
Children's tea with fennel for newborns and older toddlers. What is its use and how to use it? Methods for preparing decoctions based on fennel and dill

Fennel tea is well known among new mothers for being effective in dealing with various digestive problems in babies. The Hipp drink is especially popular, because proven raw materials are used here, and at a price it is quite affordable.

But today, more and more people are starting to pay attention to fennel. Especially among those who strive for hassle-free and fast weight loss.

Fennel tea is quite pleasant in taste and can have a beneficial effect on health. That is why a useful infusion should be included in the diet not only for babies and their mothers, but also for everyone who cares about their own well-being. The properties of this plant are so extensive that they deserve special attention.

Fennel was known to ancient Greek physicians, who actively used it in their practice. In those distant times, this plant was considered a cure for many diseases, especially for poor eyesight. Today, when the properties of the plant have been studied in sufficient detail, we can say that the doctors who lived several millennia ago were not mistaken. Fennel tea has a unique composition and is able to solve many problems that arise in the body.

Fennel is very similar in appearance to and has the same strong aroma. It is often compared with, because they have a similar taste and smell. But, if spicy plants are used only as a fragrant food supplement, then fennel is a real natural pharmacy with rich medicinal properties. Its leaves and seeds contain a large amount of substances such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, group B, essential oils.

And this is only a part of what scientists discovered during the study, its composition is much richer. These elements and their combinations make the plant very useful. Fennel tea is able to:

  • remove inflammatory processes;
  • help with flatulence, acne treatment;
  • soothe colic in infants;
  • improve digestion, metabolism;
  • accelerate weight loss;
  • get rid of respiratory problems;
  • remove mucus from the lungs;
  • normalize the cycle in women;
  • improve milk production in nursing mothers;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve insomnia and anxiety;
  • strengthen immunity.

In addition to being taken orally, fennel tea can be used as a lotion. In this form, it has the properties to remove inflammation of the eyes, relieve fatigue, and accelerate the healing of wounds.

Are there any contraindications

A healthy drink can be consumed by almost everyone. Fennel for newborns is indicated for colic, gas and sleep disorders, for their mothers with a lack of breast milk, for everyone else - in order to strengthen the body or get rid of existing problems. And yes, it's just a nice drink.

In addition, it also promotes weight loss, which is a valuable quality of the infusion. This characteristic of the plant is especially important for women who have entered the time of menopause and for nursing mothers. It is during these life periods that it is especially difficult to get rid of excess weight, and therefore it is good when there is a pleasant natural remedy without serious contraindications and a complex recipe.

True, there are certain categories of people who should be wary of a fragrant drink:

  • pregnant women, as it can cause premature birth;
  • patients with epilepsy - can provoke seizures.

In addition, do not forget about such individual characteristics as intolerance and allergies. Mothers should be especially careful during breastfeeding, whose diet includes this drink. If the baby has a negative reaction, it is worth reducing the amount of drink consumed or completely eliminating it.

Introduce children's tea, which contains fennel, into the baby's diet gradually, in small doses, to check if the child is allergic to it. Also, you should not be overly fond of drinking fennel tea, as this can lead to indigestion.

Otherwise, if the infusion did not cause any discomfort, you can have tea parties with such a healthy drink. Moreover, there are many recipes that will help not only improve its taste and aroma, but also its medicinal qualities.

Cooking right

On sale you can find a ready-made drink in bags and in bulk, it is enough to pour boiling water over it, and it is ready to drink. There is even a special children's tea (one of the most popular among young mothers is hippie), which is made from purified raw materials with the addition of various vitamins, which are so necessary for babies in the first months of life. You just need to pour boiling water over the raw materials, wait a bit, and when the drink has cooled down, you can give it to the child.

But before you start using fennel for newborns, you should consult a pediatrician. This is necessary in order to know the exact dosage and exclude possible intolerance, which may well be in the baby.

If you wish, you can make tea yourself. In this case, you can be completely sure that the drink contains only fennel, without any preservatives and flavor enhancers. Of course, the product for newborns undergoes special control, there is no doubt about its quality. But adults cannot always count on such quality, so those who have doubts can prepare a healthy drink on their own. Fortunately, you can purchase the main ingredient without much difficulty at any pharmacy. In addition, the box with raw materials necessarily says how to brew fennel seeds.

  • The easiest way to prepare the drug is to take a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water, insist for 10 minutes, strain and you can drink half a glass 3 times a day. Even such an easy-to-prepare fennel tea has all of the above properties.
  • Or you can prepare a decoction, which will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the plant. The recipe is also simple: 2 tbsp. fennel must be poured with a glass of hot water. Next, the mixture must be boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, removed from heat and left to infuse and cool for another 45 minutes. After the specified time, strain the drug, bring the infusion to 200 ml with boiled water and you can drink 2-3 times a day, 50 ml (1/4 cup).
  • If you mix fennel with, anise, coltsfoot, you get a remedy with a strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory property, which will help you quickly recover from bronchitis or dry pneumonia. Or you can add more or - tasty, fragrant, healthy. True, these mixtures do not cancel the fact that you should definitely visit a doctor to get recommendations for treatment.
  • In the case when the goal is weight loss, you can drink the simplest infusion or even chew a few seeds. They will not only dull the feeling of hunger, but also remove excess fluid from the body.

Fennel tea is good both in its pure form and with the addition of other herbal ingredients. By itself, it is able to eliminate many ailments, and together with other herbs, flowers and fruits, it only enhances its effect. Trying a variety of recipes, you can prepare delicious infusions that will help with almost any condition - insomnia, digestive problems, lack of milk in young mothers, overweight, stress, colds, etc.

But before brewing seeds for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor. In addition, all ingredients should be bought either at a pharmacy or assembled independently in compliance with all the rules.

So, fennel is harvested at the end of summer, when the seeds ripen, and it will acquire a maximum of useful properties. You need to collect it in dry weather in the morning, after the dew has disappeared. The workpiece should be laid out in a dry, ventilated place and dried well. Store the medicinal plant in a dark, cool place, away from spices and other odorous substances. The benefits of fennel last for two years, then you should renew your stocks.

photo: depositphotos.com/HeikeRau, MKucova, HeikeRau

Fennel is so good at dealing with a number of childhood problems that it can be used safely, naturally, following age-specific instructions and dosages.



Fennel is a real pantry of useful substances. The list is impressive: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP, antioxidant - vitamin E, ascorbic acid (up to 90%).

In addition to the above: calcium and potassium, magnesium and copper, phosphorus and sodium, iron and manganese. Fennel seeds contain essential (up to 6%) and fatty oils, which give them a characteristic taste and aroma, flavonoids and carotene.

The nutritional value of fennel is as follows (content per 100 grams of product):

  • Carbohydrates - 52.3.
  • Proteins - 15.8.
  • Fats - 14.9.
  • Omega-9 - 9.91.
  • Omega-6 - 1.69.
  • Sterols - 0.066.
  • Saturated fatty acids - 0.48.

Harm and contraindications

The use of drinks with fennel does not harm the children's body. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance, expressed as an intestinal disorder or allergic reactions (skin rash, rash, itching).

Preliminary consultation with the pediatrician of the child before the introduction of a crumb of a new product into the diet is required!

How to apply and for what?

For preventive purposes or for routine use

For preventive purposes, experts advise using fresh fruits. A small spoonful of finely chopped fennel is infused in boiled water (200 ml) for half an hour, then cooled and watered to the baby in a volume of 10-15 ml.

With colic

The so-called “dill water”, which actually turns out to be fennel essential oil mixed with water, will help to cope with the colic of the child. In a liter of cooled boiled water, 0.05 oil is dissolved, it needs to be slightly warmed up before use.

This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. In all other cases, drinks should be prepared immediately before use.

For vision

The help of the plant in the treatment of glaucoma has long been proven. In addition, it can be dripped into the eyes or applied as compresses - the antioxidants contained in the plant relieve inflammation.

Rinse the fresh leaves thoroughly, chop them finely, pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Moisten cotton pads with the cooled solution and apply to the eyes for a few minutes.

To improve digestion

To stimulate digestion and improve liver function, you should prepare the following drink: mix chamomile flowers and fennel seeds in equal proportions, pour a glass of hot water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Previously, the seeds should be crushed in a mortar, getting rid of the outer shell.

For immunity

5 grams of fresh or dried fruits are boiled for 30 minutes over low heat, the broth is filtered, cooled and given to the child 3-4 times a day (10 ml).

With the flu

To overcome the flu in a child, mom can do this: crushed seeds (5 g) pour water, cover with a saucer and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Water the child for several days, observing the proportions according to age.

With a cold

The following recipe will help to cope with the symptoms of a cold: pour 2-3 grams of crushed seeds with a glass of hot water and leave to infuse for 25-30 minutes. If you have an essential oil on hand, you can also use it, but the dose should be carefully measured - 0.5 g per liter.

Where to get?

You can buy the plant in the seasoning department of a large grocery store, or in a pharmacy.. The latter option is preferable: you can be sure that the collection and preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with all the rules, and expiration dates are strictly controlled. The stems of the plant should be resilient and hard to the touch, the seeds should be brown, with smooth, not dried edges, and the aroma should be fresh, with a clearly noticeable hint of anise.

A package of ordinary fennel weighing 100 grams costs 140-150 rubles. Store the plant in a glass or porcelain bowl in a dry, dark place. Polyethylene should not be used for this!


Packaged herbal Hipp (Hipp) for a child

Tea from the Hipp brand contains only fennel fruits. It contains no sugar, flavors or preservatives. It can also be given to newborns, but it is important to follow the prescribed dosages:

  • For newborns, packaged herbal tea has been developed (30 bags in a package). A child can be given no more than 100 ml of drink per day.
  • Starting from 1 month, you can drink a drink from fennel extract (100 gr. in a package). The recommended daily dose is 150 ml per day.
  • After 4 months and up to a year - granulated tea with a small amount of sucrose, which is conveniently dissolved in water. Sufficient volume - 200 grams.
  • One-year-old toddlers are allowed to give 2-4 tea cups per day.

The drink is easily digestible and made from products with low allergenic properties, however, judging by the reviews, in half the cases it does not have the desired effect and parents have to resort to additional measures. The average price in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 230-250 rubles.

"Grandma's basket"

The composition of the tea "Babushkino lukoshko" is similar to the product described above and there are no additives. Heavily crushed raw materials are packaged in convenient bags (1 g of powder each) and are easily brewed.

Consumers like "Grandmother's Basket" for its effectiveness, availability and natural composition. The cost of packaging in stores ranges from 90 to 110 rubles.

Humana (Humana)

Excellent quality - that's what we can say about this product from Germany. Manufacturers specializing in the development of baby food for over 60 years have created a mixture of high quality materials - cumin extracts, fennel oil and maltodextrin.

The drink has a mild pleasant taste, helps to reduce intestinal spasms and colic, reduces gas formation in the intestines. One caveat - it can only be used from the first month of a child's life.

Important! Since lactose is also included in the composition, this tea is categorically contraindicated for babies with intolerance to this substance.

For preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the dry mixture in 100 ml of warm boiled water (up to 37 degrees) and stir well.

Bebivita (Bebivita)

Instant tea, which is available in pale yellow granules, or in sachets. Contains a small percentage of dextrose. It has a pleasant taste and smell, but the shelf life of an open tube is limited (2-3 months). According to the instructions, the proportions are as follows:

  • Babies up to a year need to dissolve 3.75 gr. (1 tsp) in 100 ml of warm water.
  • For older children, the amount increases: 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of liquid.

The average price in pharmacies in St. Petersburg and Moscow is 150 rubles per pack.

Fleur Alpine Organic

Another delicious helper in the fight against colic. One filter bag contains 1.5 g of fennel fruits, there are 20 pieces in the package of such bags. Sugar and other excipients are absent. This tea can be given to a child from the age of one month.

How to brew for newborns: Pour 1 filter bag of fennel tea with a glass of hot water (200 ml) and brew for 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to give crumbs up to 5 months a day more than 50 ml of tea, in the future the amount should be increased to 200 ml.

Attention! Drinks containing fennel, a child under one year old can be drunk daily for 2-3 weeks, after which a break for the same period is required.

The average cost per package is 200 rubles.

Seeing the serene smile of your child is the greatest happiness for parents. Therefore, when faced with adaptation problems in new conditions for the baby, do not panic. Pay attention to the tools that have been tested by time and many generations of dads and moms. Fennel is an indispensable medicinal drug, affordable and safe, for your crumbs.

Children from birth face a lot of problems related to adaptation to the world around them. The world is big and sometimes quite aggressive, and the child's body is not yet strong and needs support. Infant colic, restless sleep are replaced by torment from cutting teeth, then a period of stress begins from attending kindergarten and school, numerous viral infections ... In many situations, fennel tea comes to the aid of parents - a natural remedy that is suitable for children of any age from birth.

What it is

A plant with a beautiful name "fennel" is a pharmacy dill. Not the one that grows in the country, but its close relative, similar, but still a little different. It grows wild in the Caucasus and the Krasnodar Territory, but in other regions it is quite successfully cultivated.

Despite the similarity in appearance, fennel differs from ordinary dill in composition, which determines its widespread use in traditional and folk medicine. And it is rich in essential oils, saturated fatty acids, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, minerals, and this is not a complete list.

Housewives love fennel for its wide use in cooking, women of fashion respect the plant for the use of fennel essential oils in perfumery. Young mothers know that fennel is a real salvation for newborns who suffer from colic.

All parts of the plant, and stems, and roots, and leaves, find their application. However, for medical purposes, only fennel fruits and the oil that is extracted from them are used. Here is just an approximation a list of diseases in which this umbrella plant has an effective effect:

  • ENT diseases(the oil of the fruit is included in the licorice elixir, effective for coughs and in the chest collection).
  • Digestive problems(Fennel is an important component of a laxative collection that can be given to children with constipation. Dill water (this is also a preparation from fennel) helps reduce flatulence, gas formation in the intestines, and therefore is the main medicinal weapon for young mothers with children's colic).
  • Problems with the nervous system(the plant is part of the sedative collections, which are allowed to be given to children with insomnia, sleep disturbance, increased moodiness, neurosis, stress).
  • Skin diseases(Essential oil of fennel fruits is used as a component of external preparations, including home preparations, which relieve irritation, inflammation, soothe the skin and promote rapid healing).

Release form

Fennel tea is a multifaceted concept. It can be a ready-made herbal collection, granulated, in sachets or in the form of dry herbal raw materials for brewing. In the concept of “tea with fennel”, many parents invest in multi-component recipes, which, in addition to a useful umbrella plant, include other equally useful herbs and fruits.

If you do not want to experiment with medicinal plants, you can buy specially prepared raw materials for making drinks for children - "Grandma's Basket", HiPP, Fleur alpine, Bebivita. They differ in price, form of release and only slightly - in composition.

Instructions for use

Grandma's basket

Fennel tea from the Grandmother's basket brand is intended for the smallest - it is given to infants from colic. It will be convenient for parents to prepare such a drink, since it is not Fennel to measure and weigh anything. The raw material is packaged in bags, heavily crushed, resembles a powder, it is only enough to brew it.

In the composition - exclusively fennel seeds and no dyes, flavors, stabilizers and preservatives. In one sachet - 1 g of vegetable raw materials. One sachet requires about 200 ml of water. Do not give too much of this drink. The daily requirement for it is equal to the volume of one feeding. In other words, if a child eats 120 ml at a time, then the amount of drink with fennel should not exceed this figure. The daily amount is divided into several doses.

Children under one year old can drink tea with fennel daily for 2-3 weeks, then you definitely need to take a break for the same period. For children who are already a year old, such a drink is given to improve appetite and digestion, 2-3 tea cups a day.

The price is relatively low - about 90 rubles.

A small excerpt from Dr. Komarovsky's program on the topic of children's colic and whether fennel tea or dill water helps can be viewed below.

Fleur alpine

Fleur alpine tea with fennel contains only fennel fruits, it does not contain sugar or other excipients. The drink is intended for babies from colic and older children for comfortable digestion. One filter bag contains 1.5 g of fennel fruit. Water for this amount requires 200-250 ml. After brewing, the drink is recommended to infuse for 5-10 minutes.

Instructions for use prescribe to give children from 1 month no more than 50 ml of drink per day, six-month-old babies - no more than 100 ml.

The average price of tea in Russia is about 200 rubles per package, which contains 20 filter bags.


As part of the drink "BIO-fennel tea" from HiPP - also only fennel and nothing more. However, manufacturers offer different cooking options. For babies from birth, there is herbal tea bags (30 bags per package). For children from 1 month and older, manufacturers offer a drink from fennel extract (100 gr packaging). Children aged 4 months and older can buy HiPP-200 gr, a granular tea that is easy to dissolve in water. This version of fennel tea contains sucrose.

The recommended daily dose of the drink is 100 ml if the child is 0 to 3 months old. At the age of 3 months to six months, a child can drink 150 ml per day, up to a year - about 200 ml. After a year - 2-4 tea cups per day.

The average cost of tea in the country is about 250 rubles.


Fennel tea from Bebivita can be bought both in brewing bags and in the form of granules that dissolve easily in hot water. In addition to fennel seeds, the composition includes dextrose. Reviews of parents about this tea are ambiguous.

Some mothers complain that children do not like the taste of the drink. Almost all parents note that the instruction for the use of tea is drawn up incorrectly, without an exact indication of the daily dosage. Pediatric practice implies that the amount of drink per day should not exceed 100 ml for a child under 4 months old, and 200 ml for a child up to a year old.

The price of such tea in pharmacies and specialized children's stores is from 150 rubles.

homemade recipes

To make fennel tea at home, you will need about 2 grams of fennel seeds and 250 ml of water. Boiled water should be cooled to 80-90 degrees, pour the seeds of the plant and let it brew in a container under the lid for about 15 minutes. In another container, separately in the same way, you need to brew lemon balm and thyme. It takes about half an hour to infuse these herbs.

Strain the fennel drink and carefully add decoctions of other herbs to a single serving for the child so that the proportions are as follows: for 1 dose of fennel tea - half the dose of thyme and the dose of lemon balm.

This tea is useful for sleep disorders, anxiety, during teething. The baby will sleep better, eat better, while awake it will behave much calmer. Newborns are given tea with fennel without the addition of decoctions of other herbs.

For children from 2 years old with constipation, fennel tea is prepared with the addition of a spoonful of honey, and the concentration of seeds for brewing can be doubled, so the laxative property of fennel will be revealed more fully and will help to cleanse the intestines as soon as possible.

A video on how to properly brew fennel tea can be viewed in the next issue.

  • The first tea intake should be "trial". The child is given a very small amount of the drink to find out if he has an allergic reaction to herbal ingredients. If within a day an inadequate reaction does not appear, tea can be given.
  • It is not advisable for children under 6 months to give multi-component teas, which include more than two plants. This significantly increases the risk of developing allergies.
  • Drinking tea should not be hot or cold. It is better to give the child warm tea, only in this way fennel and other components of the drink can “reveal” the maximum of their beneficial properties.
  • Herbal teas should not be brewed with boiling water. It is better if the temperature of boiled water is about 80 degrees. Fresh tea should be brewed before each use.
  • Herbal tea does not imply constant consumption. Parents must give the child his courses, with breaks.
  • Before you start brewing such a drink for your child, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Fennel has been used as a medicinal herb for many years. Many doctors believed that it was fennel that could restore vision and cure a huge number of various diseases. Today, due to the fact that in appearance, smell and methods of application, fennel resembles anise with dill, then it is used in a similar way. For example, everyone is well aware that tea with dill or fennel is able to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Such tea is able to remove irritation, bloating and, of course, directly improves digestion itself. In women who are breastfeeding, fennel increases the amount of milk. And absolutely all parents without exception, even those who have absolutely no experience, know the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn child. Of course, you can use not only fennel for tea, but the whole plant: infusions, eye lotions, fennel tea for adults and newborns. It is also worth paying attention to this plant for those who want to lose weight, because it is fennel that is able to establish metabolic processes and restore normal intestinal microflora in a short time.

The first fennel tea for newborns

If we talk directly about the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn baby, then many questions may arise about this. Such tea helps to solve a lot of problems that a child may have: it calms the baby's nervous system, it is great if the child has colic. It is worth noting that fennel tea solves the problem of colic much better than any other remedy known today. Of course, this is not all the benefits of this tea, because it also affects the strengthening of the immune system, which is very important for a weak newborn child who needs to grow and strengthen.

It is worth paying special attention to the constituent elements of this healthy tea. As part of fennel tea, there is a huge amount of ascorbic acid, a huge amount of vitamins, carotene, sugar, protein and, of course, many useful trace elements that are simply indispensable in the body of a newborn. The smell of this tea is very gentle and children like it, it can resemble a light sweet smell of anise. Specialists have long noted the fact that newborn babies are very sensitive to smells and may refuse something just because they do not like the smell.

Real baby fennel tea

The most important point in the case of fennel tea is that it contains the prebiotic inulin, which in a short period of time is able to fully improve the performance of the child's digestive system. Special fennel tea for newborns helps calcium to be absorbed normally, and this, accordingly, has a very positive effect on the formation of bones in a child and the proper development of the whole organism of the crumbs.

Since fennel tea contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, it favorably affects the normalization of all processes in the child's body. Due to the fact that the immune system is supported, the child is protected from many diseases and viruses, and accordingly grows healthy and strong. If you buy ready-made fennel tea for children, then you should pay attention to the fact that it does not contain preservatives or dyes. Firstly, they are not needed there, and, secondly, such substances are forbidden to be used in children's products, especially those intended for newborn babies.

Modern fennel teas for newborns

This tea was created with the help of pediatricians and nutritionists. Nipp tea which contains fennel is very useful for newborns. In addition, it has a pleasant smell, which can resemble the smell of anise, a delicate taste that children like very much. There is no sugar in the tea of ​​this brand and it can be given to newborn children within a few days after their birth. Since it does not contain harmful substances and preservatives, it is completely safe. If we talk about the composition of tea, then it contains fennel and dextrose, which will very quickly help you solve all problems with digestion and colic, and also strengthen the child's immunity. Hipp fennel tea in just a few days will become your child's favorite drink, which he will probably not want to change for several more years. In addition, this tea can replace the well-known dill water, because they are identical in their effect on the body. It can even be noted that tea is a more acceptable option for colic.

For the manufacture of tea, only pure and natural extracts of fennel specially grown for this purpose are used. It is also worth noting that estragole in this type of plant, which is used for children's tea, is much less than in ordinary types of fennel. That is why fennel tea becomes an ideal option for a newborn baby. Many parents really like the fact that tea is very practical, quick to prepare. To do this, it is enough to stir a spoonful of the extract in boiled water and you can safely give it to your child. You can store fennel tea after opening for 2-3 months and at the same time it will lose its beneficial properties.

Excellent humana tea with fennel

For many years, people have used fennel and its teas to relieve cramps, colic, and other digestive problems. Humana tea for a newborn child becomes a faithful assistant immediately after birth or from the moment he begins to experience colic. Humana fennel tea was created specifically to solve such problems, and it can also be used as a prevention of dysbacteriosis, which has recently been increasingly bothering newborns.

This tea contains maltodextrin and lactose, and they are responsible for the normal development of bifidobacteria. In addition, humana tea, which contains fennel, is very rich in vitamins and nutrients, which is especially valuable for a newborn. It is worth noting that you can take fennel in any form and it will bring great benefits not only to the body of a newborn baby, but also to an adult.

Healing Hipp Fennel Tea

You can take drinks that contain fennel at any age: from birth to old age. It is worth noting that the beneficial effect on the human body is enhanced several times. If you add other herbs and components to the composition of the drink, and in our case, tea. For example, you can drink tea with fennel and chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, and so on. In winter, such a drink helps to cure a cold very quickly by strengthening the immune system. If you have a dry cough, then fennel tea will be your salvation.

Fennel is very useful for women: it improves the menstrual cycle, activates milk production, and is very useful during the period when a woman begins menopause. At the same time, doctors do not recommend women drink fennel tea during pregnancy, but for this period it can be replaced with any other equally tasty and healthy herbal tea.

Fennel has been used as a medicinal herb for decades. Many doctors are sure that it is thanks to fennel that one can restore vision and cure many diseases. Today, due to the fact that the appearance, methods of application and smell of this herb are similar to dill with anise, they use it in the same way.

Everyone knows that tea, with the addition of fennel and dill, will improve the functioning of the digestive tract, remove bloating, irritation, and improve digestion itself. In lactating women, thanks to fennel, the amount of milk increases. And what is the use of tea with fennel for a newborn child - parents know not only experienced, but also beginners.

If we talk specifically about the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn baby, then many questions can arise here. This tea solves problems well - it will calm the baby’s nervous system and help deal with colic (by the way, fennel “fights” much better than other means of colic), strengthens the baby’s immune system, which is very important for him, because he is still weak, he need to grow and strengthen.

Benefits, Appearance and Ingredients of Tea

In fact, tea with fennel is the same dill water familiar to everyone, which was used as needed by our mothers and grandmothers. But it turns out that today it is quite difficult to buy real dill water. The only exceptions are pharmacies that make prescription drugs. True, this is not always convenient for potential buyers (the pharmacy is far from home, there is no time to go there or some other problems). But dry tea with the addition of fennel extract is available to everyone.

Tea with fennel for a newborn can be either in bags (they are poured with boiling water and insisted for several minutes), or in the form of granules (they are diluted with warm boiled water). And in terms of pharmacological properties, the varieties of products are absolutely identical.

Parents should pay special attention to the constituent elements of tea. And this is no accident, because there is a lot of things necessary for a small organism: useful trace elements, vitamins, protein, ascorbic acid, sugar, carotene. All this will be useful to the little one at the very beginning of his life's journey.

A huge plus of fennel tea is, oddly enough, its smell. It is very gentle, similar to the sweetish light aroma of anise. The kids love it. In the process of ongoing research, experts found that newborn babies are very sensitive to various smells and can refuse something just because they did not like the smell.

How to choose the right tea and decoction dosage?

When a mother chooses this product on the shelves of supermarkets or pharmacies, she should pay attention to the fact that the composition does not contain gluten, artificial colors and flavors and, of course, sucrose. And in some cases, it is more correct to refuse tea, which has lactose in its composition.

Important! The main components of any ready-made tea with fennel for a newborn are the extract of this plant and glucose.

In addition to the fact that the mother knows how to brew fennel and in what form to take it, she needs to understand what dosages can be offered to the newborn.

The main thing is to remember: no matter what choice the mother makes for her little one (dill water, tea or decoction), for the first time only one teaspoon will be enough. Then for a while, observe how the baby feels. If after such a tiny portion no redness has occurred, no rashes have appeared on the skin, you can very carefully increase the portion.

Experts suggest giving babies a teaspoon of dill water three times a day before feeding. If the baby is bottle-fed, the same amount of water can be added to the mixture. This dose will be enough for the first month of a child's life, and then the amount of medicine can be slightly increased - up to 6 teaspoons.

Fennel tea and decoctions prepared in the home kitchen are allowed to be offered to the baby when he is one month old, the dosage should also be minimal.

Fennel and colic: who wins?

Baby colic is not a disease. They do not need to be treated at all, they will slowly go away on their own. Any pediatrician will agree with these words. Pediatrician - yes, but not a minnow. A newborn miracle cannot yet understand that it is enough just to be patient and wait a little. This is why babies cry so often. A mother who does not sleep at night, spending time at her baby's bed, is ready to do everything possible and impossible so that her baby's health becomes at least a little easier.

In this case, a huge problem is that such small crumbs should not be given almost anything that modern pharmacology has to offer. It is in this case that the fennel plant will come to the rescue. Let's figure out what it is and how to give it to kids?

Fennel is a plant that belongs to the umbrella family. The familiar dill lives in the same family. Back in the days of Avicenna and Hippocrates, who successfully used fennel in the treatment of digestive ailments, this plant enjoyed unprecedented popularity. It can be used both in raw and in heat-treated form, moreover, all parts. Fennel has carminative properties, which gives it the ability to relieve colic and bloating in both infants and adults.

Advice to parents! Fennel for newborns is not a prophylactic. Do not give it to a baby who does not have colic. In some cases, there will be no negative consequences. But in others, there may be some addiction to this product, as a result of which the child will become addicted to this product. The consequences will not be very good: the digestion of the crumbs will be carried out without any problems only if he consumes fennel tea.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of young parents to the fact that, on the one hand, this is a useful and harmless plant. But on the other hand, babies should be given it with great care.

Important! Never give teas or decoctions of fennel to a newborn if he has epilepsy or an allergy to this plant.

In order for mommy to understand whether the baby has an allergic reaction or not, for the first time it is necessary to give him a small dose of decoction (about 3-5 ml). If after some time no rashes or redness appear, the baby feels fine, you can gradually increase the dose a little, but do not stop observing the reaction.

We brew fennel for newborns correctly

There are so many ways to brew a medicinal herb to get a healing drink that relieves discomfort in the tummy of a little one. Consider the simplest recipes, thanks to which you can easily get the necessary decoction.

Fennel green tea

Boiling water (200-250 ml) pour one tablespoon of chopped herbs (both dried and fresh will come in handy). Insist for half an hour. Then strain the resulting tea and cool to room temperature. The baby can drink. This tea is added to expressed breast milk or mixture. The main thing to remember is that babies can be offered no more than 50 ml of this herbal tea per day.

Fresh fennel fruit tea

To prepare such a healthy tea, you just need to very finely chop the fennel fruits with a knife. For a glass of boiling water, just a teaspoon of this “tea tea” will be enough.

It is not necessary to make a lot of this tea. It is better to brew a new portion later. After the brewing process, it is necessary that the infusion stand for at least half an hour. Now strain, cool (if necessary) and give the baby a drink. Only 10-15 ml is enough for one feeding.

Prepare an infusion of fennel seeds

Grind one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder. Pour them in a glass of boiling water. Let it stand for thirty minutes. Strain and cool to room temperature. For one feeding, the baby can be given one teaspoon. Kids tolerate this infusion very well and the result can be seen very quickly.

Fennel tea manufacturers: what to choose?

Purchased teas are made taking into account all the needs of the baby's body: they do not contain harmful components, so parents do not need to worry about their naturalness.

Product from "Humana" containing fennel, cumin, fennel fruit oil, lactose and maltodextrin, it is recommended to give babies older than a month old. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the individual intolerance of the child components.

Tea "Bebivita" granular, dissolves quickly. Contains fennel and dextrose. It is offered in a 200-gram jar; it is usually not packaged in bags. Eliminates bloating and intestinal colic in babies.

Tea "Grandma's basket" It is offered in beautiful boxes of 20 sachets each. Suitable even for the smallest consumers (over a month old). Contains only fennel fruit.

So, it is already clear that one of the best natural remedies for intestinal colic in babies is fennel. It just needs to be applied carefully. With the judicious use of fennel for a newborn, you can greatly improve his condition and fully experience the joy of motherhood.
