
Goat milk cheese recipe. Goat cheese at home - recipe

Goat milk cheese is tasty and healthy, and this is a generally recognized fact.

Among the many cheeses, this is one of the healthiest foods low in saturated fat.

In the store, goat cheese is not cheap, and you can not buy it everywhere.

Therefore, if it is possible to purchase goat's milk, then it would be better to cook it yourself.

This goat cheese recipe is made using algae-based agar-agar.


  • 5 liters of milk
  • lemon acid
  • Meito enzyme

How to make goat cheese at home

1. Cool the milk to a temperature of 20-25 degrees and pour into a stainless steel pan.

2. Pour in a dessert spoon of citric acid to change its acidity. Stir and leave for 10 minutes.

3. Heat the milk to a temperature of 35-37 degrees. Measure the temperature with a special thermometer.

4. Take boiled water with a temperature of 25-27 degrees and dilute the right amount of Meito enzyme in it.

A bag of this cheese starter is designed for 100 liters of milk, so for 5 liters you will need literally a pinch of it.

5. Pour into milk and stir for 2-3 minutes to evenly dissolve.

6. Leave for 40-60 minutes until a dense curd is formed.

7. Cut the clot into cubes, we already wrote. Then simply grind the grain with arbitrary movements of the knife so that the whey separates more easily. Let the grain sit in the whey a little more.

8. The grains begin to stick together, you need to stir them.

If you want a semi-soft goat cheese, at this stage it can already be put into a mold and pressed. It will be possible to eat it immediately after salting, more on that below, and store it in the refrigerator for about 5 days.

To make the cheese harder and denser, the process of its preparation goes further.

9. Remove excess serum. To do this, take a small strainer, lower it into a saucepan and scoop out the whey from it with a cup - about one third.

10. Heat the remaining whey with cheese grain to 40 degrees.

11. After the second heating, put the grain in a mold covered with a layer of gauze and put it under a press for 3 hours.

12. Dilute 3 tablespoons of sea salt in a liter of boiled, chilled water and put a head of cheese in it for 2-3 hours.

Goat milk is one of the healthiest dairy products. Few people know that it is even healthier than cow's. Goat milk contains much more proteins, and is also easier to digest and better absorbed by the body, making it a very useful product for baby food. You will not find pure goat cheese in stores, except for products made from it. That is why if you have the opportunity to buy fresh goat's milk, you may well make homemade goat cheese yourself.

Goat Milk Cheese - Recipe


  • goat milk - 2 l;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • caraway.


Making cheese from goat's milk does not take too much time, but requires care. To begin, remove the top layer of cream from the milk, pour into a saucepan and place over medium heat. As soon as the milk boils, reduce the heat and add the vinegar to the milk. Stir the milk constantly after adding the vinegar so that it curdles faster and better. As soon as all the milk has curdled, turn off the heat, and transfer the milk clot to cheesecloth and let the rest of the milk drain. It is best to hang a gauze bag. After a day, remove the clot from the gauze bag, salt and knead well like dough. Shape into a patty and place in a thick skillet. Put the pan on a slow fire. Your cheese should first melt and then thicken again. Once the cheese has thickened, cut it into pieces and while it is hot, give it the desired shape. Sprinkle finished cheese with cumin.

Homemade goat cheese with spices


  • goat milk - 2 l;
  • sour cream - 350 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • basil (dry) - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic (dry) - 1 teaspoon;
  • dill (dry) - 1 teaspoon.


Put the goat's milk on a slow fire and stir constantly. Beat eggs with sour cream and salt. You should get a homogeneous mass, so it is better to beat with a mixer. Add the egg mixture to the milk and, stirring constantly, bring everything to a boil. Leave the milk to boil a little and strain it through cheesecloth folded in two layers. Mix the remaining cottage cheese in cheesecloth with dill, garlic and basil. Then tie the cottage cheese in gauze and hang the remaining milk to glass. After a couple of hours, when all the milk has drained, put the gauze with the curd clot in the pan under the press. Put the pan in a cold place, or just in the refrigerator. After 12-13 hours, your goat cheese at home is ready.

Goat milk cheese at home is cheaper if, of course, you have plenty of raw materials for the production of this product. Healthy and tasty dairy product will appeal to your whole family. Homemade goat cheese can be made in many different ways. Let's try to reproduce the recipe for the Adyghe dish.

Making goat cheese

You can also take cow's and sheep's milk, but this product will already have other properties. Goat is not only tastier, but also less allergenic. And it contains no less useful protein. Even children suffering from food allergies can eat goat cheese without negative health effects. At home, you need six percent vinegar, clean gauze, enameled deep dishes, and an aluminum pan to prepare this product.

Take six liters of milk to make a trial portion. Strain thoroughly several times through several layers of cheesecloth. Now put the milk on medium heat and start heating - always in an aluminum pan. Indeed, due to the increased fat content, it can burn. Therefore, it is necessary not only to boil in a special bowl, but also to stir continuously. It will take a little time, but you are guaranteed not to spoil the product. At the same time, salt the milk to your taste. When it boils, pour in one hundred grams of vinegar for every three liters of liquid, then immediately remove from heat. In the pan you will find whey and floating cheese on its surface. Take a slotted spoon or a large spoon, take out the cheese and put it on cheesecloth. It should be placed on top of the bowl. In fact, you have already made cheese from goat's milk. At home, it remains only to squeeze it well. This is done by hand first. And then the resulting product must be put under pressure. For this, for example, a three-liter jar of water is useful. You can give a piece of cheese any shape at this moment - being under oppression, it will harden in this position. Cheese must be pressed in a cold place. When it cools down and allocates all the liquid (it must be drained periodically), cooking can be considered complete.

Goat milk cheese at home: a recipe with cottage cheese

In this case, the resulting product will be firm, like a shop, and yellowish. Take a kilogram of ordinary homemade or store-bought cottage cheese and three liters of goat's milk. Strain the milk thoroughly and bring to a boil in a saucepan, being careful not to burn it. Pour all the cottage cheese and cook the resulting mixture over low heat for twenty minutes. You have to keep stirring. Then, after boiling, fold the mass into a colander and, when the whey drains, transfer the resulting cheese to a bowl. Now you need to add a raw egg and a teaspoon of soda (without top), as well as one hundred grams of sunflower oil and salt. Mix as thoroughly as possible and put the resulting mass in a water bath. This step is necessary so that the future cheese does not crumble. Steam for ten minutes. Put, after cooling, in a plastic bottle without a top. You need to tamp so that you get a solid mass. Place in refrigerator.

Surely everyone knows that real natural cheeses are a valuable source of nutrients for our body. Today, there are a lot of types of cheese products at home, and a recipe for how to make goat cheese with your own hands will be an interesting novelty for cheese gourmets. With this recipe know-how, you can not only diversify your diet, but also be sure of the quality of this extraordinary product.

Goat cheeses: all the pros and cons

We all want to eat right, eat more healthy foods. This desire is especially strengthened in winter and spring, when our body gets tired of gray cold everyday life. This is where homemade recipes come to the rescue.

And for a woman, it is completely important to know that the dish eaten will be not only healthy, but also dietary. Homemade goat cheese salad with fresh cucumbers, herbs, lemon juice and olive oil dressing is considered a great Greek version of the Aphrodite diet.

But when it comes to goat cheese, many people immediately reject this product because of its specific taste and smell.

Probably few people know that these smells appear if the goat's milk was collected incorrectly, without observing basic hygiene rules. In a good quality cheese, this peculiar aroma should be completely absent.

The disadvantages of this product, probably, include the impressive cost of goat cheese. However, this is where the cons end, but it has much more pluses.

First of all, goat's milk, and hence cheese from it, is suitable for people prone to allergies to cow's milk protein - lactose. This means that for such people, goat cheese is a lifesaver to diversify their diet.

  • The content of useful vitamins, minerals and macronutrients in this product is huge.
  • And in this product, saturated fats are present in a minimum amount, there is practically no cholesterol.
  • The calorie content of homemade goat cheese is relatively low - only 290 kcal - which also positively distinguishes it from ordinary cheese varieties.

In addition, goat cheese is easily digestible due to certain bacteria. In addition, it strengthens our immunity, and this, as you understand, has a very beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

The wide culinary potential of goat cheese

Making goat cheese is especially common in the French provinces, where almost any housewife can make it at home. This is truly a European delicacy.

Cheese can be added both to soups and spread on a sandwich, bake pies or pizza with it, thanks to which all dishes acquire exquisite notes.

And how many salads can you cook! Here's an example: homemade cheese, some greens, a dressing of butter or honey and balsamic vinegar - and an unusual overseas salad is ready.

If you suddenly have a familiar goat that is happy to share its milk, we suggest you make homemade goat cheese with your own hands, and our cooking recipes will tell you how to make it at home.

Making goat cheese at home

The production of such a product at home seems to be troublesome and time-consuming. Ideally, when making goat cheeses, rennet is added - this is an expensive natural organic substance produced by the stomach of a dairy goat.

The process of making cheese using abomasum is certainly longer, but the cheese is homogeneous and tender. However, instead of abomasum, it is quite possible to use other methods of sourdough.

Do not rush to give up cooking this healthy yummy. We suggest mastering an elementary recipe for making goat cheese, which will require a minimum of additional ingredients, household utensils and a little of your time.


  • Goat milk - 2 l;
  • Fresh lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Your favorite spices - a pinch.

How to make goat cheese at home

We wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze all the juice into a small free container.

Let's take milk - first it needs to be pasteurized.

  • To do this, pour the milk into a saucepan and put it on the stove.
  • Let's add salt.
  • Whisking constantly, bring the milk to the formation of bubbles, but not to a boil.
  • If your kitchen has a special thermometer, great - we need to heat the milk to 87-90 ° C. Then immediately remove the pan from the stove.
  1. Pour the lemon juice into the still hot milk, mix gently. After a few minutes, the milk will begin to decompose into two fractions - white curd and slightly yellowish whey. After 5-10 minutes, the curdling process should end.
  2. In a colander (or sieve) line the gauze in several layers. We install it over a clean container.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a colander, let the whey drain for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Serum, by the way, is perfect, for example, for pancake dough, so you should not get rid of it.
  5. We take out the gauze with the curd part, like a bag, wring it out. Right now, while our cheese is in gauze, we can give it the necessary shape - you can put the cheese directly with gauze in a small cylindrical container under pressure for several hours. Or you can simply form a cylinder with your hands and not waste time shaping it.

We remove the gauze, put the contents on a plate - delicious goat cheese is ready! From two liters of milk, about 200-250 g of cheese is obtained.

Goat cheese with holes


  • Goat milk - 1 liter
  • Goat milk curd - 300-400 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soda - 1/3 tsp without a slide

Making goat cheese at home

Our step-by-step recipe will tell you how to make it. Cottage cheese can be rubbed through a sieve, but if it is not very grainy, just knead it with a fork.

We prepare free dishes for separating the curd part and whey.

  • On the dishes we install a colander or a sieve with a cloth embedded in it.
  • It is better to use a fabric with a smoother texture, rather than gauze, since the mass is sticky and difficult to remove from the gauze.
  1. Put the milk in a saucepan on the stove and heat over medium heat until bubbles begin to form. At this point, add cottage cheese to the pan, constantly stirring the entire substance.
  2. After a few minutes, the mixture in the pan should separate into two fractions: a cheesy white, like sediment, and a slightly yellow whey. When the whey becomes almost transparent, the pan must be removed from the stove.
  3. Immediately pour the contents of the pan into the prepared colander. As soon as all the whey drains, carefully place the still hot curd residue in a free container, beat in the egg, salt, add soda and stir well.
  4. We again transfer the resulting cheese to the filter cloth, fold it and place it in a colander over the pan, put oppression on top of the cheese.

Instead of colanders and pans, you can use the following tip to shape our cheese.

We take two identical plastic containers. As an example - 1 liter buckets from store-bought sauerkraut or sour cream, mayonnaise. In one of the buckets we make several holes through which the whey remaining in the cheese will drain. We put cheese in it, cover it with a cloth on top and put oppression. We insert a leaky bucket into the whole.

In a day, our molded cheese is ready. It is not only very tasty and tender. Its feature is the holes formed by the addition of soda during cooking.

Depending on the time, desire and goat milk you have, now you can use one or another recipe so that the goat cheese is prepared in the conditions of yours, and not some French cuisine, and delights you and your family with its unique taste.

Goat cheese is very tasty and healthy for the body. It tastes a little different from the usual product made from cow's milk. And it's definitely worth a try, especially the homemade one, prepared by one's own hands.

Reasons for popularity

Goat cheese has a rather delicate structure and an interesting aroma. It also contains a small amount of sugar and is rich in nutrients. Such a product is very quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, it contains a large number of bacteria that ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Goat cheese is different from other hypoallergenicity. This makes it especially unique. Some doctors advise using such a product to combat bronchitis, without even resorting to medication. But not only cheese is useful. For those who suffer from cystitis, it is recommended to take goat's milk with a few drops of birch tar. And goat cheese saves many from joint pain.

homemade cheese calories

The calorie content of cheese prepared at home is small. There are only 300 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Of these, 85 kilocalories are occupied by proteins, 200 are fats, and the remaining percentage remains carbohydrates.

Main Ingredients

Of course, the main ingredient is milk, and it must be fresh. After all, good and high-quality cheese will not work from a sour product. So, from eight liters of milk you can get up to one kilogram of cheese.

Another important ingredient is rennet, which can be obtained from the gastric juice of cows. If it is not possible to get it, then you can replace it with pepsin, which is most often purchased at a pharmacy. In addition, you can use the sourdough obtained from the food fungus.

Cooking technology

An interesting point is that small grains of fat enter the whey when the milk is fermented, so the resulting cheese will not be as fatty as the original product.

To slightly increase the coagulation of goat's milk, it can be combined with cow's, because in it this process occurs ten percent better. In addition, its small proportion will not affect the taste of goat cheese at all.

There is another way to improve coagulation. To do this, you need to make more lactic acid bacteria. At home, you can use yogurt or sour cream instead of sourdough. The only drawback is that the amount must be calculated by yourself.

To obtain a denser consistency, the liquid must be heated, after adding pepsin. Of great importance is the utensils that are used for cheese making. After all, it will need a lot and large volumes.

Delicious recipes

Goat cheese can be made at home, and there are many different interesting recipes for making it. Based on your preferences, you can cook soft and hard cheese.

Classic goat cheese

Required components:

  • 10 liters of high-quality goat milk;
  • 0.3 ml of rennet;
  • 0.5 l of purified water;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  • To make cheese, you need to heat the milk to 37 C degrees.
  • Combine it with the enzyme, which must first be diluted in warm water.
  • Wait half an hour for the milk to ferment.
  • A jelly whitening clot that appears, which will easily lag behind the walls of the pan, will mean the end of the stage.
  • Chop the resulting layer into thin strips using a knife. And the smaller the pieces, the denser the cheese will turn out.
  • Put the milk on the fire and warm it up slightly, stirring it at the same time.
  • Using a slotted spoon, select the cheese grains that will form during the flaking of the whey, and put them in a pre-prepared sieve covered with several layers of gauze.
  • Wait for the liquid to drain.
  • From above, everything must be covered with gauze.
  • When about two hours have passed, you can remove the gauze and remove the finished cheese. It must be salted and shifted to a waffle towel, sent to the refrigerator.
  • To give the cheese some piquancy, you need to add greens to your taste at the fermentation stage.

Russian cheese made from goat's milk

Required components:

  • 9-10 liters of high-quality goat milk;
  • 0.5 tsp leaven;
  • 0.5 st. l. 10% calcium chloride;
  • 0.5 st. l. rennet;
  • 0.5 l of warm water.

Step by step recipe:

  • Milk must first be pasteurized and then cooled to 30 C.
  • Add sourdough to it and wait three minutes, then stir everything with a slotted spoon.
  • Pour 50 g of warm water into two bowls. In one, prepare a solution of calcium chloride, and in the second - rennet. Then add everything to the container with milk and mix thoroughly.
  • In order for the clot to ripen, it is necessary to close the resulting mass with a lid and wait half an hour.
  • Cut the hardened mass with a knife into centimeter cubes. Then knead everything well for ten minutes. After this process, cheese grains will appear.
  • The serum must be carefully drained, leaving 3 liters in the container, and stir everything for another five minutes.
  • Add 2 liters of warm water, thus reducing the acidity of the cheese itself.
  • Knead the mass for another 25 minutes, maintaining the temperature at 40 C.
  • Place the contents of the container in a drainage bag, being careful not to compact it too much. This is necessary to give the product airiness.
  • The cheese should be pressed for about 15 minutes, after which it must be turned over. In the same order, pressing occurs on the other side. When turning over, it is necessary to pull the cheese out of the drainage bag so that there are no marks left on it.
  • After pressing, salt the cheese and dry it. Then it must be placed in an aging chamber, where the temperature should not exceed 13 C. This process takes up to two months. Cheese must be turned daily.

Caciotta cheese

Step by step recipe:

  • Heat the milk on the smallest fire to 37 C.
  • Add yeast to it and mix thoroughly. Let the product stand for one hour so that the milk gains acidity.
  • Dilute the enzyme in warm water and combine with milk. You also need to add calcium chloride. After 40 minutes, a clot should form.
  • Cut it into pieces up to two centimeters and gently knead for 25 minutes.
  • Drain excess whey (approximately 40% of the total mass). After that, you need to mix the cheese mass again.
  • Prepare the form by covering it with a thick cloth or several layers of gauze. Carefully transfer the cheese grains here, compacting everything with your hands a little.
  • Put everything in a steam bath and soak for an hour and a half. During this time, you need to turn the mass 3 times.
  • Transfer the product to the wire rack and leave for 3 hours.
  • Next, move the cheese to the refrigerator (up to 8 C) and keep it there for up to six hours.
  • Place the product in a pre-prepared brine (4 liters of water per 1 kg of salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar). This process takes up to two hours.
  • The cheese is dried and aged. The process takes place at temperatures up to 10 C. If mold appears on the surface of the product, it must be removed with gauze soaked in saline.
  • After ten days, the cheese will be ready, however, the real taste will appear only after two months.

Chevre Cheese

This cheese appeared a hundred years ago in France. It was prepared by ordinary peasants for their own use. This name is translated as "goat".

Required components:

  • 7-8 liters of healthy goat milk;
  • 1/3 tsp rennet;
  • 1/3 tsp calcium chloride;
  • 1/3 tsp mesophilic culture;
  • mold Geotrichum candidum.

Step by step recipe:

  • Milk must be pasteurized and calcium added to it.
  • Pour in the mesophilic culture so that the fermentation occurs faster, and leave it like that for half an hour.
  • Heat milk to 32 C and add mold and yeast. After you need to close the lid and leave for half an hour.
  • Add the enzyme dissolved in 50 ml of warm water, mix and cover. Then leave everything for 12 hours. Although the clot forms earlier, it is not worth cutting it before the end of the specified time.
  • Drain the whey and cut the clot into small pieces with a knife. Then everything must be mixed and transferred to a drainage bag so that the liquid is glass.
  • Salt the cheese after six hours. To do this, simply rub it with salt on each side.
  • Divide the mass into identical pieces and form cylinders up to ten centimeters long from them. You can make them with a bamboo rug.
  • Spread the formed mass on the grid and leave it to dry for a day.
  • After 24 hours, send the cheese to the refrigerator for aging, while the temperature should be up to 6-10 C.
  • This process takes up to a month. It is necessary to turn over the mass every day.
  • Only ripened cheese will have a delicate texture, then its density will increase every day.

How to store?

Goat milk cheeses are stored in the refrigerator. It is best if it is the middle shelf. An airtight container is well suited as a storage container, which will not allow excess air to enter inside. This measure will help protect the cheese from drying out and mold. And also many keep the finished product in salt water. With this choice, the shelf life can double.

As you can see, you can make goat milk cheese at home, which will allow you not to worry about whether the product was purchased in a store or not.

In addition, by making it with your own hands, a person will be able to taste the real taste of goat cheese, and not chemical additives, without which production in large factories is indispensable.

How to make goat milk cheese at home, see the following video.
