
What is rooibos tea, benefits and harms. South African rooibos tea: a unique drink for great well-being

Until quite recently, few people knew about the existence of such a type of tea as rooibos. This drink appeared on our continent about 100 years ago, but surprisingly quickly gained popularity, gathering a considerable army of admirers.

In addition to a pleasant, slightly sweet, delicate taste, rooibos has numerous beneficial properties that many do not even know about.

Rooibos tea - what is it?

Interestingly, rooibos (or rooibos) is not exactly tea, but rather a tea-like drink, which has only the method of brewing in common with tea. The raw material for it is obtained from the needle-like leaves and branches of the Aspalathus Linearis shrub of the legume family. This unique plant, whose height is about one and a half meters, can only be found in southern Africa, in the region of the Cedar Mountains, where a special climate reigns, created by the winds of the Indian and Atlantic oceans. In the dialect of the locals, the name of the bush is translated as "red bush", and the drink itself is called the Bushmen's elixir because of its taste and refreshing properties.

Since ancient times, the indigenous people of southern Africa have used a decoction and infusion of shrub leaves for various purposes: for them it was an excellent tonic drink, a medicine, and a natural dye. In 1772, rooibos was described by Europeans as a healing elixir, but this was quickly forgotten.

The distribution of this unique drink in Europe and America began only after 1904 thanks to the famous tea merchant Benjamin Ginsberg. He was the first of the merchants who became interested in unusual tea and its properties and decided to try to make money on it. The idea of ​​trading rooibos proved to be very successful, consumers appreciated subtle, with fruity-floral notes the taste of the drink and soon the demand for tea began to significantly exceed the supply.

In the 30s of the last century, rooibos tea began to be grown on plantations already on an industrial scale, but the cultivation process required considerable effort from Africans. The main difficulty was that the zone of shrub growth is very limited.

They tried to plant rooibos in South America and Australia, but he could not take root anywhere. Yes, and the collection of red bush seeds was not so simple. Each "bean" of the plant has only one seed, which, when ripe, "shoots", falling to the ground. In order to collect seeds, farmers have to carefully sift the ground near the bushes.

Production steps of African rooibos tea

The collected seeds in special nurseries in February - March are sown in the soil, and in the summer the seedlings are transplanted into open ground, on plantations. However, until the moment of harvesting, you will have to be patient - it should take about a year and a half before the shrub can provide high-quality raw materials for a healthy drink.

During the harvest, which falls in January - March, tea plantation workers cut branches and leaves from mature plants and send them for further processing to the factory.

Depending on the choice of further processing, rooibos tea can become green(not fermented) or red(fermented). To obtain a green drink, the raw materials are steamed, thereby suspending the fermentation process in young shoots and leaves. Such tea differs from fermented tea in a more delicate herbal taste and a light shade of infusion. In red rooibos, the natural fermentation process is brought to an end, then the leaves are dried in the sun, sorted, packaged and sent for sale.

High-quality rooibos is crumbly and light, like small sawdust of a bright red-brown hue.

Composition and useful properties

South African tea is popular today on all continents, but it is especially liked by the Japanese. Japan is in second place in the world in terms of the consumption of rooibos after South Africa, and such a commitment is easy to explain - the Japanese are quite reverent about their health, and once, having studied the drink, they became seriously interested in rooibos. A cup of this tea contains a great variety of vitamins and various elements, thanks to which it is extremely useful.

Unique properties of rooibos:

  • High content of vitamins and minerals;
  • The presence of antioxidants;
  • Bactericidal and properties;
  • Restorative and immunomodulatory properties;
  • Absence of contraindications and any harm;
  • It has onco- and cardioprotective properties.

First of all, rooibos is valued for its high (even compared to green tea) content. vitamin C and antioxidants. As you know, antioxidants prevent the effects of free radicals on the body, thereby slowing down the aging process and preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, as well as the appearance of cancer cells. In addition, the tea infusion is rich in vitamins such as A, P and E, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, magnesium, fluorine and sodium - it is not for nothing that rooibos is called a substitute for nutritional supplements. The finished tea infusion contains about a hundred essential aromatic oils.

As medical studies have shown, the use of rooibos prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions, and also stops the development of negative bioprocesses in the body.

As a source of natural and therefore safe tetracycline, rooibos has excellent bactericidal properties, which makes it an indispensable tool for making compresses and lotions in the treatment of various skin diseases, childhood and adult dermatitis, eczema.

Due to its properties, this miracle tea has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of the human body, promotes the process of digestion, is used as an expectorant and antihelminthic, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and the ability to compensate for the lack of mineral salts in the body allows us to recommend this drink. people who are actively involved in sports.

Compared to tea or coffee, rooibos is more beneficial than these drinks because it does not contain tannin and caffeine, which means that it can be consumed. even pregnant and lactating in any quantity, without fear of insomnia or increased pressure.

Another advantage over regular tea is that rooibos contains a minimal amount of oxalic acid, which makes it useful even for people prone to developing urolithiasis. Also, the tea infusion contains glucose, which is necessary to restore strength and protect the nervous system from overexcitation.


As for contraindications, this drink does not have them, as such. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the product, but this is extremely rare. Rooibos is a great tool that keeps the human body in the best possible shape.

How to brew rooibos

There are no specific rules and traditions for brewing this drink. The methods of its preparation and proportions are no different from the preparation of ordinary tea, and dry tea leaves are used based on the calculation of 1 teaspoon per glass of drink. It is recommended to use not steep boiling water (about 95 degrees) and leave for 5-10 minutes. The longer the tea is brewed, the richer the drink with the maximum amount of antioxidants and nutrients.

Suitable for making rooibos any utensils, except for earthenware- clay "spoils" the aroma and taste of tea. Such tea brewed in a transparent teapot will look most impressive. Rooibos tea leaves are quite dense, so the taste and nutritional properties of tea will only improve with repeated brewing.

The result is a sweetish red-brown drink with sourness and a somewhat unusual woody flavor. That is why so often you can find rooibos with the addition of various flavors - orange, vanilla, strawberry, lemon. Alternatively, when preparing a drink, you can put an orange or lemon slice in a cup yourself, or add milk, as the indigenous people of southern Africa do.

They drink rooibos both cold and hot, using a chilled drink as a base for non-alcoholic cocktails, punches, and also used in soups and instead of milk in pastries.

Today, rooibos is no longer a curiosity and you can buy it at an affordable price in almost any store specializing in the sale of tea. In winter, this drink will be a great alternative to pharmacy vitamin complexes and will help maintain and strengthen the health of the whole family - young and old.

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Rooibos tea, or rooibos, got its name due to the African rooibos, a shrub of the same name that grows in South Africa, from the leaves and young stems of which tea raw materials are made.

In Russia, tea appeared relatively recently, but in its homeland it is the classic, most common type of drink that everyone drinks, everywhere and without any restrictions. The second country in the world in terms of the prevalence of rooibos is, oddly enough, Japan, which is still considered the country of classic tea.

The first place on the map where rooibos infusion has long been used by local aborigines - the Khoi-Khoi tribe, is the Cape of Good Hope, which is the extreme southwestern point of the African continent. The Indians used the plant for a variety of purposes - to treat many diseases, quench thirst, as a dye.

Europe recognized the taste of an infusion from an African plant only at the beginning of the 20th century, when the famous overseas trader B. Ginsberg decided to make a bold attempt to sell rooibos in England. Surprisingly, the attempt was quite successful - sales of rooibos skyrocketed in just a matter of months, as did prices for it - demand many times exceeded supply throughout the European part of the continent.

Rooibos is a heat-loving plant, and it cannot grow anywhere else except in its homeland, therefore South Africa has become a monopolist in the supply of rooibos raw materials, which is still in effect today. Since the beginning of the 1930s, entire plantations of rooibos have been cultivated, and in 1954 a special state agency was created to control the production and export of raw materials. The scale of exports is impressive - about 6,000 tons go to different countries, Germany is the leader in imports of rooibos.

What is rooibos?

As mentioned above, rooibos is a shrub plant that grows in the southern latitudes of the African continent; outwardly, like all plants in hot latitudes, it looks rather modest. The central trunk of the bush is smooth, beginning to branch almost from the surface of the earth. The leaves are thin, more like soft needles, about 10 mm long, can grow singly or in bunches. The total height of the shrub reaches no more than 1.5 m.

As tea raw materials, leaves and tender shoots of the upper branches are more often used, coarser stems are processed for technical needs.

Rooibos cultivation in South Africa takes place on an industrial scale, about a third of the entire working population of South Africa, including children, work on rooibos plantations. Few farms can boast an abundance of technical equipment, so all the work is done almost manually.

Of particular difficulty is the collection of red bush seeds. As befits all legumes, rooibos seeds are in their pod, which contains only one seed, which flies out at the speed of a bullet when ripe. When trying to collect immature pods and their subsequent ripening, it is possible to achieve too little a percentage of "survival" of seeds, so there is nothing left but to look for seeds scattered throughout the field. For which, very often, the top layer of dry African soil is sifted and nearby termite mounds are examined.

Sowing of rooibos begins in February in nurseries, and by the beginning of June, seedlings are planted in open ground. The crop is harvested only from two-year-old shrubs, cutting off the tops of the upper branches, tied in bunches and delivered to the factory, where they are sorted and cut into identical parts, no more than 5 cm long.

The next stage is the production of red (fermented) tea raw materials and green (non-fermented). To stop the fermentation process in green rooibos, it is treated with hot steam under high pressure. A drink from such raw materials turns out to be light, transparent, with a more delicate taste. Fermented raw materials give the tea a richer red color, soaked through with the hot African sun.

Sorting of raw materials takes place in only two directions - raw materials of the highest grade, intended for export, and low - for use within their own country. For high-grade tea, clean long leaves are selected that are not damaged by insects, intact. The remains with scrap leaves and parts of branches are used for packaging low-grade raw materials.

The composition and benefits of rooibos tea

Scrupulous Japanese could not ignore one of their favorite drinks - a number of studies were conducted on the beneficial properties of tea raw materials from rooibos. The results of Japanese studies have brought some resonance to the prevailing opinion about the composition of the drink. It turned out that neither the raw material nor the finished drink contains a single gram of vitamin C, and the amount of microelements is so small that it does not even cover a quarter of a person's daily need for them. Potassium, sodium, calcium and traces of iron, zinc fluorine and copper were found in the composition of the raw materials.

Interesting to know!
The absence of caffeine in rooibos has been proven, so rooibos tea is of interest to people who are contraindicated in the use of caffeine.

The amount of easily digestible monosaccharides, such as glucose, fructose, is sufficient to avoid adding sugar to the finished drink - the tea tastes rather sweet. However, it all depends on the individual preferences of the person.

In terms of antioxidants, the finished drink from rooibos overtakes even classic green tea by about half. Antioxidants are chemical substances of various chemical structures that are capable of binding and removing, in an inactive state, toxic decomposition products of pathological foci in the body, which, more often, have an acidic environment. In other words, antioxidants prevent the oxidation of toxins, thereby reducing their harmful effects. One should not hope that the regular use of rooibos will become a panacea for all diseases, but, of course, as an additional means of cleansing the body, it will have its effect.

Rooibos contains compounds that have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine, facilitating the course of flatulence and constipation, thus it is possible to use it in children over 6 months of age, after prior consultation with a pediatrician.

The relaxing effect also extends to the smooth muscles lining the lumen of large blood vessels, thereby achieving the effect of lowering blood pressure.

A significant amount of essential oils give the finished drink a peculiar aroma and taste, providing a calming and tonic effect, but here you also need to take into account the individual preferences of a person.

Rooibos tea contraindications

  • Given the high content of glucose, rooibos tea is not recommended for diabetics without prior consultation with your doctor;
  • People with low blood pressure should drink tea in strictly limited quantities - a further decrease in pressure will lead to disruptions in the cardiovascular system and, as a result, a decrease in the urinary and urinary functions of the kidneys. Against the background of an increased volume of fluid in the body, the formation of edema, the appearance of drowsiness, lethargy, chronic fatigue is possible;
  • The finished drink has a rather specific smell and taste, which is not accepted by every organism, therefore, before the first use, it is better to make the volume of tea minimal, also for the reason that many chemical compounds can cause allergic reactions in an unprepared organism.

Rooibos tea preparation

Infusion of tea from rooibos does not differ in originality and complexity - brewing rooibos should be similar to brewing ordinary tea at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of dry tea per glass of the finished drink.

Due to its nature, rooibos leaves contain a large amount of strong fibers, which greatly complicates the extraction of substances from the leaf into the liquid, so it is recommended to infuse rooibos for at least 15 minutes. For the same reason, repeated infusion or even preparation of a decoction is allowed. In this case, boiling should be carried out for no more than 5 minutes.

There is a way to prepare espresso from rooibos raw materials in a coffee maker. What a separate high-quality variety of rooibos is used for. The method was patented by its author - Karl Pretorius, who, without stopping there, developed other types of rooibos "coffee" - red cappuccino, red latte and others.

Rooibos tea (rooibos) is an herbal tea that is obtained from the leaves of the rooibos plant. Until quite recently, this tea was known only to the inhabitants of South Africa. But lately, it has become more and more popular and is gaining more and more fans due to its many health benefits. So what is the benefit of this little-known rooibos tea?

Rooibos tea is not a traditional tea. This tea owes its name to a shrub called linear aspalatus from the legume family. This beautiful aromatic red tea with a naturally sweet taste and floral aroma grows exclusively in the Cederberg Valley in South Africa.

Rooibos is the European name for tea. The locals call this tea rooibos. Indeed, in translation (rooi) means red, and (bos) means bush. Rooibos is fundamentally different from traditional tea bushes. It is a shrub about 3 meters high with pine-like needles and yellow flowers.

The twigs and needles of the plant have long been used by local residents to brew a healing drink that gives health and energy.

Dutch travelers first learned about it from locals in the 18th century, who brewed it instead of the traditional black tea. At the beginning of the 20th century, botanists became interested in the properties of rooibos, and in subsequent years, the shrub occupied entire plantations in the Cederberg Valley.

properties of rooibos tea

Depending on the method used to process the leaves, there are two types of rooibos: red rooibos and green rooibos. Red rooibos is obtained by fermenting (oxidizing) the leaves, which gives the tea a reddish brown color and enhances its flavor. Green rooibos is obtained from non-oxidized needles. This type of tea is more expensive and differs from red in its taste.

On the shelves of stores, it is red rooibos that is more represented. Green rooibos is rarer. In recent years, rooibos has become increasingly popular. It should be noted that rooibos is an herbal tea. With a pleasant aroma and slightly sweet taste, this tea has many beneficial properties and brings great benefits to the body.

Composition of rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is a source of some useful minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc. But as studies have confirmed, neither the green nor the red variety of this tea contains vitamin C.

Despite this fact, rooibos is a source of many other beneficial nutrients that work together to enhance the absorption of all nutrients.

So, for example, magnesium helps better absorption of calcium, copper, which in turn contributes to better absorption of zinc and other substances.

Like any herbal tea, rooibos is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. According to studies, rooibos contains almost 50 percent more antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds than green tea.

Rooibos contains two unique polyphenols, one of which is found only in rooibos, Aspalathin. Recent studies have found the powerful antioxidant superoxide dismutase in tea. Both of these antioxidants can protect the body from free radical damage. The Anti-Cancer Association of South Africa has named rooibos as a leading source of anti-cancer compounds.

Rooibos is a source of the flavonoids luteolin and quercetin.

Tea does not contain caffeine, which can be very beneficial for those people who avoid or limit caffeinated drinks.

In addition, this type of tea is low in tannins, which, although useful, some people do not like drinks with too much of these substances. It is the low content of tannins that gives the drink a slightly sweet taste, and not astringently bitter.

Rooibos lacks oxalic acid, which is a naturally occurring compound found in tea, chocolate, some fruits, vegetables, and leafy green salads. Oxalic acid in a healthy body is excreted in the urine. But when some kind of failure occurs in the body, it can be deposited as oxalates and accumulate in the kidneys, bladder and lead to a number of health problems.

Another unique compound has been found in rooibos called chrysoeriol, which some studies show can improve circulation, which is good for heart health and high blood pressure.

benefits of rooibos tea

As mentioned above, rooibos tea has gained a lot of attention in recent years. What benefit can it provide? In general, among all its useful properties, first of all, it should be noted:

High levels of antioxidants;

Benefits for the cardiovascular system;

Decreased blood glucose levels;

Increased insulin production after meals;

Improves liver function;

Promotes tissue regeneration;

Reduces high blood pressure;

It has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Rooibos tea contains a range of flavonoids that act as antioxidants. As you know, antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, protect the body from the development of cancer cells.

Polyphenolic compounds have anti-inflammatory properties and may protect against heart disease.

Studies have shown that drinking tea helps to reduce carcinogens, which reduces the risk of damage to DNA cells.

Flavonoids help reduce spasms, inflammation, and allergies. In Africa, traditionally rooibos tea is given to young children to reduce colic.

The antioxidant Chysoeriol discussed above can improve circulation by preventing the activity of an enzyme that can lead to a number of cardiovascular diseases. Drinking tea helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that drinking tea for 6 months significantly increased the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and decreased bad (LDL).

Unlike most black teas, which prevent the body from effectively absorbing iron due to the presence of tannins in them, rooibos tea, on the contrary, helps the body absorb iron. Tannins in tea are half as much as in black tea.

There are suggestions that rooibos tea may protect the body from the development of Alzheimer's disease, which affects the cells of the brain and nervous system.

Rooibos tea is an excellent tonic and thirst-quenching drink. But, since it does not contain caffeine, you can drink it at any time of the day without fear that it can cause insomnia. Many people even choose to drink it before bed to ensure a good sound sleep.

The tea will also be beneficial for the skin. It can help reduce acne, relieve inflammation and redness in eczema and psoriasis. Simply apply a freshly brewed tea bag to the affected areas.

Harm of rooibos tea

In general, rooibos tea is a delicious and safe drink. Some side effects when drinking tea are very rare. Despite this, moderation is needed in everything.

Although no research has yet been done on the effects of tea in the long term, there are some side effects that have been noted.

This is primarily due to the slow absorption of iron from food. Due to the low level of tannins, tea prevents the body from absorbing iron from vegetables. Therefore, for people suffering from iron deficiency, it is better to consume rooibos after meals and consult a doctor about the use of this drink.

Drinking tea in large quantities can cause an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, itching or swelling. Breathing problems, shortness of breath and chest tightness may occur.

During pregnancy and lactation, drinking tea is beneficial for a woman. But there is no research on how it will act on the child. Therefore, in this case, it is better to talk with a pediatrician and a gynecologist.

Several studies have shown that drinking large amounts of tea throughout the day leads to an increase in liver enzyme production.

Some compounds in tea have been shown to have estrogenic activity, i.e. they can stimulate the production of female sex hormones - estrogens. Therefore, people with hormone-dependent diseases such as breast cancer should avoid drinking this type of tea.

How to brew rooibos tea

Rooibos tea requires a slightly longer brewing time than regular black tea.

To get a rich tasty drink in a glass of boiling water, you need to take a teaspoon of tea leaves. Withstand tea from 5 to 15 minutes. You can warm it up slightly on the stove or boil it like hibiscus tea for a few minutes. But this is how they usually prepare a drink in large quantities.

Although tea has a slightly sweet taste, honey or other sweetener can be added to it.

As a tonic drink, rooibos tea can be served chilled with ice.

The brewed drink can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

Where to buy rooibos tea

Not all stores can freely buy this type of tea. Still, it must be borne in mind that it is less in demand than black or green tea. But it can be purchased in many online stores that specialize in selling tea or products.

Rooibos tea (rooibos) is a delicious and healthy drink. But you can not take it as a miracle from all diseases. First of all, it is a useful healthy product that will enrich your daily diet.

Relatively recently, a tea appeared on the shelves of stores, which has received the fame of healing all over the world: Rooibos tea. It is made from the leaves of a South African plant. With proper preparation, tea turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, benefits the body. The taste of rooibos differs from the usual tea in that it does not contain caffeine, and it has a very mild effect on the body, and the beneficial properties of the plant are priceless. In this short time, this healing tea has a lot of fans, someone drinks it precisely because of the effect on the body, which the manufacturer is talking about, while others simply choose a pleasant taste. The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea is the topic of this article.

What is Rooibos

The plant from which tea is made is a legume. The shrub has a very unusual appearance: the branches are distinguished by a bright red color and a pointed shape. Such an unusual appearance gives the image of the plant an ominous look and provokes a lot of myths around. The origin of Rooibos tea dates back to ancient times. The indigenous Khoi tribes respected rooibos for its medicinal qualities and used the useful plant as a natural dye. In addition, he was credited with the properties of rejuvenation, health promotion and life extension and reducing harm from the environment.

The healthy drink gained worldwide popularity only at the beginning of the 20th century; until that moment, the properties of tea were kept secret. It is generally accepted that after the indigenous peoples of Africa, the taste and benefits of rooibos tea were recognized by the British, who settled in Cape Town.

The tea has a refined fruity flavor with a delicate smell of nuts. Due to its light sweetness and astringency, there is no need to add anything to tea, it has a full range of taste in itself.

Reference! Tea connoisseurs such as the Japanese claim that the beneficial properties of rooibos can be equated with the healing qualities of green tea, which is known to be able to eliminate environmental damage.

Types and varieties of Rooibos tea

According to the type of processing, green and red rooibos teas are divided. Green rooibos is obtained when harvested raw materials are steamed. This helps to stop fermentation, which helps to maintain a slight herbal flavor and a transparent light color.

If the fermentation is not stopped, but the harvested leaves are dried under the sun, red rooibos will be obtained. Its differences are a pronounced sweet aftertaste, but this does not prevent the locals from drinking it with sugar and milk.

They also produce various flavored varieties of rooibos:

  • with strawberry aroma;
  • with vanilla;
  • with the smell of chocolate.

Reference! There is even rooibos espresso, its technology was developed and patented by Karl Pretorius from South Africa.

Outwardly, rooibos espresso is very similar to a regular coffee drink, only if you look very closely, you can notice a reddish tint of saffron and even the presence of foam.

Chemical composition and calorie content of Rooibos tea

The calorie content of Rooibos tea per 100 g is 16 kcal.

In addition to the taste properties, this tea boasts more benefits. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins - A, E, C, R. In addition, Rooibos leaf tea is rich in trace elements such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, fluorine, zinc and iron. The beneficial properties of rooibos are priceless for the body.

Due to the extensive composition, the beneficial properties of this tea will benefit people of age, athletes who regularly endure overload, children, as it has the property of strengthening the nervous system. Tea will benefit the metabolic processes of the body, as it neutralizes the harm from the effects of the external environment.

It is important to note that, despite the property to tone and stimulate, rooibos does not contain tannin or caffeine, which means that it will not harm at any time of the day.

Natural tetracycline, which is contained in the resulting drink, is an indispensable remedy for colds, and unlike medications, it will not cause harm.

Benefits of Rooibos tea

According to numerous studies, tea from the African plant rooibos has the following beneficial properties:

  1. With 50% more antioxidants than green tea, rooibos is much more effective at neutralizing free radical damage. Beneficial for cancer, osteoporosis.
  2. It lowers blood pressure, stabilizes blood glucose levels, and contributes to the normalization of liver function.
  3. It has an antihistamine effect, which is beneficial for allergies, hay fever and asthma.
  4. It has a preventive effect against the progression of cataracts, eczema, atherosclerosis.
  5. It has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.
  6. It has calming properties on the nervous system, helps to reduce mental stress.
  7. It has restorative effects on the gastrointestinal tract in case of poisoning.
  8. Has benefits for bones.
  9. 2 cups of this tea a day help meet the daily requirement for vitamin C, and 3 for fluoride and iron.
  10. Tea will also be beneficial in case of physical exertion, due to the optimal amount of potassium and calcium in the broth.

For women

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the beneficial properties of tea for the female body:

  1. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, Rooibos tea is able to slow down the aging process in the body.
  2. Benefits for the female cycle. Rooibos tea contains a high amount of iron, which is why rooibos is recommended for early pregnancy. For women suffering from anemia, it will help to cope with iron deficiency without harm.
  3. The bactericidal properties of tea contribute to the treatment of many skin diseases. It is used in the form of compresses and lotions, it works especially well as a cleanser.
  4. Strengthening effect on the nervous system. Rooibos is useful for insomnia, headaches, depression and irritability. In this case, the body is benefited, not harmed.

For men

For men, red rooibos tea will benefit if their work is associated with physical activity. The beneficial properties of tea are also known to people who are actively involved in sports. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, the drink neutralizes the harm of free radicals, which helps to increase male strength.

For children and the elderly

For the children's body, Rooibos will also benefit. The high content of potassium, zinc, fluorine, manganese and many other valuable trace elements makes it the richest in terms of useful properties in relation to the formation and development of the child's body.

Reference! During growth, the child needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, they can be obtained not only with meals, but also when drinking such a valuable drink as Rooibos tea. In this case, the child will be benefited, not harmed.

It should be noted that Rooibos has a slightly sweet taste, which is often liked by children.

For older people, tea will help strengthen the nervous system and normalize metabolic processes, which will lead to good health. In addition, rooibos does not contain caffeine, which means it will not cause harm in the form of pressure surges. Moreover, it has a lot of useful properties in relation to the cardiovascular system, which is very important for people of age.

Is it possible to drink Rooibos tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant women and nursing mothers can consume Rooibos without fear. Tea is made exclusively from natural raw materials, so it does not cause allergies or other harm.

Attention! In the postpartum period, this drink will be of great benefit, as it helps strengthen the nervous system and improves mood.

Is rooibos tea good for diabetes?

Rooibos is one of the few natural sources of the antioxidant aspalathin. This antioxidant is known to have beneficial anti-diabetic properties. Therefore, by drinking this drink, diabetic patients receive the following benefits:

  • blood sugar balance;
  • decrease in insulin resistance.

Moreover, the beneficial properties of the drink can provide prevention for those at risk of developing this disease.

Rooibos tea for weight loss

In the process of losing weight, Rooibos tea will benefit only if it is combined with proper nutrition and physical activity. Drink should be taken twice a day in a glass half an hour before meals. It has the useful property of removing excess fluid from the body, normalizing metabolic processes and stool.

Important! In order for drinking to benefit, and not harm the figure, it is necessary to exclude the use of sugar.

Rooibos tea in folk medicine

Useful properties of Rooibos are actively used in folk medicine.

Soothing and therapeutic baths

If a person has frequent stresses, colds, increased fatigue and other abnormalities in the functioning of the body, then baths with the addition of Rooibos will help him. The brewed tea is added to the water while taking a bath. The smell of the plant calms the nervous system, and the components rich in useful properties neutralize the harm to the environment and benefit the body.

For disease prevention

Decoction for skin inflammation

A decoction is recommended as a useful remedy for skin prone to inflammation. To do this, Rooibos is boiled in boiling water for at least 5 minutes. In the resulting infusion, a cotton pad is wetted and used as lotions. Since this remedy is equated to a natural antibiotic, it is able to neutralize the harm from inflammatory foci and remove redness.

Rooibos tea in cosmetology

The rich health benefits of Rooibos tea make it a highly desirable beauty ingredient. The fact is that this product is an excellent tool for rejuvenating the body. Its uses are very varied:

  1. Can be used instead of water for washing. The beneficial properties of the decoction help to improve complexion and even out skin texture.
  2. If you use the product as lotions, then the benefits will also be great: the decoction will remove bags, dark circles and crow's feet.
  3. Homemade masks, in which at least a teaspoon of Rooibos tea is added, will help neutralize environmental damage, smooth the skin and rejuvenate it.
  4. If you rinse your hair with a decoction of Rooibos, then the beneficial properties of this decoction can activate their growth.
  5. Baths with the addition of Rooibos extract will help relieve tension and gradually smooth out the "orange peel".

How to Brew and Drink Rooibos Tea

Proper brewing of rooibos contributes to the activation of its beneficial properties. Therefore, to get the full benefit, it is important to follow the recipe, then there will definitely be no harm from the drink. For brewing, you need 1 tsp. plants in 1 cup boiling water. Water must be boiled and pour the plant mixture with boiling water. It takes about 10 minutes to infuse the decoction. The drink should be consumed like regular tea.

An important step is the infusion of the drink. Prolonged steeping time promotes the release of antioxidants, which explain the beneficial properties of the drink. It is antioxidants that neutralize the damage from free radicals.

Reference! For cooking, it is better not to use earthenware, it can spoil the taste and aroma of the drink.

If you brew the drink again, it will enhance its taste and give the drink a red-brown color, as well as a sweet-sour taste. Rooibos can be drunk both cold and hot.

What can be added to rooibos tea

On sale, Rooibos is often found with the addition of flavors - orange, strawberry, lemon, vanilla. But it is better to buy a classic drink and add slices of orange, lemon. Fans of this drink often dilute the drink with milk.

Possible harm of Rooibos tea and contraindications

African Rooibos tea and its benefits and harms are a pretty straightforward question. The benefits of the drink, no doubt, are great, but do not forget about its possible harm. It can be harmful in case of individual intolerance. If a person has never used Rooibos before, it is recommended to make the first intake of the drink minimal, and track the reaction of the body.

Important! In order to get no harm, but maximum benefit, it is better to use dry raw materials as quickly as possible, since the beneficial properties of tea greatly decrease over time.

How to choose and store

  1. Before purchasing tea, it is important to study the composition on the package. It is better to prefer those types of tea that contain natural herbs, spices, dried berries and fruits.
  2. The pieces in the mixture should be about the same size and crumble easily. When yellow leaves are visible in the mixture, this means that the tea is of low quality.
  3. The presence of pieces of twigs and bark should not be intimidating, on the contrary, it indicates the high quality of tea.

It is better to store tea in a dry and cool place. First, pour the mixture into an opaque container with a tight lid. It is the correct choice and storage of Rooibos that will avoid harm from its use and guarantee maximum benefits.


The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea are incomparable. The drink is extremely rich in useful properties and its use is shown to almost all people. Moreover, it is impossible to get harm from such a drink, the main thing is to adhere to reasonable limits when using it.

Rooibos tea is a drink. This is a herbal tea made from crushed dried leaves of the aspalatus shrub.

A bit of history

Aspalatus is a plant up to 1.5 meters high with small needle-like leaves. The birthplace of this plant, as well as the drink, is South Africa, where it appeared a long time ago and was a traditional drink of some tribes, from their languages ​​the name aspalatus is translated as “red bush”. There is a legend that the gods gave the drink to people so that they would always be young, energetic and live for many, many years. In Africa, this tea was used simply as a drink, as a medicine, and sometimes as a red food coloring. In the 19th century, the miraculous herbal tea became known to the colonialists from Holland, and already at the beginning of the 20th century it appeared in Europe.


For the production of tea, relatively mature plants are used - bushes 1.5 years old. The factories use thin branches, which are crushed, then laid out on a horizontal surface, washed with water and then dried in the sun. Next, the tea is sorted and packed in boxes or disposable bags.


To date, red and green rooibos teas are known. They differ due to different production methods. Red tea is obtained as a result of the usual drying of aspalatus leaves and twigs, the color of such tea is reddish-brown, and the taste is sweet and has a slight nutty smell. To prepare green rooibos, the sprigs are steamed and the drink is much lighter, with a slightly different herbal taste.

Brewing and use

Rooibos tea is brewed like ordinary black tea, poured with boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes. In the homeland of the drink, it is aged for about half an hour, it is believed that it tastes better and contains more vitamins. The finished tea smells of nuts and a little fruit, has a natural sweet aftertaste, and a beautiful red-orange hue.

For brewing, it is better to use transparent glassware (then you will see how beautiful the tea is) and it is not recommended to use earthenware, since the aroma of the drink will not be felt in it.

You can drink this tea in its natural form, but you can also add a little honey, a slice of lemon or orange. Very often, tea is used to make non-alcoholic cocktails or even some soups or flour products.

Beneficial features

According to the results of many studies, it was found that rooibos drink has a huge amount of benefits for humans. Tea is high in antioxidants and can serve as an adjuvant in the treatment of certain diseases.

  1. Tea contains vitamin C (it is believed that two cups of a person will be enough to meet the daily requirement), and fluoride (similarly, only 3 cups, about 200 ml each).
  2. The drink is enriched with iron and copper, which supports protein metabolism in the body and will be beneficial for hair and skin.
  3. Elements such as zinc and potassium in the composition of herbal tea increase immunity, have restorative properties, and promote cell function.
  4. Rooibos is often recommended for various types of diseases: hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, cataracts and many others.
  5. It is known that the drink is able to restore and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract in case of food poisoning.
  6. Tea helps to cleanse the body of unnecessary elements and enrich it with useful substances. In addition, tea can also act as a sedative, reducing mental stress and pressure.
  7. It is known that the drink contains tetracycline, which is a bactericidal substance. That is why herbal tea can be used to make compresses or lotions for dermatitis, irritations and other skin ailments.
  8. Unlike ordinary black tea, rooibos does not contain caffeine, and also has a lower content of certain acids and theanine. The plant is also known to have organic sugar and is suitable for diabetics. Therefore, it can be used by pregnant women and people with kidney problems.
  9. Rooibos infusions can also be used for colic in children.
  10. It is believed that rooibos infusion helps to cope even with a hangover. It is good at removing toxins from the body.
  11. For nutrition, rooibos tea also has its value. The plant is enriched with glucose and has a sweet taste, which will eliminate the need for additional sugar. Also, the drink is low in calories (100 grams = about 15 kilocalories).
  12. Tea can be useful for edema, it removes fluid from the body well.
  13. Very often, rooibos infusion is used for colds, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the human immune system.
  14. Since rooibos is enriched with various minerals, it has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and teeth, and can prevent caries.

In addition, rooibos is also useful for the nervous system, has a calming effect, with constant use it can help get rid of insomnia.

Contraindications and harmful effects

Despite how many useful properties were given above, it is worth remembering the dangers of rooibos tea. First of all, tea is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this plant and allergy sufferers. Hypotension patients should also be very careful, as tea will very well reduce already low blood pressure. It is not recommended to drink large quantities of rooibos with gastritis and stomach ulcers.
There is an opinion that tea interferes with the absorption of iron from other substances (for example, the beneficial components of vegetables), so you should drink tea after a meal. Do not drink herbal tea on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to drink rooibos not very hot, since at temperatures above 55 degrees it can cause stomach cramps. In this case, the drink should not be excessively strong.


  1. First of all, rooibos can be brewed like a simple black tea, that is, pour a small amount into a teapot, pour boiling water over it and let stand for 10 minutes.
  2. For a richer taste, you can brew tea according to a recipe that came to us from South Africa. For such a recipe, you will need a teapot that can be put on fire. The water is brought to a boil, a small amount of rooibos is poured into it and, stirring with a wooden stick, boil for about 2 minutes, then simmer at a minimum heat for 2-3 minutes, then it is removed from the stove and infused for 5 minutes.
  3. In order for tea not to lose its taste for a long time, it is necessary to brew in a water bath. To do this, you need two containers of different sizes. Water is poured into a large container, which is brought to a boil, then a smaller container is placed there with already poured water and poured tea. Tea is brewed in a water bath for about 30 minutes (to get a strong drink). You can add cinnamon to the finished drink.
  4. You can combine rooibos with different fruits, such as lemon. Finely chopped lemon zest and another half-liter of boiling water are added to pre-infused tea, the infusion is left for a day under the lid. In such a cocktail, you can add cinnamon, mint, honey and ginger.

Recently, such a novelty as rooibos espresso has appeared, it looks like an ordinary espresso, the same foam on top and astringent taste. To get such a drink, you need a coffee machine. In the ground coffee compartment, instead of the coffee itself, you need to put rooibos. This drink was patented by Charles Praetorius. Today, in addition to espresso, there are also red latte and cappuccino.

Video: useful properties of rooibos tea
