
Is it possible to drink alcohol at a temperature: features and recommendations of experts. Refreshing and citrus

When offering alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to take into account the time of year. On hot days, dry white wines with a refreshing taste should be recommended, in winter - red table wines. strong wines, cognacs.

When serving alcoholic beverages, it should be remembered that drinks for a group of guests are served in a bottle, for one guest - in a carafe of the appropriate capacity. In order to make it easy to pour, the carafe should be filled to 3/4 of the volume.

Before putting the bottle with the ordered drink on the table, the waiter must show it to the guest. To do this, it is necessary that the bottle be labeled to the guest, which will allow him to make sure that the order has been completed correctly. You can open a bottle only in the presence and with the permission of the guest.

After showing the bottle and opening it, the waiter pours the guest a test sip. Raising a glass (glass) against the light, the guest has the opportunity to check the color and transparency of the wine. By aroma-mat, he determines his bouquet. Having received consent, the waiter fills the glasses (glasses) of all the guests present at the table and the last - the glass (glass) of the owner of the feast. When serving a large group of guests, the owner (organizer) does not pour a test sip.

In vodka, Madeira and Rhine wine glasses, the drink is not poured half a centimeter. Lafitte glasses and champagne glasses are filled 2/3, wine glasses - half.

The waiter refills only completely empty glasses, glasses, wine glasses. In order to top up a drink that has not been drunk to the end, it is necessary to first obtain the consent of the guest.

Offering and serving non-alcoholic drinks. Mineral water and carbonated without alcoholic drinks should be cooled to 4-6 ° C, since in this case they acquire more pleasant taste and better quench your thirst. The waiter brings bottles of drinks in his hand or on a tray and opens them only in the presence of the guest. Having received the permission of the guest, the drink is poured into a glass up to half or 1/3.

Chilled water with ice is served in jugs or carafes, with individual service - in a glass of conical or cylindrical shape.

Juices, kvass, fruit drinks, cold drinks own production served in jugs, poured into conical glasses or wine glasses. Tomato and vegetable juices are served separately with salt and black pepper.

Offering and serving hot drinks. Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) have a tonic effect on the human body, increase its efficiency. They are served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The special service also ends with a cup of coffee or tea. The temperature for serving hot drinks is 75 ° C.

When offering alcoholic beverages, the time of year must also be taken into account. On hot days, dry white wines with a refreshing taste should be recommended, in winter - strong red table wines, cognacs.

When serving alcoholic drinks, remember that drinks for a group of guests are served in a bottle, for one guest - in a carafe of the appropriate capacity. In order to be easy to pour, the decanter should be filled to 3/4 of the volume.

Before putting the bottle with the ordered drink on the table, the waiter must show it to the guest. To do this, it is necessary that the bottle be labeled to the guest, which will allow him to make sure that the order is correctly executed. You can open a bottle only in the presence and with the permission of the guest.

After showing the bottle and opening it, the waiter pours a test sip for the guest. Raising a glass (glass) against the light, the guest has the opportunity to check the color and transparency of the wine. By aroma, he determines his bouquet. Having received consent, the waiter fills the glasses (glasses) of all the guests present at the table and the last - the glass (glass) of the owner of the feast. When serving a large group of guests, the owner (organizer) does not pour a test sip.

In vodka, Madeira and Rhine wine glasses, the drink is not topped up by half a centimeter. Lafitte glasses and champagne glasses are filled 2/3, wine glasses - half.

The waiter refills only completely empty glasses, glasses, wine glasses. In order to top up a drink that has not been drunk to the end, it is necessary to first obtain the consent of the guest.

Offering and serving non-alcoholic drinks. Mineral water and carbonated soft drinks should be chilled to 4-6°C, as this makes them more palatable and better thirst quencher. The waiter brings bottles of drinks in his hand or on a tray and opens them only in the presence of the guest. Having received the permission of the guest, the drink is poured into a glass up to half or 1/3.

Chilled water with ice is served in jugs or carafes, with individual service - in a glass of conical or cylindrical shape.

Juices, kvass, fruit drinks, soft drinks of our own production are served in jugs, poured into conical glasses or wine glasses. Tomato and vegetable juices are served separately with salt and black pepper.

Offering and serving hot drinks. Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) have a tonic effect on the human body, increase its efficiency. They are served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The special service also ends with a cup of coffee or tea. The temperature for serving hot drinks is 75 °C.

Coffee dispensing depends on the preparation method. Black coffee can be prepared in a coffee pot according to the number of servings indicated. To maintain the temperature, it should be carried in a coffee pot and poured on a utility table or directly into guests' cups. The coffee pot with the remaining coffee is placed on the table on the right side of the guest. Coffee can be served in cups and saucers. At the same time, the waiter approaches the guest from the right and places a cup and saucer in front of him.

Knowledge of the basic rules of table setting. The word "serving" in translation from the French "servier" means, on the one hand, preparing the table for eating, that is, arranging dishes in a certain order, and on the other hand, a set of items (utensils, cutlery, table linen) intended for this goals.

Table setting is a creative process, characterized by multivariance and depending on a number of factors:

Meal times;

The range of dishes available on the menu and how they are prepared;

service methods;

Types of service and other factors.

When using serving items, certain rules must be observed, in general, they boil down to the fact that the used tableware and cutlery must always be polished to a shine and each serving element must have its place on the table. Serving begins with the arrangement of porcelain dishes, then lay out the cutlery, put glass or crystal dishes. Serving ends with the placement of napkins, after which cutlery with spices and vases of flowers are placed on the tables. A guideline in the distribution of serving items is the folds on the tablecloth or the location of the chairs, which are usually placed according to the number of guests with an interval of at least 30 cm. In order for the guests to feel comfortable and it was easy for the waiters to serve them, 60 -70 cm for everyday service and 80-100 cm for banquet service.

In the most general terms, there are two types of serving: preliminary and performing.

Preliminary table setting perform in the process of preparing the restaurant hall for service. It includes minimal amount items that can be used in the execution of the order.

Executive table setting - serving, which is made according to a pre-known order menu, usually when serving banquets and other events.

Preliminary table setting for breakfast involves the presence of a pie plate, a snack device, a teaspoon, a wine glass, and a napkin. Depending on the proposed menu, there may also be a butter knife and a snack plate. This service includes minimum set items (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Table setting for breakfast

Preliminary table setting in the daytime includes a patty plate, cutlery, wine glass, napkin.

During lunch on a menu of custom dishes, serving includes a patty plate, a snack plate, a snack bar and cutlery, glass, napkin (Fig. 4.3).

Rice. 4.3. Serving dining table

For service in evening time according to the menu of custom-made dishes, they additionally receive dishes and cutlery. Tables are pre-served with patty and snack plates set on small cutlery, snack and cutlery (without a spoon), napkins, wine glasses, spice utensils, flower vases (Fig. 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Table setting for dinner

When serving, snack and dinner plates are placed on the table at a distance of 2 cm from its edge (opposite the center of each chair). To the left of snack bars or small canteens, patty plates are placed at a distance of 5-10 cm, while their center should be on the same line. Those cutlery that is customary to stack on the right side of the plate are placed in the direction from left to right, the cutlery that is customary to be stacked on the left side of the plate is placed in the direction from right to left. The guest takes the appliances in reverse order.

When arranging glassware, one of the objects is always placed at the tip of the cutlery knife. In cases where it is planned to serve several glass items (glasses, glasses of different capacities), the location of each of them is determined by the sequence of serving dishes and drinks. It is convenient for both guests and waiters when glasses for drinks served with an appetizer are in front, and glasses, glasses intended for use during dessert, are behind them. Wine glasses and glasses can be installed diagonally. It is also possible to place them in a triangle.

As a result, we can formulate the following general rules:

The main container is a glass, which is intended for a drink served with the second course;

You should not set the table with more than three pieces of glass;

When serving drinks ordered additionally, the waiter serves them with other glasses, wine glasses, etc. (Fig. 4.5).

Rice. 4.5. Table setting options glassware for drinks (glasses, wine glasses, glasses, glasses): A - with portioned service: 1 - a glass for beer, 2 - a glass for cognac; b - when serving a two-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink for the second course, 2 - a glass for dessert wine; V - when serving a three-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink to fish dish, 2 - a glass for a drink to the second meat dish, 3 - glass for dessert wine; G - a table setting option with glassware for a three-course dinner.

The basic rules of table setting are not something unshakable. Each waiter, guided by them, can be creative in solving the issue and offer their own version of the location of cutlery and crockery. However, it should be appropriate and create maximum comfort for guests.

The term "room service" was for some time used in relation to any service in the guest rooms of a hotel. Nowadays, it is used in a narrower sense - serving food and drinks in rooms. Wanting to specify this type of service, some hotels also use such concepts as "breakfast in the room", "lunch in the room", "dinner in the room".

Service in hotel rooms requires special training of staff. It is connected not only with the fulfillment of the wishes of the guests, table setting, the sequence of serving dishes, service techniques, but also with the rules of conduct for staff in the room.

Hotel customers make orders by phone directly to the maitre d', as well as to the maids who maintain constant contact with the maitre d'. In large hotels, orders can be taken by a duty or senior waiter.

When accepting an order, it is mandatory to take into account and record the following data:

1) the number of the room in which breakfast, lunch or dinner should be served;

2) the number of guests served;

3) detailed description and quantity of ordered dishes, snacks, drinks;

4) the time of submission of the order.

Having accepted the order, the head waiter passes it on to the direct executors: the waiter, the kitchen workers.

For service in hotel rooms, special tableware and appliances are used (metal deep dishes with lids, metal coffee pots, teapots, creamers, various coasters, appliances and equipment for heating and maintaining the temperature of hot dishes and drinks directly in the room), trays rectangular shape, service trolleys of various designs, lightweight folding portable tables.

Exist special rules room services:

1. The order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) must be served either on a tray or on a mobile service trolley or table. In the case of using a tray, the waiter must carry it in his left hand. The right hand must remain free to open or close the door, rearrange any item on the tray, etc. When moving along the corridor or passages, the tray is held at the shoulder and only before entering the room is it lowered to chest level.

2. You must first knock on the room and enter after receiving permission.

3. You should say hello to the guest (guests).

4. If the guest is going to have breakfast in bed, the tray must be served from the side. If two people have breakfast in bed, a separate tray is served for each.

5. When serving an order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for one person, everything is placed on a tray in the same order as on a table in a restaurant.

6. If the guest is going to eat at the table in the room or on the balcony, then the table should be covered with a tablecloth. The tray can be put on the table or rearranged from the tray to the table.

7. In the room, the waiter should not stay longer than required. You can only talk to a guest if he asks something himself. In any situation, the waiter must observe delicacy.

When organizing service in restaurants (cafes) hotel complexes usually offered following conditions supply:

1) full board, that is, three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) - Full Board (FB);

2) half board, that is, two meals a day (breakfast plus lunch or dinner) - Half-Board (HB);

3) only breakfast, that is, a single meal - Bed and Breakfast (BB).

Special conditions meals are created in hotels operating in the club recreation system (except for three meals a day, it is offered throughout the day big choice free snacks, alcoholic and other drinks) - All inclusive(all included in the price).

All hotels Special attention given to the breakfast service. Breakfast starts the day of the guests, and its organization largely determines whether the start of the day for the guests will be good or bad. Unlike lunch and dinner, almost all guests staying at the hotel come to breakfast. In this regard, attention should be paid to the following points:

The breakfast room must be clean and well ventilated;

Despite the early hours (breakfast can start as early as 6:00), employees should be alert and active;

An uninterrupted service process must be ensured.

There are the following breakfast types :

1. Continental breakfast. The name comes from in English(continental breakfast) and describes the breakfast that has been adopted on the European continent for many decades. Currently not the only type of breakfast used in hotels different countries. Continental breakfast includes: coffee, tea or hot chocolate, sugar, cream (milk), lemon, two types of marmalade, jam or honey, choice bakery products, oil. On Sundays it is supplemented with a cold egg. In many European countries, continental breakfast is included in the price of hotel accommodation.

2. Extended breakfast. This type of breakfast has become widespread in Europe since the mid-60s. In addition to continental breakfast guests are offered: juices (orange, grapefruit, tomato), a dish with sliced ​​ham, cheese and sausage, egg dishes, yogurt, cottage cheese, dry cereal. During breakfast, buffet service is most often organized or the waiter brings a dish with cold cuts, lays out on plates and leaves the dish on the table. Egg dishes are prepared according to individual orders.

3. English breakfast. IN classic version english breakfast starts from morning tea or coffee (possibly hot chocolate) brought to the room. It also includes sugar, baked goods, toast, butter, jam, honey, preserves. This so-called "short breakfast" (short breakfast) can be supplemented with egg dishes (scrambled eggs with ham or bacon, eggs fried on bread, omelet with ham or mushrooms, etc.), fish dishes, cereal dishes (oatmeal or soup milk or water with sugar or salt). The English breakfast is served in the same way as the expanded breakfast. If a guest orders a fish dish instead of egg dishes or oatmeal, then an additional fish utensil or a tablespoon is served.

4. American breakfast. American breakfast additionally offers: regular drinking water with ice cubes fruit juices, fresh fruits(grapefruit, watermelon, berries with milk or cream) or fruit compote (plums, peaches), cereal dishes (corn, rice flakes), small portion meat, pie, etc.

A decisive condition for the most complete revelation of the taste qualities of alcoholic beverages is the observance of a certain temperature when they are served. Table 4.2 shows the temperature recommended for serving different drinks.

Table 4.2

Beverage serving temperature

When offering alcoholic beverages, the time of year must also be taken into account. On hot days, dry white wines with a refreshing taste should be recommended, in winter - strong red table wines, cognacs.

When serving alcoholic drinks, remember that drinks for a group of guests are served in a bottle, for one guest - in a carafe of the appropriate capacity. In order to be easy to pour, the decanter should be filled to 3/4 of the volume.

Before putting the bottle with the ordered drink on the table, the waiter must show it to the guest. To do this, it is necessary that the bottle be labeled to the guest, which will allow him to make sure that the order is correctly executed. You can open a bottle only in the presence and with the permission of the guest.

After showing the bottle and opening it, the waiter pours a test sip for the guest. Raising a glass (glass) against the light, the guest has the opportunity to check the color and transparency of the wine. By aroma, he determines his bouquet. Having received consent, the waiter fills the glasses (glasses) of all the guests present at the table and the last - the glass (glass) of the owner of the feast. When serving a large group of guests, the owner (organizer) does not pour a test sip.

In vodka, Madeira and Rhine wine glasses, the drink is not topped up by half a centimeter. Lafitte glasses and champagne glasses are filled 2/3, wine glasses - half.

The waiter refills only completely empty glasses, glasses, wine glasses. In order to top up a drink that has not been drunk to the end, it is necessary to first obtain the consent of the guest.

Offering and serving non-alcoholic drinks. Mineral water and carbonated soft drinks should be cooled to 4-6°C, as this makes them more palatable and better thirst quencher. The waiter brings bottles of drinks in his hand or on a tray and opens them only in the presence of the guest. Having received the permission of the guest, the drink is poured into a glass up to half or 1/3.

Chilled water with ice is served in jugs or carafes, with individual service - in a glass of conical or cylindrical shape.

Juices, kvass, fruit drinks, soft drinks of our own production are served in jugs, poured into conical glasses or wine glasses. Tomato and vegetable juices are served separately with salt and black pepper.

Offering and serving hot drinks. Hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) have a tonic effect on the human body, increase its efficiency. They are served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The special service also ends with a cup of coffee or tea. The temperature for serving hot drinks is 75 °C.

Coffee dispensing depends on the preparation method. Black coffee can be prepared in a coffee pot according to the number of servings indicated. To maintain the temperature, it should be carried in a coffee pot and poured on a utility table or directly into guests' cups. The coffee pot with the remaining coffee is placed on the table on the right side of the guest. Coffee can be served in cups and saucers. At the same time, the waiter approaches the guest from the right and places a cup and saucer in front of him.

Knowledge of the basic rules of table setting. The word "serving" in translation from the French "servier" means, on the one hand, preparing the table for eating, that is, arranging dishes in a certain order, and on the other hand, a set of items (utensils, cutlery, table linen) intended for this goals.

Table setting is a creative process, characterized by multivariance and depending on a number of factors:

Meal times;

The range of dishes available on the menu and how they are prepared;

service methods;

Types of service and other factors.

When using serving items, certain rules must be observed, in general, they boil down to the fact that the used tableware and cutlery must always be polished to a shine and each serving element must have its place on the table. Serving begins with the arrangement of porcelain dishes, then lay out the cutlery, put glass or crystal dishes. Serving ends with the placement of napkins, after which cutlery with spices and vases of flowers are placed on the tables. A guideline in the distribution of serving items is the folds on the tablecloth or the location of the chairs, which are usually placed according to the number of guests with an interval of at least 30 cm. In order for the guests to feel comfortable and it was easy for the waiters to serve them, 60 -70 cm for everyday service and 80-100 cm for banquet service.

In the most general terms, there are two types of serving: preliminary and performing.

Preliminary table setting perform in the process of preparing the restaurant hall for service. It includes the minimum number of items that can be used to complete an order.

Executive table setting - serving, which is made according to a pre-known order menu, usually when serving banquets and other events.

Preliminary table setting for breakfast involves the presence of a pie plate, a snack device, a teaspoon, a wine glass, and a napkin. Depending on the proposed menu, there may also be a butter knife and a snack plate. Such a serving includes a minimum set of items (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Table setting for breakfast

Preliminary table setting in the daytime includes a patty plate, cutlery, wine glass, napkin.

During lunch, according to the menu of custom dishes, serving includes pie, snack plates, snack and cutlery, a glass, and a napkin (Fig. 4.3).

Rice. 4.3. Dinner table setting

For service in the evening, dishes and cutlery are additionally received from the menu of ordered dishes. Tables are pre-served with patty and snack plates set on small cutlery, snack and cutlery (without a spoon), napkins, wine glasses, spice utensils, flower vases (Fig. 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Table setting for dinner

When serving, snack and dinner plates are placed on the table at a distance of 2 cm from its edge (opposite the center of each chair). To the left of snack bars or small canteens, patty plates are placed at a distance of 5-10 cm, while their center should be on the same line. Those cutlery that is customary to stack on the right side of the plate are placed in the direction from left to right, the cutlery that is customary to be stacked on the left side of the plate is placed in the direction from right to left. The guest takes the appliances in reverse order.

When arranging glassware, one of the objects is always placed at the tip of the cutlery knife. In cases where it is planned to serve several glass items (glasses, glasses of different capacities), the location of each of them is determined by the sequence of serving dishes and drinks. It is convenient for both guests and waiters when glasses for drinks served with an appetizer are in front, and glasses, glasses intended for use during dessert, are behind them. Wine glasses and glasses can be installed diagonally. It is also possible to place them in a triangle.

As a result, the following general rules can be formulated:

The main container is a glass, which is intended for a drink served with the second course;

You should not set the table with more than three pieces of glass;

When serving drinks ordered additionally, the waiter serves them with other glasses, wine glasses, etc. (Fig. 4.5).

Rice. 4.5. Options for table setting with glassware for drinks (glasses, wine glasses, glasses, glasses):A - with portioned service: 1 - a glass for beer, 2 - a glass for cognac;b - when serving a two-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink for the second course, 2 - a glass for dessert wine;V - when serving a three-course dinner: 1 - a glass for a drink with a fish dish, 2 - a glass for a drink with a second meat dish, 3 - a glass for dessert wine; G - a table setting option with glassware for a three-course dinner.

The basic rules of table setting are not something unshakable. Each waiter, guided by them, can be creative in solving the issue and offer their own version of the location of cutlery and crockery. However, it should be appropriate and create maximum comfort for guests.

5.12. Serving cooling and alcoholic beverages

Bottles with drinks are opened on a utility table or sideboard, having previously shown them to the guest and having received his consent (Fig. 87).

All drinks are served with the right hand on the right side, labeled to the guest. Drinks are served in the following order: non-alcoholic, aperitifs, light wines, stronger, first white, then red, first dry (table), and then fortified, therefore dessert and sparkling.

Non-alcoholic drinks are served with all meals. Not served when ordering ice cream, fruits and sparkling wines.

At feasts, each subsequent alcoholic drink is served after the pancake from which the previous one was drunk is removed. In group service, this rule is not respected. There are rules for serving each drink:

Guests of the same age - according to their age;

Guests different ages and gender, according to their age, and first they pour women, and then men;

If the guests are military - the first is poured to the senior in rank.

In all cases, the drink is first tasted by the customer and only after his consent is the drink poured to all guests. This rule is strictly observed when serving foreigners. Carbonated drinks and aperitifs are NOT tasted.

The glasses used for the last drink are collected after the bill is paid and the guests leave.

In some countries, service starters offer a glass of ice water. All soft drinks should be served chilled to 10-12°C,

the exception is mineral water"Borjomi", which is sometimes warmed up. Fizzy drinks and beer should have crown-cork closures. It is opened gradually, without tearing the corks, this will lead to leakage of the drink.

All soft drinks are poured into glasses for 1/3 of their capacity. The exception is beer, which is poured to the top by raising the bottle to form a head of foam.

The variety of dishes offered in the restaurant requires an appropriate approach to the choice of drinks. Strong alcoholic drinks and fortified wines are recommended for appropriate cold dishes and snacks, which should harmonize well with them. White wines are offered in the same dishes as dessert ones.

All alcoholic drinks that stimulate appetite can be divided into two main groups: drinks with great content alcohol (cognac, vodka, gin, whiskey) and less high content alcohol (all wines).

Innings strong drinks in Western countries differs from the submission accepted in our country. Vodka is drunk there as an aperitif in limited quantities. And they serve it in glasses with a volume of 50 ml. In summer, the supply temperature is +5 ° С, in winter + 10-12 ° С.

Bottled vodka is served for group orders or on official occasions.

After the guest has agreed to serve the drink, the waiter opens the bottle, wipes the neck and approaches each guest from the right side. The bottle is held so that the index finger is on the neck and fills the glass to 3/4 of the volume. With a towel in his left hand, dry the throat of the bottle, deflecting it so that the drops do not fall on the table. Having finished pouring the drink, the bottle is placed on the table of the first guest (customer) or on a side table. The bottle can be wrapped in a linen napkin in advance, then during pouring it does not need to be wiped with a towel every time and the desired temperature is kept.

Gin is served in old-fashioned glasses, chilled to a temperature of +1 +3 ° C. Its necessary component is ice, which is served separately in a bowl with a spoon or tongs. Gin can be served with soda.

Whiskey is served in old-fashioned (Odd fashion) glasses of different heights, up to 200 ml. best temperature serving + 10-12 ° C. With strong cooling, the whiskey loses its bouquet of aromas. Separately served sparkling water, bowl with ice, salted nuts.

Cognac is served in 30 ml cognac glasses or in pear-shaped tasting glasses with a volume of 200 ml, but in an amount not exceeding 50 ml. They offer lemon, soda, sweets, nuts, coffee, tea for cognac. Cognac is not drunk with cold appetizers and hot dishes, dishes "clog" its bouquet of aromas. A glass of cognac represents the case, next to it are applications.

Rum is served and drunk like cognac.

White wines are best served at a temperature of +8 +10 ° C. At this temperature, they retain their taste and bouquet of aromas. they are drunk natural, mixing with ice and other drinks leads to a loss of spirit. White wines are drunk from 100 ml Rhinestone glasses, if there are no colored wines, they are served transparent,

or glasses of 125 ml. Having received the bottles in the buffet, you need to make sure that the seals are not broken, the label is intact, and the bottle is clean. On the bottle, carefully “cut the wrapper from the film or plastic with a knife, wipe the neck, screw in the corkscrew and remove the cork. When screwing the corkscrew, you need to make sure that it does not pierce the cork through and through. If this happens and cork pieces get into the wine, you need to pour into a separate pile a little wine The waiter leaves a bottle of wine in an empty place on the table or puts it to the right of the guest's glass, labeled to it.

If the bottle is in the ice bucket, the waiter wipes it with a napkin before pouring. Having poured wine, he puts the bottle back in the bucket and covers it with a napkin.

Red table wines are served like white wines, but there are some differences. Serving temperature +18 +24 ° С. vintage wines the sediment must be heated, because then the wine begins to circulate and the sediment disperses throughout the bottle. The aged wine is carefully placed in a drink basket in a semi-horizontal position and opened on a side table so as not to disturb the sediment. When opening a bottle, a napkin is placed under the neck so that drops of wine do not fall on the tablecloth.

During prolonged aging, sediment may form in the wines. It is advisable to pour such wine into a decanter and thus separate the sediment. This process is called decanting and is used in vintage wines. An empty bottle is served at the table along with a decanter.

Before pouring red wine into a glass or glass, it must be saturated with oxygen. To do this, the waiter, when pouring, lifts the bottle, making sure not to spill it on the tablecloth. Young red wine does not form sediment, since its aging period is short.

Fortified (strong) wines differ from table wines in their higher content of alcohol and sugar. they are heated and not cooled. Pour like previous wines in Maderno glasses with a volume of 75 ml or serve in glasses with a capacity of 125 ml, but in an amount of 75 ml.

Dessert wines have great content sugar, they are drunk with Maderno glasses with a volume of 75 ml or served in glasses with a capacity of 125 ml. they are drunk savoring in small sips

long time. Serving temperature +16 +18 ° C. Soft drinks can also be drunk with them.

Sparkling wines are served in compliance with the following rules:

1. Semi-sweet and sweet sparkling wine served chilled to a temperature of +6-8 ° С, dry and semi-dry - up to +4 ° С, red sparkling - up to +10 ° С, very dry up to +6 ° С.

2. The label on the bottle and the foil wrap at the mouth must be broken, glued and clean.

3. If there is no refrigerator, bottles should be placed in a bucket with finely written ice.

4. Open the bottle on the sideboard silently, the cork should not pop out. The wire bridle is removed by holding the cork with the thumb of the left hand. Holding the bottle in an inclined position, slowly loosen or return the cork with a napkin with your left hand. Carefully removing the cork, let the carbon dioxide escape.

5. If the bottle was in a bucket and wet, it must be wrapped in a napkin and then poured into glasses. If the bottle is dry, the wine is poured without wrapping the bottle.

6. Pour the wine into glasses in two or three doses. If we want to fill the glasses in one go, we need to take the glass in the left hand downhill and pour the champagne with the right hand along the wall of the glass.

All wines are poured from the right side. The body of the waiter should be tilted, and the right leg step forward. The waiter puts his left hand with a napkin folded in half behind his back. After each filling, it is necessary to blot the drops of wine from the neck of the bottle with a napkin.

Cold and hot drinks quench thirst well. Tea and coffee have a tonic effect. fruit drinks, tea, kvass, contain vitamins and minerals. Drinks containing milk or cream have a high energy value. The substances contained in these drinks have a positive effect on cardiovascular activity, promote digestion, and also have a high nutritional value.

Compotes are prepared from fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits and berries, both in various combinations, and from one of any kind.

Milk is served both hot and cold. Bottled pasteurized and sterilized milk is served cold without boiling. Whole milk boiled and served both hot and cold. The temperature of hot drinks should be 70-80C, cold - 10-12C. Some cold drinks are released with pieces of edible ice.

Tea refers to tonic, refreshing and thirst-quenching drinks. The caffeine in tea has a stimulating effect on nervous system, A essential oils cause aroma. Astringent taste tea depends on the tannins included in its composition, in particular, tannin. The color of the infusion depends on the method of processing tea during its production, the content of coloring substances. Green tea are dried leaves tea tree, and black - dried leaves that were subjected to a special process - fermentation and also dried after that. Exists great amount types of tea and how to brew it. All varieties of tea are rich in vitamins B 1, B 2, C, P, PP. To prepare a drink from tea, it is recommended to use porcelain teapots. It is impossible to prepare tea leaves in metal teapots, boilers and pans. The taste of tea in contact with metal deteriorates sharply, and the color changes.

For making tea teapot warm, pour in dry tea according to the norm, pour boiling water over 1/3 of the kettle volume, close the lid, cover with a napkin and leave for 5 ... 10 minutes. Then add boiling water to the norm. Tea can be served with one teapot, a pair of teapots (one with tea leaves, another with boiling water), in cups with saucers or in glasses with glass holders. Separately, granulated sugar or lump sugar is served in a vase. Nearby put tweezers for sugar or a spoon for granulated sugar. Tea is also served with jam, honey, jam in vases with dessert spoon, and a socket is placed for each device. lemon cut thin slices and serve in a vase, sprinkled granulated sugar. Hot milk is served in a milk jug, and cream is served in a creamer. Tea can be served cold (8…10C) in a glass or glass with sugar, lemon and ice cubes.

For making cold lemon/ orange tea, you need to brew black or green tea, let the drink brew, add the juice of half a lemon / orange to it, put ice in a glass, pour tea. When preparing tea with the addition of ginger, grate the ginger, pour boiling water over it, let it brew and add brewed tea and citrus juice to the prepared ginger infusion.

Natural coffee arrives at POP in beans (raw) or roasted and ground. Raw coffee beans pre-fried at a temperature of 180-200C until their color becomes dark brown. During the roasting of coffee beans, complex chemical changes occur in them, forming substances that give coffee its characteristic taste and aroma.

The most important component coffee - caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Coffee contains proteins, fats, sugar, which causes its high nutritional value. Except natural coffee POP receives coffee with the addition of chicory.

There are several ways to make coffee, but they all boil down to the most complete extraction of extractives from dry coffee and getting delicious, fragrant drink. The best quality drink is obtained from coffee ground just before brewing. The quality of the drink is also affected by the degree of grinding. For grinding use coffee mills, electric coffee grinders or grinding nozzles to the universal drive.

Coffee is brewed in enamelware or dishes from of stainless steel with a tight-fitting lid (coffee makers, coffee pots). Oriental coffee is prepared in a Turk, or cezve. POP prepares natural black coffee, coffee with milk or cream, with lemon, coffee with milk, coffee with whipped cream, oriental coffee, coffee with ice cream (glase).

Black coffee is brewed in a special container. To do this, quickly bring to a boil, defend, filter and pour into a coffee pot. You can immediately pour into cups, glasses. Separately, lump sugar in a socket, a slice of lemon, hot cream in a creamer or milk in a milk jug are served.

Oriental black coffee is made from finely ground coffee. Pour coffee and sugar into the Turk, pour cold water and bring to a boil, but do not allow to boil. Foam forms on the surface of the coffee. Serve without straining coffee cups. Serve separately in a glass or in a decanter cold water.

Black coffee with whipped cream (Viennese). Coffee is served in glasses or cups with whipped cream. You can sprinkle cream with grated chocolate.

Warsaw coffee. Prepared by adding sugar to concentrated black coffee without thick baked milk. Served with hot milk foams.

Black coffee with ice cream (glasse). Prepared on the basis of sweet coffee, which is cooled to 8 ... 10C, poured into a conical glass or glasses and decorated with a scoop of ice cream. Glasses or wine glasses are placed on a dessert plate, on which a teaspoon or straw is placed.

Canned coffee "natural coffee with condensed milk". Coffee with condensed milk and sugar diluted hot water, stir thoroughly and bring to a boil. Serve in cups, glasses, sugar separately.

Coffee drink. This drink is a mixture of ground coffee beans, and cereal crops in strict equal proportions. The type of coffee drink depends primarily on the ingredients that make up the product. Among the main types coffee drinks can be distinguished such as: barley, wheat, rye and oat drinks. In addition, there are such types of coffee drinks as chestnut, beetroot, made from chicory root, cocoa shells, and acorns. The brewing process is similar to making coffee.

Cocoa is prepared from cocoa powder, mixed with granulated sugar, after which a little boiling water is added and mixed. Then, pour in hot milk or cream, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil. Served in cups with saucers. You can serve cocoa chilled and with ice cream.

Chocolate is prepared using chocolate in powder or in bars (it is pre-crushed). Prepared and served in the same way as cocoa.

Hot drinks with wine. Mulled wine. Sugar, spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg), lemon or orange zest, bring to a boil, insist and filter. Serve hot in coffee cups.

Grog. IN hot tea wine or cognac is poured with sugar, brought to a boil, served hot. You can use other spirits, such as rum.

Blended (mixed) juices.

Many natural fruit and vegetable juices not suitable for use in pure form. They are often very acidic or, conversely, bland. To improve nutritional qualities juices, they are mixed with other juices, i.e. blended. Having skillfully selected the components, they get a blended juice that has required amount vitamins and has a pleasant taste, aroma, color.

Sea buckthorn juice contains a lot of acids, has a pungent odor and is highly stratified during storage due to the presence of fat in it. Mixing it with applesauce And sugar syrup, you can get juice with good palatability. apple juice summer varieties usually has low acidity and low sugar content and is hazy with a mediocre taste. Apples ripen almost simultaneously with sea buckthorn and can be served a good component for blended juice.
Possible various options blending juices: from different varieties the same type of fruit; from individual varieties apples, cherries, cherries, berries; from related fruits - cherries and sweet cherries, apricots and peaches, cherry plums and plums, currants and strawberries, strawberries and raspberries, etc.; from unrelated species - apples and cherries, apples and sea buckthorn, apricots and sea buckthorn, rhubarb and apples. Blends can also be obtained by mixing fruit and vegetable juices, with sugar or sugar syrup to soften the taste. In industry, all the main varieties of apples that are used to make juices are classified into groups.

Fruit drinks from juicy berries.

Juice can be both fruit and vegetable, but it is mors from juice wild berries in Russia has long been consumed not only to quench thirst, but also to treat various diseases, as these berries are very rich in vitamins and microelements, organic acids and pectin. Fruit drinks from them refresh and improve well-being, having an effect on the body, like biogenic stimulants - and this allows you to increase efficiency.

Morse is a mixture of juice, water and sugar, which can be replaced with honey.

To prepare a liter cranberry juice, you will need 125 g of cranberries, 120 g of sugar (or honey), and 1 liter clean water. Cranberries must be sorted out, washed and thrown into boiling water. You need to cook them for no more than 5 minutes, over low heat, then put them in a colander and squeeze. Mix the resulting juice with broth, add sugar, stir and boil for another 5 minutes over low heat.

In the same way, a fruit drink is prepared from lingonberries, raspberries or black currant, just take a different amount of berries: lingonberries or currants - 150 g, raspberries - 170 g.

Fruit drinks are prepared from frozen berries in a slightly different way. You can cook assorted fruit drinks - from lingonberries, strawberries and black currants. Currants and strawberries take 100 g each, and lingonberries - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Rhubarb drink.

Rhubarb stalks, peeled of fibers, finely chopped, boiled in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes, insisted and filtered. Then sugar is added citric acid and cool.

Rosehip drink.

Rose hips are washed with cold water, placed in a bowl made of non-oxidizing material, poured with boiling water and boiled with the lid closed and low boil for 10 minutes. Sugar is added, then left to infuse for 2-4 hours. After that, the broth is filtered. quality requirements Appearance: the drink is poured into a glass
Consistency: liquid Colour: dark red Taste: sweet and sour, with a touch of rose hips Smell: rose hips.

This drink belongs to the national Russian drinks. Honey and sugar are dissolved in hot water, bring to a boil and cook, removing the foam. Then add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, Bay leaf, cloves, cardamom, boil and filter. Serve hot in cups.

Bread kvass.

Well-fried crackers are crushed to a particle size of 5-6 mm and poured in a thin stream with continuous stirring into water, previously boiled and cooled to 80 (C. For 4 kg of crackers, 70 liters of water are taken. The crackers poured into water are left for 1-1.5 h for infusion in a warm place,
stirring them periodically. The resulting wort is drained, and the crackers are again poured with water (50 l) and infused again for 1-1.5 hours, then the wort is drained.
Sugar, curly mint, yeast, diluted a small amount wort. The temperature of the wort during the introduction of yeast should be brought to 23-25C and maintained throughout the entire fermentation process - 8-12 hours after fermentation, the kvass is filtered and cooled. The technology for making kvass from dry bread kvass is similar.

Kvass "Petrovsky".

For one serving of this kvass take next set products: bread kvass - 200g, horseradish - 5g, natural honey- 10 g, food ice - 1 cube.

Honey is dissolved in bread kvass so that it dissolves better, kvass is slightly warmed up. Then, into kvass, you need to cut into small chips the horseradish root, previously cleaned and washed. Kvass is well corked and put in the cold for 10-12 hours. Then, filter through cheesecloth. Served with ice cubes.

Fruit kvass.

To prepare fruit kvass, it is necessary to produce machining certain fruits, pour water and boil for 20-25 minutes. Strain the fruit from the liquid, add sugar, honey and citric acid, prepared raisins to the resulting liquid. This kvass ripens within 3-5 days in a warm place.

Fresh fruit compote.

Apples, or pears, or quince are washed, seed nests are removed, cut into slices. So that the fruits do not darken, they are immersed in cold water, slightly acidified with citric acid, before cooking. The syrup is prepared as follows: sugar is dissolved in hot water, citric acid is added, brought to a boil, boiled for 10-12 minutes and filtered. In prepared hot syrup immerse the fruits. Apples and pears are cooked at a low boil for no more than 6-8 minutes. Fast-cooking varieties of apples (Antonovskie, etc.) and very ripe pears do not boil, but put in boiling syrup, stop heating and leave in syrup until cool. Sweet cherries or cherries are washed, cut in half, pitted, placed in hot sugar syrup and brought to a boil. Apricots and plums are cut in half and the pits are removed. In watermelons and melons, the bark and seeds are removed, in strawberries (garden) and cherries, the stalks are removed. Oranges or tangerines are washed, peeled, cut into thin circles (tangerines can be divided into slices), put in glasses or vases, poured with warm syrup and let it brew. Compote and sweet drinks are usually served in special glasses or goblets called compotes. The bones of the berries are carefully spit out on a spoon and put on a plate on which there is a compote. But since the spitting process does not look very appetizing, compotes from pitted berries are usually served at receptions. The compote is sold for 2-3 hours from the moment of preparation. Compotes are released chilled to a temperature of 12-150C, 150-200 g per serving.

To prepare compotes from dried fruits, dried fruits and berries are sorted out, removing impurities, thoroughly washed in warm water changing it several times. To improve the taste of dried fruit compotes, it is recommended to cook 10-12 hours before they are sold, since as a result of infusion aromatic and flavoring substances (organic acids, mineral salts, sugars) pass into the broth, and fruits and berries are soaked in sugar syrup. With insufficient acidity, citric acid is added to compotes. Dried pears, depending on the size and type, are boiled for 1-2 hours, apples - 20-30 minutes, prunes, apricots, dried apricots - 10-20 minutes, raisins - 5-10 minutes. Compote from dried fruits or berries is prepared the day before so that it is infused (10-12 hours before sale). Compotes are released chilled to a temperature of 12-150C, 150-200 g per serving. Compote and sweet drinks are usually served in special glasses or goblets called compotes. The bones of the berries are carefully spit out on a spoon and put on a plate on which there is a compote. But since the process of spitting does not look very appetizing, compotes from pitted berries are usually served at receptions. The shelf life of the compote is 2 - 3 hours from the moment of preparation.

Canned fruit compote. The fruits are placed in vases or bowls, poured with chilled syrup. The syrup is boiled from water and sugar, filtered, then syrup is added to it. canned fruits, bring to a boil and cool. Compotes are released chilled to a temperature of 12-150C, 150-200 g per serving. Compote and sweet drinks are usually served in special glasses or goblets called compotes. The bones of the berries are carefully spit out on a spoon and put on a plate on which there is a compote. But since the process of “spitting out” does not look very appetizing, compotes from pitted berries are usually served at receptions. The shelf life of the compote is 2 - 3 hours from the moment of preparation.

Supply temperature. quality requirements. storage security requirements.

Hot drinks are served at a temperature of 70-80C, and cold - 10-12C.

Tea and coffee are evaluated according to the following indicators: aroma (bouquet), taste, color (for tea), content of extractive substances. Tea and coffee should have a well-defined taste and aroma characteristic of raw materials. Coffee made from beans premium, It has delicate fragrance and pronounced pleasant taste. Tea should not contain tea leaves, and coffee should not contain grounds (in some cases, grounds are acceptable).

Cold drinks are stored at a temperature of 8 ... 10C, hot 70 ... 75C. Long term storage significantly reduces the quality of drinks. Based on this, the shelf life of hot drinks should not exceed 1 hour, and cold 6 hours.

Control questions

1. Set the serving temperature for cold and hot drinks.

2. Describe the studied hot drinks.

3. How is the studied hot drinks dispensed?

4. Describe the studied cold drinks.

5. How are cold drinks dispensed?

6. Specify the shelf life of cold and hot drinks.

7. What are the quality requirements for cold and hot drinks?
