
Pancakes on sour kefir thin recipe. Pancakes on sour kefir thin recipe

For every housewife, even for every good housewife, it can happen that kefir in the refrigerator has crossed the end date of consumption - and this is not a reason to throw it away. From this yogurt you can get the most beautiful pancakes!

For making pancakes on sour kefir, I used buckwheat flour, but wheat, oatmeal or whole grain will be a great alternative. Pancakes will turn out in any case. If you plan to serve them with a sweet filling, for tea, add a little sugar to the dough, if not, this is not necessary. You can also add your favorite spices or spices to taste.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

In a deep bowl, combine kefir, egg, salt and vanilla.

Add baking powder and pour in olive oil.

Thoroughly stir the mass.

Add flour and mix again. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Grease a well-heated frying pan with oil. Pour a ladleful of batter into the center of the pan, keeping the pan elevated and turning slightly in a circular motion, spreading the batter evenly.

Fry the pancake over low heat until golden brown.

Turn over to the other side and also fry.

Remove the finished hot pancake to a dish and immediately grease with a chilled cube of butter.

Delicate pancakes cooked on sour (sour) kefir, serve.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

Pancakes made with the addition of fermented milk products always turn out to be very tender and lacy. Hostesses are happy to share recipes for this dish, as it can be served with hearty fillings and light desserts. True, the dough for pancakes on kefir requires the development of certain tricks in the cooking process.

25 min 2-3 servings 200 kcal Very easy to cook

Easy option

Even an inexperienced hostess can handle the preparation of such a basis for pancakes. The result will exceed all expectations. To implement the recipe you will need:

  • 3 cups of fermented milk product;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • a quarter tsp salt.

First, grind the yolks with sugar, and then pour in 2 cups of kefir. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous, then carefully pour in the flour, mix again and add the 3rd glass of kefir. Separately, beat the whites with salt to make a lush mixture, add it to the base. Bake these pancakes over medium heat on both sides.

Kefir dough helps to make the dish very soft in taste. Many housewives put quite a bit of sugar there to keep the sourness. The composition of sour pancakes is very simple:

  • 200 ml of fermented milk product;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • a quarter tsp slaked soda;
  • third tsp salt.

The process of kneading the base in most recipes involves combining the dry and liquid components separately. If you do not have time for this, you can mix all the ingredients at once, until smooth. Sour pancakes are made with holes, and they can be served with savory fillings. For example, they go well with minced meat.

Variant of thin pancakes

If you want the pancakes to be very thin, almost translucent, you should change the dosage of the ingredients. This recipe assumes the presence of water and oil in the dough. You will need:

  • 120 ml of kefir;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 75 ml of water;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • third tsp. salt.

To make tender pancakes, mix flour, granulated sugar and salt. Separately, mix water and kefir, and then combine the resulting liquid with the flour mixture. Knead the dough and beat in the eggs with a whisk. At the end, pour in warm butter, melted in advance. Stir the mass and fry the pancakes until golden brown. And if you want to make them even thinner, pour in a little sparkling water.

On sour kefir

If your main ingredient has gone sour, don't throw it away. Pancakes made on the basis of sour kefir are even more airy and unusual in taste. Main components:

  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • half tsp soda;
  • third tsp salt;
  • 5 tbsp vegetable oil.

Beat the eggs thoroughly and put sugar, kefir, salt to them. Combine flour with soda and add egg mass there. Stir with a whisk or mixer. If the dough is not too liquid, dilute it with water. Add oil at the end. Bake on both sides until holes form on the surface of the pancakes.

Custard base

Pancakes made in this way have a unique delicate taste and are very similar to elegant lace: small holes give them a special delicacy. You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 1 cup flour:
  • 1 egg;
  • half a cup of boiling water;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • a quarter tsp soda;
  • salt to taste.

Mix salt, sugar and flour. Then beat the egg with kefir, pour in the dry mixture and knead a homogeneous base with a whisk. In a separate container, mix soda with boiling water. Combine the two liquid masses and leave for 5 minutes. At the end, pour in the oil and mix again. If you get a very thick dough, you can include a little warm water in the recipe.

With sour milk and kefir

Many housewives like the combination of milk and kefir. However, sour milk is used only by some lovers of experiments in the kitchen. Nevertheless, delicate thin pancakes are obtained from sour milk dough, which are suitable for both breakfast and lunch. You need to take:

  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • half a glass of sour milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • salt to taste;
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil.

Start by mashing the eggs with salt and sugar. Without ceasing to interfere, slowly add milk and kefir. Introduce flour gradually. It is the liquid consistency of the base that provides a large number of holes in pancakes. Then put the oil, mix well. After 3-4 minutes, inject soda.

With unusual taste

To make sour pancakes come out with an original spicy flavor, you can pour a little cognac into the dough. A delicious and tender dish that the whole family will like. You should take:

  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2-3 cups flour;
  • 6 tbsp cognac;
  • half tsp salt;
  • third tsp soda;
  • vanillin to taste.

Add eggs, sugar and salt to kefir and beat well. Add vanilla and soda. Gradually add flour. The consistency of the dough should resemble liquid sour cream. Now pour in the cognac. Bake the dish in a well-heated pan.

With cream

Instead of milk, cream is also used to make batter. According to the recipe, you can cook quick and tasty pancakes, and their unusual filling will allow you to serve the dish on the festive table. Ingredients:

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • half a glass of cream;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • half tsp soda;
  • egg;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • lemon juice.

Whisk the egg white with sugar. Pour in the cream and yolk. Put soda slaked with lemon juice into the mixture. Pour in the liquid component, mix. Gradually add flour and salt. Stir the dough to the consistency of sour cream and prepare golden pancakes. Lubricate warm pancakes with butter and place a teaspoon of red caviar in the center.


  1. Kefir makes the dough thicker. To achieve delicacy and subtlety, you should add milk or water to it.
  2. Lush soft pancakes, similar to large pancakes, can only be made using a fermented milk product. Other liquids should not be added.
  3. Try to take only the highest grade wheat flour. If you sift it before adding it to the dough for pancakes, then the mixture will be enriched with oxygen. Pancakes end up more airy.
  4. Soda, which is put in the dough, provides pancakes with porosity. On average, 1-2 tsp are needed per liter of liquid. soda. It is important not to overdo it with this product, otherwise the taste will be bitter. The lack of soda makes the dish more sour and not at all lush.

Pancakes on kefir are very tender and tasty. In our recipe, you can use both fresh and sour kefir. If you have some expired kefir left and you don’t know what to do with it, then know that sour kefir is perfect for baking. Pancakes, pancakes, pies - that's what you can cook on the basis of expired kefir. But of course it is important that kefir is not completely spoiled. Smell it and look at the date, if the delay is no more than a week and the smell does not cause disgust, it means that you should not drink it, but you can make something delicious out of it.

I offer you a very good and successful recipe for thin pancakes on sour kefir. We will cook them using boiling water and a small amount of soda, they will turn out very thin, the dough will be elastic. Such pancakes can be served with sour cream, honey, chocolate, condensed milk, jam or other goodies. Also, these pancakes are suitable for wrapping different fillings in them. The filling for such pancakes, you can take not only sweet. For the filling, both curd mass, and minced meat, and many other options are suitable. Save the recipe for yourself and cook for your loved ones!


  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 0.3 tsp;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • flour - 85 gr;
  • boiling water - 75 ml;
  • soda - 0.3 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;


To prepare thin pancakes on kefir, we need a deep bowl. Crack an egg into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Beat the egg with sugar with a mixer until smooth. Whisk for two to three minutes.

Add expired kefir to the whipped mass, and mix. Kefir I take 2.5% fat, you can take the one that you have in the refrigerator.

Then add flour and mix back. If desired, the flour can be sifted.

Add soda to boiling water and stir. After that, pour boiling water into the dough and mix back. You can mix with a mixer or a regular whisk, it is important to achieve a uniform consistency.

Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix well. Olive oil can be used instead of sunflower oil.

The dough turns out like liquid sour cream. There should be no lumps in the dough. If there are lumps, then break them with a whisk. It is better to leave the dough for 15-20 minutes, then the stickiness will increase and the dough will become more obedient when baking pancakes.

We fry pancakes in a heated pan, without vegetable oil. The pan should be a pancake pan, or with a non-stick coating so that the pancakes do not tear and turn over easily.

Pancakes fry over medium heat, on both sides until cooked. Serve fragrant and delicious pancakes to the table!

Kefir, which has stood in the refrigerator for two or three days, begins to bubble, becomes harsh, sour. Do not rush to get rid of it - you can cook delicious pancakes on sour kefir, thin or lush, perforated, tender. You will get them the first time, and you will see that the more acidic the kefir, the more suitable it is for baking pancakes. For greater splendor, soda is added to the dough, but it needs a little so as not to get dry cakes with brittle edges instead of tender pancakes.


  • Kefir 2.5-3% fat - 500 ml;
  • wheat flour - 220 gr;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • refined vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • soda - 1 tsp (flat, without a slide);
  • vinegar 6-9% - 1 tbsp. l.
  • jam, sour cream - for serving.


Let's start preparing the dough by mixing the egg, sugar and salt. Beat with a whisk or fork until foamy.

It would be nice to plan in advance the preparation of pancakes on sour kefir and get it out of the refrigerator three or four hours before you start making the dough. Or warm it up a little, make it lukewarm. But when heating, you need to stir, otherwise it will curl up near the walls and on the bottom, and you will be left without pancakes. Pour warm yogurt to the egg with salt and sugar, stir until smooth.

Sift the flour, add in parts, stirring in a circular motion.

Beat with a whisk or mixer. We bring the dough to medium density, make it thicker than usually obtained for pancakes from milk.

Pour refined vegetable oil so that it does not give any aftertaste, but simply adds oiliness. Stir until all blotches of oil have dispersed.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar. This is not a prerequisite, there is also enough acid in kefir and it can extinguish it. But when heated, when you pour the dough into a hot pan and fry the pancakes, they may have an unpleasant soda flavor. Quenching with vinegar completely eliminates this.

Pour the baking soda into the dough. See how airy, bubbly it has become? Medium density, airy, just the way you need to make thin pancakes from sour kefir. If you want more fluffy, then add a little flour. We bring the dough to the desired density, leave it for 15 minutes.

Lubricate the pan so that the pancakes are not dry. You can cut a potato and dip it in oil, put a piece of lard on a wooden fork, or grease the surface with a silicone brush. Stir the dough with a ladle, scoop as much as you need (the amount depends on the diameter of the pan), pour on one edge. We tilt the pan and shake it from ourselves to ourselves so that the dough disperses over the entire surface. We put on medium heat, bake until the top becomes dull, perforated. It will take no more than 1.5 minutes.

Turn the pancake over with a spatula. The second side is almost ready, 30-40 seconds are enough and you can transfer it to a plate. So we continue to bake until the dough runs out, and keep the finished pancakes covered or immediately put on the table.

Are you still thinking and doubting whether it is possible to make delicious pancakes from sour kefir? Look how ruddy and lacy they turned out! Pancakes on sour kefir taste just as good as they look. They are not quite sweet, with a pleasant sourness, tender, soft. With sour cream, jam, honey will be very tasty!

Pancakes on sour kefir work out no worse than on fresh.

So is it worth throwing a product that has expired into a garbage bag?

Let's try to figure out how you can bake delicious pancakes using, in addition to traditional ingredients, a sour milk product.

Below on the page I have presented a number of very interesting recipes.

Pancakes recipe

You will need: a half-liter bag of aged kefir; a glass of flour; a couple of eggs; 2.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar; a pinch of salt; 40 ml vegetable oil and 6 g baking soda.

Knead the dough as follows:

  1. In a container, stir sugar, salt and half a liter of sour kefir with a whisk.
  2. Beat the eggs separately and send them to the kefir mixture.
  3. Mix flour with soda and sift.
  4. Add flour gradually, beating the dough with a whisk each time. Your task is to prevent the formation of lumps.
  5. Pour in vegetable oil. When you have a mass that looks like liquid sour cream, the kneading process can be considered complete. If necessary, dilute the dough with water.

Thin pancakes are baked in a heated pan. Do not forget to grease it with oil to prevent pancakes from sticking to the bottom.

Fold the finished pancakes into a triangle, arrange on portioned plates and pour over liquid fragrant honey.

Rules for kneading dough on sour kefir

Fermented kefir is a product from which thin lacy pancakes can be baked. The main thing is to make pancake dough correctly, and you will be provided with an excellent result in the form of a delicious hearty dish.


  1. In peroxide kefir, an active process of gas formation takes place, due to which pancakes turn out to be openwork, many holes appear in them.
  2. Sour kefir contributes to a more liquid consistency of the dough, and the pancakes come out thinner.
  3. Even if you think that the dough is ready to use, and its consistency is considered normal, pour in a little water. This will make the pancakes even thinner and more translucent.
  4. For additional fermentation of the dough, you will need soda. It reacts with the acid in kefir and releases a lot of carbon dioxide bubbles. Thanks to soda, pancakes learn in a hole.

When the dough on kefir is ready, start baking pancakes. To do this, you will need a Teflon-coated pan or a regular, thick-walled pan.

Make sure that the pastry does not stick to the bottom, so grease the pan with vegetable oil. Pour in pancake batter only when the pan is hot.

Recipe: pancakes on kefir

Product list: 1 egg; 3.5 st. spoons of sugar; a glass of milk and the same amount of sour kefir; 160 g (1 cup) flour; 0.5 teaspoons of salt and soda; vegetable oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Kefir heat up to a temperature of 38-40 degrees. This temperature will contribute to better quenching of baking powder.
  2. Pour in the soda and stir the mixture thoroughly until the quenching process has passed.
  3. Beat the egg into the dough. By the way, it must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is not too cold.
  4. Pour salt, sifted flour and granulated sugar into a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk.
  5. It remains to pour vegetable oil and milk. Boil the last and, stirring the mixture on sour kefir with a whisk, carefully, in a thin stream, add the product to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Add oil at the very end and start baking pancakes.

When you pour the dough into the pan and form a thin pancake, cover the dish with a lid and fry the product on one side for 30 seconds.

Then remove the lid, flip the pancake and bring to readiness. The result is fluffy, ruddy pancakes on kefir, which are recommended to be served with sweet sauce or jam.

Recipe with photo: pancakes on expired kefir

The ratio of components is as follows:

4 eggs; 0.5 liters of kefir; 180-200 g flour; 2.5 st. spoons of sugar; 1 teaspoon of baking powder; Art. a spoonful of lean refined oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour the kefir into a large bowl.
  2. In parts, constantly whisking the mixture with a whisk, add the sifted flour.
  3. Whisk the eggs separately and fold them into the batter.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients (baking powder and butter).
  5. The dough on sour kefir is considered completely ready when it becomes homogeneous and looks like low-fat sour cream.

Fry the pancakes on both sides until they are golden brown. Small holes should appear on the surface of flour products, a sign that the dough was kneaded correctly and pancakes are baked at the optimum temperature.

Stack pancakes and brush with butter. As an addition, serve a bowl with honey, jam, condensed milk. You can just dust it with powdered sugar.

Both beautiful and delicious. Did you like the recipe? Visit my site more often, there is a lot of useful information on its pages that you would do well to learn.

My video recipe
