
The benefits and harms of green and black tea, contraindications when drinking tea, general tips on how to drink tea correctly. Is it good to drink tea

Where does the morning start? Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of fragrant tea. But is tea good for our body?

Useful properties of tea

Tart, fresh or, on the contrary, deep and velvety, black or green, hot or cold - the taste of this drink can be as different as nature is rich in shades of colors. When brewing tea, we do not think why in some countries there are still whole tea traditions, and the process, which takes us several minutes, turns into a real ritual there. In those countries where tea is grown, no one cares Is tea in bags healthy?, because in this form they simply do not exist.

Neither scientists who are trying to thoroughly study its composition, nor ordinary consumers, who are not very interested in the composition, do not doubt the beneficial properties of tea. But if the former are more concerned about the “cause”, i.e., due to which elements tea has a high degree of usefulness, then all the rest are content with the “effect”, namely the positive qualities characteristic of this drink.

Useful substances in tea

  1. The basis of the foundations of tea is tannins. The quality of tea directly depends on the content of tannin in it;
  2. The source of tea aroma is essential oils;
  3. Alkaloids, namely theine (caffeine), which tends not to accumulate in the human body;
  4. Proteins, the content of which is about 25%;
  5. Amino acids;
  6. Vitamins. The composition of tea contains all known vitamins, especially vitamin P and C, the entire group of vitamins B;
  7. Minerals;
  8. organic acids;
  9. pectin substances.

What is useful in it? Everyone has long known that in terms of the amount of caffeine (it is this stimulant that helps us wake up in the morning), tea, or rather, some of its varieties, is significantly superior to coffee. It is thanks to this substance that tea gives a feeling of cheerfulness, improves mental and physical potential. In addition, caffeine molecules are involved in metabolic processes, i.e., they contribute to the transformation of fats into energy. It is worth noting that a freshly brewed cup of tea can relieve headaches due to the vasodilating properties of the substances that make up the tea.

Chinese civilization is not in vain considered one of the most ancient. Their traditions are borrowed by all peoples, their wisdom is applicable to the modern world. Perhaps it makes sense to adopt their tea ritual and learn to enjoy every sip of fresh tea, not rushing and not overtaking time, but rejoicing in every minute and listening to the taste of the “fire of life”.

Who is tea bad for?

  1. First of all, these are young children. Due to the presence in the composition of substances that stimulate the nervous system, it is not recommended to drink tea in its pure form for children under 6 years of age.
  2. Elderly people, especially those with problems with the cardiovascular system. At this age, it is desirable to limit the total amount of fluid in order to avoid excessive stress on the body.
  3. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes contained in tea can affect the increase in stomach acidity. For this category, it is especially important to know whether hibiscus tea with its inherent sour taste is useful. Hibiscus flowers or Sudanese rose not only have the healing properties of green tea, but also quench your thirst well. However, this tea is contraindicated for those who have a history of gastritis, ulcers and urolithiasis.
  4. Pregnant and lactating women. Due to the presence of caffeine in the composition, it is advisable not to drink strong tea, at the same time, a pinch of dry tea leaves will help get rid of nausea with toxicosis.

How much tea can you drink a day

Given that a few centuries ago, tea was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, we can conclude that even for such a seemingly harmless drink, there should be restrictions. Russian and British scientists agree that one should limit oneself to four cups of black tea per day (about 1 liter). Regarding other types of opinions, opinions differ somewhat: Chinese doctors recommend drinking at least a liter of green or white tea per day, the British advise reducing the number of cups to 3. In this regard, it is appropriate to ask the question: is green tea useful if its consumption needs to be limited?

The answer is unequivocal - of course, it is useful. The same caffeine in green tea contains much more than in black. Accordingly, the degree of influence of the constituent substances on the human body increases. Green tea is a powerful source of antioxidants, which are known to be actively involved in the fight against cancer cells. In addition, green tea is able to lower blood sugar levels, destroy viruses, regulate blood pressure and act as an antiseptic.

How to choose healthy and tasty tea

You can endlessly sing about the virtues of tea and praise its wonderful properties, but there are nuances that can devalue all these qualities and even cause harm. First of all, it must be remembered that tea categorically refuses to coexist with metal: as a result, an unpleasant drink is obtained, rusty in taste and color. That is why in China, the country thanks to which tea "came into the world", huge funds are spent on the production of tea utensils from the finest porcelain.

Another important point when choosing tea is the right variety. Connoisseurs of this wonderful drink are advised to pay attention to the appearance of dry tea leaves. A good tea should have a rich, even color of the leaves with a glossy effect, the tea leaves should be resilient, strong and juicy, of the same size. Tea should not contain impurities of other herbs and varieties. Properly dried, high-quality fresh tea should not have any foreign odors and follow one rule: it should smell good. In connection with the foregoing, the question arises: is tea in bags useful, and what exactly is poured inside?

The current opinion that only secondary raw materials are used for tea bags is nothing more than a myth. An ordinary tea leaf is packaged in bags, subjected to mechanical processing, i.e., heavily crushed. Paper bags are made from a mixture of cellulose and hemp, which are completely harmless and odorless and tasteless.

Healthy tea recipes

Tea drinking is a long tradition that has not lost its relevance even today. Any feast always ends with tea, office workers prefer tea to other drinks, guests always come "for tea", they also drink sick people during a cold. However, not everyone knows that tea can be drunk not only in its pure form, but also with the addition of other ingredients, such as lemon and ginger. At the same time, tea not only retains its beneficial properties, but also becomes a source of directed influence on a specific problem.

Is ginger tea healthy? Almost every housewife uses ginger in one form or another. This rather well-known spice has long and firmly settled in the culinary recipes of both main and dessert dishes. Scientists have long proven that ginger helps to speed up metabolic processes in the body and break down fats, thereby helping a person to cope with excess weight.

The recipe for making ginger tea is simple: a teaspoon of grated ginger root is poured into a glass of freshly brewed green tea. To reduce the harsh taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey. This drink should not be drunk before going to bed, as ginger has an exciting effect on the nervous system.

You can talk about the benefits of lemon for hours. In addition to citric and malic acid, it contains vitamin C, which is very valuable for the body, and is an antioxidant. Is tea with lemon as useful as they say? There is no exaggeration in this statement. Drinking a glass of green tea with lemon daily can help the body eliminate toxins and uric acid, which destroys tissues and internal organs. To do this, just add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of green tea. This recipe is good for the whole body as lemon has antiseptic properties necessary to fight pathogenic bacteria.

Tea is one of the most popular and beloved beverages in the world today. And there is, perhaps, not a single person who completely excluded him from his menu. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of questions that arise regarding the use of tea. For example: how much tea is safe to drink daily? Or: is green tea fashionable today useful for everyone? Let's try to figure it out!

Tea is a drink made from the leaves of the tea bush. In China, the unusual properties of these leaves were discovered a long time ago. And since then, new ways of processing, preparing and drinking tea have been invented. And each people took in China what they liked and adapted it to their own food and traditions. According to experts, tea leaves contain about three hundred ingredients, including proteins, fats, more than 10 types of vitamins, as well as tea phenol, theine and lipid sugars. Therefore, tea nourishes the body, regulates physiological processes and has a general healing effect. There is not much caffeine in tea, but it is quite enough to cheer up a person and give him strength. In addition, tea is easy to prepare, economical and hygienic.

So what? Tea can be drunk by everyone and in any quantities? Experts answer this question as follows: tea, subject to certain rules for its use, is useful for almost everyone. This phrase is the key one. Note: firstly, subject to the rules of use, and, secondly, almost everyone, but not everyone!

First you need to understand the existing types of tea. There are more than 350 types of tea bushes in the world, and the number of tea varieties currently produced exceeds a thousand. According to the processing method, all teas are divided into the following main categories:
Fermented tea, or red.

Semi-fermented tea, or black. These two types of tea: red and black - are the most common among us, we usually do not distinguish them and call them "black tea".
Unfermented tea: green and white. \"Green \" has recently become widespread in our country, but\"white \" is familiar to few.

Tea with additions of natural fragrant flowers, or the so-called "flower tea". Note: in this case we are talking exclusively about natural supplements!
Why did we bring this classification here? The fact is that the choice of teas should be approached individually. Teas of different varieties vary greatly in composition and, as a result, in their effects on the body.

Children can drink all kinds of tea, however, subject to a number of rules: do not give them more than 2-3 small cups a day, do not brew tea strongly and do not drink it in the evening. Also, tea should be warm, not hot or cold.

In adolescence, green tea is especially useful. You can also drink red and black, but you should not brew them hard. Teenagers with an unstable psyche are very useful flower tea. It cleanses the liver and removes toxins, normalizes many age-related physiological processes. In general, experts recommend that children and adolescents drink weakly brewed tea, as well as rinse their mouths with tea.

At a young and mature age, all teas are very useful. Women, for example, are especially recommended fermented red tea, and those who want to lose weight - black, semi-fermented. Mint tea is good for people with stomach problems, and flower tea is good for those suffering from liver diseases. As for green tea, its content of vitamin C and tea phenol is much higher than in other types, so this tea has a much more pronounced antibacterial, anti-radiation and anti-sclerotic effect, it effectively lowers blood sugar and improves blood composition. In addition, almost all flower teas are made on the basis of green ones, and have the same properties.

For older people, especially those suffering from constipation, strong green tea can be harmful, as it has a fixing effect. But red tea strengthens the stomach and is a good diuretic. Therefore, red tea is indispensable in old age.

Now let's move on to the rules for drinking tea. In fact, there are quite a few of them, but they are all very simple and reasonable. So:

  • Do not drink tea on an empty stomach, immediately before or immediately after a meal. It is best to drink it 20-30 minutes after eating.
  • It is harmful to drink both scalding and cold tea: the optimum tea temperature is 50-60°C.
  • It is harmful to drink strong tea often: the high content of caffeine and theine in it can cause headaches and insomnia.
  • You can not brew tea for a long time. This significantly reduces the nutritional value of the drink.
  • It is better not to practice repeated brewing of tea. Usually, after the third or fourth brewing, little is left in the tea leaves, and harmful components begin to enter the infusion.
  • You can not drink medicine with tea. The Chinese say that tea destroys medicines.
  • You should not drink yesterday's tea: it not only loses vitamins, but also becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

As for the amount of tea drunk per day, experts recommend drinking no more than 4-5 cups of weak tea during the day. The exception, as we have already said, is only children, the upper limit for which is 2-3 cups. If you prefer strong tea, then limit yourself to 2-3 cups as well. In general, experts make all calculations based on the fact that there are 3 grams of tea leaves per cup. That is, no more than 5-10 grams of tea should be consumed per day.

So, we have listed the general rules for drinking tea. However, there are categories of people to whom experts recommend drinking less tea or eliminating it from the diet altogether. What are these categories?

First, pregnant women. After all, tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which, by stimulating the fetus, negatively affects its development. In addition, caffeine causes an increase in heart rate and increases urination, which increases the load on the heart and kidneys, and thus increases the likelihood of developing toxicosis.

Secondly, ulcers. Although tea promotes digestion, those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as high acidity in the stomach, should observe moderation. Ulcer patients are advised to limit their tea intake, excluding strong tea altogether. It is best for them to drink tea with milk and sugar.

Thirdly, people suffering from atherosclerosis and severe hypertension. Patients with a similar diagnosis should drink tea with caution, and during periods of exacerbation, generally abandon the use of red and strongly brewed tea.

Fourth, people who suffer from insomnia. Although insomnia can have a variety of causes, you should not drink tea shortly before bedtime due to the stimulating effects of caffeine and aromatics. A cup of tea, especially strong tea, before going to bed puts a person in a state of excitement, and it becomes almost impossible to fall asleep.

Fifth, patients with high fever. It is generally accepted that strong hot tea quenches thirst well, and therefore is useful at elevated temperatures. But it's not. Scientists have found that theophylline contained in tea raises body temperature. Theophylline also has a diuretic effect, and therefore it makes any antipyretic drugs ineffective or ineffective.

In conclusion, I would like to say that drinking tea, like any other drink, is a purely individual process. Personally, for example, I do not tolerate green tea, even weakly brewed. And I never drink tea with sugar - I don't feel the taste. Therefore, it is better to focus on the needs of your body. But at the same time, observe all the above rules and restrictions - unless, of course, you take care of yourself and your health!

Health and longevity are not given to anyone just like that, you need to fight for them and start it as early as possible. The main tool in the fight for your health is the right way of life. This concept includes physical activity, a positive attitude and, of course, proper nutrition, which provides the body with all the necessary substances. For a modern person who gets food from a supermarket, the last condition is almost impossible, but there is one wonderful product that will help make up for the missing substances - this is tea. We will tell you exactly what the benefits of tea are.

Speaking about the benefits of tea, it should be borne in mind that only a high-quality, that is, natural and fresh product that has undergone minimal and gentle processing and properly brewed, has useful properties. Unfortunately, most of the tea on the shelves of stores does not always meet these requirements, you need to look for truly healthy tea in specialized stores.

Perhaps no product has been studied so carefully as tea. Tea leaves have been used by mankind for 3,000 years as a cure for many diseases, and only recently has tea become an everyday drink. In the homeland of tea, in China, this drink is still respected and drunk for the treatment and prevention of diseases, to strengthen the immune system, for cheerfulness, for inspiration, for relaxation. In solving almost any problem, the first step is tea. In traditional Chinese medicine, good tea is believed to have the following healing effects:

Reduces sleepiness
Calms the nerves, helps to focus,
Makes eyes sharp
Clears the mind, makes the mind sharp,
Strengthens memory,
Cools, relieves fever,
Rescues in heat and drought,
Neutralizes the effects of poisons
Promotes digestion, helps to digest heavy food,
Prevents the formation of stones
Heals a headache
Eliminates excess fat, promotes weight loss,
Calms the breath, makes it deep,
Maintains water balance in the body
Activates sluggish intestines,
Removes phlegm and mucus, cleanses mucous membranes,
Removes gases
Strengthens teeth and bones
Treats heart disease
treats gout,
Treats internal inflammation
Treats skin diseases
Causes an appetite
Removes boredom and languor
Strengthens qi - life force,
Extends life.

Modern research does not conflict with this ancient knowledge. Japanese, Chinese and Korean scientists have repeatedly proved that good tea is really very useful for all systems and organs of the human body. Interestingly, most studies conducted in Europe and the USA did not find a strong healing effect of tea, because scientists used ordinary tea bags, and if they bothered to find whole-leaf and fresh tea, they brewed it according to the European method, which negates the benefits of tea. (We’ll talk about how to brew tea for maximum benefit later.)

Tea and heart

Zhushan University studied the effect of tea on the circulatory system and found that tea (in this case, pu-erh) causes vein relaxation, temporarily lowers blood pressure, lowers heart rate, and regulates cerebral circulation. Regular consumption of high-quality tea helps to strengthen blood vessels, stop inflammation, and prevent blood clotting. Tea is especially useful for older people suffering from high blood pressure, coronary disease and atherosclerosis.

Tea and Tumors

In Japan, long-term studies are underway on the effect of tea on the formation and development of tumors. Dozens of independent studies have shown that when tea is added to experimental animals' water, tumor growth stops. Scientists explained this effect by the fact that "the polyphenols contained in tea have a high antimutagenic effect and inhibit the development of cancer metastases, blocking pathogenic components in the circulatory system." Tea also reduces lung tumors caused by tobacco carcinogens and helps to cure the initial stage of skin cancer.

Tea and stress

British researchers have found that regular consumption of black tea helps to endure stress with the least harm to the body. Tea helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol and helps you relax more quickly and completely after worries. With depression, tea, on the contrary, invigorates and arouses interest in life. Considering that tea also reduces the level of platelets and cholesterol in the blood, we can say that this drink literally saves people from heart attacks and strokes due to nerves.

Tea and caries

The high content of polyphenols and fluorides makes tea an effective remedy for strengthening teeth. Polyphenols reduce plaque by binding bacteria before they settle on teeth, and fluoride is essential for strengthening tooth enamel. American and Chinese scientists have independently found that several cups of tea a day reduce the likelihood of tooth decay. Tea drinkers in general are much less likely to complain of dental problems.

Tea and excess weight

The ability of tea to fight excess weight was proven back in 1990. The French association ARMA observed over 3 months obese people who drank tea (pu-erh) 3 times a day and lost 4 to 10 kg. Moreover, the muscle mass of these people did not suffer, as happens with most diets, it was the amount of body fat that decreased, and muscle tone increased due to the activation of oxygen metabolism. Scientists at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris found that tea fights excess weight by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The effect of tea is comparable to the effect of statins - cholesterol-lowering drugs. In addition to lowering the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol, the antioxidants contained in tea prevent free radical damage to cells and slow down the aging process. Therefore, for those who lose weight with tea, the skin remains smooth and hair shining.

Thanks to tea, heavy food is easier to digest, after eating there comes not drowsiness, but cheerfulness. With regular use of tea, a taste for natural food wakes up, less and less you want to indulge yourself with fast food and sweets, a person feels a surge of strength, he no longer wants to lie on the couch, but wants to move, create, communicate. The habit of drinking good tea can completely change the way of life, habits, interests and social circle, and excess weight will go away by itself and will not return.

Tea composition

The chemical composition of the tea leaf is very complex and varied depending on the variety and place of growth. The main benefit of tea lies in polyphenols - this is the common name for flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanidins, a total of about 20 compounds. It is polyphenols that are responsible for the antioxidant, antibacterial, antitumor and other properties of tea. These substances are colorless, tart in taste, with an astringent aftertaste. Their maximum amount was found in green and white tea, as well as in sheng pu-erh.

When oxidized, polyphenols are converted into taeflavins, thearubigins and theabrovins - substances responsible for the color and taste of tea. They form vitamin P and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, liver, lungs and brain. These substances are rich in fermented teas - black, oolong and pu-erh.

The invigorating effect of tea is due to alkaloids - theine, theobromine, theophylline. Unlike caffeine, they act on the brain gently, without causing overexcitation. Theine activates oxygen metabolism, increases muscle tone without increased heart rate.

Black tea and shu pu-erh contain pectin, which normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to the normalization of weight. Tea polysaccharides lower blood sugar levels and protect against radiation exposure.

Any fresh tea is rich in vitamins: carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, vitamins C, E and P. About 30 minerals are part of the tea leaf, including potassium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, chromium.

In 2003, the Beijing Institute of Biologicals discovered statins in aged shen pu-erh, substances that lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent stroke.

Without a doubt, good tea is a real natural pharmacy in a cup. However, in order to take advantage of all the gifts of tea, it is necessary to brew and drink it correctly.

How to make the most of your tea

It is not enough to find high-quality tea, you also need to prepare it correctly, otherwise it will turn from a healthy drink into poison. The basic rule for making tea is not to overbrew or leave it for later. Too strong tea, especially if it was brewed yesterday, will only bring harm instead of good. The Chinese say so: yesterday's tea is like snake venom. For a long time in Russia there was just such a harmful way of drinking tea: they prepared a very strong brew for several days and diluted it with boiling water when they sat down to drink tea. With this method, all the aromatic, flavoring and beneficial substances of tea are destroyed, and resins and other not the best components of the tea leaf come out into the infusion. So let's make it a rule to drink only freshly prepared tea of ​​the right strength and not dilute the tea leaves with boiling water.

Properly prepared, and therefore healthy tea is easy to identify by color, aroma and taste. The infusion is transparent, of a pleasant color, with a light aroma and a sweet-tart taste. Bitterness and cloudiness indicate that the tea is overbrewed - too many tea leaves were used or the brewing time was too long.

To always prepare delicious and healthy tea, it is recommended to use a small container - a teapot or a gaiwan with a volume of 150-200 ml. For such a volume, 5-10 g of dry tea is enough. If the tea is tightly pressed, this is approximately the volume of the phalanx of the thumb. For light teas from whole leaves, this weight will be about 2 tablespoons of tea.

Before putting the tea into the brewing container, heat it with boiling water, as well as the cups and the container for draining (chahai). Boiled water is conveniently poured into a thermos to fix the temperature. We brew tea for the first time and immediately drain the water through a sieve into the chahai. If it is pu-erh or oolong, you do not need to drink the first tea leaves, this is a wash. In the case of white, green and red teas, the first brew is the most fragrant - pour it into cups and drink a little.

The second and third brews are as fast as the first - pour hot water and drain immediately. On the fourth, you can increase the tea infusion time by a few seconds. On the following brews, we gradually increase the time, and on the tenth brew, if the tea still has a taste, you can leave it in the water for a few minutes.

There is an easier way to make healthy tea - boiling, or rather languishing. In this way, you can prepare pu-erh or red teas. To brew tea, put water in a pot or a metal kettle on fire, measure the tea depending on the volume of water (5-10 g per 100 ml), rinse it with cold water, if it is pressed pu-erh, throw it into the water and wait for it to boil. As soon as the water boils, turn off the fire, leave the tea to brew for 2-3 minutes, pour into cups and drink immediately.

What to Drink Tea with for Maximum Benefits

High-quality and properly prepared tea does not need sugar, it has a pleasant sweetish taste even without it. If you want, you can supplement the tea with herbs and spices to enhance its effect. For example, tea with sage, lemon and honey helps with colds, and the addition of ginger helps to better absorb heavy fatty foods.

In China and South Asia, weak green tea is washed down with food. Everyone is familiar with the wise custom of serving Uzbek pilaf with tea - hot tea will help absorb heavy mutton fat, and fat is necessary for the absorption of vitamin E from tea. Black tea is not recommended to drink at the same time as the main meal, it is better to wait 30-40 minutes.

In no case should tea be drunk on an empty stomach, this can lead to digestive problems. Morning tea must be accompanied by porridge, sandwiches, cookies. The most healthy tea snacks in the middle of the day are nuts, chocolate, dried fruits and fresh fruits and berries. In the evening, homemade cakes are ideal for tea. For evening tea drinking, it is recommended to make tea weaker than in the morning, and drink no more than 1-2 cups. It is very important that there is enough time between drinking tea and falling asleep - 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep, and the benefits of tea will be neutralized by lack of sleep.

An important note: after drinking tea, in no case should you drink cold water, no matter how much you are thirsty. It is better to drink warm water or wait 10-15 minutes.

Drink only high-quality, properly brewed tea, and you will certainly feel its benefits.

Tea is a familiar drink for many people. Someone considers it useful, and someone dangerous, and replaces tea with herbal infusions. Is it possible to cure serious diseases with a cup of tea, or is its benefits a myth fanned by tea companies?

Have scientists proven the benefits of tea?

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. They drink it every day to quench their thirst and have a snack, or they hold leisurely tea ceremonies, where the use of the drink is elevated to the rank of a kind of cult. Scientists in their studies did not bypass the study of the benefits of tea, because lovers of this drink consume it hundreds of liters a year - and tea microelements enter their body in large quantities.

At the same time, you can find data on the benefits of tea and its harm to the body - after all, the drink contains biological substances with a high degree of activity, which have both positive and negative effects on humans. Let's figure out how tea is useful for various painful conditions.

Gastrointestinal tract

Tea leaves have bactericidal properties, they destroy pathogenic bacteria in the stomach and intestines. The substance tannin normalizes digestion and removes heavy metals (mercury, lead). The drink acts as an adsorbent - it cleanses the kidneys and intestines of toxins. Is tea useful for the gastrointestinal tract - yes, it is especially useful for fixing the stool after poisoning or an intestinal infection.

The cardiovascular system

What is tea good for the heart? It strengthens the vessels and improves their patency, destroying deposits on the walls. Reduces cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke. Tea theophylline dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Laboratory studies have shown that tea polyphenols reduce blood coagulation.

However, it is impossible to unequivocally answer whether tea is good for the cardiovascular system. Due to the content of caffeine, it invigorates and tones, raises blood pressure. For the body, hypotonic is a positive effect, because a mug of a hot sweet drink acts faster than tablets at reduced pressure. But hypertensive patients may feel a deterioration in well-being due to excessive vasodilation - it is better for them to prefer green tea with lemon, which acts softer.


Tea leaves contain fluoride compounds in safe amounts - it prevents the development of caries. And catechins inhibit the growth of pathogens in the mouth. Japanese scientists conducted a study in which volunteers regularly rinsed their mouths with a solution of tea polyphenols instead of brushing their teeth for 4 days. As a result, 95% of the subjects had a significant decrease in the number of harmful bacteria. But the benefits of tea for the condition of the teeth are destroyed by the addition of sugar or honey, only an unsweetened drink has a beneficial effect.

Cancer Prevention

The anti-cancer properties of the drink have been studied by scientists since 1980, they are associated with the beneficial properties of tea in cleansing the blood of heavy metals and toxins. Tea catechins are antioxidants, they inhibit the development of tumors. In different parts of the world in laboratory conditions, it was determined that drinking green tea reduces the risk of cancer:

  • stomach (when consumed at least 10 cups per day);
  • pancreas;
  • prostate;
  • the genitourinary system in women;
  • lungs.

Scientists attribute this effect to the ability of the drink to suppress the enzyme urokinase, which stimulates the formation of metastases.

Speed ​​up weight loss

Is tea good for weight loss? Yes, because it regulates the amount of norenaline, which is responsible for the formation of fat. Tea polyphenols reduce the activity of the enzyme amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates. In addition, the drink reduces the feeling of hunger and removes toxins. Therefore, do not refuse a delicious drink when losing weight, just drink it without sweeteners.


Scientists have proven the benefits of tea for diabetics. Black varieties contain substances polysaccharides - carbohydrates that reduce the absorption of glucose. They help regulate sugar levels. Green varieties contain varieties of antioxidants that prevent the development of type 1 diabetes.

Eye inflammation

The beneficial properties of tea are manifested not only when consumed internally. A strong infusion successfully fights inflammation of the eyes, destroying pathogens - for this, they wipe their eyes several times a day with cotton wool soaked in a tea leaves solution. Unlike drugs, this remedy has no contraindications and is used even in infants.


Is tea good for skin? Yes, because it tightens and disinfects, removes skin inflammation. Tea oil is effective in fighting acne. A chilled tea leaves mask makes the skin more elastic, and the vascular network less noticeable. Oily skin can be relieved of excess shine and fat, again with the help of tea - its infusion dries.

plant fertilizer

Tea has a beneficial effect on the human body, but how do green spaces react to it? It is widely believed that the drink is a wonderful fertilizer. Let's see if they can actually water the plants.

Yes, tea is an organic fertilizer, safe and low concentrated. It will not completely replace agrochemical fertilization, but is a good addition to them. Tea leaves will fertilize the soil for indoor flowers and serve as drainage at the bottom. Roses are especially fond of this dressing - tea tannins ensure their growth. Courgettes, tomatoes and strawberries will also be delighted with the sleeping tea leaves.

Which tea is healthier for plants? By no means hot - it will burn the roots, cool the drink to room temperature. Also, the infusion should not be sweet or sour - bacteria multiply in spoiled tea leaves that will damage the plants. Take a quality product, because cheap ones contain artificial colors and flavors that are dangerous for flowers and fruits and vegetables.

What is the healthiest tea?

The maximum amount of medicinal substances is found in green tea varieties - they are less fermented. It is followed in descending order by white, red and black varieties. The most useful tea is large-leaf, not granulated. Tea leaves grown in the mountains accumulate more trace elements than their lowland counterparts. Also, leaves from old tea trees with a branched root system absorb more healing substances.

Healthy tea - packed in a foil or parchment bag, which is stored for no more than 2 years, otherwise the amount of medicinal substances will become insignificant.

Created on 08/31/2011

Tea is an extremely healthy drink. However, not all teas are beneficial. So, bottled iced tea has no health benefits.

It contains fewer polyphenols than freshly brewed black or green tea. In addition, a bottle of iced tea contains an average of 86 calories, while brewed tea has 0 calories (unless you add sugar, cream, milk, honey).

Therefore, try to drink only loose leaf tea and brew it properly.

Do not drink tea on an empty stomach, as it, in this case, causing irritation of the mucous membrane, can cause indigestion. Also, do not drink too strong, hot or cold tea. Strong tea, being very invigorating, will lead to headaches and insomnia. Too hot tea injures the mucous membrane of the throat, esophagus and stomach. You can not drink medicines with tea, as the tannins contained in the tea will not allow them to be absorbed. Do not drink tea before meals, otherwise it will seem tasteless, as tea reduces the absorption of protein and dilutes saliva. After eating, tea can be drunk after 30 minutes. If you drink it immediately after eating, the tannin contained in the tea will not allow protein and iron to be absorbed.

Drink only freshly brewed tea. Eastern wisdom says: "Fresh tea is like a balm. Tea that has stood overnight is like a snake." There are a lot of bacteria in brewed tea, which stands for a long time, and in addition, poison is released, which contains tea phenol and harmful esters.

Tea contains polyphenols - strong antioxidants that increase the body's defenses.

Useful properties of green tea:

  • Thanks to antioxidants, green tea protects the body from oxidizing agents that weaken the natural defense system and accelerate the aging process.
  • Regulates cholesterol levels, helping the body absorb less fat and eliminate excess.
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Prevents the formation of dental caries due to the content of fluoride in green tea. Just drink green tea without sugar. To prevent caries, they can also rinse your mouth.
  • Green tea has a diuretic effect. Therefore, it is an excellent tool for weight loss. In addition, if you have gone too far with alcohol, drink a cup of green tea with a hangover. The tea will detoxify and make you feel better.
  • Thanks to tannins, green tea helps with diarrhea and intestinal disorders.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Prevents cancer and heart disease.
  • Green tea has invigorating and stimulating properties that help restore vitality.

Useful properties of black tea:

  • Useful for anemia, as it improves hematopoiesis, increasing the number of red blood cells.
  • Helps with sunburn. Soak a piece of cloth in cold strong black tea and apply to sunburned areas.
  • Self-tanning with black tea. A bath with tea can revitalize the skin and give it a beautiful shade, reminiscent of a tan. Brew 4 teaspoons of black tea in 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour into bath.
  • Hot sweet strong black tea will help with alcohol poisoning.
  • Tones the intestines and cleanses the digestive tract of microbes and harmful substances.
  • Improves memory and vision.
  • Protects against cancer and heart disease.
  • Increases perspiration, thereby detoxifying the body.
  • Tea with lemon or honey is an excellent cold remedy.

But do not think that if tea is so good for health, then you can drink it in liters. Excessive consumption of tea can be harmful to health. Therefore, it is recommended to drink no more than 3-4 cups of tea per day.
