
Simple methods for purifying tap water at home. How to cleanse the body with water

Water is an integral part of the life of every person. Every day we prepare food, drink tea or coffee, wash dishes and take a shower. It's no secret that the water coming into the premises from the tap is of rather poor quality.

It contains many different impurities harmful to the body, chlorine and has a disgusting smell. "Bad" water affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails of a person, leads to premature aging.

Each family has repeatedly thought about ways to purify drinking water at home.

First of all, specialized filters can be used for this, but they are often quite expensive. Among the filters can be distinguished.

Flow filters

Such devices are attached directly to the tap and work as a result of water pressure.

They can be of two types:

  • in the form of a nozzle on the crane
Photo: tap attachments
  • built into the plumbing
Photo: built into the water supply

The cleaning cartridge is inserted into the container and gradually passes water.

Photo: storage filters

There are other, so-called "grandmother's" methods for high-quality water purification, which involve a minimum investment of money, but achieve a qualitative result:

  • purification of drinking water with natural stones shungite and silicon. Cleaning with activated carbon;
  • freezing;
  • electrolysis;
  • purification of water with silver;
  • cleaning with ozone;
  • purification of drinking water with minerals.

It is on these methods that we will dwell in more detail in this article.

Purification with minerals

Silicon, shungite and rock quartz stand out among the most common minerals for drinking water purification.

These stones are inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy. To effectively purify the water, first of all, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and boil the pebbles themselves. Only after that they can be dipped in a bowl of water and infused for about 3 days, more if desired.

Photo: dip in a bowl of water and insist

Important! After each cycle of water purification, mineral stones must be disinfected by washing and boiling.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that with the help of mountain quartz one can heal many diseases, cleanse the body of harmful substances and recharge with a lot of positive energy. Tibetan monks and Indian yogis used this stone in their practice.

Photo: mountain quartz

When quartz interacts with water, the structure of the latter changes and tap water, in its properties, turns out to be similar to melted glacial water.

It is proved that water purified and infused with mountain quartz contributes to:

  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • increase the metabolic rate in the body and gradual weight loss;
  • skin rejuvenation and wrinkle smoothing;
  • removal of the syndrome of "chronic fatigue";
  • memory improvement.

Shungite for water purification at home

Shungite is a unique natural stone and an excellent sorbent.

Photo: shungite

Purification of water from nitrates at home is achieved precisely with the help of this mineral. Moreover, the stone is able to take on about 95% of pollution. In addition, shungite is able to purify water from excessive turbidity and practically “turn” it into spring water.

Water filtered with shungite helps:

  • remove inflammatory processes in the human body;
  • get rid of certain types of pain;
  • strengthen hair and give it a healthy look;
  • restore and strengthen immunity;
  • significantly reduce hangover.

In addition, it is used to rinse the mouth, throat and sinuses. If you cook food on such water for a long time, you will notice significant improvements in the gastrointestinal tract.

Silicon is the most common mineral stone used to purify tap water.

Photo: silicon

It has been scientifically proven that water with a sufficient amount of silicon and purified by it is very similar in its properties and quality to natural spring water. This mineral is vital for the human body.

It promotes:

  • cleansing the body;
  • normalization of sugar and cholesterol;
  • restoration of bone tissue;
  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • rapid healing of various wounds;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • growth of nails and hair.

People who have a lack of silicon are the most irritable, often feel weak, they are prone to fear. Purification of water by freezing at home.

This is the most affordable way to purify water at home, helping to get rid of various salts of heavy metals. Scientists have proven that clean water initially freezes and only then polluted.

In order to properly purify water by freezing, you must:

  • pour tap water into the container, without adding 1 cm to its edge;

Photo: pour tap water into a container
  • put the container in the refrigerator or in the cold for about 8 hours. During this time, about half of the entire liquid freezes;
  • gently pierce the top layer of ice and drain the unfrozen liquid. It contains the largest amount of harmful substances;

Photo: pierce the top layer of ice and drain the unfrozen liquid
  • thaw ice. This is the purest water.

Pure ice water is a good anti-allergen and is recommended for people with bronchial asthma. In addition, melted liquid has strong therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

Melt water is maximally saturated with oxygen. It is recommended for athletes to drink to improve muscle performance.

Such a liquid is necessary in extreme conditions. For example, at high altitude, where there is rarefied air or with excessive thermal loads.

Video: using silicon and shungite

Cleansing with activated carbon

Activated carbon for water purification is used in most filters. It can also be used on its own. With the help of activated carbon, water is purified from lime at home and many other contaminants.

To neutralize water with coal, you must perform the following actions:

  • wrap five tablets of activated charcoal in gauze and lower to the bottom of a container of water;

Photo: activated charcoal tablets
Photo: wrap in gauze
  • put the dishes in a cool place and wait 10 - 12 hours. Water must be in a cool room. Otherwise, coal will not only not neutralize the water, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the rapid reproduction of bacteria.

Pure water is ready. There is another way to purify water with activated carbon. For this, a gauze layer filled with the drug is made and attached to a cold water tap (you can use special capsules pre-filled with activated charcoal).

Photo: the capsule is attached to a cold water tap

This method has a significant drawback. Water, for reliable cleaning, must flow in a thin stream, which is not always convenient, and coal requires daily replacement.

Silver cleaning

Silver, like activated carbon, absorbs excess impurities in water well. This is a very simple and effective way. In order to purify water with silver, you just need to put an object made of this metal in a bowl of water.

Photo: water purification at home with silver

Silver has excellent bactericidal properties and is able to kill various microbes. Metal is also used to store clean water for a long time.

To do this, it is enough to keep the silver product in a vessel with clean water. For example, it is in this way that baptismal water is obtained. Many people have been using this time-tested method for a long time.

This method also has disadvantages. Firstly, the process of "silvering" water takes a long time. This takes several days. Secondly, at home, it is impossible to determine exactly how many metal ions are present in the water.

And this is very important! From an excess of silver, the human body can get severe poisoning. Do not immediately be afraid and neglect this method. To obtain a high concentration, silver must be in the same water for several months.

Electrolysis at home

The method of water purification by electrolysis is based on the chemical properties of substances. A special device - the electrolyzer is connected to a power source and placed in a container with water.

Photo: special device - electrolyzer

When an electric current passes through a liquid, it breaks down into its constituent elements, oxygen and hydrogen.

There is a directed movement of the smallest particles of substances that are attracted to the differently directed poles of the device and settle on them.

Using this method, water is purified from fluorine at home and other harmful compounds. The main advantage of using an electrolyzer is a high degree of purification of polluted water,

And the main disadvantage is a significant consumption of electricity. Currently, such devices for household needs can be purchased in stores of a certain specialization. He looks like this.

Photo: electrolyzer - high degree of purification of polluted water

Their cost is low. Such a device can be made with your own hands. This will require:

  • two chemical test tubes;
Photo: two chemical test tubes
  • insulated wires;

Photo: insulated wires
  • battery;
Photo: battery
  • graphite or carbon electrodes;

Photo: graphite or carbon electrodes

The whole structure is assembled according to the scheme and the device is ready.

Photo: assembled structure

This method of water purification is most widely used in large enterprises. Special electrolysis facilities are being created there, through which large volumes of used water pass.

This method of purification of industrial waters allows you to protect the environment from harmful chemical compounds as much as possible.

Ozonation to improve the quality of drinking water

Currently, water purification with ozone is becoming the most popular method. When using an ozonator, chlorine and iron impurities can be removed from tap water, and these are the most dangerous components of the liquid.

In addition, all extraneous tastes and smells “disappear” from the water, which is also not unimportant. When water is treated with an ozonizer, additional oxygen ions appear in the latter, contributing to the saturation of the body with this element.

The method of ozonation of water gradually replaces its chlorination, as it disinfects water better. This method is often used in swimming pools and for the purification of natural waters.

Due to its properties, ozone affects the metabolism of many living cells. Due to this, it is able to destroy bacterial cells, spores of fungi and viruses. The gas oxidizes and destroys macromolecular compounds and toxins.

In order to purify water at home by ozonation, you must purchase a special device sold in stores. These devices may look different.

Ozonator for water, which is screwed directly to the faucet

Photo: water ozonator

The easiest, most convenient and effective way to disinfect liquids. Suitable for most types of cranes and has a long service life. 2.

Photo: household multifunctional ozonizer

Able to ozonize water, air and various food products. Such a device fights unpleasant odors in the room by influencing the molecules of the latter.

With it, you can take ozone baths, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole.

Photo: narrowly focused devices for water ozonation

Such devices work only with water, but unlike their predecessors, they process it several times more efficiently, since, firstly, they come into contact with a limited amount of liquid. Secondly, they are designed to purify water and are as close as possible to their goal.

This article discusses the most common ways to purify water at home. They are very varied. Some of them are more effective, others less.

Some require a large capital investment, while others can be used with minimal or no cost. Some methods not only purify water, but also fill it with useful substances and trace elements. Which method is right for you? Decide for yourself.

We cannot even imagine our life without drinking water. Drinking water is the water that a person needs every day for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, it must be clean and safe for health. Drinking water should be clear, without sand and sediment, odorless and without an "earthy" taste. It should be refreshing, pleasant to the taste.

In order for drinking water to flow from the tap in your apartment, it must first get into the tap. Where does the water come from in our apartments? Drinking water appears in our taps from natural water sources - from rivers, reservoirs, lakes and from underground depths.

We all know very well that the water in our rivers and lakes is polluted and contains all kinds of chemical compounds dangerous to human health, and microorganisms, microbes and bacteria simply teem in this very natural water.

From rivers and other natural sources, water is supplied to purification stations, where it undergoes a complex system of purification and disinfection. At the initial stage of cleaning, all kinds of large debris are retained, then the smallest particles of debris and foam are removed from the water.

To make the water transparent, substances are added to it that turn the smallest particles of pollution into flakes. Further, the water passes through the filters, and the flakes and part of the bacteria are retained.

Then purified and disinfected water, in order to appear in our taps, must go through many kilometers through water pipes.

Most often, these water pipes are old, moldy, rusty, worn out, and often ruptured. And the water, flowing through these pipes, captures particles of sand and rust and all kinds of harmful impurities and bacteria that are in the pipes.

In many cities, especially in spring, during the period of snow melting, a cloudy yellowish liquid with an unpleasant odor flows from our taps, and many have observed a deposit on the bath in the form of rust and sand.

Ways to purify water at home

Should you drink tap water? How to clean and disinfect water at home and at least protect yourself and your household from troubles and health problems?

Household water filters

The most reliable, efficient and modern way to purify drinking water is to install household filters for water purification. The choice of filters is quite diverse - filters - accumulators and flow filters. The stores have a huge assortment of all kinds of filters of various models, colors and volumes - Aquaphor, Barrier, Geyser, Brita and others.

Filter-accumulators in the form of jugs are easy to use, not expensive, a cartridge (cassette) that has served its time is easily replaced. The vessel with the filter is inserted into the jug, and the water, seeping through the filter, is purified.

Flow filters are filters that are connected to a faucet and filtration occurs under water pressure. They come in the form of faucet attachments or built into the water supply, some types of filters are equipped with automatic cartridge cleaning, and many have a removable cartridge. They purify water from harmful substances, mechanical impurities, from heavy metals, remove harmful bacteria, viruses.

Drinking water in different regions differs in its composition, in the content of harmful impurities and salts, which is why filters have been developed to purify different types of water.

Replaceable cassettes not only purify water from pollution and bacteria, but also from chlorine and heavy metals, remove manganese and iron, soften water hardness, enrich water with fluorine. But do not forget to change cartridges or cassettes in a timely manner, because they have a certain resource, which is indicated on the packaging.

Also, do not forget to periodically wash the jug and the vessel with the filter itself, do not store filtered water for a long time to avoid contamination with microbes. Do not keep the filter constantly in the water, when the water is filtered, dry and remove the filter, if it is constantly wet, microbes can also settle there.

If you do not have a filter, you can purify water at home in other ways, although they are less effective, but still, they will somehow help protect yourself.


Of folk remedies, the most affordable way is boiling. Water should not boil for more than 15 minutes. By boiling water, you will protect yourself and your family from pathogens of dangerous diseases, from water hardness, after boiling the water becomes softer, and from the salts contained in the water. They will settle on the bottom and sides of the dishes. It is better to drain the water that will be at the bottom.

After boiling, the water should settle for some time, and then it can be used for its intended purpose. Water should be stored in a sealed container, as dust particles contained in the air of our apartments, settling on the surface of the water, contribute to the growth of bacteria.

It is not recommended to store boiled water for too long; microbes develop faster in boiled water. Another disadvantage of boiling water is the content of harmful organic impurities, salts, which, when chlorine interacts with boiling, increase and are not entirely healthy.


Settling is also one of the methods to secure drinking water. To settle the water, use a clean small vessel - a 3-liter jar or saucepan, or a bucket. Open the faucet and let the water drain for a while, this is necessary in order to drain the “stagnant” water that is in the pipes.

When you fill the vessel with water, do not close the lid for a while so that the chlorine escapes, then you can cover it with a lid so that dust does not get into the water. After 6-7 hours, you can use such water, it is undesirable to defend it longer, since bacteria can develop in the water.

All water should not be consumed, harmful substances, salts, chemical compounds settle to the bottom of the dish, and about a third of the water that remains at the bottom, you just need to pour it out.

bottled water

If you are not satisfied with tap water and its quality, then it is better to use bottled water for drinking. Water in plastic bottles is available in our stores in a large assortment.

Of course, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that such water is the cleanest and safest for health. The quality of bottled water depends on the composition of the plastic from which the bottle is made, on the degree of purification of the water itself, on the conditions and shelf life of the finished product. After all, if plastic bottles were stored incorrectly or under the rays of the sun, then from the interaction of plastic and the sun, as well as during long-term storage, plastic is destroyed, and harmful carcinogens are produced that adversely affect health.

In most cases, some manufacturers use ordinary plumbing to produce bottled water, it is good if this water is filtered and disinfected before bottling.

When buying drinking water in plastic bottles, be sure to pay attention to the address of the company, the name and location of the source, the technical specifications or GOST and the expiration date. The bottle must be free of dents and damage, tightly closed. The water in the bottle should be clear, clean, without sediment.

If you care about your health, want to live long, try to take care of the quality of the water you use for drinking, for food and for water procedures.

Every representative of mankind knows the fact that water is the main and main source of life. But unfortunately, today not all water can be consumed immediately - a large mass of all water requires purification. In the modern world, water is purified in different ways: using the latest water purification systems, various filters, folk methods.

Water purification at home

The first, easiest method is boiling. Everything is simple here - they pour water into the kettle, put it on fire, wait for the boiling process to begin, wait five minutes and turn it off. Five minutes of boiling is very important, this time is enough for the death of all microorganisms and the evaporation of chlorine. After turning off the kettle, the water will cool and settle, all the heavy salts will settle at the bottom and you will be able to see for yourself what could have entered the body without the purification process.

The second method is freezing. When freezing, not only undesirable microorganisms die, but also its beneficial properties do not “evaporate”. This method is considered to be more acceptable than boiling. Here, water is collected in a container suitable for a freezer, frozen, thawed and consumed. Moreover, only 80% of the thawed water is used, and the remaining 20% ​​is poured out at the bottom, it is in the sedimentary layer that all substances harmful to people accumulate.

The third method is cleaning with natural materials. Potassium alum is ideal for this process. They are consumed in the following proportion: for every 4 liters of water, add 1 gram of a natural cleaner. When using alum, both impurities and bacteria are eliminated. When the cleaning process is over, sediment can be found at the bottom of the container. You can get rid of it by straining the water through several folds of gauze. The resulting odor can also be eliminated. This requires activated charcoal. The elimination of odor with the help of coal is as follows: tablets are placed in a glass flask, a cork with a pipette is attached to its lower part, water is poured into it from above. The liquid that will pass through the charcoal and exit the pipette will already be completely usable.

The fourth method is cleansing with natural stones. Silicon and shungite are suitable for this method. You can buy them at a pharmacy, where they are sold in powder form. The only nuance of this method is as follows: it is necessary to ensure that the natural material fully interacts with the entire volume of the liquid that needs to be cleaned.

Simple ways to purify water - filtration

To choose the right filter, you need to know approximately how much clean water is needed. A jug with a filter will suffice for one person's consumption. This is a fairly rational and simple device that cleans well. The volume of such a jug may be different. The maximum reaches 3 liters. One replaceable cartridge for such a jug can purify approximately 400 liters of water. The main advantage of these filters is their ease of use: there is no need to connect them to a water tap. This system works like this: water poured into a container with a filter under the pressure of its weight passes through the filter and accumulates at the bottom of the jug.

Today on sale you can find filters that need to be attached to the water tap. They are presented in the form of nozzles. Use them as needed by putting on a tap. Such filters have a significant drawback: in 1 minute they can purify no more than 1 glass of water.

There are options for filters that are mounted in a water faucet and work stationary - every time the valve is turned. This variant of drinking water filtration is used more often than others. In specialized stores, products of this type are represented quite widely. The difference between these products may be in appearance, quality of the material used as a cleaner, cleaning performance, image and cleaning system. Filters in such purification systems purify water from all kinds of impurities and poisonous chlorine. Such filters purify about three liters of liquid every minute, they are able to purify about 15,000 liters of water without replacing the cartridge.

Filter types

There are three main types of water filters on the market: multi-stage, three-stage and two-stage. Multi-stage filters are among the most efficient and expensive. The system of these filters is equipped with a mechanical flushing of the membrane, which operates every time the pump is turned on, water is purified and collected in a container. Also, this system has a computer control that regulates the pressure and quality of the filtered liquid. In addition to everything, the computer system informs about the need to replace the cartridges. Such a purification system includes five degrees of water purification:

  • automatic cleaning - eliminates rust, clay, sand and other elements larger than 5 microns;
  • coal cleaning - removes active elements from water, including chlorine;
  • cleaning with coal in briquettes - produces better filtration;
  • reverse osmosis membrane - removes all possible impurities, viruses and bacteria (only water molecules can pass through such a membrane);
  • the final degree of purification - activated coconut charcoal in granules - changes the taste of water for the better and removes unpleasant odors.

Water purification methods in a country house

Providing water to a country house is possible using a centralized water supply system, a well or a well. None of the options guarantees that the water will be sufficiently purified and suitable for drinking and cooking. In such cases, in order to choose the most suitable treatment system, it is necessary to analyze in the laboratory and obtain an opinion on the composition of the water and the presence of chemical additives in it. Also in the conclusion will be indicated: water hardness, its radioactivity, the presence of heavy metals and other components. Today, it is these indicators that are the most problematic; combined systems are used to effectively eliminate them.

Principles of creating a filtration system:

  1. To create a filtration system, a methodically justified chain of filters is assembled. Each link in it eliminates a separate type of impurities, so for a rational choice of a cleaning system, you need to carefully weigh and consider everything.
  2. Initially, you need to pay attention to the bandwidth and speed of the system. It is necessary to determine whether the owners of the house will have enough of the amount of purified water that the filter can produce in a certain time.
  3. The types of filters and their number must be selected based on the conclusion obtained on the chemical composition of water. Almost all cleaning systems are based on the use of several types of filters, this allows for a step-by-step cleaning of the liquid.

The first stage is a filter that is installed at the water inlet to the house. It purifies water from clay, sand and so on.

The second stage - filters for final water purification. Are established in those places where there are cranes.

Absolutely all water filtration systems are equipped with removable cartridges with a certain period of use. But in any case, everything directly depends on the volume of treated water.

Stationary water treatment plants

There are many manufacturers who offer to install non-movable, permanent water treatment plants. They are installed in special change houses, in the place where the water enters the house. Such stations operate from electricity, at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees. Such stations will help to get rid of many unnecessary water qualities - turbidity, hardness, a high amount of iron, the smell of hydrogen sulfide. The system is equipped with many filters and components:

  • compressor with aeration column - eliminates hydrogen sulfide, helps the process of iron oxidation, stops the reproduction of microorganisms;
  • filter to eliminate metal impurities - removes manganese, iron and similar components from the liquid;
  • filter for softening - it contains a special composition of resins, which softens the water;
  • deep cleaning filter - it contains coal, which removes unnecessary odors and other impurities (the cartridge in it changes as needed);
  • salt tank - needed to create a salt solution;
  • the operation of such a station is organized in automatic mode or on a timer.

Filter properties

In the best quality filter systems, there are two main stages of purification from impurities:

  • mechanical removal of impurities;
  • thorough cleaning of the liquid from dissolved elements. The best option is when this stage contains two cleaning agents - an ion exchanger and activated carbon.

Water filters are widely represented on the modern market. When buying a certain one, you need to find out whether it will be possible to place any cartridges in the flasks. If possible, then replacing them will not be problematic.

From all the above information, the following conclusions can be drawn: in order to choose the most suitable filtered water purification system, you will need to take into account its chemical composition, the volume required for consumption, and only then select filters with certain necessary fillers. Only a properly selected filtration system can improve the quality of the water used, and consequently the general condition of the people consumed by it.

High-quality drinking water is a guarantee of human health. In addition, the taste of cooked dishes depends on the water. Everyone knows that tap water, which is supplied to apartments and houses, has dubious qualities and purity and can harm the body. For its purification, various devices are used. But what if there is no filter in the house? Alternatively, you can use simple ways to purify water at home.

There are many ways to get purified water at home without special equipment. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Freezing water

The freezing method is one of the most popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. According to experts, ice water is especially useful, since during freezing it is possible to obtain a living and pure liquid. All you need is a freezer container, a regular refrigerator (freezer) and tap water.

It is desirable to take a deep container. Water is poured into it, but not to the brim, but with a margin of 1 cm, no less. This dish is carefully placed in the freezer. It is necessary to ensure that half of the water in the vessel freezes. How long it will take depends on several factors, including the volume of the vessel, the temperature set in the freezer compartment.

As soon as half of our liquid freezes, you need to carefully break through the ice crust with a sharp knife and drain the water that has not had time to freeze. It is she who is the most harmful, impurities remain in her. The remaining ice is a clean, healthy liquid that can be safely consumed or used in the kitchen for cooking.

Frozen water is endowed with a number of therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Namely:

  • positively affects the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • assists in rapid recovery after illness;
  • contributes to the rapid adaptation of the body in unexpected conditions;
  • improves the functioning of muscle tissue;
  • endowed with anti-allergenic qualities.

This method of water filtration is far from perfect, because it is only “by eye” to determine how well the water is purified. Yet the resulting liquid is cleaner and much healthier than the one served to us from the tap.


Boiling is a way to get clean water, which is used by almost everyone. High temperatures affect water - it is sterilized, cleaned of microorganisms. The desired result can be achieved only after 15 minutes of boiling, and it is not necessary to cover the container with a lid, since harmful compounds “come out” with steam.

However, this method has significant drawbacks.

Firstly, boiled water in the common people has earned the name "dead", and this is not accidental. Along with harmful impurities, useful components also evaporate, so there is no talk of any positive impact.

Not only do chlorine compounds linger in such water, they become a carcinogen - chloroform, which is dangerous for humans because of its ability to provoke oncological pathologies.

Parts of the salts linger on the walls of the container in which the liquid was boiled. The result is soft water, which can "boast" the content of salts, nitrates and heavy metals is much higher than in the tap liquid flowing from the tap.

Despite this, for the majority of the inhabitants of our country, boiling is a method used quite often due to its simplicity and accessibility. In this case, the resulting boiled liquid should be tried to neutralize.

It's easy to do. 5 liters of boiled water are poured into the dishes, ascorbic acid (0.5 grams) purchased in advance at the pharmacy should be added there. The composition is mixed until the acid is completely dissolved and left for an hour to settle.


Standing up is a simple method that many people use. The result is a better quality liquid.

Water drawn from the tap is left for 8 hours. During this period, volatile impurities, including chlorine, evaporate. It is advisable to stir the contents of the container from time to time, this will speed up the evaporation process.

But it will not be possible to get rid of salts of heavy metals, they remain in the liquid, but settle to the very bottom. After that, pour 2/3 of the contents of the dishes with settled water. This must be done carefully, make sure that the liquid does not shake up and the sediment does not mix with the already cleaned layer.

Not everyone knows, but well-known table salt can also act as a kind of home “filter”.

A vessel is filled with 2 liters of liquid from the tap. 1 full tablespoon of salt is also placed there, which should dissolve well. After 15-25 minutes, the water will already be cleared of harmful microorganisms and salts of heavy metals.

Cleansing with activated carbon

Activated charcoal is actively used as a cleansing component. By the way, most of the cleaning devices use this substance. Activated charcoal does an excellent job of neutralizing unpleasant odors. In addition, he, like a sponge, is able to absorb harmful elements from the liquid.

To achieve the expected result, the tablets of this remedy are wrapped in a piece of gauze and placed in a container filled with liquid. 1 tablet is used per 1 liter of water. Already after 8 hours, the water will become much cleaner and can be safely used.

Silver cleansing

Silver is an excellent cleanser. With the help of this element, it is possible to neutralize not only chemicals, but also get rid of many harmful elements.

In the evening, a silver coin or spoon is lowered into a dish filled with liquid. Already in the morning, after 12 hours, purified water is ready for use.

Purification of water by folk methods

In addition to the well-known household methods described above, there are many folk methods.

  1. Clusters of mountain ash can help with solving the problem. The berries are dipped in a vessel with water and left for 2-3 hours. The resulting purified liquid is no worse than the one obtained by using activated carbon or silver.
  2. Willow bark, onion peel, juniper twigs, bird cherry leaves will also do an excellent job with this task. However, filtration with such components will take longer - 12 hours.
  3. For cleansing, you can use iodine or vinegar. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 3 drops of 5% iodine or 1 teaspoon of vinegar. These components are added to the water for 2-6 hours. However, you need to know that chlorine and some of the microorganisms do not go anywhere.

All of the above methods can be used. In the absence of a quality filter, any of them will help to get water much cleaner than the one that flows in the taps of our homes.

Video: how to purify ordinary water without filters

Everyone knows about the importance of clean water for our health. If we regularly consume high quality water, it will become a real opportunity to avoid the occurrence of many diseases, including quite serious diseases. In addition, the quality of water also affects the taste of dishes cooked on it. You can buy expensive coffees or teas, but if you cook them with bad water, all their value and taste will be lost forever.

Chlorinated water in our pipes can protect us from dangerous viruses and microbes, but bleach itself is harmful to us: it destroys the protein structures of our body, worsens the condition of the mucous membranes in the body, kills beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which contributes, provokes the appearance of a variety of allergic reactions. In addition, chlorine does not kill pinworm eggs and Giardia cysts.

I think it is no longer a secret to anyone that the water that flows from our tap does not have the quality and purity that our body needs. If you have a filter, all you have to do is change the cartridges regularly to make sure that the water you drink is exceptionally healthy. But, so that you know, it is in our power to purify water at home without spending a lot of money on filters and cartridges, but using fairly simple methods.

Ways to purify water at home

  1. The simplest and most well-known method of water purification is its boiling. When high temperature acts on water, it is sterilized and the water is purified from microorganisms (viruses, microbes) - this effect can only be obtained by boiling water for a quarter of an hour, without covering it with a lid, so that harmful compounds are removed with steam.

  • But, firstly, chlorine compounds in such water still remain, turning into health hazards: the carcinogen chloroform, which causes cancer,
  • secondly, parts of the salts settle on the walls of the dishes in which you boil water (I think you saw them on the walls of your kettle), it turns out that during boiling we got soft water, in which the level of salts, nitrates and heavy metals became higher than in ordinary tap water,
  • and thirdly, it is not for nothing that boiled water is called "", it does not bring any benefit to the human body.
  1. No less simple method of water purification is its banal upholding. They just poured water into the vessel, let it stand for 8 hours - during this time, volatile chlorine, along with other volatile impurities, will evaporate (it’s good if you stir the water periodically - this will help the “volatilization” processes to occur more intensively). However, salts of heavy metals from settled water will not go anywhere, at best they settle to the bottom. Therefore, when you use this water, pour out 2/3 of its contents without shaking, so that the sediment at the bottom does not mix with more or less purified water.
  2. Water purification can be carried out with the help of an ordinary table salt. You can fill the container with tap water (2 liters) and dissolve 1 tbsp in it. with a top of salt. After 15-25 min. such water will be free from harmful microorganisms and salts of heavy metals.

The disadvantage of this method is that this water should not be consumed daily.

  1. Freeze- today it is an increasingly popular method of water purification, which, moreover, is also considered the most effective. Water is poured into the container (some people use a saucepan, some plastic containers, but do not use glass), and do not pour water “on top”, leave a small space free, since the liquid can increase in volume when it freezes.

Pure fresh water will freeze faster than salty water. Therefore, watch out when the water in the container is half frozen, pour out the unfrozen liquid (it contains all the harmful impurities), and melt the frozen water - you can drink it and use it for cooking.

Thawed (melt) water, drunk immediately after defrosting, is extremely healing, capable of accelerating many recovery processes in the body, increasing efficiency, alleviating allergies, dermatitis, itching,.

  1. In the pharmacy you can buy a small piece silicon and use it to purify water from impurities. Rinse the silicon well in warm running water, put it in a 2-liter jar and pour in cold water, cover the jar with gauze and place it in the light, but away from direct sunlight. After two or three days, purified water is ready. Calculate the size of a silicon pebble 3-10g per 1-5 liters of water. And do not drink water to the bottom, carefully pour it into another vessel, leaving 3-5 centimeters of water with sediment.
  2. Recently, water purification has become popular with another stone called shungite. It is recommended to purchase large stones, then they will not need to be replaced with new ones, although, of course, once every six months they need to be well cleaned with a brush, hard sponge or sandpaper.

Shungite water is prepared as follows: a 100 gram stone is placed in a liter of water (if you need more, then you take more than one stone), 3 days, no more, shungite insists the liquid, after which it is drained in the same way as in the preparation of silicon water.

Shungite water has contraindications: a tendency to cancer, thrombosis, high acidity and diseases in the acute stage.

  1. If you do not have a water filter, you can use activated carbon. After all, coal is used at the heart of most filters. This tool is not only an excellent neutralizer of unpleasant odors (old rusty pipes, for example, or bleach), but, like a sponge, coal can absorb harmful substances from tap water.

Just wrap activated charcoal tablets in gauze (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) and place in a bowl of water. The very next morning (after 8 hours) you will have clean water ready.

  1. About cleansing properties silver we've known for a long time. Silver can purify water, freeing it from chemical compounds and harmful microbes and viruses. Just place a silver coin or spoon in a container of water overnight. In the morning (after 10-12 hours) you will have purified water, ready to drink.

Silver has surpassed carbolic acid and bleach in its antibacterial action, moreover, water with silver retains its beneficial properties for a long time.

  1. Folk remedies for water purification also have a place to be:
  • Cleansing with a bunch of mountain ash: it is worth lowering it for two or three hours in water, and you will get a pure liquid that competes in quality with water purified with silver and activated charcoal.
  • Cleansing with willow bark, onion peel, juniper twigs and bird cherry leaves is also effective and good for getting clean water, only the cleaning process will take 12 hours.
  • Purification with vinegar, iodine, wine. For 1 liter of water, the proportions are: 1 tsp. vinegar, or 3 drops of 5% iodine, or 300 g of young dry white wine. All these "additives" are placed in water for 2-6 hours. The downside is that chlorine and some microbes still remain in the water.

  1. Many people try to replenish the necessary amount of water in the body. distilled water. Yes, you will not find harmful impurities in it, but it does not give any benefit to the body, in addition, such water does not have any taste. Plus, with the constant use of distilled water, the minerals and salts we need are washed out of the body.
  2. Let's also consider one method of how to purify water at home, which is gaining popularity, but also causing some doubts - purification magnets. Ordinary water is poured into the dishes, wrapped around it with magnets and left for 3-5 hours. There is even a recommendation to encircle the water pipe that supplies water to the tap with magnets.

You can be sure that such a method will not purify water from microbes and bleach, at best, it will magnetize iron salts and purify water from this mineral, and this can only be assumed theoretically ...

Other options for water purification: a household filter in the form of a jug (it uses a carbon-silicon filter) that can remove chlorine and toxic metals from water, provided that you change the cartridges monthly, various nozzles and, of course, stationary filters. With their many advantages, they have a drawback - a considerable price. Although, of course, from which side to look, because the most valuable investment is in your own health ...

And what methods and methods of water purification do you use?
