
Refreshing drinks. What to drink in hot weather

When the room thermometer reaches +30 degrees, messing around in a stuffy kitchen is completely reluctant. Another thing is to quickly prepare a delicious and original soft drink for the whole family. Every country in the world has its own traditional secrets of preparing tonic ice drinks, designed for use in hot weather.

classic lemonade

You can remember the “old-fashioned” lemonade of the USSR era with amazing taste at home!


  • 4-5 lemons (large or medium, depending on the thickness of the peel);
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar;
  • 5 glasses of distilled or boiled water;
  • Cinnamon or vanilla - to taste.
  1. Separate the lemons from the peel, in the same way as peeling potatoes. Collect the resulting zest and chop into small pieces 1x1 cm in size. Set aside the pulp of the lemons for a while.
  2. Place the resulting crushed zest in a bowl. Add the specified amount of granulated sugar to it. Let the mass brew so that the sugar is saturated with essential oils that the lemon peel secretes. The mixture must be infused for at least one hour.
  3. When the allotted time for impregnation has expired, place a container with 5 glasses of drinking water on the stove. Bring to a boil and pour boiling water into a container with sugar zest. Let it brew for another half an hour, then strain the liquid and eliminate the zest from it.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp with a juicer, or by hand. Strain it through a strainer so that no bones and pulp remain in the juice. Combine the purified juice with sugar water, mix the ingredients with a shaker. Place the resulting liquid in a glass jug. Optionally, at this stage, you can flavor the drink with vanilla or cinnamon.
  5. Put the resulting lemonade in the refrigerator for several hours. It is best to serve the drink with ice, and decorate in case of a party with a slice of lemon and a mint leaf.

Rice Horchata


  • An incomplete glass of long-grain white rice;
  • 5 glasses of drinking water;
  • 125 g of concentrated milk;
  • 1 tbsp vanillin or its extract (without a slide);
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon;
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar (you can use white)

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Pour the indicated amount of water over the rice and place the mixture in a food processor. Together with water, grind the grains on a low setting for one minute. Turn off the appliance when the rice begins to crumble.
  2. Put the resulting mass in a dry place and let the water soak for at least 4-5 hours. The most acceptable option would be to soak the rice in water overnight.
  3. Strain the rice water and separate the grains from it. Pass it through a fine sieve again, combine with concentrated milk, spices and sugar. Shake the cocktail well and refrigerate it. Horchata is also recommended to be shaken before serving. Serve over ice and garnish with cinnamon sticks and herb leaves.

lemon granite


  • Big lemon;
  • 100 g brown sugar (you can use white sand);
  • 800 ml of chilled drinking water;
  • 7-8 ice cubes.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Peel a large lemon from the zest and seeds;
  2. Place the lemon pulp, ice cubes, sugar, and chilled water in the food processor container;
  3. If you want to add a little spice to the drink, add spicy herbs (mint, basil) to the same place;
  4. Pound everything with a blender and serve instantly.

Cucumber melon lemonade


  • Fresh from three lemons;
  • 400 g freshly squeezed passion fruit juice;
  • 1 large peeled cucumber;
  • 2 cups melon pulp, diced
  • A few sprigs of mint (fresh);
  • Crushed ice (at least 2 glasses).

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Finely chop the flesh of a fresh cucumber. It is recommended to remove seeds from it if the vegetable is especially large;
  2. Place the pulp of melon and cucumber into the blender bowl, add the juice of lemons and passion fruit;
  3. Beat the fruit mass until smooth;
  4. Next, combine it with ice and mint leaves, grind again in a food processor;
  5. Pour into tall cocktail glasses and garnish with citrus wedges.

Sparkling strawberry drink


  • 2-3 tbsp black leaf tea without flavorings;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;
  • 250 g prepared strawberries without tails;
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • Chilled carbonated mineral water - 750 ml;
  • Large ice cubes;
  • Citrus slices (for garnish)

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Brew black tea in the indicated proportions with boiling water. After the drink has been infused, separate the leaves and send to the refrigerator for complete cooling.
  2. Rub sugar with strawberries until smooth. Use a blender, food processor or mixer. After that, you can additionally pass the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine sieve to get rid of the seeds.
  3. Mix chilled tea with strawberry sweet mass in equal proportions for each glass.
  4. Add cold sparkling water.
  5. You can put lemon slices in glasses, or decorate the base of the vessels with them. Be sure to add a few large ice cubes to each glass.

Thai honey milk ice tea

This tea is traditionally served at the dinner table in Thailand. The drink will appeal to those with a sweet tooth and lovers of rich milk flavors.


  • 2 tbsp black or green leaf tea (you can use teabags in the amount of 3 pieces);
  • A glass of boiling water;
  • Half a medium orange (with peel)
  • 5 ice cubes;
  • 4 tsp condensed milk;
  • 3 tsp natural honey.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Chop the orange along with the zest. Add tea to it and brew the indicated amount of boiling water. Insist until a dark saturated color is obtained. After that, separate the leaves and orange, cool the liquid.
  2. Combine ice, condensed milk and honey, place the ingredients in a blender. Grind to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Incorporate the mixture into strong orange tea. Make sure that it is completely cooled down, otherwise, the ice will begin to melt quickly.
  4. Shake the two liquids again in the shaker.
  5. Garnish with cinnamon and orange slices.

Spicy Ice Tea

This tea will be an excellent choice for those who lose weight, as well as those who play sports. Remember - ginger is useful not only in winter due to its ability to strengthen immunity. It frees the body from decay products, toxins and toxins, fills the cells with moisture and has a beneficial effect on the stomach, which is necessary in the hot season.


  • 8 glasses of purified drinking water;
  • 1 cup brown sugar;
  • 100 g of chopped ginger pulp;
  • lime peel;
  • Cinnamon;
  • 5 tbsp black leaf tea;
  • Lemon or lime juice (1 cup without pulp);
  • 1/2 cup cranberry juice.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Combine sugar, water, cinnamon, zest and ginger pulp in a small aluminum bowl. Put on fire and bring to a boil, then simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 5-7 minutes. Take the drink off the stove and let it cool.
  2. Steep the tea leaves for 10 minutes, then separate them and chill the drink in the refrigerator.
  3. Express the ginger syrup, combine with chilled tea, carefully observing the proportions per sample. If you think the drink already has a fairly rich taste, save the excess ginger mixture until the next use.
  4. Add cranberry and lime juice to the drink, chill your Ice Tea again.
  5. When serving, you can additionally flavor the tea with ice cubes.

Herbal tea with lavender

Such a fragrant herbal drink is best consumed in the evening. Thanks to the ingredients, tea perfectly calms the nervous system and relaxes in anticipation of sleep. Indispensable for those who suffer from chronic fatigue, or insomnia.


  • 1 cup fresh or dried mint leaves
  • 2 tbsp dried lavender;
  • 1.5 tbsp dried pharmaceutical chamomile.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Rub mint leaves thoroughly in a separate container;
  2. Enter the lavender-chamomile mixture and mix the herbs again;
  3. Fill with hot water, cover the container with a cloth and leave for at least half an hour;
  4. Cool the infusion and refrigerate it.

Refreshing berry cocktail


  • 400 g frozen or fresh blueberries;
  • Half a glass of lime or lemon juice;
  • 4 glasses of drinking water;
  • 4 tea bags;
  • 3/4 cup sugar.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Place the berries and juice in a small bowl, place over heat and bring to a boil;
  2. Remove from the stove, carefully strain with a sieve;
  3. Brew tea bags in boiling water, remove them after 5 minutes;
  4. Introduce sugar into tea, cool and combine with berry-lemon mixture;
  5. Refrigerate the resulting drink and serve with ice.

Non-alcoholic Sangria

The popular rich fruit cocktail is traditionally served as an alcoholic drink. However, its non-alcoholic counterpart is in no way inferior to it in the richness of taste.


  • 1 liter of grape / pomegranate juice (or strong compote);
  • 0.5 l of mineral water;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2 lemons or limes;
  • Large grapefruit.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits by hand or with a juicer;
  2. Chop the rest of the fruit into slices;
  3. Mix all juices, including grape juice, add fruits to them and place in a glass jug;
  4. Refrigerate your drink as much as possible. Before serving, add some mineral water and ice to each glass.

Hello dear friends!

What do you think is better: drinking water in the heat or tea?

I even foresee the answer: what kind of tea can there be in the heat, if you want something cold? Let's figure out what is better to drink in the heat.

What drinks to drink in the heat

What do we drink the most? Compotes, kvass, water, carbonated and mineral water, and such that from the refrigerator.

All this, of course, is not forbidden, but! Have you noticed that even after draining a whole bottle of soda, you still want to drink?

And the fact is that the carbon dioxide contained in soda affects the taste buds of the tongue, causing a desire to drink it again. Caffeine is also often added to soda, and this leads to dehydration, so we cannot get enough of such water.

Soda contains a large amount of sugar, a huge amount of dyes, preservatives and flavorings. And we do not need such an unnatural drink!

What are the best drinks to drink on a hot day?

It must be borne in mind that all sweet drinks do not quench thirst, they make you want to drink even more. In addition, they also whet the appetite.

Slightly sour drinks quench your thirst best of all: homemade bread kvass; compotes from fresh fruits and berries, acidified with lemon; jelly; currant and cranberry fruit drinks; cherry, plum, tomato, dogwood, grapefruit, lemon juices; sour milk drinks.

But no soft drinks can replace ordinary water.

Why you should drink water when it's hot

After all, what is thirst? Thirst is the body's signal of water deficiency. The loss of water already by 1-2% of body weight leads to a feeling of thirst.

If you do not drink enough water, the liquid part of the blood thickens, a blood clot forms, which leads to heart attacks and strokes, which often occur in the summer.

With a lack of water, the amount of circulating blood decreases, it drains from the head and the person may lose consciousness.

To quench your thirst, you need to drink and drink water.

Compotes, jelly and juices only temporarily cool the body, and do not make up for the lack of water, because they contain sugar, and sugar is already food.

Dairy products are also not very suitable, because they have little water.

It is best to drink plain water. Only not immediately in large quantities, but little by little throughout the day.

If the feeling of thirst has come, then the body is already dehydrated, and this should not be allowed. It would be nice to develop the habit of taking at least two sips every half an hour, and preferably half a glass of warm or hot water.

I always take a bottle of water with me and never buy ice water in stores.

How much water to drink in the heat

Doctors say that if in winter it is enough to drink 1.5 liters of water a day, then in summer this amount doubles, i.e. You should drink up to 3 liters of water a day. But you should not drink more than 3 liters either, because this is an additional burden on the kidneys.

And it is necessary, of course, to take into account the physiological characteristics of a person, physical activity, chronic diseases.

In general, of course, our body is very smart and knows when and how much water to drink, but sometimes it needs to be prompted.

So, we could already sum up: what is better to drink in the heat? First of all, clean water, purified through a filter, or purchased in bottles, and you can also use mineral water, but without a lot of salts. See that it is not medicinal water, but a dining room, which contains up to 1 gram of salt per liter of water.

Mineral water replenishes salts and minerals that are excreted from the body with sweat.

It is better to drink non-carbonated water. A large amount of highly carbonated water can lead to swelling. And artificial aeration of water also violates the acid-base balance.

Why You Shouldn't Drink Cold Water When It's Hot

Having drunk cold water, you can catch a sore throat in the summer.

Also, I have an opinion. After all, our body temperature is 36 degrees, so you need to drink water at such a temperature so as not to disturb the heat balance. You want to drink a lot of cold water, because you don’t get drunk with it, you don’t quench your thirst. And if you drink a glass of warm water, then this will be enough for the body, and you will not want to drink for a long time.

That's why people drink hot tea in the heat, no matter how paradoxical it seems!

Why do people drink hot tea in hot weather?

Pepsicols and forfeits are brought to us from the west. And people in hot countries know that cold drinks should not be drunk. This is what scientists are talking about. Cold breaks and kills the balance, and hot, on the contrary, balances, tones.

In the heat, it is better to drink hot tea. Here in Uzbekistan they drink tea several times a day. After drinking hot tea, sweat is released, and after the release of sweat, the body and the body begin to cool. After all, we have special receptors in our mouths. And when we drink a hot drink, the receptor sends a signal to the brain that it's time to start sweating. The body begins to give off heat, which means that overheating will be excluded.

Summer drink recipes at home

Summer lemonades are easy to make at home, and they are much healthier than store-bought highly carbonated lemonades with a high sugar content. Bar manager Rail Dianov knows great recipes for cold summer drinks, for example, in the heat, he prepares a cocktail based on blackcurrant puree and fresh basil, adding lime juice and a little homemade sugar syrup, and then pouring the ingredients with sparkling water. While the drink is infused, the excess bubbles dissolve and the taste becomes softer - it remains to add ice and enjoy the pleasant taste of lemonade.

Rail Dianov

bar manager

“The highlight of this refreshing cocktail is that the classic Russian taste of blackcurrant is combined with the traditional Italian seasoning - basil. This unusual savory drink will help you cool off in the heat and is ready to be a wonderful aperitif before dinner.”

Homemade ginger lemonade is no less tasty and good than hot ginger tea in winter. Pieces of ginger are first poured over with boiling water so that they reveal their taste, then the ginger is generously mixed with ice, which cools the drink and dilutes it, softening the sharpness of the ginger. Raspberry puree, lime juice and honey must be added to the cocktail, then poured with soda water. According to Rail Dianov, ginger notes give the usual berry sweet and sour lemonade a light oriental flavor.

There are many recipes for summer refreshing drinks made from citrus fruits, which are considered the best fruits for lemonades. Try making homemade lemonade with tangerines, peach and tangerine puree, and sugar syrup. Fill the jug with soda water, garnish with a sprig of rosemary and a tangerine wedge. “Citrus fruits quench your thirst in hot weather,” reminds Rail, and it’s hard to disagree with him, besides, simple recipes for summer drinks do not require culinary talents and too much time.

Tea lemonade is made on the basis of any tea, such as chamomile, which is diluted with an unusual mix of cucumber and. Don't forget to put sugar, soda water and ice in the cocktail, and you can decorate it with lemon and chamomile flowers. According to Julia, this is the real taste of summer!

Every day the human body loses 2.5 liters of water, it leaves as a result of the activity of the kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin. If there is little fluid, dehydration occurs, which leads to dysfunction of all organs and systems. If we don't drink enough, replacing some of the liquid with juicy fruits, the body has to do extra work to get water from fruits, instead of directing energy to maintain bodily functions. In addition, moisture deficiency leads to the destruction of our health and premature aging, because cell renewal occurs due to intercellular fluid. It is better to distribute water and summer soft drinks evenly throughout the day to ensure constant replenishment of moisture in the body, and you can find recipes for refreshing cocktails on the Eat at Home! .

Getting ready for the summer! In the heat, the basis of our menu is drinking. Because of the hot weather, you want to drink almost constantly. And you don't have to deny yourself! Better let's see what refreshing drinks can be prepared in the summer.

1. Homemade lemonade

This is perhaps the easiest option. At the same time, it perfectly removes thirst. It can be sour or sweet with a slight sourness - it all depends on you.
half a lemon
Liter of sparkling water
5 st. spoons of sugar

Juice is squeezed from the lemon and poured into a lemonade jug. Sugar and chopped pulp and lemon zest are also added there, everything is mixed and filled with sparkling water. The drink is ready! If desired, ice can be added before serving.

In fact, the amount of sugar and lemon juice in this drink is a matter of taste. Some people like it when it is very sour, others prefer to put more sugar. You can add one or another ingredient to it after cooking. But very quickly you will find your perfect combination and will cook according to your own recipe.

2. Turkish lemonade

I also want to introduce you to Turkish lemonade. The drink is very rich in vitamin C, perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst.
Water (cold drinking) - 5 l,
Lemon - 7 pcs,
Sugar (to taste) - 500-700 g,
Mint (can be without it, 3 leaves) - 3 pcs.

I wash my lemons very carefully, because we will put them into action along with the skin. Then we cut them into arbitrary pieces (not large, but not very small).
Then we put them in the mixer, add a little sugar to make it easier to grind, and add, if any, mint leaves. Everything does not fit into the mixer at once, so we do it in portions. For those who do not have a mixer, a hint: you can grate, but always with a skin. Grind everything into a bowl. Pour our ground lemons with water, add sugar to taste (just do not forget that sugar dissolves in cold water for a long time, so do not overdo it). In no case do not pour hot water, otherwise you will get a bitter drink.
And now we put our pot of lemonade in the refrigerator overnight. Again, do not leave the drink to infuse at room temperature, it will be bitter.
The next morning, we take the pan out of the refrigerator. The lemons will sink to the bottom. Now this whole thing needs to be sorted out. It can be through gauze, it can be through a sieve, as it is more convenient for someone. Well, that's it, our drink is ready.
Cool down and fortify your health, delight your family, friends and yourself with a fabulous drink. Cook only once, at least for a test, and you will not be able to refuse it.

3. Refreshing julep

It is believed that the name of this soft drink comes from the Arabic julab, which translates as "rose water". Juleps are prepared on the basis of various fruits. I bring to your attention one of the recipes.

100 ml blackcurrant juice
80 ml raspberry juice
20 ml mint syrup
ice cubes

Liquid components are mixed in a glass, ice is added to them. The drink can be garnished with strawberries.

Other fruit juleps are prepared according to the same principle.

4. Drinks with ice cream

The best treat in the heat. Drinks, which include ice cream, are obviously designed to cool the body that has been thawed in the heat.

Banana-strawberry drink with ice cream.
Take one banana and 150 g strawberries, 50 g ice cream, a few ice cubes (to taste). Finely chop the banana, mix with strawberries and ice, finally grind using a blender. Pour the mixture into a container (glass, glass), put a scoop of ice cream on top.
Another recipe: coffee drink with ice cream.
Put 50 g of chocolate ice cream in a glass, pour in half a glass of milk, 30 g of coffee syrup and 2 teaspoons of whipped cream. Serve with straws without stirring.

5. Mojito (non-alcoholic)

½ lime
3 tsp Sahara,
200 ml sparkling water,
a few sprigs of mint, ice.

Remove the zest from the lime. Cut a lime into 4 pieces and squeeze into a glass. Add sugar and zest, crushed mint leaves and ice. Top up with sparkling water or Sprite.

1 liter of mineral water,
2 lemons
1-2 tsp aloe juice (or pharmacy aloe essence) for each glass.

Pour mineral water (preferably still) into glasses, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and aloe juice.

7. Fresh juices

Fruit juices and smoothies made from them are full of fructose, which has an excellent revitalizing quality, and making smoothies from fresh juices is a joy to experiment with.
In the end, there are not many creative things in our life that combine utility and pleasure, while taking a little time and money.

"Summer Afternoon"
1 small pineapple, 1/2 ripe melon, 1 large apple, 2 oranges
This cocktail is very loved by children, as it turns out to be refreshing and at the same time sweet. A wonderful remedy for the prevention of colds (a cocktail is rich in vitamin C).
3 peaches, medium bunch of green grapes, 2 carrots
The juice is a beautiful yellow-orange color and is rich in beta-carotene.
"Fruit Blend"
- 4 selected medium sized apricots
- 2 cups peeled diced melon
- 1 large apple without core
- 1 peeled orange
Process the fruit in a juicer, mix well, add a few ice cubes and serve immediately.

8. Honey "Lymed"

1 stack fresh lime juice
5 stack water,
2/3 stack. Sahara,
2 tbsp honey.

Stir sugar in water until completely dissolved. In a pitcher, combine sugar water, lime juice and honey. Cool down in the refrigerator.

9. Raikhon sherbet

Quite popular in the summer and sherbets are an oriental fruity soft drink. The perfect balance of taste in this drink is created by nature itself!

Preparation: Fresh purple basil brews well and produces a thick, purple infusion.
Add sugar to the infusion, whatever you think of sweets in this heat. Strain the infusion and add lemon juice to it.
The infusion will instantly change its color to bright red and you will get an excellent sherbet.
After a few hours, when the infusion has cooled, put the jug in the refrigerator and drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is not only a soft drink - it is also healing! In the heat, it will support your heart, and it will also affect blood pressure in the most positive way.
Similarly, sherbet can be made from mint, tarragon and rose petals (only the rose must be of a special variety, do not try to use the bouquet given last Friday to make sherbet).

10. Airan

The main advantage of ayran is that in the summer heat it quenches both thirst and hunger at the same time. Other than that, it's also useful. It contains a lot of pure proteins, lactic acid, vitamins, beneficial microorganisms, etc. Airan improves digestion, appetite, promotes the absorption of fatty foods.

Preparation: we need 300 ml of natural yogurt without additives (or katyk, or kefir), 150 ml of carbonated mineral water, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, a pinch of salt and crushed ice.
1. Cool yogurt (or katyk, or kefir) and Borjomi in advance. Sort the greens, wash and dry with paper towels, chop very finely.
2. Combine yogurt and mineral water, beat with a whisk until smooth, and you get the best ayran that only happens in the world. Add chopped herbs and salt.
Put glasses on a dish filled with ice and serve - drink to your health, because it is both a drink and food at the same time. If you want to decorate the taste of ayran, you can do it with dried herbs: thyme, mint, basil and ... even green apples. Let it brew, let the aroma pass into the drink, and then add ice and drink to your health!

On hot summer days, we all dream of coolness: a light breeze, a cool shower and a drink that will quench your thirst. There are many delicious ways to do this. Of course, you have your favorite recipe, but why not try something new? And, despite the fact that water is the main tool in the fight against thirst on hot days, sometimes you want to add a little taste.

We are for reasonable economy. Therefore, the proposed ones do not contain very rare or expensive ingredients. Of course, everyone loves Martini Royale, Sangria or Mojito. But besides these cocktails, there are many others worthy of attention, and non-alcoholic ones.

1. Peach-ginger tea. It's no secret that purchased iced tea does not contain beneficial substances. But if you are not too lazy to cook it at home, then you will get a real healthy drink that will cool and invigorate. To prepare, you will need: 6 canned peach halves, 1 ½ cups peach juice, 1/3 cup sugar and 1 tbsp. grated ginger. Whisk all ingredients in a blender. Add ice and 6 cups chilled black tea. You can safely take such a drink with you.

2. Cooling drink from kiwi. Surprisingly, even from kiwi you can make a wonderful cocktail. Peel 7 kiwis, blend in a blender with ½ cup sugar, juice of 2 limes and 1 cup water. Strain and add ice. Refreshing drink is ready.

3. Cucumber water. The cooling properties of cucumber are known to many. But not everyone has tried cucumber water to quench their thirst. This drink is very popular among. For 4.5 liters of water you will need 1 chopped lemon and ½ chopped cucumber. Mix all ingredients, refrigerate and strain.

4. Strawberry lemonade. What could be tastier than drinks, pastries, etc. from seasonal fruits! So instead of the usual lemonade, you can cook strawberry. A wonderful recipe to surprise friends and family. You will need: 250 grams of strawberries, 3 lemons, 75 gr. powdered sugar and 750 ml of water. Strawberries mash or beat in a blender with sugar. Peel the zest from the lemon, making sure that the white part still remains. If the skin is not peeled off, then the cocktail turns out to be bitter. Cut and squeeze the juice into a container. Add hot water to the mixture and boil a little to dissolve the sugar. Then let cool and refrigerate overnight. Strain and drink in the morning.

5. Real lemonade. The real one... the real doesn't exist. To prepare it, you will need 6 lemons, 2 limes and 200 grams of sugar. Remove skin from citrus fruits with a vegetable peeler. Place the zest in a large bowl. Squeeze all the lemons and limes and add the sugar. Pour a little over 1.5 liters of water. Stir and refrigerate. Instead of sugar, you can add powdered sugar or, even better, sugar syrup. It dissolves faster in water.

6. Cranberry cocktail. Dedicated to all cranberry lovers. Take 100 ml of cranberry juice or 100 ml of apple juice, a little honey and decorate it all with a cherry.

7. Cold coffee. Even if it's hot, you can't do without coffee. Then this drink is for you. Take 1 cup of strong, milk, sugar, ice, you can add syrup (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry). Pour ice into a tall glass. Fill the glass ¾ full with milk, then pour in the coffee. Add syrup (if you like). Whisk in a blender. And serve.

When it's hot, you don't usually want to eat. However, the body still needs strength to stay awake. Therefore, we bring to your attention several smoothie recipes that will quench your thirst, hunger, and help you lose weight.

Red smoothie. You will need: 2 bananas, 200 gr. frozen raspberries and frozen red berries, 150 ml. regular yogurt, 200 ml skimmed milk and a little honey. All this is whipped up in a blender. An excellent invigorating cocktail is ready.

Blueberry smoothie. You will need 1 banana, 1 tsp. lime juice, 75 gr. blueberries (better, of course, fresh), 150 ml of classic yogurt, 1 tsp. honey.

The basis of the smoothie is yogurt and banana, as they provide the necessary nutrition and consistency. The rest of the ingredients can be added to taste.

Bon appetit!
