
What can a child drink at different ages: we select safe and healthy drinks. What can you give to an allergy sufferer?

IN summer heat These questions are especially relevant for parents.

Everyone knows that water is necessary for the life of all organs and systems. human body. Its lack primarily affects the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, hematopoiesis - the formation of new blood cells. In addition, without water, heat transfer processes in the body cannot occur. The fluid requirement of a baby depends on age, type of diet (breastfeeding, artificial milk formula, complementary foods), ambient temperature, physical activity and individual characteristics metabolism.

The total amount of fluid that a child of the first year of life should receive is 100-150 ml / kg of body weight per day. Up to 6 months it is 80-130 ml / kg per day, after 6 months - 130-150 ml / kg,
from 1-3 years - 100 ml / kg, after 3 years - 80 ml / kg per day.

When to start?

The fact is that breast milk is both food and drink for the baby. The "front" milk that is released at the beginning of feeding is more liquid and consists of 87% water. It fully satisfies the baby's need for liquid. Drinking a child who is on breastfeeding, earlier than 6 months may lead to reduced intake breast milk. This is due to the fact that if the baby receives water instead of milk, he has a false feeling of fullness, he sucks less milk, which leads to malnutrition and weight loss crumbs.

If the baby sucks little and reluctantly after drinking water, this, in turn, can lead to a decrease in the mother's milk production. Therefore, a breastfed baby should be supplemented with water only with the start of the introduction of complementary foods.

For children who are formula-fed or mixed-fed, the need for additional water intake arises from the moment formula is introduced into the diet. Formula milk is a difficult product to digest, and without supplementation, the baby may develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation.

How to drink a child?

However, there are times when a baby needs extra fluid, regardless of whether he is receiving formula milk or breast milk. These are conditions in which there is a pathological loss of fluid: fever (increase in body temperature above 38 ° C), vomiting, frequent loose stools, hot and dry weather (above 25 ° C). To avoid dehydration, children need to drink more often than usual in the heat; Breastfed babies can breastfeed more often.

Drinking can be given to the child in between feedings. It is not necessary to offer the baby some water before feeding, so as not to cause a false feeling of satiety. It is better to drink the crumbs from a spoon, and when he grows up a little, you can teach him to drink from a drinking bowl or a non-spill cup. Such a cup has reverse side the lids have a special valve that does not allow the liquid to spill, even if it is overturned or tilted to the side.

When the baby drinks from a spoon, the liquid goes directly into his mouth, and you just need to swallow it. Drinking from a cup uses the same principle. Babies who are used to drinking from a bottle (drinking requires several sucking movements) often find it difficult to transition to drinking from a cup.

Choosing drinks


At first, the best drink for a child is water. It must be clean and of good quality. This is necessary because children's body more susceptible to harmful substances and microorganisms, because in young children the immune system is not yet fully formed.

It is best to give your baby special baby bottled water. Firstly, during its production, all hygiene requirements and it is safe for the baby. Secondly, it has a low level of mineralization, which is important for the normal functioning of the kidneys. On a bottle of water, it must be written that it is “for children”. Water must meet the basic quality characteristics: be transparent, odorless, have a neutral taste.

To drink a child, you can also use ordinary boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Only in this case it is necessary that the tap water be pre-filtered. Filters clean tap water from harmful impurities- chlorine, iron, salts of heavy metals, as well as from some bacteria and viruses.


In addition to water, various children's teas are used to drink children. It is important to remember that children's tea is not at all the tea that adults drink. Ordinary black tea should not be given to children under 1.5–2 years old. This is due to the fact that it contains tannin, a substance that has an exciting effect on the central nervous system. As a result, the child develops sleep disturbances, tearfulness, increased excitability. In addition, tannin affects the functioning of the heart, causing an increase in the number of heartbeats.

Children's tea has many useful properties. For example, it strengthens the walls and enhances vascular tone; contains fluoride, which helps to avoid the development of caries and strengthens bones and teeth; contains many vitamins of group B, necessary for the full development of the crumbs. Lightly brewed black tea can be given to children from 1.5–2 years old, after diluting it with milk.

For babies, there are special children's teas that may contain extracts. medicinal herbs(chamomile, dill, fennel, lemon balm, mint, anise) or fruit and berry supplements - lemon, berries, raspberries, etc. Herbal teas have a certain preventive and therapeutic effect. So, for example, tea with mint or lemon balm has a calming effect, and it can be offered to a child with increased neuro-reflex excitability, a violation of the process of falling asleep and sleeping. To stimulate work immune system rosehip extract, anise and vitamin C are added to children's tea. Before buying and using children's tea from herbs, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Most children's teas can be started when a child is on artificial feeding, from 4–5 months; up to this age, babies are supplemented only with water. Children receiving breast milk, teas are not recommended to enter earlier than 6 months. The age at which tea can be used should be indicated on the package. The exception is chamomile and fennel tea, which can be given from the first month of life. It is used in children with work impairment gastrointestinal tract, as it eliminates flatulence (excessive gas formation), relieves intestinal spasms and stimulates digestion.

The amount of tea drunk for a baby should not exceed 100 ml per day. Almost all children's teas industrial production contain a significant amount of carbohydrates: sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose. Overconsumption tea as a drink can cause the development of caries, flatulence.

When preparing teas, you must follow the instructions on the package, do not give the tea hot (it should be at room temperature) and do not add sugar.


Children are very fond of these drinks, but you should not rush to give your baby juice. The fact is that juices are an allergenic product and can cause diathesis in infants, as well as irritate the immature mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause bloating, rumbling, abdominal pain, and unstable stools. Pediatricians and the World Health Organization recommend introducing juices into a baby's diet no earlier than 8 months.

First, the child's diet is introduced clarified juices(without pulp), and at 10-11 months you can try to give the baby juices with pulp. The later introduction of juices with pulp is due to the fact that they contain vegetable fibers(fiber), which stimulate the activity of the intestines, and the child may develop stool disorders.

At first, it is better for a baby to give one-component juices made from one type of fruit. This is necessary so that if an allergic reaction occurs, it can be determined which component the child's body reacted negatively to and eliminate the allergen.

The first thing you can offer your baby is green apple juice. It is the least allergenic and contains a large number of iron needed by the baby. Then they introduce pear, peach, apricot and plum juice. Do not offer juice to children exotic fruits(mango, papaya, grapefruit), orange and strawberry: they often cause allergies, so it is recommended to give them after the age of 1-1.5 years. With an introduction grape juice also do not rush: grapes contain an increased amount of sugar and can cause fermentation processes in the intestines of the crumbs, which will cause him anxiety.

You need to start giving juice to a child with 5 drops, gradually increasing the volume per week to 20-30 ml per day (2nd day - ½ teaspoon, 3rd day - 1 teaspoon, by the 7th day - 6 teaspoons (30 ml ) By the end of the first year of life, the volume of juice that the baby drinks should be 100-120 ml per day.

The child can be given fresh juices, prepared with a juicer, or commercially produced juices recommended for baby food. The package usually indicates the age at which children can use this product.

Freshly squeezed juices can irritate the baby's intestinal mucosa due to high content they contain organic acids. This is manifested by increased gas formation, bloating, intestinal colic. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute such juices with chilled boiled or bottled water in a ratio of 1:1 (up to 2-3 years of age), and children over 3 years old can be offered juices not diluted with water. Juices of industrial production at the beginning of the introduction are also recommended to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 for better adaptation of the child's gastrointestinal tract to this product. You can stop diluting the juice when the child begins to receive the amount of this drink that corresponds to the age norm.


After 1 year, the child can be offered compotes from fresh berries and dried fruits. They are prepared without added sugar. The same rule applies here as with the introduction of juices: you need to start with a monocomponent drink and give it in small portions(starting with 10 ml per day). First, compote for a baby is better to cook from hypoallergenic fruits - apples, pears, plums. After a while, you can add berries - cherries, sweet cherries. Compote is given to the child chilled to room temperature.


This drink, made from the juice of berries or fruits, contains various vitamins (although some of them are destroyed during cooking), quenches thirst well, increases body tone, and appetite. Morse is prepared from different berries: cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries. It can be offered to the baby in the third year of life. For the first acquaintance of young children with this drink, it is better to prepare fruit drink from one variety of berries. Fruit drinks of industrial production are mainly allowed for children over 3-4 years old. They are often a mixture of juices of several types of berries and water, so you can offer such a drink to a baby if he is not allergic to the components that make up its composition.

Morse can be cooked at home on your own. To do this, the berries must be sorted out, washed and squeezed out of them with the juice using a fine sieve or gauze. The remaining pomace must be poured hot water, add a little sugar and boil for 10-12 minutes after boiling, then strain. Strained broth should be mixed with previously obtained juice. Morse is usually drunk chilled.


Homemade jelly from fresh or frozen berries and fruits can be given to a baby after 1 year. Kissel of industrial production (in packs) contains a large amount of dyes and sweeteners, so it can be given to a child no earlier than 3 years. In order to cook jelly yourself, you will need fresh or frozen berries and potato starch. The berries must be sorted out, washed with hot water, mashed and squeezed out the juice through a fine sieve or gauze. The pomace should be poured with hot water and boiled for 5 minutes, then strained. It is necessary to pour potato starch previously diluted in chilled boiled water into the strained broth and, stirring, let it boil again, then add the previously squeezed juice. For 1 cup of berries take 2 tablespoons of potato starch.

Mineral water

It is divided into two categories - dining and medical. Healing mineral water contains many different salts and is intended for the treatment of certain diseases. Such water should not be drunk without a doctor's prescription. Table mineral water is weakly mineralized and does not therapeutic effect. The main important elements in mineral water are calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron. Dining room mineral water can be offered to children after 1 year. To remove gas bubbles from the mineral water, it is enough to pour the required volume of water into the cup and let it stand for 20-30 minutes; you can stir the water in a glass with a spoon - and everything will happen faster.


Sweet carbonated drinks are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. There are a lot of preservatives, flavorings and dyes in "soda" that can cause allergies in a child. Such drinks also contain a lot of sugar or its substitutes, which contribute to the development of cavities. Finally, carbon dioxide, which is found in carbonated water, causes belching and bloating.


From hot drinks, a child over 2-3 years old can be given cocoa no more than 3 times a week. It is best to offer your baby cocoa with milk for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Cocoa powder is rich in protein, fiber and vitamins. It contains many beneficial trace elements such as zinc and iron, folic acid. Cocoa is a very healthy drink for underweight children, as it is high-calorie product. The recommended amount of cocoa for young children is no more than 50 ml per day.

coffee drinks

Another hot drink- coffee. Instant coffee strictly contraindicated in children under 13-14 years of age. Coffee, as you know, contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In a baby, this can lead to overexcitability, capriciousness, neuroses, and sleep disturbances. Children can be given coffee drink which does not contain caffeine. It may include chicory, extracts of rye, barley, oats, rose hips. These products are completely safe for the baby and very rarely cause allergies. In addition, they have useful properties. Chicory increases appetite and regulates metabolism. In addition, the composition of chicory includes various mineral elements and vitamins A, E, B1, B12. Rosehip helps to strengthen the immune system, and extracts of barley and oats improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A coffee drink diluted with milk can be given to a baby over 2 years old.

When choosing a coffee drink, you need to carefully examine the packaging. Sometimes it may include a small percentage natural coffee. It is better not to offer such drinks to a child.

Drinking mode in the heat

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime in hot weather when the baby sweats a lot and loses a lot of fluid. Children's fluid stores are used up more quickly because water exchange more intense than in adults. Babies still have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so they easily overheat. On hot days, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs (due to possible dehydration of the body) and water the child more often, even if he does not ask.

The main symptoms of excessive fluid loss (dehydration) of the body are:
dry mucous membranes;
decrease in the number of urination (less than 6 times a day).

To prevent dehydration, breastfed babies should simply breastfeed more often. It is advisable for "artificial" children to offer cool drinks every 15-20 minutes. As a drink, ordinary drinking water room temperature, non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened children's tea.

Older children can be offered non-carbonated mineral water, diluted juice, unsweetened compote, baby kefir. Drinking should not be sweet, as sweet drinks do not quench thirst well and the baby will soon want to drink again. It is also important to remember that on hot days it is not recommended to drink cold drinks, because due to the sharp temperature difference, you can catch a cold.

Drinks should be at room temperature or slightly chilled.

It is very important to comply drinking regimen for the child, as water and various drinks are an important part of it daily ration. Improper drinking regimen can lead to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance, constipation, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in a baby.

Ginger tea with lemon and honey is known as a health recipe. But in fact, there are much more diverse ginger drinks in the world that have even more useful influence on the human body.

How to brew?

Whatever additives you use to make a drink, it is important to know how to make ginger tea so that the extraction of medicinal components from the root is maximum.

  1. The easiest way - the "lazy method" - is to finely chop the peeled ginger root. Put it in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Close the cup with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. The method is simple, but the extraction is incomplete. A little more hard way is not to cut the ginger, but to grind it with a grater.
  2. Next method how to cook ginger drink, - placing the crushed root (chopped or grated) not in a cup, but in a thermos. It is necessary to insist 15 minutes.
  3. Next in terms of the complexity of execution is this method. The peeled root must be cut or grated, put in a saucepan and poured with water so that it completely covers the ginger. Bring to a boil, and then "simmer" over low heat for about 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Pour in more boiled water to taste or another tea, such as rosehip or hibiscus tea.
  4. And, finally, the most time-consuming, but the most effective method. This is exactly how ginger should be brewed correctly. Finely chop the root, add a little water and resuspend with a blender. The water should turn yellow. Pour the water along with the ginger particles into a saucepan, add the desired amount of water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then strain.

Below are examples of ginger tea recipes that are most popular among the people. Please note that in many of them the root is not brewed for a long time and thoroughly. But this does not mean that, using these recipes, you cannot give yourself the trouble to achieve the most complete extraction of healing components by the method of long-term brewing.

Recipe Options

The easiest recipe with honey

A drink with honey is an excellent warming drink for the cold season. It is most commonly used as a ginger tea for weight loss. Although this is not entirely correct, since, apart from ginger, it does not contain other components that contribute to weight loss.

Cooking is simple. This will require the following ingredients:

  • ginger - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml.

The root must be cleaned and crushed. You can cut it into thin slices or grate it.

Then the ginger is placed in a suitable container (thermos, teapot or cup), poured with boiling water, closed and allowed to brew for 5-7 minutes.

If you love not too much spicy drink, then at this stage it is better to strain the tea. In this case, for convenience, the crushed root can be immediately put into a strainer for brewing tea.

So that honey does not lose its beneficial features, it should be added only to the cooled broth (not higher than 40 ° C). Therefore, if you like hot teas, then it is better not to add honey, but eat it straight from a spoon, drinking tea. So you can enjoy the taste and get the most useful components.

With lemon and honey

The recipe for ginger tea with lemon and honey is already more beneficial for weight loss and health in general than the previous version.

For cooking you will need:

  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • root - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 500 ml.

Ginger peel, cut and mix with lemon juice. Pour the resulting mixture with hot water and let it brew. Honey is added only when the tea has cooled.

The mixture for obtaining such a drink can be prepared for the future. To do this, lay the chopped root and sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon in layers in glass jar, pour everything with honey and put in the refrigerator for a week. Then use as needed: right amount pour the mixture warm water, stir and enjoy the taste.

With lime and mint

If you want to get a refreshing tonic drink, then you can make tea with lime and mint. For this you will need:

To cook ginger syrup, mix ¾ cup of sugar and half a cup of water in a saucepan, put a root about 5 cm in size there. Cook over low heat until it thickens, stirring constantly.

Remove the pan from the heat, remove the root and pour the resulting syrup into a jug, put the juice and grated lime zest there. You can also add a fresh mint leaf. Now all that's left is to add hot water to taste, stir and the drink is ready.

Because in this recipe sugar is present, it should not be used for weight loss.

Easy Mint Recipe

Mint is not only fragrant, but also a healthy herb that goes well with ginger. Such a drink is effective for the normalization of the digestive tract, with flatulence and bouts of nausea. Can be used for toxicosis during pregnancy.

The recipe is simple: chopped ginger and mint are brewed in a cup and allowed to brew for 10 minutes.


This ginger tea is good for weight loss. The combination of the root with cinnamon gives an excellent and stable result in the fight against overweight.

To cook, you need:

  • put in a thermos 3 tbsp. l. chopped ginger;
  • add 1 tsp. ground cinnamon;
  • pour the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for at least 2 hours.

Please note that since this recipe is good for weight loss, I do not use honey and other sweeteners in it. If you add honey, the "fat-burning" activity of tea will decrease dramatically.

With cloves

Exist various recipes preparation of ginger tea with cloves. One of them is like this.

  • You need to take a portion of water 200 ml. And put 1 clove bud in it and small piece fresh ginger.
  • Bring water to a boil and add 1 tsp. black tea.
  • Remove from heat, close the lid and let it brew.
  • Add milk before drinking.

This tea is great for upper ailments. respiratory tract and also relieves hiccups.

With cardamom and lemon

Ginger and lemon tea can be prepared using this fragrant spices like cardamom.

Cardamom is a unique spice widely known in the Middle and Far East its beneficial properties. It improves digestion, promotes the breakdown of fats, and, according to some reports, enhances potency. To make ginger tea with cardamom you will need:

  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • medium-sized ginger root (about 5 cm long);
  • green cardamom grains - 5-6 pieces.

Sliced ​​cardamom root and grains are placed in boiling water.

Those who want to get the most out of this drink are not recommended to add sugar.

With star anise, cinnamon and lemon

Star anise, or star anise, is a star-shaped spice known for its healing properties with SARS, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, intestinal disorders, as well as with various "female" ailments.

In combination with cinnamon, ginger and lemon, the beneficial properties of star anise are revealed with greater force.

This spice does not need to be cooked.

You can prepare tea in an ordinary cup by placing 1 star anise, a teaspoon of chopped ginger, a cinnamon stick and a couple of mint leaves there.

Boiling water is poured into a cup and allowed to brew, and then a drink is served with a slice of lemon.

Ginger tea with garlic is especially good for colds, both for prevention and for the fight against an infection that has already overtaken.

The spine is cut into slices. Placed in a thermos. Put in a couple of cloves of garlic. Pour in boiling water and let steep.

Since the drink is very sharp, it is necessary to add honey to it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to drink. In addition, it is often supplemented with lemon, which reduces bad smell garlic and gives additional benefits.

Such tea can also be given to children, but not more than 30 ml per day.

A drink made from ginger, lemon, honey and garlic is often used to cleanse vessels. And it actually has a similar healing effect, since the biologically active components of garlic help dissolve atherosclerotic plaques.

With rosehip

Rosehip ginger tea is known as a recipe for immunity.

To prepare it, a crushed root about 4 cm long and half a handful of rose hips are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Drink during the day in a cool or heated form.

Such a drink perfectly speeds up the metabolism, gives strength to the body and increases its protective functions.

WITH green tea

Like ginger and cinnamon tea, this drink is great for weight loss. Because green tea by itself can accelerate the burning of body fat.

It is easy to prepare: in a teapot, where green tea is already brewed, add pieces of ginger and let it brew. If desired, the taste of the drink can be enhanced with a slice of lemon.

If you use this ginger drink for weight loss, then you should never add honey or any other sweets to it.

With black tea

Black tea lovers can try new taste his drink, adding spices to it with the help of a ginger root.

To do this, during the brewing process, add a couple of small pieces of rhizome to a teapot or cup.

Here it is important not to overdo it with the amount of spice, because it gives a very spicy taste, which some people may find too harsh.

With currant leaves and black tea

Blackcurrant leaves are rich in vitamin C, organic acids, essential oils and phytoncides. They are added to ginger drink in order to enhance its immunomodulatory properties.

Brewed in the same way as the drink described above with one black tea. Only currant leaves are immediately put in the teapot.

with cranberries

Ginger tea with cranberries is a first-class remedy for strengthening immunity and treating SARS. Prepare it as follows:

cranberries, chopped root, honey and lemon are placed in a blender and chopped;

put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and add the prepared mixture;

stir, bring to a boil again, remove from heat and let it brew for about 40 minutes.

The resulting drink must be filtered, after which it is ready for use.

with an apple

Spicy tea with an apple - healthy and delicious drink. Brewing it is easy. You can do this in a cup or in a thermos.

An apple goes well with ginger, cinnamon, lime, lemon, so all these components can be alternated and the proportions changed. And as a result, enjoy a new taste every time. healing drink.

Usually just ginger tea is brewed first. fresh root with or without cinnamon. And then in ready drink put pieces of fruit.

with orange

People often search for a recipe for ginger and lemon tea, forgetting that other citrus fruits, such as oranges, can also be used.

However, an orange, like all citrus fruits, is rich in vitamin C, which is destroyed when heat treatment. Therefore, ginger tea is first brewed regular recipe and already in the infused broth add orange juice to taste. When serving in tea, you can additionally put orange slice.

With orange, mint and cinnamon

Incredible fragrant tea with a rich taste can be obtained by combining ginger, orange, mint and cinnamon in one recipe.

Usually take black loose leaf tea. to him in teapot place ginger, cinnamon and mint. Brewed. And then an orange is added.

The taste and aroma of such a drink is simply impossible to convey in words, and its beneficial properties are beyond doubt.

What other additives can be used?

So, obviously, you can make ginger tea at home. huge amount different ways. It's hard to remember everything. Therefore, it is important to simply know what can be added to the root infusion in order to improve its taste and enhance medicinal properties.

This tea can be diluted with other useful herbal infusions- tea from rose hips, sea buckthorn, chamomile, hibiscus, dandelion.

In addition to the spices listed in recipes, spices such as Cayenne pepper, turmeric, natural vanilla(Not vanilla sugar).

Turmeric and pepper are especially useful when ginger tea is used for weight loss. Vanilla is often used to improve palatability drink.

How to drink?

Do not forget that you need to drink tea with ginger correctly.

The drink should not be consumed after 18.00 hours, as it greatly invigorates.

For weight loss, the drink is consumed before meals. Definitely in the morning until tomorrow. Even better than breakfast.

In the cold season ginger teas usually drunk hot, hot - cold.

If you are allergic, then I would not introduce either chamomile or fruits if I were you. Offer water. If he wants - he will drink :-)

Here, if you are interested in introducing complementary foods for allergy sufferers:
General rules for the introduction of complementary foods in children with atopic dermatitis aggravated by a hereditary history or who had pronounced manifestations food allergies in the first months are:

It is worth introducing complementary foods only against the background of complete or relative well-being, that is, the child must be healthy, there should not be fresh elements on the skin. If the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis has already been made, the introduction of complementary foods should occur against the background of remission of the disease;
Introduce complementary foods no earlier than 6 months;
- The first meal is vegetable puree from whites ( cauliflower) or green (zucchini) vegetables.
- Complementary foods are introduced starting from a quarter of a teaspoon once a day, preferably in the morning. Every day the volume increases gradually, approximately 2 times. - To the age norm is brought in 7 - 10 days. The condition of the child's skin, digestive problems are assessed daily, if any changes appear, then the introduction of complementary foods is suspended.
- Gradually, the volume is brought to 50-100 ml, making sure that everything is in order, you can try to give another vegetable. The introduction rules are the same, starting with a small amount, the volume of puree offered to the child is gradually increased.
- General rule- one product every 7-10 days!
- Do not give two new vegetables at once, only puree.
- From 7 months you can try porridge. The first porridge is rice. As a rule, by this moment the baby eats a sufficient amount of vegetable puree and there is no constipation. - Porridge can be prepared with expressed milk, water or formula that you feed your baby. If the child is breastfed, it is better to start with porridge with water or your own milk, and introduce the milk mixture gradually, making sure that there is no reaction to the rice. Buying ready porridge make sure it does not contain milk or sugar. Rice porridge some manufacturers are called "my first porridge" or "first step". Introduce porridge as well as vegetables gradually. The next porridge introduced into the child's diet is buckwheat, corn is introduced according to the same principle. Up to a year, and in some cases even longer, manna is not given, wheat porridge. Be careful with oatmeal.
- At about the same age, you can start giving your child vegetable oil, adding a small amount of into vegetable puree. It is very useful to give oils obtained by the "cold" method, as they contain polyunsaturated fatty acid beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Linseed oil is rich in such acids.
- The child is already eating vegetables, porridge, now it's time to introduce meat. As a rule, the first meat is beef, but if the child had reactions to milk formula, based on cow's milk protein or after consumption milk mom, then in some cases it is possible to develop reactions to beef. Therefore, you can start the introduction of complementary foods with rabbit meat, lean lamb, turkey. If you are cooking meat puree independently, be sure to boil the meat in 2 waters and do not give the child meat broth. The meat is introduced starting with very small amounts (at the tip of a teaspoon) and the volume increases very slowly.
- If reactions to milk protein were pronounced, then even dairy products kefir, cheese are not given to a child under one year old. If the reactions were moderate, then from 9-10 months you can try to introduce kefir into the diet, and in the absence of reactions, you can give other fermented milk products. Whole milk, even intended for baby food up to a year, should not be given.
- Fruits in children suffering from atopic dermatitis are introduced from about 8 months, and everything starts with fruits of green and yellow color, which are first given to the child after heat treatment, baked apple, pear. In this form, part of the allergenic properties is lost, and if there are no reactions, then it can be given raw. Juices are introduced last and are given to the child in a diluted form.
- The yolk and even more so the egg white are not given to a child under one year old. The same applies to fish.
- You should be very careful with children's tea on plant-based. In some cases, it can be the cause of the development of allergies. If the child is breastfed, then as a rule he does not need additional drinking, but with artificial feeding it is necessary to drink.

All of the above does not mean at all that the child cannot do anything and that all problems are solved exclusively by diet. There are a lot of factors provoking the development and exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, we have managed to talk about some of them, and more will be said about others. We simply urge you to be vigilant! Introduce complementary foods carefully so that if reactions to food allergens appear, then you would not have to guess together with the doctor what the child did react to. Keep a food diary so that you don’t forget anything when reactions occur, because the reaction can develop immediately, or it can be delayed for several days. Do not give your child known allergenic foods (see table http://www.allergist.ru/ad_food.htmll#1:). With the development of strong reactions from the skin, contact a specialist, in these cases, only diet correction and elimination of the allergen is not enough. Comprehensive treatment is needed, both local and systemic. ""

As soon as the baby was born, the mother, in addition to the question of what the child can eat, is concerned about the question, what can the child drink? Let's figure it out together.


For a newborn baby, the only food is breast milk or formula. They are also a source of liquid. In addition, a newborn child can drink water 50-100 ml per day. How much water does a baby need in the future by age, read

What can a child drink from 2 weeks to 1 month

  • From 10 days to 1 month, the child eats approximately 100 ml of breast milk or formula in 1 feeding and 700 ml per day.
  • From 2 weeks old, a child can drink Plantex (children's instant tea with fennel seeds) and dill water. These drinks relieve intestinal colic well and help with constipation. Plantex is given 1 sachet per day in 100 ml of water. Dill water is dosed with teaspoons or drops.

What can a child drink at 1 - 3 months

  • The daily amount of breast milk or formula for such a child is 700-1000 ml.
  • From 1 month old, a child can drink teas with herbs, fennel seeds and fruits, chamomile flowers and cumin fruits. Daily volume herbal tea 100 ml.

Cumin prevents putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, enhances peristalsis. It is commonly used in specialized children's teas mixed with fennel.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic effect. It can be brewed separately 1 teaspoon of flowers per glass of boiling water or 1 filter bag per glass. Brew, insist 30 minutes, if it was flowers - strain through a sieve, cool to slightly warm and give the baby up to 6 months up to 100 ml per day, up to 1 year up to 200 ml per day.

What can a child drink from 4 to 6 months

  • The daily amount of breast milk or formula is 800-1000 ml.
  • The child can drink teas with herb mint, lemon balm, which have a calming effect on the child.
  • Teas with anise fruits, which reduce gas formation in the intestines, with thyme leaves, which have a disinfecting effect.
  • Teas with linden flowers have an antipyretic effect.
  • Teas with thyme herb - expectorant action.
  • The daily volume of herbal tea is up to 100 ml.

From 4.5 - 5 months, the child can, in addition to water and herbal tea, fruit and berry decoctions from some fruits (unsweetened compotes, from which fruits are removed after boiling, and only water is given to the child). Decoctions of wild rose, green apples, prunes.

  • Rosehip decoction strengthens the immune system, tones, is a source of vitamins.
  • A decoction of prunes has a laxative effect.
  • A decoction of green apples has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility, is a source of vitamins.
  • The daily volume of such decoctions is up to 100 ml.

The daily volume of liquid, except for breast milk or a mixture of 100-150 ml.

How to prepare a decoction

Fruits and berries are cleaned, washed, poured cold water(50 g of fruit per glass of water), boil for 5-10 minutes, then filter through a sieve, cool and give to the child.

What can a child drink from 6 months to 1 year

  • The daily amount of breast milk or formula is 600-800 ml.
  • Herbal tea or fruit decoction up to 100-500 ml per day.
  • Water up to 100-200 ml per day.
  • The daily volume of liquid is 1000-1200 ml.
  • From this age, the child can juice. The first juice is apple without pulp, the volume of juice in 6 months is not more than 60 ml.
  • From 6 months old, a child can drink a decoction of green pears, green gooseberries, white currants, yellow or white cherries, yellow plum, dried apricots. 100-150 ml per day. Some baby food manufacturers have ready-made compotes and fruit drinks without sugar for children from six months, for example, at FrutoNyanya, Agushi. And the Hipp and Babushkino Lukoshko campaigns prefer granulated and packaged children's teas with the addition of fruits and berries.

What can a child drink from 7 months

  • You can give your child green pear juice, carrot, pumpkin, plum juice, the maximum amount of juice is 70 ml.
  • You can give your child a decoction of blackcurrant, black gooseberry, dark plum, cherries.
  • You can give a decoction of dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, apples, pears.

From 8-9 months

  • If mother has little milk and no money for adapted mixture, from this age it is allowed to cook porridge with baby cow's milk, with a fat content of not more than 3.2%. And start giving baby baby fermented milk drinks: Biolact, Narine.
  • The daily volume of juice is 70-80 ml.
  • You can try cherry juice.
  • If the child has a tendency to constipation - you can give 2-5 teaspoons of raw beetroot juice, half diluted with water.

From 10-11 months

You can give your child whole pasteurized cow's milk with a fat content of not more than 3.2% (if the family does not have money for an adapted milk formula).

What can a child drink from 1 year

  • A child of 1-2 years is recommended to give daily 200 ml of juice (compote, jelly), 300-500 ml of water, 100-200 ml of herbal tea, and milk (cow, breast, mixture) and fermented milk products - 400-450 ml. The recommended volume of liquid is 1200-1500 ml per day.
  • From this age, the child is allowed compotes from strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches, blackberries and other berries and fruits. From the age of 1, it is allowed to add sugar to the compote (the less, the better).
  • For the first time, a child can be given orange, peach, apricot, pomegranate juice. The recommended daily volume of juice is not more than 200 ml.
  • If a child has a tendency to constipation, he can eat raw beetroot juice, not more than 50 ml per day, it must be diluted with water 1:1.
  • From 1 year old, a child can have fruit and berry jelly up to 200 ml per day. It contains starch and sugar, so it is not recommended for children of the 1st year of life.
  • A child can drink weak black tea 50 ml per day 3-4 r / week.
  • A child can have a “coffee” drink made from chicory or barley ½ cup a day.

What can a child drink from 3 years

  • You can try green tea and cocoa. Black, green tea, alternate - ½ cup per day.
  • You can try grape, tomato, pineapple juices. The total amount of juice is 100-200 ml per day.
  • From the age of 3, a child can have table mineral water without gas up to 200-300 ml per day. Medical-table and medicinal mineral water can be given to a child only as directed by a doctor in a strictly limited amount.
  • A child 3-6 years old is recommended daily 500-600 ml of milk (fermented milk products), 200 ml of compote, jelly or juice, 100 ml of cocoa (black, green tea), 100-200 ml of herbal tea, 100-200 ml of juice (compote) , 500-700 ml of water per day. The recommended daily volume of liquid is 1500-1800 ml.

What can a child drink from the age of 6

  • The recommended daily volume of liquid for a child aged 6-14 years is 1.5 - 3 liters. Of these, 400-500 ml should be milk and sour-milk products, 200-400 ml compote, juice and (or) jelly, up to 200 ml tea, cocoa or coffee (no more than 50 ml), 200 ml herbal tea and 1 liter of water in day.
  • A child can table mineral water without gas up to 400 ml per day.
  • You can try with milk for the first time, no more than 50 ml per day, but it is better to postpone acquaintance with coffee until the age of 12.
  • For the first time, you can give your child kvass no more than 200 ml per day. In more early age kvass is not given, because this drink is annoying digestive system baby and can cause digestive upset.
  • From the age of 6, a child can try a drink kombucha, no more than 200 ml per day. Before 6 years old, his child cannot be, because it contains traces of alcohol, acetic acid, has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the child.
  • Carbonated drinks are not recommended for children. From the age of 6, their very rare use is allowed, not more than 1 time per week up to 200 ml.

For a child aged 15 and over

Any alcoholic drinks, including beer and Cahors, are prohibited for children under 18 years of age. Energy drinks are also strictly prohibited for children.

Now you know what the child can drink. Stay healthy!

Dog nutrition - not only the weight of the animal, but also the state of his health depends on it, general well-being. In addition to food, drinking is also important for a dog. But, unfortunately, not all animal lovers know what can be given to a dog to drink, in what quantities, and what is strictly forbidden for her.

Water should always be with the dog, especially if you feed it with dry food. But what kind of water? Almost everyone pours their pets water straight from the tap. Have you ever wondered how much lime and other “unuseful things” are in such water? If a dog constantly drinks tap water, over time it may develop problems with the intestines, liver, heart, there is a risk of urolithiasis and chronic kidney failure. The owner can buy juice and water for himself, but he will save on the dog. It is not necessary to buy bottled water, it is enough to purchase a high-quality filter and you can water your pet clean water. The filter should remove iron from the water, because it can cause dehydration in the four-legged. Bottled water should only be given if no other water is available. Again, you need to pay attention to the source and composition of the water, you will find this information on the label.

Can a dog have milk?
The dog's body may not be able to digest the lactose found in milk. Can you give her a drink? fresh milk, but then you should look after her chair. If a pet has diarrhea after milk, then he does not tolerate lactose and milk should not be given to him. Fermented milk products are most useful for a dog - kefir, fermented baked milk, but not fatty. If you are concerned about the small weight of the dog and her body is weakened, then you can water her goat milk but only after consultation with a veterinarian. Many dogs don't like sour kefir, they can be given some yogurt. Milk is very useful for small puppies, as there is a lot of calcium and vitamins necessary for normal growth, skeleton formation and health. Give the puppy milk until the age of three months.

Can a dog have juice?
Dogs do not drink juices, but some individuals love fruits. Chihuahuas can ask their owners for tangerines and oranges, fighters sometimes crunch apples with pleasure. But, the most allergenic can be both apples and citrus fruits. If you want your dog to drink the juice, add just a few drops to your food or drink. natural juices a large dog can be given no more than 1 tablespoon at a time. After about an hour, check the pet's pulse, if it has increased, then the dog may have an allergy.

If you are unable to give a dog clean water, order delivery store, but do not experiment. In extreme cases, it is allowed to give unsweetened weak tea, mineral water without gas. Can't drink the dog alcoholic drinks, kvass, sweet, strong tea and coffee.
