
Blog of useful tips: which tea is healthier? Which tea is healthier - green or black? Comparative characteristics of green and black tea.

Black tea vs green tea is the most common comparison that can be found. Most people are unaware of the benefits that both types of tea provide. However, the generally accepted thesis is that green tea is healthier and healthier. Is it really?

1. Green tea is richer in "pure" antioxidants

Unfermented green tea leaves contain catechins (antioxidants). Unfortunately, during the fermentation of tea leaves (oxidation), typical of black tea (100% oxidized), these catechins are converted into other compounds, namely tea flavins and theabromines. They still have the same antioxidant potential as the catechins in green tea. However, green tea still has more health benefits than an equal volume of black tea, because the antioxidants in it are more "clean and strong". For example, a cup of black tea contains about 5-10 mg of the powerful antioxidant EGCG, while a cup of green tea contains eight times as much - 40-90 mg!

However, some researchers have found that flavonoids are also of great health importance, as they can lead to a reduction in stroke and heart disease risk because they help lower LDL (bad cholesterol), which is associated with the cause of these two diseases.

2. Green tea contains less caffeine

Whether black, green or white, all tea contains caffeine. And that's okay. It only becomes a problem when someone starts to suffer from insomnia, when they drink too many caffeinated drinks, or when you are sensitive to caffeine.

In this case, you're better off drinking green tea because the fermentation process that black tea undergoes increases its caffeine content. One cup of black tea usually contains 40mg, a cup of green tea is only about half that figure (depending on the size of the cup and how long the leaves are steeped).

But let's not forget that black tea has half the caffeine content of coffee!

The tea flavins in black tea often cause tooth staining. Again, because green tea has been dried but not fermented, it contains far fewer tea flavins. Therefore, it is unlikely to stain the enamel of the teeth. The higher the quality of green tea, the less staining it causes, and the lower quality it is, the greater the risk of browning. But even in the latter case, there will be less stains on the teeth than if you drink black tea.

So which one is better?

So, green tea can be (slightly) healthier than black tea, and green tea can help keep your teeth whiter. But if you like the taste of black tea, then keep drinking black tea! After all, it's still much healthier than coffee, soda, beer, or spirits.

  • What's more, maybe you prefer drinking black tea in the morning to wake up, while a cup of green tea can be a great way to end the day and unwind before bed.
  • In order to lose weight, you'd better switch to green tea, and in case you have heart problems, black tea is the best choice. The consumption of one or another type of tea depends on the specific purpose of the drinker and the state of his health.

Tea is a drink that is not only tasty, but also healthy: the numerous beneficial properties of tea have been known since time immemorial, thanks to which, for several millennia, tea has remained the most common drink almost anywhere in the world, second only to water.

Today in the world there are many types and varieties of tea - from the most popular, green and black, and ending with exotic varieties such as red or white tea. . Tea leaves contain polyphenols, substances essential for human health. Polyphenols help protect body cells from so-called oxidative stress, the process of cell damage due to oxidation. In addition, polyphenols help lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the human immune system, and prevent blood clots and cardiovascular disease.

In addition to polyphenols, tea contains many other beneficial ingredients such as theanine, vitamins, minerals, methylxanthine and many amino acids that slow down the aging process, help normalize high blood pressure and improve the digestive and excretion systems of the body. Tea leaves contain vitamin K, the deficiency of which in the body causes insufficient blood clotting, and antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on cells. Drinking 2-4 cups of tea a day can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases.

Benefits of green tea

One of the most important benefits of green tea, proven by numerous medical studies, is its ability to reduce the risk of cancer - especially lung cancer, which is important for smokers. Some studies have shown that green tea prevents the formation of certain tumors, and those contained in green tea catechins are much more effective at neutralizing free radicals than vitamins C and E. In addition, catechins slow down the growth of bacteria in the mouth and on the surface of the teeth, thereby reducing the risk of caries.

In addition to the ability to reduce the risk of cancer, green tea improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system - this drink lowers cholesterol and, thereby, reduces the risk of developing various heart diseases and a heart attack. Green tea, being a powerful antioxidant, effectively inhibits the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the arteries, which plays a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, green tea inhibits the effects of ACE, an angiotensin-converting enzyme produced by the kidneys that is often the main cause of high blood pressure. Normalizing blood pressure, green tea reduces the risk of a heart attack.

The benefits of black tea

Although green tea is traditionally considered one of the healthiest drinks, black tea is almost in no way inferior to it in its properties. Recent studies have shown that black tea is almost as effective in stimulating the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of cancer, strengthening the immune system, preventing arthritis, and lowering cholesterol levels.

One of the main benefits of black tea is its ability to inhibit the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. So, for example, in a study conducted by scientists at Boston University, it turned out that the risk of a heart attack in people who drink 4 cups of black tea daily is 50% less.

Like green tea, black tea reduces the risk of a number of cancers, especially colon cancer and breast cancer. What's more, a recent study by Rutgers University in the US showed that the TF-2 compound found in black tea destroys cancer cells without harming normal cells. The same substance suppresses the Cox-2 gene, which is responsible for the course of inflammatory processes. Finally, black tea is able to neutralize bacteria that cause a number of diseases, including diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis, skin diseases, and herpes.

Tatyana Smirnova

Let's figure out which tea is healthier - black or green? What types of tea exist and how to brew them correctly.

Any tea - black, green, yellow, red - is an extremely healthy drink. The main advantage of tea is the high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fight free radicals, preventing premature aging and preventing the development of cancer. Caffeine, which is present in tea, invigorates and tones. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels and enhances the action of vitamin C. And green tea is rich in catechins that break down fat, and thus promotes weight loss.

But, like any other product, tea benefits only in the right dosage. It is no coincidence that in Japan and China - countries where tea is considered a national drink - it is drunk in small portions. Strongly brewed tea contains a large amount of caffeine. Therefore, consuming it in large quantities can lead to agitation, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), insomnia, and frequent urination.

Large portions of tea also put a serious strain on the kidneys and heart. The safe rate of tea for a middle-aged person is no more than 4-5 cups. But there are conditions in which tea is simply contraindicated - for example, at a high temperature. Black tea contains theophylline, which raises body temperature, and its diuretic properties reduce the effectiveness of antipyretics. With gastric and duodenal ulcers, theophylline inhibits the function of phosphoric acid, which reduces acidity. The increasing acidity of the gastric juice will not allow the healing of ulcers to occur.

Sugar, when added to tea, reduces its beneficial properties - it is an oxidizing agent that partially neutralizes antioxidants. It is more useful to drink tea with natural syrups and candied fruits from dried fruits, which give a pleasant taste and aroma and improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism. For weight loss, syrups and candied fruits from ginger, orange, Jerusalem artichoke are useful.

How not to drink tea

You need to drink tea 20-30 minutes after brewing. After this time, harmful chemical processes of spontaneous oxidation of phenol, lipids, essential oils and aromatic substances begin. The first sign that "the process has started" is a film that appears on the surface of the brew.

Don't drink too hot tea. Studies have shown that regular consumption of hot tea damages the walls of the stomach and can trigger a number of diseases.

Do not drink medicines with tea - the tannins contained in it make it difficult for the absorption of medicines. Do not brew tea repeatedly. The first infusion extracts up to 50% of useful substances from tea, the second - up to 30%, the third - only 10%.

Useful properties, recipes for making various types of tea

White tea
Tea trees, the leaves of which are used to produce white tea, grow only in China in Sri Lanka. Two top intact leaves are taken into production, which are slightly dried and kept for a couple of no more than a minute.

Beneficial features. White tea is called the "elixir of immortality" because of the complete preservation of vitamins and minerals. Drinking white tea slows down the aging process, inhibits the formation of tumors, strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes wound healing, and protects against viruses and bacteria.

Minuses. The taste of white tea is so delicate and delicate that it is difficult for people accustomed to strong tea leaves to appreciate it.

How to brew: 3-5 min, water temperature 100 gr.

Green tea
It is made from the same leaves as black. But after collecting the leaves, it immediately dries up. Minimal fermentation allows you to save almost all useful properties.

Beneficial features: activates vitality, normalizes metabolism, the vital activity of the intestinal flora, has a diaphoretic effect, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the occurrence of caries, increases the strength of capillaries, and promotes better absorption of ascorbic acid.

Minuses: contains a lot of caffeine. Suitable for morning and afternoon teas only.

How to brew: 5-7 min. Water temperature - 60-90 gr.

yellow tea
For this type of tea, only buds are harvested, which are steamed, then wrapped in cloth or special paper, where the tea is dried and fermented.

Beneficial features: similar to the properties of green tea - normalizes blood pressure, heart function, activates mental activity.

Minuses: refers to elite teas - one of the most expensive varieties.

How to brew: 3 min. Water temperature - 60-80 gr.

Red tea (oolong)
Tea leaves are harvested from adult tea bushes at the moment of full maturity and dried twice until the leaves acquire a chestnut or reddish-brown hue.

Beneficial features: slows down the aging process of the skin, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

Minuses: the most specific kind of tea. Strong, sharp aroma, tart taste, ruby ​​hue of the infusion, not everyone can appreciate it.

Black tea
The leaves are harvested from mature tea bushes. the processing process includes withering, curling, drying and complete fermentation.

Beneficial features: due to the presence of the substance TF-2, which blocks the development of cancer cells, it helps to reduce the risk of oncological diseases of the stomach, intestines and breast. normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kills microbes that cause diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis and herpes, lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Minuses: you should not drink more than 4 cups a day, and also after 18 hours. high content of caffeine and aromatic substances can cause overexcitation of the nervous system and insomnia.

What is hibiscus?

Strictly speaking, these are drinks, not teas, since they are not made from tea tree leaves, but in terms of their functionality they fully correspond to exotic teas. Mate is a drink made from the leaves of a tropical tree. It is rich in antioxidants that boost the immune system and promote longevity. But mate is not recommended for cholelithiasis - it can cause the migration of stones. Hibiscus - a drink made from Sudanese rose flowers - is a storehouse of anthocyanins, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regulate capillary permeability. Hibiscus also helps to cleanse the body. This drink should be used carefully by people with high blood pressure.

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As you know, tea is very popular in our country. We prefer this drink to the world-famous coffee. It prolongs youth, improves mood. Tea with lemon will invigorate in the morning, increase tone. A cup of hot tea with honey in the evening will help you relax and fall asleep.

True, the opinions of lovers of a fragrant drink differ when it comes to the benefits of green or black tea. Many people prefer green, as they are sure that it is more useful. However, lovers of the black variety are convinced that they are right.

Although they are both made from the same plant, the difference in leaf processing technology endows the final product with unique properties in its own way. And yet, why is green tea more useful than black? Or are both varieties equally useful? Which of them should be preferred? Let's talk about it today:

About the benefits of green tea

One of the most important properties is its antioxidant properties. Therefore, green tea is useful to drink with a cold. Regular consumption of 2-3 cups per day gradually cleanses the body of harmful substances, excess salts, lowers sugar levels and bad cholesterol.

It also helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of gallstones and diuretic stones. Many women know that it is green tea that facilitates dieting and helps to lose weight.

It has been established that the infusion of green tea leaves actively removes excess salts, which helps to fight high blood pressure. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking a weakly brewed drink for patients with stage I and II hypertension.

Green tea is useful to drink for various pains, to eliminate drowsiness and fatigue. An infusion of green tea leaves is taken for influenza, and is included in the treatment of malaria. Its astringent properties are used to relieve diarrhea.

Strong tea leaves are washed with eyes with conjunctivitis, purulent discharge from the eyes, with barley. An infusion or decoction of green tea leaves is an effective prophylactic against atherosclerosis.

What is black good for?

It must be said that black varieties are also very useful. An important property of the drink is its positive effect on all types of metabolism, their activation. Black tea has a minimum of side effects, and the combination of its preventive and therapeutic properties allows it to be considered medicinal plants. The fact that it is very useful, people have understood for a long time. Therefore, the product has spread so rapidly around the world, won many fans.

Black tea contains a large number of important nutrients: vitamins, minerals, tannins. There are essential oils and theine, thanks to which black tea has a stimulating effect, tones, improves mood and increases efficiency.

Regular consumption of the drink will improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and normalize digestion. Of course, we are talking about the reasonable consumption of tea. You should not drink more than 2-3 small cups per day and do not brew it too hard.

Another very interesting property of the drink is its ability to both tone up, excite the nervous system, and soothe it. These properties are due to the presence of caffeine and tannin in its composition. At the same time, tannin inhibits the stimulating effects of caffeine, so it acts softer and longer, unlike coffee.

Therefore, a morning cup of a hot drink will help cheer up, set you in a working mood, and increase your concentration. A portion of the drink after dinner will reduce the feeling of fatigue, help to recover from physical exertion. Well, in the evening it will help you sleep peacefully.

Many experts claim that its regular use reduces the risk of stroke, as it has the ability to increase cerebral circulation.

So which tea should you choose?

Many consider green tea to be healthier. Experts also talk about this, but emphasize that it slightly exceeds the useful properties of black. Well, for example, by eating green varieties, it is easier to keep your teeth white. In other respects, both types differ slightly from each other.

Therefore, drink the tea that you like best. Both varieties will benefit health, unless, of course, abused. Well, if you want, you can drink black in the morning to cheer up, and green - before going to bed, in order to better relax and sleep soundly.
Of course, it should not be hard to brew it. Also remember that black tea raises blood pressure, while green tea, on the contrary, lowers it.

Also, do not drink the drink very hot. This negatively affects the gastric mucosa. And for cooking, use purified bottled water. It is high-quality water that helps to preserve all the healing properties of tea leaves, both green and black. Be healthy!

The invigorating effect of green tea is known firsthand. It's all about the contained theine ( ), which, however, acts very gently, activating mental and physical abilities.

In addition, tea will be very useful for those who suffer from beriberi, because. contains almost all vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements that help the absorption of nutrients. Minerals normalize metabolism, support immunity.

The peoples of North Asia treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fever and kidneys with green tea.

Antioxidants, of which there are quite a lot in tea, prevent the formation of cancerous tumors, remove toxins, and indirectly replace vitamin C and E.

An important beneficial property of green tea is to improve the condition of blood vessels and get rid of drowsiness. And this tea is also popular in cosmetology. It guarantees good skin cleansing and hydration.

People with low blood pressure and nervous exhaustion, people with high acidity or stomach ulcers should drink green tea with caution. Drinking this drink in the evening can turn into insomnia in the next 6-7 hours.

The benefits of black tea, harm

The favorite drink of the British, black tea, was not chosen by chance. It is black tea that slows down the aging of cells and tissues. It also increases cerebral circulation, which reduces the likelihood of strokes. Like, it easily invigorates and tones. And in combination with citrus fruits, it increases resistance to infections, minimizes the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

It is black tea that reduces the susceptibility to diabetes, because. contains polyphenols similar to insulin.

Black tea strengthens hair and nails. Gives hair shine and rich color.

A good effect is achieved in the treatment of eye diseases with black tea. It can reduce cataracts, easily get rid of such trouble as barley.

It is worth reducing the amount of black tea consumed by people suffering from high blood pressure, hypertension, as well as
