
properties of masala tea. Masala Chai - a healing drink from India, how to cook at home

Those who traveled to India must have tried Masala tea. A drink with a spicy taste, aroma, the most popular in Indian cuisine. Masala means "a mixture of spices". Tea invigorates, incredibly healthy and contains various spices. There are many recipes for the drink, mainly cloves, cardamom, ginger root, black pepper, fennel dominate in them. The base is black Indian tea.

The drink has long been used as medicine from various diseases, both hot and cold. What are the benefits of Masala tea for the human body, and can it cause harm? How to prepare this amazing drink? Let's find out all the details.

According to an ancient legend, the Masala recipe appeared at the court of an Asian king as early as the 11th century BC. Although historical sources indicate that the drink recipe was invented 3000 BC. However, the regions differ.

Some sources indicate that tea was originally prepared in Thailand, others - in India. Yes, and the recipe was different from the usual, modern, it contained only spices. Black tea leaves were added later, since initially tea bushes were not used to make drinks.

The classic recipe now known was invented at the beginning of the last century. At the same time, his popularity in Europe grew. Masala tea has become widespread, widely available.

Be that as it may, everywhere it is emphasized that the drink is Ayurvedic, healing. Now this tea is the pride of India.

Composition, calories

The product is incredibly helpful. It contains a record amount of macro and microelements, vitamins. The composition necessarily includes tea (not only black, maybe green), milk, sugar. Spices are different, but mostly present:

  • rose petals;
  • ginger root;
  • anise;
  • fennel seeds;
  • black pepper);
  • cardamom;
  • almonds;
  • mint leaves;
  • licorice;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • star anise;
  • coriander;
  • vanilla pods;
  • coriander.

Proportions and amounts may vary.

Calorie content of 100 g of the product - 35.4 kcal.

Sugar can be replaced with other sweeteners - condensed milk, honey. The drink can be prepared at home by mixing tea with selected herbs, spices in various proportions to your liking.

Health Benefits of Masala Tea

  1. Tea helps in healing inflammatory diseases, eliminate pain in arthritis, osteoporosis.
  2. Recommended for beriberi.
  3. Thanks to high content vitamins and minerals increase defensive forces body, immunity is strengthened.
  4. Metabolic, digestive, lipid, metabolic processes improve.
  5. The drink stimulates the work of the organs of the digestive tract, restores the disturbed balance of the intestinal microflora.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.
  7. Increases sexual desire, is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  8. Invigorates, improves tone, great alternative coffee.
  9. The aging process slows down.
  10. Helps to get rid of extra pounds.
  11. Relieves symptoms of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis.
  12. Increases the body's resistance to viral diseases.
  13. It normalizes blood pressure.
  14. Improves brain function.
  15. An effective cancer preventative.
  16. Recommended in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  17. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  18. Relieves migraines, headaches.
  19. Has a calming effect.
  20. Helps with intestinal upset (recommended for constipation and diarrhea).
  21. Relieves abdominal pain, colic, thanks to fennel seeds.
  22. The formation of cholesterol plaques is prevented.
  23. Reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack.
  24. It has antibacterial, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antimicrobial, antispasmodic properties.
  25. Relieves fatigue, recommended for increased mental and physical stress.

It is no coincidence that Masala tea in India is called " magic drink". He is able to cheer up, relieve pain, warm the soul and body. The drink does not want to be taken at the same time as baking, which is beneficial to everyone who is obese.

Masala tea for weight loss

Do not exhaust yourself with diets. Often they are ineffective and can harm health. Much more useful to use Masala tea.

It is enough to drink 2 cups of the drink a day with great content nutmeg and you can forget about the feeling of hunger for the whole day. If you do two of these a week fasting days, you can easily get rid of 2-3 extra pounds.

How to make masala chai the right way

There are many cooking recipes. Consider the most popular, classic. Cooking does not require special knowledge or skills.

  1. Leaf tea is poured cold water, it should be left to stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Selected herbs, spices are ground using a blender, coffee grinder, food processor.
  3. Milk is brought to a boil, sugar or other sweetener is added, swollen black tea is poured.
  4. After boiling, crushed spices are poured.
  5. The drink is boiled over low heat until creamy (about 5 minutes).
  6. The container is removed from the fire, covered with a lid, infused for 15 minutes.
  7. The drink is ready to drink.

You can store in the refrigerator, if necessary, warming up before use or drinking cold. The more spices added and the fatter the milk, the tastier. Spices can be changed depending on the time of day. And cook in the morning invigorating tea and soothing in the evening.

Possible harm

Masala tea in moderate amounts will only benefit both adults and children. However, there are some restrictions on the use of the product.

If you drink more than 2-3 cups per day, this can provoke the development of gastritis, peptic ulcer.

With exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract it is worth minimizing consumption or preparing a drink with the minimum amount spices.

The drink is contraindicated in case of intolerance to any components or to lactose.

How to drink tea in India

Here literally at every step you will be offered a cup amazing drink. by the most popular time when the country drink masala chai is noon. Tea is poured from a cup of unburnt clay. It is customary to serve pies with vegetables and hot spices(pakoras, samosas).

A useful product can be prepared independently. Or buy masala tea at specialized stores, where you will be offered a wide selection with different composition.

Indian drink - incredibly useful for the body. Entering it into your daily diet, you will noticeably improve your health, feel a surge of vigor and energy, get rid of numerous diseases.

It's dairy strong tea with spices with tart spicy taste and drink it always hot.

History of masala tea

According to legend, the history of masala tea began long before our era. Some sources date its appearance to the 7th century BC, and some date it to 3000 years before Christ. And even on the question of the homeland of tea, historians cannot agree, so it is still unclear where masala tea appeared for the first time - in India or Thailand. There is no doubt about one thing - Ayurvedic oil tea is an invigorating and cleansing drink. Prepared and used different ways: on water, on milk, with different proportions spices, hot or cold. It is especially surprising that black tea was not included in the original recipe. As a separate ingredient, it began to be added only from the middle of the 19th century, but such a recipe was still not popular due to the high cost. leaf tea.

And since the second half of the 20th century, the cost of black tea has dropped significantly and has become more affordable for common people. It was then that masala chai became a favorite folk drink in India.

Masala tea: composition

Given that there is no single variation in the preparation of masala chai, nevertheless, it has character traits not found in other teas.

Each ingredient for masala is selected very scrupulously, and, first of all, this applies to the spices themselves.

Cloves are considered an essential ingredient in tea, which is why they are present in various recipes. The exception is masala chai, which is prepared for a person with an intolerance to this spice.

Ginger root is added to tea to give it a spicy flavor. In addition, it has a powerful antiviral effect and helps to cope with nausea. In general, ginger has a positive effect on the entire body, the main thing is to know the measure.

Star anise adds bittersweet notes to the drink, and it looks fabulous in a cup, because it has the shape of beautiful brownish stars.

Other spices are added to taste and desire. It can be cardamom, anise, fennel, cinnamon, almond pits, lemon peel, etc.

In addition to spices, milk is the main ingredient in tea. The main requirement for it is fat content and freshness. The fatter the milk, the better the taste is revealed and the more nutritious the masala becomes.

Well, black tea enriches the drink with vitamins A, B, P, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Also, black tea is a source of ascorbic, pantothenic acids and caffeine.

What are the benefits of masala chai?

In addition to the amazing flavor bouquet, masala tea has an incredible power that affects the functioning of all vital body systems. That is why he is respected in many countries.

First of all, masala tea has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It perfectly tones and invigorates better coffee, and for colds viral diseases a cup of this drink will help you get back on your feet very quickly.

Vitamin complex contained in tea easily normalizes breathing and gives a healthy complexion, which indicates a healing effect on the circulatory and respiratory system person. Meanwhile, the elasticity of blood vessels improves and normalizes blood pressure.

And some beneficial features masala chai can surprise you!

Possessing a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a rich vitamin and mineral complex, this tea is recommended for use for the prevention of tuberculosis, anemia, digestive disorders and nervous systems organism.

Of course, every spicy note, which gives a magical atmosphere to this drink, finds its place in combinations of beneficial properties.

Masala for weight loss

Spices inherent in the composition ayurvedic tea, will also help those who are trying to lose excess weight.

One "but" - masala brewed on fat milk, has high calorie(380 kcal per 100 g), so you should not lean on it in an attempt to lose weight.

It only takes a couple of cups a week for the spices to begin their work to bring your figure back to normal.

Who can benefit from masala chai?

You can often find information that masala tea - unique drink, which does not entail unpleasant consequences, harm and other negative aspects. However, the side effects of the drink directly depend on the recipe for its preparation and composition.

People who are prone to an allergic reaction should drink this tea with extreme caution, especially if it contains previously unfamiliar spices. The same goes for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. In this case, the allergen can be easily replaced or removed from the drink altogether.

sharp notes, appearing due to ginger, cinnamon, pepper are not recommended for use by people suffering from peptic ulcers, because such taste palette can irritate already damaged mucous membranes.

Pancreatitis, cholecystitis

In chronic pancreatitis, masala is also not recommended because of its nutritional value, because its use can affect the functioning of the pancreas. In this case, it is necessary to try so that the masala is brewed according to a lightweight recipe, for example, on skimmed milk and with a limited amount of spices. And during an exacerbation of the disease, masala must be completely excluded from the diet, limited to plain water.

The same advice applies to patients suffering from cholecystitis, because a variety of spices can aggravate the condition and provoke biliary colic.


Patients with diabetes should be wary of drinking masala in large quantities because of the high glycemic index. The way out for them will be to reduce the amount of milk and sugar in the drink.


Masala tea can bring to expectant mothers irreparable harm. It's all about the spices that make up the drink, because some of their combinations can cause bleeding and miscarriage. Especially its use is dangerous in the first trimester. Alternatively, you can brew weak black tea with ginger and milk. Such a drink will help to cope with bouts of toxicosis. It is better to refuse other spices.

On top of that, during pregnancy, lactose tolerance worsens in many women, which causes not only discomfort in the stomach, but also a tone that is dangerous for the baby. Therefore, with such a reaction of the body, milk should be completely abandoned, or replaced with a soy or lactose-free product.

The second and third trimesters of pregnancy are usually calmer than the first three months, so it is quite possible to return to the diet a lighter version of masala chai, but limit its use to one cup a day.


Masala during breastfeeding not so much dangerous as its effect on the child is unclear. A newborn organism may react differently to the consumption of such a drink by the mother, so it is better not to conduct experiments until three months.

It is likely that the baby will react neutrally to tea, but, most often, this can cause additional gas formation, allergic reactions and hyperexcitability of the baby. Therefore, the introduction of masala into the diet of a nursing mother should be started with small volumes, gradually reaching up to 1 cup per day.

Tea with spices for children

Experts are not too fond of the use of masala by younger children preschool age, because even ordinary tea is not recommended to be introduced into the diet of a child before the age of two. As for the exotic masala, it is not at all advised to give it to preschool children. And already starting from the age of six, you can offer such tea to a child in small quantities in the absence of any contraindications.

If you decide to treat yourself to such tea, learn not only about its beneficial properties, but also about contraindications.


There are many recipes for masala tea, but each of them will bring tangible benefits to a person. This tea is adored in many countries of the world for amazing taste and healing properties:

  • masala - metabolism accelerator;
  • energizes and energizes;
  • muffles the feeling of hunger;
  • helps in cleansing the body and the work of the digestive tract;
  • improves immunity;
  • participates in the treatment of colds;
  • deadly to oral bacteria;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • improves brain activity.

Masala tea is good helper to ensure the normal functioning of the body. If you introduce it into your morning diet, it will energize you for the whole day. Such properties of tea are similar to the well-known coffee. With the threat of colds, a cup of masala tea will increase immunity.

The composition of the drink contains vitamins that can cleanse the blood of toxins, which makes the complexion better and the breath calm and clean. It has an amazing effect on the walls of blood vessels: they become more elastic. Therefore, the movement of blood is normalized.

Masala chai is a combination healing spices, which in their own way contribute to the improvement of human well-being:

  • cardamom - increases appetite;
  • cinnamon - will help reduce the temperature, an excellent diuretic;
  • clove - cleanses the liver of harmful substances.

Proteins, fats, minerals, which are rich in tea, help prevent tuberculosis, eliminate anemia, improve the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.

Harm and contraindications

It is believed that masala tea is not harmful. But no matter how healing the product is, it will definitely have contraindications for use. It is very carefully necessary to drink such tea for those who are allergic to spices. In this case, just replace harmful component one that does not cause an allergic reaction, but it is better to exclude from your diet. People with individual intolerance to certain ingredients of the drink will also have to abandon this type of tea altogether, or try to replace the component with one that is harmless to the body.

Can pregnant and lactating women

For pregnant and lactating mothers, the use of masala chai with spices can be harmful. Some spices in large doses may cause miscarriage or bleeding. Many experts are categorically against the use of such tea by pregnant women.

Nursing mothers should be careful in the use of any products, as the child quickly reacts to everything that enters the mother's body. Masala tea can cause allergies, and the smell of spices in mother's milk can provoke nervousness in the baby, poor sleep, and loss of appetite.

Composition (vitamins and trace elements)

Masala chai is a set of Indian spices that are used to make tea and the drink itself. The components that make it up:

  • milk;
  • spices;
  • sweeteners.

A spicy drink is healthy and nutritious, as it contains vitamins, tannins, fats and proteins. There are a lot of tea recipes, so the vitamin and mineral composition of each of them is different. The average could be:

The chemical composition includes: beta-carotene, choline. In 100 g of product:

  • proteins 15.0 grams;
  • fats 15.0 grams;
  • carbohydrates 45.0 grams;
  • 379 kcal

Masala tea can successfully replace coffee, because it increases working capacity, improves memory.

How to cook

Tea is easy to prepare, so it's easy to make it at home. To do this, boil water, add milk to taste. Chopped ginger root and nutmeg need to be boiled a little, then the rest of the spices are added as desired:

  • black pepper;
  • cardamom;
  • carnation;
  • flower petals (usually roses).

Boil the contents a little more on low heat. Honey or sugar is put into hot drink. It is better to drink it warm or hot.

You can buy in shops ready mix Indian masala chai, although gourmets advise you to cook it yourself, because all the components are easy to purchase and better composition regulate yourself.

You can brew tea in different ways, but there are basic rules so that all the benefits do not disappear, and you can enjoy the taste:

  • use unprocessed milk, not from store bags;
  • grind the spices before cooking to preserve the aroma and beneficial properties;
  • black leafy tea is not brewed in boiling water, the temperature of the liquid should be 90 degrees;
  • add honey to warm tea, not hot tea, so that it does not lose its properties;
  • milk is added to tea, and not vice versa.

When preparing spices, there are no rules, everyone can determine for himself which ones are suitable. You can experiment, but it is recommended to do everything slowly, enjoy the smell and taste. Such teas are prepared with love in the heart and in a good mood.


Ready-made tea in the form of a powder, which is bought in a supermarket, should be stored for as long as indicated on the product packaging. If the masala is brewed without tea and milk, store it in the refrigerator for 6-7 days, consume it as desired, adding tea, milk and a sweetener to it.

Ready masala tea is stored in the refrigerator for several days, they drink it cold. Great option to quench thirst in summer.

How to choose

The product can be purchased in specialized stores, and it is also possible to order it on Internet sites. When choosing a mixture, pay attention to the spices that are used during the production of the product. In the classic version, cardamom and cloves are added. Black pepper gives the tea a spicy flavor that may not be to everyone's taste. Masala tea is produced with the addition of almonds, saffron, rose petals.

Choose tea according to your taste, carefully read the composition on the package.

What is combined with

Masala is combined with various spices, which are carefully selected depending on the preferences of the manufacturer. Main products:

  • cloves, which give a unique aroma;
  • ginger is an anti-cold remedy positive influence for the whole body;
  • cardamom;
  • star anise, which gives a bittersweet taste;
  • milk is an essential ingredient, only fresh milk is used.

It must be remembered that spices have a strong aroma, so you should not add too much to tea.

Masala tea, the benefits and harms of which are well studied by experts, tasty and healing drink. Everyone should try it, because side effects he does not have. Although pregnant women, those who do not tolerate individual components, should use tea very carefully.

In India, masala tea is very common, the recipe for making classic version which is based on milk and spices. And if you are not a fan of milk, but really want to try a fragrant indian drink with spices, then this recipe is for you. But first, a little information about the benefits and harms of masala tea.

WITH indian name this fragrant tea translates as a mixture of spices. Thanks to the spices included in its composition, this drink has many beneficial properties for the body. First of all it is:

  • ginger and honey contained in the drink will increase immunity during the season of colds and viral diseases;
  • its use will bring the body into tone, give strength and vigor;
  • the drink has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • increases blood flow to the skin, as a result of which it has wonderful warming properties, which is also very valuable in the cold season;
  • its reception has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, which is the prevention of vascular diseases and prevents the occurrence of strokes and the occurrence of blood clots;
  • eliminates the symptoms of chronic fatigue, has a positive effect on mental activity;
  • ginger root, which is part of masala tea, has the ability to speed up the metabolism in the body, which helps to get rid of excess weight.

Can such a wonderful drink with a spicy taste be harmful to health? It's unlikely, except in the following cases:

  • the presence of a stomach ulcer (the spices that make up the tea have a sharp taste, which is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach);
  • if masala chai is prepared with milk, then it is contraindicated for people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Milk free masala chai recipe

There are no strict rules for preparing this drink. According to the classic recipe for masala tea, it may include various spices and spices (from 5 to 10 types per different variations), milk, as well as water or black ( green tea). As a sweetener, you can use honey, sugar or condensed milk.

And what about those who do not like milk or suffer from its individual intolerance, but are a fan of drinks with savory flavors? We bring to your attention a recipe for making masala chai without milk, the benefits of which are also obvious.

You will need for 2 servings:

  • Water - 3 glasses with a volume of 200 ml;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick or 1 tsp. l.;
  • Cloves - 1 tsp or 3-4 buds;
  • Cardamom - ½ tsp or 3-4 boxes;
  • Fresh ginger - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • Honey - 2 tsp

You can also add star anise, fennel seeds, coriander, mint, nutmeg, black pepper and other similar spices and spices to your taste in the drink.

How to brew masala chai?

Pour cold filtered water into a small saucepan, add ground cinnamon, cloves, cardamom.

When the mixture boils, the fire must be reduced. Peel the ginger root, grate the fine fraction.

For tea, you will need one teaspoon. Put the grated ginger in spice mixture and boil over low heat for about 5-6 minutes.

Remove the saucepan from Indian tea from the fire, strain and, for convenience, pour into teapot. Add lemon juice to the teapot.

In conclusion, put honey, mix everything.

Reading time: 5 minutes


Masala Chai is an Indian tea drink whose name means a mixture of spices. This fragrant and healthy tea has many healing properties. There are many recipes for how to make a drink. Our article today is devoted to Indian masala tea.

Masala - what is spiced tea? Let's find out in detail about this. In India, every mixture of spices (spices) will have the name masala. Until now, there is no reliable information about masala chai. It began to be used many years ago, so the recipe can be considered very ancient. According to information sources, Asian rulers were the first to appreciate this drink. Each leaf of the tea bush is harvested by hand, leaves that grow at the very tops are considered to be of high quality.
used miraculous tea as a strengthening, cleansing and tonic drink. The basis classic recipe cooking includes milk and spices. In order for masala to be beneficial for the body, it was served in the morning in a cold or hot form. Previously, black tea was not part of this spicy infusion. The composition of tea can be different, depending on the taste of each person.
There is a traditional masala composition, which consists of: anise, cardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, star anise, black pepper. Let's determine what is the benefit for the body from drinking this tea, what kind of masala tea recipe?

  1. Tea invigorates and relieves drowsiness. An active metabolism occurs in the body due to the presence of spices. You will get a boost of energy for the whole day by drinking a cup of masala ti in the morning.
  2. Activates the work of digestion. Cinnamon facilitates the digestion of food, enhances intestinal motility and peristalsis. Properly Cooked fresh tea helps with frequent diarrhea and increased gas formation.
  3. Properly brewed tea, normalizes blood circulation and cleanses the blood. Clove has a bactericidal, wound healing and anthelmintic effect on the body. It also cleanses the blood of toxins well. Thanks to these processes, the face acquires a fresh blush, and breathing is restored.
  4. The presence of ginger in the composition of the drink normalizes brain function. Ginger thins the blood well and increases blood flow. Therefore, the brain is saturated with oxygen, mental abilities improve and a good memory develops. Ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.
  5. Useful properties of milk are very great. It is rich in fats, proteins and minerals. Milk strengthens bones, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Children can also prepare masala tea, because it has a positive effect on the development of intelligence.
  6. Masala Indian contains anise in its composition. Its beneficial properties help in the treatment of asthma, cough and sore throat.
  7. The presence of black pepper in tea has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Pepper has a powerful bactericidal effect on the body. Below we will tell you how to brew a real masala.

Composition of masala

In India, tea is especially popular among adults and children. The recipe for making masala chai is different for every family. It is passed down from generation to generation, but there is a basic masala composition that is included in the milk drink:


It is the main constituent of tea. It is better to take natural cow. Then the body will be enriched with many elements that are beneficial to human health. Fat content and proportions of milk to water can be 1:4.

Black tea

It is best to prepare a drink from black tea. Then the brewed infusion turns out to be more tasty and fragrant. Ceylon will do.


Sugar is not suitable for this drink, so it is recommended to use natural honey. Also suitable palm or Brown sugar, but if you could not find any, try putting condensed milk.


Mandatory for cooking tea drink. Milk reveals the taste and fragrant bouquet of spices. Indians boil spices before adding to the broth. Let's find out what are the methods of preparation and recipes for masala tea, how to drink it for weight loss.

Now this type of tea is available to everyone, it can be purchased at the supermarket, in the market or ordered by mail. It already contains necessary components, you just need to mix them with milk and brew. You can buy basilur massala tea from us, made by the company, which includes an aromatic mixture of natural spices, cooking method milk tea masala is different. To prepare your own masala chai, the following recipe will be useful to you.

Masala recipes

classic drink

To enjoy tea together, you will need:

  • Hot milk 200 milliliters;
  • Black loose leaf tea 50 grams;
  • Ginger root 2 large spoons;
  • Cardamom grains 5 pieces;
  • Black pepper 5 grams;
  • ½ cinnamon stick;

How to make Indian Masala Chai. Take a pot and rinse it with water. Finely grind all the spices. Mix them with tea leaves and put everything in a container, put on the stove. Pour half a glass of water into the mixture. When the mixture begins to boil, add milk and honey. When you notice a rich milky one-time color of the tea, remove the pot from the stove and cover it with a towel for 5 minutes. This method of preparation will endow the infusion with all the useful properties.
The photo shows the finished tea:

Masala tea

You will need the following seasonings: 2 cm cinnamon stick, peppercorns, ginger and cardamom. As well as black tea, milk and honey.

  1. Mix all the spices and grind them to a powder.
  2. Combine spice powder with tea and pour water. Send the mixture to the pan and put on fire. Boil for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add milk to the broth and boil. Add honey to taste and cook for another minute.
  4. Strain the broth, pour into cups and enjoy its unique taste.

Slimming Tea

The milk drink has gained great popularity among overweight women. Use this recipe for weight loss, it saturates well and relieves hunger.
To improve the body and for weight loss, cook such an infusion. Take for the recipe ground ginger, cloves, cinnamon, black ground pepper, milk, water and black tea.

  1. Pour the spices with one glass of water and boil for one minute.
  2. Pour milk into the mixture and cook for a few more minutes.
  3. Add a tablespoon of black tea and stir.
  4. Turn off the heat and leave for 5 minutes, stir and add a tablespoon of honey. Decoction ready for weight loss.

Despite the simple composition, the tea is very nutritious. One serving replaces a whole meal and you don’t feel like eating after a cup of drink.

Brewing methods

There are several ways to prepare medicinal masala to enrich the drink with all the beneficial properties.
