
Relaxing tea. Herbal tea at night - the best remedy for stress and insomnia

In nature, there are no absolutely calm children. Even if the baby always eats and sleeps on schedule, behaves quietly, does not scream unnecessarily and is not naughty, this does not mean that one day he will not need a sedative. After all, the baby can get sick, experience stress, which will adversely affect his ability to fall asleep easily and soundly. A good help for parents will be children's herbal teas with a calming effect. This is an alternative method, almost harmless and very effective.

What are they?

Teas, whose vocation is to gently soothe, stabilize the child's nervous system and have a slight sedative effect, are always made on the basis of vegetable raw materials. They are single-component and complex. Pharmacy (ready-made) herbal teas are sold both in the form of a dry herbal mixture for brewing and in filter bags. They are exclusively herbal and with the addition of prebiotics and pieces of dried fruit.

In addition, you can always brew a soothing tea for your child yourself from herbs collected by yourself or from ready-made fees. It is important that the herb for tea is collected according to all the rules, after all, chamomile is different - one grows in a field far from settlements, the other - by the road, where it absorbs the remnants of spent automotive fuel, dust, dirt and even doses of radiation.

It is important that the raw materials for children's tea are environmentally friendly.

For children's soothing tea, weed must be perfectly clean. If you are not a professional herbalist, it is better not to take risks and buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy, safe, tested for toxicity and heavy metal impurities, harvested and dried in accordance with all norms and requirements.

From such pharmacy fees, then you can combine any teas. The main thing is not to forget that herbal preparations also have an expiration date and storage conditions. If they are violated, herbs can lose all their beneficial properties.

Follow the rules for brewing and storing herbal preparations

What herbs are right for you?

The following ingredients may be helpful for making baby soothing tea:

  • Pharmacy chamomile. The flowers of this plant have a wide range of beneficial effects. They disinfect, destroying many varieties of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, lower the temperature, are choleretic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, antiallergic. From the side of the question that interests us, chamomile flowers perfectly normalize a child’s sleep. This herb can be given even to newborns from the first days of life.
  • Motherwort. The grass and leaves of this plant have a pronounced sedative effect. Preparations based on them treat many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Motherwort is an excellent remedy for nervousness, sleep disturbance, hyperexcitability, tantrums.
  • Melissa. Lemon balm leaves and stems normalize digestion, stimulate appetite, and are a diaphoretic. This plant is able to relieve spasms and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Melissa is a strong natural antidepressant, and therefore teas with lemon balm will help to establish the normal functioning of the child's nervous system.

  • Valerian. The roots and rhizomes of this plant effectively treat many disorders of the central nervous system, coronary circulation disorders, and some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Mint. Leaves and stems of medicinal mint are an excellent diuretic, antiemetic and pain reliever. Mint has an excellent sedative effect, it normalizes sleep, puts the nervous system in order.
  • Fennel. The inflorescences, seeds and leaves of this plant are commonly used as a carminative remedy for infantile colic in newborns and flatulence disorders in older children. In addition, fennel gently soothes, makes it easier to fall asleep. But lactation, contrary to popular belief, does not contribute.
  • Linden. The flowers of this tree have an expectorant and diaphoretic effect, as well as calm the nervous system, relieve internal tension, and make it easier to go to sleep.
  • Calendula. The flowers of this plant are used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing herbal remedy. Calendula gently affects the nervous system, relieves the effects of stress, anxiety, reduces excitability, and promotes easy falling asleep.

Most herbs also have general tonic properties.


"Drink chamomile" (one-component)

For such a soothing tea, you need 5 gr. pharmacy collection of chamomile. Pour the herb with boiling water and let it brew for 25 minutes. You can even give this tea to newborns, starting with half a teaspoon twice a day.

"Calendula drink" (combined)

For this soothing tea, you need 3 gr. dried calendula flowers, mint leaves, 2 gr. dried motherwort. Mix the herbs and “grind” with a wooden spoon or mortar. You can prepare tea leaves for tea in a separate glass dish by scalding with boiling water or in a water bath. Then dilute it with water to a volume of 200 gr. A child can drink this tea from a starting dose of 3 teaspoons four times a day.. Gradually increase the amount of tea.

"Soothing mint drink" (combined)

To prepare this tea, you will need mint (fresh or pharmacy collection) 3 gr., dry motherwort 2 gr., valerian roots and rhizomes 3 gr. Mix all the ingredients and finely grind with a wooden mortar. Pour boiling water over and leave for about 40 minutes. Take tea for a child under 4 years old, 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day, for older children - 50-150 ml. (depending on age) three to four times a day.

Which teas are safe for children?

0 to 4 months you can only give fennel one-component tea, it will relieve colic and improve the baby's sleep. From 4 months to 1 year - fennel, chamomile one-component, chamomile combined.

1 to 2 years- in the above herbs, you can add motherwort, lemon balm and sage.

From 3 years to 5 years- you can add valerian and thyme to the children's tea.

About 7 years- feel free to add lime blossom and honey to tea if there are no allergic reactions to it.

Be sure to follow the dosage when brewing tea

How to take children's herbal soothing tea

Discuss giving your child a soothing tea with your pediatrician. Usually, doctors allow the use of medicinal herbs from 4-6 months along with the baby's first complementary foods. The exception is fennel tea or dill water. They can be drunk before.

Herbal tea should be taken systematically, as its action is slow and cumulative. Try giving it to your child before bed.

Nursing mothers can also take herbal teas, but you need to carefully read the composition, so that the child, along with breast milk, does not receive those herbs that are “out of age” for him.

To avoid side effects, consult a pediatrician before taking tea.

Overview of drugstore (ready-to-drink) soothing teas

The most popular, according to parents, children's soothing herbal teas:

  • "Grandma's mint basket." It can be drunk to children from 3 months. There is nothing superfluous in the composition of tea, only mint leaves. For convenience, it is packaged in filter bags.
  • "Grandma's basket - wild rose." Indicated for babies from 4 months. Rose hips not only effectively calm the child's nervous system, but also make up for the lack of vitamins C, E, as well as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium in the body.
  • "Hipp" (HIPP). Herbal children's tea, which is a foreign analogue of the same "Grandma's basket". Some seeing hipp teas can be brewed for babies from 4 months old. Soothing "Hipp" consists of several useful herbs - linden blossom, chamomile. It has no sugar at all. For older children, there is "Hipp - Good Night", which is made on the basis of strong natural soothing herbs - lemon balm, hibiscus and thyme.
  • "Elephant FIT". This is a granular instant tea for children. There is one-component, for example, only with fennel, and combined. Teas "Elephant FIT" are often with pieces of fruit, dried berries. But such herbal tea options are not suitable for newborns and babies. They are designed to calm the naughty children aged 3 years and older.
  • "Tea Dr. Thais." A multicomponent tea that can be found in any pharmacy. It contains rose hips, primrose flowers, mint leaves, cumin, chamomile. It is also an instant tea with no added sugar.
  • "Evening Tale" Children's herbal tea of ​​Russian production. It consists of fruits of anise, fennel, peppermint, lavender. According to parents, this tea is quite effective. Take it, according to the manufacturer, should be 1 time per day, before bedtime.

Experiences, nervous tension, depression - these conditions very often haunt people. Not every adult, not to mention a child, can cope with a bad mood on their own, calm the nervous system. To normalize the psycho-emotional state, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor so that he prescribes sedatives in the form of tablets. After all, most pharmaceutical drugs have side effects, negatively affect the liver and other organs. At first, it is better to try a soothing tea, it is safe, and besides, it can be used in relation to children. Below we consider effective recipes for soothing teas, plants that produce a sedative effect, improve the quality of sleep.

Herbs that positively affect the functioning of the nervous system

The most effective herbs against various neurotic disorders are:

  • Valerian. It produces a sedative effect, copes with insomnia, is an excellent antidepressant, lowers the excitability of the central nervous system.
  • St. John's wort. It has a relaxing effect, helps to cope with headaches, insomnia, neuroses, copes with fears and anxiety.
  • Motherwort. Effective for nervous overexcitability, depression.
  • Chamomile. Has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect; normalizes sleep; struggles with fatigue, aggressiveness, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, anxiety.
  • Peppermint. Helps to relax and fall asleep quickly; eliminates headaches, makes the body resistant to stress, gives calm to the nervous system.
  • Hop. Has a calming, analgesic effect; helps to cope with insomnia, hysteria, neuroses, spasms, vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Lavender. Helps with melancholy, irritability, hysteria, poor sleep quality, neurasthenia; fights stress.
  • Green tea. Fresh green tea fights stress, depression, while it does not reduce performance, but rather, on the contrary, increases it.

Tea for irritability

The following recipe for herbal tea perfectly calms the nerves: you need to mix dry linden grass and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the mixture (250 ml of water per 1 tablespoon). Infuse medicinal tea for 20 minutes.

This tea drink helps to cope with stress, irritation. Within a few hours after drinking tea, the psycho-emotional state of a person will improve.

Collection of herbs to calm the nervous system

Medicinal tea made according to the following recipe can be taken throughout the day. To prepare it, you will need chamomile and motherwort (12 g each), as well as lemon balm, linden, mint, strawberries (20 g each). Combine all components, collect 3 tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water. It is better to brew in a thermos for at least 15 minutes. Drink warm, adding honey or any jam to the drink. This delicious tea improves sleep and calms the nervous system.

Soothing teas for babies

You can cook it yourself by collecting the necessary herbs or buy ready-made tea bags.

Soothing tea "Calm"

The product is sold in filter bags (20 pieces per pack). The composition of tea includes such herbs: chamomile, thyme, mint, motherwort, dog rose, yarrow, lemon balm, oregano, St. For better taste, add honey or jam. This tea can be drunk even chilled.

Homemade soothing tea for children

It is useful for restless, easily excitable children to give tea from chamomile, mint and fennel. You can buy these plants at any pharmacy. Mix herbs in equal amounts, take one tablespoon and pour boiling water over it. Hold in a water bath, strain. For small children, it is enough to give 1 teaspoon at a time.

Such teas help the child's body to calm down and fall asleep faster.

Herbal tea "Antistress"

The following tea recipe will quickly calm the nervous system, have a hypnotic effect, relieve headaches, migraines, and nervous tension. To prepare it, you will need thyme, valerian, St. John's wort, mint, rose hips, plantain, hawthorn. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it with a glass of hot water (no more than 85 degrees), leave for about 15 minutes. It is necessary to drink medicinal tea from herbs at night.

Teas for sound sleep

Recipe 1: make a mixture of herbs - heather, valerian, motherwort, cudweed. Pass the herbs through a meat grinder, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain. Drink 80 ml during the day, drink 100 ml in the evening, or more. Take until the condition improves, but not more than a month.

Recipe 2: combine hops and valerian (50 g of each ingredient). Brew, drink 100 ml of medicinal drink at night. Such an evening tea party will make a strong, healthy, sound sleep, a person will get up in the morning full of strength and energy.

Whatever medicinal tea you choose, you need to know the basic rules, thanks to which the herbal tea will have a calming effect.

Rule 1: take a soothing drink at the same time, without interruption - if the problem is pronounced. If an adult or a child periodically, inconsistently has problems, he experiences periodic outbursts of anger, irritability, then you can drink tea once, occasionally.

Rule 2: You can drink tea for no longer than 1 month. Then be sure to take a break of 2 weeks.

Rule 3: if the psycho-emotional state of a person has returned to normal, then there is no need to continue drinking soothing tea, as if to consolidate the results of treatment.

Rule 4: The composition of tea must change. You can not take the same sedative collection for more than six months, so as not to cause an addictive effect.

Rule 5: take for insomnia 1-2 hours before bedtime, no later; with irritability - just before bedtime.

Rule 6: You need to start taking soothing tea with small doses.

In what cases can soothing teas be harmful?

Soothing teas are not completely safe. For example, herbal drinks for the nervous system should not be taken if side effects occur. Therefore, the choice of a particular herb must be taken seriously.

The only plant that everyone can take is chamomile. It has no side effects, contraindications.

Women in position and children need to approach the choice of soothing teas very seriously. For example, pregnant women should drink teas based on motherwort and valerian very carefully. Children under 1 year old should be given teas only on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is forbidden to take sedative decoctions for brain tumors, patients suffering from epilepsy, as well as people who are being treated for alcoholism.

By choosing the right soothing tea, you can relieve stress, nervousness, high blood pressure, and normalize sleep. An herbal soothing drink will help anyone recover without resorting to pharmaceutical preparations. The main thing is to take it in the exact dosage, take into account possible contraindications.

Our difficult life is often associated with stress, tension and endless chronic fatigue. To put the nervous system in order, it is often necessary to take a number of serious measures: normalize the daily routine, conduct a course of psychotherapy, do auto-training and yoga, and much more. But sometimes it is enough to relax with a cup of ordinary herbal tea ...

Agree, this is a very simple, soft, natural and pleasant means of calming. Soothing tea will help relieve irritability and increased nervousness, help out with nervous exhaustion and insomnia.


Valerian roots - 50 g,

Hop cones - 50 g.

Take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink ½ cup 2 times a day or 1 cup at night.


Valerian roots - 50 g,

Peppermint grass - 50 g.

Take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink ½ cup 2 times a day. In the collection, you can enter the fruits of anise or dill.


Valerian roots - 50 g,

Motherwort grass - 50 g,

Melissa grass - 50 g.

Pour 1 tbsp. mixture with 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.


Oregano grass - 1 tbsp.,

St. John's wort grass - 1 tbsp.,

Chamomile pharmacy flowers - 1 tbsp.,

Honey to taste.

1 tsp mix pour one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, add honey. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day.


Dry grass grass - 1 tbsp.,

Chamomile flowers - 1 tsp

1 tbsp mix pour one glass of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Drink ½ cup 3 times a day.


Valerian roots - 1 tbsp.,

Hop cones - 1 tbsp.,

Peppermint leaves - 1 tbsp.,

Motherwort grass - 1 tbsp.,

Rosehip fruits (crushed) - 1 tbsp.

1 tbsp pour a mixture of herbs with one glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink ½ cup 2 times a day.


St. John's wort grass - 1 tbsp.,

Chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp,

Oregano grass - 1 tbsp.,

Peppermint leaf - 1 tbsp.,

Hop cones - 1 tbsp.,

Valerian roots - 1 tbsp.

Take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour 1 cup boiling water, insist in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain. Drink warm ½ cup 2-3 times a day.


Peppermint leaf - 1 tbsp.,

Melissa grass - 1 tbsp.,

Motherwort grass - 1 tbsp.,

Oregano grass - 1 tbsp.,

Hawthorn flowers - 1 tbsp.,

Valerian roots - 1 tbsp.

1 tbsp Pour the mixture with one glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, strain. Drink ½ cup 2-3 times a day.


The life of a modern person is sometimes like a race. Stress, neurosis, irritability, poor sleep become her frequent companions. Not everyone manages to restore peace of mind and put their nerves in order on their own, and they have to take sedatives. Medicines of synthetic origin are usually prescribed by a doctor according to indications and are dispensed in a pharmacy only by prescription. Herbal preparations, which include soothing teas, are available to almost everyone. They are the safest of medicines, but no less effective.

Calming properties of herbs

All herbs that have a sedative effect, to a greater or lesser extent, solve the following problems:

  1. Remove anxiety.
  2. They have a sedative effect.
  3. Sleeping action.
  4. Improve the stability of the nervous system.
  5. Enhance inhibitory processes in the brain.
  6. Nervous tension, irritability, neurosis, hysteria, tearfulness.
  7. Dizziness, convulsions.
  8. Pain in the heart, arrhythmia, tachycardia, high blood pressure.
  9. Spasms and colic of the gastrointestinal tract on a nervous basis.
  10. Children's hyperactivity.

Types of soothing teas by composition

tea happens one-component when it contains one plant, and multicomponent in which several types are selected. A spontaneously composed collection can drown out or greatly enhance the healing effect of tea, since herbs can affect each other's properties.

Teas can be found in pharmacies both ready-made and individual herbs. And you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you should read the information on when is the best time to collect the desired plant, what part of it is needed, as well as how to prepare for use and store.

Basic rules of herbal medicine

The effectiveness of soothing teas is not in doubt among doctors, however, many are skeptical about them. Having drunk some brewed tea for 3-4 days, in fits and starts, at different times of the day, one should not expect a quick therapeutic effect. There are some rules of tea herbal medicine.

  1. Time of receipt. It depends on the problem, for example, for insomnia, you need to take tea an hour or two before bedtime, and for irritability - half the daily dose of infusion before bedtime, and the rest 3-4 times during the day.
  2. Dosage. It is not necessary to start with the maximum dose for a better and faster effect, it is better to increase it if necessary.
  3. A course of treatment. Teas can be drunk once, occasionally, without adhering to any regular system, if the problem is not pronounced. Without a break, you can drink sedative infusions for a month, then it is better to interrupt at least for 2 weeks. Then, if necessary, you can continue herbal medicine. If the problem is solved, you do not need to continue drinking teas "to consolidate the effect." The next time the decoction may not work.
  4. Ingredients of tea. For more than six months, you should not take the same collection or a separate herb, as the body will get used to their effects and you will have to increase the dosage.

Calming herbs

Below is a list of plants (far from complete) that can be used as a soothing tea. All of them have a certain sedative effect.

  • basil (leaves);
  • bergamot (skin);
  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits); - ,
  • cranberries (fruits and leaves); —
  • valerian (root); —
  • watch (leaves);
  • sweet clover (flowers and grass);
  • oregano (flowers and grass); —
  • angelica (root);
  • ginseng (root);
  • St. John's wort (flowers and grass); —
  • green tea (leaves);
  • Ivan-tea (flowers and grass); - ,
  • calendula (flowers);
  • viburnum flowers, (fruits and bark); —
  • lavender (flowers);
  • linden (flowers);
  • lemon balm (leaves); —
  • peppermint (leaves); —
  • passionflower (herb);
  • spring primrose (flowers, leaves and roots).
  • wormwood (flowers and grass);
  • tansy (flowers and grass);
  • peony (root);
  • motherwort (flowers and grass);
  • rosemary (leaves);
  • chamomile (flowers). —
  • rue (herb);
  • cudweed swamp (grass);
  • cumin (fruit);
  • yarrow (flowers and grass); —
  • dill (seeds);
  • hops (cones);
  • chicory (herb and roots);
  • thyme (flowers and grass); - ,
  • wild rose (leaves, fruits). - ,
  • eleutherococcus (root).

Soothing teas: recipes

When preparing tea from one plant, it is enough to simply brew the necessary component. Some infusions are obtained with a bitter aftertaste, which can be softened with honey, ginger, lemon. If you need to drink several herbs at the same time, then it is better to use proven tea recipes, the composition of which was specially selected not only to achieve the best result, but also taking into account the taste.

Below are a few recipes for soothing teas. It is best to cook them in a thermos, brewing a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water and insisting for at least 20 minutes.

1. Tea for nervous tension, insomnia
  • Hops - 50 g.
  • Valerian - 50 g.
2. Tea as a sedative and sleeping pill for palpitations
  • Melissa - 50
  • Valerian - 50 g.
  • Motherwort - 50 g.

2 tbsp. l. drink tea three times a day.

3. Sleeping tea, sedative
  • Valerian - 50 g.
  • Oregano - 50 g.
  • Donnik - 50 g.
  • Valerian - 50 g.

Take a cup before meals three times a day.

4. Tea for nervous breakdown associated with suffocation, headaches, heart failure
  • Dried marshwort - 50 g.
  • Hawthorn - 50 g.
  • Chamomile - 50 g.

A cup of tea half an hour after meals twice a day.

5. Tea for nervous overexcitation, palpitations
  • Valerian - 50 g.
  • Motherwort - 50 g.
  • Dill - 50 g.
  • Cumin - 50 g.

A cup of tea three times a day.

6. Tea for nervous disorders that are associated with insomnia
  • Lemon zest - from half the fruit.
  • Chamomile - 3 tsp
  • Valerian - 2 tsp

Take a cup after meals twice a day.

7. Tea for irritability, insomnia, nervous tension
  • Watch - 50 g.
  • Mint - 50 g.
  • Valerian - 25 g.
  • Hops - 25 g.

A cup of tea three times a day.

8. Tea for children soothes colic
  • Dill - 50 g.
  • Chamomile - 50 g.
  • Mint - 50.

Give babies twice a day for tsp.

9. Tea for children soothing
  • Chamomile - 50 g.
  • Melissa - 50
  • Oregano - 50 g.

Give the child 3-4 times a day, depending on age, 1-3 tsp. before meals.

10. Tea for children for restful sleep
  • Linden - 50 g.
  • Mint - 50 g.
  • Chamomile - 25 g.

15 minutes before bedtime, give the child a teaspoon.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, tea with a sedative effect has contraindications. Pregnant women and children first on the list, for whom soothing decoctions should be carefully selected.

women in position can only take teas based on valerian and motherwort in limited quantities. For children, especially under one year old, teas are given only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly in the prescribed dosage.

Individual intolerance and possible allergic reactions another factor by which you need to select plants for a sedative infusion.

There are a number of physical diseases in which sedative decoctions are completely contraindicated, for example, brain tumors. And also at mental illness, which require the use of special drugs, teas can have a negative effect on the effect of the medicine.

Do not forget about the side effects of herbs. Possible deterioration in concentration, lethargy, reaction delay. Valerian can actually cause blurred vision. Therefore, caution is needed in taking sedative infusions when increased attention is required. There are other side effects of various herbs as well. John's wort acts on skin and mucous e, chamomile stomach melissa reduces pressure, peppermint tea causes problems in genital area. Some herbs can backfire in overdose.

The recommendations of specialists before taking soothing teas will not interfere, and in the presence of any diseases, consultation is simply necessary. Healthy people simply follow the dosage and rules for taking tea.

Soothing teas are the most gentle way in the fight against many ailments. Properly selected plants for infusion will help relieve tension, irritability, anxiety, help you fall asleep or cope with depression. The effect of teas is no worse than that of expensive drugs, and side effects can be avoided if dosages and recommendations for use are followed.

The life of a modern person is sometimes like a race. Stress, neurosis, irritability, poor sleep become her frequent companions. Not everyone manages to restore peace of mind and put their nerves in order on their own, and they have to take sedatives. Medicines of synthetic origin are usually prescribed by a doctor according to indications and are dispensed in a pharmacy only by prescription. Herbal preparations, which include soothing teas, are available to almost everyone. They are the safest of medicines, but no less effective.

Calming properties of herbs

All herbs that have a sedative effect, to a greater or lesser extent, solve the following problems:

  1. Remove anxiety.
  2. They have a sedative effect.
  3. Sleeping action.
  4. Improve the stability of the nervous system.
  5. Enhance inhibitory processes in the brain.
  6. Nervous tension, irritability, neurosis, hysteria, tearfulness.
  7. Dizziness, convulsions.
  8. Pain in the heart, arrhythmia, tachycardia, high blood pressure.
  9. Spasms and colic of the gastrointestinal tract on a nervous basis.
  10. Children's hyperactivity.

Types of soothing teas by composition

tea happens one-component when it contains one plant, and multicomponent in which several types are selected. A spontaneously composed collection can drown out or greatly enhance the healing effect of tea, since herbs can affect each other's properties.

Teas can be found in pharmacies both ready-made and individual herbs. And you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you should read the information on when is the best time to collect the desired plant, what part of it is needed, as well as how to prepare for use and store.

Basic rules of herbal medicine

The effectiveness of soothing teas is not in doubt among doctors, however, many are skeptical about them. Having drunk some brewed tea for 3-4 days, in fits and starts, at different times of the day, one should not expect a quick therapeutic effect. There are some rules of tea herbal medicine.

  1. Time of receipt. It depends on the problem, for example, for insomnia, you need to take tea an hour or two before bedtime, and for irritability - half the daily dose of infusion before bedtime, and the rest 3-4 times during the day.
  2. Dosage. It is not necessary to start with the maximum dose for a better and faster effect, it is better to increase it if necessary.
  3. A course of treatment. Teas can be drunk once, occasionally, without adhering to any regular system, if the problem is not pronounced. Without a break, you can drink sedative infusions for a month, then it is better to interrupt at least for 2 weeks. Then, if necessary, you can continue herbal medicine. If the problem is solved, you do not need to continue drinking teas "to consolidate the effect." The next time the decoction may not work.
  4. Ingredients of tea. For more than six months, you should not take the same collection or a separate herb, as the body will get used to their effects and you will have to increase the dosage.

Calming herbs

Below is a list of plants (far from complete) that can be used as a soothing tea. All of them have a certain sedative effect.

  • basil (leaves);
  • bergamot (skin);
  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits); - ,
  • cranberries (fruits and leaves); —
  • valerian (root); —
  • watch (leaves);
  • sweet clover (flowers and grass);
  • oregano (flowers and grass); —
  • angelica (root);
  • ginseng (root);
  • St. John's wort (flowers and grass); —
  • green tea (leaves);
  • Ivan-tea (flowers and grass); - ,
  • calendula (flowers);
  • viburnum flowers, (fruits and bark); —
  • lavender (flowers);
  • linden (flowers);
  • lemon balm (leaves); —
  • peppermint (leaves); —
  • passionflower (herb);
  • spring primrose (flowers, leaves and roots).
  • wormwood (flowers and grass);
  • tansy (flowers and grass);
  • peony (root);
  • motherwort (flowers and grass);
  • rosemary (leaves);
  • chamomile (flowers). —
  • rue (herb);
  • cudweed swamp (grass);
  • cumin (fruit);
  • yarrow (flowers and grass); —
  • dill (seeds);
  • hops (cones);
  • chicory (herb and roots);
  • thyme (flowers and grass); - ,
  • wild rose (leaves, fruits). - ,
  • eleutherococcus (root).

Soothing Tea Recipes

When preparing tea from one plant, it is enough to simply brew the necessary component. Some infusions are obtained with a bitter aftertaste, which can be softened with honey, ginger, lemon. If you need to drink several herbs at the same time, then it is better to use proven tea recipes, the composition of which was specially selected not only to achieve the best result, but also taking into account the taste.

Below are a few recipes for soothing teas. It is best to cook them in a thermos, brewing a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water and insisting for at least 20 minutes.

1. Tea for nervous tension, insomnia
  • Hops - 50 g.
  • Valerian - 50 g.
2. Tea as a sedative and sleeping pill for palpitations
  • Melissa - 50
  • Valerian - 50 g.
  • Motherwort - 50 g.

2 tbsp. l. drink tea three times a day.

3. Sleeping tea, sedative
  • Valerian - 50 g.
  • Oregano - 50 g.
  • Donnik - 50 g.
  • Valerian - 50 g.

Take a cup before meals three times a day.

4. Tea for nervous breakdown associated with suffocation, headaches, heart failure
  • Dried marshwort - 50 g.
  • Hawthorn - 50 g.
  • Chamomile - 50 g.

A cup of tea half an hour after meals twice a day.

5. Tea for nervous overexcitation, palpitations
  • Valerian - 50 g.
  • Motherwort - 50 g.
  • Dill - 50 g.
  • Cumin - 50 g.

A cup of tea three times a day.

6. Tea for nervous disorders that are associated with insomnia
  • Lemon zest - from half the fruit.
  • Chamomile - 3 tsp
  • Valerian - 2 tsp

Take a cup after meals twice a day.

7. Tea for irritability, insomnia, nervous tension
  • Watch - 50 g.
  • Mint - 50 g.
  • Valerian - 25 g.
  • Hops - 25 g.

A cup of tea three times a day.

8. Tea for children soothes colic
  • Dill - 50 g.
  • Chamomile - 50 g.
  • Mint - 50.

Give babies twice a day for tsp.

9. Tea for children soothing
  • Chamomile - 50 g.
  • Melissa - 50
  • Oregano - 50 g.

Give the child 3-4 times a day, depending on age, 1-3 tsp. before meals.

10. Tea for children for restful sleep
  • Linden - 50 g.
  • Mint - 50 g.
  • Chamomile - 25 g.

15 minutes before bedtime, give the child a teaspoon.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, tea with a sedative effect has contraindications. Pregnant women and children first on the list, for whom soothing decoctions should be carefully selected.

women in position can only take teas based on valerian and motherwort in limited quantities. For children, especially under one year old, teas are given only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly in the prescribed dosage.

Individual intolerance and possible allergic reactions another factor by which you need to select plants for a sedative infusion.

There are a number of physical diseases in which sedative decoctions are completely contraindicated, for example, brain tumors. And also at mental illness, which require the use of special drugs, teas can have a negative effect on the effect of the medicine.

Do not forget about the side effects of herbs. Possible deterioration in concentration, lethargy, reaction delay. Valerian can actually cause blurred vision. Therefore, caution is needed in taking sedative infusions when increased attention is required. There are other side effects of various herbs as well. John's wort acts on skin and mucous e, chamomile stomach melissa reduces pressure, peppermint tea causes problems in genital area. Some herbs can backfire in overdose.

The recommendations of specialists before taking soothing teas will not interfere, and in the presence of any diseases, consultation is simply necessary. Healthy people simply follow the dosage and rules for taking tea.

Soothing teas are the most gentle way in the fight against many ailments. Properly selected plants for infusion will help relieve tension, irritability, anxiety, help you fall asleep or cope with depression. The effect of teas is no worse than that of expensive drugs, and side effects can be avoided if dosages and recommendations for use are followed.
