
How to make clarified apple juice for the winter. Making apple juice at home

Juice clarification is carried out with an enzyme preparation obtained as a result of the activity of the mold fungus Aspergillus niger, or with special bentonite clays (only cherry and cherry juice is processed with clays).

Clarification of juice with an enzyme preparation. This method clarifies apple, raspberry, strawberry and other juices rich in pectin.

The drug, obtained with the help of the mold fungus Aspergillus niger, contains enzymes that hydrolyze pectin substances contained in fruit and berry juices.

The main enzyme of such a preparation, apparently, is pectipase (polygalacturonase), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucosidic bonds of pectin substances.

As a result of the hydrolysis of soluble pectin contained in juices, the viscosity of the juice sharply decreases and favorable conditions are created for the coarsening of suspensions and their precipitation. Juice becomes clear.

For clarification, the juice is heated to 40-45 ° C, pumping it from the tank with a centrifugal pump through the KTP-2 tubular heater to another tank. The required juice temperature during heating is set by adjusting the rate of juice supply to the heater.

An extract of the enzyme preparation prepared on the juice to be clarified is added to the heated juice.

To prepare the extract, take 26-30 kg of the enzyme preparation and pour 400-500 liters of juice heated to 40-42 ° C. The mass is mixed and left alone for 4-6 hours. After infusion, the resulting extract is filtered through a rare tissue and used for processing 13-15 tons of juice. The juice with the extract of the enzyme preparation poured into it is thoroughly mixed and left alone until the pectin is completely hydrolyzed, which is controlled by an alcohol sample (3 ml of juice and 3 ml of alcohol are mixed, if no clots are formed, the hydrolysis of pectin substances is considered complete).

The duration of the process of pectin hydrolysis, depending on the concentration of pectin in the juice and the activity of the drug, is two to three days. When the alcohol test shows that the hydrolysis is completed, the juice from the tank is pumped into pressure barrels, from where it is fed through the pipeline for separation. When pumping, the sludge should not be stirred up, which is separated last.

Juice separation is carried out on the VSM separator, its capacity is 2000 l/h.

Juice after separation must be transparent, which is checked during the shift at least 4 times, taking it from the test tap of the separator.

The sludge remaining in the tank is separated at a lower productivity (with a feed rate of not more than 1000 l/h). After separation, or the so-called "coarse" cleaning, the juice is collected in an intermediate container, from where it is fed by a piston pump to a frame filter press with 20 filter frames.

Filtration is carried out through a brand T filter cardboard. The filtered juice should be completely transparent. As sediment builds up on the filter baffles, the filtration rate slows down. As soon as the pressure in the press exceeds 2.5 kg/cm 2 (245.0 kN/m 2), the filtration is stopped and the press is recharged. As a rule, cleaning of the filter press is carried out at the end of each shift.

Juice clarification with bentonite. With the help of bentonite or bentonite clays, juices containing a small amount of pectin (cherry, cherry) are clarified.

Bentonite clays are rocks that include hydrated compounds of silicic acid and alumina, as well as halosite, biotite, feldspars and, in very small amounts, quartz, granite and ore materials.

Bentonite clays are dispersed and behave in aqueous suspensions as stable colloids with a negative charge.

Juice clarification occurs due to the interaction of colloidal particles of juice, bearing a positive charge, with colloidal particles of bentonite, bearing a negative charge, and the coagulation associated with this.

In addition, in an acidic environment, clay particles stick together, coarsen and settle, thereby mechanically removing particles of turbidity suspended in the juice.

About 0.8% of bentonite suspension by mass of juice is added to the juices to be clarified, the mixture is thoroughly mixed by pumping for even distribution of clay and left for 2-3 days for clarification.

The clarified juice is separated and filtered as described above.

An aqueous suspension is prepared in two steps. First, a 20% suspension is prepared, for which the clay, given its moisture content, is diluted with water.

Bentonite is weighed, placed in a container equipped with a mechanical stirrer, poured according to the calculation with the required amount of water (usually four times) and the mass is heated with live steam to 70-75 ° C; then the mass is thoroughly mixed. If the swelling of the clay is incomplete, the mixture is steamed a second time and again thoroughly mixed.

From a 20% suspension, diluting it with a threefold amount of water with thorough mixing, a 5% suspension is prepared.

In the finished 5% suspension, the dry matter content is determined, which should be 5-5.5%.

Before taking a 5% suspension of bentonite from the tank to clarify the juice, it is thoroughly mixed without stirring up the sand that has settled to the bottom, which, after the suspension is used up, is thrown away.

Before adding to the juice, the bentonite suspension is filtered through a stainless steel mesh with a hole diameter of 2-3 mm to exclude the possibility of foreign impurities entering the juice.

Bentonite clays should be stored in a dry place, as when moistened, they crumple and lose their brightening ability.

Summer is a great time to prepare blanks for the winter. From fruits you can prepare not only jams and jams, but also delicious drinks. Apples are an affordable food product, which is also very tasty and healthy. It is best to use late varieties, as they stand out for their juiciness. Despite the fact that you can buy different drinks in stores, their composition does not inspire confidence, housewives continue to prepare them at home.

How to make apple juice at home?

I want to say right away that if you want to make homemade fruit drinks, then buy a juicer. Modern technology options help to quickly and without any problems to get a quality product. For cooking, we will use only fresh fruits.

  • Apples need to be sorted, washed and passed through a juicer to get a fruit liquid. Pour it into a saucepan and put it on the stove. It is important not to bring the contents to a boil, as this will destroy most of the nutrients and also worsen the taste. The temperature should be no more than 90 degrees;
  • During heat treatment, foam forms on the surface, and cake particles float up, which must be removed with a slotted spoon. If the drink seems too dark, then it can be lightened, this will be discussed below. After reaching the required temperature, filter everything through cheesecloth and pour into cleaned jars. It remains only to roll everything up, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.

How to clarify apple juice at home?

If you know some secrets, then the drink can be made a little more transparent. After you get the liquid from the fruit, then leave it for a while, and then, strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Squeeze out the thick that remains on the filter. Pour the liquid into a small container and place it on the steam bath.

After the water boils, heat everything for 4 minutes. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.

Then you need to quickly cool everything, for this, place the container in a large saucepan with cold water for 3 hours. During this time, a clear liquid will separate from above, and a cloudy precipitate will be at the bottom.

It is necessary to carefully drain the top layer, for example, using a rubber tube. If desired, you can repeat the process with heating on a steam bath. After that, cool the drink at room temperature and filter through cheesecloth.

Apple juice recipe at home in a pressure cooker

Thanks to the use of a juicer, the drink is cleaner and without sediment. It is believed that this cooking option is better than using a juicer. The remaining cake can be used to make jam. For cooking, you should take 1 kg of apples and 150 g of granulated sugar.

Step by step cooking process:

  • Apples must be washed and cut into slices, the thickness of which should not be more than 15 mm. Each piece should still be cut across;
  • Pour water into the bottom of the appliance and boil it. After that, put the second container, which has a small hole. Put a colander with prepared fruit in it. The principle of operation of cooking in a juicer is based on the fact that the steam that is released during boiling softens the fruit, and as a result, liquid begins to be released;
  • When the apples are absolutely soft, you can disassemble the device, and mix the fruit liquid from the pan with sugar and pour into hot jars. Roll up and chill.

How to make pumpkin-apple juice at home?

Sweet and bright pumpkin gives the drink an original taste, and also makes it even more healthy. Even after heat treatment, many useful substances remain in it.

For this recipe, take: 1 kg of apples, pumpkin, 200 g of sugar and lemon.

Step by step cooking process:

  • Using a juicer or any other method known to you, get the liquid from the fruit. Pour it into a saucepan and put it on fire. Add lemon zest;
  • When everything warms up a little, add granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and let simmer for a couple of minutes. It remains to pour into banks and roll up.

Grape and apple juice at home for the winter

You can use sweet apples and sour grapes, or vice versa, which allows you to get the original sweet and sour taste. However, you can cook everything to your liking.

Juice preparation passes with the use of such products: 0.5 kg of grapes, 1 kg of apples and sugar to taste.

Step by step cooking process:

  • Do not remove the berries from the brushes, but simply sort them out to remove the spoiled ones. Wash them and send them to the juicer bowl. Also wash the apples, cut into small cubes and put to the grapes. Add granulated sugar if desired;
  • Place the container with fruit in the juicer and turn on the fire. After an hour, you can open the shutter to drain the fruit liquid. Pour it into jars while still hot and roll up.

Recipe for carrot-apple juice at home

Fresh carrot juice is very beneficial for the body, but it is very difficult to make a child and even an adult drink it. In this case, you can go to the trick and make a drink with apples. Ingredients are for 4 servings.

For this recipe for 1 liter of drink, you should take such products: 400 g carrot puree, 600 g apple fresh juice and 150 g granulated sugar.

Step by step cooking process:

  • To prepare carrot puree, take vegetables, peel and wash it, and then cut into small strips. Put in a double boiler and cook until soft for half an hour. After that, wipe the vegetables through a sieve;
  • Peel the apples, cut into pieces and remove the seeds. Prepare the juice using a juicer. If there is no such equipment at home, pass the fruits through a meat grinder and squeeze them manually;
  • Combine the apple and carrot parts and dissolve the prepared sugar in the resulting mixture. Put on the stove and heat to 85 degrees for 5 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up.

How to make apple pear juice?

Another version of the drink, which, thanks to the use of pears, has an unsurpassed aroma and original taste. The proportions of fruit used may vary. It is not recommended to use loose and damaged fruits. In addition to fruits, you can also use sugar to taste.

Step by step juice preparation process:

  • Cut the prepared fruit into small pieces. The middle can be left out to save time. Squeeze the fruits with a juicer and put the resulting fruit liquid on the stove;
  • After boiling, a foam will begin to form on the surface, which should be removed. If you think you need to add sugar, now is the time to do so. Pour the drink while hot and roll up the jars.

Recipe for juice from apple, currant and chokeberry

Another option for a delicious drink that has great benefits. It will appeal to both children and adults.

Homemade apple juice: a recipe for the winter

Homemade apple juice for the winter: a step-by-step recipe and the best combinations with other fruits and berries. Simple ways to stock up on vitamins for the whole year and get them from a delicious apple drink. It turns out to be useful and very fragrant, and in terms of taste it is many times superior to the store counterpart.

  1. Type of dish: drink.
  2. Dish subtype: apple drink.
  3. number of servings per outlet: 5-6
  4. Cooking time: .
  5. National cuisine: Russian.
  6. Energy value:
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.8 g.

Apple Juice Secrets

Ingredients for making apple juice

  • apples (the quantity is calculated based on the available raw materials and containers for seaming);
  • sugar is not used in the classic recipe, but if the fruits are very acidic, you can add 50-100 g per liter of liquid.

Classic Apple Juice Recipe

To prepare tasty and healthy juice for the winter, it is better to process apples just taken from the tree - they are more juicy. For these purposes, Anis, Antonovka, Semerenko, Shtrey fling, Grushovka varieties are more suitable, but if there are none, others can be used. It is recommended to mix several varieties of apples: a blended drink has a more interesting taste and aroma. The classic technology for making apple juice at home is as follows:

Pouring apple juice into bottles

  1. Put the containers upside down and wrap with a blanket.
In this state, apple juice should be stored at room temperature for another 10-12 days. If during this time he did not begin to ferment, did not become cloudy and mold did not appear, then the jars can be moved for long-term storage in a cool, dark place. Such a drink is stored for a very long time, so you can enjoy its taste for a whole year until the time for a new harvest comes. If it has deteriorated during the first two weeks, you can boil it for 5-7 minutes and use it to make jelly or fruit drinks. Adhering to this recipe, it is not necessary to heat the juice a second time. The only difference is that reheating allows you to get rid of the sediment at the bottom of the can, which will appear during the storage of the drink. It should be borne in mind that it will not work to get completely clarified juice at home, but this nuance will not affect the taste. Using the pasteurization method, you can save a maximum of vitamins in the resulting drink. Therefore, it is recommended by experienced housewives who care not only about the taste, but also about the benefits of their blanks. For the same purposes, it is advised to use only enameled dishes to heat the liquid.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer

Harvesting apple juice for the winter


  • apples;
  • other vegetables, berries or fruits (optional);
  • sugar if necessary.
This is the most common and easiest way to get any fruit drink. To save the juice for the winter, you can use the first preparation method - pasteurization, which was described in the classic recipe. The second way is sterilization. To do this, strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth and pour into clean jars. If apple varieties are sour, you can add sugar, but not more than 100 g per liter of liquid. You can add granulated sugar just before rolling - it will completely dissolve in the hot liquid. Close the jars tightly with boiled lids. At this time, water should already be boiling in a wide saucepan, on the bottom of which a wooden circle or gauze is laid. Put the filled containers into boiling water (it should reach the neck of the cans) and sterilize for 15 minutes (for 3-liter containers - 30 minutes). The foam will need to be gradually removed. Remove jars from boiling water, turn upside down and wrap in a warm blanket.

Apple juice obtained through a juicer

If the farm has a juicer, you can experiment with preparations for the winter - make blended drinks. Excellent taste qualities are those in which apples are combined with the following fruits, berries and vegetables:

  • pears;
  • plums;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • chokeberry;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grapes;
  • currant.
Many summer residents prepare exactly an apple-pear drink - it turns out to be light, fragrant and very tasty.

For its preparation you will need:

  • apples;
  • pears.
The amount of ingredients must be selected based on the expected result and individual tastes.
  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly and cut into quarters.
  2. Run them through a juicer.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into an enameled container and put on a gas stove.
  4. As the liquid heats up, foam will collect on its surface. It must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. If there is not enough sweetness, you can add granulated sugar.
  6. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, immediately turn off the heat and quickly strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  7. Pour hot into pre-prepared glass jars and roll them up, turn over and wrap.
After a week and a half, check whether the blanks have deteriorated and put them in a permanent storage place.

Apple Juice: No Juicer Recipe


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar syrup - 4 cups (dissolve 2 cups of granulated sugar in the same amount of hot water).

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Peel apples and rotted areas, remove the seed box.
  2. Cut into slices about 1-2 centimeters wide, transfer them to an enamel pan.

Cutting apples for juice

  1. Pour in water.
  2. Turn on the fire and wait until it boils, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the gas stove and puree its contents. To do this, skip the pulp 2 times through a meat grinder or use a blender.

Turning apples into puree for juice

  1. Combine the resulting mass with syrup and put on fire again.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and cool slightly.
  3. Rub the mass through a fine metal sieve.
  4. Put on fire again, bring to a boil and immediately pour into prepared warm jars, roll up and put down with lids.
Apple juice prepared according to this recipe is obtained with pulp. It contains more dietary fiber, so it will be beneficial for the intestines. It is recommended to use it without adding a sweetener to those who are on a diet. If there is no juicer at home, but you want to prepare a clarified drink, you can use the classic recipe for its preparation. To obtain juice, apples must be passed through a meat grinder or grated on a fine grater, and then squeezed through cheesecloth several times. Then prepare the drink according to the first recipe.

How to make apple juice for the winter: video

Another way to harvest it for long-term storage can be seen in the next video. Its author proposes to make a drink with sugar using the sterilization method. It should be borne in mind that every housewife eventually finds her secrets of home preservation, so different recipes may differ from each other. Each is good in its own way and can be used with equal success for harvesting for the winter.

Juice made from apples at home is an excellent source of vitamins. Such juice can be drunk freshly prepared or canned, it can be the basis for making all kinds of drinks and even desserts. This tasty and fragrant juice has only one drawback - not a very attractive color, which is very different from the color of store juice. But it is possible to lighten it - and then it will become transparent. And it is not necessary to use special equipment or some additives that are harmful to health.


The first step is to choose the apples from which you will prepare the juice. You can use fruits of the same variety or mix different ones - this will create a more harmonious taste that you like. For the preparation of juice, you can use not only cultivated varieties, but also "wild". But keep in mind that the latter has a somewhat tart taste, so you should add it in a small amount.

Here's a little tip to help you decide on the taste. Sweet varieties of apples include:

  • Golden;
  • Fuji;
  • Red Delicious;
  • Gala.

Sour varieties:

  • Granny Smith;
  • Semerenko;
  • Jonagold.

To make juice, you need those fruits without stains, traces of rot or any damage. They need to be washed well, dried, and then remove the stalks.

Apple juice can be prepared with various types of juicers. It can be an electric juicer (centrifugal or auger), a pressure cooker or a hand press.

The juice that is obtained during the first pressing is the most valuable, because it contains a large amount of vitamins. But the cake that remains also contains a lot of juice. Especially if you are using a low power electric juicer. Pour the cake with water in a ratio of 10:1.

Let the mixture infuse for several hours. Now it needs to be passed through the press again. Of course, the drink will be weaker. But if the juice after the first extraction seems too rich or concentrated to you, you can dilute it a little.

Clarifying the Juice

It must be said right away that at home you are unlikely to be able to create juice that looks like packaged. But here it is possible to make it a little more transparent.

Let the freshly squeezed juice infuse for a while. Only after that it needs to be filtered (you can use gauze folded in several layers). The filtered juice is poured into a saucepan and then brought to a boil in a water bath. The foam that will form during boiling must be removed.

Wait about 5 minutes, and then remove the pan from the bath, then immediately put it in a container of cold water for a couple of hours. You will see that the drink has stratified. The upper light layer must be carefully poured into another container so that the brown cloudy sediment remains at the bottom.

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Apple juice - has a lot of vitamins. And cooked at home - it is even more useful, as it does not have various chemical additives, that is, it is environmentally friendly. Apple juice can be drunk fresh. Also, with the help of canning, prepare for the future until the next harvest. Juice can be added to desserts, smoothies and mousses. To give the juice a more beautiful color, it can be clarified. This does not require various chemical additives and all this can be done at home.


  • juicer (you can use a juicer, a manual press);
  • fine plastic sieve or gauze;
  • dishes in which it will be necessary to carry out heating and cooling;
  • skimmer for removing foam;
  • rubber tube.

Cooking method

This requires apples. They can be taken of one variety, or you can mix several varieties - sour and sweet apples. You can take varieties not only that grow in the garden. Add wild game, it is more fragrant.

Sort apples, remove rotten and wormy ones. Rinse well in several waters or under running water. Let dry. Cut and remove the core.

For the first pressing, apples can be passed through an electric juicer. Cook with a juicer, or use a hand press. This juice contains the bulk of vitamins and minerals.

But do not rush to throw away the pulp. Add water to it - 10 to 1. Let it brew for up to four hours and process again. Get juice, but less concentrated. It should not be mixed with the first pressing. Can be preserved separately, and then used to make compotes or jelly.

How to clarify juice?

You can prepare a similar juice to the factory one at home. Of course, it will not work to make an exact copy of the factory juice, but it is possible to lighten it up a little.

Ready juice to put for a few hours - to settle. Then roll gauze in several layers and strain the juice through it. The thick, which remained on the gauze - squeeze. Pour the juice into a saucepan and put to boil in a water bath. After boiling, boil for another 4 minutes. Remove any foam that will rise with a slotted spoon.

Pour cold water into a large container and put hot juice into it for quick cooling. The juice will be divided in two - at the top there will be a liquid of a transparent color, at the bottom it is cloudy. Using a rubber tube, carefully pour the clear liquid into another container.

If you want to lighten more, put the juice in a water bath again. Remove juice and let cool at room temperature. After that, strain the juice again through cheesecloth or a special filter.
