
A proven way to cook manna in the microwave. Recipes for semolina pie in household appliances

In order to quickly prepare delicious pastries for breakfast, it is not at all necessary to stock up on a bunch of ingredients and spend a lot of time, because you can make manna in the microwave.

Classic mannik in the microwave on kefir

Mannik on kefir according to this recipe is considered traditional and it will take no more than 30 minutes.

Required Ingredients:

Baking powder spoon;
100 grams of butter;
one egg;
semolina, sugar, kefir, flour - 130 grams each;
vanillin to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Kefir needs to be heated a little so that it becomes warm, pour semolina over it, mix well and leave for 20 minutes.
2. Cut the butter into pieces, heat it in the microwave, mix with sugar. Beat the egg a little with a fork, and send all these products to semolina with kefir.
3. Pour the remaining dry products there, mix thoroughly until smooth and pour into a mold that is suitable for the microwave.
4. Turn on the power at 600 W and cook the cake for six minutes.

Lenten cooking recipe

Lenten mannik is ideal for those who fast or prefer vegetarian dishes.

Required Ingredients:

A pinch of soda and salt;
a glass of semolina, sugar and water;
vanillin to taste;
five tablespoons of vegetable oil;
half a glass of flour.

Cooking process:

1. We prepare a container, put all the dry products from the list into it, except for flour and soda, then pour in the oil and mix.
2. Add water, slightly warmed up, and let the mass stand for about 60 minutes.
3. After this period of time, put flour with soda, knead until a homogeneous, fairly thick state.
4. We send it to the microwave for 6-8 minutes, while the power level should be 600 watts.

Cooking with milk

If there was suddenly no kefir at home, this does not mean that you will have to deny yourself a dessert, because you can always make manna with milk.

For the dish you will need:

50 grams of butter;
three eggs;
a spoonful of soda;
200 grams of sugar, semolina and milk.

Cooking process:

1. Heat the milk a little, it should be warm, but not hot. Pour it into the semolina, mix and leave for at least 20 minutes so that the grits can increase in size.
2. Chop the butter into pieces and melt a little.
3. Combine all the components of the dish together, pour them into a container that is suitable for a microwave oven, and cook the cake for no more than eight minutes, turning on the power at 600 watts.

Mannik in the microwave for 6 minutes

The fastest way to get delicious pastries. Ideal for a quick breakfast.

Required Ingredients:

half a glass of flour, semolina, sugar and kefir;
a pinch of soda;
about 100 grams of butter.

Cooking process:

1. First, mix kefir with semolina and leave for a while so that the cereal swells and increases.
2. Then add all other components to this mass. In this case, the butter needs to be melted a little, and the flour is placed last.
3. Mix everything well until smooth, place in a glass or silicone mold. And cook for just six minutes at 700W in the microwave.

Crumbly pie with sour cream

For dessert you will need:

100 grams of butter and the same amount of sugar;
baking powder spoon;
130 grams of flour, sour cream and semolina;
one egg.

Cooking process:

1. Pour the indicated amount of semolina into a container that is suitable for the microwave. Pour it with sour cream, mix and leave for a while to swell.
2. We heat the butter, this can be done on the stove or also in the microwave. Mix it with sugar, add all the remaining ingredients according to the list and beat the mass for three minutes.
3. We combine both mixtures with each other and put in the microwave for no more than 6-8 minutes. Readiness of the cake can be checked with a fork or a toothpick. It is very important not to overcook it, otherwise it will turn out dry.

with bananas

It turned out that semolina with bananas goes very well and such pastries turn out to be tasty and rich.

Required Ingredients:

Vanillin to taste;
baking powder spoon;
one banana;
100 grams of butter;
kefir, sugar, semolina and flour - half a glass each.

Cooking process:

1. Warm up the kefir just a little, mix it with semolina and leave for 20 minutes.
2. Melt the butter in any convenient way, combine with sugar, vanilla, then with egg, flour and baking powder.
3. Send the semolina there, which is already swollen enough, and mix the resulting mixture very well so that all the components are evenly distributed.
4. Take a microwave-safe mold, pour half of the total dough into it, and then lay out a layer of banana circles. Of course, it must be cut into not too thick slices in advance.
5. Pour the fruit layer with the remaining dough, level it and bring the delicacy to readiness for six minutes in the microwave. Be sure to check the power of the device, it should be 600-700 watts.

Quick mannik with apples

For the dish you will need:

200 grams of sour cream;
a spoonful of soda;
one glass of sugar, semolina, flour.
three eggs;
two apples.

Cooking process:

1. Place semolina in a bowl, pour sour cream over it, mix and let stand for about 30 minutes.
2. Combine the contents of the eggs with sugar, and beat well with a mixer or whisk.
3. Add semolina with sour cream to this mass, and then flour with soda or baking powder.
4. Bring the mixture to homogeneity. You do not need to beat it, it will be enough just to interfere well.
5. Peel the apples, cut out the hard middle and cut into thin slices, mix them with the dough.
6. Pour it into a suitable mold so that it is slightly more than half full and keep it in the microwave for about six minutes at a power of 600 watts. If desired, you can put a little vanilla or cinnamon, these spices go well with apples.

Mannik is one of the simplest pastries on dairy products using semolina instead of flour or with it. This simple pie is loved by many for the speed of cooking and the availability of products. Recipes for manna on kefir have been known since the 13th century. Delicious desserts were prepared in all families for big and small holidays, cutting them into cakes and smearing them with jam or cream.

To date, pies with semolina are very popular and varied. They are prepared with berries and fruits, chocolate or cottage cheese are added, baked in all available ways: oven, slow cooker, microwave.

But many still have a negative attitude towards this pastry, because. it is associated with thick semolina. In reality, a well-baked mannik turns out to be crumbly, and its taste largely depends on additional components: carrots, pumpkins, raisins, fruits.

The proposed recipes will tell you how to cook kefir mannik for morning tea and a festive feast. Light and pleasant to bake desserts will delight kids and adults. You just need not to get confused among the huge variety of recipes.

The classic recipe for manna on kefir

The traditional manna recipe implies a product without flour or with a small amount of it. A detailed recipe for manna on kefir in the oven with a photo will allow you to learn how to bake the right magnificent cake.

Standard set of products for manna:

  • Semolina - 1.5 cups;
  • Kefir - 400 ml;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 100 gr;
  • Oil - 50 gr;
  • Soda - 5 gr;
  • Flour - 5 gr;
  • Citric acid - 3 gr.

How to cook:

Pour semolina in a bowl with kefir. Leave the cereal to swell.

The mass should rise well. If you omit this stage and start baking immediately, then at a high temperature the semolina will fry and become like sand.

Preheat oven to 200°C.

Add sugar, vanilla, salt to the eggs. Beat everything thoroughly until foam is formed.

It is best to beat the egg mixture with a mixer, gradually introducing the melted margarine. The butter or margarine must be at room temperature or the egg white will curdle.

Pour the egg mass to the semolina. Everything is gently mixed until smooth.

Mix flour with soda and citric acid. All these components are added to the test. Flour is necessary so that the soda is evenly distributed throughout the dough.

Stir the dough until bubbles appear - kefir-soda reaction.

Cover the baking dish with parchment, which is well greased with oil. Pour the batter evenly into the mold.

Mannik is baked in the oven for about 20 minutes. Then reduce the degrees to 175 ° C and continue baking for another 20-30 minutes.

Transfer the cooled mannik to a dish and serve.

According to the same recipe, it is possible to bake mannik on kefir in a slow cooker or other kitchen appliances.

* The density of manna directly depends on the correct test. It is necessary that it be slightly liquid, since during the baking process the semolina will still swell and the volume will increase. Therefore, regardless of the recipe, you must always strictly adhere to the proportions of flour and do not increase it.

Recipes for semolina pie in household appliances

More and more housewives are choosing household appliances as their assistants. This is not surprising, it helps to reduce cooking time and simplifies the process itself. It's so easy to make mannik on kefir in a slow cooker, bread machine or microwave.

Fruit mannik from the multicooker

Such a delicacy as mannik with apples on kefir can be baked at any time. Apples are always available, besides, they can easily be replaced with pears, quinces or peaches. And this recipe for manna on kefir in a slow cooker is easy to remember, all the main ingredients come at the rate of 1 cup.

  • Semolina - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Apple - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Oil - 30 gr;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

How to cook:

Pour semolina into kefir, then let stand to swell. Cut apples into small pieces.

Whisk the eggs together with the sugar.

Pour the egg mixture to the swollen semolina, add soda. Mix ingredients thoroughly.

Pour the sifted flour, mix everything so that there are no dough clots. Add apples and stir them.

Pour the dough into the multicooker cup. Sweet mannik is baked in the "Baking" auto mode for 60 minutes. Dust the finished dessert with powdered sugar.

* In kefir pies, when soda is added, it does not need to be quenched with vinegar, since kefir lactic acid reacts well with soda.

Chocolate mannik for 6 minutes in the microwave

The morning rush to work always has a negative effect on breakfast. But if you find only 10 minutes, then you can bake mannik on kefir, thereby delighting the whole family. A little time and the microwave will give a fragrant dessert for morning tea.

What ingredients will be needed:

  • Semolina - ½ cup;
  • Kefir - ½ cup;
  • Flour - ½ cup;
  • Vegetable oil - ¼ cup;
  • Sugar - ½ cup;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook:

Pour semolina with kefir and let it swell a little. It is best to make a blank for the pie in the evening, leaving the food overnight in the cold.

Pour cocoa and sugar to the swollen semolina, beat in the egg. Mix the mass thoroughly, beating the eggs and grinding the cocoa.

Combine flour with baking powder and pour into semolina mixture. Mix properly.

Lastly, pour in the oil and mix everything again.

Sweetness is baked in a silicone or glass form. Pour the dough into it, place in the microwave for 6 minutes, setting the highest power.

Pour the prepared pie with cherry jam or yogurt cream if desired.

* In this recipe, vegetable oil is easily replaced with margarine. It is extremely important to monitor the consistency of the dough, if it turns out to be too thick, then the cake will come out hard.

Cooking manniks with pumpkin and carrots

Semolina pies go well with many foods, even vegetables. To please children with bright pastries or to cheer up adults on a rainy evening, a bright and lush mannik on kefir with pumpkin or carrots will help.

Mannik on kefir with pumpkin

Pumpkin manniks have been baked by our ancestors since time immemorial. After all, traditional Slavic cuisine is simple recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

  • Semolina - 1.5 cups;
  • Grated pumpkin - 2 cups;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

How to cook:

In the old days, they hardly adhered to culinary subtleties when baking. The simpler the dish, the more popular it was with the people. Therefore, mannik with pumpkin on kefir is very easy to prepare.

Mix all the components and leave for 40-50 minutes to swell the cereal.

Preheat the oven and grease the baking dish with oil.

Pour the pumpkin-semolina dough increased in volume into a mold. Place it in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes to bake. Sprinkle the finished cake with powder or serve with jam.

* The pumpkin used in this recipe should be bright, saturated tones with juicy pulp.

Carrot manniks

Another bright dish will be a colorful mannik on kefir with flour and carrots. The cheapness of the components is more than offset by the juicy color and the benefits of carotene. And using a slow cooker will only help speed up the process.

  • Semolina - 1 glass;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Cinnamon - ½ teaspoon;
  • Soda - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook:

Dissolve sugar in kefir and pour semolina there. Leave the food until the cereal swells.

Grate large juicy carrots on the smallest grater.

Drive eggs into the semolina, mixing the products well.

Put the carrots, add soda and cinnamon. Mix everything gently.

Sift the flour and add to the total mass. Blend until smooth, removing any lumps.

Pour the dough into the multicooker cup and bake the cake for 40 minutes, setting the “Baking” mode.

* You can cook such a mannik on kefir in the oven with the addition of cottage cheese or apples.

Non-standard semolina desserts

The classic combination of semolina with kefir may be broken, but this will not affect the taste of baking in any way. New and original manna ideas are exquisite and delicious.

Mannik with cottage cheese without eggs

Lush mannik with cottage cheese on kefir will turn out to be less high-calorie than other pies. And the absence of eggs will not affect the structure of the dough in any way and the dessert will turn out, as always, amazing.

  • Semolina - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr;
  • Sugar - ½ cup;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Oil - 150 gr;
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp.

How to cook:

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Kefir slightly warm over low heat, melt the butter in it. Heat the dairy product carefully so that it does not curdle.

Combine sifted flour with baking powder and semolina. Dilute the components with kefir, mix them well until smooth.

Grind cottage cheese thoroughly with sugar.

Spread the mannik in layers in the form, alternating dough and cottage cheese.

Place the cake in the oven for 40-50 minutes.

* In such a mannik on kefir without eggs, it is allowed to add berries or fruits, which are laid out in a separate layer or mixed with cottage cheese.

Unusual cake with raisins and lemon flavor

This is the original no-bake raisin dessert recipe. Mannik without kefir and flour is prepared in half an hour and will surprise all guests. Although the recipe is more like cooking semolina, even the most sophisticated gourmets will appreciate the pie.

  • Semolina - 125 gr;
  • Milk - ¾ l;
  • Raisins - 100 gr;
  • Sugar - 100 gr;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Oil - 75 gr;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

How to cook:

Soak the raisins in water first. Leave it for 2 hours to swell. Grate the peel of a yellow lemon on a fine grater.

Pour sugar, salt, grated zest into milk. Put the milk on the fire, bring to a boil.

In boiling milk, add the cereal in a thin stream, stirring it continuously to avoid lumps. Cook semolina over low heat for about 20 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam. If the milk is not completely absorbed into the cereal, then the cooking time should be slightly increased.

Put the oil into the hot semolina and stir until it is completely dissolved.

In a slightly cooled mass, beat in eggs, add carefully squeezed raisins. Mix all ingredients quickly, being careful not to curdle the eggs.

Lubricate the form with oil, pour the semolina mixture into it. Let the cake cool completely and then refrigerate for 2 hours.

Before serving, ready-made mannik can be decorated with nuts or poured with caramel icing.

* If the pie is intended only for adults, then it is better to soak the raisins in rum, this will give an unusual flavor note to the dessert.

Semolina pies in world culinary

Delicious mannik on kefir or similar dairy products is cooked all over the world. Simplicity and accessibility have become the main argument in choosing desserts. Baking from the same products, each nation was able to bring its own individual touch to manna recipes, diversifying the dish with new flavors.

Lebanese Mannik Sfouf

One of the popular pies in Lebanon is semolina cake with almonds. Turmeric gives the dessert its unusual yellow color. Baking mannik in the oven on kefir according to the Lebanese recipe is quite simple.

  • Semolina - 225 gr;
  • Flour - 75 gr;
  • Sugar - 225 gr;
  • Kefir - 275 ml;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Oil - 100 gr;
  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • Baking powder - 5 gr;
  • Melt butter and cool. With a whisk until fluffy foam, diligently grind the eggs with sugar. Pour milk with melted butter, add orange water for flavor. Mix everything carefully.

    Pour dry ingredients into liquid ingredients, mix thoroughly.

    Pour the dough into a mold and cook for 35-40 minutes.

    During this time, mix the chopped almonds with coarse sugar.

    Sprinkle the pastries with the almond-sugar mixture and continue baking the mannik pie on kefir for another 10-15 minutes until done.

    * There are various Sfouf recipes that can be supplemented with anise, sesame, and almonds can be replaced with other nuts.

    Anglo-Indian mannik on kefir without flour

    The former English colony is very closely intertwined in culinary terms with English cuisine. The simplicity of English desserts is easily combined with Indian ingredients, so the usual mannik with raisins on kefir is enriched with coconut flavor.

    How to cook:

    Fry semolina in a small amount of oil until a pleasant aroma appears.

    Grind the rest of the softened butter well with sugar.

    Beat the eggs thoroughly with the addition of coconut, salt, vanilla essence.

    Slowly add the fried flour to the egg mixture, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. You should get a uniform smooth consistency.

    Mix the mass with washed raisins.

    Dilute the thick semolina mixture with kefir, gently mixing it.

    Cover the form with paper, fill it with dough. The cake is baked for an hour at 180°C.

    * Approximate roasting time for semolina should be 8-10 minutes.

The microwave oven is not uncommon in today's world. Still, it is very convenient: put food on a plate, put it in the oven for a few minutes, and everything is already hot. BMost people use the microwave only for heating food. And in vain, because with the help of this device you can cook.After all, heat treatment is the basis of any cooking method. And the dough, which has a special structure, will be ready in a matter of minutes. So manna in the microwave This is not a myth, but a reality.

What is required for cooking?

So here's the list of ingredients:

  • 1/2 st. semolina;
  • 1/2 st. kefir;
  • 1/2 st. flour;
  • 1/2 st. Sahara;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 sachet of vanillin;
  • 1/2 tsp soda (or baking powder for dough).

Mannik in the microwave: step by step instructions

There is nothing complicated in preparing this dish, everything is extremely simple. We are offering to you :

1. The first step is to prepare the semolina. To do this, fill it with kefir and leave it for about an hour so that it swells a little and soaks. If this stage is overlooked, then the finished cake will turn out to be tough and tasteless. In order for the cereal to swell faster, kefir should not be cold (it can be slightly warmed up in the same microwave).

2. The next step is to beat the eggs and sugar well. This is necessary in order to manna in the microwave rose and was lush and tender. Otherwise, the cake will look like a pancake.

3. When the eggs with sugar have turned into white foam, you can add flour, vanillin and soda (or baking powder) slaked with boiling water or vinegar, continuing to beat everything.

4. Add softened (but not melted) butter. Keep whisking everything.

5. Now you can add semolina, by this time it should already swell. Whisk everything thoroughly again.

6. The dough is ready, it can be laid out in a mold, which must first be greased with oil so that the cake does not stick and burn.

7. Now the container can be safely sent to the microwave. The cooking time will depend on the features of your microwave. But usually with a furnace power of 600-800 watts, 6-8 minutes are enough. Sometimes more is required. Keep an eye on the cake and check if it is done with a toothpick (it should come out clean and dry after piercing).

8. Put the mannik on a tray, turning the form over. Decorate it with, for example, powdered sugar, cinnamon or melted chocolate. And you can cut the cake into cakes and smear each with cream (it can be replaced with jam or whipped cream) and combine. Get a cake.

To manna in the microwave successful, you need to follow some simple tips:

1. The container for cooking should be heat-resistant, preferably glass (you can also take plastic). But metal molds cannot be placed in a microwave oven.

2. Kefir in this recipe can be replaced with milk, curdled milk or sour cream. The proportions will remain the same. You can also mix cottage cheese with sour cream in equal proportions (then the volume will double).

3. You can not use flour at all.

4. Add raisins, berries, fruit pieces, lemon zest or cinnamon to improve taste.

Let your mannik be the most delicious!

When unexpected guests appeared on the doorstep, and there is nothing to offer for tea, a delicious pastry called mannik will help out. Moreover, it cooks quickly enough, and the result is amazing: tender, juicy and airy.

Using one of the recipes, you can bake a winning dessert option for any occasion.

Classic pie recipe

It's time to use such simple household appliances - a microwave oven - to prepare manna. Moreover, the time after which households will be able to appreciate homemade cakes is only 6 minutes.

The most common recipe is considered to be mannik in the microwave on kefir. The dough is fluffy and the cake is delicious. The main ingredients of the classic manna on kefir are:

  • half a glass of semolina;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder;
  • vanillin.

Semolina is poured with kefir and the mixture is allowed to stand for a while. During this time, you can easily beat the egg with sugar for 3 minutes. This will give the cake extra splendor.

Pour flour, baking powder and vanillin into the egg mixture, after which everything is thoroughly kneaded.

The next ingredient is soft butter, and after a few seconds of stirring - semolina.

The prepared mixture is poured into a pre-prepared and greased form and sent to the microwave. With a power of 600-800 W, the mannik will be ready in 6-8 minutes. In the photo you can see a delicious semolina pie on kefir.

Semolina pie with milk

If there is no fermented milk product in the refrigerator, then milk will perfectly replace it. The main thing is to do everything according to the recipe. Then the prepared manna with milk in the microwave will please sweet lovers in 6 minutes, and the cream will add a fabulous taste to the pie.

If you decide to cook a pie, then the recipe contains components such as:

  • 200 g semolina;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of warm milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of soda quenched with vinegar.

It must be remembered that it is better to pour the cereal with milk and let it swell. Such a mannik is prepared without flour.

  1. The butter is melted and cooled slightly.
  2. After the preparatory steps, all the components are mixed, the soda is quenched. The mixture is poured into a greased mold.
  3. The dough is placed in a 600W microwave and baked for 6 minutes until the cake finishes rising.

Due to the simplest ingredients at hand, you can make such a small masterpiece as manna in the microwave with milk. You can see a simple dessert of semolina and milk in the photo.

With sour cream

Another recipe for manna in the microwave is with the addition of sour cream. It is similar to kefir mannik, but in no way inferior in taste.

A successful mannik with sour cream can be prepared from the following products:

  • 125 g of semolina;
  • 125 g flour;
  • 125 ml sour cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Stir semolina in sour cream and leave to brew for half an hour. Pour sugar into the melted butter and, gradually beating, add the egg, semolina mixture, flour and baking powder. Beat the dough for about 3 minutes. Then put it in a mold and put it in the microwave.

How to make a manna unusual

Semolina pie is prepared according to a simple recipe, and the result is amazing. But it doesn’t hurt to make small changes to standard recipes and make something beautiful.

To raise the status of a manna to a cake, a layer of cream is required. It can be either sour cream mixed with sugar or custard or condensed milk.

Sometimes dried fruits or cinnamon are added to the dough. The aroma of such a cake will not leave anyone indifferent. The peel of an orange or lemon will add a beautiful color to the dough and a pleasant aroma.

In summer, with an abundance of berries and fruits, the dough is filled with raspberries, strawberries or cherries. Apple mannik is quite juicy and tasty.

To get successful and tasty pastries at the exit, you should use some recommendations:

  • the use of metal containers in the microwave is contraindicated, so it is better to spread the dough in a glass or silicone mold;
  • kefir can be replaced with curdled milk or even a mixture of cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • to cook air mannik, you can do without flour;
  • if the cake is baked longer than the specified time, the dough will brown, but there is a high risk that the cake may settle;
  • for perfect cooking, you should use the manna recipe in the microwave with a photo: this will help you properly prepare the ingredients and keep the proportions;
  • no need to serve hot mannik immediately to the table - let it cool a little; this will preserve the porosity of the dough;
  • to avoid the pallor of the cake, the dough can be prepared with the addition of cocoa powder or turmeric;
  • if the microwave has a baking mode, then it is better to use it.

Proven recipes for semolina pie in the microwave will be able to replenish the piggy bank of any housewife.

Then add the egg, sugar, baking powder, butter at room temperature to the mixture of kefir and semolina and mix everything.

Pour the flour into the resulting mass and mix well again. The consistency of the dough will resemble thick sour cream.

Pour the resulting dough into a microwave-safe mold. The form is suitable silicone or glass (if using a glass form, pre-lubricate it with butter). I used a mold with a diameter of 22 centimeters.

Send the mold to the microwave and bake the manna at 700 watts for about 6 minutes. You can slightly adjust the time, depending on the microwave oven itself. The main thing is not to dry the cake too much (readiness can be checked with a wooden toothpick).

Ready mannik can be poured with icing or, like me, smeared with boiled condensed milk. And you can, cutting the cake into 2 cakes, smear with sour cream, whipped with sugar.

Delicious, fragrant, lush mannik, cooked in the microwave in 6 minutes, is a wonderful pastry for a family tea party.

Bon appetit!
