
What is the calorie content of apples and useful properties. Useful properties of apples for the skin and contraindications

An apple is a truly unique product, which can be not only beneficial, but, alas, harmful to the human body. Among fruits, it is a very common product, as it is present in our diet almost all year round. Fragrant fruits are used in various forms, for example, compotes are prepared from them, which contain a large amount of vitamins, jam, jam, jam, or simply processed into juice. Let's try to figure out who should and who should not use red-sided, green or sunny yellow fruit so that it brings only health.

Benefits of apples. What vitamins and minerals does it contain

Many have heard that an apple is very often called the fruit of health - this is true, it contains a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, as well as manganese and potassium. The pulp of the fruit is an easily digestible source of iron. Apples are used not only for the prevention of colds, but also for the treatment of serious ailments up to malignant neoplasms. A sufficient amount of potassium helps to stabilize blood pressure, but calcium is necessary for strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue. Do not forget that apples are almost hypoallergenic, and they can be consumed by most of the world's population.

The fiber contained in green varieties is digested for a long time and does not allow you to feel hungry for a long time. Such fruits also contain pectin, which will help improve the complexion and will help prolong youthfulness and freshness of the skin.

The benefits of baked apples are also great, as they do not lose a large amount of nutrients during heat treatment.

Harm of juicy fruits for women, men and children

Apple diets are now very common, thanks to which excess fat is supposedly effectively burned. And therefore, people should not forget that being on it, due to coarse fiber, colitis can worsen and the work of the gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted. Especially the harm is great for those who have gastritis or duodenal ulcer.

Apple seeds contain a large amount of iodine, and in order not to harm the body, it is recommended to consume no more than 5 pieces per day. They contain acid, which is a strong poison for the human body. If we limit ourselves to the recommended amount, then the seeds, on the contrary, will be beneficial for the body.

Is it possible to eat them with gastritis

You can eat apples, just need to choose sweet varieties. Because of their content of carotene, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium, they are recommended for intestinal infections. With an exacerbation of gastritis in the first week, you should eat only fruits baked in the oven.

With the help of fruits, you can improve health and treat gastritis. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the green fruits, peel and grate. It is recommended to eat gruel early in the morning, since you can’t eat anything for 4 hours before and after taking it, but by 11 o’clock you can safely have breakfast. Eating the grated fruit at night is not recommended, as it contributes to gas formation, which can worsen well-being and sleep. The first month, apples in this form should be eaten daily, the second - 3 times a week and the third - 1 time. But all this should be combined with the prescribed diet, that is, exclude spicy and salty foods, fatty foods, coffee, strong tea, fresh bread from the diet.

Useful properties of apples for weight loss

The fruit is the basis of various diets, as well as fasting days. This product can not only effectively reduce weight, but improve health. In order not to torture yourself with strict diets and at the same time achieve the desired result, you just need to include apples in your diet, arranging fasting days.

To reduce weight, fasting days should be arranged 1-2 times a week, and 1 time per month will be enough for prevention. And you also need to know such nuances:

  • First you need to determine which varieties are right for you, since with increased acidity you cannot eat sour apples, and with low acidity, they are quite appropriate.
  • Grated fruits are better absorbed, but do not remove the peel from them, as there is more nutrition under it.
  • On a diet, it is best to eat raw apples or after minimal heat treatment.

Apple peel: why you shouldn't peel it and throw it away

Many of us doubt its benefits, trying to carefully peel off the skin.

The peel of apples contains both insoluble fibers, which remove excess cholesterol from the blood, and soluble, which in turn remove cholesterol from the liver. Thanks to numerous tests, it was possible to find out that the antioxidants contained in the skin of the fruit help to slow down the growth of cancer cells.

How to store them in winter

Of course, apples can be stored all winter and this is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right variety, carefully remove them from the tree and create suitable conditions.

To keep apples well, it is recommended to wipe each of them with a cloth moistened with glycerin or wrap it in thin paper. The best storage container is a box or cardboard box. The fruits must be carefully laid and sprinkled with sawdust or shavings. When storing, you need to follow certain rules: do not store them with strong-smelling foods, such as onions and garlic; humidity in the room should be about 85-90%.

Video about useful properties

One of the most accessible and famous fruits in Russia is the apple. Apple trees adorn thousands of summer cottages and orchards. Songs and poems are written about their beauty during flowering. And their fruits are recognized as the most beloved and widespread in the territory of the CIS countries.

Where do they get such popularity from? This is explained simply: an apple is not only very tasty, but also an extremely necessary fruit for the body. There are many options for preparing an apple, and due to the high content of vitamins and special qualities, it is recommended to almost everyone.

Apples benefit and harm to the human body

There are fairy tales and legends about some fruits, and for sure everyone has heard about “rejuvenating” apples. But are the qualities of apples as good for a person as they are described? To answer this question, you need to understand the components.

How useful are apples? Features of the composition of apples

The exact amount of important ingredients and trace elements in the composition of the fruit cannot be called. It varies and depends on the variety, maturity and even location.

It is known that the composition of each apple includes:

  • fiber and water;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates (including monosaccharides);
  • dietary insoluble fiber;
  • proteins and fats;
  • pectins.

A special property of pectin and organic dietary fiber is that they allow you to break down and remove fats and cholesterol.

But this is not all that an apple is useful for. It has a high content of substances necessary for a person, such as:

  • vitamins: C, B1, A, B2;
  • acids: folic, nicotinic (niacin);
  • minerals: fluorine, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sodium, iodine.

apple cuisine

Various fruits like to add to food. Given the beneficial properties of apples, they are given special value and prepared in all sorts of ways:

  1. They are prepared for the winter. They cook mashed potatoes, jams, preserves, marmalade and marshmallow;
  2. Used as an additive in sweet pies, meat delicacies, poultry dishes;
  3. They are also dried, frozen, scalded;
  4. Cooked and heat treated without blanks. Soaked, baked with honey, marinated in sweet sauces.

However, when preparing gourmet food, it should be borne in mind that the benefits of apples and the content of substances in them depend on the method of processing the products.

What are the healthiest apples? Basic cooking methods

Every food made from or containing apples has special qualities. But in order to figure out in what form it is better to use them to get the maximum of elements and vitamins, we will consider the types of cooking in detail.

How useful is an apple for the body baked?

This type of cooking is very famous because the apple retains its full qualities. Micro and macro elements are not destroyed during baking.

In combination with honey, this dessert is very popular with children and adults. After all, such sweetness just melts in your mouth. In addition, depending on the variety of apples chosen, the food will have a different taste, which can also be adjusted by the amount and type of honey or sugar.

But most of all, this method of cooking is suitable for those who have problems with the jaw or teeth, as well as for those who cannot eat raw apples due to intestinal problems, because the dessert turns out to be very soft and tasty.

  • blood restoration;
  • improve metabolism;
  • weight loss and preventive cleansing diet;
  • lymph recovery;
  • increase skin elasticity and smooth wrinkles;
  • improve the functioning of the heart muscle and the condition of blood vessels.

It is very important that baked apples retain useful properties and have no contraindications.

To bake apples you need:

  1. Choose not very large fruits and wash them thoroughly;
  2. Wipe dry with a paper towel or other improvised means;
  3. Cut off the top with a knife;
  4. Cut out the middle with bones, you should be careful not to pierce the fruit through;
  5. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey or sugar to taste, some add jam;
  6. Cover the "pot" with a cut lid;
  7. Place in oven or microwave until ready to cook.

A sweet and delicious dessert will be ready when the surface begins to blush. It remains only to decorate, and you can serve it to the table.

Soaked apples benefits and harms

Soaked apples are the most common in use in Russia. In particular, this dish is known among lovers of home preservation and pickled vegetables. This method is the first one used to make an apple.

The true cooking procedure takes place in a wooden container and with the addition of mint, currant or cranberry. You can use barrels or tubs from various types of wood. The benefit of soaked apples is that this method of preparing an unsurpassed dish does not bring destruction to vitamins, fiber and trace elements at all.

If you are asked the question of how pickled apples are useful, you can safely answer: everyone! Such a dessert is recommended even for those who do not want other products. It is recommended for:

  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleaning the digestive tract from toxins;
  • increase immunity and prevent diseases.

Health benefits of pickled apples include high calcium content. Therefore, this dessert is recommended to eat daily for those who have increased bone fragility and a high likelihood of osteochondrosis. It is also desirable to use it for people in old age, as bone tissue gradually loses its strength and strong structure.

Soaked apples will not harm the human body, while their benefits are undeniable. To prepare an interesting dessert you need:

  1. Choose a sourdough variety. Antonovka is considered the most suitable;
  2. Prepare water. For one ten-liter bucket of apples, you need half a bucket of cold water;
  3. You need to add half a glass of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt there (it is better to choose their amount according to your taste);
  4. Stir the water until the ingredients dissolve;
  5. Place the fruits in a fermentation container. We advise you not to pour them, but carefully lay them so as not to beat them.
  6. Among the apples, it is better to lay fresh currant and mint leaves, and cover the bottom of the dishes with rye straw or the same leaves;
  7. Fill with water solution.

Healthy soaked apples will be ready in three to four weeks, depending on their ripeness. Many ferment unripe fruits to make them more sour. When the dessert is ready, you can fish it out of the barrel and enjoy the taste. Bon appetit!

Which ones to choose? Red, yellow, green apples benefits and harms

It is believed that the benefits of green apples are much higher than any other. Whether this is true, and whether something depends on the color, we will consider in more detail. In order not to confuse readers, it is worth mentioning right away that “green” here does not mean unripe, but it means exactly the color that is determined by the content of the coloring pigment in the shell.

But green apples are healthier than others. And this can be explained by the high content of iron in such varieties. Dietary iron is very important and remarkably affects the firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as the strength, beauty and shine of the hair.

In addition, the use of green apples is especially good for improving digestion. It helps to digest junk, high-fat foods. Few people know that it is the "colorless", that is, green fruits, that do not cause allergies, so they can be given to young children and allergy sufferers.

There are many rumors about the benefits of green apples, but what is really true is that they help:

  • cope with a terrible mood;
  • fight low stomach acid.

It should also be borne in mind that the peel is edible and well digested, while it contains many times more substances than the pulp, which is why it should be peeled only when absolutely necessary.

What is useful apple for a woman

Apples are especially important for women whose bodies endure a lot of stress due to pregnancy.

About the benefits of apples for pregnant women and children

In addition, every nutritionist and pediatrician advises pregnant women to eat more green apples because:

  1. Reduces the possibility of asthma;
  2. Increases the protection of the baby from dermatitis and skin diseases;
  3. Reduces the risk of allergies at an early age in a child.

Every mom who cares about her health and baby is simply obliged to eat fruit. During feeding, it is recommended to use green apples so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Peel and seeds of an apple benefit and harm

Almost no one eats apple seeds. Many even consider them poisonous. But it's not! They have elements important for health and a large amount of iodine. A few seeds can meet your daily iodine requirement, unlike many other foods.

As for the peel, its contents are richer than the pulp. The shell contains all the same vitamins and elements as in an apple, but it also contains the antioxidant quercetin, which removes heavy metals and prevents cancer.

Is there any harm from them or only benefit?

There are many useful properties of apples for a person. They will help increase the level of immunity, saturate with the necessary vitamins, trace elements and substances, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, help diabetics to stabilize blood sugar levels.

But the benefits of apples can be blocked by the harm done to health. Most people suffer from gastritis and other stomach problems. Because of this, a doctor's consultation is required. If the disease is due to low acidity, eat a few green apples daily and preferably acidic varieties. But if the problem with the stomach is against the background of high acidity, many varieties of apples cannot be.

The benefits of apples are undeniable - this is one of the most important and affordable fruits. The qualities allow it to be consumed in any form, so it can be eaten by allergy sufferers and given to babies as one of the first foods in complementary foods. Therefore, eat more apples, saturate the body with only what is necessary. And be healthy!

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Central Asia is home to apples, but they are now grown almost all over the world. There are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees that can grow in different climatic conditions. Apple varieties differ in their color, size, shape and, of course, taste. Availability and a huge number of varieties have made the apple a fairly popular fruit. It is worth noting that in addition to taste, apples also have useful properties.

It is clear that the composition of apples directly depends on their variety and growing conditions. Do not forget that the duration and correct storage also affects the composition of apples. Almost all apples contain fructose and various organic acids (ursolic, chlorogenic, citric and of course malic acid). In addition to fructose and acids, apples contain a huge amount of useful trace elements - fiber, pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

As for minerals, apples contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, copper, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, iron and nickel. Do not forget that this fruit also contains vitavins PP, E, C, P, K.

Useful properties of apples

  1. Apples are pretty good for preventing and treating colds. Apples are best consumed grated with honey. This mixture is quite effective in fighting cough.
  2. Dental health can be easily improved by adding fresh apples to your diet. They perfectly clean the teeth from plaque and massage the gums while chewing.
  3. Cellulose, pectins and fiber contained in apples can easily normalize digestion. It is recommended to use apples for colitis.
  4. Apples also have a great effect on the state of the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole. The composition of apples (a combination of vitamins, minerals and acids) can reduce the risk of blockage of blood vessels, prevent vascular fragility.
  5. This fruit is an excellent dietary product. The fiber contained in it activates the digestion process and normalizes weight.

Benefits of dried apples

As you know, drying is one of the types of fruit preservation that has been used since the Stone Age. Drying allows you to store fruit until the cold seasons, when the trees do not bear fruit, and the need for nutrition remains. Dried apples retain all vitamins, minerals and acids. During drying, only the liquid contained in the fruit evaporates. It is worth noting that dried apple slices are deprived of vitamin C.

Benefits of baked apples

Baked apples also contain a lot of fructose, minerals and vitamins, as well as fresh ones. But it should be noted that baked apples contain more pectins.

The use of apples baked with honey (in the oven) is a good way to prevent dysbacteriosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis. In addition to prevention, baked apples do an excellent job of restoring the digestive system (mainly after abdominal surgery). Pectins contained in baked apples contribute well to the removal from the body of various by-products of decay from the medications taken.

Benefits of apples for children

Children love fruits and this is very good, because they just have a huge amount of various substances necessary for the growth of the body. Apples contain easily digestible iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia in children. Apples are also useful for pregnant women. Note that more iron is found in apples of green varieties. Red and yellow varieties of apples contain a large amount of nutrients, but their iron content is slightly less than in green ones.

Benefits of apple juice

The benefits of drinking freshly squeezed apple juice are expressed in increasing the body's immunity to various colds and infectious diseases. In addition, apple juice helps quite well with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys (prevents the formation of new kidney stones), stimulates the intestines and, accordingly, improves the digestion process. Apple juice is often drunk in the treatment of atherosclerosis, liver and bladder diseases. It can be consumed over a long period of time without compromising your health (provided you consume less than 1 liter of juice per day).

apples in cooking

Apples, like most other fruits, are often used in cooking. Most benefit from eating fresh apples and baked with nuts and honey in the oven. Also, dried apples are very useful, which are used for cooking compotes.

On New Year's and Christmas holidays, you can find goose stuffed with apples on the tables. In addition, apples make excellent jam and jam. In baking, apples are used as a filling for pies and pies.

How to eat apples correctly

  1. The skin of apples should not be peeled. Wash apples thoroughly before eating and eat them with the skin on. It is in the peel that contains most of the nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Wormy apples should not be thrown away. The places spoiled by worms are simply cut off and thrown away, and the rest is usable.
  3. The smaller the size of the apples, the greater the concentration of vitamins in it. Therefore, do not neglect small apples.
  4. Apple seeds contain iodine. Eating 3-6 apple seeds a day will have a very positive effect on your immunity.
  5. Apples that darken quickly when cut are very helpful. They should be consumed first (preferably fresh or baked).

How to choose healthy apples

To the touch, the most useful apples are very strong and have a very pleasant aroma. Apples should not show brown spots and signs of aging or physical deformation. Avoid overripe apples (most often large apples). When buying apples, feel free to test for iron content (ask the seller to cut the apple in half and make sure it will darken quickly).

Contraindications to eating apples

Any fruit, despite its benefits, has some contraindications for consumption. For example, people with stomach ulcers or gastritis should consume apples with great caution. Apples contain a certain amount of various acids that can irritate the mucous membrane. In such cases, apples should be consumed in small quantities after meals (when the stomach is not hungry). With colitis and urolithiasis, apples must be mashed before use.

You should not eat more than 6 apple seeds per day (an excess of hydrocyanic acid is possible). Decoctions from apple leaves can provoke diabetes.

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The apple, along with grapes, bananas, mangoes and oranges, is one of the five most popular and widespread fruits in the world. For our latitudes, an apple is the number one fruit. We get acquainted with their taste in early childhood and we know that the benefits of apples are enormous. Man has been cultivating the apple tree for several thousand years. At the same time, such a familiar fruit continues to be a stranger, and instead of benefit, it can also cause harm.

Did you know? Scientists continue to argue about the place of origin of the apple tree today (they call Asia Minor, Greece, and Egypt). Most likely, her homeland is in Central Asia (southern regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). In the Bronze Age, apple trees enter the territory of the Iranian Highlands (the first apple orchards appear in Persia), Asia Minor, and Egypt. The spread of apples was facilitated by the conquests of the Greeks and Romans. Theophrastus in the 7th–3rd centuries BC e. described several varieties of apples, and Pliny the Elder - more than twenty. Apple trees are actively spreading throughout Europe - in 1051 an apple orchard was planted in Kyiv by the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Apple trees come to America with the first European settlers who took seedlings with them.

Calorie content, composition and nutritional value of apples

Apples, depending on the variety, degree of maturity and duration of storage, may have different calorie content, unequal chemical composition. The calorie content of 100 g of apples varies from 35 kcal (for green and yellow varieties) to 52 kcal for red ones. The low calorie content is one of the reasons for the popularity of apples in various weight loss diets. Heat treatment increases the calorie content(for a baked apple, it is 66 kcal, for dried apples - 243).

Apple- one of the most optimal sources of easily digestible macroelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus) and microelements (iron, zinc, boron, manganese, iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, selenium, vanadium, nickel, rubidium, chromium) . Apple pulp contains from 85 to 87% water (perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst), monosaccharides, disaccharides, organic acids (including malic and citric acids). It is not rich in fats and carbohydrates (0.4 and 11%, respectively). An average-sized apple contains 3.5 g of fiber (about 10% of the daily fiber requirement), 1% pectin and 0.8% ash.

Vitamins in apples are the most striking - with their variety, quantity and duration of savings (even after several months of storage, they do not lose their beneficial properties). This is a group of vitamins B (1-thiamine, 2-riboflavin, 5-pantothenic acid, 6-pyridoxine, 9-folic acid), β-carotene, as well as vitamins A, C, E, H, PP, K, etc. People who constantly eat apples of various varieties throughout the year (there are more than 10 thousand of them in the world) will confirm the correctness of the words: "an apple for lunch - there are no diseases."

Did you know? The Russian name "apple tree" (Ukrainian "apple tree") comes from staroslav. "Ablon" (gradually "a" was transformed into "I"). The Czechs call the apple tree - "jablko", the Poles - "jabłko". Probably, the Slavs borrowed the word from the Celts (“abla”) or the Germans (“aplya”). The popularity of apples in Europe was so great that as Europeans got to know other fruits, they were given names derived from apples (“Chinese apple” - orange, “damn (earth) apple” - potato, “golden apple” - tomato, etc.). ).

Which one to choose: red, yellow or green apples

The color of apples is affected by the presence of pigments, chlorophyll, anthocyanins, carotenoids, etc. in the peel. Red, yellow and green apples also differ in taste. Considering the folk wisdom “There is no friend for taste and color”, everyone chooses what he likes. However, in one situation, green apples will be of great benefit, in another, red or yellow ones, so it will be useful to know the properties of “multi-colored” apples.

Important! When choosing apples, you must first of all consider fruits grown in your area, and not brought from afar - they contain more vitamins, fewer preservatives and other chemicals. Secondly, it is necessary to evaluate the density of the fruit and the integrity of the peel (so that the apple is firm and elastic). Thirdly, the smell (good apples always have a scent). Fourth, size (the best are, as a rule, medium-sized fruits).

Green apples (Granny Smith, Simirenko, etc.) are often called the most useful. This is caused by the fact that green apples:

  • hypoallergenic (allergic reactions to them are extremely rare);
  • contain more than other apples, ascorbic and malic acid (improves digestion);
  • have a low glycemic index (important for diabetics and heart patients);
  • contain a large number of fibers. Fiber in green apples is processed by the body longer (reduces the feeling of hunger);
  • rich in pectin (prolong youth);
  • the lowest calorie among apples (35 kcal).

Red apples (Gloucester, Red Delicious, etc.) are very attractive aesthetically. Juicy colors, gloss on the barrels (which traders diligently suggest in the markets), it would seem that they say: “Eat me soon!”. According to chemical indicators, red apples are inferior to green ones:

  • they are more difficult for digestion (the acid content is less);
  • they are sweeter (a plus for those with a sweet tooth, but a minus for diabetics and children's teeth).

Yellow apples (Golden Delicious, Banana, etc.) have a pleasant caramel smell. The taste of yellow apples is very different from green and red ones.

Yellow apples:

  • especially rich in pectin;
  • contain a lot of sugars;
  • poor in iron compounds;
  • promote bile secretion (beneficial effect on the liver).

The apple is called the “fruit of health” for a reason. The healing and rejuvenating properties of apples have long been known to man. Even the ancient Celts believed that an apple brings immortality, and the Slavs - in "rejuvenating apples."

Did you know? The apple is present in many myths and legends, various customs and traditions are associated with it. In ancient Greek myths, an apple is found many times (the golden apple of discord of the goddess Eris, a symbol of love (the myth of Atalanta), the apples of the Hesperides and Hercules). Among the Germanic peoples, when babies were born, they planted seedlings of apple trees, it was also believed that gods patronize apple trees - lightning does not fall into them (apple orchards were arranged in the villages).

About the benefits of apples for pregnant women and children

Apples are indispensable during pregnancy because:

The average daily dose is 3-4 medium apples. Given that apples increase the production of gastric juice, it is better to eat them half an hour before the main meal. Fresh fruits can cause gas and cause colic. In this case, it is advisable to replace fresh fruits with baked or juice.

For breastfeeding women, it is better to limit the consumption of red and yellow apples, because they can provoke an allergic reaction, the occurrence of colic in the baby.

Important! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, green apples will be more useful for mother and child - they are high in vitamins, hypoallergenic, rich in iron, low in calories.

Benefits of green apple for children:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • helps to train the gums in the process of teething (give a peeled apple slice);
  • cleans teeth well from plaque;
  • less than red damages tooth enamel;
  • provides the child's body with the necessary mineral complex and vitamins;
  • boosts immunity and protects against viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of apples for digestion

Listing the beneficial properties of an apple for a person, it should be recalled that apples have traditionally been used as a remedy for gastric disorders (due to the beneficial effects of pectin). Malic and tartaric acids improve digestion and intestinal microflora. To prevent constipation, it is advisable to add baked apples to your menu.

Did you know? There are about 10 thousand different varieties of apples in the world. They differ in size and weight (from 30 to 500 g), shape, color, aroma, taste. Nutrition scientists have calculated that for optimal health, everyone needs to eat at least 48 kg of apples per year (about half should be consumed in the form of juice).

The benefits of apples for the cardiovascular system

Potassium and catechins (antioxidants) in apples have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation. Soluble fiber (pectin) lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of green apples reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%.

People suffering from cardiac dystonia are contraindicated in sweet varieties of red apples.

Useful properties of apples for the gallbladder

Sweet and sour green apples act as a choleretic, help with dyskinesia. In the case of chronic cholecystitis, only freshly grated green apples should be consumed for breakfast in the morning for a month. The next meal or drink should be no earlier than 4-5 hours later. For diseases of the gallbladder, it is also advised to drink half a glass of apple juice in 20 minutes. before meals.

Benefits of apples for weight loss

The fiber contained in apples, their low calorie content, pleasant taste and easy availability of this fruit have made apples (especially green ones) one of the most common components of various diets for weight loss. Already 2-3 apples a day or a few glasses of apple juice will allow you to lose weight, normalize the metabolism in the body.

It should be remembered that:

  • with peptic ulcers, green apples are contraindicated (you need to consume sweet varieties);
  • rub apples should be unpeeled, with a skin;
  • apples give a diuretic effect;
  • for the best effect, they should be fresh, and heat treatment (if necessary) should be minimal.

Benefits of apples for healthy teeth

The benefits for healthy teeth from apples are great - saturation with minerals and vitamins, massage of the gums. Once on the road, you can brush your teeth with an apple (use a piece of pulp as a toothbrush or just eat an apple and clean your teeth from plaque). But when consuming apples, one should remember that they contain a lot of acids. The effect of acid on tooth enamel during the consumption of apples (especially sour or sour-sweet ones) is known - “fill the mouth”. In lovers of apples, enamel damage is more common. Dentists advise, after the apple is eaten, rinse your mouth (you can use a toothbrush no earlier than 30 minutes due to acid softening of tooth enamel. Cheese will help protect it - you should chew a small piece).

Helpers of the liver

Regular consumption of apples and apple juice has a beneficial effect on the liver. Chlorogenic acid helps to remove oxalic acid, contributes to the normal functioning of the liver. Soluble pectins remove bad cholesterol. Apples are real helpers of the liver in detoxifying the body - they remove carcinogens, heavy metals.

The benefits and harms of apple peel and seeds

The peel of apples contains the lion's share of vitamins, minerals and oxidants - the benefits of consuming it even exceed the benefits of consuming the pulp: querticin fights inflammation, ursolic acid reduces fat deposits, etc. Therefore, you can often find recommendations to eat the whole apple, with peel and seeds . If the apples are grown in ecologically clean regions, there will be no particular harm from this (unless the apples are coated on the outside with biphenyl wax - in this case, it is necessary to peel the entire peel with a knife).

The benefits of apple seeds are due to the presence of:

  • iodine (daily requirement can be satisfied with 10 apple seeds) - improves memory, increases tone;
  • vitamin B17 (glucoside amygdalin or letril) - has an anticarcinogenic effect, improves the immune system, increases efficiency;
  • potassium (up to 200 mcg) - easily absorbed, important for the functioning of the heart and bones.

Apple grains can also harm the body: the benefits of letril, which breaks down in the body to hydrocyanic acid, can, in case of immoderate consumption of apple seeds, turn into harm - lead to hydrocyanic acid poisoning. The use of apple seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

The use of apples in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has long used the healing and healing properties of apple trees in its practice. Both the fruits themselves and the leaves, twigs and flowers of trees are used.

Benefits of apple tea

Apple tea is one of the most common remedies in folk medicine for colds, urolithiasis, chronic rheumatism, sclerosis. This tea contains the whole range of useful substances, as in a ripe apple, with the exception of fiber and vitamin C (does not tolerate heat treatment). You can compensate for this with apple slices cut into tea and lemon juice. Regular consumption of this tea will help:

  • normalize digestion;
  • regulate pressure;
  • remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduce excess weight.

Apple tea is made from fresh and dried apples, apple buds and flowers. For taste, black or green tea, mint, honey, cinnamon are added to it. Such tea will be especially useful during diets and for those who adhere to fasts.

Apple leaf tincture for colds

The benefits of apple leaves for the body are obvious: they contain more vitamin C than apples. Infusions of apple leaves are used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and for colds.

Infusion recipe number 1:

Infusion recipe number 2:

  • dry apple leaves (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (2 cups);
  • 15 minutes. insist on a water bath;
  • refrigerate for 45 minutes and strain;
  • drink 3-4 times a day for half a cup before meals.

It is effective to gargle with such an infusion for laryngitis and sore throat, you can rinse your nose.

Did you know? Apple leaves can be fermented and brewed like regular tea. Spread fresh leaves on a tray for five hours (to dry a little), then pass them through a meat grinder, transfer to a glass container and cover with several layers of gauze. Leave for a while (up to 20 hours) in a warm and humid place. After that, the mass will acquire a brownish color and an apple-honey smell will appear. The last operation is to pour on a baking sheet and dry in the sun (oven). A sign of readiness - with light pressure, the “tea teas” crumble.

Ointment for healing cracks, wounds and abrasions

Applesauce from sweet and sour apples has long been used to heal wounds, relieve skin inflammation, and burns. At home, it is not difficult to make an ointment from an apple for healing wounds, cracks in the corners of the lips and on the nipples, and abrasions:

  • chop (on a grater or with a blender) an apple;
  • add fat (goose or pork) to the mass (1x1);
  • apply on the wound three to four times a day, when the cracks heal, wash the skin area with baby soap and apply the ointment at night.

How apples are used in home cosmetology

Apples are especially useful for women whose body is going through menopause (thanks to boron, florizin reduces the risk of osteoporosis). To the question "How else are apples useful for women?" the answer is - apples help to become even more beautiful, rejuvenate, nourish and refresh the skin.

Home cosmetology uses fruits, apple juice, infusions from leaves and flowers. How to use:

  • washing. Avicenna recommended washing with a decoction of apple leaves to get rid of acne. It will be useful for normal skin washing with a decoction prepared in a water bath, from the peel of green apples and orange peels. For any skin, washing with settled water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1 tsp per half liter) is suitable;
  • massages. The skin of the face and neck is massaged with a cut apple slice. For oily skin, you should take sour apples, for drier skin - sweeter. Frozen leaf decoction works effectively - massage with an ice cube.

A special topic is the use of apple masks. These masks are easy to prepare at home for any skin type.

Universal masks:

Hair masks:

  • mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of grated apple, apply to wet hair for half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo;
  • pour five tablespoons of grated apples with half a liter of warm milk, hold for two hours. Drain excess milk, rub the apple into the hair roots and hair. Wash off after half an hour.

How to store apples in winter

How to store apples in winter is a very topical issue for fruit lovers. Fresh apples are best stored in a cool and dark place. Much depends on the keeping quality of the variety. Summer ones are stored for 2-4 weeks, winter ones - 2-3 months or more. For better storage, you need to select whole, not damaged fruits. Before laying in a cardboard or wooden container for storage, the fruits are not washed (you can wipe them with a cloth with glycerin), they are wrapped in paper and sprinkled with dry sawdust or peat chips.

Important! It is important to determine the degree of ripeness of apples in time and the correct timing of harvesting. Unripe apples will not ripen during storage (like pears or persimmons).

It is possible to store in special pits (up to 50 cm deep) in suburban areas. The bottom of the pit is laid out with spruce or pine branches, the apples are placed in a cellophane bag, hermetically sealed and covered with earth.

Dried apples are best stored in glass containers with an airtight lid (to prevent moisture from rising).

Frozen apples are stored for up to a year in the freezer without losing their qualities.

Is it possible to eat apples with gastritis

People suffering from high acidity can eat sweet varieties of apples. With an exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to switch to baked apples without sugar.

Green apples are used in special diets in the treatment of gastritis. They are rubbed and eaten daily for the first month (you need to eat early in the morning so that 4-5 hours remain before breakfast). The next month - grated apples are taken three times a week, the third - once a week. In this case, you should adhere to the prescribed diet.

Contraindications and harm of apples

Possible harm from apples is small. Overeating them can cause colitis. Passion for apple mono-diets can also lead to disorders, an abundance of malic acids can provoke inflammatory processes in the gallbladder. Excessive passion for apples will also affect the condition of the tooth enamel (it becomes thinner).

Did you know? During storage, apples are capable of releasing ethylene. Thanks to him, there is an accelerated ripening of other fruits nearby. This property can be used when ripening pears. Storing potatoes and apples in the same place will shorten the shelf life of the potatoes and give the apples an unpleasant odor and starchy taste.

You should also know for what diseases you can not eat apples. These are, first of all, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. In chronic colitis, serious inflammation of the gallbladder and urolithiasis, it is better to dispense with baked apple puree.

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In addition to the delicious taste, apples have very useful and healing (healing) properties. Apples are the most common fruit in our country and it is very pleasant that apples are extremely useful and necessary for our health. Useful and medicinal properties of apples are explained by their healing composition. Apples contain vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, pectins, sugars, organic acids. The composition of the fruits of various varieties of apple contains in%: Sugars 5-15, fiber 0.6, starch 0.8, pectin 0.27, organic acids 0.3-0.89 (apple 0.37, citric 0.11 , tartaric and chlorogenic acids). Apples are very rich in vitamins, in%: vitamin C - 8-22.4 vitamin P - 60-400, vitamin B1 - 0.8-2.3, vitamin B2 - 0.05, vitamin B6 0.08, carotene 0 .02–0.03. The composition of green apple varieties still contains Bis 0.07; E 0.63 mg% and biotin 0.30 µg%. Apples also contain a large number of trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, copper, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and zinc. The peel of apple fruits contains flavonoids. The composition of the fruit contains 84-90% water. Apple seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil, amygdalin glycoside up to 0.6%. The leaves contain vitamin C 450 mg% and glycoside amygdalin.

health benefits of apples

Apples contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, and are also used to prevent constipation and increase appetite.

The composition of apples contains from 5 to 50 mg% of chlorogenic acid, which contributes to the excretion of oxalic acid from the body and, in addition, to the normal functioning of the liver.

Apples lower blood cholesterol levels due to their pectin and related fiber content. One apple with peel contains 3.5 g. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily fiber requirement for the body. An apple without a peel contains 2.7 g. fibers. Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and help remove it from the body, thereby reducing the risk of vascular blockage and heart attacks. Apples contain soluble fibers called pectins, which help bind and remove excess cholesterol produced in the liver. The peel of an apple contains a high amount of the antioxidant quercetin, which, together with vitamin C, prevents free radicals from having a harmful effect on the body. Thanks to pectin, the apple also acquires some of its protective power. Pectin is able to bind harmful substances entering the body, such as lead and arsenic, and remove them from the body. The insoluble fiber in apples prevents constipation and removes harmful substances from the body, thereby reducing the chance of colon cancer.

Useful properties of apples. Apple treatment

Apples are used for vitamin deficiency, lowering the level of vitamin C, anemia. From the juice of sour apples (by adding 2 parts of iron per 100 parts of juice) an extract of malic acid iron is obtained, used for anemia.

Apples prevent the formation of uric acid, are used for gout, chronic rheumatism. It is good and useful to drink decoctions and infusions from apples. Cut apples into tea, let them brew and drink.

Apples have good dietary properties and are used as a dietary product for indigestion, beriberi, anemia, and as a diuretic. Apples have a tonic effect and increase the body's resistance to radiation. Apples are considered a good dietary remedy for metabolic disorders, obesity and gout, fresh - for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is better to eat fresh apples, as they contain substances that can oxidize vitamin C, and heat treatment leads to the destruction of these substances and a decrease in vitamin C in the body.

Apple phytoncides are active against pathogens of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, influenza A viruses. The antimicrobial activity of phytoncides increases from the periphery of the fruit to the center. The use of apples in the period after the transfer of a heart attack is recommended.

With gastritis one of the most effective means are apples. Only green varieties, washed, peeled, but not peeled, grate on a fine grater. Do not eat or drink 4-5 hours before and after taking apples. It is advisable to eat apples early in the morning, then at 11 o'clock you can have breakfast, or in the evening. At night, apples cannot be eaten due to increased gas formation. Continue treatment for a month daily, the second month - 2-3 times a week, the third - weekly. At the same time, follow the prescribed diet and do not consume milk, fatty, spicy, salty foods, strong tea, coffee, fresh bread, spices.

Apple juice well strengthens the cardiovascular system, is useful for people of mental labor. There are many hematopoietic elements in the juice.

With obesity make a mixture of juices: apple - 100 ml, melon - 50 ml, tomato - 5 ml, lemon - 25 ml. Accept also with avitaminosis and anemia.

With atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, gallbladder diseases take 1/2 cup 15-20 minutes before meals.

Sour varieties of apples are accepted in diseases of the stomach with low acidity and constipation.

Useful properties of apples to alleviate cold cough and hoarseness: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of apple peel with 1 cup of boiling water and insist like tea. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day before meals or 2-3 unpeeled apples, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

Apples have powerful healing properties: for healing cracked lips, nipples and hands: Grate 100 g of apples and mix with animal, pork, goose fat or butter in a ratio of 1: 1. It is used at night, after washing the skin area with toilet soap.

Externally grated apples are used for burns to cover the affected areas of the skin with them, reduce inflammation and soreness. Apples reduce warts; in case of inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face, they are widely used for masks due to the high content of tannins.

An apple is one of the most popular diet foods. Thanks to a set of useful substances, it helps to enhance the metabolic processes in the body, without which normal weight loss is impossible.

So, apples are not just a food product filled with fiber, they are a valuable vitamin and mineral complex, which also has a lot of dietary fiber, and because of the high water content and low calorie content, apples seem to be the best product for dietary nutrition.

Apples are a valuable natural source of vitamin C. Sour apples are richer in this vitamin. In addition to affecting the immune system, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability to toxins (in other words, it does not allow poison to enter the body), and promotes rapid recovery after a long illness. Apples contain natural antibiotics - phytoncides, which in themselves have a detrimental effect on the pathogens of the influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, help with acne on the face, destroy dysentery pathogens.

In influenza, the beneficial effect of apples is based not only on its antiviral effect, but also on the fact that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) actively strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of capillary walls for toxins, i.e. helps to reduce the harmful effects of the virus on the human body. It is also important that apples contain P-vitamin-active tannins, which helps vitamin C further strengthen and protect the walls of blood vessels.

Firstly, apples contain such important natural acids as malic, tartaric and citric, and in combination with the same tannins, these acids stop the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, make it possible not to feel flatulence, bloating, promote natural cleansing and intestinal recovery. A healthy gut is the key to longevity and health. To prevent constipation, it is best to eat one or two sour apples on an empty stomach in the morning. What's more, apples have been proven to contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver. So for problems with the intestines, in addition to 1-2 apples on an empty stomach, it will be useful to eat 1-2 apples during the day. It will be no less useful to arrange an unloading apple day (mini-apple mono-diet) every 2-3 weeks.

The same tannins (due to the fact that apples are rich in potassium) help prevent gout and urolithiasis. How? They do not allow uric acid salts to precipitate, therefore, with uric acid diathesis, they are not only a treatment, but also a prevention of larger troubles - urolithiasis. How to install it? If you have a lot of uric acid salts in your urine test, if you want to get rid of kidney stones - chew apples!

Apples contribute to the prevention of gallbladder diseases: having a mild choleretic effect, they help prevent cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If you already have problems with the gallbladder, then do not forget to use freshly squeezed apple juice - half a glass or a glass 15-30 minutes before meals.

But with low acidity and constipation, it is recommended to drink a glass or two of freshly squeezed apple juice daily, and only from sour apples. In case of duodenal ulcer and gastritis with high acidity, it is advised to consume sweet varieties of apples approximately 20-30 minutes before meals.

Apples contain a lot of iron, they are rightly considered a good helper for anemia in children, adults, and especially in pregnant women. Of course, a href="http://www.inmoment.ru/beauty/health-body/iron.html" title=" trace element iron">железа в яблоках намного меньше, чем в печенке, кровянке или просто куске мяса, но железо из яблок обладает высокой биологической усваиваемостью, т.е. почти все используется организмом. Кроме того, есть народное средство увеличить содержание полезного железа в яблоках: просто на пару дней воткните в яблоко два-три чистых гвоздя. Они за это время под действием кислот, которые есть в яблоках, окислятся.!}

Notice another important feature: potassium in apples is about 11 times more than sodium! And this means that apples have a mild diuretic effect and reduce swelling in the body. If we add to this their ability to strengthen the vascular wall, it turns out that apples become an invaluable assistant to the doctor in case of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. So doctors rightly say that apples help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Moreover, after a heart attack, apples are extremely necessary for a person: they not only strengthen blood vessels, cleanse them and restore health, but also put the intestines in order, prevent constipation, and this is important in preventing complications after a heart attack (many sovereigns, including those we, in Russia, were dying of apoplexy on a chamber pot, sorry for such intimate details). And apples also contain a “loading dose” of antioxidants – substances necessary for the restoration of the cardiovascular system. So, instead of multivitamin preparations and tablets with antioxidants, it is enough to eat 1-3 apples a day. By the way, it will also cost a lot less. Just remember that antioxidants are contained in the apple peel, so you should not eat apples in any case, not peeled, and even more so not grated.

Hearts should also remember that pectin, which is contained in apple fibers, helps to normalize cholesterol levels. And high cholesterol levels increase the risk of serious vascular complications. One medium-sized apple with skin contains 3 to 5 g of fiber, i.e. about 10% of the daily fiber requirement for the body. An apple without a peel contains up to 2-2.5 g of fiber. Pectins contained in apples can not only bind cholesterol and remove it from the bloodstream, but also have a beneficial effect on the liver, reduce cholesterol stores in it, and increase the activity of anti-cholesterol enzymes. If you eat up to 10 g of fiber per day from apples (that's about 0.5 of a raw product with a peel), then your cholesterol can be reduced by 15-18%, and to enhance the anti-cholesterol effect of apples, do not forget to eat an onion head daily and drink 3 -4 cups of green tea. This will reduce the risk of acute vascular complications (heart attack or stroke) by a third.

And how endocrinologists love to advise eating apples! They have long noticed that apples surpass many fruits in iodine content, yielding the palm in this only to marine products (in bananas, grapefruits and oranges, iodine is 7-10 times less than in apples). Therefore, apples help prevent thyroid diseases. Just remember: iodine is found in apple seeds, so the apple must be eaten with the seeds. And the ability of apples to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, plus the low content of fructose in sour apples, will allow this fruit to be actively used to feed diabetics.

The tonic effect of apples on the human body is also widely known. It is these properties of apples to positively influence the immune system that make them a good means of preventing tuberculosis. Apples are indispensable even when a person has been ill with infectious diseases, has suffered a long illness and needs to restore his strength.

Properly prepared dried fruits from apples, as well as apple jams, compotes, etc. contain many nutrients, especially if cooked properly. Apples are not only part of the apple diet, they become the basis of many diets and dietary systems that would not be as effective without apples. Firstly, apples are rich in iodine, therefore, they affect the thyroid gland, activate metabolic processes. They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility (increased intestinal activity): food moves through the intestines faster, which means that fewer nutrients have time to enter the body. The mild diuretic effect and choleretic properties of apples actively contribute to weight loss. The high content of vitamins and antioxidants also helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body. The acids found in apples contain folic acid, which dulls the feeling of hunger. These mechanisms make apples indispensable for weight loss.
