
Favorite drugs that are killing us. Do you value your life and health? Get rid of these products now! Instant coffee and flavored tea

SLAVES, DO NOT USE THIS POISON! Among the most popular drugs in Russia, sold in pharmacies without a prescription, you can find not only completely useless, but also potentially harmful.


The long-term leader of the Russian pharmaceutical market, Arbidol was developed in the 1960s by the joint efforts of scientists from the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute named after V.I. Ordzhonikidze, Research Institute of Medical Radiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and the Leningrad Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Pasteur. In the 1970s and 80s, the drug received official recognition of its therapeutic effect against acute respiratory diseases of the influenza virus types A and B, however, the results of full-scale clinical trials of arbidol conducted in the USSR (thousands of people, comparative double-blind, placebo-controlled studies) have not been published. Since 1964, the international medical database Medline contains 4 publications devoted to the trials of arbidol. Two of them (2008) describe the studies of L.V. Kolobukhina in three groups of 100 people, according to which the immunomodulator viferon was more effective than arbidol. Another study by T.A. Semenenko in 2005 on 125 patients, found that in the group taking arbidol, antibody titers to influenza grow faster, but significant clinical effects were not described. According to a third study conducted in 2004 in China, arbidol did not help 232 patients with cold symptoms. For comparison: according to the recently popular antiviral drug rimantadine for Lately 26 randomized clinical trials were conducted. “Arbidol remains a little-studied drug,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov, epidemiologist and president of the Society for Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists. - Studies of arbidol do not give grounds to consider it as a drug with a proven treatment efficacy in trials colds, including influenza. The World Health Organization does not consider it as a promising antiviral drug, and the American Food and Drug Administration refused to register arbidol as a drug in the United States. Nevertheless, in Russia, arbidol has long been ranked first in the sales of medicines. It became the undisputed leader in 2006, when Pharmstandard bought the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the drug. Around the same time, Roman Abramovich, whose structures controlled Pharmstandard, transferred control of the enterprise to his associates Viktor Kharitonin and Yegor Kulkov. According to the weekly "Sobesednik" and a number of other media, Kharitonin is on friendly terms with the head of Roszdravnadzor Nikolai Yurgel, as well as the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko and his wife, Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova. Strong state support for Pharmstandard in general and Arbidol in particular is expressed in regular recommendations to take the drug, which come from the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko. In 2006, one of the Pharmstandard plants in the Kursk region was visited by the then President Vladimir Putin, who urged the manufacturers to "produce arbidol in sufficient quantities for all Russians." From 2006 to 2007, Arbidol sales increased by 40%, and since then almost doubled every year. Pharmstandard has long and firmly taken first place in the list of the ten most influential local companies in the world. Russian market- according to Pharmexpert. This year alone, the company won tenders for public procurement of medicines for a total of about 7 billion rubles. (For 1.6 billion, Pharmstandard will sell its own drugs to the state, and for 5.5 billion - imported ones, which it distributes).


Immunomodulator, used to prevent and treat colds and flu

A preparation made using an extract of the liver and heart of a non-existent bird to combat a non-existent microorganism and at the same time does not contain an active substance. During the Spanish flu epidemic in 1919, the French epidemiologist Joseph Roy, using a microscope, discovered some mysterious bacteria in the blood of flu patients, which he called Oscillococci and declared the causative agents of the disease (as well as herpes, cancer, tuberculosis, and even rheumatism). Subsequently, it turned out that the causative agents of influenza are viruses that cannot be seen with an optical microscope, and no one except Rua could see Oscillococci bacteria. When the vaccine made by Rua on the basis of Oscillococcus from the blood of sick people did not work, he, guided by the main principle of homeopathy - to treat like with like, but at much lower dosages, decided to use an extract from the liver of birds - the main hosts of influenza viruses in nature. The same principle is followed modern manufacturers oscillococcinum, which indicate Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum, an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck, as the active substance of the drug. At the same time, firstly, the species Anas Barbariae does not exist in nature, and the ducks used by Rua are called musky and are known in biological nomenclature as Cairina moschata. Secondly, in accordance with Korsakov's homeopathic principle, the extract, according to the manufacturers, is diluted 10^400 times, which implies the absence of even one molecule of the active substance oscillococcinum in any package of the drug (for comparison, the number of atoms in the Universe is 1*10^ 80). Theoretically, all Oscillococcinum sold until the end of time could be made from a single duck liver. “From the point of view of modern science, homeopathic remedies, which include the drug oscillococcinum, do not have proven efficacy, and the lack of evidence of efficacy and safety is a reason for a drug not to be approved for use, not to mention that the manufacturer cannot prove the presence of the claimed components in the preparation,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov, Vice President of the Society for Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists. Nevertheless, in Pharmexpert's 2009 ranking, Oscillococcinum ranks second among the most popular over-the-counter drugs in Russia. According to experts involved in monitoring the Russian market, the main reason for its popularity lies in the active advertising policy of manufacturers and the love of Russian residents for self-treatment. In the homeland of the drug, in France, since 1992, the sale for medical purposes of any products prepared in accordance with Korsakov's homeopathic principle has been prohibited - with the exception of oscillococcinum.


Probiotic, used for dysbacteriosis

The drug Linex was created on the basis of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci and is intended to improve the intestinal flora affected by the use of antihistamines and antibiotics. However, due to manufacturing characteristics, the effectiveness of the drug tends to zero. According to manufacturers, one linex capsule contains 1.2 * 10 ^ 7 live, but lyophilized (that is, vacuum-dried) lactic acid bacteria. Firstly, this number itself is not so large - a comparable amount of bacteria can be obtained by consuming a daily norm of ordinary fermented milk products. Secondly, when shining, that is, vacuum packed the drug into the capsules in which it is marketed, about 99% of the bacteria are likely to die. Finally, a comparative analysis of dry and liquid probiotics shows that in the first, bacteria are extremely passive, so even those of them that managed to survive blistering almost never have time to have a positive effect on immune system person. Preparations of harmless bacteria (probiotics) for colonization of the intestines have been used in European medicine for about a hundred years, thanks to the research of Ilya Mechnikov. “But only recently, for certain drugs in good studies, a beneficial effect was found in the prevention of infections in children,” says Professor Vlasov. - It was the insignificance of the size of the effect that did not allow it to be convincingly detected earlier. In Russia, the popularity of probiotics is unprecedented, as manufacturers skillfully support the bizarre idea of ​​"dysbacteriosis" - a condition of allegedly disturbed intestinal microflora, which is supposedly treated with probiotics.


Digestive agent designed to compensate for the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes

The drug was created on the basis of pancreatin from the pancreas of pigs, which should compensate for the insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas and improve the digestion of food in the intestines. According to the manufacturers, mezim-forte is produced in blisters, the shell of which protects enzymes sensitive to gastric juice and dissolves only in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it releases the pancreatic enzymes included in the preparation - amylase, lipase and proteases, which facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, in 2009, the President of the Association of Employers' Organizations of the Medical and Microbiological Industry of Ukraine, Valeriy Pechaev, stated that a study of the drug, conducted by the laboratory of pharmacological analysis of the SE "State Pharmacological Center" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines, showed its complete inefficiency. According to Pachaev, there is no enteric-soluble shell in mezim-fort, which is why the enzymes are dissolved by acid in the stomach and do not give any effect. Representatives of the Berlin-Chemie company did not deny or confirm this fact, but issued a response statement that said: “There are questions for Valery Pechaev himself. The fact is that Pechaev is, among other things, the general director of the pharmaceutical company Lekhim, which, by the way, produces a competitive drug - pancreatin. “The effect of enzymes on the body has not yet been fully studied,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. - Mezim-forte, as well as pancreatin, is a drug of mass demand, respectively, it suits everyone, which means it does not suit anyone. If a person has a disease - a deficiency of a particular enzyme - he must be treated with a specific enzyme. It cannot be that everyone, without exception, lacks a single enzyme that would immediately help everyone. Experts explain the popularity of mezima-forte, in comparison with analogues, with a massive advertising campaign. At the same time, the famous slogan “indispensable for the stomach” has little to do with reality, because, if mezim-forte works, it is not in the stomach, but in the intestines.


Antitussive drug

The composition of this medicine, which should help with coughing, includes the traditional expectorant substance terpinhydrate, which, on the contrary, can provoke a cough. However, another component of terpincod is of much greater interest - codeine (in one tablet - 8 mg), a narcotic alkaloid of the opium poppy, an analogue of morphine. Like morphine, codeine helps with pain, suppresses coughs and diarrhea, and can cause euphoria, but is about ten times weaker. However, when required quantity from terpinkod you can get the drug desomorphine, which is ten times stronger than morphine. In many countries of the world, codeine-containing drugs are sold exclusively by prescription, and their release is recorded in pharmacy magazines. This was the case with the terpin code in Russia - until 2004, when a new list of prescription drugs was adopted, from which the terpin code was excluded. Availability of the drug in combination with democratic price(about 200 rubles per pack, four such packs are needed for one dose of desomorphine) in the early 2000s made it extremely popular among drug addicts. As a result, for example, in St. Petersburg, since the second half of 2003, terpincod has become the leader in sales - along with hawthorn and viagra. Seizures of desomorphine were reported for the first time on the FSKN website since December 2006, and last year The FSKN withdrew 112 million single doses of the drug from circulation. In 2008, the manufacturer of terpincod, the Pharmstandard company, earned 1.6 billion rubles from the drug. As a source in the Federal Drug Control Service, who wished to remain anonymous, told Esquire, in their opinion, “this drug should be sold only by prescription, but such a decision should be made by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.” October 2010 years will pass meeting of the Federal Drug Control Service with the participation of the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova, at which the issue of prescription sales of codeine-containing drugs will once again be raised, but a source in the committee found it difficult to answer whether the issue would be resolved positively.


Antitussive drug

Like terpincod, codelac is a combined antitussive medicine containing codeine (the same 8 mg), as well as thermopsis powder and licorice root. The instructions for use of the drug say that “codeine has a central antitussive effect, reduces the excitability of the cough center. When used in doses exceeding those recommended, to a lesser extent than morphine, it depresses respiration, inhibits intestinal motility, rarely causes miosis, nausea, and vomiting, but can cause constipation. With long-term use, codeine can cause drug dependence. Like terpincod, codelac serves as a source of raw materials for the preparation of desomorphine and is the subject of disputes between the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. “Such drugs are prohibited in most countries, and their transportation abroad from Russia can lead to imprisonment,” says a professor at the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Pavel Vorobyov. - The volume of sales of drugs containing drugs in our country is monstrous. Not justified even by their possible use for the treatment of those conditions for which these drugs are supposedly intended. The state is doing nothing to reduce this lawlessness. The reasons, in all likelihood, are deductions in favor of officials of funds from this legal drug trade. Back in December 2006, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Cherkesov, claimed that his service was working on a list of potentially dangerous drugs: the order of access to this data bank. However, in 2010, the antitussive drug codelac, like terpincod, is still sold without any restrictions.


Broad spectrum analgesic

One of the most popular domestic drugs, pentalgin, along with other over-the-counter Pharmstandard hits terpincode and codelac, contains codeine, but not only it. This combined analgesic impresses with its versatility and versatility. According to the manufacturers, the components of pentalgin “paracetamol and propyphenazone have an antipyretic, analgesic effect”, “caffeine has a general tonic effect (reduces drowsiness and fatigue, increases mental and physical performance, increases heart rate, increases blood pressure with hypotension)”, "codeine has an analgesic effect and improves pain tolerance", and "phenobarbital has a sedative and antispasmodic effect". According to Professor Pavel Vorobyov, such drugs “are most often used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and not for treatment. In the promotion of such medicines, insufficiently verified and substantiated information is usually used, designed for an illiterate patient. The elimination of symptoms often drives the disease inward, leading to a subsequent deterioration in its course. Manufacturers of such drugs do not conduct well-organized research in order to find evidence, but hypnotize the minds of consumers.

Valocordin / Corvalol

Sedative, used for heart failure

The drug valocordin, which has a hypnotic, vasodilating, sedative and antispasmodic effect, was developed in 1963 in Germany, and Corvalol is an almost complete Soviet analogue. Among other things, these folk remedies from all heart diseases "contain psychotropic components - ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid (about 3%) and phenobarbital (1.12%) - and therefore are completely unknown outside of Eastern Europe, and are completely prohibited for import in the USA. According to Professor Vasily Vlasov, “these drugs are registered as a heart remedy, but they do not treat the heart. The history of the creation of valocordin refers to the times when it was fashionable to treat all diseases with sleep. In fact, both drugs have an exclusively sedative effect, which is extremely pleasant for older people, especially women who are embarrassed to drink a glass of vodka with dinner. The therapeutic effect of drugs has not been proven by any clinical studies. In 2008, corvalol and valocordin began to be withdrawn from free, over-the-counter sales, but public protests forced representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service to declare that valocordin and corvalol, as well as others medical preparations containing a small amount of potent and toxic substances will continue to be sold without prescriptions.


A nootropic that improves metabolism in the brain tissue

The drug for the treatment of patients with impaired functions of the central nervous system, developmental delays, impaired attention, dementia (for example, Alzheimer's syndrome), but in Russia (as well as in China) it is most widely used to treat ischemic stroke. In 2010, Cochrane Collaboration, the most authoritative international organization specializing in summarizing information about evidence-based studies, published a review of the results of randomized clinical trials of cerebrolysin conducted by physicians L. Ziganshina, T. Abakumova, A. Kucheva: “According to our results, none of the 146 examined showed no improvement in the condition when taking the drug ... There is no evidence to confirm the effectiveness of the use of cerebrolysin in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke. IN percentage there was no difference between the number of deaths - 6 out of 78 in the cerebrolysin group versus 6 out of 68 in the placebo group. The condition of the members of the first group did not improve in comparison with the members of the second.


Nootropic drug used to improve metabolic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex

The active substance of nootropil - piracetam - is the basis of about 20 similar drugs on the Russian market, for example, pyratropil, lucetam and a number of drugs, the name of which contains the word "piracetam" itself. This substance is widely used in neurological, psychiatric and narcological practice. The Medline database lists publications from the 1990s on clinical studies, according to which piracetam is moderately effective in the recovery of the patient after a stroke, as well as in the treatment of dementia and dyslexia. However, the results of the randomized multicenter study PASS (Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study) in 2001 showed the lack of efficacy of piracetam in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Information about improving the functioning of the cerebral cortex in healthy people after taking piracetam is also absent. It is currently excluded by the US FDA from the list of drugs and is classified as biologically active additives(BAA). It is not approved for sale in US pharmacies, but it can be ordered online or imported from neighboring Mexico. In 2008, the Formulary Committee of the British Academy of Medical Sciences made a statement that "the results of randomized clinical trials (1990s. - Esquire) on the use of the nootropic drug piracetam were methodologically flawed." However, in some cases, it can help older people with cognitive impairment. People who have used piracetam in combination with LSD and MDMA have claimed that it helps control strong drug effects. In Russia, piracetam is actively used in the therapy of mental functions in children with Down syndrome. However, according to a study conducted in 2006 by a group of scientists led by Nancy Lobeau, piracetam did not confirm its effectiveness in this area: in 18 children with Down syndrome, after a four-month course, cognitive functions remained at the same level, aggression was observed in four cases, and excitability was observed in two , in one - an increased interest in sex, in one - insomnia, in one - lack of appetite. The scientists concluded: "Piracetam has no proven therapeutic effect in improving cognitive function, but has undesirable side effects."


Eye drops for the prevention of glaucoma

The active substance of taufon eye drops - 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid - is present in small amounts in the tissues and bile of animals, including humans. The second name of the acid - taurine - comes from the Latin taurus ("bull"), since it was first obtained by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin from ox bile. Taurine is used both in pharmaceuticals and in Food Industry is a common component of many energy drinks". For medical use taurine is produced in Russia in the form of a 4% aqueous solution called taufon, which is prescribed for adults with dystrophic lesions of the retina, cataracts, glaucoma, and also as a means of stimulating recovery processes in corneal injuries. However, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the drug: according to the database of Roszdravnadzor, there have been no clinical trials of taufon in Russia, and in the international database Medline there is only one publication indicating the connection of taurine with ophthalmology (Thimons J.J., Hansen D., Nolfi J. Understanding taurine and its possible role in ocular health // Optometric Management, April, 2004). Its authors talk about clinical trials of their unique invention - Complete MoisturePlus, a cleaning and moisturizing liquid for contact lenses, made on the basis of taurine. According to the article, taurine “may protect lenses and, accordingly, eyes from dryness that occurs when working at a computer, damage and helps to moisturize it ... However, we cannot yet fully determine the role of taurine in healing the eyes.” Taurine-based drops are not available in Western pharmacies, although they can be ordered from www.alibaba.com in the US.

Timalin / Thymogen

Peptide bioregulator and immunostimulant

The active substance of these drugs is a complex of polypeptides obtained by extraction from the thymus gland (thymus) of cattle. Initially, raw materials for the manufacture of preparations came from the Leningrad Meat Processing Plant. Doctors widely prescribed thymalin (injections) and thymogen (nasal drops) for adults and children as an immunomodulator and biostimulant for conditions and diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in immunity, including burns and frostbite, acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of bones, soft tissues and skin, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, various ulcers, as well as in therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis obliterans, rheumatoid arthritis and for the elimination negative consequences radiation and chemotherapy. The database of medical publications Medline lists 268 articles mentioning thymalin and thymogen (253 in Russian), but none of them contains information about a full (double, blind, randomized) study of the safety and efficacy of these drugs. In 2010, at the congress “Man and Medicine”, a report was heard by a postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Andreeva, who stated that "the effectiveness and necessity of using drugs such as thymogen, thymalin and other immunomodulators, which are widely used in Russian medical practice, have not been proven in clinical studies." According to the specialists of the Institute of Hematology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, "there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of thymalin and thymogen in complex radiation therapy." “The very concept of “lowering immunity” and the possibility of “increasing” it is an ugly simplification of knowledge about the complex system of immunity,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. - None of the "immunity stimulants", like levamisole, thymalin, amixin - there are many of them on the Russian market - has convincing evidence of usefulness, unless, of course, the manufacturer's profit is considered a benefit.


Immunomodulator, used to prevent and treat colds and flu

According to the manufacturers, “the idea of ​​creating a drug known to modern consumers as ingavirin appeared in the early 1980s. After a series of years of efficacy and safety studies, Ingavirin was submitted for registration, which ended in mid-2008.” In fact, according to Professor Vasily Vlasov, the active substance of the drug vitaglutam (dicarbamine) was sold in Russia until 2008 as a hematopoietic stimulant in patients receiving anticancer therapy. In this capacity, the drug has been studied, but convincing evidence of effectiveness has not been obtained. Ingaverin entered the market in 2008 without full-fledged placebo-controlled studies, and after a few months, the so-called epidemic began. swine flu which greatly contributed to its sales. Despite the fact that there is no scientifically substantiated evidence of the effectiveness of ingaverin against influenza, the drug was recommended for use by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. And the chief therapist of the Russian Federation, Alexander Chuchalin, said in an interview with Ogonyok magazine in May 2009: “The activity of the antiviral drug ingavirin is much higher than that of the same American Tamiflu. Our drug easily integrates into the genome of the A/H1N1 virus and quickly destroys it. And other dangerous viruses too.” Chuchalin led the Ingaverin development team.


Thrombolytic, used to treat chronic venous insufficiency, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction

The main function of this "nano-drug" - the dissolution of blood clots - should make it unique means from many diseases circulatory system. Drugs that can dissolve a blood clot and restore blood circulation are usually available in the form of solutions. According to the developers, scientists of the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, thrombovazim is "the world's first thrombolytic in tablets." “It's like a microsurgeon,” says Andrey Artamonov, director of the Siberian Center for Pharmacology and Biotechnology. “He runs through the vessels and eats blood clots without touching healthy tissues, so, firstly, there are no side effects, and secondly, the technology allows us to reduce toxicity dozens of times.” Thrombovasim is made from vegetable raw materials, processing it with an electron beam, and the polymers are combined with biomolecules. The electron beam method, according to physicists, "kills all toxins and microbes", which cannot be achieved with traditional chemical processing. According to the indication "treatment of chronic venous insufficiency", thrombovazim was registered in 2007. According to the database of Roszdravnadzor, the manufacturer was granted permission to conduct clinical trials of the drug's efficacy in acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and retinal thrombosis, but it has not yet been registered for these indications. “The presented material looks doubtful,” says Pavel Vorobyov, deputy chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - A thrombolytic is usually administered intravenously even inside a thrombus, and it is difficult to imagine the absorption of such a substance with the presence of a biochemical target. As well as the fact that the powder from plants irradiated with something receives new supernatural properties. Manufacturers, without waiting for registration, released thrombovazim to the market quite a long time ago - as the basis of the DNI dietary supplement.

Our houses are full of rubbish that we don't even use. Often these things include dangerous for humans. toxic substances which can be very harmful to your health. To help you clear your house of harmful products and materials, we have compiled a list of things that should be immediately thrown out of your home.

The things that are killing us

  1. Vinyl

    Vinyl or PVC is banned in 14 countries and the European Union. This material contains phthalates and lead that are harmful to your health. PVC can be smell tested for these substances. For example, when opening a new shower curtain, smell it. If it contains harmful substances, it will have a very unpleasant specific smell.

  2. Perfumery

    Synthetic fragrances found in air fresheners, perfumes and cosmetics can trigger asthma. Although most perfume recipes are kept secret, they all contain diethyl phthalate, which is absorbed into our skin and harms our health.

  3. Pesticides

    Much has been written and said about the dangers of pesticides. These substances are very toxic, because they kill pests, which means that they can greatly harm a person.

  4. Cleaners

    We try to remove dirt from the stove, floor and toilet with cleaning products, but do not realize that we are soiling them even more with even more harmful and harsh chemicals. Most cleaning products can be very harmful to your skin and eyes.

  5. canned food

    Stop eating them! Most cans are made with BPA, which can lead to heart disease, obesity, depression, and even cancer.

  6. Lipstick

    Some cosmetics lead is included, which can greatly harm women, especially if they are pregnant.

  7. non-stick cookware

    Throw her out of your kitchen immediately. Substances that are part of non-stick coatings can lead to infertility or even cause cancer.

  8. Water in plastic bottles

    The world drinks millions of liters of water from plastic containers weekly. People use it thinking that it does not contain microbes that can be in tap water. But, in contact with plastic, water becomes dangerous to your health.

  9. Triclosan

    This antibacterial agent is found in soaps, toothpaste, deodorants, and more. But it can be more than just beneficial. Studies show that it can harm the immune system and lead to the development of allergies.

  10. Oil paints

    There are over 300 toxic chemicals in oil paint. Replace them with water-based paints.

It is assumed that the food that a person consumes daily not only gives a person strength, but also maintains his health at the proper level. But in fact, sometimes even products with a good reputation slowly kill a person by poisoning the body. In this review, the "ten" everyday products which should be avoided.

1. Glaze

This is really bad news for cake lovers, but delicious icing is just deadly for the body. Everyone knows that sugar is bad for health, but at the same time they don’t even suspect that there is actually more sugar in the icing than what everyone puts in tea.

Not surprisingly, immediately after eating the glaze, blood sugar levels soar somewhere in the sky, and cholesterol levels decrease. It can also lead to obesity. Therefore, it is worth considering once again whether it is worth using pastries with icing.

2. Bar "Mars"

Mars is one of the most famous "unhealthy" bars, as it contains over 1,200 calories. Experts say that these chocolates actually increase the risk of stroke immediately within minutes of eating them by reducing blood flow to the brain. They are insanely unhealthy, so you should switch to dark chocolate.

3. Foie gras

For those who next time come to the chic french restaurant to enjoy foie gras, you should at least know how this dish is made. This in a special way cooked "fatty liver" duck or goose. The bird is first locked in a cramped cage so that it does not move at all, and is force-fed by inserting a tube down its throat, through which a huge amount of food is pushed straight down the throat every day.

This leads to the extreme stage of fatty liver in the duck, after which it is slaughtered. Not only is the production technology simply barbaric, but also the final product is frankly unhealthy.

4. Bitter almond

Because of potential danger this product, it is prohibited to buy or sell it in New Zealand. Even a minimal dose of bitter almonds can be fatal, especially for children, because it contains cyanide. Fortunately, it is the sweet variety of almonds that is much more common on the market.

5. Palm oil

Although rarely seen in the supermarket Palm oil commercially available, it is found in a variety of edibles such as margarine, soups, cooking oils, crackers, baked goods, and even Nutella. Moreover, the notorious Nutella contains not only palm oil, but also saturated fats, which are extremely harmful to the human body.

The main danger of this oil is that oil palm plantations lead to catastrophic environmental problems, since the plantations of these plants require a huge amount of space, which leads to deforestation and the extinction of some species.

6. Green potatoes

Potatoes are generally safe if eaten properly, but when they turn green, it's best to stay away from them. Green potatoes produce a glyco-alkaloid called solanine, which is a natural poison to humans and animals. A man of average weight would need to eat less than a pound of toxic green potatoes to get sick.

7 Microwave Popcorn

Heated popcorn contains perfluorooctane, which is carcinogenic (causes cancer). One study even found cancer-causing acid in microwave popcorn. Some brands even contain a chemical called diacetyl. The results of these studies have led many people to stop eating microwave popcorn.

8. Salt

The survey showed that 95 percent of restaurants use table salt. This product contains more than 80 elements that are essential for the human body. But when the salt is processed at 650 degrees Celsius, it loses all those minerals. Worse still, these lost minerals are then replaced by potentially dangerous levels of potassium iodide.

Studies have shown that table salt causes an increase in blood pressure as the heart tries to remove the resulting toxins from the body. It can also cause significant kidney, thyroid, and liver problems. It will be much more useful to use natural salt.

9. Food with artificial colors

Unfortunately, all brightly colored candies and jellies fall into this category. People are so accustomed to eating this that since 1955 the level of consumption of food with artificial colors has increased 5 times. Not surprisingly, scientists began to see the consequences of this. Blue dyes found in candy and drinks have been linked to brain tumors and DNA damage.

Green dyes cause bladder tumors, red dyes cause tumors of the lymph nodes and the thyroid gland, and yellow dye can cause almost all of the above diseases, as well as asthma, insomnia and unmotivated aggression.

10. Stale rice

Most people don't even realize what's in store for them when they finish eating leftover rice from the previous day. If you leave cooked rice overnight room temperature, Bacillus Cereus bacteria will multiply in it, producing toxins that can cause convulsions, diarrhea and vomiting. And the longer the cooked rice lies, the worse it gets.

PEOPLE, DO NOT USE THIS POISON! Among the most popular drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription, you can find not only completely useless, but also potentially harmful.

Immunomodulator, used to prevent and treat colds and flu.

The long-term leader of the Russian pharmaceutical market, Arbidol was developed in the 1960s by the joint efforts of scientists from the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute named after V.I. Ordzhonikidze, Research Institute of Medical Radiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and the Leningrad Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Pasteur. In the 1970s and 80s, the drug received official recognition of its therapeutic effect against acute respiratory diseases of the influenza virus types A and B, however, the results of full-scale clinical trials of arbidol conducted in the USSR (thousands of people, comparative double-blind placebo-controlled studies) did not have been published. Since 1964, the international medical database Medline contains 4 publications devoted to the trials of arbidol. Two of them (2008) describe the studies of L.V. Kolobukhina in three groups of 100 people, according to which the immunomodulator viferon was more effective than arbidol. Another study by T.A. Semenenko in 2005 on 125 patients, found that in the group taking arbidol, antibody titers to influenza grow faster, but significant clinical effects were not described. According to a third study conducted in 2004 in China, arbidol did not help 232 patients with cold symptoms. For comparison, 26 randomized clinical trials have recently been conducted on the recently popular antiviral drug rimantadine. “Arbidol remains a little-studied drug,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov, epidemiologist and president of the Society for Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists. “Studies of arbidol do not give grounds to consider it as a drug with proven efficacy in the treatment of colds, including influenza.” The World Health Organization does not consider it as a promising antiviral drug, and the American Food and Drug Administration refused to register arbidol as a drug in the United States. Nevertheless, in Russia, arbidol has long been ranked first in the sales of medicines. It became the undisputed leader in 2006, when Pharmstandard bought the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the drug. Around the same time, Roman Abramovich, whose structures controlled Pharmstandard, transferred control of the enterprise to his associates Viktor Kharitonin and Yegor Kulkov. According to the weekly "Sobesednik" and a number of other media, Kharitonin is on friendly terms with the head of Roszdravnadzor Nikolai Yurgel, as well as the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko and his wife, Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova. Strong state support for Pharmstandard in general and Arbidol in particular is expressed in regular recommendations to take the drug, which come from the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko. In 2006, one of the Pharmstandard plants in the Kursk region was visited by the then President Vladimir Putin, who urged the manufacturers to "produce arbidol in sufficient quantities for all Russians." From 2006 to 2007, Arbidol sales increased by 40%, and since then almost doubled every year. According to Pharmexpert, Pharmstandard has long and firmly taken first place in the list of the ten most influential local companies in the Russian market. This year alone, the company won tenders for public procurement of medicines for a total of about 7 billion rubles. (For 1.6 billion, Pharmstandard will sell its own drugs to the state, and for 5.5 billion - imported ones, which it distributes).

Probiotic, used for dysbacteriosis

The drug Linex was created on the basis of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci and is intended to improve the intestinal flora affected by the use of antihistamines and antibiotics. However, due to manufacturing characteristics, the effectiveness of the drug tends to zero. According to manufacturers, one linex capsule contains 1.2 * 10 ^ 7 live, but lyophilized (that is, vacuum-dried) lactic acid bacteria. Firstly, this number itself is not so large - a comparable amount of bacteria can be obtained by consuming a daily norm of ordinary fermented milk products. Secondly, when blisting, that is, vacuum packaging of the drug into capsules in which it goes on sale, about 99% of bacteria are likely to die. Finally, a comparative analysis of dry and liquid probiotics shows that in the former, bacteria are extremely passive, so even those that managed to survive blistering almost never have time to have a positive effect on the human immune system. Preparations of harmless bacteria (probiotics) for colonization of the intestines have been used in European medicine for about a hundred years, thanks to the research of Ilya Mechnikov. “But only recently, for certain drugs in good studies, a beneficial effect was found in the prevention of infections in children,” says Professor Vlasov. - It was the insignificance of the size of the effect that did not allow it to be convincingly detected earlier. In Russia, the popularity of probiotics is unprecedented, as manufacturers skillfully support the bizarre idea of ​​"dysbacteriosis" - a condition of allegedly disturbed intestinal microflora, which is supposedly treated with probiotics.

Antitussive drug

The composition of this medicine, which should help with coughing, includes the traditional expectorant substance terpinhydrate, which, on the contrary, can provoke a cough. However, another component of terpincod is of much greater interest - codeine (in one tablet - 8 mg), a narcotic alkaloid of the opium poppy, an analogue of morphine. Like morphine, codeine helps with pain, suppresses coughs and diarrhea, and can cause euphoria, but is about ten times weaker. However, with the required amount, the drug desomorphine can be obtained from terpincod, which is ten times stronger than morphine. In many countries of the world, codeine-containing drugs are sold exclusively by prescription, and their release is recorded in pharmacy magazines. This was the case with the terpin code in Russia - until 2004, when a new list of prescription drugs was adopted, from which the terpin code was excluded. The availability of the drug, combined with a reasonable price (about 200 rubles per pack, four such packs are needed for one dose of desomorphine) in the early 2000s made it extremely popular among drug addicts. As a result, for example, in St. Petersburg, since the second half of 2003, terpincod has become the leader in sales - along with hawthorn and viagra. Seizures of desomorphine first appeared on the FSKN website in December 2011, and last year the FSKN seized 112 million single doses of the drug from circulation. In 2013, the manufacturer of terpincod, the Pharmstandard company, earned 1.6 billion rubles from the drug. As a source in the Federal Drug Control Service, who wished to remain anonymous, told Esquire, in their opinion, “this drug should be sold only by prescription, but such a decision should be made by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.” In October 2014, a meeting of the Federal Drug Control Service with the participation of the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova will be held, at which the issue of the prescription sale of codeine-containing drugs will once again be raised, but a source in the committee found it difficult to answer whether the issue would be resolved positively.

Antitussive drug

Like terpincod, codelac is a combined antitussive medicine containing codeine (the same 8 mg), as well as thermopsis powder and licorice root. The instructions for use of the drug say that “codeine has a central antitussive effect, reduces the excitability of the cough center. When used in doses exceeding those recommended, to a lesser extent than morphine, it depresses respiration, inhibits intestinal motility, rarely causes miosis, nausea, and vomiting, but can cause constipation. With long-term use, codeine can cause drug dependence. Like terpincod, codelac serves as a source of raw materials for the preparation of desomorphine and is the subject of disputes between the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. “Such drugs are prohibited in most countries, and their transportation abroad from Russia can lead to imprisonment,” says a professor at the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Deputy Chairman of the Formulary Committee at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Pavel Vorobyov. - The volume of sales of drugs containing drugs in our country is monstrous. Not justified even by their possible use for the treatment of those conditions for which these drugs are supposedly intended. The state is doing nothing to reduce this lawlessness. The reasons, in all likelihood, are deductions in favor of officials of funds from this legal drug trade. Back in December 2006, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Cherkesov, claimed that his service was working on a list of potentially dangerous drugs: the order of access to this data bank. However, since 2013, the antitussive drug codelac, like terpincod, is still sold without any restrictions.

Broad spectrum analgesic

One of the most popular domestic drugs, pentalgin, along with other over-the-counter Pharmstandard hits terpincode and codelac, contains codeine, but not only it. This combined analgesic impresses with its versatility and versatility. According to the manufacturers, the components of pentalgin “paracetamol and propyphenazone have an antipyretic, analgesic effect”, “caffeine has a general tonic effect (reduces drowsiness and fatigue, increases mental and physical performance, increases heart rate, increases blood pressure with hypotension)”, "codeine has an analgesic effect and improves pain tolerance", and "phenobarbital has a sedative and antispasmodic effect". According to Professor Pavel Vorobyov, such drugs “are most often used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and not for treatment. In the promotion of such medicines, insufficiently verified and substantiated information is usually used, designed for an illiterate patient. The elimination of symptoms often drives the disease inward, leading to a subsequent deterioration in its course. Manufacturers of such drugs do not conduct well-organized research in order to find evidence, but hypnotize the minds of consumers.

Sedative, used for heart failure

The drug valocordin, which has a hypnotic, vasodilating, sedative and antispasmodic effect, was developed in 1963 in Germany, and Corvalol is an almost complete Soviet analogue. Among other things, these "folk remedies for all heart diseases" contain psychotropic components - ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid (about 3%) and phenobarbital (1.12%) - and therefore are completely unknown outside of Eastern Europe, and are completely prohibited in the USA. to import. According to Professor Vasily Vlasov, “these drugs are registered as a heart remedy, but they do not treat the heart. The history of the creation of valocordin refers to the times when it was fashionable to treat all diseases with sleep. In fact, both drugs have an exclusively sedative effect, which is extremely pleasant for older people, especially women who are embarrassed to drink a glass of vodka with dinner. The therapeutic effect of drugs has not been proven by any clinical studies. In 2008, corvalol and valocordin began to be withdrawn from free, over-the-counter sales, but public protests forced representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service to declare that valocordin and corvalol, as well as other medicines containing a small amount of potent and toxic substances, would be subject to still sold without prescriptions.

A nootropic that improves metabolism in the brain tissue

A drug for the treatment of patients with impaired functions of the central nervous system, developmental delays, impaired attention, dementia (for example, Alzheimer's syndrome), but in Russia (as well as in China) it is most widely used to treat ischemic stroke. In 2010, Cochrane Collaboration, the most authoritative international organization specializing in summarizing information about evidence-based studies, published a review of the results of randomized clinical trials of cerebrolysin conducted by physicians L. Ziganshina, T. Abakumova, A. Kucheva: “According to our results, none of the 146 examined showed no improvement in the condition when taking the drug ... There is no evidence to confirm the effectiveness of the use of cerebrolysin in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke. In percentage terms, there was no difference between the number of deaths - 6 out of 78 in the Cerebrolysin group versus 6 out of 68 in the placebo group. The condition of the members of the first group did not improve in comparison with the members of the second.

Nootropic drug used to improve metabolic processes occurring in the cerebral cortex

The active substance of nootropil - piracetam - is the basis of about 20 similar drugs on the Russian market, for example, pyratropil, lucetam and a number of drugs, the name of which contains the word "piracetam" itself. This substance is widely used in neurological, psychiatric and narcological practice. The Medline database lists publications from the 1990s on clinical studies, according to which piracetam is moderately effective in the recovery of the patient after a stroke, as well as in the treatment of dementia and dyslexia. However, the results of the randomized multicenter study PASS (Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study) in 2001 showed the lack of efficacy of piracetam in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. There is also no information on the improvement of the functioning of the cerebral cortex in healthy people after taking piracetam. Currently, it is excluded by the US FDA from the list of medicines and is classified as a dietary supplement (BAA). It is not approved for sale in US pharmacies, but it can be ordered online or imported from neighboring Mexico. In 2008, the Formulary Committee of the British Academy of Medical Sciences made a statement that "the results of randomized clinical trials (1990s. - Esquire) on the use of the nootropic drug piracetam were methodologically flawed." However, in some cases, it can help older people with cognitive impairment. People who have used piracetam in combination with LSD and MDMA have claimed that it helps control strong drug effects. In Russia, piracetam is actively used in the therapy of mental functions in children with Down syndrome. However, according to a study conducted in 2006 by a group of scientists led by Nancy Lobeau, piracetam did not confirm its effectiveness in this area: in 18 children with Down syndrome, after a four-month course, cognitive functions remained at the same level, aggression was observed in four cases, and excitability was observed in two , in one - an increased interest in sex, in one - insomnia, in one - lack of appetite. The scientists concluded: "Piracetam has no proven therapeutic effect in improving cognitive function, but has undesirable side effects."

Eye drops for the prevention of glaucoma

The active substance of taufon eye drops - 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid - is present in small amounts in the tissues and bile of animals, including humans. The second name of the acid - taurine - comes from the Latin taurus ("bull"), since it was first obtained by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin from ox bile. Taurine is used in both the pharmaceutical and food industries - it is a common ingredient in many "energy drinks". For medical use, taurine is produced in Russia in the form of a 4% aqueous solution called taufon, which is prescribed for adults with dystrophic lesions of the retina, cataracts, glaucoma, and also as a means of stimulating recovery processes in corneal injuries. However, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the drug: according to the database of Roszdravnadzor, there have been no clinical trials of taufon in Russia, and in the international database Medline there is only one publication indicating the connection of taurine with ophthalmology (Thimons J.J., Hansen D., Nolfi J. Understanding taurine and its possible role in ocular health // Optometric Management, April, 2004). Its authors talk about clinical trials of their unique invention - Complete MoisturePlus, a cleaning and moisturizing liquid for contact lenses, made on the basis of taurine. According to the article, taurine “may protect lenses and, accordingly, eyes from dryness that occurs when working at a computer, damage and helps to moisturize it ... However, we cannot yet fully determine the role of taurine in healing the eyes.” Taurine-based drops are not available in Western pharmacies, although they can be ordered online in the US.

Peptide bioregulator and immunostimulant

The active substance of these drugs is a complex of polypeptides obtained by extraction from the thymus gland (thymus) of cattle. Initially, raw materials for the manufacture of preparations came from the Leningrad Meat Processing Plant. Doctors widely prescribed thymalin (injections) and thymogen (nasal drops) for adults and children as an immunomodulator and biostimulant for conditions and diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in immunity, including burns and frostbite, acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of bones, soft tissues and skin, acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, various ulcers, as well as in therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis obliterans, rheumatoid arthritis and to eliminate the negative effects of radiation and chemotherapy. The database of medical publications Medline lists 268 articles mentioning thymalin and thymogen (253 in Russian), but none of them contains information about a full (double, blind, randomized) study of the safety and efficacy of these drugs. In 2010, at the congress “Man and Medicine”, a report was heard by a postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Andreeva, who stated that "the effectiveness and necessity of using drugs such as thymogen, thymalin and other immunomodulators, which are widely used in Russian medical practice, have not been proven in clinical studies." According to the specialists of the Institute of Hematology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, "there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the use of thymalin and thymogen in complex radiation therapy." “The very concept of “lowering immunity” and the possibility of “increasing” it is an ugly simplification of knowledge about the complex system of immunity,” says Professor Vasily Vlasov. - None of the "immunity stimulants", like levamisole, thymalin, amixin - there are many of them on the Russian market - has convincing evidence of usefulness, unless, of course, the manufacturer's profit is considered a benefit.

Immunomodulator, used to prevent and treat colds and flu

According to the manufacturers, “the idea of ​​creating a drug known to modern consumers as ingavirin appeared in the early 1980s. After a series of years of efficacy and safety studies, Ingavirin was submitted for registration, which ended in mid-2008.” In fact, according to Professor Vasily Vlasov, the active substance of the drug vitaglutam (dicarbamine) was sold in Russia until 2008 as a hematopoietic stimulant in patients receiving anticancer therapy. In this capacity, the drug has been studied, but convincing evidence of effectiveness has not been obtained. Ingaverin entered the market in 2008 without full-fledged placebo-controlled studies, and a few months later the so-called swine flu epidemic began, which greatly contributed to its sales. Despite the fact that there is no scientifically substantiated evidence of the effectiveness of ingaverin against influenza, the drug was recommended for use by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. And the chief therapist of the Russian Federation, Alexander Chuchalin, said in an interview with Ogonyok magazine in May 2013: “The activity of the antiviral drug ingavirin is much higher than that of the same American Tamiflu. Our drug easily integrates into the genome of the A/H1N1 virus and quickly destroys it. And other dangerous viruses too.” Chuchalin led the Ingaverin development team.

Thrombolytic, used to treat chronic venous insufficiency, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction

The main function of this "nano-drug" - the dissolution of blood clots - should make it a unique remedy for many diseases of the circulatory system. Drugs that can dissolve a blood clot and restore blood circulation are usually available in the form of solutions. According to the developers, scientists of the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, thrombovazim is "the world's first thrombolytic in tablets." “It's like a microsurgeon,” says Andrey Artamonov, director of the Siberian Center for Pharmacology and Biotechnology. “He runs through the vessels and eats blood clots without touching healthy tissues, so, firstly, there are no side effects, and secondly, the technology allows us to reduce toxicity dozens of times.” Thrombovasim is made from vegetable raw materials, processing it with an electron beam, and the polymers are combined with biomolecules. The electron beam method, according to physicists, "kills all toxins and microbes", which cannot be achieved with traditional chemical processing. According to the indication "treatment of chronic venous insufficiency", thrombovazim was registered in 2007. According to the database of Roszdravnadzor, the manufacturer was granted permission to conduct clinical trials of the drug's efficacy in acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction and retinal thrombosis, but it has not yet been registered for these indications. “The presented material looks doubtful,” says Pavel Vorobyov, deputy chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - A thrombolytic is usually administered intravenously even inside a thrombus, and it is difficult to imagine the absorption of such a substance with the presence of a biochemical target. As well as the fact that the powder from plants irradiated with something receives new supernatural properties. Manufacturers, without waiting for registration, released thrombovazim to the market quite a long time ago - as the basis of the DNI dietary supplement.

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    The whole world remembers the scandals when hundreds and even thousands of people suffered as a result of taking completely untested drugs. But few people are concerned that doctors still treat Russians with some of these dangerous drugs...

    Recently, new drugs appear on the market in unimaginable quantities both here and abroad. And more and more often it happens that widely advertised drugs, without passing all the necessary checks, bring patients not relief, but new misfortunes. Scandals related to the serious side effects of drugs that were declared a panacea for certain ailments regularly shake the foreign press and lead to noisy courts and huge compensations to the victims.

    However, in Russia in this regard - peace and quiet. Drugs that have long been discontinued in the West are quietly sold in our country. Doctors, for a small cash “weld” from pharmaceutical companies, write out prescriptions for completely new drugs that have not been clinically tested or those that have long been blacklisted.

    Strict control over this process, unfortunately, simply does not exist.

    Today we are starting to explore this literally sore subject and, to begin with, we will present you with an overview of the noisy scandals that erupted around harmful drugs in other countries where the drug industry is controlled, unlike us, more strictly ...

    sad chronicle

    1937 United States - 100 people died while taking the "elixir of sulfanilamide" ( antibacterial drug discovered before antibiotics).

    Sulfonamides are insoluble in water, and to make it easier for children to take them, chemists began to dissolve them in ethylene glycol (today it is known that this substance is poisonous, it is part of antifreeze and brake fluid). From now on everything medications tested for toxicity.

    1959 - 1962 Australia, European countries, the USA - more than 10,000 children with terrible deformities were born to mothers who took the sleeping pill thalidomide. The toxicity of this drug before being put on the market was tested only on mice (later it turned out that thalidomide is simply not absorbed in mice). Soon children without limbs began to be born. For the deformity to occur, it was enough just one pill taken by a woman in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

    1960 - 1967 England, New Zealand, Australia - Several thousand children with bronchial asthma have died from the use of isoproterenol aerosol. The drug was not toxic, but the dosage was too high for the child's body.

    1962 Europe and USA - MER-29 (a drug that lowers blood cholesterol) caused cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye). The drug was quickly removed from the market.

    1971 - 1986 USA - The drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) was developed, which was believed to help bear children. Soon girls began to be born (the exact number is unknown, over 380 cases in Boston alone), who were found to have a rare type of vaginal cancer. Previously, this disease in young women did not occur. The drug was taken out of production only in 1998.

    We managed to find out that some gynecologists in Russia still prescribe DES to women with a threatened miscarriage!

    1980s United States - Flecainide, a drug developed for the treatment of coronary heart disease, entered the market. In 1989, they began to investigate the effect, and it turned out that people who were prescribed it died more often than those who were not treated at all. By that time, flecainide controlled 20% of the antiarrhythmic drug market ... More people died than during the Korean War.

    An analogue of flecainide - ethmozine (it was tested in the same study under the name moricisin) - was developed in the USSR.

    These drugs are still used (including in Russia), however, they are officially allowed only for "life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias."

    Late 90s. USA - as a result of taking the drug "for weight loss" called Fen-Phen (Fen-Phen), from 360 to 720 thousand people suffered. Studies have shown that the drug increases the risk of damage to the heart valves.

    Today, the hair dryer continues to be actively advertised and sold over the Internet, although it is officially banned. Moreover, one of the two active components of fen-fen - fenfluramine - is part of many "complexes for weight loss" freely sold in pharmacies, which means that it affects the interests of the vast majority of our fellow citizens!

    2004 The aspirin substitute Viox (international name - rofecocosib) was withdrawn from the world market, which is prescribed for osteoarthritis, various pains (including painful periods) ... increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack. In Russia, this drug was also sold, but was withdrawn in time.

    The Shocking Truth About Prozac

    The introduction of Prozac (“the latest generation antidepressant”) to the American pharmaceutical market in the late 80s made a splash: “Finally, we have learned how to treat depression!”

    Indeed, a person who has taken a Prozac pill simply radiates happiness - depression is gone.

    The drug also helped those who were on a diet, quit smoking; it was also prescribed for insomnia, fears, stress, loss of strength ... It got to the point that in the USA they began to prescribe the medicine to children and freely sell it in pharmacies. In 12 years of Prozac sales (according to official information), 38 million people took it.

    And only in the late 90s a scandal broke out: it turned out that the “miraculous” Prozac was not at all harmless. In four out of a hundred people, the drug caused attacks of unmotivated aggression, especially in children. Surely everyone remembers the wave of juvenile delinquency in the States - according to the reports of American journalists. Teenagers shot teachers, classmates and then committed suicide. Journalists "New York Times"found out that all these teenagers" sat "on Prozac ...

    Independent clinical trials have shown that those who take "happiness pills" have a chance of committing suicide almost 2 times higher! Restrictions on the appointment of Prozac ("black mark") were introduced only last year - for scientifically proven ability to cause suicide in children. In May of this year, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study that linked Prozac and similar drugs to problems in newborns. One in a hundred babies develop serious breathing problems if the mother took the drug in the last trimester of pregnancy...

    Scary? And now hold on: you can easily buy Prozac in any Russian pharmacy (its other names are Prodep or Fluoxetine). Or in an online pharmacy - then they will deliver it to your home ...

    Do you want to buy harmful drugs? No problem!

    I call the help desk of the pharmacy:

    I would like to buy Prozac, girl, these pills calm me down a lot ...

    Wait a second... Whose production do you want: England, Russia, Switzerland?

    I want more and cheaper!

    Then take domestic ones - for only 307 rubles ... Which metro is closer to you? "Savelovskaya"? Write down the phone number.

    Are there many side effects of Prozac?

    Well... (reads) ...convulsions, anorexia, anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbances, visual disturbances, sweating, chills...

    Oh, that's enough... Are you sure I'll survive at all?

    Woman! This drug has been clinically tested and is safe for human health and life. Best wishes!

    The search for other drugs also did not take much time - polite operators confirmed their availability in the pharmacies closest to me. They called a price. No one mentioned a prescription, although one is needed to buy these medicines.

    As it turned out later, the absence of a prescription is not a decisive factor when buying at a pharmacy - you just need to beg a little from good pharmacists, and the right medicine in your hands. After all, these drugs are not narcotic substances ...

    We thank Professor Svyatoslav PLAVINSKY for the provided documentary data. Conclusion about negative impact on the health of all listed drugs issued by the FDA food products USA). Research on the dangerous effects of Prozac is also published this year in the British Medical Journal.


    There is an official website of the US National Library of Medicine - PubMed (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) on the Internet, which is used by all physicians in the civilized world. There are 15 million scientific articles published since 1950!

    Just enter the name of the drug or its active ingredient and in five minutes you will find out if this medicine is useful, harmful or useless. It is also harmless to look here for patients and check what you have been prescribed. After all, an English-Russian dictionary costs less than a tombstone.

    Why is the Ministry of Health silent?

    So the situation is unprecedented. Doctors unanimously admit that in our country there is no real supervision over the production and sale of medicines, and clinical trials are practically not conducted. And if the situation does not change, then, no doubt, thousands more people will suffer. Then why is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Roszdravnadzor in particular calm about the sale of unsafe drugs to Russians? Komsomolskaya Pravda sent a corresponding request to these departments on April 25. In response to persistent calls from our correspondent in high departments, they annoyedly remarked: wait, you will be answered. We are still waiting...

    Evgeny SHAPOSHNIKOV, psychiatrist, MD, professor at the Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors of the Ministry of Health and Social Development:

    Prozac is a very "trendy" drug today, especially among pharmaceutical-engineered doctors. This is an effective drug, but it must be used very carefully and competently, combined with other drugs and only after careful psychoanalysis, and not prescribed left and right. For example, in a suicidal person, it can improve mood, cause a state of indifference and help realize a suppressed desire to commit suicide. The same with unmotivated aggression - Prozac removes the superficial aggressive state and raises the suppressed deep, much more powerful. That is why Prozac should be prescribed in combination, so that there are no such dangerous effects and withdrawal syndrome.

    In general, according to my observations, today at least 30-40% of Russian psychiatrists and psychotherapists use drugs illiterately ...

    Alexander ALTUNIN, Doctor of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist of the medical and psychological center "Neuron":

    There are no good and bad medicines, there are right and wrong prescribed. I know that Prozac is effective for mild depression, and our Russian patients usually come with advanced forms of the disease. And of course I'm aware of side effects this drug and do not prescribe it to my patients. However, I do not think that other doctors adhere to the same rule - the practice of "surcharge" by pharmaceutical companies is too wide. For example, representatives of companies often call me, but I do not conclude any contracts and prescribe to patients only medicines that have been tested by time and practice.


    According to the observations of the doctors themselves, today at least 30-40% of Russian psychiatrists and psychotherapists use drugs illiterately and irresponsibly ...
