
Ecoproducts: world quality standards and prospects for the development of the Russian market. Eco, organic, bio: what does the label on organic products mean?

Environmentally friendly products- those products in which the content of harmful substances is less than in ordinary "standard" products, corresponding in quality to the necessary regulatory documents, in particular MPC.

Environmentally friendly product - one that is obtained in a clean area without the additional use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides and other man-made impacts; or it is a product obtained from natural raw materials using modern technology, which ensures minimal ingress of other substances into the product, practically free of foreign inclusions.

Environmentally friendly (natural) products are crops without chemical fertilizers, without pesticides, these are animals fed with grain and grass grown without chemical additives.

They are formulated without the use of genetically modified organisms, synthetic preservatives, artificial flavors and flavor enhancers, and their raw materials are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pest and weed control agents, hormones and antibiotics. The internal structure of organic products is not destroyed by chemical additives and harsh processing methods, so their taste is natural.

    A fresh organic product contains on average 50% more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other microorganisms than a traditionally grown product.

    Ecological fruits and vegetables are juicy and fragrant. These products have a rich natural taste without chemical impurities - a taste that takes you back to childhood.

    The ecological product is not covered with a layer of chemicals and does not shine from wax. On average, a standard grown apple has 20-30 known poisons on its skin. It is almost impossible to wash off the wax layer, and the unpleasant aftertaste will still remain.

    Ecological products are useful not only for ourselves. Many of the chemicals found in traditional foods can accumulate over time in a woman's body and be passed on to her unborn children. And the child's immune system does not protect him from those poisons that adults can consume every day. Don't be selfish

Ecological or bio-products are products that are produced in accordance with organic farming standards:

    without pesticides

    without synthetic feed additives and growth regulators,

Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade. M. Tugan-Baranovsky

on the topic of: "Environmentally friendly products"

Donetsk 2009

In our modern time, when the air, water and earth are polluted with products of human vital activity and the ecological situation, despite all the efforts of mankind, continues to deteriorate, people are starting to think more and more about their health.

There is a Chinese proverb - "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." This proverb most accurately characterizes the relationship between the food you eat and how you look and feel.

In the food market today there are a lot of proposals on the topic of "healthy eating". Starting from all kinds of pills, powders (BAA) and ending with products with an optimally selected diet. But, no one can answer the question which of them are really useful and most effective, for one simple reason: there are so many people on the planet earth and there can be so many options for the impact of these products on them.

So is there one single solution to the problem of healthy eating?

Yes, it exists, and like everything ingenious it is simple. To do this, it is necessary to grow products in an environmentally friendly environment and package them in an environmentally friendly way.

Why is this particular option the only one?

The answer to this question is simple. Products created by nature without human intervention in the process, most fully and balanced contain all the necessary substances for the life of the human body. In this case, you can apply the phrase "made by nature." And this phrase will most fully and capaciously contain the answer to your question.

What is an environmentally friendly environment?

Where and how are the standards and criteria for an environmentally friendly environment established?

The European certification system can give us the answer to this question.

In 1980, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) established the Basic Standards for Organic Production (IBS).

Here are some of them:

· cultivation of land for at least three years should be carried out without the use of chemical fertilizers;

· seeds for organic farming must be adapted to local conditions, resistant to pests and weeds and, most importantly, not be genetically modified.

· Soil fertility should be maintained with a varied crop rotation and biodegradable fertilizers of exclusively microbiological, vegetable or animal origin.

· the use of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, nitrogen-containing and other chemical fertilizers is prohibited.

· physical barriers, noise, ultrasound, light, traps, special temperature conditions, etc., should be used to control pests;

· When raising livestock to obtain Organic meat, it is prohibited to use antibiotics and growth hormones;

· Farmers must register any animal treatment. Treatment records are reviewed annually by certifying bodies;

· the use of radiation and genetic engineering in the production of Organic products is strictly prohibited;

· if a product is labeled as Organic, its manufacturer is obliged to use 100% organic ingredients;

“So it is in Europe, but our nature is much cleaner and apples from the “favorite garden” are much tastier and healthier,” you might say.

Yes, everything is correct, and tastier and healthier, but only who checked it, where does the confidence in this come from? Where is the guarantee and criteria, which is more useful?

Unfortunately, no one can give you guarantees. There are no criteria yet.

There are many voluntary certification schemes that will make your ordinary products "environmentally friendly" for a "modest fee". At the same time, these voluntary organizations have their own criteria for evaluating products. Whether they have the right criteria or not, at the moment it is impossible to figure out, since there is no law that sets the standards for Organic products.

As a result, we have many Russian food products that use the terms of European standards to increase the sales of their products. Who among us has not seen juices, kefir, mayonnaise on store shelves, and this list can be continued for a long time, with the designations “BIO”, “BIO”, “Environmentally friendly product”, “Checked by environmental expertise”, etc. In fact, it turns out that our consumer is being misled, simply saying "they are fooling our brother, gentlemen, marketers."

At the same time, in many European countries, at the state level, organic product standards have been introduced. A system has been created to monitor the implementation and compliance with these standards.

How can our customer figure out which products on store shelves are really Organic?

The easiest and fastest way is to find one of the badges of European certification bodies on the product label. Here are examples of some of them:

Organic Agriculture - EC Management System European Union In March 2000, the European Organic Commission introduced this emblem. It is used exclusively voluntarily by those manufacturers whose products comply with the European Union standard system adopted in 1991.
Bio-Siegel (Environmental Seal) Germany In 2001, the German Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture introduced a national label - Bio-Siegel (Environmental Seal), which identifies the products of enterprises that adhere to the requirements of the EU regulation.
Agriculture Biologique (Ecological products) France France was one of the first European countries to introduce a national label for organic food, which has replaced private labeling systems and is the property of the French Ministry of Agriculture. The application of this logo on goods is allowed after signing an agreement with the owner of the mark and fulfilling all the requirements established by EU law. The mark may also be applied to organic products from other countries, subject to the requirements of French legislation for farms using organic methods. However, plant products must be produced in the European Union, with the exception of exotic ones.
Valvottua tuotantoa/Kontrollerad ekoproduktion (Certified Organic) Finland This state mark is issued by the Finnish Crop Inspection Center
Sweden In Sweden, the only accredited control organization is KRAV. Its standard is more stringent than the requirements stipulated by European legislation. Issued by the Swedish Society for Agricultural Control. The mark is also found on products produced outside of Sweden (coffee, tea, fruit).
Netherlands This mark is issued by the Dutch State Inspection Authority called Skal.
United States Department of Agriculture USA This mark has been licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) since 2002 under the National Organic Program (NOP)
Finland This ladybug badge is issued by Finland's private certifying authority, Luomuliito. Most often this sign is found on vegetables.
Europe, America, Africa, New Zealand The environmental certification standard Demeter, which appeared in 1924 on the basis of the work of Rudolf Steiner ("Spiritual and scientific foundations for the successful development of agriculture"), became the first world standard for organic agriculture. The presence of the Demeter biodynamic production mark on the product packaging not only characterizes the special conditions of strict control at all stages of product creation according to Organic standards, but also reflects a special approach to careful and careful farming, taking into account many natural features (moon phases, seasons, etc.), incl. care for the cleanliness and preservation of soils and the environment. Demeter International currently has 18 member organizations in Europe, America, Africa and New Zealand.

And what about our environmentally friendly packaging?

This issue is no less serious, but easier to resolve.

Why serious?

Yes, because, no matter how environmentally friendly products are produced, if the packaging is toxic, it will spoil us, the quality of the products that we were so striving for.

Why is it easy to solve?

What is environmentally friendly packaging, it is such a packaging that comes into the least contact with the products contained in it, without changing the quality properties of the products. Today, the packaging market can offer many options for solving environmentally friendly product packaging. At the same time, packaging manufacturing and production technologies are constantly being improved.

To date, a fairly large number of food products have appeared on the Russian market, on the packaging of which there is the word "bio", "eco" or "organic". However, these products almost never meet the concept of "eco". At the same time, the cost of products, on the packaging of which there is a corresponding inscription, is higher than analogues (without an inscription) by 20-200%.

Consumers have become hostages of this situation due to the lack of a relevant law on organic agriculture and organic food in the Russian Federation. We also do not have mandatory certification of eco-products. And since there is no law, then manufacturers are free to use these terms at their discretion, which, of course, cannot but disturb buyers - after all, they are actually being deceived.

So, the concepts of "eco", "bio" and "organic" are synonyms that denote environmentally friendly products produced in compliance with the principles of organic agriculture.

According to European and American standards for organic agriculture, the label “organic” (“bio” or “eco”) indicates that at least 95% of the content by weight (minus the weight of salt and water) is organic. The inscription “made with organic” means that at least 70% of the content is an organic product. The inscription is on the front or top of the package, and may be followed by up to three product component names. The label “less than 70% of content is organic” means that less than 70% of the content is organic. However, the package may list the organic ingredients, but the word “organic” may not be used on the front of the package.


According to the standards of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)*, organic agriculture is based on four basic principles that must be used as a whole.

Principle of health

Organic agriculture must maintain and improve the health of the soil, plants, animals, humans and the planet as a single and indivisible whole. According to this principle, the use of fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs for animals and food additives, which may have an adverse effect on health, should be avoided.

The principle of ecology

Organic agriculture must be based on the principles of the existence of natural ecological systems and cycles, working, coexisting with them and supporting them. The principles of organic farming, grazing and the use of natural systems in the wild, in order to obtain a crop, must comply with natural cycles and balances. Organic agriculture must achieve ecological balance by designing land use systems, creating habitats and maintaining genetic and agricultural diversity.

The principle of justice

This principle states that animals should be provided with conditions and opportunities for life that are consistent with their physiology, natural behavior and health. Natural resources that are used in production and consumption should be considered from the standpoint of social and environmental justice, taking into account the interests of future generations. Equity requires that production, distribution and trade systems be open, equitable and take into account real environmental and social costs.

The principle of care

The management of organic agriculture must be proactive and responsible in order to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the labels "organic", "bio" or "eco" are intended to notify the buyer that the product is grown naturally without the use of chemicals, in an ecologically safe area, where there is not a single chemical or other environmentally harmful production within 500 kilometers around.


As an independent area, organic farming began to develop actively since the 1940s in Europe and America, in response to dependence on synthetic fertilizers and insecticides. During the industrial revolution of the 19th century, with the development of agrochemistry, many effective methods of soil fertilization and pest control were proposed. First it was superphosphates, then fertilizers based on ammonia. They were cheap, efficient, and easy to transport.
During the 20th century, new ways of farming were actively used, indeed leading to increased yields. However, the environmental consequences of the use of these methods became more and more obvious: soil erosion, their pollution with heavy metals, salinization of water bodies.

In 1940, the British botanist Albert Howard, one of the founders of organic agriculture, proposed a soil fertilization system based on the use of compost from plant residues and manure. A natural, but not the least, reason for the emergence of organic farming was the increasingly recognized danger to human health. Now the living conditions in big cities make people think about how to protect themselves from the negative effects of the urban environment. More than 50% of a healthy lifestyle consists of a healthy diet.

In 1972, the International Federation of Organic Farming Movements (IFOAM) was established with the aim of disseminating information and introducing organic agriculture in all countries of the world. Already in the 1990s, green movements and green philosophy acquired a global scale, environmental protection and concern for the health of their citizens became priority areas of state policy in many countries**.


Ecological farming in Russia originated in 1989, when the All-Union program "Alternative Agriculture" was launched. In two years, the program brought international certification to a number of farms, but ended in complete failure, as the market was not ready for such products.

In 1994, the export of environmentally friendly certified buckwheat to Europe was started, and since 1995 an organic processing plant has been operating in the Kaluga region. Now the farms of the Tula, Orel, Novgorod, Omsk, Pskov, Kursk, Vladimir, Orenburg, Yaroslavl, Moscow regions and the Stavropol Territory are engaged in the ecological production of agricultural products.

Thus, the formation of a market for environmentally friendly and safe products is just underway in Russia. The main reasons for lagging behind the United States and European countries include the lack of a unified concept of environmentally friendly products, the unclear position of the state on this issue, and the low ecological culture of the population. However, consumer demands are gradually forming a separate sector of "village" food on the market. Certifying organizations also appeared (for example, NP Ecological Union, St. Petersburg), which developed their own standards, taking into account both international requirements for organic agriculture and the peculiarities of Russian reality. All this clearly contributes to the development of the organic food market.

Newly established Moscow company Chisty Krai is conducting in-depth marketing research on the demand for organic products and is preparing to enter this market. The company establishes links, on the one hand, with independent producers whose product quality meets IFOAM requirements, and, on the other hand, with distribution channels that allow a wide presentation of organic products.

During the period from 2000 to 2010, the global organic food market grew more than 3.5 times - from $ 17.9 to 60.9 billion (rice. 1 ) .

According to IFOAM, the global market for organic products in 2011 grew by about 12% - from $ 60.9 to 68 billion - while the growth of the consumer market as a whole in this period amounted to only 4.5%. If the market for organic products continues to grow, then by 2020 its volume may reach $ 200-250 billion.


Currently, there are several main trends in the development of the Russian organic food market.

The growth of the world organic food market is more than 2 times faster than the growth of the market of non-organic "mass" products.

The fastest growing segments of the market for organic products are "vegetables and fruits", "milk and dairy products". At the same time, the segments "meat, poultry", "bakery products" and "drinks" are growing at a faster pace, but they lag behind the leaders in terms of volume.

Sales of organic products currently still make up a small share of total food sales in different countries - from 0.75% in the Czech Republic to 4.2% in the USA.

Growing sales of organic products indicate that consumers are ready for the added value. Russians are becoming more and more demanding in terms of food, it is important for them that the products are natural, they do not use genetic engineering in their production, and they do not harm health.

The main sales channels for organic products are retail chains (supermarkets, hypermarkets, discounters) – they account for 41% of sales. The share of specialized stores is 26%, while the share of direct sales is 13%.
The growing market demand for organic products is stimulated at the state level - in the United States and in the European Union, organic farming development programs are being adopted, and certified eco-farmer training programs are emerging at many universities and colleges.


Russia is 15-20 years behind developed countries in the production of eco-products and eco-services, and the volume of the domestic market of organic products, according to IFOAM, is only $60-80 million, or about 0.1% of all food products.

At the same time, in Russia there is a steady upward trend in sales of organic food. Thus, over 5 years it has grown more than 1.5 times - from 30 million euros in 2007 to 50 million euros in 2011.

The potential of the Russian market is estimated quite highly: according to experts, by the end of 2013 it may grow by 25-30% - up to $100 million.

In Russia, there is a problem with the designation of the boundaries of the market for organic agricultural products - there is no single law that would establish which products should be classified as organic and which should not. There is also no unified system of certification. The solution of this issue and the introduction of mandatory organic certification at the legislative level will contribute to the development of the market.

Experts believe that the improvement of the overall environmental situation in the country, the rich soil resource potential, the presence of vast areas of land (up to 40%) that have not been cultivated recently due to economic and financial difficulties, and cheaper labor will contribute to the faster development of the Russian organic market than in the West.

Organic food products belong to the premium segment of the market, and the margin on them, depending on the product category, can vary from 20 to 400%.

The main sales channels for organic food are:
* supermarkets, where most of the premium food products are sold;
* specialized stores selling natural products;
* direct sales through online stores, which allow you to avoid retail margins. To date, sales of organic food through online stores account for 5% of the total sales of these products. According to experts' forecasts, sales via the Internet will grow by 22% by the end of 2013;
* pharmacies that sell a limited range of organic products. These are mainly diabetic and low-calorie products, baby food and cosmetics.

The possibility of exporting Russian organic products to the EU countries is also highly appreciated.
Let's consider the factors that in the future can have a positive impact on the growth and development of the market for organic products in Russia.

Political factors:
* in the near future - the adoption of a law on organic agriculture, within which it is necessary to define what "organic" (environmentally friendly) food is;
* development of a unified certification system for organic products based on European and American standards;
* introduction of mandatory certification of organic products;
* adoption at the state level of a comprehensive program for the development of the agro-industrial complex;
* providing financial assistance to farmers (in particular, preferential taxation) at the state and / or region level;
* Establishing strong ties with regional and local authorities.

Economic forces:
* stabilization and further growth of the economy after the 2008 crisis;
* stabilization of the ruble exchange rate;
* creation of a system of concessional lending for organic agriculture projects;
* high growth potential of the organic products market (at least 25-30% per year);
* creation of additional jobs in farms;
* attraction of cheaper labor force;
* lower prices for organic products.

Social factors:
* increase in the birth rate;
* desire for a healthy lifestyle;
* growth of incomes of the population;
* Orientation of consumers to better and more expensive food products;
* concerns about the presence of artificial ingredients and preservatives in "traditional" products;
* belief that organic products are more beneficial to health;
* the desire to buy food products that have a natural taste, without amplifiers;
* improving the culture of consumption and education of people in the eco-sphere in general;
* development of an education program for workers in organic agriculture.

Technological factors:
* development of an integrated technology for the production of environmentally friendly products (from soil preparation, planting plants and seeds, feeding and keeping animals, to a full cycle of production and packaging of products);
* conducting scientific research as a guarantee that organic agriculture is healthy, safe and environmentally friendly;
* creation of a logistics system - building a clear and well-functioning system for the supply of products from the farmer to the client.

As in the West, in Russia, farm products belong to the premium segment, their main consumers are representatives of the middle and higher class, that is, about 20% of Russians. The most active consumers are women and men aged 25-45, with higher education, with an average and higher income, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The main motives for buying and consuming organic food are health benefits, absence of artificial ingredients and preservatives, natural taste and safety.

Among the main barriers to the purchase of this product is its high price. Also, many consumers do not feel the usefulness of organic products for health, do not know anything about them or do not trust the manufacturer. A limiting factor is the short shelf life of these products.

Factors stimulating the purchase of organic products include: rising incomes, taking care of your own and family health, fitness classes, and a decrease in the number of available and free medical services. Of great importance is the dissemination of information about the dangers of biotechnological "unhealthy" ingredients in food, as well as the harmful effects of chemicals on traditional agriculture. In addition, the consumption of branded organic products is one of the most fashionable trends in the West.

Thus, it can be concluded that a clear government policy and the introduction at the legislative level of mandatory certification of eco-products in accordance with international standards, an educational program aimed at increasing the level of knowledge about eco-products, as well as the interest of retail chains in sales and setting an adequate price for these products will contribute to the growth and development of this category in the future.

* International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.

** Data from the international association of producers, suppliers and consumers of eco-products.

Ekaterina Dvornikova

Research of the consulting company "Dvornikova and Partners"

A growing number of people are beginning to care about the impact of the products they purchase on the world around them. These people want to know where fruits and vegetables are grown, how their clothes are made, what is in the things they use, and so on. There is a large selection of green goods that did not exist even a few years ago: from cleaning products to clothes, from grocery bags to fruits and vegetables, from pasta to children's toys.


Eco-friendly (also eco-friendly or green) is an ambiguous term used to refer to goods, services, laws, policies that claim to cause minimal or no harm to an ecosystem or environment. The term is most commonly used for products that are green and/or conserve resources such as water and energy and/or that do not pollute the environment.

Signs of sustainability

Creating a completely environmentally friendly product means creating a product that does not harm both the environment and humans. But it is very difficult to make a completely environmentally friendly product. It is necessary that the entire chain from the production of a product, including transportation and storage, to its consumption and disuse, does not harm the ecosystem and humans. An environmentally friendly product can be grown in a garden, far from civilization, without the use of artificial fertilizers, watered from a well or stream and transported to the market by animal transport. The ideal is very difficult to achieve. And manufacturers label their product as environmentally friendly when there is at least one sign of environmental friendliness.
A mandatory sign of environmental friendliness is the non-toxicity of the product. Further, a sign of environmental friendliness is the use of ingredients that do not disturb the ecosystem. Organic ingredients or materials obtained without the use of toxic pesticides or herbicides. Products made of glass, wood, metal, with the inscription "made from recycled materials." A sign of environmental friendliness is production that does not violate the ecosystem and does not harm humans. Biodegradable materials that break down quickly due to natural decomposition, which have less impact on the ecosystem. (However, if a product is called biodegradable, this does not mean that it is. For example, you can read about biodegradable plastic.) Goods that can be recycled.
Sometimes companies use eco-labels to promote their products and use eco-terms in their names and advertisements. Often such promotion is only “greening the image”.

"Greening the Image"

Manufacturers sometimes label their products as "sustainable" or "sustainable" when in fact they are not. Marketing companies often use (or, to translate the English word literally, "greenwashing", "green camouflage") to boost sales at the expense of environmentally conscious shoppers. The same marketing masters who once sold cigarettes now sell "green" products. The prefixes "eco" and "bio" have become very fashionable and are used literally everywhere. Loud slogans “biodegradable”, “only natural product”, “environmentally safe”, “environmentally friendly”, “organic” are written even on products that are made from petrochemicals and are sold in disposable packaging.
The same corporations that made DDT and filled the ocean with plastic are also greening their image and assuring consumers that their new, improved product models will magically solve the problem of ecology.

How to get a truly environmentally friendly product

This is where common sense can help.
If you choose any product from household chemicals, carefully read the composition. Often, manufacturers hide the full list of ingredients, and one should be suspicious of such products. It is better to give preference to products that contain more natural ingredients or only natural ingredients. There must be no harmful chemical ingredients. We need to look at the eco-label.

When purchasing any product, you should first consider what impact it can have on human health and the environment. It is better to give preference to natural wood, metal or glass. You should not buy a product thoughtlessly, just because it is advertised or a neighbor has the same one.

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In our modern time, when the air, water and earth are polluted with products of human vital activity and the ecological situation, despite all the efforts of mankind, continues to deteriorate, people are starting to think more and more about their health.

There is a Chinese proverb - "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." This proverb most accurately characterizes the relationship between the food you eat and how you look and feel.

In the food market today there are a lot of proposals on the topic of "healthy eating". Starting from all kinds of pills, powders (BAA) and ending with products with an optimally selected diet. But, no one can answer the question which of them are really useful and most effective, for one simple reason: there are so many people on the planet earth and there can be so many options for the impact of these products on them.

So is there one single solution to the problem of healthy eating?

Yes, it exists, and like everything ingenious it is simple. To do this, it is necessary to grow products in an environmentally friendly environment and package them in an environmentally friendly way.

Why is this particular option the only one?

The answer to this question is simple. Products created by nature without human intervention in the process, most fully and balanced contain all the necessary substances for the life of the human body. In this case, you can apply the phrase "made by nature." And this phrase will most fully and capaciously contain the answer to your question.

What is an environmentally friendly environment?

Where and how are the standards and criteria for an environmentally friendly environment established?

The European certification system can give us the answer to this question.

In 1980, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) established the Basic Standards for Organic Production (IBS).

Here are some of them:

· cultivation of land for at least three years should be carried out without the use of chemical fertilizers;

· seeds for organic farming must be adapted to local conditions, resistant to pests and weeds and, most importantly, not be genetically modified.

· Soil fertility should be maintained with a varied crop rotation and biodegradable fertilizers of exclusively microbiological, vegetable or animal origin.

· the use of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, nitrogen-containing and other chemical fertilizers is prohibited.

· physical barriers, noise, ultrasound, light, traps, special temperature conditions, etc., should be used to control pests;

· When raising livestock to obtain Organic meat, it is prohibited to use antibiotics and growth hormones;

· Farmers must register any animal treatment. Treatment records are reviewed annually by certifying bodies;

· the use of radiation and genetic engineering in the production of Organic products is strictly prohibited;

· if a product is labeled as Organic, its manufacturer is obliged to use 100% organic ingredients;

“So it is in Europe, but our nature is much cleaner and apples from the “favorite garden” are much tastier and healthier,” you might say.

Yes, everything is correct, and tastier and healthier, but only who checked it, where does the confidence in this come from? Where is the guarantee and criteria, which is more useful?

Unfortunately, no one can give you guarantees. There are no criteria yet.

There are many voluntary certification schemes that will make your ordinary products "environmentally friendly" for a "modest fee". At the same time, these voluntary organizations have their own criteria for evaluating products. Whether they have the right criteria or not, at the moment it is impossible to figure out, since there is no law that sets the standards for Organic products.

As a result, we have many Russian food products that use the terms of European standards to increase the sales of their products. Who among us has not seen juices, kefir, mayonnaise on store shelves, and this list can be continued for a long time, with the designations “BIO”, “BIO”, “Environmentally friendly product”, “Checked by environmental expertise”, etc. In fact, it turns out that our consumer is being misled, simply saying "they are fooling our brother, gentlemen, marketers."

At the same time, in many European countries, at the state level, organic product standards have been introduced. A system has been created to monitor the implementation and compliance with these standards.

How can our customer figure out which products on store shelves are really Organic?

The easiest and fastest way is to find one of the badges of European certification bodies on the product label. Here are examples of some of them:

Organic Agriculture - EC Management System

European Union

In March 2000, the European Organic Commission introduced this emblem. It is used exclusively voluntarily by those manufacturers whose products comply with the European Union standard system adopted in 1991.

Bio-Siegel (Environmental Seal)


In 2001, the German Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture introduced a national label - Bio-Siegel (Environmental Seal), which identifies the products of enterprises that adhere to the requirements of the EU regulation.

Agriculture Biologique (Ecological products)

France was one of the first European countries to introduce a national label for organic food, which has replaced private labeling systems and is the property of the French Ministry of Agriculture. The application of this logo on goods is allowed after signing an agreement with the owner of the mark and fulfilling all the requirements established by EU law. The mark may also be applied to organic products from other countries, subject to the requirements of French legislation for farms using organic methods. However, plant products must be produced in the European Union, with the exception of exotic ones.

Valvottua tuotantoa/Kontrollerad ekoproduktion (Certified Organic)


This state mark is issued by the Finnish Crop Inspection Center

In Sweden, the only accredited control organization is KRAV. Its standard is more stringent than the requirements stipulated by European legislation. Issued by the Swedish Society for Agricultural Control. The mark is also found on products produced outside of Sweden (coffee, tea, fruit).


This mark is issued by the Dutch State Inspection Authority called Skal.

United States Department of Agriculture

This mark has been licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) since 2002 under the National Organic Program (NOP)


This ladybug badge is issued by Finland's private certification body, Luomuliito. Most often this sign is found on vegetables.

Europe, America, Africa, New Zealand

The environmental certification standard Demeter, which appeared in 1924 on the basis of the work of Rudolf Steiner ("Spiritual and scientific foundations for the successful development of agriculture"), became the first world standard for organic agriculture. The presence of the Demeter biodynamic production mark on the product packaging not only characterizes the special conditions of strict control at all stages of product creation according to Organic standards, but also reflects a special approach to careful and careful farming, taking into account many natural features (moon phases, seasons, etc.), incl. care for the cleanliness and preservation of soils and the environment. Demeter International currently has 18 member organizations in Europe, America, Africa and New Zealand.

And what about our environmentally friendly packaging?

This issue is no less serious, but easier to resolve.

Why serious?

Yes, because, no matter how environmentally friendly products are produced, if the packaging is toxic, it will spoil us, the quality of the products that we were so striving for.

Why is it easy to solve?

What is environmentally friendly packaging, it is such a packaging that comes into the least contact with the products contained in it, without changing the quality properties of the products. Today, the packaging market can offer many options for solving environmentally friendly product packaging. At the same time, packaging manufacturing and production technologies are constantly being improved.

Summing up, we briefly formulate the formula of "healthy eating".

To obtain "healthy food" products, only two components are needed: "nature" without human intervention and "environmentally friendly packaging" technology created by man.

Ecological products and products for a healthy diet are different concepts.

However, it is worth distinguishing between ecological products and products for a healthy diet. If we approach this issue formally, we can say that these are different concepts. A product produced in strict accordance with environmental standards does not necessarily fall under the concept of "healthy food". You don’t classify a piece of fatty pork as a “healthy diet”, even if the pig was raised according to all the rules. On the other hand, any "innovative" drink, which is a mixture of juice, skimmed milk and various additives enriched with vitamins, positioned by the manufacturer as a product for "healthy eating", cannot be called ecological.

Enriched foods contain vitamin complexes, trace elements, probiotic microorganisms (beneficial bacteria) and prebiotics (food for them). The name and quantity of this kind of "flora and fauna" must be indicated on the packaging. Such products include, for example, juices, mineral waters, isotonic drinks (usually drunk during sports), muesli, breakfast cereals, bakery products and, of course, dairy and sour-milk products. The main task of fortified foods is to improve human health, reduce the risk of various diseases and eliminate the deficiency of substances necessary for the body. The content of vitamins and trace elements in fortified foods is calculated in accordance with the average daily human need. One serving provides an average of 30 to 50% of the recommended intake.

The idea of ​​fortification appeared in the 1930s of the last century. It belonged to the Russian professor-vitaminologist Viktor Efremov, who at the stage of flour production began to add vitamins B1, B2 and PP to it. The first Russian manufacturer to use a prebiotic in its products was Wimm-Bill-Dann (WBD), which produced bio-milk Bio-Max. According to a study conducted by AC Nielsen, in June-July 2005, WBD accounted for about 34% of the dairy market. In the market for fortified dairy products, their main competitors are Danone, Ochakovsky Dairy Plant and Petmol. In the yoghurt and dessert market, and to some extent in the baby dairy market, Wimm-Bill-Dann competes with foreign companies such as Danone, Campina, Ohnken and Ehrmann. They continue to actively invest in their business activities in Russia.

In addition to ecological and enriched foods, there is a third category of "healthy" food - functional foods. They combine the properties of enriched foods and biologically active food supplements (BAA). The addition of certain extracts from plant and animal raw materials leads to the fact that the products begin to bring specific benefits: normalize metabolic processes, regulate specific physiological functions, biochemical reactions and stimulate the immune system. Soy derivatives are often added to functional products: fibers, proteins, lecithin. They are used in the production of minced meat, sausages, mayonnaise, pasta, etc. Many manufacturers mix several useful products in one. Such products do not fall into the category of functional, but their effectiveness does not decrease from this. Separation of functional and enriched foods is not supported by all experts. This is marketing. The manufacturer needs to somehow distinguish their products. So he gives her various incomprehensible names. There are also “fitness products”, “innovative products”, etc. They probably have some medically important differences, but from the point of view of the consumer they belong to the same category - a healthy diet.

New ways to fight for your own health

Natural products have become a part of our daily life. But, even realizing how beneficial the consumption of healthy organic food is, not everyone includes it in their daily diet. In Western countries, there are special stores where you can easily buy natural and guaranteed eco-friendly products. Their quality is confirmed by special certificates. Russia has not yet created a large network of such "healthy" grocery stores, but there are already prerequisites for this.

We decided to make a list of 10 alleged organic products and tell the whole truth about their benefits.

Harmful substances - pesticides - provoke low birth rates, deviations in the development of children, hormonal disorders, the development of cancerous tumors, leukemia, cardiovascular disease and problems with the nervous system. The government claims to control the use of pesticides and other harmful additives in our food. But because it is very difficult to completely protect ourselves from exposure to chemicals, we must also make every effort to provide ourselves with a healthy diet.

Pesticides are chemical compounds used to protect plants from insects and pests. Their improper use can harm the environment and human health. They can be in the soil for many years, even after the decomposition of the organic product. The main way to protect yourself from getting into the body of chemical elements is to use vegetables and fruits peeled from the skin in food.

Babies, pregnant and breastfeeding women are most exposed to the harmful effects of pesticides. Their body is not able to resist harmful substances. Compared to adults, children's bodies are less able to eliminate the negative effects of chemicals.

Below we provide a list of foods that have always been considered beneficial for our body. Is it really?

Milk itself is a typical natural product, but don't forget that cows that produce milk are fed supplements containing hormones or antibiotics. Supplement studies have shown that milk and dairy products contain bovine growth hormone (RBGH), which can lead to a number of hormonal abnormalities. Studies have found that only natural milk does not contain harmful additives and hormones. Organic milk is rich in vitamin E, contains omega-3s, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

Eggs are an indispensable source of protein. But in order to increase the number of eggs, chickens are fed with special preparations. As a result, just like with dairy products, only organic eggs are beneficial. With them, foreign hormones do not enter the human body.

Eating "hormonal" eggs or the same chicken broth, children acquire a tendency to grow too fast, and this adversely affects their health.


Chlorthalonil, a popular fertilizer for potatoes, poses a particular danger to children. It was recognized as so unhealthy that in America, due to the excessive use of chlorthalonil, heated debate erupted, which reached the court. In Canada, scientists have found a link between pesticides sprayed on potatoes and asthma in rural areas. Ketchup will not help you get rid of chemicals. Good for those who are fond of gardening and plant potatoes on their own, despite all the difficulties of working in a potato field and fighting the Colorado potato beetle. For those who do not have their own site, the only way out is to buy eco-friendly products.

Even such a useful product for both adults and children as spinach becomes simply dangerous after pollination with chemicals. Although by nature it is full of unique vitamins.


Grapes native to the sunny country of Chile contain a lot of fungicides - chemicals used to combat fungi that cause plant diseases. The brothers from other warm corners of the earth are not very different from him.

It doesn't matter how good a sweet and juicy pear tastes if it has been fertilized with fungicides or other chemicals. Part of the toxic substances remained on the fruit itself. For example, the chemical azinphos-methyl, which is often used to protect plants from insects.


Even sweet strawberries show high pesticide content. This is due to the abundance of chemicals with which they try to protect it from insects and fungi. For example, the substance vinclozolin interferes with the normal functioning of the male hormone androgen, and this is not the most severe consequence.

Any nutritionist will advise his patients to consume bell pepper. It contains high amounts of vitamin C. But, unfortunately, 95 percent of the greenhouse pepper crop contains traces of neurotoxic substances and fertilizers.

The English usually say: "An apple a day and you don't need a doctor." But this folk wisdom only applies to organic fruits. Apple trees are generously fertilized with pesticides and other chemicals. Be careful buying oversized and glossy apples. This fruit occupies the first place in the ranking of products "from the garden" subject to chemical processing. Ideally, try to buy apples in the village or in special markets, from sellers who feed on these fruits themselves.

Some scientists claim that this seemingly innocent fruit contains 10 times more nitrates and pesticides than other fruits and vegetables. And these chemicals are very unsafe for our health. They can lead to the development of cancer.

If you are buying imported organic products, look for labels. If these are products from the USA - organic, if from Europe - bio. Of course, their prices are one and a half to two times higher than for ordinary products. Carefully study our list and think about whether you want to save on your health?

genetically modified foods

Why humanity is switching to genetically modified foods (GMF) and what is ecological food are complex questions. Not always understanding exactly what the essence of these definitions is, we tend to compare and contrast them.

In fact, all the organisms that surround us now are the result of mutation. New plant species, animals that differ from their ancient dinosaur ancestors - all these are the strongest fighting for survival for thousands of years. Those whose genetic code is most suitable for existence on earth. But if nature needs more than a dozen centuries to form a new species, then a few years are enough for modern science.

The heyday of genetic engineering came at the end of the 20th century. In 1982, scientists conducted an experiment to change the genetic code of tobacco. And the first genetically modified food was a tomato, which was "deprived" of the aging gene. The new species is able to be stored for months at a temperature of 12 degrees and in a few hours become ripe in warmth. The following experiments resulted in corn and pears, which release their own poison against insect pests, potatoes, which absorb a minimum of fat when frying, and about a hundred more "improved" crops. Russian scientists have developed a genetically modified potato that improves immunity due to the human blood interferon contained in it. And sheep, in whose milk rennet is present. Only 200 animals of the “new model” are able to provide the whole of Russia with cheese.

Humanity does not yet know the final answer to this question. Are GMFs capable of provoking allergic reactions, is resistance to antibiotics a consequence of the use of genetically modified foods, and how to “negotiate” with nature that maintains a natural ecological balance? To date, there is no unambiguous evidence of the harm of GMF for humans, which, however, does not mean otherwise.

Supporters of the development of genetic engineering claim that artificially bred plants are much cleaner from an environmental point of view than natural ones grown on pesticides and fertilizers. Standing up for the ubiquitous distribution of GMF, geneticists give weighty arguments. According to scientists, by the end of this century, the number of people living on earth may double. How will the people of the future earn their living, if already today a number of countries and regions are starving? The answer is simple: genetic engineering is an affordable way to feed humanity.

The main arguments of the opponents are as follows. Short-term trials are not capable of capturing the full range of consequences of GMF use. The negative impact can manifest itself only after a long time. The loss of the gene pool is one of the main reasons for the rejection of genetic experiments. For example, it is believed that there is no place on earth where corn crops would not be contaminated by genetically modified plants. The same fate awaits other species.

To eat or not to eat - everyone decides for himself. Public opinion is opposed to modified foods, demand for them is falling, and individual food manufacturers are “screaming” about their “genetic purity”. And to be honest, there are practically no people who have never touched the GMF in their lives. This is evidenced at least by the fact that today about 120 types of genetically modified products are registered in Russia, but food manufacturers do not report the presence of modified components either, of course, in advertising or on product packaging. Meat and dairy products, vegetables, etc. sometimes contain more than 80 percent of transgenes, but there is no law that would oblige manufacturers to label goods in a special way.

If you are afraid of running into GMF, do not buy: semi-finished meat products (they often include modified soy), broiler chickens (they are “fed” with growth hormones), unnaturally even and beautiful vegetables, food in fast food restaurants, corn.

When we see trays with cucumbers or packages of kefir on the supermarket counter, marked with eye-pleasing seals “ecological”, “from natural raw materials”, “bio”, etc., we naturally pay attention to this. And although the goods with a “label” are much more expensive, the hands themselves take them off the shelf and put them in the cart. The fashion for healthy eating has come to Russia. We realized that the diet should consist of natural and environmentally friendly products. But how much the quality of the content corresponds to the inscription on the package, and on what basis the manufacturer puts the label is unknown.

In the West, there is the concept of "organic food" - organic, natural food . But the Russian market of organic food products is the same innovation as genetically modified products. By saying "environmentally friendly, organic product", we mean that it is not harmful to the human body, that vegetables do not contain nitrates, sausage and ham - carcinogens, yogurt and cottage cheese - artificial color enhancers and preservatives. And there are more vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances in them than in traditional ones. Therefore, "organic food" is a source of health, energy and vitality.

Advertising, as a rule, draws attention to products produced in ecologically clean areas, without the use of pesticides and other inorganic fertilizers. In addition, any additional ingredients (fillings, fillers, dyes), without which it is simply impossible to do in production, must be natural. Although they are much more expensive than artificial ones, they are unstable to temperature fluctuations, their possibilities are limited. That is why it is more profitable for a mass producer to use artificial additives.

The widest selection of organic, natural food available today in the US. Movie stars and top models, popular TV hosts and economic moguls publicly declare their love for organic products. Several giant supermarket chains, a large number of farms provide "organic food" to everyone. In our country, real ecological food is still scarce. Of course, we can assume that everything that is grown in the fields of Russian outbacks is “organic food”. A variety of products are called healthy, natural, environmentally friendly. But they do not pass any special checks. Apparently, the problem is also that the very concept of "environmentally friendly" is not legally fixed by anyone.

When independent organizations check products for the absence of harmful chemicals, when a certificate and a special sign on the product label are a guarantee of "purity", then the ranks of adherents of ecological food will grow. It will be sold in pharmacies, fitness centers, specialized supermarkets.

In Russia, for environmentally friendly products there is still no single name prescribed in the law or state quality standards. In professional circles, different concepts are used: "organic", "bio" or "eco", the meaning of which is the same. Organics refers to everyday consumption and satisfies the physiological needs of a person in high-quality proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It includes a wide variety of products: fruits, vegetables, cereals, groceries, baked goods, milk, cheeses and confectionery.

All raw materials are produced in accordance with the principles of organic agriculture, which are designed to care for the environment. An important feature of organic products is the non-use of genetically modified organisms, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides at any stage of their production. The yield of such crops is 20 - 30% lower than that of traditional crops, but due to the growing demand, the areas under their cultivation are increasing. At the final stage, the production of ecological products is completed without the use of foreign chemicals: dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives. Of course, the shelf life of such products is less than that of traditional ones. This leads to a number of difficulties, for example, with transportation. Therefore, the cost of organics is 20 - 30% higher than the cost of conventional food.

Manufacturers are entirely responsible for pricing. However, the price of some products of the "healthy" group, for example, products enriched with beneficial bacteria, is slightly higher than for similar products that do not have such beneficial properties. This is not surprising, because such products involve a complicated technological process of production, transportation, storage and sale. In European countries, the estimate of additional costs for the manufacturer of ecological products also includes services for mandatory control by certifying organizations.

In 2004, the organic market in the US reached $16 billion, accounting for 2% of total food sales. In Germany and Denmark, the share of such products is 3%, and in France - only 0.5%. There are no exact data on the Russian market of "healthy" products. Market players and experts assess it as dynamically developing, but at the same time find it difficult to support their assessments with specific figures. “We assess the domestic healthy food market as promising and rapidly growing, but there are no exact data on its volume,” says Fyodor Ogarkov, CEO of the meat products manufacturer CampoMos. - There is a general trend - people are paying more and more attention to healthy eating. By the nature of consumption, our market is similar to the European one. The total share of eco-products in Europe is about 3%. The volume of the world market of organic food products in 2004 amounted to more than $28 billion”. The global demand for organics is increasing annually by an average of 15 - 20%. According to KOMKON, over the past five years, the number of Russians who are willing to pay more for organic products has grown by 19.5%.

In Europe and the US, organic products are distributed not only through ordinary supermarkets. There are many specialized retail chains, such as American Wild Oats Markets or Whole Foods Market. Often, these retailers launch their own lines for the production of eco-products, which are then sold at a much lower price than well-known eco-brands.

The CVS Consulting agency conducted a survey of manufacturers involved in the processing and sale of agricultural and food products in Russia. 52% of respondents said that organic food should be sold in specialized places, 48% - that everywhere.

Domestic retail chains are increasingly launching marketing campaigns in favor of "healthy" products. So, in March 2003, the long-term Healthy Eating program was launched at Perekrestok. As part of this program, the retailer, together with the Institute of Healthy Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, has identified a number of products that correspond to the doctors' idea of ​​a proper diet. These products are highlighted on the shelves with multi-colored markers. In response to the growing consumer demand for goods of the "healthy" group, retail chains provide it with a growing offer. More than 15% of the products sold in the Seventh Continent stores belong to the “healthy” group: vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, as well as diabetic, dietary products enriched with beneficial bacteria.”

"Antipodes" for organic products are products with genetic modifications. Fragments of foreign DNA are implanted into plants in order to develop resistance to herbicides and pesticides, increase resistance to pests, and increase their yield. Donors can be microorganisms, viruses, other plants, animals, and even humans. So, for example, a frost-resistant tomato was bred in the USA. The gene for the North American sea flounder has been added to its DNA. The vegetable does not spoil on the outside, but rots on the inside. A scorpion gene was used to create a drought-tolerant wheat variety. The first plantings of transgenic cereals were made in the USA in 1988, and in 1993 the first products with genetically modified ingredients (GMI) appeared on the general market. Transgenic products began to capture the domestic market in the late 1990s. According to a Greenpeace study conducted in Russia in 2004-2005, transgenes were found in 20-50% of samples of the studied products. The number of such products is growing every year. Most often, GMI are included in the composition of meat and dairy products, as well as in confectionery.

Many experts believe that the artificial shuffling of genetic structures is far from an exact science, so the consequences of playing with DNA can be the most unpredictable. Greenpeace does not consider GM foods safe, so we cannot classify them as a healthy diet, - comments Natalia Olefirenko, coordinator of the Greenpeace genetic campaign in Russia. “The future belongs to organic food, the production of which does not undermine the ecological and biological diversity, does not lead to chemical pollution.” In 1998, Arpad Pusztai, a professor at the British University of Aberdino, conducted a series of experiments on animals that prove the connection between the use of products containing GMI and the development of esophageal cancer, liver diseases, and allergic reactions. GMI-containing products do not have any nutritional advantages compared to conventional unmodified products.

According to the law in Russia, transgenic plants cannot be grown in the open field, but there is no ban on the presence of GM products on the food market in the country. In the production of food products, including children's food, the use of 13 imported types of GMI is allowed. Industrial production of GMI in Russia is prohibited. In accordance with the amendment to the Consumer Protection Act of 2005, each product containing GMI must be marked with a special label. However, requirements and control rules have not yet been developed for it.

The National Genetic Safety Association (NAGB) considers this rule to be speculative. If only because small amounts of GMI can get into products without the knowledge of the manufacturer. For example, in one delivery sometimes there are mixtures of GMI and conventional components, which are not always traceable. Such a rule only provokes manufacturers to hide information about the presence of GMI in their products. “We are in favor of introducing a European threshold of 0.5 - 0.9% of each ingredient in the product,” says Dmitry Starostin, head of the press service of the OAGB. “For example, if a sausage loaf weighing 1 kilogram contains 300 grams of soy, including 2 grams of transgenic soy, then the sausage must be labeled as containing GMI.”

Non-governmental organizations are trying to influence the market. Greenpeace is now in its third year of publishing a guide to avoiding GMI products. It tells which domestic and foreign companies operating on the Russian market use GM components in their production. This or that verdict is made on the basis of written requests from manufacturers and random checks. The release of the updated guide is to take place on October 17, 2005.

Ecological products are produced in accordance with ecological agricultural standards without the use of foreign chemicals, that is, without fertilizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives.

Enriched foods contain vitamin complexes, microelements, probiotic microorganisms and prebiotics, the name and quantity of which must be indicated on the packaging.

Dietary supplements are concentrates of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances intended to enrich the human diet. They are not food by themselves.

Functional products combine the properties of enriched products and dietary supplements. They are complete foods that can be part of a person's daily diet.

Organic foods or environmentally friendly products - produced in accordance with certain standards, meaning that they were grown without the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers. In Europe, such a standard is the “Pan-European Agreement on organic production of agricultural products” No. 2092/91 of June 24, 1991 (Council Regulation No 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products). To assign the status of "Environmentally Friendly" to the final product, regulatory authorities inspect the entire path "from grain to counter": agricultural land and agricultural practices, seed, processing methods, packaging. Compliance with the provisions of the Cleaner Production Agreement is monitored by national certifying organizations. The sign of such an organization on the product label is a reliable guarantee of its quality and environmental friendliness.

Such a product is determined by three parameters: environmentally friendly raw materials, environmentally friendly ingredients and technological process.

Environmentally friendly raw materials

Organic farms do not use mineral fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides. Biological and physical methods are used to control pests: natural enemies, noise, ultrasound, light, traps, etc. Many types of agricultural practices are carried out by hand so as not to harm plants and soil.

Eco-Friendly Ingredients

In addition to raw materials, the composition of the product includes various ingredients that are indispensable in the production of a complex product: fillings, fillers, dyes, preservatives. Ecologically clean ingredients are considered to be obtained only from natural raw materials, without the use of synthetic elements. For example, when canning, grape or apple cider vinegar is added.

In addition to advantages, environmentally friendly ingredients have a number of disadvantages: for example, natural dyes are unstable to temperature, have low intensity tinting abilities and are extremely expensive to manufacture.

Technological process

They process environmentally friendly raw materials in gentle physical ways, preserving nutrients as much as possible. Completely prohibited: chemical refining, deodorization, hydrogenation; radiation exposure; artificial and synthetic sweeteners, preservatives, flavors; mineralization and vitaminization of products, genetically modified ingredients. For example, the process of producing vegetable oil looks like this:

obtaining oil by cold mechanical pressing, as in ancient times;

oil packaging in dark glass or metal bottles (protection from ultraviolet rays); injection of hydrogen into the neck to prevent oxidation.

In Europe and America, products that do not contain agricultural and food chemicals have long become popular. They are called "organic" - "organic", which even surpasses our idea of ​​​​organic products. Organic products do not contain residues of chemical fertilizers, chemical preservatives, flavors, taste and color improvers, genetically modified ingredients. And there are 50% more vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances in them than in traditional ones. Therefore, "organic" products strengthen and heal, bring energy and cheerfulness. A well-organized system for monitoring the ecological purity of organic products guards their high quality. Independent certifying organizations check the absence of harmful chemicals and genetically modified components at any stage of production: from the field to the counter. A guarantee of purity and usefulness is a certificate and a special sign on the product label. The ranks of adherents of "organic" are constantly growing. First of all, these are those who are always in sight: movie stars and top models, popular TV presenters and journalists, industrial and banking magnates - in a word, the elite. "I eat organic!" means not only taking care of your health, but also a high social status, prestige, the opportunity to be at the forefront of glamor and fashion. Although organic products are significantly more expensive than traditional products, more and more middle-income people are shopping in organic stores. And their right choice in favor of "organic" is quite economically justified.

Organic agriculture is a production system that maintains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. The system is based on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles, taking into account local conditions, and also tries to avoid methods with adverse consequences. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and scientific excellence to benefit from the environment, spread sensible relationships and a good quality of life for all involved in this system. (as defined by IFOAM).

The organic goods market offers not only organic food and drinks, but also organic clothing, children's products, cosmetics and medical products, pet food and toys, organic furniture, flowers, etc. In the late 1990s. in Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Germany, the first "organic" hotels appeared, where all food, bed linen and a number of other goods are organic. However, the main category of organic goods is still organic food.

All links in the production of organic food undergo a rigorous certification system every year. It inspects both the absence of chemical additives and genetic engineering technologies in the production, as well as a whole range of other requirements for organic products. “Organic” pets, for example, have a strictly regulated area of ​​​​residence, special food, and they must walk in the fresh air every day.

You can recognize organic products by a special sign on the packaging. Most economically developed countries have their own widely recognizable mark, certifying that the methods of production of products meet national requirements. There may be several signs on the product, which indicates certification by several organizations at once.
