, then move the jars to cool place(cellar, balcony, cellar). The main condition is the absence of sub-zero temperatures and sharp jumps.

Tomato juice with spices

  • fresh tomatoes - 12 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 530-550 gr.
  • carnation - 8 buds
  • vinegar solution 6% - 280 ml.
  • crushed salt (preferably sea) - 180 gr.
  • peppercorns - 4-5 gr. (about 25 pieces)
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • nutmeg- at the tip of a knife
  • ground cinnamon - 20 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 5 gr.
  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut out the bruised and rotten places, remove the leg area. Cut the fruit into 4 equal parts, squeeze the juice with a meat grinder, juicer or blender.
  2. Separate the pulp, discard it. Pour the juice into an enameled saucepan, place over medium heat, and bring to a boil.
  3. When the first bubbles appear, turn down the power, add granulated sugar, salt and ground pepper, boil for another half hour.
  4. Next, add the clove buds, peppercorns, nutmeg and cinnamon, simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. After this time, pass the garlic through a press, send it to the pan. Pour it in here vinegar solution, stir.
  6. Wash the jars with soda, sterilize them, pour the juice into containers, roll up the lids. Turn the container upside down, leave for a day.
  7. Transfer the tomato juice to a cool place. You can use after 1 month after spinning.

  • overripe tomatoes - 2.3-2.5 kg.
  • fresh dill - 1.5-2 bunches
  • table vinegar (6-9%) - 120 ml.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 30 gr.
  • crushed salt - 15 gr.
  • Bay leaf- 5 pieces.
  1. Wash the fruit and remove all inedible parts. Squeeze the juice from the tomatoes, for these purposes use a strainer and a meat grinder, then pass the mixture through gauze (2-3 layers).
  2. Pour the composition into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add granulated sugar and salt, bring the composition to a boil.
  3. After dissolving the crystals, pour in table vinegar, set the minimum power, simmer the juice for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Wash the dill bunches, tear off the stems, chop the petals. Send to the pan with the composition, add bay leaf here. wait until re-boiling mixture, proceed to the processing of cans.
  5. Place in a large saucepan glass containers, fill it with water at room temperature, put on the stove. Boil over medium heat for about 15 minutes.
  6. When the containers are processed, dry them with a towel, leave at room temperature to completely evaporate the moisture.
  7. Pour the juice into still warm jars, immediately cork with lids. After cooking, let the juice cool, then transfer to the cellar / cellar.

It is easy to prepare tomato juice for the winter, if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the available technologies. Use the recipe with the addition of dill, celery, table vinegar, spices, bell pepper. Always sterilize the container before pouring the juice, do not allow a temperature difference between the composition and the glass.

Video: homemade tomato juice for the winter

If you have a rich crop of tomatoes in your country house, why don't you make tomato juice? Freshly squeezed will not only quench your thirst, but will also be good for your health. And if you use the recipes for making tomato juice for the winter, then on cold winter days it will give you a piece of hot summer.

Why do we like this red-orange juice with a slight sourness so much? Like the tomatoes from which this one is made delicious drink, juice improves our mood, increases defensive forces body, promotes rejuvenation, prolongation of life. What's in it divine drink why is it so good for health? Judge for yourself.

  • It is useful for the elderly for the prevention of osteoporosis, as it prevents calcium leaching and bone destruction, and for children it helps to strengthen the bone skeleton, thanks to vitamin C;
  • Those suffering from cardiovascular diseases will help reduce the level of low-density triglycerides - "bad" cholesterol, the excess of which can cause serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemia, heart attack, stroke, and also prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • Tomato juice, one of the few that endocrinologists recommend to patients with diabetes, since it has a small glycemic index;
  • The high content of lycopene (this is an excellent antioxidant) prevents the development of oncological diseases, such as cancer of the prostate, lung, liver, breast and pancreas;
  • Lycopene helps in the prevention of vision problems. Usually, after 50 years, the risk of dystrophic changes in the corpus luteum and the optic nerve of the eye increases, and this can lead to decreased vision, and sometimes to blindness.
  • Calorie content of tomato juice (natural, not canned) - 22 kcal. This fact speaks of its use for weight loss. In addition, a tomato drink helps in metabolic processes and digestion, which is also good for normalizing weight.
  • Melatonin is a pituitary hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. This property is very helpful during long journeys when time zones change. That is why on long flights they offer to drink tomato juice. In addition, melatonin prevents the brain from aging, restores its cells, which is important for.
  • Lotions from tomato pulp can be used to make compresses on purulent wounds, since it has antiseptic and wound healing properties. As additional treatment tomato mass can be applied to varicose veins at night, in order to achieve a result, it is necessary to carry out the procedure several times.

Contraindications and harm

However, there may still be harm overuse juice. It is better to refuse it if you have:

  • individual intolerance and allergy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints - arthritis, rheumatism, gout;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urolithiasis;
  • disease gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage - gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • if you are taking sulfonamides or anticoagulants.

Read: And " "

Tomato Juice Recipes

So we've all learned about useful properties tomato juice, and now proceed to its preparation. Before you start cooking, prepare everything you need in advance.

  • Wash the tomatoes, remove the rotten ones, especially if we are harvesting for the winter. Dry them with a clean towel or let them run around in a colander. If there are wrinkled ones, then you should not throw them away: just cut off the wrinkled parts.
  • Suitable for making juice Appliances: juicer, juicer, simple auger or electric meat grinder, blender.
  • If the drink is for long-term storage, then you will need lids, a seamer, sterile jars.
  • To improve the taste, you will need salt and sugar, spices if desired.

Important! To make juice, it is necessary to select tomatoes with juicy and fleshy pulp and thin skin.

Prepared in this way, it can be used as pure form, and use for canning or add to other vegetables for canning in own juice. Ready juice can be added to prepare sauces for meat, fish, pasta, cook soups.

Regardless of whether we drink it right away, freshly squeezed, or preserve it for the winter, tomatoes must be chopped first. We cut the fruits into several parts, depending on the size of the vegetable, and grind them with the help of household appliances that you have.

How to make juice from fresh tomatoes

To prepare 1 glass of juice, you need 2 medium tomatoes. If you want to cook more, then the number of tomatoes should be increased.

We add salt and sugar to freshly squeezed juice for taste, although there will be more health benefits if we drink it without any additives.

How to make tomato juice with a juicer

This is probably the easiest way to get healthy drink. We cut the washed tomatoes into several parts so that the pieces pass through the neck of the juicer. For more good for health and taste, you can add stem celery. Passed through the juicer, the drink is ready to drink.

If you decide to prepare juice for the winter in this way, then pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, put on fire and, with constant stirring (so as not to burn), bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, periodically remove the foam. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, ground black pepper to taste.

During the cooking process, the excess liquid will evaporate, the mass will thicken a little. But never add water!

I deliberately do not indicate the proportions, it all depends on the number of tomatoes and your taste.

Making tomato juice without a juicer

Of course, the juicer greatly facilitates and speeds up the process. But it doesn't matter if you don't have it. You can make juice without it. First stage can be done in 2 ways.

  1. We lower prepared whole tomatoes for 30-40 seconds in boiling water, immediately cool under running water. cold water. This makes it easier to remove the skin from the tomato. Cut into several parts, put in a saucepan on the stove for 1 hour.
  2. We cut the tomatoes into several parts, put them in a large saucepan and cook for an hour. Stir the tomatoes occasionally so they don't burn.

After an hour, we discard the resulting mass of tomatoes in a colander and grind. Of course, without skins, the wiping process will be much faster. Add salt and sugar to taste. Put the mashed mass back on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. Let there be a pouring spoon in this tomato mass (it must also be clean), with which you will then pour the juice into jars.

Pour the finished mass into sterile jars, close with boiled metal lids, roll up the banks, turn over. From above we wrap something warm (a blanket or a thick towel) and leave the cans to cool completely.

Important! When cooking, try to quickly bring the tomato mass to a boil, so it warms up faster and the mass will be homogeneous in the future. If the mass is heated slowly, then at temperatures up to 65º soluble pectin substances break down and further storage the juice will separate into liquid and sediment.

Making tomato juice in a juicer

When choosing a juice cooker at the store, opt for a stainless steel pressure cooker over an aluminum pressure cooker. It is more resistant to mechanical and chemical attack and is suitable for all types of plates.

To make juice ripe tomatoes cut into small pieces and placed on a wire rack. Water is poured into the lower part of the juice cooker, a juice collector is placed on top of it, then a grate with tomatoes, and the whole structure is closed with a lid.

The principle of operation of the juicer is based on the steam effect on vegetables. The steam that rises from the heated water container causes the vegetables or fruits to release juice, which flows into the juice collector. From it, the finished product is drained through a special tube.

Within 40-45 minutes, the juice is drained through a tube into a substituted clean container, then filtered.

Further actions depend on the purpose for which the drink is intended. If for the winter, then it must be boiled again for 5 minutes, after adding salt and sugar to taste. Then roll up with a sterile lid, turn the jars over and wrap something warm on top for additional pasteurization.

And in this video recipe, we used a blender in the preparation for grinding.

How to make juice from tomato paste

If you don’t have your own homemade tomato juice, and you have doubts about the quality of canned from bags, you can make it yourself from tomato paste. Moreover, in terms of quality, it will not be much inferior to homemade, and it will come out 3-4 times cheaper than purchased.

Important! C ok can only be made from high-quality tomato paste, made in accordance with GOST 3343-89. from ketchup or tomato sauce delicious juice not to do. When buying, pay attention to what is written on the label:

  • The composition should include tomato paste, salt and water.
  • Dry matter should be more than 25%. This can be checked without leaving the counter: if the density is less than necessary, then by shaking the jar, the contents will resemble a sauce, such as Krasnodar, or ketchup.

To prepare a drink, add 1 tablespoon of pasta to 1 glass of water. If you want to make the juice thicker, then add two or three tablespoons of paste. Add salt, sugar or ground pepper to taste.

Dear readers, as you can see, making homemade tomato juice is not at all difficult. In conclusion, I want to wish you: drink tomato juice and be healthy!

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.
