
How to identify natural chocolate. Checking how to distinguish real chocolate from a fake

WHAT SHOULD GOOD CHOCOLATE LOOK LIKE? How to find out if the ingredients in its composition are natural?
How to understand what it is made of chocolate glaze? For example glazed curds. One manufacturer puts good oil, and the other adds a surrogate. How not to overpay for chocolate, but choose high-quality and tasty? What distinguishes quality chocolate from a fake.

Our pleasure when we taste this product is influenced by the excellent quality of the product, at the moment a chocolate bar. You take a bar of chocolate in your hands, hold it in your hand for a while and begin to slowly unfold it. You inhale the smell and already mentally taste its slightly bitter taste. After a cup of coffee with such a delicious piece of chocolate melting on the tongue, the mood rises, positive flows into the body.

We choose chocolate. Usually chocolate bars are properly packaged in manufacturer's branded wrappers. Having unfolded the tile, we carefully examine the tile. In high-quality chocolate, the surface of the bar is smooth, pleasing to the eye.

Spots, cracks, discoloration, turbidity on the surface of the tile will tell about improper storage of the product (conditions, fluctuations in air temperature, humidity).
A grayish coating (turned gray) speaks of the "old" age of chocolate - the expiration date has passed.

Let's try to break off a piece of chocolate from a bar. High-quality chocolate breaks with a sharp clicking sound and will not crumble or bend, indicating poor quality and overexposed shelf life.

Chocolate has the ability to absorb odors. Therefore, some "small entrepreneurs" with a hidden conscience put the expired product in a closed container (bag) along with a bag of coffee beans and vanilla. When shopping for chocolate, make sure it doesn't give off strong coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, flavored tea smells, even when wrapped. Although, usually for such "procedures" chocolate is taken out of the package.

A large assortment of chocolate is influenced by itself food industry producing many varieties of chocolate.

IN dark chocolate(bitter) there are only two main components: cocoa mass and cocoa butter.
plus three additional component: emulsifier, flavor, sugar.

IN milk chocolate there are three main components: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and milk powder.
Plus three additional components: sugar, emulsifier, flavoring.

If vegetable fat is introduced into the chocolate recipe, then our wonderful product transferred to the category
"sweet tile".

White chocolate does not contain cocoa liquor.

If the recipe contains vegetable fat, cocoa powder, which is a waste product after the processing of cocoa beans, and in addition with an overestimated percentage, for example, over 4%. Naturally, such chocolate will not apply to natural ones.

Real chocolate hides in the hand, fake - no.
Throw a piece of chocolate into a cup of milk. Qualitative, real chocolate sink, unnatural will float.
Let's cool the chocolate bar. Then hold in a warm place (above the stove). There will be a sharp temperature drop. Real chocolate will be covered with sivin - small drops of cocoa butter.

Between the quality of chocolate and the price there is a large "amplitude of fluctuation". High-quality chocolate, which has cocoa butter and cocoa liquor in its recipe, is much more expensive than chocolate with all sorts of additives and replacing cocoa butter with other fats.

Glazed curds are a separate and big issue. I will say one thing: I have never bought industrial products from cottage cheese for my children. All tasty treats were prepared at home from natural products.


Dairy products must always be accompanied by a certificate
indicating the ingredients used for the manufacture of products and the manufacturer. As for chocolate. The composition of the recipe is indicated on the wrapping design of the chocolate, and the release date and expiration date are also indicated there.

Unique, incomparable taste, mass useful properties, rich history and loyal fans among children and adults - all this can be said about chocolate. If you conduct a survey on the topic "What is your most favorite treat? “, then the most frequently repeated answer will be: “Chocolate! » The counterfeiting of a product so popular with the world community is on a grand scale. And often an inexperienced consumer becomes a victim of fraud, buying under the guise of chocolate something that has a very distant relation to it.

In order not to fall into the number of victims of dishonest manufacturers and regret the wrong choice, make it a rule when purchasing chocolate to carefully study the label. And, most importantly, you should not be interested in an attractive external design, but in the composition of the product. Real chocolate consists of the following components:

  • cocoa butter;
  • cocoa mass;
  • powdered sugar.

Depending on the type of chocolate conscientious manufacturer will always indicate the percentage of cocoa beans in their product. So, in dark chocolate it is 60-70%, in milk chocolate it is 35-40%, only in white chocolate there are no grated cocoa beans responsible for the brown color of the delicacy.

If you did not find at least one mandatory component in the list, be sure that you have low-quality chocolate in front of you. What other tricks are used to foist an obvious fake on the buyer under the guise of a noble product?

The most common variants of falsification of chocolate

  • Replacing the main ingredients with others. Other fats can be used in place of cocoa butter, such as hydrogenated palm or coconut oil. This is not prohibited by law, but the manufacturer must honestly indicate on the label that we have a sweet confectionery bar that simply does not have any right to be called chocolate.
  • Grated cocoa is replaced with soybean meal - such a “chocolate” will leave you feeling sticky and sticky for a long time both in your hands and in your mouth.
  • The developed chemical industry makes it possible to counterfeit chocolate at a high level - the dark color is not achieved due to high content cocoa beans, and thanks to dyes, preservatives are added to fake tiles to increase the shelf life.
  • Another trick of chocolate makers is to use cocoa powder instead of grated cocoa, which is nothing more than waste after extracting cocoa butter. If you saw such an ingredient in the composition, this directly indicates the manufacturer's attempt to save money. Such chocolate can no longer be called high-quality.
  • The most innocuous version of chocolate falsification is an attempt to give out one variety after another, as well as an overestimated content of nuts, candied fruits, raisins and other additives.
  • Here is a fake if the label indicates a high percentage of water content in the tile. So manufacturers intentionally influence the weight of the final product, reducing the amount of valuable components that distinguish real chocolate in the composition.
  • If the label of the so-called chocolate indicates a shelf life of a year or more, do not hesitate to pass by. This directly indicates that antioxidants and preservatives have been added to this tile. Real chocolate is stored for no more than six months, and dessert varieties and with filling - no more than four.

How to distinguish chocolate from a fake without relying on information provided by the manufacturer?

Of course, some advanced scammers can write whatever you want to see on the label. But the obvious fake chocolate can be distinguished visually. A real chocolate bar that has correct composition, externally looks glossy and its surface is even and smooth. Having broken off a piece, you should clearly hear the crunch, and at the break, the shade of chocolate will be dull. Another one salient feature high-quality chocolate - at a temperature of thirty-two degrees, it begins to melt. Putting a piece of true delicacy in your mouth, you will feel it to the fullest.

Taking into account the criteria right choice quality product, you will always enjoy only genuine chocolate that rightfully bears this name.

Chocolate is perhaps the most common dessert in the world. It is loved by women and men, children and teenagers, chocolate is given on holidays and bitterness from parting with loved ones is seized ... Today, there are many varieties of chocolate, dark, white, milk, with fruit fillings, as well as with chili peppers and even sea ​​salt. However, real dark chocolate is still considered the most valuable. This unique tart taste, at the same time sweet and slightly burning, slightly viscous and enveloping, from which the whole being is filled with pleasure and joy. How to understand that we have just such a real chocolate bar, regardless of the country of production, brand, packaging materials and prices. How to protect yourself from fakes and poor quality product? We remember 5 important signs of real dark chocolate.

In real chocolate essential ingredient are cocoa beans, these are the seeds of a cocoa tree that grows in tropical regions the globe. High-quality dark chocolate in the name may contain the names of commercial varieties of cocoa beans corresponding to the region of their production. These may be indications of the country or port of export of cocoa beans: Bahia, Cameroon, Trinidad and others. For example, look at the assortment of the Spanish brand Amatller: dark chocolate AMATLLE 70% from Ghana or Chocolate Amatlle 85% cocoa, Ecuador.

In the process of technological processing, semi-finished cocoa liquor is obtained from cocoa beans. From this mass, using a special press, a spin is made, this is how valuable cocoa butter is obtained. Cocoa cake is born as waste from pressing. Cocoa mass and cocoa butter, together with powdered sugar, are used to make chocolate, and inexpensive cocoa powder is obtained from cocoa cake, which is often used in the confectionery industry, including for the production of a cheap chocolate product.

And here is a list of other ingredients, in addition to cocoa powder, that should not be part of a premium product: vegetable oils as substitutes for cocoa butter, such as soybean, sunflower, palm or cottonseed, vegetable and hydro fats; milk and dairy products; cocoa wella, this beautiful word, unfortunately, means the same cake; flavorings, preservatives, artificial dyes and other additives.

Ratio powdered sugar And grated cocoa affects taste features resulting chocolate, from bitter to sweet. The more grated cocoa in chocolate, the more bitter taste and more bright aroma has chocolate. True dark chocolate must contain at least 55% cocoa liquor and at least 33% cocoa butter.

2. melting speed

Of course, only a professional will determine by melting the presence of certain additives that are unacceptable for a quality product. However, please note that dark chocolate melts only in the mouth, and evenly, turning into a homogeneous thick consistency from which you can make hot chocolate. At the same time, analogues can be melted directly in the hands, when melted, they stick to the teeth or to the surface of the dishes, roll up, and a homogeneous mass is not obtained from such tiles. If, on the contrary, chocolate does not hide in your mouth at all, you have to crack it with difficulty, then you have a fake.

3. characteristic crunch

We unfold the rustling foil, and this is how high-quality dark chocolate is mainly stored, and break the tile. For example, chocolate of the famous German brand Hachez. We hear a certain crunch that a confectionery bar that is less hard in consistency will not produce. If the sound is deaf, you have a fake. There will be a characteristic crunch even if we have dark chocolate with additives, for example, Hachez chocolate bar with strawberry pieces and green pepper 77%.

4. Tile surface.

If the chocolate has been properly stored, the surface should be dark in color, very smooth despite the pattern or lines, shiny and even, without plaque or any discoloration. In fakes, which contain protein or soy products, the surface of the tile will be lighter and matte. For practice, you can compare a regular bar of milk and dark chocolate, and you will see how different their color is from each other.

5. Elasticity

High-quality dark chocolate can be compared to a granite rock. It cannot be stretched, it can only be broken. If the product stretches in your hands, you have a fake. And finally, we note that if you have already found a proven brand, then its taste and properties should not change depending on the batch.

If you are still looking, be sure to try Hachez or Amatller chocolate.

WHAT SHOULD GOOD CHOCOLATE LOOK LIKE? How to find out if the ingredients in its composition are natural?
How to understand what chocolate icing is made of? For example glazed curds. One manufacturer puts in a good oil, while another adds a substitute. How not to overpay for chocolate, but choose high-quality and tasty? What distinguishes quality chocolate from a fake.

Our pleasure when we taste this product is influenced by the excellent quality of the product, at the moment a chocolate bar. You take a bar of chocolate in your hands, hold it in your hand for a while and begin to slowly unfold it. You inhale the smell and already mentally taste its slightly bitter taste. After a cup of coffee with such a delicious piece of chocolate melting on the tongue, the mood rises, positive flows into the body.

We choose chocolate. Usually chocolate bars are properly packaged in manufacturer's branded wrappers. Having unfolded the tile, we carefully examine the tile. In high-quality chocolate, the surface of the bar is smooth, pleasing to the eye.

Spots, cracks, discoloration, turbidity on the surface of the tile will tell about improper storage of the product (conditions, fluctuations in air temperature, humidity).
A grayish coating (turned gray) speaks of the "old" age of chocolate - the expiration date has passed.

Let's try to break off a piece of chocolate from a bar. High-quality chocolate breaks with a sharp clicking sound and will not crumble or bend, indicating poor quality and overexposed shelf life.

Chocolate has the ability to absorb odors. Therefore, some "small entrepreneurs" with a hidden conscience put the expired product in a closed container (bag) along with a bag of coffee beans and vanilla. When shopping for chocolate, make sure it doesn't give off strong coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, flavored tea smells, even when wrapped. Although, usually for such "procedures" chocolate is taken out of the package.

A large assortment of chocolate is influenced by the food industry itself, which produces many varieties of chocolate.

In dark chocolate (bitter) there are only two main components: cocoa mass and cocoa butter.
Plus three additional components: emulsifier, flavor, sugar.

There are three main components in milk chocolate: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and milk powder.
Plus three additional components: sugar, emulsifier, flavoring.

If vegetable fat is introduced into the chocolate recipe, then our wonderful product is transferred to the category
"sweet tile".

White chocolate does not contain cocoa liquor.

If the recipe contains vegetable fat, cocoa powder, which is a waste product after the processing of cocoa beans, and in addition with an overestimated percentage, for example, over 4%. Naturally, such chocolate will not apply to natural ones.

Real chocolate hides in the hand, fake - no.
Throw a piece of chocolate into a cup of milk. High-quality, real chocolate will sink, fake will float.
Let's cool the chocolate bar. Then hold in a warm place (above the stove). There will be a sharp temperature drop. Real chocolate will be covered with sivin - small drops of cocoa butter.

Between the quality of chocolate and the price there is a large "amplitude of fluctuation". High-quality chocolate, which has cocoa butter and cocoa liquor in its recipe, is much more expensive than chocolate with all sorts of additives and replacing cocoa butter with other fats.

Glazed curds are a separate and big issue. I will say one thing: I have never bought industrial products from cottage cheese for my children. All tasty treats were prepared at home from natural products.


Dairy products must always be accompanied by a certificate
indicating the ingredients used for the manufacture of products and the manufacturer. As for chocolate. The composition of the recipe is indicated on the wrapping design of the chocolate, and the release date and expiration date are also indicated there.


In life, we often encounter fakes of various products, and chocolate is no exception, as it is in great demand among consumers.

Recognize fake chocolate without help laboratory research very difficult, so read the wrapper carefully, although unscrupulous producers of a sweet miracle, of course, will not indicate the true composition of their product on it.

How, then, to check the quality of chocolate and distinguish real chocolate from a fake?

Does real chocolate burn: how is it faked?

When buying chocolate, buyers most often pay attention to the expiration date of the product and much less often study its composition, most often we believe what is written on beautiful packaging, so it will not be difficult for manufacturers to deceive a gullible buyer ...

The most harmless falsification is when one type of chocolate is replaced by another, for example, under the guise of dessert chocolate you will be offered a regular one. On the packaging of dessert chocolate bars, the percentage of cocoa is usually indicated right on the front side.

Either nuts, candied fruits, raisins, chopped waffles are added to chocolate in excessive quantities, cream or condensed milk is added.

Very often, manufacturers replace the expensive basic ingredients of chocolate - cocoa butter and grated cocoa - with cheaper and more easily accessible ones.

If cocoa powder is written on the package instead of grated cocoa, then you are not holding chocolate in your hands, but a low-quality fake. Cocoa powder is made from the pomace that remains after the oil has been pressed from the cocoa beans.

As for cocoa butter, valuable ingredient real chocolate, then it is replaced with vegetable fats, or an oil identical to cocoa butter, but even in this case, you will get obviously not real chocolate. If the package says vegetable fats or hydro fats, you can put it back on the shelf.

The next type of falsification is when manufacturers increase the percentage of water in chocolate, thereby increasing its weight and reducing the weight of valuable components. Because the chocolate mass- this is a fatty environment, then water does not dissolve in it, and in order for this to happen, concentrates are added to it.

Another type of fake is the addition of soy and protein products to chocolate. This is easy to determine from appearance chocolate bars. If, upon unfolding a bar of dark chocolate, you see that it is lighter than it should be and, moreover, its surface is matte, and not shiny, as if polished, then there are soy and protein products. In addition, such chocolate sticks to the teeth.

And the most significant thing you should pay attention to when choosing chocolate is the shelf life indicated on the package. Real high-quality chocolate without additives is stored for no more than 6-8 months.

Dessert chocolate and chocolate with filling are stored for 4 months, so if the packaging indicates a shelf life of a year or more, it means that antioxidants and preservatives have been added to the chocolate.

Does real chocolate burn: signs of real chocolate


Real chocolate is made from grated cocoa beans and cocoa butter;
The shelf life of chocolate does not exceed 6 months;
Chocolate should have a smooth and shiny surface;
When broken, a characteristic crunch is heard and the haze of chocolate is clearly visible;
Real chocolate melts in your mouth, not smeared on your hands.

Does real chocolate burn: why do they set it on fire?

A video is gaining popularity on the Internet in which a woman opens a pack of dark chocolate and sets it on fire with matches. When heated, the chocolate should initially melt, but instead, in the video, you can see how the chocolate starts to burn.

If the delicacy starts to burn, then this indicates the replacement of grated cocoa, instead of which the manufacturer added cocoa powder. This product is the cake that remains after pressing cocoa beans completely devoid of oil. It is of low quality.

If it is written on the product wrapper that not grated cocoa was used for its preparation, but powder, then this is a fake.

Instead of cocoa butter, manufacturers often use vegetable fats, protein and soy supplements.

To check the authenticity of the product and see if the natural chocolate, you need to look at the shelf life. Natural product stored no more than 6-8 months.

To understand whether chocolate should burn if it is set on fire, you should analyze in detail the composition of the confectionery product. So, we consider the first ingredients - cocoa and mashed bean skin. They are not combustible, but have an absorbent capacity. They are impregnated with sugar and fats, which form a solid base.

Ideally, dark chocolate should melt when heated, and its fluidity is determined by two factors:
the amount of sugar and fat;
the composition of fats, on which the degree of melting of the oil mass depends.

It is known that any oils and fats with an increase temperature regime melt and spread easily. If in the composition chocolate product no excess oil is observed, then the chocolate bar burns when it reaches the layer closest to the fire. In this case, the melted material falls into the place of the burnt one and begins to burn on its own, as paraffin burns in a candle.

No matter what kind of chocolate burns, at the very beginning, the authentic product must melt and only then catch fire. This is due to the fact that the composition confectionery in addition to butter, there is sugar, which simply cannot be ignited from a match. For burning, cocoa butter must be heated and melted.

As you know, each substance has its own melting and burning temperature, and as for high-quality natural chocolate, it melts at a temperature of 45-50 ° C.

As a result of heating and cooling, a glossy, hard and brittle chocolate is obtained, which is commonly called real. Based on the fact that many substances begin to burn at a temperature of 50 degrees, the answer to the question “does dark chocolate burn?” obvious.

Since buyers do not have the opportunity to verify the authenticity of chocolate in laboratory conditions, they take it and just set it on fire, by the way, the smell is very unpleasant.

You can check if chocolate is burning at home, but it is important to follow the rules fire safety and conduct the experiment away from flammable objects. If the product caught fire immediately, then you have a fake.

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