
Ceylon loose leaf tea. Ceylon black tea: useful properties Ceylon large leaf tea

High-quality and good large-leaf black tea is highly valued by true gourmets and tea aesthetes. Possessing amazing taste and useful properties...

Large-leaf Ceylon tea: how to brew it correctly?

High-quality and good large-leaf black tea is highly valued by true gourmets and tea aesthetes. Possessing amazing taste and useful properties, this drink has remained in demand and popular for many centuries. Suitable for holding memorable tea ceremonies, long leaf black tea becomes an indispensable attribute in receiving guests and organizing friendly meetings.

Rules for choosing and brewing a drink

Black Ceylon loose leaf tea is grown in China, India and Sri Lanka. At the same time, real Ceylon tea grows in mountainous provinces located at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level. It is here that ideal conditions are created for growing an extremely tasty tea leaf. It produces an incredibly aromatic drink that has a dark red color. Its taste qualities are on top - when it is used, a pleasant tart aftertaste is felt, the finished drink invigorates and tones. You can buy Ceylon loose leaf tea at the most "delicious" prices in our online store.

In addition to the competent choice of quality products of the desired variety, it is necessary to be able to properly brew loose leaf tea. This is necessary in order not to spoil the tea leaf and to achieve maximum disclosure of its taste.

What should be remembered when brewing a really tasty drink?

  • it is necessary to use freshly boiled water, heated only once, the temperature of which is 90-95 degrees;
  • the process of brewing black long leaf tea is best done in a porcelain, earthenware or faience teapot;
  • for 250 ml of water, approximately 3-4 g of tea leaves should be used;
  • it takes about 4-5 minutes to brew the drink.

Compliance with these principles of brewing a tea drink will allow you to fully reveal the bouquet of its tastes and aromas, getting the maximum pleasure from the tea drinking process. Moreover, if you do not know which large-leaf black tea is better to choose, it makes sense to study the recommendations of experts or personally test each of the varieties you are interested in.

Where can I buy quality tea products

Do not know what you can buy black large-leaf Ceylon tea in Moscow? Our online store offers its customers a wide selection of high-quality and incredibly tasty drinks that can satisfy the wishes of the most demanding tea gourmets. The price of black large-leaf tea presented in the corresponding catalog will be affordable for each of the buyers, which will make cooperation with our store even more pleasant and profitable for you.

The history of Ceylon tea is not as long and colorful as, for example, Chinese tea. Today, this small island has a significant share of tea exports in the world market - more than 10%. The product from Sri Lanka is purchased in 145 countries of the world, and in Russia it is treated with special love.

A bit of history

The island of Ceylon, and now Sri Lanka, specialized in the cultivation and export of coffee until the middle of the 19th century, until a serious epidemic destroyed the bulk of the coffee plantations. Then they were eliminated, and a trial batch was planted in their place. The first harvests of large-leaf Ceylon tea were to the taste of the London experts, and the number of tea farms began to grow.

Plantations in the highlands of Sri Lanka

The pioneer in this area was the British James Taylor, and another well-known tea manufacturer, Thomas Lipton, followed him, who began to package the product and sell it on the market for individual use. Today, more than 120,000 hectares of land are occupied by tea plantations on the island, and there are several dozen varieties of tea produced on them. The Ceylon product in the world market has the following distinctive features:

  • high fortress;
  • intense color;
  • multifaceted sweet aftertaste with slight astringency;
  • long shelf life.

Long leaf tea is very popular in Ceylon. It was he who was known to every inhabitant of the former USSR. This is a premium product, consisting of tea buds and the youngest leaves with fluff cilia.

Regions, varieties and features of production

Sri Lanka specializes in the production of black tea, green tea is not popular here. Here the technology of fermentation and drying was brought to the highest level. Surprisingly, the climate on the island allows you to harvest all year round. Tea leaves are collected only by women, as it is believed that their thin fingers are not able to damage the young and tender shoot.

Early tea picking

Tea on the island is grown on the plains, in the foothills and highlands. The best black tea comes from the Nuwara Eliya region. Plantations are located at an altitude of 2 thousand meters above sea level. Tea bushes alternate with cypress trees, eucalyptus alleys and lawns with wild mint, which leaves a special imprint on the aroma of the future drink.

Tea grown in the region is called Golden, or golden, which reflects the whole essence of the product. Its infusion is light, which is also called amber, the taste is delicate, soft, with a slight astringency, a delicate bouquet of aromas. This is a top quality product, which is also called Ceylon champagne.

At an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level is the Uda Pussellava region. It also produces a high-quality large-leaf product, which is characterized by medium strength with a delicate taste and astringency.

Dimbula is another region producing an elite product. Located at an altitude of 1500-1650 meters above sea level. Due to the high humidity and lower temperatures, the tea leaves here produce a medium-strength infusion with bright tea notes on the palate and a delicate aftertaste.

In the regions of Uva, Rahuna and Kandy, varieties of tea are grown, which are further used for blending and flavoring. In the south of the island, the Rahuna plantations grow the strongest black tea in the world. The characteristics of the soil of this area make the leaves of the tea bush a very dark saturated color, which turn black after fermentation. The color of the infusion is very deep, and pleasant floral notes can be caught in the taste.

In the production of tea, a fresh leaf goes through several stages of processing before it becomes the product that everyone is used to seeing in their own cup. The collection of leaves begins in the early morning, until the afternoon heat has come. It is customary to collect young shoots with two young leaves and unblown buds.

Tea from older leaves becomes less fragrant, has a pronounced astringency, and has a rough structure.

After harvesting, the leaf is withered so that it is slightly dried in the conditions of circulating warm air and the primary fermentation process begins. Then it is twisted and subjected to final fermentation also at elevated temperatures. The final stage is drying, during which the leaf acquires its final dark color and characteristic aroma.

Ceylon long leaf classification and large leaf advantages

A long leaf Ceylon product is understood as tea from the top two leaves and buds. This is a premium quality product with a pleasant taste, color and aroma. When it comes to large-leaf tea, this means that the purchased product in the composition has whole twisted leaves collected from young shoots with the inclusion of tips. The packaging of such a product must be labeled "Orange Peco".

Sometimes large-leaf tea is sold of medium quality, it also includes tips, but the leaves in it are not the youngest, but the third and even fourth on the shoot. The packaging of such tea should be labeled "Peko", which means a product of lower quality.

The benefits of loose leaf tea are:

  • high palatability achieved by an integral structure in which all aromatic components are sealed;
  • much greater benefit to humans due to the fact that all vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as tonic alkaloids are stored in an intact leaf;
  • the absence of particles of small fractions in large-leaf tea gives a transparent and beautiful color of the infusion, which is appreciated by gourmets as highly as the rich taste.

Such tea invigorates well, improves metabolism, promotes weight loss, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and has a rejuvenating effect. It must be brewed with hot water, the temperature of which is not higher than 95 degrees, insist no more than 5 minutes and drink without sugar in order to feel the versatility of taste and aroma.

Rating of Ceylon tea in the Russian market

Russia and the CIS countries buy about 50 tons of tea from Sri Lanka, so its diversity on the market is very large. Below is a ranking of the best products, created by tea experts.
1. Matre de The Noir Ceylon with tips.

2. Ahmad Ceylon Tea High Mountain (Ceylon high mountain).


Reading time: 5 minutes


Ceylon large leaf tea is very popular all over the world. Every morning we enjoy a delicious and fragrant drink. The main supplier of tea products is Sri Lanka, namely the island of Ceylon, which produces about fifty thousand tons of tea per year. The Ceylon variety is highly valued, due to its characteristics it is considered even better than Indian tea.

How did Ceylon tea come about?

India and China are now the top tea producers, with Sri Lanka third. Once upon a time, coffee was grown in Ceylon, but it so happened that all the trees died due to disease. The island was then considered a colony of the British, who decided to plant tea bushes. The favorable climate and the surrounding mountains have created favorable conditions for the growth of tea trees. They are located at an altitude of about two thousand meters above sea level.

Since then, real Ceylon tea has been grown in the regions of Dimbula, Nuwara Eliya, Uva and others. The prevailing clean air is ideal for the growth of elite bushes.

In other provinces, bushes are also cultivated, but such a product is second-rate, which is added in mixtures to other exquisite mixtures.

Features of Ceylon teas

Tea from Ceylon is made from bushes that are planted at an altitude of over four thousand feet. Basically, black varieties are produced here. Tea leaves are harvested throughout the year. Valuable are those that are collected from February to March and from August to September.

Several trading companies produce blends of teas. Good mixed varieties have a brownish-red hue and have a delicate flavor.

Each Sri Lankan tea that grows in a particular province has its own characteristic taste characteristics. The leaves, which grow up to 2,000 feet, have a slight aroma and taste, and are therefore generally added to various mixtures.

The produce harvested from bushes that are two to three thousand feet high is highly valued and considered of the highest quality. He is the best Ceylon tea, the finished drink has a strong taste and a beautiful amber hue.

The best teas of Sri Lanka

Plantations grow in each province, which have certain properties. There are tea regions that are famous for certain varieties:

Nuwara Eliya

The tea grown in the area is called "Champagne Splash". The bushes are harvested throughout the year, the highest quality product is the one that was harvested from January to February. Varieties from this province have a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. It is good to add milk to the brewed infusion.


In this region, as in the previous one, during the monsoon season, the crop is not harvested. Therefore, the best quality leaves are those that are harvested between January and the end of February. Drinks from this region have a strong aroma. The leaves are long and fleshy, the brewed infusion has an unusual oaky taste.


The plantations are located in the south of Ceylon. Beautiful medium-sized leaves make it possible to make a flower tea, which, after brewing, has a bright yellow color and a delicate pleasant taste.


Ceylon lowland teas are made in this area. Long leaves are usually added to mixtures. The finished drink has a pleasant mild taste and sweet aroma, it can be prepared with the addition of milk.


Tea bushes are located in the eastern part of the central mountains. The most famous tea is made in this area. The collection of exquisite varieties falls on the summer period, they have a delicate taste and aroma. The prepared drink has a dark red tint.

Green and are also made in Ceylon. The cost of white varieties is very high, and green varieties are inferior in quality.

Benefits of black Ceylon tea

The leaves have a rich composition, they contain vitamins: B, A, C, K and P, as well as trace elements such as fluorine, potassium, phosphorus and others.

  • Daily use of infusion has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • It has antiviral and antibacterial properties, is the prevention of colds;
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • The drink calms and has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system;
  • Daily use of infusion helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • Thanks to the substances contained in tea leaves, the drink serves as an excellent prevention of cancer;
  • The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process.

In addition to these properties, Ceylon tea increases the efficiency of the brain, removes sand from the kidneys. It also increases potency and prevents the formation of blood clots.

They are few, but they are still present. It should be remembered that:

  • Tea in large doses causes headaches and leads to insomnia;
  • It can increase blood pressure, so a lot of the drink should not be drunk by hypertensive patients;
  • People with stomach ulcers need to take the infusion with caution, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Rules for making a drink

To brew a quality delicious infusion, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • Rinse the dishes in which you will cook with boiling water;
  • Pour one teaspoon of Ceylon large leaf tea into a teapot;
  • Pour one glass of boiling water;
  • Cover with a lid and steep for five minutes.

Tea drinking is a special ritual that is present in the lives of most people. Tea calms, relaxes, sets in a positive way. Thanks to this, at first glance, a simple drink, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of home comfort, warm up on a cold winter evening. Ceylon tea is considered the most popular in Russia, and varieties of Ceylon tea allow even the most sophisticated gourmet to choose their variety.

History of tea

At the end of the 19th century, coffee production began to slow down, and the number of coffee plantations declined sharply. At the same time, tea began to gain popularity. In 1824, the first factory for the production of a tea drink appeared on the island of Ceylon. Then there was no question of commerce, tea was collected and processed for testing, but it abruptly won the recognition of the inhabitants of the island.

Further, more and more experimental plants began to open, and the product was already being produced for sale. James Taylor was one of the first to master the tea industry. His first venture was relatively small and brought almost no income. But Taylor was patient, and over time, more and more tea leaf processing businesses began to appear.

In 1890, tea plantations exceeded the area of ​​coffee plants several times, and more and more fans appeared for the drink. The product from Sri Lanka began to be sent throughout Europe and exhibited at the world's best auctions.

A few years later, the Tea Chamber was organized, which began to sample tea before sending it to the market. The organization is still working, and all tea from the island is being tested.

With the growth of tea production, the requirements for raw materials also grew. Some time later, in Sri Lanka, a ban was introduced on the import of a drink below the first grade. In this way, manufacturers maintained a brilliant reputation and received more and more orders. Ceylon currently occupies one of the leading places in the cultivation and processing of tea leaves.

Collection Features

More than a million locals work on the tea plantations of Sri Lanka, most of whom are women over 12 years old. The process of assembling raw materials is quite laborious and painstaking; only experienced assemblers can do their work quickly and efficiently.

Sri Lanka is one of the few tea-growing places where the leaves are picked by hand. Mechanical assembly is completely absent, which allows you to supply only high-quality drink worldwide. Only the buds and the small leaves surrounding them are harvested, the rest of the plant is not suitable for the production of a drink.

All tea plantations are located at an altitude of 2 to 2.5 thousand meters above sea level. This allows the tea leaves to be saturated with the necessary amount of moisture, which subsequently makes the drink rich and aromatic.

Tea fields require constant care, as many soils do not have enough fertilizer. Immediately after harvest, the tops of the plants are pruned so that the bushes can grow in breadth and produce new shoots.

In one working day, one picker delivers about twenty kilograms of tea leaves to the place of weighing. If you consider that the work is done manually, then this is quite a lot. After assembly, all tea is weighed and sent to factories, where the grade and cost of the future drink are determined.

Before packaging, tea leaves go through several stages of processing, the first of which is drying and getting rid of excess moisture. Then the process of fermentation and oxidation begins, thanks to which the drink acquires the taste familiar to everyone.

Popular types

All tea grown in Sri Lanka can be divided into several types. It is the classification of the drink that determines its strength and color. But, in general, all Ceylon tea has a rich color, unsurpassed astringency and has a tonic effect.

The most popular types of tea, depending on the place of its growth, are several varieties.

"Nuwara Eliya"

The finished drink has a mild taste and a pleasant color. Tea grows next to eucalyptus trees and mint, which largely determine the taste of the finished product. Tea grown here is considered one of the most elite varieties, specially created for true gourmets.


Tea grown on these plantations is considered the strongest of all. Tea leaves are saturated with strength due to the soils on which the plants grow. When brewed, the drink has a rich dark color and an incomparable strength.


The drink turns out to be strong and rich, but it has a special softness, is easy to drink and exudes a wonderful aroma.


Tea is distinguished by a variety of blends. Thanks to special additives, the same type of tea can acquire a completely different taste.


The finished drink can be either very strong or have an average strength.

Whatever type of tea you choose, it will always be of high quality, as Sri Lankan producers strictly monitor the raw materials from which the drink is made.


Ceylon tea has several varieties.

Black long leaf

Baikha tea is a popular name in Russia, which comes from the original "Bai Hoa". This variety is especially loved by many lovers of this drink. But not all black tea is long leaf. Its main difference from other varieties is the presence of many small cilia on the leaves. Tea leaves have a rich black color. If you notice light leaves in a pack of tea, then the raw materials were not well processed and selected. There is nothing terrible here, but it can affect the strength of the drink.

After brewing, pay attention to the presence of small tea leaves, they will help to identify real long leaf leaves.

This variety has many useful properties. It contains calcium and phosphorus, which are elements necessary for life.

large leaf

This type of tea is considered one of the most expensive. For its manufacture, only the upper large leaves are used. When processed, they are twisted into a small ball, and when brewed with boiling water, they acquire their original shape.

Large-leaf alpine tea has a long preparation time. Even if you see that the leaves have opened, you need to wait a bit for them to give all their taste and aroma. Most often, such a drink has a rich color and astringent taste. The leaves of this variety contain many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and tone well.

Conscientious producers wrap only whole and unspoiled leaves in balls, thereby preserving all the properties of tea.


The variety of white tea is considered a truly unique product. It grows in only two places on the planet, one of which is Sri Lanka. Leaves are harvested exclusively in the morning and only twice a year. The assembly process is quite laborious, and its features make it possible to make the drink truly healing.

White tea is famous for its health benefits. Its infusion is used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, some cancers, and to relieve toothache. During the cold season, the drink serves as an antiviral agent, can heal wounds and relieve swelling.

This variety of leaves is brewed only in cool water, otherwise it will lose its healing properties and become just a delicious drink.


Despite the fact that Ceylon tea is more associated with black varieties, green leaves are in no way inferior to them in terms of their taste. This variety is grown on only one plantation - Uva, attempts to find it anywhere else will be in vain.

If we compare green tea from Sri Lanka and China, then in the second case, the drink is significantly inferior to its competitor. Ceylon green tea has an incomparable nutty-malt flavor that no gourmet can resist.

Green tea reveals its flavor and aroma more strongly when drunk without sugar. Many tea lovers claim that sugar and green tea are incompatible foods.


This variety of tea is produced in a special way, long and hard. Once harvested, the tea leaves are heated with hot air until they reach the desired level of fermentation.

This variety is a real find for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. The fat-burning properties of the drink allow you to lose weight while enjoying the pleasant aroma and taste of tea.

You can drink turquoise tea if you want to improve your metabolism and get rid of intestinal problems. Tea is miraculously able to have a laxative or fixative effect.

Beneficial features

The best varieties of Ceylon tea have many beneficial properties. Whichever variety you choose, when drinking a drink, you will receive not only taste pleasure, but also benefits for the body.

Drinking tea helps to restore the nervous system, get rid of stress and disorders. But this effect is achieved only with moderate consumption of the drink, otherwise a back reaction of the body can be obtained.

Regular consumption of the drink helps to remove toxins and toxins, relieve puffiness, and restore water balance. The brain begins to work better, memory improves, working capacity increases.

Tea is a drink that is consumed all over the world. It is grown and produced in several countries, one of which is Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Every year, the CIS countries and Russia buy about 50,000 tons of tea products from Ceylon alone. Ceylon tea has been praised by tea experts and is believed to have long surpassed the Indian varieties from which it was bred. Those who have not yet become an admirer of this drink should get to know it better, learn about its history.

At the beginning of the 19th century, coffee was grown in Ceylon, but at one point the coffee plantations were struck by a fungal disease, the crop died, which led to a decline in production. Just at that time, the Scotsman James Taylor began to breed tea. His tea plantation occupied only 77 square meters. meters, but soon it was expanded. Taylor opened a tea factory. In 1873, the first batch of Ceylon tea was released. Many people liked Ceylon tea, its sales increased, it began to be supplied to European countries.

In Sri Lanka, the Tea House was opened, which is still working. She is in charge of tea production. 1965 can be called a turning point in, it was officially recognized all over the world. At present, it is difficult to imagine what would have happened if there were no Ceylon tea. Tea production in Sri Lanka continues to flourish, delighting connoisseurs of the drink with its taste and aroma.

Types of Ceylon tea

Black tea is the main type of tea produced in Ceylon. It has a dark thick infusion and astringent taste. The drink has invigorating and tonic properties. Black tea is divided into types according to growing conditions. grown on several plantations:

  • Ruhuna. It is the strongest tea grown on the island. Due to the characteristics of the local soil, the tea leaves are of a special black color, and the infusion is dark, with a tart taste.
  • Kandy. This variety will appeal to those who love strong tea varieties. From the tea bushes that are grown here, a delicious drink of brightly saturated color is obtained.
  • Uva. Most often, tea from this plantation is included in blends. It always turns out a different taste depending on the composition.
  • Dimbula. This tea has a bright taste. The infusion can be medium strength or saturated.
  • Uda Pussellava. A drink from this plantation of medium strength.
  • Nuwara Eliya. At an altitude of more than 2000 meters, the Nuwara Eliya plantation is located, which is grown there, which tea gourmets like. The drink has a mild taste, light color, with a low viscosity. The taste of the finished drink is influenced by the presence of wild mint and a large number of eucalyptus trees on the plantation.

Tea of ​​elite varieties is harvested only by hand. Collectors pinch a kidney with two adjacent leaves. Professional pickers can collect up to 20 kilograms of tea leaves per day. This is a lot considering that the tea is carefully selected. After assembly, the tea leaves are sorted and processed. Processing of raw materials includes: drying, fermentation, roasting and packaging of products.

Popular varieties of Ceylon tea

For its production, only whole, large leaves are used. They roll into balls. After brewing, each ball opens, the leaves take their original shape. To prepare a drink from loose leaf tea, more time is needed. But it is worth it, because the tea will turn out with a bright taste, special astringency. The cost of this variety is much higher than the cost of tea of ​​other varieties.

In the homeland of the drink, it is called Bai Hoa due to the presence of small cilia on the tea leaves. In Russia, this black Ceylon tea is known to everyone as long leaf. It is worth remembering that not every tea can be called long leaf. When ready, real tea has small tea leaves. This variety contains in its composition a large amount of useful substances: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium.

Long leaf tea has a very dark infusion. If the tea turned out to be light, the tea leaves were not processed enough, or you purchased a fake. Real tea has black leaves, completely twisted.

Turquoise tea from Ceylon. To obtain this amazing drink, tea leaves wither in a special way. This variety is at an intermediate level in the line of basic teas. It has the ability to improve metabolism and burn excess fat.

Green tea. Sri Lanka is famous for its black tea, but green tea is grown only on one Uva plantation. In terms of its aroma, it cannot be compared with traditional Chinese green teas. This drink has pronounced malt and nutty flavors.

White tea. The variety is valued all over the world, it is called the drink of immortality, because it has beneficial properties that are not inherent in other varieties. It is practically not transported to other countries, since it is stored very little and does not tolerate transportation well. It meets twice a year. It is customary to drink it in the morning to recharge with useful substances for the whole day. The drink is used for pain in the heart, toothache, oncology. White tea has a healing effect, it helps prevent tumors.

Application of Ceylon tea

Ceylon tea has many useful properties, after regular use of the drink it can prevent various diseases:

  • Tea is a low-calorie product, it can be used in diets, provided that sugar and cream are not added to the tea.
  • Improves immunity, prevents the development of various viruses. It is recommended to drink a drink in the off-season, this helps prevent the development of colds, reduce the risk of getting the flu.
  • Regular consumption of the drink will prevent atherosclerosis. But you should not abuse the drink.
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system. The drink helps to eliminate anxiety, calm down. But do not forget that a large amount of tea can cause the opposite effect, lead to insomnia, nervous excitability.
  • Enhances sexual function.
  • Prevents early aging.
  • Tea has a tonic and invigorating effect.
  • Stimulates the work of the brain.
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins. The drink improves metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, promotes weight loss.
  • Prevents thrombophlebitis from developing.
  • Eliminates sand in the kidneys, preventing urolithiasis.

Ceylon tea brands

A lion with a sword is the only symbol that indicates that tea is grown and produced in accordance with all the rules on about. Sri Lanka. This is a quality mark, it is placed on all tea packages on the island. Foreign producers cannot put such a mark on their tea packages.

The most popular brands of tea:

Orange Pekoe. Differs in fruity taste, has large thin leaves.

Broken Orange Pekoe. Medium-leaf tea, it will appeal to lovers of a fragrant and strong drink.

Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings. It can replace coffee as it is the strongest of all brands.

Flowery Orange Pekoe. Tea of ​​pleasant taste, with unusual sweetness. Distinguished by a golden tip on the leaves.

Flowery Pekoe. It has a strong infusion and a balanced taste.

Rules for making Ceylon tea

It is not enough to buy high-quality Ceylon tea, it must be prepared correctly. For everything to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Filtered or soft water must be used.
  2. Do not reuse boiled water. You need to wait until the water starts to boil and remove from heat. Wait a couple of minutes and brew the tea leaves.
  3. Tea is brewed in the following proportion: for each cup of tea, take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. For a fortress on a teapot add one more spoon.
  4. The teapot is doused with boiling water before putting tea leaves in it.
  5. It takes 3-5 minutes to prepare a drink.
  6. The tea leaves must be stored in a hermetically sealed container so that the aroma does not disappear, its taste is not lost.
