
Tea infusion for the face. Green tea for the face: refreshes, rejuvenates, protects

People suffering from skin rashes, acne, blackheads and other skin manifestations of a similar nature are so exhausted by the search for a solution to their problem that they are ready to give any money for an effective remedy. But often it’s enough just to look into the kitchen cabinet to find something there that, if it doesn’t solve the problem completely, it will alleviate the general condition of the skin. It's about tea.

This drink can be found in every home. Most often, these are black and green varieties, and especially sophisticated ones acquire more expensive varieties: white, yellow, red, connected (dry buds of flowers blooming in a teapot).
Green and black teas are familiar to most, but all varieties are harvested from the same tea bush at different periods and processed differently. The green variety is more tender, its color is pale, the taste is less intense, and the aroma is subtle, sometimes barely perceptible. Its black counterpart has a richer color, tart taste, the aroma of such a drink is brighter. But it is the green type that is more beneficial for the body, although black contains all the same trace elements, but in smaller quantities due to the method of processing. Red varieties are the most fragrant, because they are often not large quantities ah is mixed into the elite collections of other varieties. But white tea is made from the youngest sprouts of the plant and is considered a drink of the elite. Peasants are skeptical about such a name, calling it "warmed water".

For dermatological problems, it is more useful to use green tea. It is not fermented and contains more active substances. If this type of tea is not at hand, then black is also suitable, but its effect will be less pronounced.

Unknown properties of tea familiar to everyone

How is tea useful for the human body? Let's look at its chemical composition, which contains more than a hundred substances. Depending on the type of drink, from a third to a half of these components dissolve in water.

  • Tannins. They are up to 30% in good tea. It is to them that the drink owes its tart taste. There are about 30 of them, but the most important of them is tannin. This substance disinfects wounds, stops blood flow, and has a bactericidal effect. For small household wounds, cuts, damage to the epidermis after removing acne, a cotton swab dipped in green tea leaves can easily replace green tea without burning the epidermis;
  • Polyphenols. These substances are natural antioxidants. It is not for nothing that in case of poisoning (including alcohol), viral diseases, a cup of green tea comes in handy. Due to their natural origin, these antioxidants have no side effects;
  • Amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. There are about twenty amino acids in tea, and among the vitamins it contains group B, ascorbic acid, P and PP, K. Mineral substances in the drink are only up to ten percent, including iron, potassium and calcium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus and others;
  • Caffeine (in tea - theine). In elite varieties, the content of this substance reaches five percent, but in a green drink it is much less, and there are completely decaffeinated species. At the same time, theine is softer than its coffee counterpart and does not accumulate in the body;
  • Essential oil. There is not much of it in the drink, only a fraction of a percent, therefore it does not have any significant effect on the body. But thanks to him, each type of tea exudes its own unique aroma, which uplifts the mood and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • In addition, tea contains pigments, organic acids, pectins, proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that we are talking about high-quality brewed tea and a packaged surrogate has nothing to do with this category. Sachets, the contents of which look like dust or contain fruits, berries and herbs declared by the manufacturer, should not be consumed at all. It is not clear which dyes and harmful substances are activated in boiling water.

The effect of tea on the skin

For the treatment of dermatological problems, the green variety is usually used. It has a higher content of useful components and its beneficial effect on the skin is more obvious. Use this drink to alleviate such conditions of the skin:

  • Pimples caused by malfunctioning of the liver. The skin, along with sweat, removes a certain amount of toxins, therefore, with serious intoxication, it sometimes becomes covered with acne. Due to the high concentration of antioxidants, tea can be drunk for general body cleansing and applied topically to help the skin eliminate toxins;
  • Wounds, inflamed rashes, acne and other damage to the integrity of the epidermis. Tannins contribute to the speedy healing. And the tanides contained in tea disinfect and destroy pyogenic bacteria. The more concentrated the decoction, the better the antimicrobial effect. Do not rush to pour out yesterday's tea leaves. A two-three-day infusion only enhances its antibacterial qualities. But you can’t drink yesterday’s tea;
  • Dryness of the skin. The trace elements that are part of the drink maintain the water-salt balance of the epidermis, which is especially important for dry skin or skin that has been frostbitten or actively exposed to sunlight;
  • Aging skin, first wrinkles. Green tea catalyzes metabolic processes, stimulating cellular metabolism, collagen production. The skin as a result of regular external use of this product looks younger, shallow wrinkles disappear, acne marks and superficial acne scars disappear.

Green tea almost never causes allergies, except in cases of individual intolerance. Therefore, it can be used to alleviate all dermatological problems, from cuts and burns to severe acne. The drink is suitable for nourishing all skin types, its effect is especially beneficial for dry skin.

Tea Based Acne Remedy Recipes

You can use the drink for rashes on the skin of the face in different ways. Particularly convenient are lotions and compresses from a pure product, without additives. But it is permissible to combine it with other herbs and introduce it into multicomponent masks. But don't expect magical results from tea compresses and rubs. This drink is good for the most part as an acne prevention and a means to improve the overall condition of the epidermis. It is permissible to use it as an aid in the main drug treatment.

Pure decoction of green tea for acne

Having strongly brewed a green drink, leave it to brew. On the second day, its bactericidal properties will only increase. Soak a cotton pad or cotton pad in the tea leaves and apply to the skin as a compress. With a decoction, you can wipe the areas affected by acne, wash your face, completely replacing clean water with it, or make cosmetic ice from it. Such procedures will disinfect the skin, destroy pathogenic bacteria, serving as a means of preventing the occurrence of acne, blackheads and other rashes.

Chamomile + mint + green tea against rashes on the skin of the face

In the same ways, it is permissible to use herbal collection to get rid of acne forever. Take equal amounts of green tea, chamomile and peppermint. It is enough to insist such a decoction for an hour and proceed with the procedures.

Black tea lotion with lemon against wrinkles, scars and acne marks

But with scars, small wrinkles and scars after acne removal, black tea does better. Adding lemon to it helps to lighten reddened or bluish areas. It is customary for all housewives to prepare the remedy: we brew a strong black drink, add a few slices of lemon (you can grate it), insist. We store this lotion in the refrigerator for no longer than a week. Citruses are a strong allergen, therefore, if any skin reactions to the resulting product are detected, replace the lemon with mineral water or simply wipe the skin with pure black tea.

Mask for cleansing pores and nourishing problem skin

For a weekly cleansing of the face and body from excess sebum that provokes the appearance of black spots, you can use a delicious mask of oatmeal with honey and black tea. Mix the components in arbitrary proportions, bringing to a convenient consistency. If there is no allergy to honey, then such a remedy is completely harmless and can be in direct contact with the skin for half an hour. It is good to apply it after a steam bath and physical removal of blackheads.

Nourishing mask for all skin types with tea

For such a remedy, any tea that you are used to drinking is suitable. Enter the egg yolk into a strong tea brew and add flour to the resulting cocktail to give a consistency that can independently adhere to the skin without spreading. This mask is left on the face for 20 minutes for nutrition and toning.

External tea-based remedies for acne and other skin manifestations have no contraindications and are therefore used for all skin types. Allergic reactions occur to individual components of multicomponent masks and decoctions. All products are applied to clean skin.

How to drink and prepare tea

Masks and other acne remedies described above are applied topically. They have a clear, but short-term effect. For a more lasting result and an overall improvement in health, it is better to take tea in the traditional way - drink and enjoy this process.
The skin is a mirror of the internal state of the body, therefore all rashes on it are the result of general ill health. According to scientific studies, among people who systematically consume tea, the incidence of cancer is 30% lower. And those who are used to drinking a cup of tea before starting the work process work more fruitfully and get sick less often.
To raise the tone and mood, strengthen the immune system, speed up metabolic processes, restore the water-salt balance and just enjoy the aroma, it is important to prepare and use tea correctly.

  • Yesterday's drink is good for beauty treatments. You can only drink today's tea;
  • Do not use on an empty stomach;
  • If after the next cup you feel an increased heartbeat or other changes in the part of the cardiovascular system, then it is better to refuse the next one;
  • Brew the collection no more than three or four times;
  • Ready-to-drink drink should be warm. Cold or hot won't do any good.

Separately, it is important to mention the monastery tea against acne. Monastic teas are literally from all ailments: alcoholism, varicose veins, diseases of the liver and heart, to improve brain activity, digestion and sleep. This is a special collection that you can buy ready-made or cook it yourself at home. All components for the prescription are easy to get at the pharmacy and stores:

  • Herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, elecampane;
  • Fruits: wild rose, lemon;
  • Base: black tea.

A decoction is prepared from herbs, to which honey and lemon are added for taste. Take a remedy for acne twice a day in a glass, do not tie it to food intake. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. To believe or not to believe in the healing properties of the collection is an individual decision. Analyzing the composition, we can conclude that such a tool is aimed at a general cleansing of the body. Herbs have good bile and diuretic properties, improve digestion, increase sweating and strengthen the immune system. All these properties in combination have a beneficial effect on the body, cleanse the liver and normalize the digestive tract, which positively affects the quality of the skin.

Drinking tea is important. This drink is not addictive, does not have a negative effect on organs and tissues. But as in taking any other product, you need to observe the measure and avoid drinking tea during periods of emotional excitement and stress.

Black tea is often used in the preparation of homemade cosmetics. It has a disinfecting effect, cleanses well and narrows enlarged pores on the face. If you have rough oily skin, it is recommended to moisten it after washing with cold black tea.

Black tea masks are great for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. And if you wipe the skin with a strong infusion of black tea, you can give it a light shade of tan.

The benefits of black tea

It is known for the fact that it perfectly strengthens blood vessels and relieves swelling, so it is actively used in various cosmetic products for face and eye area.

In addition, black tea can be used to make a tonic designed for problem skin. You need to mix a glass of strong drink with a spoonful of lemon juice and a little salt. Make ice cubes out of the liquid and wipe your face with them in the morning.

In addition, black tea in cosmetics is also useful for hair: it can be used as a rinse (although it is only suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women). This will help keep color-treated hair shiny, shiny and healthy, and natural - strong and strong. Tea infusion can either be mixed with a finished mask, or used as an independent remedy.

Masks and tonics made from natural ingredients do not contain chemicals, which means they are more beneficial for the body, and their effect is more noticeable. And we must not forget about another significant plus: it is very easy to make such a tool yourself!

Black tea mask recipes

Lifting tea mask for aging skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of liquid strong black tea with 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of crushed oatmeal. Apply the mixture on your face and wash off with cool water after 10 minutes.

Another tea mask recipe for aging skin care

Mix 1 tablespoon of wheat or barley flour with 2 tablespoons of strong liquid black tea leaves, and with 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Tea mask for oily skin

1 teaspoon of dry black tea, and the same amount of elderflowers, pour half a glass of boiling water, and let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain. Next, take 1 tablespoon of yeast and 2 teaspoons of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder. Dilute these ingredients with the infusion prepared earlier so that a thick mass forms. Apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes, after which rinse with cool water.

Black tea mask that shrinks pores

Its composition is something like this:

Mix 3 tablespoons of strong cold tea leaves with the protein of one egg, and beat the mixture. Then add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon white clay, 1 tablespoon oatmeal, and 2 teaspoons finely ground almonds. If necessary, lightly dilute the mixture with water or milk to the consistency of sour cream.

Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes. If the skin is prone to dryness, it is better to replace the protein with yolk, take the clay not white or blue, but red or pink, and replace lemon juice with olive oil.

Mask with vascular network

You will need cold tea brewing. Put it on your face, cover with a damp towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the remnants of the mask with tea infusion. You will see the effect of this mask only after two weeks if you do it regularly (after 1-2 days). After two weeks, this mask should be forgotten for a whole month.

Mask of black tea, yolk, flour and sour cream for the face

The preparation of a black tea mask is very simple, first you should brew tea, add two teaspoons of regular or loose tea to two hundred grams of boiling water. After the tea is brewed, it should be infused for about 20 minutes and then strained through cheesecloth so that there are no tea leaves in the mask.

After that, add one tablespoon of flour and mix everything well, then you need to add one yolk and mix everything thoroughly again.

After that, to obtain a homogeneous thick mass, sour cream should be added, that's basically the whole preparation of the black tea mask itself, as you can see, the mask is very simple and you can cook it very quickly.

At the same time, use tea not all, but exactly in such an amount that the black tea mask has a thick consistency.

It is necessary to apply such a black tea mask on the skin of the face, it is enough to keep such a mask for about a quarter of an hour, after which you wash off the mask with warm water. It is advisable to combine this mask with a facial massage, and after the mask itself, you can lubricate your face with a nourishing regular cream.

The black tea mask is so simple and consists of the most common ingredients, however, the effectiveness of the mask is actually unique. Thanks to the unique effect of tea, yolk, flour and sour cream, the mask actually has a magical effect. Apply a mask of black tea should be every other day for 15 minutes, with proper preparation, after 10 days your skin will become beautiful and snow-white, sexy and tender.

Ice for the face


For one glass of water:

  • 2 tbsp black tea
  • 1 tbsp calendula
  • 1 tbsp mint


Pour water and add tea to it.

Then mint and calendula.

We put on the stove, cover with a lid and let it boil for 5-7 minutes.

Turn off and leave to infuse until completely cooled.

Then we filter the infusion and pour into molds for ice.

We remove the ice for freezing in the freezer.

Black tea ice is ready. Stay always young and beautiful.

Black tea for eyes

Black tea eye lotion

Lotions from black tea will help the eyes get rid of fatigue and redness.


  • 1 teaspoon black tea
  • 50 milliliters of boiling water

Cooking method:

Pour boiling water over black tea.

Insist 20 minutes.

To stir thoroughly.


Soak cotton pads in tea and put on closed eyelids. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Change cotton pads to new ones.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Rinse eyelids with cool water.

Apply eye cream.

The infusion should be warm (room temperature).


Rested, refreshed skin and a radiant look.


A tea compress against bags under the eyes is very good: tea bags should be poured over with boiling water and put in the freezer for 2 hours, and then on the eyes for 10 minutes.

Delicate, elastic skin, without wrinkles - this is the best decoration for a woman. This result can be achieved only thanks to high-quality, natural cosmetics and proper, constant care. One of these remedies is tea for the face. Its unique and miraculous properties are fully revealed by the women of the East. It is not surprising that they delight everyone with their beauty, elasticity and smoothness of the skin, even in their declining years. How to use tea for facial skin, recipes and some features of the procedure, read on.

Composition and benefits

Tea is an indispensable source of vitality, strength and energy, but it is also an extraordinary, unique medicine for the epidermis. Such masks are distinguished by high efficiency, tenderness and depth of impact. Tea for the skin is very useful, thanks to the following components:

  • vitamins (A, B, P, PP, C) - strengthen and improve the structure of cells, ensure their full functioning, and also increase the protective properties of the skin;
  • minerals (calcium, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus) are no less important for the vital activity of cells, their "breathing" and nutrition. They accelerate blood circulation, guarantee the rapid transport of nutrients;
  • tannin is the main antioxidant. It actively counteracts microbes, prevents and relieves inflammation;
  • enzymes - accelerate metabolic processes, including the synthesis of new collagen, elastin fibers.

Thus, tea is an indispensable, unique source of nutrients, energy and enzymes. The effect of vivacity, freshness is instantly reflected in the epidermis after the first procedure. This is the peculiarity of the drink as a cosmetic product.

Varieties of medicinal drink

For the preparation of cosmetics, several types of drink are used:

  • White tea for the face is a real medicine for the skin. This tea will relieve acne, the beginnings of oncology at the cellular level, increase blood flow and improve overall health.
  • Green - widely used in cosmetology as a source of energy. It quickly restores the former tone of tissues, adds freshness and vigor to them, actively fights microbes, and guarantees gentle cleansing of the face.
  • Black - no less used in home cosmetics. It instantly invigorates weakened, aging skin, refreshes and rejuvenates it.
  • Red (hibiscus) - guarantees effective cleansing of the face, relieves inflammatory reactions. It is necessary to regularly wipe your face with this drink - and from acne, from acne, there will be no trace on the skin.

Please note that lotions with tea bags, masks based on strong tea leaves or ice cannot guarantee a long-term preservation of the result of the procedure without proper nutrition and massage exercises. You can familiarize yourself with the technique of classical self-massage.

Indications for use

Using tea compositions in facial care, you can achieve a solution to such problems:

  • excessive dryness, dehydration of cells, requiring instant replenishment of moisture;
  • excess of the allowable rate of secretion of the sebaceous glands, which gives the skin excessive shine, gloss;
  • weakness, withering of the skin;
  • the rapid rate of formation of wrinkles on the face, their deepening;
  • dullness, dullness, unhealthy appearance;
  • reduced tone, loss of former tissue elasticity, sagging in the cheek area;
  • hyperpigmentation, overly noticeable, ugly freckles;
  • inflammatory acne, acne due to improper care or poor-quality cosmetics;
  • flabby skin, fuzzy contours, reduced tone.

Only tea can correct these shortcomings without complications, irritations, allergic reactions.

The course of tea procedures for the face is unlimited. Several masks a week are the best solution for high-quality, effective skin care.

Medical cosmetics from green varieties

Green tea extract for facial skin is a faithful assistant in the fight against aging. It will enhance its protective function, stabilize the work of cells, strengthen their structure and increase tissue tone.

Green tea for the face, reviews of which never cease to amaze, is used in many recipes for care products. This is a tea mask for rejuvenation, intensive moisturizing, nutrition, an acne remedy for sensitive and problematic skin, a compress for bags under the eyes, cosmetics for complexion and high-quality cleansing of pores.

Consider the most popular recipes for face care:

  • For women suffering from increased fat content of the epidermis, a composition with the addition of egg white, lemon juice will help. To prepare the mask, pour 1 tbsp. leaves of natural green tea 100 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then add 1 tsp to the filtered liquid. lemon juice, one egg white. Stir the mixture. To bring to the desired, easy-to-apply consistency, use oatmeal or chopped flakes. Distribute the product and hold for 20 minutes. Wash off the rest with cool water.
  • A homemade tea mask for the skin with a rejuvenating effect is prepared as follows: steep the drink (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tea leaves per 1 tablespoon of boiling water). Add sour cream (1 tablespoon). Such a mixture will quickly increase the tone of tissues, return the former elasticity to tissues, and transform aging skin.
  • To prepare a nutritious, rich care composition, prepare olive oil (1 tsp), 1 tbsp. crushed tea leaves. Mix the ingredients. Add 2 tbsp. kefir and wheat flour. The mass should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. Spread the mixture over the surface for 20 minutes.
  • You can remove bags under the eyes in a matter of minutes. To do this, place the tea bags in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. Then take them out, put them on problem areas for 5 minutes.
  • There is another method of how to urgently remove bags under the eyes. These are simple compresses. To perform the procedure, brew a strong drink. When the liquid has cooled, dip cotton pads in it, apply to your eyes. Do not hold the compress for more than 5 minutes, otherwise a slight tint from the drink may appear.

  • An excellent skin moisturizer - face cream with green tea and coconut oil. Mix coconut oil extract and high quality tea leaves, 30 g each. Set the nutrient mixture in a bath for half an hour, so that the components steam well and mix. Filter the mass, put in the cold to solidify. The cream will ideally, carefully compensate for the lack of moisture in the tissues in the shortest possible time.
  • To wash your face every day, pour 1 tsp. tea leaves 100 ml of boiling water. Leave the liquid to infuse for 10 minutes. You can also wipe your face with it.

Cosmetics from other tea varieties

For medicinal purposes, white and black teas are also used. Here are some popular recipes for their use:

  • For high-quality cleansing, getting rid of age spots and in order to brighten, even out the shade of the epidermis, a tea mask for the surface of the face with the addition of lemon juice and sour cream is useful. To prepare a whitening composition, take the juice of 1 lemon, 25 g of homemade sour cream, the same amount of small tea leaves of white varieties. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the mask on the surface for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare a rejuvenating mixture from tea liquid (1 tsp of tea leaves pour 100 ml of boiled water) and 1 tsp. natural honey. To achieve a thick consistency, use oatmeal.
  • Saving moisturizing for the skin in hot weather is ice tea for the face. To prepare it, take 2 tbsp. tea leaves of any of the varieties, 200-250 ml of hot water. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Strain the liquid, cool. Pour the drink into special molds, put in the freezer to harden. Ice tea for the face is ready for use. The effect after wiping with cosmetic ice is instant. The skin looks refreshed, hydrated in just a few minutes.

Rules for tea procedures

The following guidelines will help you achieve a successful result from the procedures:

  • use only high quality natural ingredients for cooking;
  • drink-based masks are not recommended for overnight;
  • nutritious compositions with the addition of tea leaves spend every 4 days, not more often. You can replace them with herbal cosmetics or a classic massage using essential oils;
  • black varieties often make the surface of the face darker, so carrots, beets, and other natural dyes should not be supplemented;

Follow these simple rules during skin care procedures - and gentle, healthy, elastic skin is guaranteed.


by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Every day, our skin is exposed to various stresses that negatively affect its condition. External factors such as cold, wind and direct sunlight, as well as a very unsatisfactory state of the environment, which cannot but affect health and appearance; and internal, such as malnutrition, chronic diseases and slagging of the body, make our skin vulnerable and weak, as a result of which it acquires an unhealthy color, bruises and swelling appear under the eyes, the skin peels and cracks.

Facial skin care at home

If this could not be avoided, and you are faced with similar difficulties, do not rush to despair - there are several proven and very effective ways to improve skin condition with the help of cosmetic procedures. Of course, you can use the services of beauty salons, but you can resort to folk methods and take care of your skin on your own.

"For the beauty of your skin, it is recommended to wipe your face with iced tea cubes every morning. "

One of the most effective natural skin care products is tea. It contains a large number of antioxidants and tannins, has an anti-inflammatory effect, smoothes and tones the skin, protects it from exposure to sunlight and saturates it with essential vitamins. That is why tea is so often used in cosmetology as one of the main components.

Black tea lotion

To maintain youthful and beautiful skin, regularly use a black tea-based lotion, which is quite easy to prepare. Brew strong tea and mix it with lemon juice in equal proportions. Store this lotion in the refrigerator and apply daily. If you have sensitive skin, instead of lemon juice, add mineral water and a little sugar to the lotion. For oily skin, ordinary tea leaves without any additives are often used. Just wipe your face with strong tea, saturating a cotton swab well with it.

Face mask based on tea and honey

Black tea face masks are very popular. They do not have an instant effect, but with regular procedures, the skin will become much better and more beautiful. So, to prepare a tea mask, you will need strong brewing of black tea, oatmeal and natural honey. Mix the components together and apply on the face in an even layer, leaving the mask for 10-15 minutes.

Face mask based on tea and egg yolk

The composition of the next mask includes, of course, fresh tea leaves, wheat flour and one raw egg yolk. These ingredients are mixed until a viscous, thick mass is obtained and turns into a nourishing mask, which must be left on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Tea for complexion

Black tea can give the skin a light shade of tan if you wipe your face with tea leaves daily. But, in combination with flower honey, tea has a whitening effect. Therefore, if you want to whiten your skin and even out its color, just mix tea with honey and apply the resulting mixture on your skin. After 15 minutes, the mask will need to be washed off.

Tea compresses

Black tea compresses have long been proven effective in the fight against edema. If, upon waking up in the morning, you find unattractive bags under your eyes, black tea will quickly cope with them. Used tea bags are great for this. After you have brewed tea, do not rush to throw them away. Let the packets cool slightly and place them on the eyelids and under the eyes. If you don’t have tea bags, just brew tea, soak cotton pads in the tea leaves and place them on your eyes for 10 minutes.

Regular use of tea compresses will help you not only cope with swelling, but also get rid of the vascular network under the eyes, which causes discomfort to many women. And for preventive purposes, it is recommended to wipe the skin of the face with cubes of iced tea every morning.

Ekaterina Makhnonosova

A lot has been written and said about the beneficial properties of tea for our body. People who regularly drink tea are energetic and have a good working capacity. Tea activates metabolic processes in the body, relieves fatigue, has disinfectant properties and perfectly tones. Thanks to these properties, facial tea is a panacea in many cases. For example, with aging and dry skin, it is good to wipe your face in the morning and evening with a cotton swab dipped in tea.

Tea for the face is used in various varieties, both black and green. Brew 1 dessert spoon of tea in 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for about 30 minutes. As a morning face softening lotion, green tea brewed in this way with a piece of sugar is perfect. For wrinkled and dry skin, it is recommended to make the following mask with tea: moisten gauze in a hot infusion of fresh black tea and apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes, covering the top with a towel. Apply 2 times a week for up to 10 procedures, it perfectly softens the skin. Also softens and slightly whitens the skin of the face mask of 100 grams of honey with 30 ml of strong tea for 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out every other day, a course of up to five. For oily skin, it is useful to prepare a wiping lotion consisting of an infusion of black tea with a few drops of lemon juice, which tightens the pores well.
Green tea for the face is easy and simple to use as a cosmetic dish. Steep 1 green tea bag in 2 cups boiling water, cool, pour into molds and freeze. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which helps fight skin aging. Wipe your face in the morning and in the evening and the skin will shine!
Tea is good not only for the face, but also for the body and hair. For example, compresses from strong brewed tea 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes help with sunburn. If necessary, protect the skin from sunburn, wipe your shoulders and arms with infusion of strong tea. It is useful to rinse dark hair after washing with infusion of strong tea (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water).
With tired, inflamed, swollen eyes, tea, as a means of first aid, deservedly occupies a leading position. Just take tea bags, pour over boiling water and apply warm on the eyes for 10 minutes. You can wash your eyes with warm infusion of tea, opening them up to 10 times. After the procedure, blot the eyes with a dry cloth and apply a nourishing cream on the eyelids. A mask made from the thick of brewed tea helps with puffiness of the face: apply thick to the face in a gauze napkin for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
