
What medicinal herbs are harvested in July. Herbal tea - we collect herbs for tea

In July, we collect the grass of Chernogolovka, Adonis spring, Calamus marsh, Marsh wild rosemary, Knotweed and kidney, Sweet clover, Oregano, Angust-leaved fireweed, common toadflax, field mint, Dandelion officinalis, Parsnip seed, Shepherd's purse, club club, Common plantain , Wormwood, Five-lobed motherwort, Swamp marshwort, Creeping thyme, Common yarrow, Violets tricolor, Horsetail, Tripartite succession, Greater celandine; leaves of Black henbane, Birch, Three-leaf watch, Wild strawberry, European hoof, Dioecious nettle, Common raspberry, Coltsfoot, Large plantain, Common bearberry; buds of Henbane black, Siberian fir; inflorescences of Immortelle sandy, Calendula officinalis (marigolds), Linden heart-shaped, Common tansy; flowers of red hawthorn, blue cornflower, coltsfoot, cinnamon rosehip; berries of red hawthorn, blueberries, strawberries, viburnum, raspberries, blackcurrants, bird cherry, blueberries, wild rose; fruits of Cumin ordinary; thallus of Icelandic lichen; bark of Viburnum vulgaris; corollas of flowers of Mullein scepter; cone berries of Juniper; roots of Angelica officinalis, Dandelion officinalis, Comfrey officinalis, Peony evading; rhizomes of male fern; Needles of Siberian Fir, Pine; flower baskets Fragrant chamomile; tuber roots of Yartyshnik.

Medicinal herbs harvested in July

Herbalists are well aware that the correct and timely collection of medicinal herbs, berries, fruits, etc. - this is a guarantee that they will retain all their healing properties when dried. This means that they can be used to treat many ailments. Today we will tell you what medicinal herbs collect in July.

A medicinal plant that is difficult to confuse with something. On top of the flowers, the plant is prickly.

sweet clover

In July, two types of sweet clover and white clover are harvested - this is a large herb often used as a honey plant. This herb often grows near roads, so try to refrain from picking it near highways. Both types of plants look the same and usually grow together, only the medicinal sweet clover blooms in yellow.


In this plant, not only the root is useful, but also the grass, and it is better to collect it in July in hot weather otherwise it will be difficult to dry.

Pretty tall plant yellow flowers, collected during flowering in July. Grows mainly in damp places. Also a popular plant for collecting Coinweed or creeping loosestrife, the plant does not look like common loosestrife

Nettle harvesting continues all summer, but in July you can start collecting nettle seeds.


Gathered from the end of June and throughout July, it grows mainly in sandy fields. You can confuse this plant with a calico or calico, but the calico blooms in September, and the calico is larger and has leaves, while the bekashnik has practically no leaves, the flowers are smaller and blue.

Another name is marsh cinquefoil, it grows in swampy areas and is collected in July, in the photo there is a small flower of cinquefoil. Other photos

It begins to bloom in June, and they begin to collect it from the very beginning of July at the time of maximum flowering.

This small medicinal herb begins to bloom from the end of June and blooms almost all of July, this is the best time to collect it.


Yarrow is collected at the time of flowering and it begins to bloom in June, and the peak of flowering occurs in July, so it is easiest to collect it in July. Collect both flowers and the whole plant.

Blooming Sally

A large plant with lilac flowers, entire fields are overgrown with it, this is the only grass that can displace hogweed. In July, the peak of flowering willow-tea is at this time it should be harvested. Flowers and leaves are harvested, the fireweed leaf is dried or fermented.

club moss

Collection this plant can be kept throughout the year, although in winter you need to manage to dig it out, this is an evergreen plant. It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, where herbalists go after it. Plaun is mainly used for the treatment of alcoholism. It also helps to cope with tobacco addiction and promotes the convergence of edema. A photo of a club moss can be seen either in the gallery or in the article: What medicinal herbs to collect in May?

sow thistle

For medicinal purposes, flowers and leaves of this plant should be harvested. They are the ones that have useful properties. Also, sometimes they dig up the root of this plant, so that later it can be used in therapeutic purposes. Due to its soothing, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, diuretic and diaphoretic properties, thistle is very popular in traditional medicine.

Henbane black

Despite the fact that this plant has beneficial properties, it is very poisonous. That is why it should be collected with great care. It is also necessary to use funds prepared on the basis of henbane carefully, strictly observing the rules for their preparation and dosage.


Heather is harvested from May to August. In order to prepare medicines from heather, you need to stock up on its flowers and leaves in July. Plant collection is best done in coniferous forests, but in places where a lot of light penetrates, as well as in peat bogs. Heather is recommended for use when colds, insomnia, problems with the functioning of the nervous system, increased blood clotting, inflammation of the mucous membranes, etc.

Knotweed or highlander bird

Knotweed is a small plant with inconspicuous flowers that usually grows in a carpet. If this plant is stocked in July, it can be used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, liver and kidney diseases. It also helps to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder and promotes the convergence of edema.


The collection of this plant can be carried out from the beginning to the end of July. It can be used to treat diseases of the female reproductive system, hemorrhoids, etc.

Highlander snake

The collection of the snake mountaineer begins in June, and in July you can also continue harvesting it. Means prepared from a dried plant will help to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and gallbladder, and will also contribute to the speedy healing of epidermal injuries.

List of plants harvested in July

  • Adonis spring - grass
  • Calamus marsh - grass
  • Marsh rosemary - grass
  • loosestrife - grass
  • Knotweed - herb
  • Knotweed - herb
  • Melilot officinalis - herb
  • Origanum vulgaris - herb
  • Fireweed angustifolia - herb
  • Common flaxseed - grass
  • Field mint - herb
  • Dandelion officinalis - herb, roots
  • Parsnip - grass
  • Shepherd's purse - grass
  • club moss - grass
  • Plantain ordinary - grass
  • Wormwood - herb
  • Motherwort five-lobed - grass
  • Dryweed marshwort - grass
  • Creeping thyme - herb
  • Yarrow - herb
  • Violet tricolor - grass
  • Horsetail - grass
  • Three-part series - grass
  • Great celandine - grass
  • Black henbane - leaves, buds
  • birch - leaves
  • Three-leaf watch - leaves
  • Wild strawberry - leaves, berries
  • European hoof - leaves
  • Stinging nettle - leaves
  • Common raspberry - leaves, berries
  • coltsfoot - leaves, flowers
  • Plantain large - leaves
  • Bearberry - leaves
  • Siberian fir - buds, needles
  • Sandy immortelle - inflorescences
  • Calendula officinalis (marigold) - inflorescences
  • Linden heart-shaped - inflorescences
  • Common tansy - inflorescences
  • Hawthorn red - flowers, berries
  • Cornflower blue - flowers
  • Rosehip cinnamon - flowers, berries
  • Blueberries - berries
  • Kalina - berries
  • Black currant - berries
  • Common bird cherry - berries
  • Blueberries - berries
  • Cumin ordinary - fruits
  • Icelandic lichen - thallus
  • Viburnum ordinary - bark
  • Mullein scepter - corollas of flowers
  • Juniper - cone berries
  • Angelica officinalis - roots
  • Comfrey officinalis - roots
  • Peony evasive - roots
  • Fern male - rhizomes
  • Pine - needles
  • eryngium - grass
  • Fragrant chamomile - flower baskets
  • Yathyshnik - tubers

The field owl is known to everyone, it is easy to recognize it. This herb is also called asot pink, thistle. As a matter of fact, it is a weed with which many fight mercilessly. However, this weed is not as useless as it might seem. The field flower for medicinal purposes is used in folk medicine. An infusion, a decoction of its roots is used for various colic (intestinal, renal, hepatic), as a diaphoretic that removes fluid from the body. External use of thistle is also common - crushed inflorescences are applied to wounds, boils, tumors, abscesses. Caution is also required when using this plant - if the dosage conditions are not observed, severe adverse reactions are possible.


Thanks to Stevenson and his ballad Heather Honey, heather acquired a poetic areola. This is no coincidence, weed is really very useful and deserves such an attitude. The medicinal properties of heather are widely known. Heather has a disinfectant, antiseptic, wound-healing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, mild hypnotic effect. It contains organic acids, calcium, potassium, starch, carotene, phosphorus, sodium, flavonoids, tannins and minerals. It is important to note that the use of heather is not recommended for diseases of the stomach with low acidity. Heather can be used to make both tea and syrup. This elegant herb is truly a miraculous medicine.

hare cabbage

Not only useful, but also delicious plant- hare cabbage. With it, you can cook a lot of different dishes - from salads to potato pancakes. Rabbit cabbage can be collected even with small children, as this plant is difficult to confuse with something else, it always stands out among the surrounding grass. It is important that the leaves can be eaten without processing, they have a sour taste, a little crunch on the teeth, as cabbage should be. In folk medicine, hare cabbage is used due to its tonic, antiseptic, analgesic, wound healing properties. In addition, it is used to improve heart function, stabilize blood pressure, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, relieve pain in the joints and muscles (compresses and poultices), remove warts and calluses. It is believed that the immunostimulatory properties are higher in stonecrop purple, in Lately it has even been used in the treatment cancer. Bunny cabbage is one of the few herbs that can be used to treat impotence. It is no coincidence that another name for this plant is young.


Meadowsweet belongs to an extremely common plant, it can be found almost everywhere in the temperate climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. This plant is extremely wide range applications in medicine. This is due to the composition of the meadowsweet, it includes vitamin C, tannins, phenolic compounds, as well as salicylic acid and its derivatives (salicylic aldehyde, methyl salicylate and much more). The roots of the plant are no less saturated with useful substances. Thanks to this rich composition, the meadowsweet can be used as a tonic, tonic, sedative, bactericidal, diuretic, astringent, hemostatic, wound healing and anthelmintic agent. It also has a choleretic property and is able to enhance the ability of the liver to fight toxic damage to the body. Meadowsweet preparations, in addition to the above, help with headaches, rheumatic lesions of the joints, diabetes and can also be used as an antiviral agent.


Calendula is one of the most famous and widespread medicinal plants. We can buy calendula tincture at a pharmacy, but calendula blooms in July and freshly blooming inflorescences of the plant are harvested for medicinal purposes. Conclusion: it's time to collect. Calendula is considered a cultivated plant and rarely runs wild. It is unpretentious and very beautiful: the flowers of the plant of yellow or orange color are collected in inflorescences - baskets. Calendula is used for sore throats, allergies, arthritis, asthma, hepatitis, gastritis - the number of diseases in which calendula is useful can take up half a page in small print. It is no accident that calendula has become one of the most common medicinal plants. The range of its application is very wide.

Sandy immortelle

Another plant worth talking about in July is sandy immortelle. This plant can be seen on forest clearings, on dry slopes, where sandy soil prevails.
Immortelle is highly valued in herbal medicine. It has a pronounced choleretic effect. Its flowers are included in the composition of choleretic and other teas, including those used to treat diseases. Bladder, as a diuretic, not irritating to the kidneys, with gastritis, and also as a hemostatic agent. A decoction of immortelle flowers is used by the people as a disinfectant. In folk medicine, immortelle is used for jaundice, dropsy, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstone and nephrolithiasis, with colds, skin diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, postpartum hemorrhage, female diseases, rheumatism and, in addition, as an anthelmintic. It is better to harvest immortelle at the beginning of flowering, which falls just in July.

Sweet clover (in Latin Melilotus) is a herbaceous plant of the legume family. His Russian name associated with the word "donna", which was once called gout.

The height of the sweet clover is up to two meters. The plant has a branched stem, tap root, trifoliate leaves with stipules, white or yellow drooping long flowers. The plant blooms in summer - from June to August.

The plant has the following effect:

  • expectorant;
  • lactagon;
  • painkillers;
  • antiseptic;
  • laxative;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • helps with fever.

The plant is not used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • kidney disease;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • internal bleeding.

Oregano - flowers and leaves

Benefits of using herbs

- pronounced antibacterial effect;
- relieves inflammation, improves bile flow;
- acts as a diuretic;
- favorably affects the work of the nervous system, carrying out effective prevention of neurosis, insomnia and depression;
- reduces soreness of the teeth, inflammation and bleeding of the gums;
- normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
Oregano is often used as a drug to fight fungal infections;
- due to the strong diaphoretic and expectorant action, the herb is successfully used for therapeutic purposes - for bronchitis and colds, as well as an effective cough remedy;
- tones the skin, eliminating inflammation and various rashes;
- the use of oregano is relevant for menstruation, since herbal infusion helps to reduce pain and spasms;
- lowers blood pressure (but only if hypertension is not severe;
- helps with spasms of the intestines, stomach, liver diseases;
- relieves inflammation of internal organs, due to which the plant is used for pancreatitis;
a large number of women use oregano seeds for weight loss, as they help burn fat deposits, etc.

St. John's wort - flowers and leaves

The medicinal properties of St. John's wort were noticed in ancient times. It is believed that the more understandable Russian word "St. John's wort" originates from the Kazakh "Jeroboy" - "wound healer".

All parts of St. John's wort contain coloring matter, as well as (up to 1%) flavonoids. essential oil(more than 1%) and up to 13% tannins. There are organic acids, in particular isovaleric.

In addition, St. John's wort is rich in vitamins: ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamins P and PP, as well as carotene.

There is ceryl alcohol, choline and traces of alkaloids in the herb.

St. John's wort has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Both in folk and scientific medicine, preparations from St. John's wort are used as astringents, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents that promote the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

Hypericum preparations (infusions, decoctions) are taken orally for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Used for rinsing with stomatitis, inflammation in the mouth and throat, as well as for lubricating the gums with inflammation.

Hypericum preparations are widely used externally, especially for extensive and deep burns (I and II degrees), for the treatment of wounds and other various skin lesions: for boils, abscesses, ulcers, mastitis, and inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Not so long ago, medical scientists discovered another property of St. John's wort. As a result of clinical trials, the antidepressant effect of St. John's wort concentrate was established, its positive influence to the nervous system.

A huge plus of this discovery was the absence of those contraindications and side effects, which become constant companions of chemical antidepressants. The drug "Gelarium", based on St. John's wort concentrate, is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

Strawberries - leaves and fruits

- a berry that is in the first place of all in terms of iron, vitamin E, folic acid and calcium. The leaves and roots of strawberries are rich in tannins, alkaloids and essential oils. Strawberry tea helps with inflammation of the mucous membrane. In addition, strawberry leaves and rhizome have a diuretic effect, heal wounds, heal ulcers and shrink the spleen. Loose teeth and weak gums can be strengthened by rinsing with strawberry decoction.

Strawberries are also beneficial for the human body. The fruits of the plant contain trace elements, sugars, pectins, acids, fiber, vitamins and essential oils. They not only improve appetite, but also contribute to the normalization of digestion.

Hyssop - flowers and leaves

hyssop shrub beneficial features has extensive. It is used as an expectorant, laxative, wound healing and antihelminthic.

The preparations of this plant have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

Hyssop, due to its antispasmodic properties, soothes stomach pains. Subshrub-based products increase arterial pressure and also act against various kinds fungus. Hyssop flowers and leaves are used to treat various skin diseases, bruises and wounds. In addition, infusions and decoctions from these parts of the plant are used externally for rinsing, and in oral cavity relieve inflammation. Preparations from these parts of this medicinal shrub are indicated for various gastrointestinal problems.

Iceland moss - thallus

Icelandic moss, the second name of which is Icelandic cetraria, is a ground lichen from the Parmeliaceae family, which is not related to mosses (a symbiosis of algae and fungus). Found in Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. Grows well in pine forests, heathlands, swamps, tundras and forest-tundras of Siberia, Alay, Karelia and the Caucasus. It is found on the bark of tree stumps or directly on the soil, prefers unshaded areas where it can form entire thickets.

The use of Icelandic moss with health benefits was first described in the folk treatises of Norway, Sweden, Iceland: the Scandinavians used lichen for colds, to strengthen the body, treated the skin with healing infusions for cracks, burns, wounds. Only in the twentieth century were studied antibacterial properties and the possibility of using it for the treatment of tuberculosis patients. To date, it is included in the pharmacopeia of a number of countries, including Russia. Treatment with Icelandic moss is effective in a number of diseases, since it has expectorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, tonic, enveloping, antimicrobial, laxative, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and choleretic effects. Considered a powerful natural antibiotic.

Calendula - flowers

Calendula officinalis or in the common people marigolds favorite plant many gardeners. It is an annual ornamental plant with yellow or bright orange flowers, unpretentious, cold-resistant, blooms until frost, is found everywhere in flower beds and adorns them with its beauty.

Calendula has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect - it kills staphylococci and streptococci and is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Tinctures, decoctions and infusions are used for gargling with sore throat, for diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, periodontal disease, thrush in children, wash eyes with conjunctivitis, make lotions for barley, instill into the ear with purulent otitis media. Calendula is used to treat boils, purulent wounds, abrasions, burns, cuts, anal fissures.

An analgesic, wound-healing effect of calendula has been established, it relieves swelling and itching from insect bites - mosquitoes, wasps, bees. It is enough to lubricate the wound with fresh leaf juice or tincture of calendula and the itching stops. Used for washing wounds Fresh Juice inflorescences. Infusion, tincture and ointment are used for burns and frostbite, for the treatment of skin problems, for scrofula, for ulcers and fistulas.

Calendula has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability and blood pressure, cleanses the blood, and is used to treat heart disease and hypertension. It is used to improve sleep, increase efficiency, to relieve headaches.

Apply calendula as a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic. For stomach ulcers and duodenum, with diseases of the liver, intestines, spleen, with hepatitis and inflammatory processes in the bile ducts, tincture and infusions of calendula are used.

Calendula preparations are widely used in gynecology and oncology, infusions from inflorescences are used in the form of douches for cervical erosion.

Creams, ointments and oils are used to treat skin diseases, burns, frostbite, varicose veins, to heal cracks in the heels and hands, to relieve itching and irritation. In cosmetology for hair care, for the skin of the hands, face.

Fireweed (Ivan-tea) - flowers and leaves

Decoction and infusion of fireweed are used for a number of diseases of various organs and organ systems. In his chemical composition fireweed leaves contain a significant amount of mucus and tannin, which is why the infusion is successfully used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by hyperacidity(gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis). In addition, the infusion helps to cope with negative consequences intestinal dysbacteriosis and normalize the flora.

The presence of ascorbic acid, iron and manganese in the chemical composition of this medicinal raw material characterizes the healing infusion as effective remedy in the fight against iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin according to the result of a general blood test). In addition, the infusion can be used by women with heavy menstruation, as well as in the postpartum period.

Infusion and decoction of fireweed stimulate cardiac activity and have a mild effect on the nervous system. They are used for insomnia, nervous overexcitation, increased irritability and headache.

As an external agent, an infusion of the leaves is successfully used for diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis. Dry powder from the leaves of a medicinal plant is used as aid in the treatment of infected wounds and ulcers. As a poultice, it is used for otitis media (including acute) and soft tissue bruises.

Clover - flowers

Decoctions and infusions, juice, tinctures are prepared from clover, which are taken orally and used externally for rinses, lotions, and therapeutic baths. Clover is included in the composition of ointments, powders, cleansers and treatment of skin diseases, shampoos, lotions.

Preparations from clover have a choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, hemostatic, astringent action and treat many ailments.

Decoctions of clover treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidneys, urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and appendages.

Clover flowers relieve swelling and inflammation, purify the blood, improve the functioning of the whole organism.

Steamed porridge flowers, applied to sore spots, help with varicose veins.

Decoctions and infusions from inflorescences and leaves are drunk for asthenia and anemia, for headaches and dizziness, for rickets, pulmonary tuberculosis, for bleeding and hemorrhoids, for poisoning.

Clover has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant properties and is successfully used to treat acute colds, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, sore throats and coughs, as well as to treat skin diseases, diathesis, abscesses and burns. Red clover is used to treat gout and rheumatism.

A decoction and infusions from clover remove excess fluid from the body, promote better sputum separation, improve sweating, destroy harmful microorganisms, relieve swelling, they are used for rinsing - with gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, as well as for washing wounds.

Nettle - flowers and leaves

Pharmacological properties Normalization of lipid metabolism, mainly due to iron salts and vitamins; A pronounced hemostatic effect due to the presence of vitamin K, which is involved in the production of a blood coagulation factor - prothrombin. This property is characteristic of fresh raw materials, while dried nettle, on the contrary, slows down the process of blood clotting; Choleretic action; Anti-inflammatory effect; Acceleration of tissue regeneration; Increased tone of the uterus and intestines; Stimulation and toning of the body, increased basal metabolism due to the high content of chlorophyll. Improvement of cardiac and respiratory activity.

Flaxseed - flowers and leaves

Medicinal flaxseed facilitates the work of the stomach, gently and gently relieves constipation, is an excellent diuretic, which has a great effect on the work and restoration of kidney function.
With the use of flaxseed in food (drink), the microflora of the stomach is restored and appetite improves.
The plant can be used not only inside the body.
It has a healing hemostatic effect.
Stops inflammatory processes (pimples, ulcers), fights external fungal diseases.
Boiled flaxseed tinctures are drunk regularly to prevent constipation. You can also rinse your mouth for sanction and prevention.
Linen decoction is used to wipe the face for cosmetic purposes.
Flax in the infusion has a choleretic effect and is acceptable for use in the postoperative period.
Helps to cope with such troubles as kidney disease, enuresis, cystitis, anemia, acute respiratory infections, fungal diseases of a different nature, violation of the sanctions of the oral cavity and other mucous membranes.
Ointment based on flaxseed is excellent remedy for better healing of open ulcers, fights acne, removes boils.
Flax preparations significantly reduce psoriasis, fight conjunctivitis, blepharitis, eczema.
Infusion is an anesthetic for sprains, with inflammatory processes leading to hemorrhoids.
Infusion and decoction helps to cope with anemia, and is relevant as a preventive infusion to maintain the overall health of the body.

Raspberry - leaves and fruits

First of all, raspberries are known to us as a remedy used for colds, acute respiratory infections, sore throats. The reason for this is high content salicylic acid, which is considered a diaphoretic and antipyretic. Remember this age-old recipe: drink tea with raspberries and go to bed? Raspberry is good because, unlike chemical antipyretics, it does not have a side effect on the body.

Raspberry is in the top 3 best products rich in antioxidants. And we know that they help us fight the aging of the body, maintain health and youth.

Raspberries contain a large amount of vitamin C. It is this vitamin that helps us fight the harmful effects of the external environment.

Raspberries are high in magnesium, which is so good for the heart. It is also rich in manganese.

Vitamin K, which is also rich in raspberries, is involved in the formation of blood clotting factors.

Raspberries also have other properties that are beneficial to our health: anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiemetic, and even analgesic and antitoxic.

Cuff - flowers and leaves

The cuff is considered a cure for all diseases. It has been known since ancient times as a truly miraculous remedy. It is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine in many countries.

Harvesting of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period, immediately after the race has dried. Cut off all ground parts of the cuff. They are dried in the fresh air, protected from rain and sun rays place. Store raw materials in glass or paper packaging within 12 months.

The cuff contains a large amount of steroids, ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids, fatty and phenol carboxylic acids, coumarins, lipids, resins, catechins and trace elements (nickel, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum).

The cuff is widely used in gynecology. Phytohormones, which are part of it, help get rid of menstrual irregularities, cure female infertility and maintain pregnancy. However, it should only be used under medical supervision.

Cuff tea helps reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. It stimulates the pancreas and intestines, bringing blood sugar levels back to normal.

No wonder it is otherwise called the mother-grass or the king-grass. Even for preventive purposes, you can simply dry the coltsfoot in the spring and constantly add it to tea. There will definitely be no harm.

In all other cases, a coltsfoot is useful, reviews eloquently confirm this. Take the plant in the form of decoctions, teas and infusions.

Broth coltsfoot. Warm 3 large spoons of leaves (crushed) in a water bath with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Dosage 3 spoons after each meal.
Infusion mother-and-stepmother. 3 large spoons of flowers and leaves are brewed in a water bath with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. After another 45 minutes, strain well and dilute in a glass to full. Drink the infusion should be warm, store in the refrigerator.
Tea from coltsfoot leaves. 2 large spoons with the top insist in a glass of boiling water, like tea. Dosage - one cup three times a day.
Successfully used coltsfoot for coughs and colds, because it has a secretory, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. We make a decoction (see the recipe above) and drink it in a spoonful every three hours as an expectorant. If you add honey, lemon or mint to the broth, it will be much tastier.

Melissa - flowers and leaves

The rich composition gives plants a whole arsenal healing properties. Melissa has antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic, sedative, carminative, choleretic, hypoglycemic, astringent, anticonvulsant, expectorant, tonic, diuretic, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiallergic effects.

Mint - flowers and leaves

Mint medicinal has a lot of positive properties:

it is an excellent diuretic, due to which excess fluid is removed from the body. If you consume a large amount of pickles, it is useful to drink daily fresh tea with mint;

there is a choleretic effect, therefore it can be used as a means for losing weight;

used as an antiemetic - a few drops of pomegranate juice and mint are mixed. This composition helps to relieve an attack of nausea, stop vomiting and can be taken during pregnancy;

has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps relieve anxiety. To do this, it will be enough to drink a cup of tea, for the preparation of which dried or fresh mint can be used;

The plant has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. To do this, fresh grass is brewed, mint should be boiled for several minutes and ready-made tea can be taken for migraines and headaches;

Peppermint can be used in cosmetology to strengthen and treat hair. It is useful to regularly rinse the strands with warm decoction after each wash. However, if such a natural rinse is used, it is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer to dry the hair. This tool perfectly nourishes the strands, restores natural shine, stimulates hair growth, eliminates the problem of split ends;

Shepherd's purse - flowers and leaves

Such herb as shepherd's purse has a unique hemostatic effect. The substances contained in this plant contribute to increased muscle motility and uterine tone. Thanks to acetylcholine, this herb is able to restore intestinal motility. Special galenic forms of shepherd's purse significantly expand peripheral vessels, and also have a mild hypotensive effect. The leaves of this unique herb possess unconditional phytoncidal activity. It should also be noted that a large amount of potassium was found in the shepherd's purse.

Tansy - flowers

Tansy has also been widely used in folk medicine. For treatment, the aerial part of the plant is used, while enterobiasis, hypocidic gastritis, hepatitis, colitis, ascariasis, cholecystitis, hypotension, and nervous excitement are treated. Tansy compresses are used for gout, as well as for festering and non-healing wounds.
The juice obtained from tansy is used for various ailments - such as, for example, intoxication after tuberculosis, fever, as well as in the treatment of epilepsy, headaches, painful or excessive menstruation, ulcers, joint pain, rheumatism, colds. The juice also has a sedative effect.

Plantain - grass

Plantain is great medicine for a person. It perfectly relieves inflammation, serves as an antiseptic, heals and heals wounds, has a positive effect on the secretory function of the stomach, relieves pain, and also has an expectorant and blood-purifying effect. It is used as a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. With the help of an infusion of plantain leaves, you can get rid of not only an ordinary cough or respiratory disease, but also serious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.

As a result of special phytochemical studies, it was found that plantain leaves contain components that affect cholesterol metabolism and serve as an anti-ulcer agent. And the alcoholic or aqueous leafy extract of the plant is indispensable for especially severe forms of ulcers. It was also noted that psyllium-containing medical devices and the juice of its leaves (as well as the leaves themselves) contain antibacterial substances that help with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, pathogenic microbes of wound infection, hemolytic staphylococci, etc.

Wormwood - flowers and leaves

The beneficial properties of wormwood are due to active substances - absinthine, anabsinthine, flavonoids, thujone, pinene, cadinene, bisabolone, chamazulenogen, selinene. Phytoncides, alkaloids, capillin, ascorbic acid, provitamin A. Rich in apple plant, succinic acids, tannins, saponins, carotene.

Galenic substances of the herb stimulate the reflex function of the pancreas, gallbladder, increasing the separation of bile and thereby improving digestion. Terpenoid compounds have anti-inflammatory and cardiostimulatory effects. Wormwood essential oil excites and normalizes the work of the central nervous system. The herb is known for its bactericidal and fungicidal properties due to its unsaturated hydrocarbons.

Motherwort - flowers and leaves

- a plant of the mint family, which is also a herbaceous perennial. Among medicinal properties of five-lobed motherwort, it was noted that it helps to lower blood pressure, has sedative properties, positively affects the strength and rhythm of heart contractions, and also has positive impact to the central nervous system. The herb helps to get rid of cramps and relieves spasms, lowers the level of cholesterol, glucose, certain types of acids, as well as lipids contained in the blood, normalizes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Motherwort plant acquires its beneficial properties when it blooms. Its upper parts are used, the rigid lower parts are not used. In the wasteland there are such useful components as tannins, some alkaloids, essential oil, cardiac glycosides, bitterness, etc.

Chamomile - flowers

First of all, chamomile is useful during the treatment of colds and viral diseases. More often these include tonsillitis, SARS and acute respiratory infections, influenza. It can also be used when there is gas formation in the intestines or with muscle spasms. This flower, no doubt, is useful for improving digestion. By stimulating the secretion of gastric juice through a gentle effect on the digestive tract and intestinal mucosa, chamomile increases appetite. It is a good adsorbent, because due to its useful qualities, it absorbs toxins and toxins.

Meadowsweet - flowers and leaves

Tavolozhka, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, Ivanov color - this was the name of meadowsweet in Rus', where they made strong whips (labazins) from it, cooked healing infusions and brewed the most fragrant tea with honey taste.

In medical practice, leaves and young shoots, meadowsweet inflorescences, roots and rhizomes are used. The roots and shoots of the plant are pleasant to the taste, so they are suitable for eating (salads with the addition of leaves) and drinking (meadowsweet tea acquires a honey smell).

In folk medicine, due to the extensive scope of use and healing properties, the plant is called "a remedy for 40 diseases." Indications for the use of decoctions and preparations with meadowsweet are:

skin diseases;
diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
diseases of the stomach (gastritis, catarrh of the stomach) and intestines (ulcer, dysbacteriosis);
heart disease and heart failure;
gout, rheumatism (pain relief);
gynecological problems (stop uterine bleeding);
problems with blood vessels (useful properties of meadowsweet include diluting ability, so it can be used in case of thrombophlebitis, after a stroke, with increased blood clotting, in case of thrombosis);
viral and colds, including influenza and herpes, skin wounds (antibacterial properties and antiviral effects);
solution of cosmetic problems (skin color, to enhance hair growth).

Thyme - flowers and leaves

In folk medicine, creeping thyme has been widely recognized and used. It is prescribed for neuralgia and neuroses of various etiologies. With its help, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, atony, intestinal cramps, and flatulence are successfully treated. With the regular intake of preparations from thyme, digestion is normalized in patients, pain in the stomach disappears, the formation of gases is reduced, and the intestinal microflora is also normalized due to disinfectant properties herbs.

Infusions and decoctions of the plant are effective in bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchopneumonia due to their enveloping, expectorant and antiseptic properties. They are able to enhance the secretion of bronchial glands and thin the sputum. Infusions and decoctions are prescribed as rinses for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity caused by pyogenic bacteria. In the form of ointments, lotions and compresses, thyme is used for pain in the joints, rheumatism and various skin diseases.

The plant is successfully used for inflammation of the vagina and leucorrhoea, especially in older women. Thyme is effective in inflammatory processes aggravated by pathogenic microflora that is insensitive to antibiotics. Preparations from thyme have an antimicrobial effect even with an insignificant content of phenolic compounds in it. The plant also helps with insomnia. It is believed that if you sleep on a pillow of this herb, then it relieves arousal and relieves headaches.

Yarrow - flowers and leaves

Yarrow has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant has a positive effect on the internal organs of a person, and it also promotes the formation of mucus, relieves gases in the intestines. Yarrow acts on the smooth muscles of the intestines. The plant has an antispasmodic effect on the biliary and urinary tract. Due to the content of tannins, chamazulene and essential oil in the herb, it is used as a wound healing, bactericidal and anti-allergic agent.

An infusion of the plant is used to increase blood clotting, but it does not cause blood clots. Yarrow also helps with burns. In addition, the plant is able to make the heart rate less frequent.

Violet tricolor - flowers and leaves

Violet contains everything useful for human body substances and elements. The plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative and antimicrobial properties. It is also used as a good pain reliever and sedative. In addition, this plant is often used to lower blood pressure.

Violet herb is used to treat bronchitis, sore throat and whooping cough. A decoction of violet helps to improve well-being with bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia and suffocation.

In addition, violet can be used to treat all kinds of skin diseases. A decoction of the plant will help improve general well-being after an illness.

Horsetail - grass

In folk medicine, horsetail is often used. The most healing is the horsetail collected in the summer, namely the "Christmas trees". Horsetail can be used both fresh and dry. As a rule, horsetail is prescribed as an antiseptic, wound healing, hemostatic, astringent. In addition, it is an excellent diuretic, promotes the dissolution and removal of stones from the kidneys and bladder, reduces swelling, reduces the amount of protein in the urine, and improves metabolism. Fresh horsetail can be rubbed or chewed and used to treat wounds, ulcers and burns, as compresses on sore joints. As a diuretic and to reduce edema, fresh horsetail juice will help well.

Series - grass

The series has diaphoretic and diuretic properties. The herb of the plant contributes to the normalization of metabolism. In addition, the series improves the processes of digestion in the body. The beneficial substances contained in the plant have a positive effect on hematopoiesis and blood clotting.

The series has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. It is recommended for use in skin diseases and bleeding. The plant is used as a remedy that reduces blood pressure. In addition, the sequence gives a good effect in the treatment of diseases of the spleen, bronchitis, liver diseases and diabetes.

Blueberries - leaves and fruits

Blueberries contain tannins, flavonoids, vitamins, organic acids and sugar. Thanks to all these substances, the plant has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Blueberries are used as a choleretic and blood sugar lowering agent. The plant contains great amount antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Blueberry - good remedy from diarrhea in young children, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the body. That is why it is used for constipation. Blueberries are used to improve eyesight.

Celandine - flowers and leaves

Useful properties of celandine and its application
With proper skill and care, with the help of celandine, many diseases can be cured.

Due to the complex and rich biologically active composition, celandine has a multilateral effect on the human body:





Wound healing;


Bile and diuretic;


Celandine is used to treat diseases:

Skin - psoriasis, scabies, acne, warts and papillomas, mycoses, eczema, burns, wounds and ulcers;

ENT organs and respiratory system - runny nose, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, asthma, whooping cough, tuberculosis;

Gastrointestinal organs - gastritis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, enterocolitis;

Joints and bones - rheumatism, sciatica, gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis;

Nervous system - headaches, migraines, neuroses;

Female genital organs - vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endometriosis, cervical erosion.

In addition, celandine is used to relieve pain (dental, menstrual, articular) and inhibit the development of malignant tumors. The anticarcinogenic properties of this poisonous plant are now being actively studied, since it has been found that celandine tincture prevents the appearance of metastases.

Sage - herb

In inflorescences and leaves of sage, 0.3-0.5% of essential oil was found, which contains linalool, acetic acid, aromatic resins, pinene, formic acid, flavonoids, and tannins.

Sage seeds contain about 20% protein and 30% fatty oil, which dries quickly, and sage roots contain coumarin.

The plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, tonic properties, and sage is able to increase secretory activity. digestive tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice and reduce sweating.

The medicinal properties of this healing herb led to its use in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, various viral infections. Salvia officinalis is also well suited for the treatment of sore throats, bronchitis, parotitis, gingivitis, sciatica, polyarthritis, neuritis, diabetes, gynecological and skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, boils, burns, asthma and much more. This list could go on for a very long time.

IN winter tea for a warming effect, thyme herb is added. This plant is easy to meet in the forest and dry for future use. However, thyme can not only warm, it is also used to stimulate brain activity and prevent thrombosis. It is valuable that the plant has no contraindications, this herbal tea can be given even to small children.

Mint leaves are added to tea fresh, and dried. In addition to a pleasant taste and refreshing sensation, mint tea is good for digestion, relieves headaches and normalizes blood pressure. Allergy sufferers should make a healthy habit of drinking mint tea - the essential oil in the plant successfully fights this disease.

Melissa herb has a pleasant lemon flavor and property. Melissa tea stimulates the appetite and drives away melancholy, fights increased anxiety and insomnia.

St. John's wort grows in almost every forest, it is unique in its healing properties the grass, besides this, is also very pleasant to the taste. St. John's wort gives the drink astringency and aroma, decoctions of this plant treat depression, rheumatism, liver and blood diseases. It has a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect. The active substances of the plant increase photosensitivity, so that allergies do not appear, it is worth avoiding the active sun.

Oregano grass is harvested during the flowering period. To keep the useful essential oil in the inflorescences, it is necessary to dry the grass in the shade at a temperature above 20 degrees. Add oregano to tea for rheumatism and just for a pleasant aroma.

Sage leaves and herbs are harvested, dried, and then added to tea for bronchitis and sore throats. This plant was known to the ancient Romans and was called "Greek tea". The grass has astringent and antibacterial properties, has a rich bitter taste.

Rules for the collection and storage of herbs for tea

Gather healing herbs for tea it is necessary in dry, sunny weather, making sure that the dew is completely dry. It is advisable to cut young shoots with fully bloomed flowers and juicy fresh leaves.

Linden flowers are harvested during the period of mass flowering, jasmine and wild rose petals are cut off from fully opened buds.

Dry the grass in a well-ventilated place, in the shade, until completely dry. Periodically, you need to stir up raw materials to avoid decay. Throw away the blackened stems without regret, they are not suitable for adding to herbal tea.

Dried herbs are stored in glassware, paper bags or linen bags. Herbs with a strong aroma are kept separate from other collections.

Instead of store and pharmacy dry herbal preparations of unknown origin, we will create a home arsenal of medicinal herbs. By brewing healthy plants instead of tea, we ensure the preservation of health and beauty. Everyone decides for himself what herbs to collect for tea, this article describes some of the most valuable and popular plants. In the absence of contraindications, medicinal plants can be actively used for brewing. all year round, the result of such a diet will be excellent health and filling the body with the necessary vitamins.

Herbs for tea

Let's give a description of some herbs.


Special components in the composition of the echinacea plant act on our body as a powerful immunomodulatory drug. It is known that the infusion of this plant helps to quickly cope with a cold, improves the condition of bronchitis, pneumonia, and allows you to more effectively cure tonsillitis. Such tea leaves are taken for these diseases that occur in acute or chronic form.


Sage infusion is widely used in folk medicine, so you can safely use this useful liquid inside and apply externally. The tool works great in the treatment of respiratory diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. Rinsing with infusion of sage allows you to quickly cure stomatitis. You can use the remedy for angina. From herbal teas the condition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis improves somewhat. The infusion is useful for colitis and gastritis, it is used to improve the condition of patients with chronic pathology - tremor paralysis. It is believed that sage is able to improve blood circulation in the body. With the help of this plant, you can suppress lactation at the right time.


The upper part of the stems of the plant with flowers and leaves is suitable for brewing. medicinal tea. Infusion is taken to increase diuresis. In addition, an increase in the production of bile and gastric juice is found. Tarragon is contraindicated in pregnant women, but is known as a good general tonic.


The brewed string, when taken orally, contributes to the speedy elimination of allergy symptoms, acts as a mild diuretic, and promotes increased sweating. The plant is known as a hemostatic and safe anti-inflammatory agent. The decoction has antiseptic potential, so it can be successfully used to quickly heal wounds.


The second name of this flowering herb is thyme. Thyme tea is used for disinfection, as it is a natural antiseptic. Such a drink has a great effect on our lungs, gastrointestinal tract and bronchi.


Infusion on the bumps of this plant is taken orally to combat overexcitation of the nervous system. Hop tea is effective for mild depression and lack of healthy sleep. It is known that the plant is used in the treatment of bladder pathologies and kidney diseases. The drink is used for pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract. The tool helps to stabilize the state of the female body with menstrual disorders and ailments associated with menopause. Hops contribute to excellent appetite and improve the digestion of food.


Chamomile tea is useful, so the raw material for tea leaves should be in every home. Inflorescences are used to make a drink. accept chamomile tea to improve the condition of colds, to relieve flatulence and eliminate intestinal spasms. Infusion on chamomile flowers relieves diarrhea and promotes the speedy treatment of acute gastric pathologies.


The plantain plant is available to everyone, it can also be used to cook very useful infusion. A pronounced anti-inflammatory and strong antiseptic effect can be obtained by taking psyllium tea inside. An expectorant property is also noted, a moderate analgesic effect is achieved, wound healing occurs, blood is cleansed, and the secretory potential of the stomach increases.


This plant gives any drink excellent flavor characteristics and helps eliminate bad smell from the oral cavity. Mint tea used in the treatment of liver and gallbladder, intestinal and gastric pathologies, the drink helps to stop nausea and vomiting. Mint drinks are effective as additional funds for the treatment of neuralgia, fever, dermatitis, scabies and a huge number of other diseases. In some cases, mint tea helps to eliminate headaches. Peppermint tea is known as a mild sedative, and lemon balm tea has a similar property.


Linden tea gives an instant diaphoretic effect. Not only leaves are suitable for drinks, but also inflorescences, bark. Drinks with linden activate the protective potential of our body. By using lime tea, we make prevention of a set of widespread diseases.

Blackberry and raspberry

What herbs to collect for tea: echinacea, sage, tarragon, string, thyme, hops, chamomile, plantain, mint, linden, raspberry leaves, blackberry leaves, currant leaves, vine leaves, fireweed, regan and St. John's wort are suitable as the basis for homemade drinks

Herbal tea recipes

So, we know what herbs to collect for tea. But the list useful plants can be continued ad infinitum. Use plants growing in ecologically clean places in your region. We hope the recipes below will work for you. To make tea, you need to take these herbs, brew them with boiling water in a convenient container and leave for a while to infuse.

Herbal tea №1

  • raspberry leaves - 40 grams;
  • fireweed leaves - 40 grams;
  • linden flowers - 20 grams.

Herbal tea №2

  • blackcurrant leaves - 40 grams;
  • black grape leaves - 40 grams;
  • regan - 20 grams.

Herbal tea №3

  • raspberry leaves - 50 grams;
  • blackberry leaves - 50 grams;
  • St. John's wort - 50 grams.

Think in advance which herbs to collect for tea and spend a couple of days of the warm season on correct workpiece medicinal plants. Enjoy herbal teas whole year.
